• Breaking News

    Minecraft If you name an axolotl “Rana” it will become the unreleased green variant.

    Minecraft If you name an axolotl “Rana” it will become the unreleased green variant.

    If you name an axolotl “Rana” it will become the unreleased green variant.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    Just like the title says. We haven't had a nametag easter egg in a while, and it would be a cool reference to one of minecraft's long forgotten mobs. The green is not only including the unreleased variant but paying homage to our froggy Rana.

    EDIT: It seems a lot of you don't know who Rana is. Rana was a mob added all the way back in indev, but was then removed. This easter egg is a two in one, celebrating the green axolotl from the minecon trailer and Rana at the same time cause she's green and kind of an amphibian too. Here's the wiki page on her: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Rana

    submitted by /u/GabelDaGoob
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    Ancient Sheet Music - A use proposal for the Goat Horn in tandem with Archeology

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Since Archeology is being delayed likely PAST 1.18, and the Goat Horn hardly has a function yet. I thought I'd get my idea in early. I've seen a lot of people suggest that the goat horn functions like a musical instrument and I think I have a solid way to build on that. Let me know what you think.

    🎼Ancient Sheet Music

    In archeological dig sites, it is possible for you to excavate ancient sheet music. It would function like a map and you could read it in your main hand, offhand, or place it on a lectern and read it like that. The music would be in a very simplified format and only use five or so notes.


    📯Goat Horn Instrument

    While holding a goat horn or any other instrument, a little display will appear on your screen. The little note will move upwards or downwards, following the tilt of your head. Tilt your head up to play higher notes, down to play lower notes, and right-click to "tune" the instrument, re-centering the note where your head is tilted.


    Playing Ancient Music

    When you find Ancient Sheet Music, use the Goat Horn to play the music at the location you found it. And this can trigger events. Ocarina of Time style. The simplest thing I could imagine is that it gives you a one-time large EXP reward. But there can also be challenges.


    Just off the top of my head, I can imagine it being used to battle a new type of boss. Play the music at a certain dig site in a desert and summon a King Cobra. As you play, it shows you more music and you keep playing. If you mess up the song, he will be displeased leave you with a hoard of hostile Cobras. But if you played the song well, he will leave you with a reward. Maybe another instrument?

    Other Uses

    I imagine the functionality wouldn't stop there. It seems we already have a basis for a Musical Update so lets drive it home with two more blocks to expand the functionality.

    • Music Printer: A block that allows you to write, edit, and copy your own sheet music. You're allowed to get a little more complex with it.
    • Listener Block: Insert sheet music and the listener block will listen to anyone playing an instrument, outputting a redstone signal if they played it correctly.


    As you can see, this is an idea as bare bones and open ended as they come. And if you like it and have your own ideas of expanding on it, you can join the discussion in the Subreddit's Discord. See you there.

    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    cobbled deepslate generator

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    It would be a good idea to have cobbled deepslate generate from a cobblestone generator when you build it under y=0. I found this post on the feedback site, so vote for it if you think it is a good idea. https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077321852-Make-Cobbled-Deepslate-Renewable

    submitted by /u/extracheesyapple
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    Sod blocks, stairs, and slabs

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    In Scandinavia, there is an old building technique for roofs called sod roofs. These are typically wooden boards and sod used for insulated roofing Read more. And also since Scandinavia is covered in mountains and has a large goat population, the goats in the area would typically jump up onto the roofs of these houses.

    I thought this would be a good idea for the caves and cliffs update since goats were added and the new cliff generations reminded me of Scandinavia

    As for the functionality, sod blocks are made by combining moss blocks and wood planks in a crafting table. This block would act like wood(being lit on fire, useful as a fuel, destroyed via axe, ect) but also has the properties of moss (plants able to be put on it, can be bonemealed, ect). These can be crafted into stairs and slabs like normal wood. This block would also attract goats in a way. They like to graze upon these blocks and when in is within their spawn area, they will favor being around it. This is to mimic the irl goats being on sod roofs in Scandinavia.

    It is not that big compared to other features, but I think it would be a nice touch, specifically since Mojang is based in Scandinavia, it would be a nice homage.

    Edit: my brother liked my idea and made a texture. He tired to make it look like moss, but with the wood planks lines subtlety blended in.

    submitted by /u/JonnyBoy522
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    No 3D audio for Jukeboxes

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    To me, Jukeboxes are cool, but they are horrible to actually listen to unless you stare at them without moving. The audio comes from the Jukebox itself, as a block, meaning that moving around will make the music sound louder on one ear than the other (you hear it coming from where the jukebox is), and this is REALLY annoying. Having an option to NOT have 3D audio for it, and instead have the sound play directly into the speakers and decrease the volume as you go further would be neat.

    submitted by /u/SnooPets20
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    Since the cave and cliffs update (1.18) is coming out, don't you think there should be an underground temple?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Idk it's like there is (dungeons, mineshafts, stronghold) but I mean like a jungle temple kind of temple. One that gives a creepy vibe in a huge cave just there. You can think of it like one of Lara croft's kind of temple or something like that.

    Good idea?

    submitted by /u/1510qpalzm
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    Smoke Signals

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    Smoke signals would not be a unique block, but a new interaction with campfires. Just as raw food can be placed on a campfire to cook, a dye would be placed to change the color of the smoke. The campfire would use up 1 dye at a time, causing them to dissappear and having the smoke particles change color accordingly.

    If 4 of the same color is placed, it would just make the effect last 4 times longer.

    If 4 different colors are placed it could either:

    1. Use each dye one at a time, changing color
    2. OR be a mixture of all the colors (like leather armor) that lasts 4 times longer
    submitted by /u/Darth-Kcinimod
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    Cauldron consistency

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Lava cauldrons act as lava does, and burn entities. Water cauldrons do not drown players or keep fish alive. Powder snow cauldrons do not freeze entities

    Water cauldrons should keep fish alive and allow entities to drown in it. Additionally, you should be able to put buckets of fish inside cauldrons, which will fill the cauldron up and put the mob inside.

    Powder snow cauldrons should freeze entities, and also not allow players wearing leather boots and powder snow immune mobs to fall in.

    Of course, Bedrock's cauldron features on Java would be ideal (leatherworker jobsite doesn't make sense there), especially with the new potion duplicating mechanic with pointed dripstone.

    submitted by /u/PhantasmShadow
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    A way to adjust view bobbing

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    You can turn view bobbing on or off but it would be nice to adjust how much it bobs. maybe with a slider like the fov and distortion effects.

    submitted by /u/BlueDragon_5864
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    Sword enchantment: Chaining, bonus effects for attacking at the right time

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Chaining allows for "combo" attacks to be performed, depending on the enchantments it has or not. They require some skill to use, and not every situation allows for them. It's mutually exclusive with knockback.

    Chaining itself: Attacking with 0.3 seconds of weapon cooldown 3 times in a row will increase damage by 20% (on the next hit only)

    Chaining + Sharpness: A similar effect to chaining's default "combo", attacking within 0.15 seconds of your weapon cooldown 3 times in a row will increase damage of the next hit by an additional 5% for each sharpness level, the bonus of this stacks with the bonus of chaining (exclusive to chaining + sharpness only)

    Chaining + Bane of Arthropods: Attacking within 0.2 seconds of an arthropod's attack (either successful or missed) will inflict crippling slowness on said target arthropod, duration is equal to BoA level.

    Chaining + Smite: Not attacking at all for 3 seconds will make your next attack against an undead target deal 15% more damage against the undead (times the level of Smite, up to 75%) and inflict weakness/slowness for duration equal to the level. The "charge" time only works when the weapon is in your hand.

    These might seem overpowered, but keep in mind that all of them require timing, waiting 3 seconds to deal 75% extra damage for example seems great, until you realize you're reducing your overall damage per second. It's not actually that great, these would excel more at dispatching enemies quickly than efficiently. They kinda require you to have an edge to be safe enough to make such a well timed move.

    For context, human reaction time is about 0.25 seconds, for many of these you need to be skilled enough to predict when it'll happen, sheer reaction time won't help much.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Night warden enchantment for spyglass

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    Night Warden — gives player better vision at night when spyglass used. Like a weaker Night vision but works with sky access (because it's based on moonlight so it won't work in caves, end and nether). Moon phase affect brightness (if full moon works as night vision). Also when using a spyglass with this enchantment during day you can't see anything (because sun brightness) (level 1 max)

    PS: Thanks to u/Enough-Agency3721 for making my suggestion less hard to read

    submitted by /u/Crafterz_
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    Mossy glass

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    This would be used for builds to give a decrepit look. This glass may have chunks missing and may be found in zombie villages.

    submitted by /u/404-Error_-
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    Wither powder : The opposite of bone meal

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    Wither powder can be crafted with one wither rose surrounded by 8 bone meal, giving you 8 wither powder. It basically looks like black sugar, and it can be used on anything that 'grows.' if you right-click any kind of plant with the powder, it will make black particles and make the bone meal sound effect. 'Wither Powdered' plants will not grow, crops will stay in the growth state forever, vines won't grow and so on. This item can be very useful if you want to use decorative plants without having to worry about them growing and messing up the design, and maybe you could troll your friends by using wither powder all over their farms. You can also remove the wither powder from plants, if you use 3-5 bone meal on the plants.

    submitted by /u/pleadt
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    Night Vision Spyglass

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Let's be honest...the spyglass is cool and all but how many of us are actually going to use it? Especially in the late game...

    I think you should be able to add glow ink sac to it or enchant it with a new night vision enchantment so it actually has real utility.

    Just think, you tunnelled into one of the new massive caves and it's pitch black. You obviously can't see a thing cause it's so massive and there's no way to light it all up. But then you pull up your night vision spyglass and get a quick lay of the land. Now you can make a plan on how to traverse it or set up the foundation of a build.

    Sure there's night vision potions...but those aren't infinite and take up a lot of inventory if you're gonna hold a lot for being down in the dark frequently. I guess really you're trading inventory space for an item that will grant momentary night vision when you need it.

    Idk if you all agree with the "trade off" but still...it would give more utility to both the spyglass and glow ink.

    Let me know what you'd change/improve about it.

    submitted by /u/Mjzielin
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    Cracked glass

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    It would just be cracked glass or cracked glass panes it would spawn in zombie villages to create the cracked glass or cracked glass panes you would just give it a tour in a furnace

    submitted by /u/Extra_Ad_8233
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    Your avatar should turn blue when taking freezing damage.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    The title says it all. It is a simple QOL change.

    submitted by /u/HappyGav123
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    Wind and stuff

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    Wind levels would be affected by certain biomes (stronger on mountains, weaker in plains etc.), altitudes (getting stronger as you go higher), and weathers (stronger in thunderstorms). It would affect entities slightly, though probably only at higher speeds. Players flying with elytras would be affected more, as well as boats (when they're in the water). Certain types of particles would also be affected, tilting slightly in one direction. There would also be a gamerule WindSpeed, which would work sort of like RandomTickSpeed. I have no idea how hard this would be to implement, but it could add a lot more ambience to the game. Imagine if there was a thunderstorm, but the rain was flying sideways, and if you dropped something, it got blown away! Much better than the current weather. P.S. Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting tornadoes or hurricanes or anything like that, just wind.

    submitted by /u/MirrorwebewrorriM
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    Shipwreck and mineshaft diaries

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    I would like to see old, sometimes mildly creepy diaries (written books) in shipwreck and mineshaft chests. These journals would contain some Minecraft lore and give the player a hint what is the story behind the shipwreck or mineshaft they have just found. Some players like telling stories about their Minecraft world. For me, it would be an amazing addition to the likely 2022 archaeology update.

    Shipwreck diary examples:

    • Day 13. Yesterday we had another guardian attack. Water is coming inside. We lost our maps. We won't make it to the port. We won't find hospitable shores on time. The end is coming. I feel it. It's near.

    • Day 25. I'm smuggling so many emeralds from the jungle temples I've robbed. King is gonna be happy. But I'm afraid I've lost the direction, and a storm is coming...

    • Day 56. Finally, we've got all the supplies that our village needs. We're sailing back home! The weather is nice and there are no storms. I'll just go tell the navigator to watch out for those icebergs in front of us...

    • Day 107. Land! Finally! After such a long journey, land rose above the sea. Let's hope our anchor will work properly and we'll land safely.

    Mineshaft diary examples:

    • I've found so many diamonds today. Best mining trip ever! But I'll abandon this mineshaft soon, there are way too many venomous spiders here...

    • Only iron and copper. Again. As usual. There are no diamonds, no emeralds, not even lapis. We must leave this place and search for luck somewhere else. But we'll take the powered rails with us. They are too precious to just leave them here.

    I think diaries have already been suggested a couple times, but I just want to show my own concept for them :)

    submitted by /u/MinecraftWarden06
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    Randomize Desert Temple pressure plates.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Instead of having a single stone pressure plate in the center of the pit, each temple could have 1 - 3 pressure plates in a random configuration. This would make getting the loot a more fun and less repetitive process.

    submitted by /u/charlespatton524
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    Tool recycling via grindstone

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    Putting a single unenchanted tool in a grindstone will use a certain amount of the tool's max durability and give you the material needed to make it. A shovel uses about 90% of max durability, swords and hoes use 45%, and pickaxes and axes 30%. Boots 22%, helmet 18%, leggings 13%, chestplate 11%.

    Metal blocks and other items can all be completely destroyed, turning into one ingot. Lightning rod, copper stairs, iron bars, horse armour, chain, etc fall under this.

    Maybe it would use a very small amount of xp

    submitted by /u/PhantasmShadow
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    naming a baby zombie "grow" will turn him into an adult zombie

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    if you get a nametag and name a baby zombie "grow" will grow until he turns into an adult zombie.

    submitted by /u/stillthesame505
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    New Cave Sounds? But For The Warden.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    What about some new cave sounds? I don't remember the last time we got new cave sounds but wouldn't it be cool if you we're casually mining and then you hear a distant growl through the walls emitted by the Warden, or maybe even a sound of the Sculk Sensors going off? This could be a way to find the Deep Dark, also add something new to get scared by.

    These new sounds can only be heard when you are within distance of a Deep Dark biome/A Warden.

    submitted by /u/H3llisEmpty
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    you should be able to place any item on unlit campfire by shift right click and they will bob off if you lit it up or broke it

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    so people use unlit campfires as an item holder for raw food by turning the campfire off while it's cooking

    so i thought why can't we just put items on it normally without commands ? it would be a nice decoration

    and if you lit it up the items should bob off

    i understand that campfires in decorations usually used on roofes and rail Road , but i don't think it will effect it

    submitted by /u/Alaa_aldeen
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    Make spore blossom obtainable in survival 1.17

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    For some reason there appears to be no means of obtaining the spore blossom in survival until 1.18 when lush caves naturally generate. To fix this the wandering trader could sell it. Alternative means of obtaining could include bonemealing the bottom side of a moss block or maybe they could generate naturally in jungles or flower forests until 1.18 allows them to generate in lush caves.

    submitted by /u/_Anonymous_Person_7
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    Montane Forests / Mountain Forests

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    Basically a forest biome frequently found in the new mountain generation, it adds more variety to your adventures!
    1. Occurs at y level >150-200
    2. Consists of Long Birch Trees, Cinchona Trees, Silver Fir Trees and Maple Trees
    3. Spreads over a huge area

    Here are some uses of the 3 new trees I mentioned-

    -> Cinchona Tree

    • Cinchona Logs can be crafted to planks for building.
    • Cinchona Logs when stripped have a chance to drop the Cinchona Bark, which when brewed in a
      thick potion gives a "Medicinal Drink". This drink removes only the ill effects like Slowness, Poison,
      Mining Fatigue, etc.
    • Cinchona trees decay a bit faster than other trees when broken.

    -> Silver Fir Tree

    • Silver Fir Logs, just like Cinchona Logs, can be crafted to planks for building.
    • Apart from planks, these planks can be crafted into paper, and it provides more paper than 3 sugarcane reeds combined!
    • Due to high resources of paper from these planks, Silver Fir Trees occur less frequently than Cinchona Trees. Saplings are also a bit hard to get but they grow easily when bone meal-ed.

    -> Maple Tree

    • Maple Trees occur as frequently as Silver Fir Trees, since they too can provide paper when crafted to planks.
    • Maple Logs can be placed below Noteblocks to play a musical sound wave.
    • Compared to Silver Fir Trees, the saplings of these trees can obtained relatively easier.
    submitted by /u/ANiceMinecrafter
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