• Breaking News

    Minecraft The ability to use Dripstone, Prismarine Shards and Amethyst as arrowheads when crafting Arrows, or alternatively change how Gravel and Flint drops work.

    Minecraft The ability to use Dripstone, Prismarine Shards and Amethyst as arrowheads when crafting Arrows, or alternatively change how Gravel and Flint drops work.

    The ability to use Dripstone, Prismarine Shards and Amethyst as arrowheads when crafting Arrows, or alternatively change how Gravel and Flint drops work.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:46 AM PDT

    I wasn't entirely sure what to flare this as, so if I've used the wrong flare, I apologise in advance.

    I've been thinking about the idea of using different arrow tips for a while, using flint is all well and good, but have you ever tried to gather large amounts of flint? A 10% drop rate when mining Gravel just isn't good enough. Sure, there's villager trades and mob farms, but it takes time to get enough emaralds to trade for flint or arrows outright, and it can be a hassle finding a village with a fairly priced Fletcher (or a Fletcher at all). Then there's mob farms - they're hardly what I'd call early game.

    I'd like to see more options for crafting arrows, such as: Amethyst, Dripstone and Prismarine Shards.

    Arrows crafted with these items would be no different to arrows crafted using flint, however it would give players more options and more of a reason to explore and mine underground and in the oceans - more convenient ways of making arrows and a fun/more interesting way of obtaining the materials than just mining out large areas of Gravel.

    If the ability to use different arrow heads isn't something that Mojang would be interested in implementing, then I'd at least ask them to consider changing how Gravel and Flint drops work and how a couple of Enchantments work on Shovels. Currently, as mentioned above, Flint is a rare 10% drop when mining Gravel, this is hardly convenient during early game, and yes, while Fortune does improve this, enchantments are both random and difficult to obtain, especially high level enchantments - they require 30 Experience Levels. Fortune 1 only bumps the chance up to 14%, Fortune 2 to 25%, and Fortune 3 to 100% (quite a jump).

    I'd suggest that base flint drops should be increased to 25% at minimum. And Fortune 1 and Fortune 2 should be vastly improved. Fortune 1 Flint drops should be increased to 50%, Fortune 2 Flint drops should increased to 75%. Fortune 3 stays the same (100% Flint drop rate).

    And for those that just want Gravel, Efficiency would decrease the Flint drop chance percentage by 5% per level (if base Flint drop are 25% as suggested above, then Efficiency 1 would have a 20% Flint Drop rate, Efficiency 2 would be 15%, Efficiency 3 would be 10%, Efficiency 4 would be 5% and Efficiency 5 would have a 0% chance of dropping Flint).

    I'm tired of arbitrary Villager pricing and I'm tired of mining massive Gravel deserts with poor Flint drop rates. It's time things changed.

    submitted by /u/swithinboy59
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    Simple, Varied Wolf Textures

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Simple, Varied Wolf Textures

    Alright, here is my first ever post in form of a concept that I've gotten to think about after 8 years of playing the block-game (occasional typos likely coming ahead, I do pardon on it due to being Finnish-born fella).

    Wolves, what's there to say? Curious animals that have excellent utility as companions after being tamed, wolves do hold close spot in my heart about Minecraft, right behind villagers and iron).

    That being said, there has been decent amount of talk regarding how the wolves have kinda been left bit behind in terms of even simplest of variety (apart from tail functioning as a visible "health-bar" and color-able collars that is): in comparison there are multiple variants of cats, parrots, rabbits... even foxes have two variants applied to them.

    Thus, my idea would go as follows:

    Since we got other animals with varied textures (aforementioned cats, rabbits, parrots and foxes as well as llamas), why not take a page from those mobs and simply create several variants of fur-tone for the wolves? :o

    I mean, if we think about it this actually would be quite feasible approach. Wolves in nature often do have some variation to their color of fur (in range of grays and browns, sometimes more paler colors), and since there are other mobs with color alterations while keeping same body shapes, this could actually give just that subtle and neat increase to variety that gives players reason to wander around finding their favorite wolf-type! Or, just go "gotta catch them all" X)

    As for spawning conditions, I'm basically undecided on whenever all types can spawn regardless of their biome or if there would be specific biomes for specific colors to be found (quick example, grey found all around, pale and bluish gray closer to cold biomes, dark grey and beige in taiga/spruce woods). I'll leave that up for you to tell your thoughts :o

    Anyways, lemme show you a very simple example of this wolf fur-tone variety in an image below (keep in mind that this is a rough display done with mere color adjustments on copies of default texture: perhaps imagining these in more polished textures helps you to imagine curiosity for finding pack of wolves with different colors in them):


    Anyhoo, TL;DR for anyone reading this:

    Wolves have been stagnant with just one variety, so I came up with thought of using actual color-tone variations in wolves to be applied similarly to the many varied textures seen on other mobs in vanilla Minecraft. Would be simple to add and would enable players with additional visual on tamed wolves to accompany with colored collars.

    And, that's about it. Lemme know your thoughts in the comments regarding this concept to give a slight boost to a beloved companion in Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/RaidMinerFIN
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    Whips - A weapon with several blocks of reach and knockback

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    A whip would not be craftable with current items (perhaps if something like leather straps and claw/tooth items were ever added they could become craftable then) and would instead be obtained very rarely in dungeon chests, mineshaft chests, or other generated loot tables where it might seem fitting, as well as a very rare chance to find one with the new archaeology mechanic.

    Whips would be counted as melee weapons, doing as much damage as an iron sword but with much longer cooldown, and would have a very long reach, with a baseline of 3 blocks away. They would also be able to trigger target blocks (although no possibility for a bullseye) and if you use one to kill a mob holding a weapon (other than an unenchanted bow with skeletons and unenchanted sword with wither skeletons) it would be a 100% drop chance to get that weapon.

    Whips would also have a few enchantments. Flaying (I-IV) would increase damage at the same rate as Sharpness. Reach (I-III) would increase the distance the whip could be used for, each level adding an extra block of distance. Grappling (I-III) would, instead of knocking the target back, bring them closer, one block for each level. Mending, Unbreaking, and Fire Aspect would all also be available to enchant the whip. Flaying, Reach, and Grappling would not be mutually exclusive, but only two would be possible to add to the same whip.

    A few achievements for the whip could be: • "Snakes, Why Does It Have To Be Snakes?" - Find a whip • "Emotional Rollercoaster" - Use a whip to push or pull an enemy to fall to their death • "Get Over Here!" - Use a whip to pull an enemy into fire or lava

    submitted by /u/Laniraa
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    Butterfly or more ambient mobs

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Hi, so I was thinking on ideas and I think I could be nice to add some Ambien mobs on the ground. I mean, tropical fish is something that gives life to the ocean, adds colour and movement. Maybe adding something like butterfly with different colour and shapes that you can catch with nets and then release it could be nice, just to add live decorations, movements and colours to the air forest and maybe greenhouses or terrariums.

    submitted by /u/caos998
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    Animal Tags

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    So in real life you usually put tags on your animals so if they get lost people can return them to your address.

    I was thinking what if you could right click on your pet with an iron ingot or maybe and empty name tag, and this would display the owners name when right clicked by another player, I was also thinking that you could right click your pet with a totem to equip it to them.

    Just a small change that could be pretty useful.

    submitted by /u/WWeavile
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    Pre-generated world

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    When creating a new world, or accessing its settings, there should be an option to pre-generate the world up to a certain size.

    Example: "Preload [3000 blocks]"

    This would help low performance computers better, especially when exploring with an elytra. I know that there are third parties softwares out here but as a mac user they're pretty much out of reach. File size shouldn't be an issue unless you only have a few gb left of storage, at which point you might consider to start a major garbage hunt for your device.

    submitted by /u/Daydreaming_Machine
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    Apply and remove slime from pistons

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    Blocks of copper in 1.17+ can be waxed by right clicking with a honeycomb, and unwaxed by right clicking with an axe. I suggest that a similar behavior could be implemented in order to turn a piston into a sticky piston without the need to break, craft, and replace it. This would also provide new and useful functionality by allowing you to quickly turn a sticky piston back into a regular piston. Finally, there is a possibility to create complex redstone contraptions by automating this process with a dispenser.

    Like unwaxing a honey block, removing slime from a piston would not return the slimeball.

    submitted by /u/jedi_kill3r
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    Make Cobwebs Sound Like Cobwebs, Not Stone.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    Cobwebs currently have the sound of stone when being interacted with which is highly inaccurate and has been with Minecraft for an incredibly long time. Due to new sounds being added over the years including the wool sound, I suggest that cobwebs should sound like wool when interacted with.

    submitted by /u/OldGolld
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    ‘Signs of a past life’

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Could we have these structures that spawn that are like signs of other people being in the same situation as you.. Like an abandoned base with a crafting table and a cheat you know? It's be cool to find a small cobwebbed hut in the middle of a forest right?

    submitted by /u/x_obert
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    Different Materials for arrow tips

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Yes, this suggestion has been made in many ways and many times before, so it will likely be deemed to the FPS list, but I think mine is worth a shot.

    Materials that can be used to make arrow tips:

    Dripstone: More knockback than normal arrows and slightly more damage, but has way more drop than a normal arrow, making them not as effective with long distances (like throwing a players of a bridge, for example).

    Amethyst: Has a little less damage and knockback, but it drops a lot less in the air, making them useful for trickshots and longshots.

    Diamonds: Just plain more damage, crafts 4 arrows per diamond, more expensive and infinity doesn't work with them.

    Prismarine Shards: Less damage, moves better in water, gives the player that got hit 2 seconds of slowness 1 and mining fatigue 1. Crafts 2 arrows per shard. Infinity doesn't work with them.

    submitted by /u/Rafdioactivo2574
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    Add a way to disable lightning rods

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    Mainly for mapmaking purposes, I think it would be really nice if there was a way to disable lightning rods from working. I like the look of lightning rods and want to use them for building, but I don't want them to redirect lightning. I know it isn't realistic at all, but maybe there could be a way to disable a lightning rod by right-clicking on it. At the very least, add a tag to lightning rods that allow them to be disabled with commands.

    submitted by /u/Astow8
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    Wither centipede (wither scolopendra)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    The wither centipede is a hostile mob of the nether. It has a thin dark grey-brownish articulated centipede body around 2.5 blocks long and has a wither skull as a head. Scary !

    It is an undead arthropod.

    It has a melee attack dealing quite some damage, not too much, but also inflicting a wither effect if you are hit. It has a strong armor, due to its arthropod's carapace.

    The major particularity of the wither centipede is that it can pathfinds though netherrack, gravel, soulsand, soulsoil, dirt sand and other soft materials.But not through harder materials like stone or bricks.

    It can spawn only in the netherrack blocks and near ancient debris blocks. This mob has a small mobcap (it is a quite rare mob)

    The wither centipede tends to stay near ancient debris as soon as it is closed to one of them. Otherwise it wanders randomly in the netherrack.

    This mob is immune to fire and lava.

    When you hit the wither centipede, it flees for a few seconds, but then come back to attack the player.

    It can rarely drop a wither skull when a player kills it. It makes a scary noise from time to time allowing to know that a wither centipede is around.

    It makes ancient debris mining more interesting as this mob can sometimes help to locate some debris. It is also a potential alternative source of wither skulls and its ability to pathfind through material is quite unique.

    submitted by /u/Lacryman5
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    Ability to disable cave sounds in cheats menu

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    I have skyscrapers in my city that have dark floors because a building never had every single light on at once, but when I fly past them I hear random noises which ruins the mood of the area.

    submitted by /u/MaxineFinnFoxen
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    Using bonemeal on dirt.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    Have you ever just been sitting there waiting for grass to grow because you don't have silk touch yet? Well, all you'll have to do instead of waiting for your dirt to turn into grass, you just go and kill some skeletons, get some bonemeal, and bonemeal your dirt into grass.

    submitted by /u/Galactic_Terminal
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    Chainmail armor absorbs lightnings instead of receiving damage from them

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:20 AM PDT


    When chainmail armor gets struck by lightning, it should completely negate its' damage and absorb it as a charge, a special type of charge. This charge stacks up to 5 levels AKA 5 lighting strikes. The amount of charges xan be determined by charged creeper-ish glow on the armor, the least bright meaning only 1 charge, to the brighest meaning 5 charges.


    Those lightning charges act as thorns enchantment, but with an AOE effect and its' damage output can be controlled. By pressing + and - on keyboard, you can determine how many charges do you want to be used in a single attack.


    When a mob or projectile hits you, lighting around the chainmail armor charges for 2 seconds and then lets out a lighting around you in a 4x4 shape, damagin any kind of mob in the area. It is also worth mentioning that in case of using charges of level 4 and 5, you will be hit with Slowness III effect during charging phase, in case of 3 you will be hit by Slowness II, 2 and 1 are not affected.


    Damage works as with creeper, the close they are to you, the more damage they get, with charge level 5 being able to one shot everything around in 9x9 area. In my opinion charge levels should have these damage values:

    Charge 5 - 20 damage in 9x9 area, rest of the area receives 10 damage

    Charge 4 - 15 damage in 9x9 area, rest of the area receives 9 damage

    Charge 3 - 10 damage in 9x9 area rest of the area receives 7 damage

    Charge 2 - 7 damage in 9x9 area reat of the area receives 5 damage

    Charge 1 - 5 damage in the entire area

    Note: Blast protection enchantment works best against these charges.


    +Chainmail armor now has a powerful thorns-like self defense ability

    +Makes chainmail armor unique so searching for the entire set does not feel like waste of time

    -Charges can potentially kill mobs you want to keep, example cows, dogs, pigs...

    -Thorns is no more enchantable on chainmail armor


    I'd like to hear what you think, is this something Mojang should try and implement for chainmail armor, or leave it be as is?

    submitted by /u/Nightfall-memer
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    New portal idea

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    You could make a portal that you could create that takes you somewhere random in the over world/ if you make it in the nether it takes you somewhere random in the nether

    submitted by /u/No_Combination4465
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    The item/map in an item frame should be rotated when powered by redstone.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    Items/maps in the item frame should be rotated when the block it's placed on is powered by redstone. It would be excellent for mapmaking and more. It could be used as a rotating cog, or a wheel.

    submitted by /u/afloatingbook
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    Only Smooth Deepslate Can be Polished

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:06 AM PDT

    For some reason it is the cobbled deepslate that can only be polished. This is totally different to normal stone which must be smooth to be polishable.

    Let's make it that only smooth variant of deepslate can be polished just like regular stone!

    submitted by /u/Tiny_Twist_5726
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    Agriculture Update

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    This idea has been in my head for a while, and while it is definitely not a complete idea, I think it's worth sharing.

    The main premise of this idea is an Minecraft Agriculture Update. This update would include more crops, changes to current crops, and maybe even baking and cooking! I love the farming aspect of Minecraft, and I love the aesthetics that can come with it. But I also feel that when someone builds fields, it ends up being less of a farming plantation and more of a flower field. Don't get me wrong, I love how the colors look, but I also think that it could be more practical. If there where different colored plants in Minecraft, those could replace flowers in fields! Tomatoes could be like rose bushes, and squash plants could be like dandelions!

    Another aspect to think about is baking/cooking, I love both of these things, and seeing them in Minecraft would be a dream come true. There could be a special 'counter' block where you could craft tomatoes and salt into ketchup, which you could then but on some freshly cut and fried potatoes. The possibilities are endless!

    I think that if this update as a whole would make farming and building farms much more enjoyable, as well as add a spark of creativity to making and using food. If Mojang where to add this, I'm positive that they would make some changes to keep it in the bounds of Minecraft. Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/Mr__Pengin
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