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    Minecraft Offhand slot shortcut

    Minecraft Offhand slot shortcut

    Offhand slot shortcut

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 04:41 AM PST

    Pressing the 'Swap Item in Hands' key while hovering over an item in the inventory should put that item in the offhand slot, just the way it works with the hotbar slots.

    submitted by /u/self_defeating
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    Ambient music shouldn’t cut out when changing gamemodes/entering water

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 08:18 AM PST

    I understand that different gamemodes have different music tracks associated with them, but it's very distracting when it cuts out by doing one of the above. Instead it should just continue to play.

    What happens now is kind of irritating (especially if you like the song).

    submitted by /u/sam007mac
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    A small tweak fo scaffolding controls to allow sneaking

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 03:37 PM PST

    Simply change controls so that pressing the sneaking key would make the player sneak, and sneak jumping would make it descend through scaffolding. I don't think many people would complain about not being able to sneak jump on scaffolding.

    This would fix an issue only keyboard controls have, since touch and controller controls on Bedrock already easily allow you to decide whether to sneak or to descend:

    • on touch, you get arrows on the right side to climb or descend, while the sneak button on the left keeps its sneak function.

    • with controllers, you can hold the sneak button to descend through scaffolding. To sneak, you press the sneak button once - as usual, and you don't need to hold it as sneaking is a toggle with controllers.

    submitted by /u/Bodakugga
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    Standing in smoke causes the players skin to get covered in soot.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 06:03 AM PST

    Just a little aesthetic thing

    submitted by /u/RossTMK
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    Special Decoration Blocks Generate Naturally

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 05:40 AM PST

    The main inspiration for this suggestion was the Quark mod's Nether Smoker. The idea of a rare naturally generating block that could be used to produce particle effects, I felt, was an idea that could be expanded on tremendously. Not just for chimneys- there are all sorts of uses for placeable, manipulable particle effects. I tried to capture a few in this suggestion.

    Damp Stone

    This block generates in caves, replacing stone blocks that are 6 or more blocks directly above water. It looks like a darkish stone block with bits of moss and cracks on it, and constantly creates dripping water particles from its bottom side, somewhat like blocks with water above them. However, Damp Stone does this regardless of whether or not there is any water above it, so it is suited well for showers or fake "indoor rain".

    Trench Vent

    This block generates rarely at the bottom of underwater ravines, and constantly emits grey potion particles. It can be right-clicked with a dye to set the color of the particles, allowing for beautiful underwater decorations in every color of the rainbow. Trench Vents will not replenish air in any way, unlike Magma Blocks and Soul Sand.

    Smoldering Netherrack

    This block generates uncommonly in clusters of Magma Blocks in the Nether. It has an animated texture reminiscent of Netherrack with fiery, pulsing veins, and emits smoke, fire and ember particles from its top side. Despite this, Smoldering Netherrack is not actually on fire and does not spread fire, making it perfect for fireplaces and aesthetic fire lamps. It does damage players, however.

    Golden Nether Brick

    This rare block generates exclusively underneath Blaze spawners in Nether Fortresses. It has an animated white shine reminiscent of the enchantment glint, as well as emitting occasional white sparkle particles. Once obtained, it can be crafted with Nether Brick Blocks to mold more Golden Nether Brick (in order to make it a viable building material).

    Voided End Stone

    This block generates somewhat uncommonly in patches on the surface of the far End Islands. It looks like a darker, cracked End Stone, and generates void particles from all exposed sides. Voided End Stone would presumably be good for spooky decorations, as well as a contrast to other End blocks in building. It could be crafted with Bedrock and End Stone, although this obviously wouldn't be possible in Survival.

    Endergized Obsidian

    This block can be found in + shapes directly around the Ender Crystals at the top of the tallest obsidian towers. It has a more violet version of obsidian's texture, and constantly emits purple Enderman particles from its top side. Endergized Obsidian can be crafted with obsidian and Dragon's Breath.

    Of note is that I still need to come up with a way for players to "turn off" the particle effects for each block so they can be used as normal building materials if needed- maybe by powering them with a Redstone signal? I'd love to hear your ideas.

    submitted by /u/swordlover87
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    More Mobs should have homes like the Pillager outpost.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 03:58 PM PST

    If the update is about pillaging our villages, we should get some things to pillage ourselves! Zombies would have a haunted cemetery in the colder darker biomes, skeletons would have bone yards in dry hot places, and spiders can have dens underground.

    These could also have raid healthbars, working in reverse so the player is the one raiding. After defeating enough monsters the area would be conquered. Maybe after being untouched for awhile they could repopulate with a stronger horde of monsters. These could reward some of those late game items like totems or elemental arrows to provide a rewarding challenge early and late into your world.

    submitted by /u/manfartwish
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    some blocks sink in water

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 09:02 AM PST

    like stone,obsidian,bedrock ( item entities )

    just for some variation

    submitted by /u/lalpop
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    Endermites drop... something

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 02:11 AM PST

    Not sure what to call this item but it'd work like Gold Nuggets; if you place 9 of this item into a crafting table, you'd get 1 Ender Pearl. For now, lets call it an Ender Pearl Piece. Endermites need at least something to do

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Disease-Disinfectant mechanics

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 03:20 PM PST

    Ok so my idea has 2 parts. The disease and the cure (both terms are used very loosely).

    Part 1: Disease

    • Diseased debuff: It's taken from the poisoned debuff. Instead of dealing non-lethal damage over time however, it would just stop health regen and slows movement speed until it's cured. It's not that big of a difference, but I'm differentiating feeling unwell from natural sickness and from the more weaponized poison
    • Contracting the disease: Generally, the disease is contracted through taking damage from all zombie variants, spiders, or other players who are already diseased. Maybe also from wild animals like wolves or polar bears. The player also has a chance of getting diseased when eating uncooked or spoiled food (eg poisonous potato, rotten meat, spider eye). I think airborne/waterborne diseases shouldn't exist. It could be fun for some people but I'm pretty sure that if it's added to vanilla minecraft it would get very annoying very quickly.
    • (New block) Compost: The compost is a dirt variant. You can't directly place crops on it, you still have to use the hoe first. The difference between the compost block and a normal dirt block is that when you use a hoe on it it directly becomes fertile soil and if you wait a bit it'll become something like a "super soil" where you get more crops when you harvest it. Small detail but it could really pump your farm output. The tradeoff here is that if you stand on compost for an extended period of time, you have a chance of getting diseased. This also applies to other mobs.

    Part 2: Cure

    • (New block) I'm not sure if it has a name, but something like a wine barrel: The recipe would be the furnace recipe + a chest in the middle slot. It's not a building block, instead you use it like a brewing stand to make disinfectant. Put a water bottle on one slot and mushrooms on the other. After 10s you get a bottle of disinfectant. Would be great if there are multiple types of disinfectants/alcohol/medicine that can be crafted through this block but nothing else comes to mind atm. Now you might be thinking that it's basically a reskinned brewing stand. Well it is, somewhat. This new block can only make disinfectants but the most important reason for adding this instead of using the brewing stand is because it is a lot easier to craft. This means the disease-cure mechanic can start taking effect from the early game. If you could only make disinfectants through normal brewing you'd have to successfully go to the nether and come back with end rods. Meaning you need to have a portal and diamonds. If you contract a disease before you get to that point the debuff would make it horrible to get the cure.
    • Disinfectant: Used like a normal potion, removes any contracted diseases. If you make a splash potion with it you could easily cure your animals. Otherwise it would also be cool if you could fill a cauldron with disinfectant and diseased animals would prefer drinking from the cauldron instead of any other water source while they are diseased


    submitted by /u/Mnemossin
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    Steam particles

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 12:53 AM PST

    In my opinion, water in hot/warm biomes(excluding the nether), will have steam particles floating above them, I don't think the water blocks should actually evaporate. Water in hot biomes should have more steam, than water in warm biomes

    list of hot biomes:




    Warm biomes:




    mushroom biomes

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Stone's texture need to change

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 02:25 PM PST

    The newest stone's texture is ugly and some pixels are connecting in a weird way. I think Jappa should do more detailed version of this texture like this one. If you ask me, it was perfect stone texture.

    submitted by /u/GoldenShadowSpringy
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    Changing map center

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 03:52 AM PST

    Now that there's a specialized cartography table, I think it's reasonable to ask for a way to change map centers, so we don't have to have important bases/villages/farms hugging the edges of maps anymore just because they don't happen to line up with the fixed map grid.

    Places that are roughly centered in 1:1 maps can be near the edge on a 1:16 map, and vice versa, and sometimes places are hugging the edge at every scale factor. Surveying your surroundings when your base camp is in the corner of a 1:16 map sucks because you have to bring four different maps.

    This is one of my pet peeves ever since 1.4.2.

    I suggest adding four small buttons to the cartography table UI, one on each edge, to shift the map by 16 pixels on every click.

    submitted by /u/self_defeating
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    Beast can destroy blocks

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 01:38 AM PST

    Right now, beast is not really hard to fight in raid if you have fences all over the village so why not give them an ability to destroy blocks depending on block type:

    •Wooden blocks:3 blows

    •Glass:1 blow

    •Stone blocks:5 blows

    •Obsidian:50 blows and chance to stun the beast

    •Shovelable blocks/dirt, podzol etc.:2 blows

    •Mineral/Metal Blocks:9 blows

    •Wooden Fences:2 blows

    •Stone walls:4 blows

    •Iron Bar: 3 blows

    •Mushroom Blocks:2 blows

    •Bamboo: 2 hits

    •Sandstone/Netherrack:3 blows

    Beast can't destroy other non-full block such as redstone wire, repeater etc. and the beast will only destroy these blocks if there's no other way (it'll work similar to zombies destroying a door)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Mobs with different weapons should act differently.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 09:42 PM PST

    Skeletons have wildly different AI than zombies, but their only functional difference is slightly less armor and a bow. Zombies themselves should act the same way. If a zombie has really good armor, but maybe not the best weapons, he should stick to the front of a horde, while the glass cannon types can come out and strike while the player is distracted.

    Maybe also let zombies have axes and shields, with the axe-wielders attempting to get up close and personal to disable a player's shield. The shield-holders can stay at the head of a horde to block off any arrows a player might use to pick them off.

    These ideas will change up how players deal with monsters, as they're currently much more of an individual threat than a collective one.

    submitted by /u/Internet_Person_42
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    Greener grass

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 02:53 AM PST

    I think grass should be a bit greener, it would make it more dynamic and just better. It helped with water so why not?

    Regular Grass

    Greener Grass

    submitted by /u/GoldenShadowSpringy
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    Pigmen villages in the Nether and more...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 09:09 PM PST

    Okay here me out, I know I'm not the only one suggesting new nether stuff... I would love to see:

    1: Nether Star Ore This can only be mined with an Iron pick and will drop star dust. With star dust you can craft larger and brighter fireworks, mixes with gunpowder to make Explosive Arrows that do not destroy tiles, only spawn individually like emeralds, you can brew potions with wither effect, and when 9 are combined in Crying Obsidian (#6) you get one Aura. Aura's have a whitish yellowish orb icon and are invisible when placed down. Each aura when placed emits a light 10x10 around the block its placed on and you can pick it back up from being placed by right clicking the block you placed it on with a glass bottle, where you then get Bottle o' light. If this is put into a cauldron you could dye it different colors.

    2: Stalagmites/Stalactites These would be very pleasing to see hanging from the ceiling and the floor and occasionally connecting together. Could be made of netherrack or a whole new block (suggestions?)

    3: Magma Spikes Look just like ice spikes but are found coming out of the lava ocean for aesthetic looks and could be changed so that its the only way magma blocks will spawn making obtaining them a lot harder.

    4: Pigmen Village/Pigmen Made out of quarts pillars, can have a greek like architecture (suggestions?) and are filled with normal pigmen instead of zombie pigmen. Zombie pigmen naturally will attack normal pigmen but normal pigmen will wield Nether Staffs (next) and easily over power zombie pigmen. Unlike villagers, Zombie pigmen will become hostile if provoked. Like Zombie pigmen though, the entire village will come together to attack whatever provoked one pigmen, so dont attack them or youll die basically.

    5: Nether Staff Are made of 4 blaze rods and a nether star and can only be crafted when using Crying Obsidian (next). Two blaze rods in the the middle of the 2nd and 3rd rows and a nether star on top middle with 2 more blaze rods next to it. This is an extremely powerful weapon, dealing 9 hearts of damage and can ONLY be crafted. So it cannot be dropped or traded by the pigmen or found in chests. It shoots a projectile that acts like a ghast fireball but does not destroy tiles and the projectile is a nether star instead of a fireball.

    6: Crying Obsidian Now that different crafting tables are being implemented, we could somehow bring back crying obsidian and make it a crafting interface. It would be crafted within a crafting table by surrounding one block of obsidian with ghast tears. With this interface you can craft, Nether Staff, Auras, Quarts Blocks, Netherbrick, Explosive Arrows, (suggestions?)

    7: Nether Circles These dont really do anything but I think it would be pretty cool to rarely come across floating nether rack that is in a circular formation. Maybe if you stand inside the circle everything gets dark and you get void fog affects but that all.

    8: FISHING CAN WE PLEASE JUST HAVE FISHING IN THE NETHER. When fishing in the Nether you would need a Soul Rod. Craft a Soul Rod with 3 Netherbrick Sticks (made like normal sticks with nether brick instead of planks) and string like a normal Fishing Rod. With a Soul Rod you either get an enchanted book, or a Soul. 4 Souls can be combined in Crying Obsidian to make Soul Sand, but can also be crafted into Soul Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots which are a little bit above Iron armor but less than Diamond. When wearing Soul Armor you are not affected by wither effects. This is EXTREMELY useful when fighting against Wither Skeletons and The Wither itself.

    (Feedback and Criticism is welcomed!)

    submitted by /u/Yak_Luc
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    Scraps aren't waste

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 07:57 AM PST

    So when you make a stair block, it's basically 3/4 of a full block. I imagine that your character made it and threw the scraps out, but that 1/4 of a block left shouldn't just disappear. I can think of a million uses for 1/4 of a block. I know it's super unlikely that it would become a thing, but I still think it should.

    submitted by /u/thatwyvern
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    Right-clicking a pet will let you choose a command you want them to do

    Posted: 14 Jan 2019 01:53 AM PST

    You can command your pets such as cats, dogs and parrots by right-clicking them showing you a GUI of these available commands for them: Sit and follow/unfollow, these are extra feature for dogs: attack/don't attack (name of player and type of mob) and these are extra features for parrots: imitate/don't imitate (mob type)

    There's a shortcut key for the commands (if you right-clicked the pet): sit=Z key, follow/unfollow=X key, attack/don't attack=C key, imitate/don't imitate=C key

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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