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    Minecraft make slimes dyeable like sheeps.

    Minecraft make slimes dyeable like sheeps.

    make slimes dyeable like sheeps.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    just like the title. slimes are always green, but I thought it would be really fun as a easter egg or a feature that you can dye slimes. (dyed slimes will still drop normal slimeballs)

    submitted by /u/glowstone_dust
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    Update Armour Textures to the New Skin Format

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Since the skins got an upgrade, that being two layers for every body part, the armour textures have not been updated to this new format.This poses problems as it's difficult to work with 32x64 textures sometimes. It is also limiting resource pack creators to having only one layer per armour piece. Note that helmets have a second layer much like skins (I'm guessing Notch just used the skin template in the beginning.).

    Thus I suggest updating the armour files to the new 64x64 format, to enable ease of use, give users more freedom for creating textures, and keeping consistency.

    PS. While you're at it, give us custom armour models even if it's just helmets pl0x, thnx :*

    EDIT: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077952191-Update-Armour-Textures-to-the-New-Skin-Format You can also upvote this on the feedback website. :)

    submitted by /u/k44du2
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    Making the Wandering Trader useful: 3 More Trades

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    As we all know, the Wandering Trader is a worthless piece of garbage that is near useless early game and completely useless late game. So let's make 3 otherwise non-renewable items renewable via the Wandering Trader.


    These can actually be fairly rare, only generating reliably in Mineshafts and Strongholds (also Igloos, Abandoned Villages, and Mansions, but those structures are too rare to consider). And even though Mineshafts and Strongholds aren't particularly difficult to come across, that still drastically limits the amount of cobwebs available to the player in any one area. Some of you might say "Why would he carry cobweb? It's useless!" Remember that the trader carries Sand and Lily Pads around. The world of Minecraft is different from ours, friends.

    Dead Bushes

    This is, like, the one plant item that the trader doesn't carry, and all of the other ones are easily renewable. Dead bushes aren't. Sure, they're abundant if you have a desert close by, but that's not always the case, and without a desert, there's no guarantee of getting them whatsoever. It doesn't help that they're so easy to destroy by mining sand. I completely agree with the many posts about saplings or azalea bushes turning into dead bushes, but this post is about the trader, and they definitely should carry these.


    One of the most useful and difficult to find items in the game is the sponge, which makes clearing out large quantities of water much less of a pain. It's still a pain. But less so. Some of you might be thinking, well, Ocean Monuments aren't that rare! But they actually can be quite rare. In my experience, I just come across them whenever I don't need them. In order to keep this trade balanced, it would cost 6 emeralds and lock after 4 trades, but at least there would be some way to get sponges without needing to challenge an ocean monument.

    Other useful non-renewable items that the trader should perhaps carry include horse armors, god apples, hearts of the sea, tall grass, and large ferns, but I feel that these 3 items are both useful, decorative and balanced enough to reasonably suggest the wandering trader sells them. Well, the dead bush isn't that useful, but it is good decor. Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/VG_Chat
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    Villager kids can sometimes fall off ledges, but if an adult villager or iron golem is around, they'll lead them away

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:21 AM PDT

    Basically just what the title says. Baby villagers can sometimes pathfind off ledges and get hurt because they don't know any better. If an adult villager or iron golem is close enough, it will trigger an animation where they beat the baby villager to the ledge and lead them away.

    It would make villagers seem a little more human and make iron golems have a bit of a personality.

    submitted by /u/truth14ful
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    Things stuck in Ice

    Posted: 16 May 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    An intresting occurance in mountains, icebergs or any other ice structure would be an item or structure stuck in ice. The items could vary from flint to a gold ingot but it would work the same for all the items. When you mine the ice block which holds it, it will drop the item. You can visibly see the item and the item's rotation will be randomized and it will not spin.

    Structures such as boats, tents and even fossils! These fossils can be like the normal fossils, but I thought of them having a bit of wool since ice age animals (the ones we usually find in ice) have fur, this might be a bit weird though..

    The structures would have loot in them in either chests, barrels or in block form. I think another cool thing could be powder snow that you can brush out for items (in the archeology update.)

    Edit: If lag is at large due to these items, scratch out the items in ice idea, instead just add structures in ice. This brought to light by u/Xorisable

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Tree Golems

    Posted: 16 May 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Tree Golems are a neutral golem that will spawn in Forests they are Tall, long, and have wooden horns and can be created using 5 wood and one pumpkin their use is the defend the trees and if they see a player or a enemy mob threating the trees they will attack them and are incredibly weak to fire. They can also come in different tree golem varieties.

    submitted by /u/bonzerlizard353
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    Give Wandering Traders a use for map creators

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    We all know how useless the Wandering Trader is and how much more of a nuisance it is for map makers (unless you're very creative and can come up with something very clever). So I propose that to give this guy a good use: allow custom trades when you use the /summon command by default.

    How it would work is where the trades are on the left, there would be an Edit button in the top left corner of the UI screen. From there you can take items from your inventory and replace the trades that are already there. You can then also edit how many emeralds you want the item to cost (1-64). Lastly, there would be a number slot where you can put however many trades you want before he runs out of stock. It would be between 0-99 trades, 0 being infinite trades.

    Any suggestions or arguments are welcome in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Visual_lurker
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    New function for glow lichen and ink sacks

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:48 PM PDT


    So, right now we can't exactly manipulate light levels in our world. We can put a torch, of course, but what about something more personalized, mirroring the mechanics of the light block that exists in creative mode?


    Use ink sack and glowing ink sack to lower or increase the light intensity of the glow lichen. Simple as that. It would be even more useful than the glow lichen itself, simple to understand, and if you just don't care about it, you don't have to bother with it!


    I know glowing ink sacks nor glow squid actually emmity light, but they sorta highlight the text of a sign or an item frame. So that's what it will do, it will enhance the light levels of the glow lichen, or lower, making it a unique feature to glow lichen (actual control over light levels). Right click with the actual sacks in the placed lichen to increase/decrease it's light emitting levels. Unbalanced? I don't think so. You will need to find glow lichen and glow/normal squids, and when you break the actual lichen it will return as normal to your inventory, not dropping any inks that you used on that block.


    Use glowing or normal ink sacks in glow lichen to increase or decrease light emission, when breaking the block it will return to normal and not drop any inks used innit.

    submitted by /u/OutHellHound
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    My Idea be Note

    Posted: 16 May 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    My Idea is that you should be able to craft "Note" with paper and an ink sack. (I play on Xbox 360 just an idea for newer versions) . With the Note you can give it to a parrot so it can be delivered. The interface of the item will have a To: And From: at the top and at the bottom it will work as a Book & Quill but only one page.

    submitted by /u/--_Askari_--
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    Lodestones should attract dropped all-iron items within a certain range towards themselves, mirroring the magnetism of lodestones in real life.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    The 'weight' of an item - from nugget, to chain, to iron bar, to ingot, to chestplate, to block, to anvil, etc - would affect the strength and speed with which the item is attracted. An immediately obvious use would be to aid collection in iron farms and automatically filter out poppies, but a more interesting use could be as an alternative form of wireless redstone transmission, timing, or detection.

    An iron item could be redirected along a horizontal path of lodestones with hopper/dispensers in front of the iron's trajectory to pick it up, fire it within range of the next lodestone, and move it elsewhere without interfering with any other redstone, and across a much larger distance than a water conveyor. A lodestone above a falling iron item could slow the acceleration of its descent, and a lodestone below a falling item could speed up the descent. Perhaps the lightest iron items like nuggets and ingots could be suspended when within close proximity to a lodestone above. Extremely long-delay clocks could be made by firing a heavy iron item back and forth between a row of cobwebs with lodestones at either end.

    This mechanic is distinct enough that it wouldn't interfere with any existing mechanics or normal gameplay, but unique enough that it could open up a lot of interesting and creative new possibilities with redstone.

    submitted by /u/Mega_Dunsparce
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    Bring back customized flat worlds

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    When we could screw around with layers and structures with flat worlds actually being able to be a survival world. Don't make it a java only thing. CUSTOMIZED FLAT WORLDS FOR ALL!

    submitted by /u/Pokefan06
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    Saplings placed in a desert biome without access to nearby water should turn into dead bush after a certain period of time.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    it would turn dead bushes into a renewable item (who wouldnt want a renewable item) and it would also add some realism into the game even though the game itself isnt really that realistic

    submitted by /u/-Nycter-
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    creative mode flight with elytras

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    elytras are wings, so it makes sense if they could let you fly, however we know that creative flight would be OP, i have an idea how to make it possible, but also balanced:
    - the elytra requires a specific enchantment which is super rare, it basically allows you to use wings just as if they were natural
    - elytra breaks 3x as fast with the creative flight (because more air friction and other stuff)
    - you need 2 blocks of space behind you, otherwise your wings will hit the wall and stop working
    - because you're controling these wings, they require a lot of energy to work, so you lose the hunger very rapidly (literally the entire hunger bar every 30 seconds)
    - ascending is slightly slower, however descending speed is normal - taking damage (for example from arrows) immediately stops you from flying

    i think it would be very useful for survival builders when it's difficult to reach certain parts of their builds with regular elytras and also not too overpowered, because you have to pay something for an alternate method of flying

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Gamerule NameTagsThruBlocks true/false

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    This Gamerule would make the name tags not show thru blocks, this won't apply to glass or barrier blocks, since, well, you can see thru them, mob name tags would also be affected by this

    submitted by /u/TravishDeGroot
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    Hoppers Pick Up Arrows From Target Blocks

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    A hopper under a target block should pick up arrows on the block. The arrow will stay for a few seconds before being picked up so at least you can see where it landed. The hopper will not pick up skeleton arrows or any arrows that you can't pick up yourself. This would be a great thing for archery ranges, as you wouldn't have to pick up the arrows yourself anymore.

    submitted by /u/_Barry123
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    The Zealot, the cosmic successor to an extinct mob

    Posted: 16 May 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    Normal Info

    The Zealot is a mob that resembles a familiar mob and lives in The End's outer islands. They are pretty big, about half the size as ghasts.



    The Zealot would lock onto the player and begin to charge an attack. Cracks across its body will start to glow purple, then they fire an eye of ender that explodes into a lingering effect like The Enderdragon's fire charge.


    Upon death, it drops more ink sacs with a chance of an eye of ender.

    submitted by /u/Angry_Memist
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    "Bedtime" mode option

    Posted: 15 May 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    If you are playing at night in a dark room, having this option checked causes the game to apply a monotone shader of all red. The redness enables the brain to go to sleep more easily. Sleepless nights due to gaming is an issue for many, and this could alleviate it. Red light has been shown to increase melatonin production. This option if set to Auto will rely on your device clock. 8pm would be a good time for this option to activate when on Auto, as well as 8am for this option to deactivate.

    Note that speedrunners may want this turned off, as it could really affect their gameplay. The End and Nether will be very hard for speedrunners to traverse with this option turned on, so they might want it turned off. A slider is also needed to adjust how intense the redness effect is, and how dark you want it to be. This would be useful for insomniacs and delayed sleep phase disorder.

    This option fades in over time if set to Auto, otherwise it is a fade that is the same speed as the clouds during rain/thunderstorms.

    This is NOT coloured lighting!

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Villager kids should play in the snow

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:23 AM PDT

    If villager kids are in snow layers, they will start playing in the snow layers, like throwing snowballs at other villagers for example. Similarly on ice blocks, villagers should have a chance to "skate" on the ice for their amusement. A randomly selected villager kid has a chance of building a snow golem (low chance)

    As well as this, throwing snowballs at iron golems should not anger them. This is because they deal no damage.

    Throwing snowballs at villagers will not lower popularity, but cause them to throw snowballs back at you, thus you can both engage in snowball fights for some serious winter fun. This also works with villager kids, although they have a shorter throwing range than adults.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Insect sounds in Lush Caves (such as cicadas and crickets)

    Posted: 15 May 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    No actual insect mobs, but sounds such as cicadas, crickets, etc would really give it a nice ambience. With Nether biomes we already have access to biome-specific sounds, so why not this? It would also be a way to know if you are in a Lush Cave biome radius. It wouldn't be very loud, of course, probably just loud enough that it could add to the ambience. It wouldn't be constant either, probably some few second gaps between each sound to keep a mysterious ambience to it. Insects make such beautiful (and scary! I have entomophobia so this is hard to type.) noises with their wings.

    Perhaps on a similar note, Dripstone caves could have sounds of rocks eroding and water droplets.

    submitted by /u/DominusGrumio
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    An extra feature to Ender Chests.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Ender Chests are useful. However, what if you wanted to share items between friends on a server? I've designed a new feature for Ender Chests that could be edited on a server similarly to how some things can be made to work for a certain team, like Shulkers.

    Basically, an Ender Chest could be edited to work for a team, like how teams can work and be edited in servers for minigames to prevent friendly fire. A given Ender Chest could work as normal and show the same contents to one player, or share an inventory between all players of one team, but still not to other teams. Both would be their own separate inventories, accessible from a different Ender Chest.

    This would also make it possible to have a shared community inventory for an entire server, or a donation bin, or a way to spread items to many groups at once, or a method to send a message to another player far away, even in another dimension.

    submitted by /u/Diamond_Helmet59
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    The Wandering Trader should ask for food items instead of emeralds

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    One of the reasons the wandering trader is so useless is that he trades very obscure items in exchange for a scarce resource. In early game, most players won't even have any emeralds, and in late game most players will already have every item he's selling. I can't imagine how he gets any business.

    SO, if you are selling highly specific items, it makes more sense to ask for more generic items as currency. Plus, this has more logical consistency since the wandering trader is presented as a nomad. Unless the villagers are attracted to emeralds as the piglins are to gold, there's no reason the trader should ever want them.

    The solution I propose is that the trader accepts all edible items (except pufferfish, rotten flesh, and spider eyes) as currency. Their value would be determined by the hunger they refill. So, a cooked porkchop would be worth 8 "points" and a cake would be worth 14.

    Not sure exactly how to balance values, but something like a flower would not be worth very many points, about 2 to 4, while blue ice or glowstone would have a higher value around 20. The interface could look similar to when you are leveling up a villager.

    This change would not only make actual trades with the trader more common, but it would reward players in the early game for investing in farms and other food generators.

    I just think the WT needs something to make him be more than a lead donator.

    submitted by /u/Zeesguys
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    Lit candles should scare off the Warden.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    Since candles are being delayed I think they should have a new secondary use other than a decoration.

    As the title says lit candles should scare off the Warden. If the Warden hears something coming from there it will just ignore it. This gives survival players a reason to get candles other than decoration. It also gives a strategy for mining in lower depths.

    You might be saying to this, "Isn't this super overpowered against the Warden?" Well I say the Warden will still make all candles go out in an area when angered.

    tl;dr Warden will avoid candles but will still attack when angered.

    submitted by /u/ThatWarnerBrother
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    More Bells

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    With the introduction with copper, it gave me an idea, more bells! It's a pretty simple concept, three new bells; copper, iron, and crystal. We already have a (presumably) gold bell in the game, so why not add these variants too. They could also make their own unique sounds and copper bells could even oxidize.

    submitted by /u/Mist3r_Ace
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    Some villager kids should have fears

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Some villager kids should have fears like fear of spiders, fear of bees, fear of darkness and other fears.

    This simple addition can diversify villagers and add more life for them

    submitted by /u/ArtemusChannel
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    Glow ink idea

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    Glow squid ink currently doesn't serve a good purpose . All it can do is make signs and item frames look brighter in the dark, but unless you are on a mushroom island darkness lets mobs spawn (or you could place tons of slabs, buttons, etc, but that takes forever) and when it's not dark you can't really tell the difference. My idea of that you could apply glow squid ink onto leather armor and horse armor to give them glowing neon colors. It wouldn't emit light, but if someone is looking for you it will make you easier to find.

    The neon color and glowing could also be added to wool, glass, concrete, and other dyeable blocks to make them look glowy and have neon colors. It would be cool, especially for cyberpunk builds where you want bright glowing colors

    submitted by /u/KingYejob
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