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    Minecraft Add statues to the nether fortresses

    Minecraft Add statues to the nether fortresses

    Add statues to the nether fortresses

    Posted: 09 May 2021 03:33 AM PDT


    Infernal statues would be a decoration that stands at 3 blocks tall. It would resemble The Wildfire (Mob D, The Hovering Inferno) and be found on the arches. It is very durable, being immune to explosions and taking a long time to mine.

    Lore hints: Blaze AI will usually go to these statues, perhaps the statue acts as comfort?

    I think this would be a really nice decoration as it hints back to a scrapped mob and would really fit some structures like medieval nether castles or lava fountains.

    submitted by /u/Angry_Memist
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    The player should be able to heal their parrot

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    It's been annoying not being able to heal parrots with seeds. Whenever my parrot takes damage from an arrow shot by a skeleton or from an accidental punch, it's so frustrating that I can't heal my parrot by feeding it seeds.

    To heal a parrot, you must have a potion of healing or regeneration which is a hassle. Wolves can be healed by feeding them meat, cats can be healed by feeding them fish, and horses and donkeys can be healed by feeding them hay bales but parrots can't be healed by feeding them the one thing that they only eat.

    It only makes sense that parrots can be healed easily as they can die easily and they're endangered in real life (which is the reason why they're added to the game) so players can learn how to take care of a parrot just be feeding them SEEDS to HEAL.

    (Yes, I am very calm)

    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    Add a command to rise/lower the water level

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    Honestly, it sounds like it would be super fun. Flooding your entire world, and turning mountains into islands, or alternatively turning oceans into deserts.

    It would probably also help out builders, since water and lava can get very annoying, and removing it and then returning it can be a chore. A command to change water/lava levels would be useful.

    submitted by /u/Medium_Flamingo_6760
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    Upgrade ocean monument loot

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    As of its current state, the ocean monument offers little to no incentive to be explored. Sponges are only really collected when a player wants to make a build underwater.

    So beside the 8 gold blocks of the monument, the elder guardians should drop a rare item OR a completely new item

    Drop 1:Enchanted Golden Apples •These things are pretty rare, and that's understandable given the benefits they give. Elder guardians should have a 1/20 chance to drop 1-2 enchanted golden apples. That way the players have another method of obtaining them AND gives more incentive to explore a monument

    Drop 2:Enchanted Tridents •The elder guardians would have a 1/5 chance to drop a trident that is enchanted with riptide or loyalty at the first level. The tridents would also drop at full health instead of the usual damaged ones from drowned.

    Drop 3:Uncraftable Potions As of now there are certain effects that can never be received by regular brewing. Having the elder guardian drop a potion would not just give a more potent potion, but a rare collector item as well. The potion could either be an unobtainable effect(resistance/haste/luck) or a much more potent version of an existing potion(speed 4/strength 4).

    submitted by /u/TACOTONY02
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    Silverfish should drop flint when killed.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Silverfish eat/live inside stone, so it would make sense that they exist with the byproducts of stone/gravel/flint. This would also make crafting arrows by the end portal more convenient.

    submitted by /u/Dragon___
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    Dog whistles!!!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    So I have a suggestion for Mojang to add to their new update or updates, if you read the Title they should add dog whistles. What they would do is make any dog that you have tame come to you (even when sitting). It would be created by a nautilus shell and string. Hopefully this doesn't get lost in new!!!

    submitted by /u/DonutDeputy
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    Docks/Abandoned Docks

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    This might add a bit to the lore, ill explain that later.

    This is basically a village like structure that generates in mountain, taiga, plains, forest, desert, or island biomes. the architecture is similar to a village and is based on the biome. They will have a miniature village, a trading post, and a few piers. There is a 40% chance of a ship(same design as the shipwrecks, except not wrecked) to spawn on each pier. The loot is the same. Blacksmiths are same as in normal villages, and the spawning chance is also the same.

    The abandoned variant is likewise to the abandoned village, except no zombie villagers, just empty. It also might have a castle in it(once again, for lore). All of the chests will be filled with cobwebs and sand along with the loot.

    The trading post will have 2 chests, loot table as follows:

    Item Chest:

    Items: Count: Chance:
    Nautilus Shell 1-2 30%
    Heart of the Ocean 1-2 30%
    Dyes(Random) 1-5 40%
    Bells 1 20%
    Fireworks 1-20 40%
    Firework Charges(Random) 1-20 40%
    Iron Gear 1-3 50%
    Gold Gear 1-3 40%
    Obsidian 5-10 60%
    Crying Obsidian 2-5 20%
    Water Bottles 3 80%
    Awkward Potion 1-2 25%
    Bow 1 25%
    Saplings(Always from different biomes) 1-6 85%
    Various Seeds 1-20 85%
    Watermelons 1-20 85%
    Pumpkins 1-20 85%
    Slime Balls 1-20 40%
    Ender Pearls 1-3 30%
    Blaze Powder 1-3 12%

    Valuable Chest:

    Item: Count: Chance:
    Gold Ingot 4-12 80%
    Iron Ingot 4-12 85%
    Diamond 1-3 50%
    Gold Nugget 5-15 90%
    Iron Nugget 10-20 90%
    Emerald 3-10 85%

    There might also be a food commune or something. Just barrels with crops and bread. Nothing much.

    Wandering traders like to congregate here as well. Makes sense since the docks are trading posts.

    Now, onto the lore:

    So these docks are the remnants of the ancient civilization that constructed the strongholds, and fell into the various villages scattered around. These docks were once great trading posts, but the stronger ones(with castles) were raided by the undead and ruined. The survivors were ones that laI'd low. The ships are just shipwrecks that haven't been wrecked by the monster in the sea that wrecked the ships.

    submitted by /u/Lobotomized_Cunt
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    Cloud forests

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    The Cloud forest is a biome that's spawn between jungles and mountains. It looks like a jungle but more a normal forest look.


    The cloud forest is a biome that only spawns between mountains and jungles. It forms the transition from jungles to mountains. When those two biomes generate next to each other, it has a 80% of generating. The cloud forest generates only above Y: 90.


    The cloud forest is a temperate mountain biome. This wet biome has dense fog and heavy rainfall. The biome colour is like the mountains.

    The jungle trees are standing very packed to each other, but there are way less bushes than in the jungle.

    Bamboo and especially the melons are common here. The rest of the plants here consist of grass and mushrooms.

    Epiphytes (plants that grows on other plants without harming them) grow on the trunk of the trees. Maybe the only orchid in the game could also grow in this biome.

    Tree ferns grow here to. There stem consist of palm fiber (new block) and on top a big fern(new plant block). All the blocks of the tree fern are fiber blocks except the top of the plant. They have no sapling but if you mine the top of the plant with a shear you get tree fern top, this can be placed on the ground. When you plant the top, some days later it grows like bamboo. When the tree fern grows two blocks high, the lowest block is a fiber block. All the rest of the plant under neath of the top block are palm fiber blocks.


    Cloud forest have different variations. the percentage next to the biome variations are changes of this variation generating instead of the normal cloud forest.

    • Normal cloud forest. 40%
    • Stone cloud forest. Contains high rock peaks rising out of the canopy. 25%
    • Tree fern plains. This variation is just a jungle edge with fog and all the trees are replaced with tree ferns. 25%
    • Mountain edge. This is a variation that forms the boundary between the mountains and the cloud forests. All the trees are spruces and bamboo grows here to. 100%, they always spawn because they are the transition between the cloud forest and the mountains.
    • Snow capped forests. This is just the normal cloud forest but there is no fog and all the rain is snow.

    Mobs and structures:

    Pandas spawn here often together with a high spawn rate of creepers. In the snow capped forest only pandas spawn.

    The camp is the only Structure that can generate in the cloud forests. They consists of a tent with an outputted campfire. Sometimes a barn with melons generates next to the tent. The tent always contains one chest. The melon barn sometimes.

    The loot table of the chest in the tent:

    palm fiber: 3-15 80%
    Big fern: 1-4 80%
    Bamboo: 5-30 80%
    Melons: 3-9 75%
    Jungle saplings: 1-2 75%
    Torches: 4-6 55%
    Iron pickaxe: 1 20%
    Iron sword: 1 15%
    Iron bars: 3-5 10%

    The loot table of the chest in the melon barn. (Note: the melon barn does not always spawn, so if this is OP think about that this barn not always generate)

    Melons: 5-36 100%
    Coal: 2-6 65%
    Torches: 2-4 55%
    Iron axe: 1 45%
    Gold bars: 1-5 25%


    The underground contains a lot of iron ore. It would have like normal jungles, vines in it's caves. But the mountain edge variation would have the snowy mountain caves with some ice.

    Sometimes blobs of andesite generate in the underground.

    I hope that this biome would be implemented in the game.

    Let me know what could be improved ;)

    submitted by /u/Red_panda1130
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    The dungeon upgrade

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    I think that would be cool if we have different types of dungeons. We could have the normal ones and a new type of dungeons, the room dungeon. The room dungeon is a rare type of dungeon, that obviously has rooms. The different rooms have different mobs, and maybe the rooms bellow W 0 could have sculk mobs. Imagine sculk infested mobs. And we could also have a miniboss room, that will be cool for another update, considering that we'll have the warden

    submitted by /u/No-Return-8235
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    Ideas for more varieties of Suspicious Stew, and how I would change pre-existing ones.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    NOTE: All stews restore at least 3 hunger bars and 8 saturation.

    Dandelion Instant Health N/A Dandelions are used for tea, which has medicinal properties
    Poppy Night Vision 15 seconds Poppies are used to make opium, which has mind-altering effects
    Blue Orchid Restores 6 hunger bars and 16 saturation N/A Orchids are used in cooking and as a source of food
    Allium Fire Resistance 15 seconds Alliums are the flower of onions, the juice of which can "burn" one's eyes
    Azure Bluet Blindness 10 seconds Flowers in the Rubiaceae family were used for their mind-altering effects as well
    Red Tulip Slowness 10 seconds Tulip bulbs are considered toxic
    Orange Tulip Mining Fatigue 10 seconds Tulip bulbs are considered toxic
    White Tulip Weakness 10 seconds Tulip bulbs are considered toxic
    Pink Tulip Hunger 10 seconds Tulip bulbs are considered toxic
    Oxeye Daisy Regeneration 10 seconds Daisies are often used for culinary and medicinal purposes
    Lily of the Valley Poison 15 seconds Lily of the Valley flowers are poisonous
    Cornflower Jump Boost 20 seconds In folklore, Cornflowers were used as a symbol of love, AKA they "lifted" your spirits
    Wither Rose Wither 10 seconds It has "wither" in the name and inflicts the Wither effect on contact
    Sunflower Swiftness 15 seconds The solar energy packed within the flower gives you a boost of energy
    Lilac Haste 15 seconds According to New Hampshire, the Lilac is "symbolic of that hardy character of the men and women of the Granite State"
    Rose Bush Instant Damage N/A Rose Bushes have thorns, which are painful when ingested
    Peony Invisibility 20 seconds A reference to the fact that Peonies can hide you from mobs
    Flowering Azalea Nausea 5 seconds Azalea are notoriously toxic and can produce hallucinogenic effects
    Tube Coral Health Boost 15 seconds To me, Tube Coral kind of looks like the arteries of a heart
    Brain Coral 1-3 EXP N/A It looks like a brain, so it makes sense that it would give you experience
    Bubble Coral Water Breathing 15 seconds Bubbles contain air and are used to represent your air meter
    Fire Coral Sets on fire 5 seconds Fire Coral sets you on fire. Who knew?
    Horn Coral Resistance 10 seconds Horns are typically tough and are attached to tough animals
    Crimson Fungus Strength 20 seconds You'd need a lot of strength to eat something as gross as that...
    Warped Fungus Luck 30 seconds The Warped Fungus warps reality for you, making your loot better
    Glow Berries Glowing 20 seconds They're literally called Glow Berries and they emit light
    Spore Blossom Slow Falling 5 seconds Spores slowly drift to the ground, such as the ones emitted from this flower
    Chorus Flower Levitation 5 seconds Shulkers also live in the End, and they give you Levitation

    Let me know if you have any new ideas in the comments or if you have any criticisms/suggestions for my ideas. I'd love to hear it!

    submitted by /u/DapperWrap95
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    Hitting a glow berry vine with a projectile should drop its glow berries.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    When playing in the new snapshots especially in the lush caves single biome world type, it has been difficult to reach the glow berries from above like in cheese caves where the glow berry vines are very high to reach. Sure, towering up to the vines can help you reach the berries but I think it's very old school and it's very annoying to do.

    What I am proposing is a feature that can solve this problem. Hitting a glow berry vine with any type of projectile should harvest that glow berry vine.

    Projectiles such as arrows, tipped arrows, tridents snowballs, eggs, ender pearls, fireworks, etc. should be able to harvest glow berries.

    Since projectiles don't collide with cave vines, they can go through vine after vine harvesting multiple glow berries.

    This feature should also apply to sweet berry bushes for consistency.

    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    Pillows for chairs

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I know Mojang said that they won't be adding furniture like chairs and benches because that would limit the creativity of the player, but also it'd be nice to have a proper way to let a player sit down in a "concept" chair without forcing them to use invisible horses, pigs or hidden minecarts so I think I found a way to let players take a seat.

    The Pillow is a gravity affected block with a similar texture and possibly colours of wool blocks, slightly smaller than a slab, a simple recipe could be with 6 feathers and by right/shift clicking on it you can sit or dismount it so that players can still create nice custom chairs and just place the pillow wherever they want other players to properly sit.

    The base and main concept is giving the players an options to make functional chairs but I think it can also have other functions and mechanics I'm sure we can write and discuss in the comments.

    submitted by /u/marchesetto
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    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    Railings would be a fence but made with metal. They would stop mobs from jumping over them like fences but would also have a more unique ability.

    Before I get to ability, just wanted to show how they'd look. It's be simalar to this but with iron, gold, and all 4 copper variants.

    Now onto it's ability, when powered by redstone, it would become an electrical fence lasting 16 blocks from where it's powered. Powered railings would emit small sparking particles. When touched they would deal 2 damage a second and would emit a light level of 14. If you touch it for 3 seconds or mirror will light the player on fire aswell. If shocked at all by it the player also gets an effect called shock which stops you from seeing what your health and hunger is for 3 seconds. This would be shown by your hearts and hunger blinking between full health/hunger and 0 health/hunger slowly until the effect wears off which would display your real health.

    A game rule would also be added. /Gamerule DoElectricShock true/false. This would disable its particles, effect, and damage incase of coincidental building design.

    I think this would be a great block for not only building in industrial situations but also for traps and other things.

    submitted by /u/MothThatLuvsLamps
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    Flowering azalea leaves and flowering azalea should give effect if used to craft suspicious stew

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Maybe it gives, now unobtainable, luck effect for 30 seconds.

    submitted by /u/Crafterz_
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    Amethyst Note block pitch

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    I thought it would fit into minecraft if you could use note blocks to make the amethyst block sounds

    submitted by /u/TayLantkp
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    The player should be able to rotate sunflowers

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    Sunflowers are good for making a cute garden, making a sunflower field, or even decorating your dirt house by planting them on the roof. Though, sunflowers only face the direction where the sun rises and it's annoying. Imagine making a house and you want to add sunflowers at the front of the house. When you place the sunflowers, they'll appear to be facing the other direction. That's so sad.

    Sunflowers should be easily rotated and here's how:

    When a player places a sunflower, the sunflower would face that player. So, when you're facing east then you place the sunflower, the sunflower would face west. That's how easy it is.

    But how about the naturally generated ones?

    Naturally generated sunflowers will always generate facing east, where the sun rises.

    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    Teleportation Device

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    So this item wouldn't be like a legit portal gun, this item would be hard to craft and it wouldn't be an early-game item. This item would be able to be placed twice, basically point A to point B. You'd craft the item very similar to crafting a beacon except you'd craft it with diamond blocks instead of obsidian. There's probably a better crafting recipe but the point is that a nether star would be required to craft this thing.

    Basically, you'd need to kill the wither in order to get this item so you'd have to choose between crafting this or a beacon, you'd have unlimited uses and I just believe that this would be a good item for travelling in between two bases that are really far away from each other.

    I understand if this idea might sound like a bad one to some people but for people like me who have bases that are thousands of blocks apart from each other, I think this idea might be a good one!

    submitted by /u/Vic__B
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    Make touchscreen useable in java edition

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Currently "touchscreen" mode doesn't do anything, its just a switch that you can turn on or off, I'm not asking for movement controls (joysticks) or placing blocks behind you, just the ability to use a touchscreen within the limitations of a mouse, instead of having to use your mouse to turn the character and just use the touchscreen for inventory management and crafting. The game would need to change the way it handles absolute positioning (currently it just spins the character very fast), which would probably be a slight inconvenience for a one man programmer to implement, but this is microsoft, and they have all the resources from mobile (and I think bedrock has working touchscreen mode, although I haven't tried it), they would just need to add some limitations to what you can and can't do.
    This wouldn't be "over powered" either, unlike mobile where the player only changes direction when you drag your finger, in java the cursor must go to where the player tapped, making playing with touchscreen potentially disorienting, but also keep it from being necessary for any high skill competition.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Being able to cure zombified piglins

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    This could be able to give an achievement or better barters.

    submitted by /u/nevryb0dy
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    Each biome should be made up of different materials

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    Fundamentally, almost every biome is the same. Underneath its shallow surface of dark oak trees, hardened clay blocks, etc, its made up of the same dirt, the same stone, the same water.. The closest thing to biome variety is the biome color.

    I propose that different biomes should be made up of different materials

    -Giant tiagas should have deep dirt layers, fertile dirt, a dense under-layer of gravel, and several layers of broken up stones.

    -Mycelium islands would have very shallow dirt layers (dirt so fertile that it doesn't need water), an underground made up of very a "fresh" volcanic rock (like tuff), and a very "intoxicating" water.

    -The underground of the mesa biome should a deep red sandstone, layer an over-abundence of granite, giant gold veins, and water glistening with gold.


    And these blocks wouldn't just function like grass currently does, you would be able to move them around the world giving each of the biomes more purpose. The water found in the frozen oceans would be icey & would last in the nether slightly longer, the water found in the mycelium island would provide several effects such as healing and nausea, the grass blocks found in the tundras would be "frozen" any wouldn't provide any flowers when bonemealed, the sand found in beneath the desert would be compacted to the point of not falling, etc

    The biomes as they stand are all pretty much the exact same beyond the occasional mesa or ice spikes and even then, their undergrounds are identical (and the cave update ain't fixing that), so I ask that moJang make the biomes more interesting beyond the tree type that it has.

    submitted by /u/Buttered_TEA
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    Glow bucket!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    I am thinking or having a glow bucket. So the first way to make it: you take a glow squid, and a water bucket. Then you take a crafting table and combine it! (A pick up animals mod) Or, you can milk a glow squid. (normal minecraft) Its supposed to be a gas that glows. It will be a heavy gas though I am thinking. Maybe making it like water! It lights up the room when you place it. Maybe it could even be edible! If you ate it then you could glow, not like the outline thing. Like, GLOW! (NO MOD SUGGESTIONS INCLUDED. ONLY SHARING STUFF ThAT IT COULD WORK WITH!)

    submitted by /u/BookinValk
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    Overhaul on ocean monuments.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    There really isn't a purpose for ocean monuments unless you want to set up a guardian farm, or to get some gold/sponge. It would be really nice to see them put some more rewarding things in, but at the same time making it a bit harder for the player to get those rewards. Maybe add a new type of guardian in there to help protect more, one that maybe you can only deal damage when it's spikes are open, but at the same time it would damage the player ever so slightly.

    submitted by /u/Wishuru
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