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    Minecraft You should be able to bucket baby striders, but using a lava bucket instead of a water bucket

    Minecraft You should be able to bucket baby striders, but using a lava bucket instead of a water bucket

    You should be able to bucket baby striders, but using a lava bucket instead of a water bucket

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    Exactly what the title says. Right click a baby strider with a lava bucket to get a bucket of strider. would be cool to have something bucketable with a lava bucket and would make strider transport easier.

    submitted by /u/Idiot_Loli
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    Wandering Traders should avoid players with bad omen

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    Well, the title explains itself, wandering traders should avoid players with Bad Omen effect.

    submitted by /u/ArtemusChannel
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    Bucket of Slime

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    You should be able to put baby slimes into buckets, i mean, why not? They deal 0 damage, they can easily fit into a bucket, and they are super adorable. This would be a really fun addition to the game that would improve it just a tiny bit. Maybe when they are put into a bucket, they become kind of like a pet?

    submitted by /u/KidFriendlyArsonist
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    Desert dunes

    Posted: 24 May 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    In my opinion, i find that the desert is flat.

    My idea is that there would be dunes in the desert. Typically like the Sahara. The desert would seen more extreme by adding dunes.

    The idea could be improved if the desert would be a LOT larger and the sand in the desert more orange-brownish, like in real life.

    The area around desert village woukd be flatter and more cacti grow there.

    Also desert temples would look cooler because they would be more in the sand and they would look amazing. To give a extra desert feel more types of temples could be added: catacombs, long temples with pillar hallways, temple fortress. Also a hieroglyph block would look cool.

    submitted by /u/Red_panda1130
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    Cauldrons placed under full beehives/nests slowly fill up with honey

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    When a beehive/nest is full, it has a honey dripping animation. Because of this, and because of the new functionality of cauldrons alongside dripstone, I think it would make sense for cauldrons to be able to be filled with honey. However, because this otherwise there would be no reason to ever collect honey straight from the hive, this should take much longer than any of the dripstone fillings. It sgould probably take as long as it it would take (on average) for bees to fill the hive twice. Another possible balancing factor is if, every time the cauldron filled up a level, the hive had a random chance to empty itself, as if too much honey has dripped out.

    submitted by /u/Stormtide_Leviathan
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    Glow ink makes any banner glow

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    What I propose is simple, by adding a single glow ink to a banner, regardless of how many designs it already has, the banner will become a glowing banner. It is essentially as useful as glowing item frames, only making great usage in dark areas and as a way to see your beautiful banner designs at night

    submitted by /u/Winter-Deer9931
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    Combine chainmail with other armor in the smithing table to make mail armor variants

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    As the title says, suppose you had a chainmail chestplate and a netherrite chestplate, you combine the two in a smithing table to create a 'netherite mail chestplate' which is reinforced by the chainmail, protecting the player slightly better.

    What it would look like is as if you're wearing chainmail with plates of the other material over it.

    This is great because:

    A) It makes chainmail awesome to find rather than just a mild novelty

    B)It expands the smithing table mechanic, which has such good potential

    C) It doesn't replace or overwrite netherite or diamond as big boy materials, as you are simply upgrading them rather than replacing them.


    D) Don't pretend like netherite, diamond, gold, iron, and leather mail, wouldn't look positively dashing.

    submitted by /u/Strobro3
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    Mossy Log

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    Log with moss. Can be crafted with log and moss. Stripping this log drops moss. You can meet this block in forests on trees. Mining it gives clear log (it may be annoying to pick up different logs).

    submitted by /u/Embebeber
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    Algae (new plant)

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Algae would be sort of a mix between minecraft's lily pads and moss carpets. Algae would generate in swampy biomes along parts of the coast on top of the water. It would be somewhat similar to how moss carpets look, but would have more transparencies/holes in it, being able to see the water below it. However, Algae could have some sort of growing process, with some special Algae blooming some sort of fruit or flower- which can be farmed. This would give players some reason to travel to swamp biomes to gather more decoration blocks and farmable blocks.

    submitted by /u/Paperboardman
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    The Whip Scorpion (plus a new block and changes to existing Arthropods)

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    The Whip Scorpion (plus a new block and changes to existing Arthropods)

    The End needs some spicing up and the Bane of Arthropods enchantment needed a bit more range to its abilities, so I squeezed some creative juices out of myself and made what may be the bane of any Hardcore world ever made:

    The Whip Scorpion.

    Imagine you're walking through the End and you come across what looks like a large cavern (made possible by 1.17's new End Island generation;) as you walk inside, you see piles of what looks like purple shards layering the End Stone like snow. Before you can investigate further, though, a long Silverfish-like mob with huge claws and a long tail scuttles up to you and knocks you backward a good 4-6 blocks.

    This mob isn't just a Hardcore world killer and good-looker, though; it and it's lair have a special new drop that can help deal with any sort of Arthropod, otherwise known as Chitin Shards. In real life, chitin makes up a beetle's shell (or carapace, whichever works for you) and your own fingernails for a tough protective layer. In my idea, however, these shards can be crafted into a block that prevents any Arthropod from climbing over it (helpful when making Arthropod Farms.)

    Oh yeah, and all mobs classified as Arthropods can climb now, so don't try and pillar up to escape those Silverfish.

    Here's some concept art for this mob:

    Some concept art, as previously mentioned

    Before this ends, I do want to thank u/Chris_The_Alligator for inspiring me to make this with his Skullcrab idea; you can check out his original post here.

    Other than that, I've got nothing left. Thanks for hopefully reading all of this!

    submitted by /u/TheTaciturnRogue
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    Improving Loot In Chests from Cave Systems

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Loot System Seems Underestimated: For the longest time, I feel like the loot obtained from chests have been extremely neglected. The rewards obtained in these cave chests are typically not that exciting, and would only be exciting at the early stages of the game.

    Loot Quality Improves Experience of Exploration: The inspiration came from the idea from RLCraft. In the dungeons, the rewards were substantial and worth exploring for. One of the biggest motivational factors of exploring a cave is for resources. Exploring in the current cave system eventually becomes boring, not only because of the repetitive design (which the new update is addressing which is great), but the rewards found from the loot chests are just too mundane.

    Loot Quality Should be Proportional to Cave Exploration Difficulty & Rarity: Having 1-2 diamonds in a chest is not going to be all that exciting. I'm not saying that all the chests around every single part of the cave system needs to have improved loot. But what I am saying is that in parts of the caves (& dungeons) where players reach a deeper, and more difficult to reach place with more dangerous mobs spawning, the loot should be significantly improved accordingly to those factors. If there's iron (in the loot chests) in the deeper parts of the caves, instead of there being 5, there should be around ~30 or more.

    Randomized Quality Variation of Loot for Element of Surprise: To put what I am trying to say into perspective, obtaining diamonds through strip mining is far more efficient than getting diamonds from loot chests. The caves reward system should also provide the possibility of obtaining a similar quantity of loot. If I found a difficult cave system worth going into and I spent a solid 30 minutes exploring it to find 3-4 chests, I'd be expecting to have the possibility of obtaining 20-30 diamonds. Not all difficult caves should spawn in good-loot chests. But there should be a reasonable chance (~60%) that there will be good loot. And if the player is lucky (like ~3-4% chance), they may hit a jackpot of 3-4 times more items than what is to be normally expected.

    Loot Related to Cave Boss Mobs: For example, if I defeat a somewhat rare difficult cave boss mob (that is also difficult to reach), and that mob was related to a chest, I'd be expecting the loot to be something like 2 stacks of diamonds (or anything else that has of similar value). I'd be far more excited to explore and look for boss mobs because of that.

    Please Mojang, with the improved caves and cliffs update, with all due respect, please improve the loot system that comes with the chests as well. Having more variation of the quantity of reasonable qualitative loot in the chests will be an absolute game-changer.

    submitted by /u/BaseBabe1
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    "Horse armor" is called barding

    Posted: 23 May 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    Yes, really! Barding doesn't stop with "decorative cloth" or "clothes" for horses, but includes armor too. I know this is a but of a nitpick, but the devs themselves claim to want to use the correct terms to widen children's vocabulary and introduce new words.

    Offhand, it would be cool to get some decorative barding (like the aforementioned "decorative cloth") apart from simply the leather barding, although that isn't part of my main suggestion. I also apologise if this has been suggested a lot before, I tried reading the whole list but ended up skimming (theres,,, a lot, I'm sure you've noticed) so I've only read anything pertaining to horses and didn't see this one on there. I also am relatively sparse on Reddit so the flair might be wrong, so again, apologies beforehand ^

    submitted by /u/TH3leader
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    Spiders should not be able to climb on ice

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Ice is to slippery to climb vertically

    submitted by /u/Beaubel4
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    Grey Desert Biome In The Nether.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Grey Desert Biome In The Nether.

    Despite the Nether Update making it exponentially better, the nether still feels like it could use a little more. The grey desert biome would be a rare biome in the nether, covered in a layer of gravel and a new rusted gravel block. It would also have blackstone and magma block formations jutting from the ground. Brown mushrooms would also litter the floor of the grey desert. Rusted gravel would be obtained through the use of any shovel above stone tier, and could occasionally drop flint and iron nuggets. This would explain how piglin have the gold to construct crossbows, lanterns, armour, and chains. The mobs of the grey desert would be the ghast, the piglin, and the zombified piglin. Here is a video showcasing the biome: Grey Desert Biome: Minecraft Ideas 14 - YouTube


    submitted by /u/_The_Red_Wizard_
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    Deepslate Hostile Mobs

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    As of right now, when the Caves and Cliffs update (part 2) comes out, we'll be getting some brand new caves to explore deep underground. My suggestion is to alter the spawning habits of hostile mobs in this new deepslate layer, in order to help differentiate the different areas of the overworld.

    I believe that the spawn rates of skeletons and zombies should decrease the lower down you go, until you're halfway deep into the deepslate area, in which zombie and skeleton spawns are extremely rare, as rare as finding a baby zombie on the surface.

    In return, the spawn rates of spiders should increase, as well as the chance for them to spawn with status effects. I also understand that having cave spiders spawn outside of their current spawn conditions is on the FPS list but I personally feel that within this suggestion this would provide more variety within the deepslate caves.

    And to finish off this suggestion, I'd suggest that the next implementation of a mob should be a hostile arthropod that would spawn exclusively in these deepslate caves. There have been suggestions of large centipedes or scorpions beforehand, but either way this would help make the combat encounters in these areas feel unique in comparison to the overworld or above y-level 0 caves.

    These changes would also improve the Bane of Arthropods enchantment, since now that the most common deepslate cave mob is an arthropod, the player will now have to apply strategy and pre-planning in order to take on these mobs more efficiently.

    submitted by /u/OrderOfTheFly
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    Wandering traders sell gravel

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Wandering traders should sell gravel for a couple of reasons:
    1-He sells sand and clay and since they both spawn in rivers next to gravel he should sell it too
    2-He should sell gravel because as he travels it could gather in his boots

    (Also could someone put it on the feedback website because it doesn't like me)

    submitted by /u/santaclausthr
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    Chorus Flies

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:05 AM PDT


    Chorus flies spawn in chorus forests in the end.


    An endermite with a tail and light purple wings. They release trails of white particles.


    When attacked, they teleport and sting you, giving you the poison effect, but otherwise they don't. They drop nothing because players shouldn't be encouraged to kill them. They can be bred with chorus flowers.


    When right clicked with a bottle, you get a chorus fly in a bottle which you can take back to the overworld. Chorus fly in a bottle can also be found in end cities. They can make the chorus grow faster. They can attack spiders and silverfish, dealing a small amount of damage.

    submitted by /u/_Barry123
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    Utilizing a Manual Whistle for Communicating w/ Other Players

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    Inspired from the goat horn idea from 1.17, I feel like adding a whistle that is rather easily craftable (using iron or wood) would be another great way to communicate one's location to a friend for several different reasons (for example, it may be useful to communicate as a certain code between 2 or more people). And of course, the sound that the whistle will reach will be at a limited distance.

    And instead of having an automatic sound pattern with a right click, I was thinking that the length of the time of the whistle sound should be determined by how long the player clicks the right click button. So that way, the sound can be completely manual.

    P.S. In the case that anyone would find the whistle sound annoying by any means, an additional option to remove whistle sounds may be ideal in the general game settings.

    submitted by /u/BaseBabe1
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    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    The camocube is a new and very unique mob. it can spawn anywhere but is rarer than an enderman and spawn in groups of one. They will take the appearance and shape of any block that they are touching (the block there is the most of usually). They will stay still when in your view and look just like a normal block. If you look away they have a chance to hit you. If you hit them they will run away because you discovered them. They drop the block they were taking the form of and camo flesh. Camo flesh is brewed in a potion to make a camouflage potion. This potion will make the target look like what ever block is most common around them. This could be useful in minigames or sneaking in a more fun way than invisibility. Also when you have the effect you will have collisions like a normal block, the camocube will also have block collisions.

    submitted by /u/_Anonymous_Person_7
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    Curse of self Destruction

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    This would be a new armour curse that when your health reaches zero you will explode. The more pieces of armour that have the curse the bigger the explosion. Bad in survival mode but cinematic in hardcore mode.

    submitted by /u/Remarkable_Basil_130
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    End Crystals/Respawn Anchors/Beds should give kill credit and appear in the chat

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    When a player kills another player using an end crystal/respawn anchor/bed, it shouldn't say [Player] blew up or [Player] was killed by [Intentional Game Design], it should say [Player] was blown up by [Other Player] using End Crystal/Respawn Anchor/Bed.

    submitted by /u/Noodle9028
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    Peat (dirt type)

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    In swamps I suggest that there should be a separate dirt type that spawns here, similar to how podzol spawns in bamboo forests or large spruce biomes. This dirt type would be peat, and it comes in abundance in an updated swamp. Peat would be very useful to farming, since if it is tilled then crops planted on top of it will grow faster since in real life Peat is a source of fertilizer.

    submitted by /u/Paperboardman
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    Rotten flesh could be used as a fuel source!

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    I know this might sound grim and possibly has been suggested before but right now, rotten flesh does not have much use. It could potentially be used as a fuel source cause on servers it's easy to run out of coal or other fuel. Just an idea. Cause you can get loads of rotten flesh from zombie spawners. There is nothing to do with it besides trade it with villagers currently.

    submitted by /u/space0watch
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