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    Minecraft Re-adding and changing the Nether Reactor Core

    Minecraft Re-adding and changing the Nether Reactor Core

    Re-adding and changing the Nether Reactor Core

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 05:23 AM PST

    If you have played the old version of Minecraft Bedrock, then you should know the Nether Reactor Core, this block, in the old versions, will kind of "bring" the Nether to the overworld. But this post my version of the nether reactor core is completely different from what the nether reactor core used to be, so hear me out.

    My version of the nether reactor core is kind of like a Conduit but in the Nether. To activate it, you will need to build a 3x3 platform place the nether reactor core on the middle of the platform, and then surround all 5 sides of the nether reactor core with gold blocks.

    When activated, the gold blocks will turn in to glowing obsidian(or maybe an entirely new block) and it will spew out fire particles(that do not hurt you), what this will do it give all nearby players (and villagers)an effect called "Nether Sprite" (name pending), this effect will:

    1. make you immune to lava/fire attacks
    2. lava will now become 50% more transparent to you
    3. You can swim faster in lava

    Note: I don't know how this will be crafted, maybe with a nether star with 3 diamonds under it, 2 soul sand next to it and glass on top?

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Cobbled Campfires.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 10:26 AM PST

    Cobbled Campfires would be campfires that have cobblestone rocks surrounding it, And would be crafted by surrounding a normal campfire with cobblestone (in a crafting table). What would Cobbled Campfires do? They slowly decrease your insomnia when you're near them, And would be able to smelt more items (Wood into charcoal, etc.)

    It'd work well for multiplayer servers if phantoms do spawn, as this would be the easiest way to decrease your insomnia.

    submitted by /u/Meemurr____
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    Have lava "waterlog" the various stone stairs?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 01:01 PM PST

    Idea comes from this post... It'd be striking to have lava running through those channels instead, and being able to walk over it...

    (Wood stairs would burn instead, of course...)

    submitted by /u/o0shad0o
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    Cats will lay down and sleep near campfires.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 02:17 PM PST

    Basically what the title says. If a cat sees a campfire near it, it will lay next to it and sleep. A cute little addition just like cats laying on beds.

    submitted by /u/Rile_Zugo
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    New Elytra enchantment

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 09:53 AM PST

    The Elytra doesn't have many enchantments that can be put on it, and it doesn't have it's own unique enchantments either, so I suggest a new enchantment called "Bladewing". Basically, when you fly past an entity, it takes damage. The higher the enchantment level, the more damage you deal

    Bladewing I: 1/2 heart Bladewing II: 1 heart Bladewing III: 2 hearts Bladewing IV: 3 hearts Bladewing V: 5 hearts

    submitted by /u/ISwearImNotABrony
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    When a chest is blocked it should have an animation and play a sound

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 06:23 AM PST

    When a chest is blocked by something, like a block above it, it should play a failed opening animation and play a sound, like "clunk".

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Rare Villager called "Traveler" that spawns in any Overworld biome

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 12:54 PM PST

    This Villager would be hard to find but have incredibly rare loot (End Rods, Steve Heads, Wither Skeleton Skulls, even enchanted Diamond Swords, etc)

    Would probably have a beard and mini-backpack

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Polar bear traits should be more unpredictable to make survival in snowy biomes more interesting.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 03:42 AM PST

    Polar bears are quite predictable and not very menacing in their appearance to come across. but what if you had bigger more unpredictable polar bears?

    Bigger bear: According to the wiki the adult panda is 1.89 blocks in length (they seem a block longer ingame) the right size for a panda. Next to the polar bear they seem rather large making one of the worlds most impressive predators not much bigger than the gentle (but still cool) giant of China. I think the polar bear could probably do with an addition of 1 block to its length, half a block in height and half a block in width. They could even have various behaviours like the Panda too.

    Here are some ideas for their behaviour:

    Curious bear: These ones could have a larger detection range than regular polar bears. They could also perhaps have a unique action which is where if they come across a structure they bang on the doors and glass and maybe even activate buttons this could make nighttime's in the frozen biomes more tense in your little log cabins or secret bases. They would then follow you unless you hit them or have a puffed fish in your inventory.

    Hungry bear These would have a higher detection range for players holding fish or when the bear is around water. To a player with a fish or fish in a bucket in their inventory or hotbar they would be hostile, once they have detected the player they would then steal your fish/fish in a bucket, dealing half a heart of damage to the player at the same time. Once they've got your fish they will then proceed to run or swim away. You can counter these attacks by having a puffer fish in your hotbar, this would then ward the polar bear off.

    Urban bear Some Polar bears could be attracted to villages, bears like these could scare villagers that live in snowy biomes into their homes. To counter this you could build a snow golem in the village to frighten them off with snowballs. This would provide a good use for snow golems.

    The verdict: I think this behaviour coupled with a slightly larger model would make polar bears more interesting and unpredictable.

    It's on the feedback site too: Polar bear behaviour!

    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth2
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    A /testforchat command to test for words and phrases on the chat

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 12:37 PM PST

    /testforchat ["word or phrase"] [target (player, @p, @e, @r...)] Simple and extremely efficient, perfect for adventure maps or any public server

    submitted by /u/leofreitasa
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    Rail Transportation Overhaul: A joint effort to upgrade Minecarts and Rails

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 08:44 PM PST

    Part 1: A call to join forces (to concentrate all our suggestions on a single point)

    To all fellow Minecraft players who use minecarts:

    It is known that we want upgrades to the rail system. Currently, we have a broken locomotive (the Furnace Minecart) with a a risk of being removed from the game (I made that thread), forcing us to use Powered Rails or mods only. The FM was broken since 1.8 several years ago, with a proposed fix.

    As other people here wrote, rail transportation currently offers little advantages over other transportation methods that makes difficult justifying its existence:

    • It's expensive to setup:
      • In the basic materials to build the track: gold + wood + iron + redstone
      • In the time used to do some terraforming: platforms, tunnels, leveling and optionally, lighting and fencing
    • There are faster transportation methods
    • There is very little freedom of movement (why would I use it if I have elytras/horses/pigs etc to move anywhere)
    • Lack of fine control (you have boosts or stops, no means of having a constant, controlled speed without getting into intrincate setups)
    • Fragile (minecarts, made of IRON, gets destroyed at the single arrow of a skeleton)

    Sure there are other deficiencies about this transportation method, making it not so attractive to the typical player. But that is why I'm writing this. In our hands we have the chance of changing that and convince Mojang there is interest in trains. People of all ages, and specially kids, like them! And a quick searching in this subreddit shows me that I'm not the only one who is interested in minecarts (some thread titles modified):

    21 posts in a quick search. There's plenty of minecart-related suggestions, but they get lost in the dozens of suggestions posted everyday. If we make our suggestions by our own, our chances are very, very small.

    So, I think it is time we all join our efforts and make a coordinated push to bring Mojang's attention to minecart stuff. While I'm clear that we're not wishing the exact same changes, chances would be increased if we concentrate our efforts in one single objective: Minecarts and rail systems in general need an upgrade.

    Since this reddit can't be used by Mojang to pick suggestions, as the notice in the sidebar says, the correct place to do it is in the Minecraft Feedback site. And there I've found a post (not written by me) that could summarize more or less our demands. It has more than a hundred votes and is marked "under review", so we all have to do is pushing a little more and/or make our suggestions there in the comments.

    So, here is the post . Please help us to make some noise and grab Mojang's attention on this topic for good.

    TL;DR: Let's coordinate efforts to push Minecart/Rails upgrades using this suggestion at the Minecraft Feedback website.

    Part 2: My personal suggestions about Minecarts/Rails

    Once the call has been made, I'll procede to make my own suggestions. Obviously, some ideas have been posted already, which reinforces the idea that there's demand for some common changes, and that together we can have better chances by the numbers.

    I've pointed out the perceived deficiencies/disadvantages that rail transportation has currently. But also, this mode of transport could show some advantages that can render minecarts as an attractive option again:

    • The fastest transportation mode: As a compensation for the lack of liberty and the costs to set up a railway, to me it is a fair trade. At least for individual carts (see below).
    • Automatable: There are blocks in the game that allow some degree of control of the minecarts even unattended, allowing for some automated transportation.
    • Safest: Horses can be killed, boats can be broken, etc. Minecarts are made of metal. By removing the fact that they can be destroyed by a single arrow, they can offer guarantee than the items they transport will be safer than in other methods (doesn't apply to entities though)
    • Capacity: Some transportation methods allow extra inventories, others do not. But nothing can beat a set of chest carts running together (coupled? even better).
    • Share the fun: AFAIK, only the boat allows a passenger to ride with you. A proper coupling system would allow a bigger number of players to share the ride with you.
    • Encourages creativity: In other transportation methods, you pick it and ride. The minecart method makes you think about creative designs, plan your routes, place switches, and connect points of interest constantly in a growing net. Even more, if you server has a decent number of players, it could require some sort of signalling!
    • Almost impossible to get lost: rails will guide your way home.
    • Made for long distances: Riding in a minecart allow you to made other things while riding - writing/reading a book, chatting, or even crafting. You're being more efficient than even flying!

    As you see, minecarts have a lot of potential. But before they can reach it, some changes must be made. So, here is my suggestions to Minecarts and Rails in general:

    Minecart Upgrades:

    • Give the possibility of upgrade standard passenger Minecarts with brakes, and optionally, a way to switch tracks at will without having to descend or stop the cart. Brakes would work on a lone minecart only - minecarts that form part of a train have their brake config overridden by the head (or active) Furnace Minecart. Minecarts with their brakes active should not move, even if they are on an incline (not sure what should happen if they collide with other carts though)
    • Give the possibility of upgrade standard passenger Minecarts with a sort of speed indicator (in a way that fits the game obviously) so the player could know when the minecart is about to derail. It would help to better railway design or just when to brake. Maybe as a vibration mechanic: if a cart vibrates too much on its own, there is almost surely it will derail on a curve (or even on a straight line if it is going too fast).
    • (Subject to factibility) Give the possibility to upgrade Minecarts to have torches so they have their own light when travelling at night, and allows them to be seen by other players. Light could be rendered client side only (mob spawning at night will not be affected).
    • Use the weight to calculate acceleration and momentum - minecarts with players or cargo should behave differently than empty carts.
    • Enable collisions. If a minecart hits a mob when running at max speed, the mob is damaged or even killed (the amount of damage is higher when the cart has cargo or passengers). If the minecart comes to a sudden stop hitting a block (in the end of the line, by example) and hits the block at full speed, the cart reverts to its item form and damages the entity riding it, or drops the items they were carrying. An unpowered track just before the block could be considered as a braking track, therefore avoiding the destruction of the cart. Even more: some blocks, when hit by the cart, destroy themselves (like dirt, sand and logs) and the cart just derails, but the harder ones destroy the cart (like stone, metal blocks, obsidian, etc.). In order to not destroy Redstone contraptions, it could be possible than empty carts remain unaffected.
    • Add the Blast Furnace/Smoker cart to allow the player to cook/smelt items while riding on trains.
    • Add the Crafting cart to allow the player to craft items while riding on trains.
    • Add the Bed cart to allow the player to sleep while riding on trains (spawn point remains unchanged)

    Furnace Minecart Upgrades:

    • Give the Furnace Minecart a GUI that allows placing fuel, set the speed/brakes, lights (if possible), a whistle/bell and a checkbox if they are active or not (active: pushing/pulling, inactive: towed). Possible speeds could be: 1 (full speed), 1/2 (half speed), 1/4 (for maneuvers) and -1/4 (reverse).
    • More than one FM can be active to provide extra power, specially with long, heavy trains (more cargo means trains accelerate AND BRAKE slower). In that case, all the brake/speed settings of one FM are the same for all the other active FMs (allows the player to drive the whole train from a single FM GUI).
    • When the Furnace Minecart is active and forming a train, its configuration overrides all brake settings of the individual carts. If more than a FM is active, the configuration is the same for all active FMs. The player has to make sure to mark the FM next to his/her cart as active in order to control the cart while travelling.
    • Different fuels provide different duration - lava being the most durable, saplings/canes the least. FMs can be upgraded to accept fuels like Lava and Blaze Rods or capable of handling them from the beginning.

    Furnace Minecart can coexist perfectly with Powered Rails given the following:

    • You can make Minecart Trains given that there is at least one Furnace Minecart in the composition.
    • Individual minecarts over Powered Rails move faster than Furnace Minecarts and consequently, a Train. The only interaction Powered Rails and Furnace Minecart/Trains could have is helping to keep the speed when going uphill, but not accelerating the train beyond the Furnace Minecart limit.
    • Also, Minecarts over Powered Rails should move faster than any other transportation method (this is something we have to debate about, because of Redstone contraptions) - they are expensive, takes a lot of time and materials to setup, they have fixed route and requires a good reason to set up a (semi) permanent structure, so this justifies that investment - but limited to individual carts with no chunkloading. Designed for player transportation,short distance high-speed cargo (within loaded chunk limits) and contraptions.
    • Minecart Trains (with Furnace Minecart) can move as fast as (or a bit faster than) a running horse, significantly slower than the former case, but work well over regular rails (no gold required, it would allow cheaper railways), moving high volumes of cargo (or entities) and have chunkloading. Designed for long range, high volume cargo/passengers and mobile chunkloaders (trying to balance Powered Rails vs Furnace here)
    • Finally, having more than one option to provide motion power to players who use minecarts should equal to more fun, being you able to choose whatever you need or suits your style, but not making one option obsolete over the other, or even obsolete compared with other transportation systems.

    Sorry for the text wall, but this is my effort to change for good, and for once and for all, the situation of the Furnace Minecart and Minecarts in Vanilla Minecraft in general. Thank you in advance.

    EDIT: Fixed the link to the Minecraft Feedback thread - I've linked my own comment there instead of the original post.

    submitted by /u/alphaxseven
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    Placing Redstone while holding shift will cause it not to connect to any adjacent redstone

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 07:47 AM PST

    This can also be used with things such as rails, glass panes/iron bars, ect.

    make sure to vote for this suggestion on the feedback website!

    submitted by /u/JesusPhoeinx
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    More Campfire features

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 03:13 AM PST

    New Features: •Campfire can be unlit by right-clicking it using water bottle.

    •Campfire is extinguishable using splash water.

    •Campfire can put you on fire.

    •Bug Fix: sneaking on top of campfire no longer protects you from its fire.

    •Bug Fix: placing a newly crafted campfire is no longer lit

    •2D sprite for campfire in item form

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Campfire colors

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 04:31 PM PST

    Potions should change the color of a campfire, like some chemicals do IRL. The color change would also apply to the smoke, and a mundane potion would clear the effect.

    submitted by /u/James_Holden3000
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    placing sugarcane on farmland makes it grow faster

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 04:17 PM PST

    people always want them to grow faster on dirt or sand but why not farmland?

    submitted by /u/ToiletFather
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    Curse Of Instant Damage

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 04:12 PM PST

    It makes monsters gain health but is more effective on animals, players, etc. Basically it would be a curse that works like the instant damage potion.

    submitted by /u/ToiletFather
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    [suggestion] burning leaves in camp fire creates more smoke

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 04:11 PM PST

    Sleepwalkers - Tanky zombies that only spawn when the player hasn't slept in a while.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 03:07 PM PST


    Sleepwalkers spawn when you go 5 days without sleeping and can be woken up by a bell, where they then become passive. They drop exclusive substances that can be made into useful tools, cake-on-the-go, or a stealth gadget straight out of a James Bond movie.


    • A sleepwalker is the same size as a zombie.
    • They wear torn pajamas with stripes and slippers.
    • Sleepwalkers always have their eyes closed and are surrounded by black particles until they are "woken up" (see Behavior).
    • Model.


    • Sleepwalkers spawn as often as creepers when the player has gone 5 or more days without sleep. They can't spawn within 40 blocks of a bed.


    • 0-2 "Nightmare Powder" (Only when in sleeping state).
    • 0-1 "Moon Essence".


    • Sleepwalkers wander aimlessly, but do not jump unless pursuing a player.
    • Like husks, they don't burn under sunlight.
    • They pursue any player that gets within 25 blocks of them, acting in mostly every way like a zombie would.
    • All sleepwalkers within 100 blocks of a bell will "wake up" when it is rung.
    • When a sleepwalker is woken up, the black particles around them disperse, they open their eyes, and they put their arms down.
    • Woken sleepwalkers will normally try to avoid the player by going up high terrain, then fading slowly once above y=128. If they can't "run for the hills", they simply run when approached and despawn when far enough.
    • All sleepwalkers begin to fade immediately when night is skipped.
    • Sleepwalkers attack witches and evokers (implying that they were cursed and aren't very happy about it).


    • Same attack damage and speed as a zombie.
    • 30 Health.
    • Half as likely to spawn with a weapon.

    Extra Items

    • Moon cake. | Recipe. (Crafts 8) | Eating restores 3 hunger and 0.3 saturation during the day and twice as much for both stats during the night.
    • Smoke bomb. | Recipe. | Can be thrown like a snowball. When it hits something, it explodes and gives 5 seconds of blindness to everyone within 5 blocks (besides the thrower).
    • Nightmare Lens. | Recipe. | Holding one in the offhand makes it permanently appear to be night, as well as darkening the edges of your screen when danger is nearby. Everything is in greyscale except for the color red, and all light levels appear to be 0.
    • Lunar gauge. | Recipe. | Tells you the moon phase.

    Reasons for Sleepwalkers

    • I feel like the bell could use a cool property that also ties into a 1.13 feature.
    • The consequences of insomnia seem a little lackluster to me right now. Unlocking certain features by avoiding sleep was a really creative idea on Mojang's part, but it can definitely be expanded on beyond repairing elytra and slow falling (maybe even beyond what i've suggested. :) ).
    • The smoke bomb seems to me like something combat needs. It's one of those small gadgets that can turn the tide of a fight when used wisely or let its user escape near-certain death if they're outnumbered/outgeared.
    • There currently aren't a lot of tank-type mobs in the game, and having one that isn't too frustrating to fight would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Internet_Person_42
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    villagers shoud be able to till ground

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 07:10 PM PST

    if villagers farm it does not make sense that when the world is created and you smash a farm and then you have to till it back. I think villagers should pull out a iron hoe and till it back then place the seeds.

    submitted by /u/ToiletFather
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    Negate Creeper Griefing Without Cheats

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 02:45 PM PST

    I'm really, really sick of Creepers blowing up my terrain; part of it is that I'm such a perfectionist. I don't want to turn on cheats just to disable mob Griefing, though. Is there any chance you can make it a "create world" option? I don't think an option that removes them would work (y'know, gunpowder, a couple achievements), so this seems like a reasonable compromise to me. It should probably go in the "More World Options" screen if you make this an option.

    Anyone else think this is a good idea?

    submitted by /u/Machaeus
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    Pressure plate placeable on carpets

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 10:51 PM PST

    Placing pressure on carpet makes the carpet 1 pixel taller, it'll still work as normal pressure plate but hidden by the carpet (its like a map item frame where you can still place pressure plate on the item frame)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Use digital round worm brain for AI

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 02:04 PM PST

    recently I found some video detailing on how scientists uploaded all the neurons of a round worm brain onto the internet for scientific purposes, and it functions just like the actual worm. but if mojang could incorperate that brain into the AI of the mob AIs it might give a maybe more realistic feeling to the animals, assuming they do not just go crazy acting like round worms.

    submitted by /u/ToiletFather
    [link] [comments]

    AI revamp update

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 01:23 AM PST

    Mobs needs better AI and Pathfinding, like skeletons will try to jump between blocks that has 1 block gap or enderman will try to step back from an unreachable player until the player is out of reach from him... (Maybe 1.18-20 or might require a new 3d game-compatible engine for performance)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 12:46 PM PST

    I have an awesome zombie farm that cranks out rotten flesh and tools like nobody's business. As of now, I have almost 1000 stacks of rotten flesh. 1000. STACKS. I was thinking about making a villager breeder to get a cleric and turn zombies into money, but when I came over to it, every single villager was dead and the villager breeder couldn't have been constructed. And yes, I play on Xbox 360, so I am not going to be able to just go and find another one a few thousand blocks away. First off, I know I won't get this update that I am requesting. But just for the sake of other players in similar situations, MAY WE PLEASE, JUST HAVE A USE FOR ROTTEN FLESH?!

    submitted by /u/IMAGIBUILDER
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