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    Minecraft Revamped End Gateway

    Minecraft Revamped End Gateway

    Revamped End Gateway

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    Revamped End Gateway

    As of right now the current End Gateway is very ugly looking

    I mean it was from 1.9 so It makes sense why

    The current End Gateway since 1.9

    So I decide to revamp it

    Video of the showcase since I can post videos on this Subreddit:

    The video about the post, made by my brother

    First, I separated the Structure into 2 Structures the Inner End Gateway and the Outer End Gateway

    The Inner End Gateway:

    The Inner End Gateway is the End Gateway located in The End Biome (The Dragon Island), The Gateway now has a Island surrounding the much more bigger End Gateway which is based off Minecraft Dungeons version of the Gateway in the Echoing Void DLC.

    Note: The Deepslate Bricks, Walls, and Chiseled Blocks are Placeholders

    The Inner End Gateway

    The Inner End Gateway (Bottom)

    Outer End Gateway:

    The Outer End Gateway is the End Gateway located in the Outer End Islands, The Gateway is similar to the Inner Version, but with Chorus plants growing in the Island surrounding the Gateway, the Structure also has a Lodestone generating on It used just incase the player(s) gets lost.

    Outer End Gateway

    Outer End Gateway and Lodestone

    Advancements relating to this post:

    • "Just in case" - use the Inner End Gateway's Lodestone
    • "Are we there yet" - go to the Outer End Gateway without using the portal
    submitted by /u/TimtheWardenReddit
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    Features for Tuff

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    Features for Tuff

    Tuff variants:

    Tuff should have various variants like:

    • Tuff Bricks
    • Smooth Tuff
    • Tuff Stairs
    • Tuff Slabs
    • Polished Tuff
    • Basalt Tuff

    And More....

    Chiseled Tuff:

    Also know as "opus reticulatum" by the romans, its block having a diamond pattern to its design.


    Possible Structures:

    All throughout history tuff has been used as a resource material in many ways:

    For example, the whole port of the island of Ventotene, was carved from tuff. The Servian Wall, built to defend the city of Rome in the fourth century BC, is also built almost entirely from tuff.

    Tuff from Rano Raraku was used by the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island to make the vast majority of their famous moai statues.

    Therefore structures made from tuff could include:

    • Remnants of a old empire
    • A walled off, abandoned citadel
    • Structures made from tuff seen inside archeology sites

    The list goes on.

    submitted by /u/TimtheWardenReddit
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    Coloured pots

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    I think its would be awesome to be able to colour pots, we have so many dyes in the game and adding colour to those brown pots could add so much more style and personality to a home. Im thinking this can be made either by just clicking a dye on the pot or through crafting coloured clay, like we do with glass. This would open up the idea of coloured brickblocks but im guessing minecraft dont want to make that so just simply make it so we cant make bricks from the alterd clay i guess. The pots would be great tho to make the match the house more. I love adding as many flowers as possible and Im not a fan of having so many brown, booring loking pots everywhere. Would love to be able to have more coloure in my homes!

    submitted by /u/Raatko
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    Foxes shouldn't be able to wear armor unless equipped via a dispenser.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    I though of this idea because I recently broke an armor stand next to my pet fox, and she equipped my netherite chestplate and helmet. I had to kill her to get it back :( I don't see why foxes equipping armor on their own is a good thing. In the rare case where you do want to put armor on a fox, you should only be able to do so via a dispenser. Them picking it up and equipping it on their own is, 99% of the time, nothing but a huge inconvinience for players.

    submitted by /u/Swaagopotamus
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    Nether Fossils

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    There should be Fossils in the Nether, It will make the nether more mysterious, Like what type of monsters lived in this dimension before the players came in?

    Different type of Fossils

    1.) Small Wither Fossil

    These Fossils will generate in Y : 22 - 45 they will have the outline of a wither, the current one.

    2.) Ghast Fossils

    These Fossils would generate in the Netherrack roof, the netherrack roof the one that is next to bedrock lair, It would be a fossil outline of a ghast in the roof.

    3.) Hoglin Fossils

    These Fossils will only generate near Y : 50 - 60 and only on Crimson Forests, They will be a outine of a Hoglin using Bone Blocks

    4.) Bigger Wither

    These Fossils will generate deep below, As in Y : 7 - 40, They will be a Wither Outline but 30x Bigger, It would mind the players that the wither that they summoned is only a Baby Wither, The Real Adult one is Bigger, Like Ender Dragon Size.

    5.) Dragon Fossil

    These Fossils will be the 2nd Biggest, They Extend up to 50-60 blocks in width and it would shape as a Ender Dragon in width aswell with height, It would resemble a Fire Dragon in the Nether that lived long before the Players Existed.

    submitted by /u/Not_WhiteShockX
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    4 coral can be crafted into a coral block of the same type

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    It should be possible to craft a coral block from 4 coral of the corresponding type.

    This suggestion is based on the fact that most of the material-based blocks in Minecraft can be crafted from either 4 or 9 of their corresponding material, so it seems logical for coral to also follow this pattern.

    This feature would also make coral blocks renewable, so, you know, that's pretty cool.

    There's not a lot to say about this, so that's all.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Fancy fence cutting

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    After seeing this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/p5xbgl/i_gave_fences_unique_designs/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    I came up with the idea of being able to carv fences into fancy designs using some sorta woodworking/carpenter station. You could also do the same thing with walls using the stone cutter.

    submitted by /u/storyteller216
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    Underwater Cave QoL - Bubbulb: Glow Lichen Mushroom

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    Underwater Cave QoL - Bubbulb: Glow Lichen Mushroom

    TL;DR: Consumable Glow Lichen mushroom that restores oxygen.

    Feedback site link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/4407229130253--Underwater-Cave-QoL-Bubbulb-Glow-Lichen-Mushroom

    As irl lichens are made from a symbiotic partnership of algae and fungus, they can also fruit like standard mushrooms. Incorporating this into gameplay, when spawning underwater, Glow Lichen could grow a new fungi item called Bubbulbs, which are emissive and give off a higher light level depending on the number of bulbs growing on the Glow Lichen. While underwater, any given patch of lichen can spawn with 0-3 bulbs (0 being the most common and higher numbers being rarer) upon world generation or when bone mealing an adjacent patch.

    Their design is a mix of club fungi, bubbles, and lightbulbs.

    Bubbulbs would act as a sort of early-game Respiration/Water Breathing alternative, though only refilling the player's oxygen instead of giving a lasting effect. They could possibly be used as an ingredient in recipes or as a breeding item, but otherwise super simple just to make submerged caves be less of a pain to explore.

    Additionally, it would go a long way for subaquatic exploration if Glow lichen spawned in much larger patches and higher quantities in low light level underwater areas due to how annoying it can be to illuminate and explore larger water-filled caves.

    submitted by /u/Devorj6
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    A new enchant for crossbow: Longshot

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    crossbow needs a real avantage to be able to compete withe the bow as a ranged weapon, and this is where this idea comes into play.

    "Longshot" could be a enchantment that allows crossbow to shoot further, I am thinking of making it a 3 level enchantment

    • Longshot I : increase crossbow's range by 25%
    • Longshot I : increase crossbow's range by 50%
    • Longshot I : increase crossbow's range by 100%

    To avoid making it too OP I was also thinking of making it incompatible with quick charge, as this combination would allow long distance shots at high fire-rate

    This new enchantment could be obtainable at the top floor of pillager outpost and woodland mansion

    Let me know your thoughts as this is my firts post in here I would appreciate some feedback

    submitted by /u/Jhonasse
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    Nametagged mobs should be affected by beacons

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    A mob with a nametag applied on it is affected by beacon effects. Note that this does not apply to Haste (or strength in the case of passive mobs)

    submitted by /u/M1n3c4rt
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    Bonemealing Shallow water sometimes produces lily pads

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    Lily Pads are a really pretty looking block and are essential if you want to make a pretty looking pond. The only problem is that lily pads can only be found in a swamp, which is a pretty rare biome.

    It makes sense that if you use bonemeal in water, it has a chance to make a lily pad. It shouldn't be too common, I think a 1/8 chance for a lily pad to spawn. Also, in Swamp biomes, lily pads have a 1/4 chance to spawn with bonemeal.

    submitted by /u/C00kieDemon
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    Samaras, an early use for phantom membrane.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    A samara is a kind of winged seed that a maple tree produces, and it has an interesting property: when it falls, it spins and drifts slightly in the wind, allowing the seeds to disperse further than they normally would.

    My idea is an item similar to this concept that is crafted from a phantom membrane and a stick that would slightly reduce falling speed and negate fall damage entirely, but as the player falls, their horizontal movement would become unpredictable and difficult to control.

    The item could be held in an inventory slot or the offhand, and while falling, the player would spin in the air and drift downwards with some random sideways motion. upon landing, the item would be consumed. This item would stack to 16.

    The advantage of not taking any fall damage may seem overpowered, but due to the fact that the item allows you to quickly descend caves but does not help you get out, the direct benefits are balanced by the risks it allows you to take. in addition, the unpredictable horizontal movement makes it a risk to use it near dripstone or lava.

    EDIT: this wouldn't replace the potion of slow falling, as although it has a similar purpose, it's use case is different.

    first, this item would be accessible before entering the nether, and therefore before potion brewing is possible. this item is also more expensive in terms of ingredients than a potion of slow falling, as this item requires one phantom membrane per fall, but this is offset by the advantage of taking effect automatically as a player falls, rather than having to be used before or during a fall, meaning that while a potion of slow falling is primarily useful for planned descent, while this item would be useful as a backup in case of, for example, getting shot off of a bridge by a skeleton.

    ideally, the item would work with the slow falling potion and work as a sort of slow hang glider, similar to the elytra but with a speed cap and an inability to regain height so that it doesn't replace the elytra or give too much benefit too early.

    submitted by /u/Not_TheWeirdStudio
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    Piglins with compasses

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    An interesting feature that mojang could add to the game is to give a small percentage of piglins that spawn with compasses in their offhand, that are attuned to lodestones. The lodestones would be located in nearby bastions, and the piglins would drop the attuned compass only a small percentage of the time (increased by looting.) I don't think this would be too overpowered, because although it makes it easier to find bastions, it is a challenge to get one of these compasses. It also allows the player access to more lodestones, but the lodestone would be hidden in the bastion and only some would have them, making it difficult to find without the compass. On top of this, lodestones themselves arent that valuable. Some might say theyre as valuable as a netherite ingot, because of their crafting recipe, but they can be found in bastion chests, and the situations in which you would use them are uncommon, so not a lot of them are needed. The player may also leave the lodestone in the bastion anyways, so they can return at a different time.

    submitted by /u/breakfastmood
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    trading with witches

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    those are somewhat smart, it would make sense if those were able to trade just like villagers, selling potions and buying potion ingredients, re-stocking could occur by sleeping

    there are 2 options for adding this:

    1. neutral witches - neutral witches are ones that have been generated in swamp huts or converted with lightning, naturally spawned ones are always aggressive. neutral ones have light gray hats, but once you hit them, those hats become black again and those witches become aggressive

    2. witches would still attack you, but not if you wear a mob head (which aren't really that useful rn), that would allow you to trade

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Blue whales.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Blue whales are an animal that I've wanted to see in Minecraft for a long time, an idea I've had for them is that they could be a faster way of transport in the ocean. You can not tame them but you can right click them and "hold onto their fin" which is a real thing that people often do with whale sharks. Of course the animal would be docile. A big reason I would like to see them in Minecraft is that blue whales were hunted a LOT a while ago and since then it's become a protected animal but with everything we throw in the ocean the number of them isn't rising very quickly, (less than 25,000 left). I know the aquatic update was while ago but maybe this would fit in a mob vote? Or maybe an ambiance update?

    submitted by /u/MrThreshold
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    Let the Music Disc "Ward" generate in chests in the Warden's house/cabin things.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    That is the whole suggestion, I think it would just be fitting considering the name of the disc.

    submitted by /u/TheOPWarrior208
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    Cherry Blossom Biomes!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    So, i was thinking about a cherry blossom biome for quite a long time and i think it would look great a pink-ish planks/doors/trapdoors etc and a gray log like in real life, and also pink leaves. The reason i think this would be an good idea its because some builds woul look great with it, and some decoration too using the leaves.

    submitted by /u/BlackPlayzYT
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    mithril- the deep dark's netherite

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:51 PM PDT


    mithril is a fictional metal original to Tolkien's middle earth.

    it would be found exclusively in the deep dark, in chests or in deepslate in veins of 1-3, mined with a diamond pickaxe. the item looks like a crystal shard, similar to amethyst shards, but a teal-turquoise (this is the colour i am thinking of, #55e7ad). these shards would work like netherite scrap, mixing with iron to make a mithril ingot.

    mithril ingots upgrade with diamond tools and armour, like netherite, and creates a dark teal set of items (#41afa1 or #2f8e98, like an end portal frame), which would be the same as netherite stat wise. however, the armour provides invisibility after 5 seconds of crouching rather then knockback resistance. when you stop crouching, the invisibility goes away, and when you are invisible your armour is invisible too, along with the items you are holding. along with the invisibility, negative potion effects' durations are reduced by 10% for each armour piece. the enchantability would be the same as diamond, much lower then netherite, this is to balance it out.

    EDIT: mithril would in the deep dark, but does not generate exposed to air and this makes it so while trying to find it the warden would sense the vibrations you are making

    any ideas in the comments are welcome!

    submitted by /u/luijkanic
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    Since Microsoft and Mojang accounts are being combined, implement the character creator from bedrock into java addition's launcher along with the classic skins.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    This means having the ability to change your characters size, have 3d facial hair, blinking eyes, and 3d hats.

    You could also get new skin parts for your character by getting achievements/advancements, like in bedrock.

    However, you can still use classic skin files as skins for free, just like in bedrock.

    This suggestion would make sense as mojang accounts are being merged with microsoft accounts.

    (Also i read the rejected list, and this isnt on there.)

    submitted by /u/WatermelonSirr
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