• Breaking News

    Minecraft Dogs should run to dropped bones and give them to you.

    Minecraft Dogs should run to dropped bones and give them to you.

    Dogs should run to dropped bones and give them to you.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 11:34 AM PST

    Who doesn't want to play fetch?

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    Skeletons should shoot slower or faster depending on the difficulty setting

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 05:30 AM PST

    I just hate getting machine gunned down in normal mode, but I understand some people welcome the challenge so this should give everyone what they want

    submitted by /u/Chub-bop
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    If there is ever going to be an update about overhauling both Nether and End then the devs should call it "A Nether-Ending Update"!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:44 PM PST

    Get it? Ok, I'll go now.

    submitted by /u/KaijuRizard
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    Separate Jungles into Jungle and Deep Jungle

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 11:34 AM PST

    Regular jungles would be less thick and easier to navigate. It wouldn't have as much bushes on the ground.

    The Deep Jungle would be in the center of each jungle, surrounded by the regular jungle.

    Deep Jungle would be way more thick and would have more big trees and less small trees.

    Why?: I think current Jungles are way too messy and hard to navigate. It's not a bad thing, but when the entire is jungle is that, it gets a bit boring. I think Jungles look really cool without all the messy leaves.

    By seperating them into 2 types, we can have both messy jungles, and a bit cleaner jungles.

    (Jungle Edge biome would still remain in the game and would be unaffected by this)

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Slimes shouldn't take fall damage like magma cube

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 09:40 PM PST

    Cuz it doesn't make sense at all if it takes fall damage while its fiery counterpart doesn't...

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Update Current Redstone items we have instead of make new

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 03:43 PM PST

    I mean we already have them, but they could be much much better.

    • Redstone Comparator:
      • Can be placed on top of piston that is facing down or sideways and will power the one under it and the one in front.
      • It now has Divide and Multiply. It can multiply the redstone signal to up to 30, so you don't need a string/hopper or repeaters. Divide can divide the redstone signal by 3 just like the lectern does.
      • If placed on top of a piston, that piston can now push it without it breaking off.
      • Waterloggable
    • Redstone Repeater:
      • Can be placed on top of piston that is facing down or sideways and will power the one under it and the one in front.
      • It has now up to 8 tick possible delay instead of 4
      • If placed on top of a piston, that piston can now push it without it breaking off.
      • waterloggable
    • Redstone Block
      • It can be de-powered by shift-right clicking it til you need it on again.
      • has minecart version, anything it touches will get powered
    • Observer
      • Now has a 4 tick timer switch for proper delay, but it works like it has been. Shift-right click changes delay. 0 = normal, 1 = 1 tick delay, 2 = 2 tick delay. Delay between pulses, not longevity.
      • It can now detect players in cobwebs, falling sand, water, wooden signs and lava.
      • It can now have torches, tripwire hooks, and other redstone items allowed on the powered end and front end as well.
      • It can detect items in trapped chests and output a signal strength dependent on the items
      • has minecart version
    • Buttons:
      • Can be directly placed on pistons without popping off.
      • Will break if directly placed on top of piston
      • waterloggable
    • Levers
      • Can be directly placed on pistons without popping off.
      • Will break if directly placed on top of piston
      • waterloggable
      • has minecart version
    • Pressure Plates:
      • Can be placed on any wall, ceiling and floor
      • Stone Pressure Plate: Can directly power on floor or ceiling two blocks away instead of one. (To make you want to use it versus other redstone items)
      • Stone pressure plates can be activated by the trident
      • Only stone, iron and gold pressure plates can be waterloggable.
        • Wooden ones can't, due to logic of course.
    • Wooden Pressure Plates
      • Can be placed on any wall, ceiling and floor
      • Wooden pressure plates can be placed on top of string and when stepped on, the string and plate will break.
      • Only stone, iron and gold pressure plates can be waterloggable.
        • Wooden ones can't, due to logic of course.
      • has minecart versions for applicable fun uses (drop an item into minecart and it powers next area til item despawns
    • Redstone Dust:
      • waterloggable
    • Redstone Doors:
      • Shift-right click to place door on top of another door
      • When block is broken, door will not break unless it's on a slime, glazed teracotta or obsidian block.
      • Double-open when two doors are connected and lined together.
      • Can be waterloggable via tag, (waterlogged=true) and then you can pickblock the tagged door.
    • Redstone Torch:
      • Can be directly placed on pistons without popping off.
      • Will break if directly placed on top of piston
      • Can be waterloggable via tag, (waterlogged=true) and then you can pickblock the tagged door.
      • has minecart version
    • Note Block
      • has minecart variant
    • Piston
      • Up to you for this, but it's time we improve them
    • Sticky Piston
      • Up to you for this, but it's time we improve them

    submitted by /u/CosmicLightning
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    Snowy Leaves Will generate On Trees AS A NEW BLOCK In The Snow Biome

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 05:08 AM PST

    Obviously Minecraft is a game about building to your imagination and this is why the problem with leave changing in a biome is that it might restrict creativity. For example someone is building their under ground base with a lot of leaves in it(for what ever style their doing) and then they build under a snow biome and they turn white, this is not fun it ruins his creation.

    Thats why I suggest that trees instead spawn with a new block the exact same as leaves, but with a snowy texture. Also they could change back to normal leaves if near to much light unless in there is snow on top of them. This could be really cool if feed into a comparator, because it may add an extra small explosion in the community for redstone.

    It would also be cool if the Devs make it so that normal leaves can be converted to this new block if there is snow on top of it, but let's not get too far ahead just yet...

    Please send your feedback, Thanks

    submitted by /u/BeefAndCheese1
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    Bed generates on Woodland Mansion

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 05:18 AM PST

    Since bed generates in villages, it should generate in mansions too cuz they're richer than villages. Makes sense?

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    The cactus should have their own block place sound

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:28 PM PST

    The cactus should have their own block place sound. Now, it has a wool sound, thats weird.

    submitted by /u/Kezk_
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    Update the sky. (Update name: the sky is the limit)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 11:30 PM PST

    I really think the sky should be updated, besides the phantoms, we have nothing going on with the sky/sun/moon. I think there needs to be more things to come from the sky. From new entities to items, to dungeons to sun and moon phases to mean something.

    submitted by /u/TJGreenough
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    Minecraft RPG?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 01:28 PM PST

    When is mojang going to do a RPG open world fantasy game. They could have NPCs a story side missions. They have enough money to make a beautiful game and a massive world. They could even give it a different name then just "minecraft". It also could not be pixelated it could be on the PS4 and have amazing graphics. People will get bored if they just do minecraft only fixing patches and every five years a big update. Just a idea that I think they should explore.

    submitted by /u/culturezoo
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    An addition volcano suggestions

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 12:30 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of suggestions for volcanos and would like to add a bit:




    Usually volcanic eruptions are mostly ash, so what if an eruption in this biome was programmed like snow in mountain biomes? It would be pretty cool if "volcanic ash" (new item/block) built up (just like snow layers when it snows). Also "volcanic ash" would work as a fertiliser (ash is a great fertiliser IRL) to compliment bone meal.

    I also think that the "weather status?" "volcanic eruption" should reduce the players visibility distance a lot so the world looks darker.

    submitted by /u/A_mining_madman
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    Better Minecart system

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:23 PM PST

    Basically, haven't you ever wanted to be able to link a furnace minecart, well, if you did you know it's probably useless. But what if you were able to, not only link a furnace minecart to up to 16 more minecarts and feed it anything with hoppers, they loaded chunks, so you don't have to follow them. Imagine sending shulkers upon shulkers of materials thousands of blocks away cheaply and easily while you keep grinding-mining, whatever you want, and not having to go to your storage or build another one in the spot.

    submitted by /u/VladimirBarakriss
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    Re-add minecart physics changes from 14w11a.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 08:56 PM PST

    I want going faster, farther, and improved collision and position handling minecarts.

    Also, furnance minecarts should give a much greater boost to other minecarts, and when they powered, they can move on non-powered rails without decelerating, making furnance minecarts useful again.


    submitted by /u/HaydenBorisMutthew
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    broken tools

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 05:33 AM PST

    tools that ran out of durability must turn into sticks ( NOT FOR TRIDENTS TRIDENTS)

    instead of them just vanishing it would be good to get some sticks

    submitted by /u/optimesto
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    Add More Exciting Things to The Village and Pillage Update

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 06:03 PM PST

    Add Pyro-Pillagers. They are like Normal Pillagers but they shoot fireworks That gives out a burst and a light gray twinkle. They also have a left wooden arm and a right wooden leg and they also spawn in the same places as a normal Pillager does. Illager Knights should also be added. Add Illager Knights. Like Vindicators but deals slightly less damage and has a stone sword and a shield in Java Edition and has more armor points than Magma Cubes.


    Make Illagers naturally spawn in roofed forest biomes.

    submitted by /u/CreeperCraftTNT
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    Do we really need tool-exclusive enchantments that do basically the same thing as other enchantments?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:22 PM PST

    I think making tool-exclusive enchantments that do something similar or the exact same thing as other enchantments make the game more confusing for new players (but no one here is a new player so why should you care?) and bloats the game with unnecessary junk. These 3 groups of enchantments (and there may be others) basically do the same thing, except under a different name.

    • Luck of the sea, looting, and fortune all increase the amount of drops or raise the probability of one drop over another. They should just be called fortune.

    • Flame and fire aspect both just set whatever it hits on fire. Both should just be flame.

    • Punch and knockback both knock things back. They should just be knockback.

    submitted by /u/luis_2252
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