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    Minecraft Add a line to the F3 screen saying which version the current chunk was generated in

    Minecraft Add a line to the F3 screen saying which version the current chunk was generated in

    Add a line to the F3 screen saying which version the current chunk was generated in

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 11:34 PM PDT

    Title says it all: given the huge changes to the world generation underground, I think it would be extremely valuable to be able to tell at a glance if you're in a pre-1.17, 1.17 or 1.18 chunk if you're looking for new features.

    I'm currently working on a new branch mine a distance away through a nether shortcut, but occasionally I pass through areas I've already generated while exploring aboveground, and it's not immediately apparent until I do a doubletake and realize I haven't seen any deepslate or copper.

    Being able to know which chunks are newly generated would have applications for those who retain a world between versions. For instance: once 1.18 rolls around, knowing immediately if there's a -Y layer in your chunk would also be great QoL for legacy worlds. It would also help those who want to know if the current chunk has been affected by any recent fixes, such as the 1.17.1 diamond generation fix.

    Obviously this wouldn't be able to support older chunks, but given the upcoming changes in 1.17.1 and especially 1.18, it's probably best to do it sooner rather than later. It would be as simple as a version code in the chunk file, and a single line in the debug screen.

    I can't post this on the feedback site, as the login redirect is currently broken on my end, so here will have to do.

    submitted by /u/s0i5l3a1s
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    Make blue axolotls able to spawn naturally again

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    In the 1.17.1 pre release, blue axolotls no longer spawn naturally, only being able to spawn by breeding. However canonically natural breeding would occur, which is why blue axolotls should spawn.

    submitted by /u/cooldude_9875
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    The Calcite Conundrum

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Nearly everyone LOVES calcite for being a pearly white, but dirty block.
    The problom with it, is the rarity.

    Yes, geodes are pretty common BUT you only get about 1.5 - 3 stacks per geode. A way of keeping it rare but also easy to get, would be by doing this:

    Caves in rare biomes such as Ice Spikes, mushroom biome, and bamboo forests, would have all granite, diorite and andesite replaced with Calcite. This makes it rare, but easy to get at the same time.

    submitted by /u/monkeyworld_M
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    Renewable Deepslate

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    I think deepslate should be renewable. Why? Because all other stones are. Stone and cobblestone and basalt have generators and you can get blackstone from piglins. I think the other way you get deepslate is villagers. Stone mason villagers should sell deepslate instead of quartz for their last trade sometimes.

    submitted by /u/DaTruPro75
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    Wool should block all types of sounds

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    With the upcoming 1.18 update, one advertised feature is wool being able to block sound from sculk sensors. Now that this new type of mechanic is on the table, I'd like to propose that it also be expanded to all types of sounds. You know how annoying it is having animals next to your house? Screw that, put wool walls to block it out! Pistons from auto-farms being noisy as hell? Droppers constantly making their annoying clicking sound? Wool! Killing chamber for mob farms? Wool!!! Wool is the answer to these types of problems so your neighbors won't constantly file noise complaints against you on a regular basis.

    "Just turn your volume down, lol."

    Come on... that's not a real solution. I want to hear passive mobs everywhere, just not near my house. Am I supposed to constantly press escape and change my sliders as I walk around the world? QoL updates like this are (and should be) always welcome. What about other players on multiplayer? My settings don't affect them, and maybe I want to have secret dropper/piston contraptions or something.

    "Won't that flood too much wool into the meta? Everyone building with wool all the time?"

    Perhaps. But it doesn't need to be a specific block. I'm using wool as the established example. But this concept of sound absorption could be expanded into any other blocks that make sense, like moss, leaves, banners, carpets, etc... They could even add brand new blocks, like curtains! There should be plenty of building options that are aesthetically-pleasing, as well as practical.

    That is all. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :)

    Note: Maybe this type of thing is already known/discussed/in development and I have no idea, in which case that's great! I just wanted to make sure that this kind of system is at least something that's been proposed, instead of just leaving it at the highly specific, niche wool-sculk interaction and calling it a day.

    submitted by /u/CesiumHippo
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    Absorption Hearts Retextured in Hardcore.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Golden apples should give golden hearts that are retextured with the same sharp look like red hardcore hearts when playing in hardcore minecraft.

    submitted by /u/Tiny_Twist_5726
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    Tinted Glass should be resistant to explosions

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    There aren't any blast-resistant transparent blocks in-game, plus it makes sense that adding amethyst to regular glass would also make it stronger. I think it would be really useful for Nether bases. Sick of having to resort to iron bars for my windows in case of ghasts 😩

    submitted by /u/cnub66
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    Desert Update: Barren Dunes, Scorpions, and Bandit Camps

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Let's be honest: deserts are as boring as sand. They have almost nothing special: sure they have desert temples, but those aren't really that; they have cacti, sand, and sandstone, but once you plunder that, they have nothing. Husks and Wells are there too, but those barely count. These things are in desperate need of some sort of update, so here's my proposition:

    • Firstly, Deserts will be separated into two main types: River Valleys and Barren Dunes.
      • River Valleys will be largely like current deserts with their questionably common water, with a small hint of savannah around rivers. Villages will only spawn in this variation-- let's be honest, no one would build a village on completely infertile land in the middle of nowhere; They'd stick to the rivers.
      • Barren Dunes will be closer to real-life deserts: lacking in both life and water, and with sandstorms a-plenty to block vision.
    • In terms of mob spawns:
      • River Valleys will have the general mobs of a desert along with some of the general mobs that spawn pretty much everywhere-- cows, pigs, etc. Essentially, this place is supposed to be relatively livable in general, almost as good as a grassland.
      • Barren Dunes, on the other hand, will have mobs like the current desert: rabbits and husks. It will also have another type of mob replacing spiders at night: scorpions. Scorpions are more heavily armored than spiders, and pack a bigger punch with their venomous stingers, giving a poison effect they attack you. When killed, they drop Venom Sacs, whose use will be explained later...
    • Finally, if villages don't spawn in the new desert type, what does? (Other than desert wells, which may finally have a point in a water-scarce biome, and maybe desert temples as well.)
      • A: Bandit Camps!
        • Lurking in the harsh winds and sandstorms are Bandit Camps, home to a new type of Illager, the Skirmisher. These masters of the ambush lie in wait for travelers like players... or their favorite prey, the Wandering Trader. I mean, look at them-- these guys have a huge amount of wealth on their hands! Similar to Pillager Outposts, the Bandit Camps often spawn with Traders trapped in large cages, and a chest full of trader wares and emeralds.
        • When you kill a skirmisher, they can drop emeralds, or the new Dagger: Daggers have short range and relatively low damage, but can be dual-wielded for very fast attacks. On top of this, they can be lathered with the Venom Sacs for extra damage-- great for PvP!
    submitted by /u/Anubis71904
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    Command to change resource pack in custom dimension

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    With the newly introduced custom dimensions in 1.16, I think adding a command to change the default resource pack of a dimension would be so useful for server and mapmaking.

    Each dimension could have it's own celestial texture, blocks textures, mobs models...

    Just like datapacks, you could have a command to switch order of the resource namespace inside the resources.zip folder of a map. And since each namespaces are already inside the resources.zip downloaded from the server, each client wouldn't have to download a new pack each time the command is executed. Moreover the pack is loaded when changing dimension so the transition is seamless.

    I'm currently making a map with custom dimensions with vanilla shaders for each one of them, and allowing us to change texture as well would gives us so much opportunity to create good content.

    submitted by /u/NereidRegulus
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    Lava Tubes and Ice Caves

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    Both similar concepts, a lava tube forms from surface lava hardens while more lava is still flowing underneath it, before eventually draining and leaving behind a cave. Ice caves form the same way, but with water flowing under a frozen glacier.

    For Minecraft, these would be surface-level caves, lined with magma (for lava tubes) or packed ice (ice caves). They'd have a tendency to link up with lakes of their respective fluids, while avoiding the opposite (so an ice cave would avoid lava lakes and vice-versa). They'd be tubular with many twists and turns, but wouldn't go very deep into the ground. They could also have new mobs or ores spawn in them.

    Ice caves would form in snowy tundra and ice plains biomes. Lava tubes would generate in mesas and badlands.

    submitted by /u/Mutant_Llama1
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    Old Sleep-Safety Mechanics

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:00 PM PDT


    Just positing the idea that Minecraft should return to its original "safe while sleeping" mechanics, or at least the spirit of it.

    As opposed to the function now where the game checks for nearby mobs, the classic mechanic would check if the location of your bed was "safe". This had a lighting and a pathing check that if failed zombies would spawn at your bed and attack you.

    Firstly, I feel this mechanic just makes way more sense in a survival setting. It gives great value to areas you have made safe, and it is a mechanic that has material implications for the player, rather than an unimmersive message in the chat window.

    Secondly, the current mechanic does not feel great as a base in a survival game should be one's utopia; it can also be burdened by mobs invisible to the player (such as underground spawns). It just seems like a bandaid that was never evaluated any further.

    I do understand that, when the original system was removed, it was buggy. I do have the confidence that after a decade of experience the developers of Minecraft would be able to nail this mechanic if they gave it another look.

    submitted by /u/Keyeky
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    Better UI for Bedrock

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    Better UI for Bedrock

    The entire User Interface for Bedrock Edition is a Nightmare. The buttons are way too big, it looks ugly, and it is so confusing. It needs a rework asap. Here is a concept I did just for an Idea of how it could be made better:

    Title Screen (using Fly UI icons)


    Pause Menu

    help me this took 3 hours

    submitted by /u/HobbylosUwU
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    Note block + amethyst

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Note blocks should play amethyst noises when placed on amethyst related blocks

    submitted by /u/Golbarde1043
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    explosive fireworks

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    just add some tnt in the firework start to make some explosive firework stars, you can make 3 fireworks out of 1 tnt, and to make it more balanced, those fireworks have just 2 explosion power (2x less than regular tnt, the effect doesn't stack), it could give some interesting possibilities to dig holes straight up or just simply help with destroying things
    these fireworks also could be used as actual explosive arrows, instead of adding new separate ones, that would be more realistic (however we know how messed up game logic can be)

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    End Game Difficulty

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    As it stands, defeating the ender dragon is a little underwhelming. By the time you defeat her you have access to an armor set that makes you near invincible sometimes making mobs more of a annoyance than a challenge. A way to fix this would be to add a sort of optional hard mode that can be activated after you defeat the dragon. It would increase the difficulty to give more of a challenge for players that want it such as damage increase, health increase, and AI changes (spiders can web the player, undead mobs spawn with better armor frequently, etc.).

    submitted by /u/TerrarianT3rrabyt3
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    Halite (New Cave Block)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Halite would spawn in large veins and be a new type of stone similar to diorte, granite, and andesite. This block would be white at the bottom and gradually fade up to a bright pink. It could be polished, and made into stairs, walls, slabs, chisled variants, and bricks. This would basically be a beautiful new building block, with many new uses.

    The link below is a link to the Minecraft Feedback post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360074524412-Halite-New-type-of-Stone-

    submitted by /u/DoughyRain
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    You can get a water bucket by smelting a bucket of powder snow

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    A pretty simple yet useful change. Would make living in snowy lands pretty cool and would overall make sense. Forgot your water bucket to do an mlg water off a mountain? Get some powder snow

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Ocean advancements and achievements

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    The 1.13 update added quite a bit, but not an entire advancement category with it. Maybe something super simple like [Going Swimming] when you start the swimming animation or [Sharp Fangs From The Depths] when you kill a fish with a sword underwater. There should 100% be [Lost City Of Atlantis] when you enter a Ocean Monument and [No Guard Shall Stop Me!] When you kill a guardian and [Don't Respect Your Elders] when you kill the Elder Guardian. Then something like [Fish Town] when you enter a coral reef, [Lost In The Seven Seas] when you find a shipwreck and [X Marks The Spot] when you find a hidden treasure chest. Maybe something like [Sailin' On Me Boat] which is pretty obvious on how to achieve. And [Crossed The Seven Seas] when you sail 7000 blocks with your boat (doesn't have to be in a straight line just 7000 blocks)

    submitted by /u/ScreamrREAL
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    Geodes spawn more in mountains

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Amethyst geodes are currently very rare and the player does not have much reason to explore the new 1.18 mountains. To fix this without making amethyst too common again, amethyst geodes should generate more frequently but only in mountain biomes (or more specifically the 1.18 larger variants. This would both make amethyst rarity more balanced compared to its uses while still keeping it rare and also makes mountains useful and interesting

    submitted by /u/_Anonymous_Person_7
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    Farm attacks

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    At the start of every night, farm attacks have a chance to happen. They have 2 variants: fox and wolf

    They have a base 0% chance to happen, but, if there are 4 or more, of the animal, every sheep in an area increases the chance of a wolf attack, and every chicken or rabbit in an area increases the chance of a fox attack.

    A loud howling will be heard before a wolf attack and a loud screech before a fox attack. 1-4 of the fox or wolf will spawn, as close to a prey animal as possible, and, as per their natural behaviour, start attacking it. This can pose a serious threat to animal farms.

    However, every tamed llama in the area decreases the chance of wolf attacks by 10 sheep's worth (10 sheep+1 llama=0% chance) Tamed wolves reduce the chance of chance of fox attacks.

    This could, like pillager patrols, be turned off with a gamerule

    submitted by /u/PhantasmShadow
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    Random tick command block

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    As the title suggests, it would be a type of command block that activates when it is given a random tick.

    I believe that there is much potential for the things that players could do and simulate with this feature

    submitted by /u/Jonahthan314
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    Recessive traits in axolotls/more complex breeding mechanics

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    Right now axolotls and a lot of other mobs are rather basic, you find all the colors, boom, you're done. They all spawn at the same rate, and finding them all is easy, once you got all the colors you get kinda bored with these cute mobs.

    But what if it was different? After all, in the wild, finding a leustic or albino animal is rare. So, what if mobs had genes? Not too complex, and not a 1/1200 chance like with brown mooshrooms, but say, when you breed 2 brown axolotls, there's a 5% chance of a leustic axolotl. Breed 2 leustic axolotls, there's a 5% chance of a golden. Then it goes on for cyan, then two cyans have a chance at a blue axolotl.

    This would make collecting all the color variants more fair (at least for the blue axolotl), and more rewarding to obtain them all. Selective breeding could also maybe even have more effects. There could be things like codominance, like breeding a blue axolotl with a gold axolotl resulting in a gold and blue blotched axolotl.

    Anyways, I know this would make things a pain in some ways, but it would add something I think many could find quite fun. Not to mention there's already a lot of stupid luck like this already, like growing oak trees to get a bee nest.

    So I think axolotl breeding mechanics would be fun. Maybe it could even extend to pandas in some way, or other mobs like foxes to make getting rare variants more fair, and some could have a recessive trait, and some not

    submitted by /u/Mettaton0H_YES
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