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    Minecraft Chain mail armour prevent bees sting

    Minecraft Chain mail armour prevent bees sting

    Chain mail armour prevent bees sting

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    Chain mail armour is an uncraftable rare piece of armour so why not give it some use?!

    Idea is if you are wearing a full set of chainmail armour then bees can't sting you and therefore die. It can prevent a lot of frustration when working with bees one incorrect click and all your bees are gone.

    submitted by /u/-M_3-
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    Dogs should wag their tail if their owner holds food near them.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    If a dog's owner goes within 6 blocks of their dog with any dog with any food item, the dog would wag it's tail. The tail would wag more vigorously if the food item gave more health (check the wiki link below to see how which items give more health.) This is just a basic idea, so comment any possible changes below.


    submitted by /u/Crazy_Duck_Thing
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    Slimes are kinda rare, let’s fix that with lush caves

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    Slimes are one of the older/more iconic mobs of Minecraft but are rarely ever seen in a common play through of the game. They require specific conditions to spawn: either in an often rare slime-chunk or during most moon phases in swamp biomes. Although those are rather interesting spawning conditions, it leads to them being hidden to some of the playerbase, as not many people settle near a swamp or slime chunk. To make slime just a bit more common, they could spawn in the larger, open lush caves coming 1.18. This, of course being made possible by the fact that mojang announced the new caves would be recognized as 3D biomes. So, the slimes would directly spawn in the large, more spacious lush caves, and not on the surface.

    The lush cave just sounds so perfect for slimes with it being wet, mossy, and all other descriptive words to describe a slime's perfect habitat.

    submitted by /u/jumper553688
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    Cave Idea: Glowing Fungus Caverns

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Cave Idea: Glowing Fungus Caverns

    I would love to see glowing mushroom caves a la Terraria.

    Here is a cave I hand-built to demonstrate my concept (I may repost this if I significantly improve the cave's look)


    Anyway, we have glow lichen on the walls, blue glowing mushrooms, and smaller glowing mushrooms (just imagine there is no glass on the beacons and the base is white and that is how I think the smaller mushrooms should look)")

    Edit: I updated the cave slightly:

    Shroomlights are fungus too, right? I also added some dripstone to imply the caves are damp.


    I'd like to see maybe some mushroom-themed enemies here, or they could be just as rare as mushroom islands and be safe? Who knows?

    Ignore the mooshrooms btw, I built the cave inside of a mushroom biome

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    The Warden should instantly break shields when hitting them.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    NOTE: I posted this before and people wondered where I got this info, and it was here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Caves_%26_Cliffs scroll down to the info about the Warden, and one of the bullet points will say, "When aggravated for long enough, the warden follows the player continuously, regardless of any other distractions."

    I recently found out that if you piss off the Warden enough, he'll just lock onto you and won't be distracted by anything or anyone else. I realized that this could be exploited: One person could have the Warden lock onto them, then just stand there with their shield up while their friend just keeps attacking the Warden until he dies. I guess another solution would be to have his attacks go through a shield, but I think the Warden instantly destroying the shield is cooler and scarier.

    submitted by /u/Swaagopotamus
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    New Challenge / Advancement

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    If a charged creeper in on fire and blows up near copper, iron, or gold, it will drop the ingot. If this happens, you will get the advancement "Complex Mining".

    submitted by /u/Few_Chipmunk_2590
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    Jukebox Minecart

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    This is something crafted like the furnace minecart and the minecart chest, where it looks like a jukebox inside of a minecart, and it only plays music while the minecart is moving. You left click on it with the disc just like a normal one, and then when you push it it starts playing, and stops when it loses momentum. It doesn't matter what direction it's going in or how fast it's going, if it has momentum then it'll play the disc that's in it. If it's playing and then stops, it'll restart the song when it starts again.

    submitted by /u/Mexpotato
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    Instead of hurting an animal you tamed, when you left click on them you should instead pet the animal.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Only with animals that YOU tamed. Maybe could have an animation, or have some hearts come out. Maybe in another color than red to distinguish it from a breeding or taming process.

    I don't wanna hit my pets...

    submitted by /u/XOrionTheOneX
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    When a Ghast blows up a Nether Portal, there should be a small chance to convert the Portal's corner blocks to Crying Obsidian.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    I'm sure a number of you have had a sad Ghast shoot its fireball all sad-like, and lo and behold the explosion hits your Nether Portal, breaking it.

    Well, I think when the portal breaks, it should have a chance to convert the Corner blocks of the portal (assuming they exist) into Crying Obsidian.

    It makes sense. The (arguably blue to me) purple stuff is basically Portal Juice, and the explosion would probably splash some on the portal.

    Keep in mind, This will only apply to the corner blocks as those are not needed for the portal.

    I don't want a situation where you basically come in next to a Ghast, who blows it up and now you have to go on an epic quest for gold to barter with Piglins a ~9% per single piece of Obsidian, but oh no! You forgot your Flint and Steel, so now you've got to also raid Fortresses and Bastions for iron and find Gravel too, all to get home without dying.

    A Ghast blowing up your portal is something you can't always control or prevent, so I don't want that to ruin your portal and make it totally unusable, even with the proper tools.

    ... but if you forget the Flint and Steel, likely the same one you used to light the dang thing, well, that's on you.

    submitted by /u/Swordkirby9999
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    Sitting on beds

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    If you right-click on beds during the day then you can sit on them.

    Sometimes you need a break after a long day of mining, y'know? Sometimes you just need to sit and ponder after beating the Ender Dragon. Sometimes you can't help but rethink your life and the gameplay loop you're trapped in and slowly break down.

    submitted by /u/FlippedChamp
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    Axolotl Yawns

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    This is a very subtle suggestion, but if you look up axolotl yawns on Youtube, you'll see that they are one of the cutest things on the planet, and I would love to see this added into Minecraft.
    Here is an example video of axolotls yawning.

    submitted by /u/TheAlmightySalmon241
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    Calcite lakes and salty water

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Calcite is now only for decoration and on Amethyst Geodes. clacite is a bit rare but if it in caves could spawn in calcite/salt lakes. around the lake would be calcite blocks.
    The calcite lake could have with salty water in it.
    Salty water could push u slowly up and the breath under the water should be shorter and drown faster. The salt water can be gaint by dripping Water from dripstone in cauldrons.
    The items will going down with salt water. Good for transport with item water lines.

    submitted by /u/SoberCaine05
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    Eating Glowberries should give you the spectral arrow effect

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    This is not my idea. I heard it from Etho in this video at 26:15.

    I apologize if this has already been posted in this subreddit.

    submitted by /u/Izerpizer
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    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    objective: brew 3 different potions in 1 brewing stand at the same time (for example by using fermented spider eyes)
    people usually do stuff like 3 speed pots or 3 strength pots, but not always 3 different potions at once
    glowstone/redstone/gunpowder/breath don't count, those are just upgrades

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Stomping: Boots Enchantment

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Basically, this enchantment will allow you to walk on top of mobs/players, and if you are falling, you deal a certain percentage of your fall damage to them (ignores Feather Falling and armor, which means the fall damage you would suffer while barefoot)

    • Stomping I: Deals 10% your fall damage
    • Stomping II: Deals 25% your fall damage
    • Stomping III: Deals 40% your fall damage

    Who knows, this enchantment might save you from falling into an entity cramming farm in your hardcore world.

    Death message: <player> was squashed by <player>

    This enchantment is pretty special, so you can't get it from enchanting tables. You can trade them with librarians or find it in certain structures.

    P.S.: You cannot weaponize an armor stand using a pair of boots enchanted with this since armor stands do not suffer fall damage.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    More "Group" AIs

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    In recent updates, we have started to see the emergence of mobs that can function as a group. The most simple example of this is a Pillager Patrol. The mobs in the patrol spawn as a group and move together as a group. Simple as it gets.

    However, for this little case study, I want to turn our attention to the Piglins. Piglins spawn in generic spawn groupings just like most other mobs, but those spawn groupings by themselves don't have any innate function, unlike the patrols. However, when enough Piglins get together, they can decide to go on a hunt with a Hoglin is nearby. This is not designated upon spawning, unlike the patrols, but something Piglins can naturally do when in a group. They then go seek out nearby Hoglins and hunt them down (or wither skeletons I think) and do their little victory dance.

    This idea of "mobs getting together in a group and doing something" adds a much more dynamic and "alive" feel to the game, and could be added to some older mobs with more simple AIs. They don't even have to have a purpose for the player, just something to give old mobs some more life.

    Here are some examples of ideas for more of this. I don't mean every specific detail, but as a general idea of what could be done.



    Cows spawn in groups of 4 upon world generation and then can spawn individually afterward. However, let's say several groups of Cows spawn together. When at least 20 Cows are in close proximity to each other, they can attempt to form a Herd. Forming a Herd respects the following restrictions:

    • A Herd can only form in Plains biomes and their variants, as well as Badland biomes (think a stampede of cows running through the lowlands between the plateaus).
    • A Herd can not form if there are solid blocks, or walls/fences, between the Cows that are trying to form the Herd in such a way that they cannot pathfind to each other.
    • A Herd cannot form if all Cows in the group are enclosed in Fences or Walls. However, they do not care about Fences built afterward.
    • A Herd deconstructs if there are less than half (10) of the starting number of Cows in the Herd. This means the Cows still exist, they just no longer form a Herd.

    Herds have the following properties:

    • Herds all move together, moving in more or less the same direction and not straying too far with each other.
    • Herds tend to move long distances in a single direction and like to be on the move during the day, stopping in an area at night.
    • Cows in a Herd can naturally breed with each other if there are less than 30 Cows in the Herd, making babies to increase the Herd population.
    • When on the move, Herds can destroy Fences. Try using Walls to keep your animal pens more stable from the outside.
    • When on the movie, Herds can damage mobs/players in their way. This is similar to a Goat ramming, but with no knockback and far less damage. Additionally, this is not something the Herd actively seeks out an entity for, unlike a Goat ramming, it's just something that happens in the group.
    • When a Herd travels, they trample grass beneath them, turning it into normal dirt. Over time, this will regrow into grass. However, this adds an element of "animal tracking" into the game since the player can follow a path of trampled grass to find the Herd (20 Cows is a lot of food early game) and can use the amount of dirt left to determine how long ago the Herd passed through that area.



    When Spiders were first introduced in the game, they were meant to produce a "web tile", which is now known as the Cobweb block. Spiders do not actually do this, although cave spider spawners in abandoned mineshafts are surrounded by Cobwebs. However, that is the only place in the game where Cave Spiders can be found so... how did the Cave Spiders get there?

    The idea here is when Spiders spawn, there a 1/3 chance they have a hidden tag that makes them a "Webbing Spider". When 5 or more Webbing Spiders are all in line of sight of each other, they will move together and form a group. Notably, Spiders can see through walls, so this allows them to pathfind to each other in caves. This group will only form if at least 5 of these Spiders can pathfind to each other (so they can't be in separate caves that do not connect) and below a certain Y-level. For our purposes, I would say below Y=0, except in Dark Oak biomes, where they can do this at any level (because who doesn't like spider-infested forests).

    When this group comes together, they will start filling the area with Cobweb blocks, which generate touching at least 2 other blocks, slowly filling the cave they have grouped together in. Once this process starts, the Webbing Spiders do not despawn.

    While the Spiders are alive, they will remain in the area. No more infested areas like this can be created within a certain distance from another, say 64 blocks as a random value for this. Additionally, in an infested area, Spiders spawn more frequently. Or... they would, all Spider spawns are also replaced with Cave Spider spawns.

    Killing the Webbing Spiders makes it so that the area is no longer infested and Cave Spiders no longer spawn, but the Cobwebs stick around until cleared.

    (To make it clear, the Webbing Spiders are NOT a new mob, but a variant like the Screaming Goat).

    submitted by /u/SPYROHAWK
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    Right-clicking an entity with flint and steel lights it on fire.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    I hate it when I spend 5 minutes trying to find the exact spot to click, and when I find it the entity just moves away

    submitted by /u/Pedro270707
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    Spider biome - a useful one

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    TLDR at the end. In mobile so formating bad lol


    Caves doesn't seem finished yet. It's like what happened with the nether update, it didn't felt quite right until the basalt deltas came out, so, in this post I present you the idea of a spider biome; no new blocks, no new bosses and no new complicated stuff.


    The structure of the biome is quite simple; blobs of calcite within the stone and lots of spider webs, but here's the key feature of my idea: wool. White (and maybe gray) wool could be found commonly scattered around the biome, maybe even on the floor (just like in nether forests there's wart blocks). I will elaborate more at the end.

    This biome, just like in mesas with deserts on bedrock, could be connected to the deep dark. Not always, as it would become annoying, but not rarely either.


    Rare, new structures can be found here, called spider dens. They are simply spiders and cave spiders spawners surrounded by web, in the ceilings and walls of the caves, making it quite dangerous to explore without preparation.


    The resources found here are not rare, but can attract players from all playstyles: calcite can easily be found here, making it less rare for builders, spider webs are all around the place, so trap-making or even redstone geniuses would be attracted to here, specially for the dens; to potion enjoyers like me we get plenty of eyes... All player base can enjoy their time here! Even new players, as I explain a little further in the post.


    This could be interesting, making this biome feel more alive by making "infested" versions of dripstone caves, lush caves and maybe even the deep dark for a more challenging experience!


    Let's cut to the chase. The wool blocks scattered around could serve as an introduction to the sculk mechanics; the player sees this thing making noise when they walk, but when behind wool this thing doesn't "see" them. This can explain to the player, in game, what they need to do to not alert the warden, without any tutorials or needing to look it up on google, just gameplay.

    All of this without adding a single new block/mob/item, we already have all the ingredients for this amazing biome!


    Spider biome with lots of calcite, spider webs, spawners and wool. I explain why in the key reason topic.

    If you have any idea or feedback, let me know in the comments!

    submitted by /u/OutHellHound
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    Totems grants you Water Breathing, Night Vision and Strength.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    Ever drowned while swimming an ocean, or getting attacked by mobs in the dark? This will be the solution for you. While the totem is used, it will damage some nearby monsters, to ease the fight.

    submitted by /u/flamingobsidian-
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    poition sparkels

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    when you hold any potion or if you throw it there should be sparkles coming from the top part of the item entity

    submitted by /u/zeke_williams
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    An idea.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    I think it'd be cool if you could walk a tiny bit faster in the rain if you had depth strider on your boots.

    submitted by /u/noobmaster69_Xx
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    Wider variety of creatures that hostile mobs attack

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    This is an idea inspired by this post by u/Nightfall-memer

    Currently, most hostile mobs only attack the player, excluding zombies attacking villagers. However, I feel that the list of aggression should be broadened for some of these mobs just from common sense.


    Almost all mobs that are hostile to the player should be hostile to villagers (and illagers, as they are just evil villagers). While they may not be the same race as players, they're still people, aren't they? If mobs such as skeletons are just evil and want to kill any people, why shouldn't that include villagers?


    Zombies only seem to have 2 reasons for aggression:

    1. The mob they are attacking could provide food (i.e. players/villagers)
    2. The mob they are attacking is obstructing their ability to obtain said food (i.e. iron golems)

    Therefore, any mob that has meat on it should be a target of the zombies (cows, pigs, etc.) Their only purpose is to feed, isn't it? So why shouldn't they go for any food available? This would also apply to spiders, as they would also be constantly feeding. In fact, spiders could attack zombies for food if there are no other food sources available.

    Tell me what you all think in the comments!

    submitted by /u/GZB2007
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    Encyclopedia item

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    The ancient encyclopedia would be a new item found rarely in surface overworld structures. It would look like a green book. Right clicking with the item would open a book-like page with the text "An ancient book that can reveal information about items when placed on a lectern." It would be written from the point of view of some ancient explorer.


    When placed on a lectern as instructed, the encyclopedia can be interacted with with an item to bring up a short description of the item, which can range from humorous to "lore hints" to hints of what to do with the item. Most items would have minimal descriptions. Main mob drops would describe the mob. All stairs/slabs would probably be "[Material] turned into stairs/slabs" Dirt: "It's dirt, nothing more, nothing less" Chiselled red sandstone: "Some strange creature is carved into it. I have no idea what it is, but something about it terrifies me" Flint: "Striking it against iron seems to cause fire. Strange." Obsidian: "There seem to be strange gateways made from this substance that lead to nowhere. Maybe if I could complete one of these gateways and set it alight with fire..."

    Other encyclopedias

    However, the encyclopedia can't talk about every item at first. Items from underground or underwater would show torn pages instead. Nether items would show a burnt page. End items would show an inkstained page.

    You could fix this with the torn, burnt and stained pages, found in structures underground, in the nether and in the end respectively. They could be used individually to read encyclopedia entries from their area, or crafted together with the ancient encyclopedia to add their entries to it. Uniting the encycopedia and the four missing pages grants you the advancement "Librarian"

    submitted by /u/PhantasmShadow
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