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    Minecraft Re: Composter

    Minecraft Re: Composter

    Re: Composter

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 11:19 AM PST

    I absolutely love the idea of a composter. I think it would make more sense if they added fertilizer to the game instead of using bonemeal. It makes absolutely no sense that grains, fruits, and veggies turn into bone shards. Compost itself is a fertilizer. It just makes sense if it's called the composter. I really hope that they consider this. Those things turning to bone take out the immersion.

    submitted by /u/Oathd83
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    The easel: a way to make custom paintings

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:22 PM PST

    With the snapshots coming out for 1.14 it's been pretty clear that there is a large focus on new crafting stations.

    So I had the idea for another one: the easel! It would be a two block tall block with a unique model. On the side you'll be a small palette. You can make custom paintings using it, ms paint style. When you right click it a cool colourful UI comes up. It would look like a palette with 16 slots for each dye on the side. You would then be able to add paper into a 5x5 grid. This means that you can create paintings in any quadrilateral shape smaller than 5x5 blocks.

    Each paper would give another 16x16 canvas for you to paint using the 16 colours. Each dye would only be used up if that colour was shoes in the painting, so if I only use red and green, only one of each of those dyes would be used up.

    Each painting will not be able to be copied, to make sure that paintings aren't forged on servers. However you can create replicas of paintings, in a bit of a more realistic way. Essentially you put the painting into the easel in the paper slot and add the dyes. You can then make the replica. However, there is a 10% chance that the copy will fail and a distorted version will come out. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Ceyphe
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    Attaching a bell to a note block should change the pitch of the bell with the note block.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 03:13 PM PST

    In case my wording is confusing, I meant that the pitch of the bell would be tuned to the same pitch as the note block its connected to.

    submitted by /u/WildCardTheJester
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    Grates - Solid decorative 1/8th block that allows water passage.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 11:24 PM PST

    Pretty simple concept. I think its size and placement method should be similar to a trap door. Should be placeable vertically like open trap doors. Water and perhaps other specific items should be able to pass through it. Here's a quick mockup i threw together

    submitted by /u/laynedel
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    Cauldrons should turn maps into empty maps

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 03:41 PM PST

    Title says it all.

    submitted by /u/MrMovieblock
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    Naturally generated books should have written in them. Because reading is just as fun as writing!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 02:06 AM PST

    I recently uncovered my first shipwreck and was disappointed the book and quill I found didn't have the tales written by some old Crusty pirate. I think itd be really fun to have library of different texts to generate into your world. They could range from short stories, classic literature, journals, poetry, or advice about the game and crafting. (I do NOT think they should have blatant lore.) It would also add a great pastime in game. Waiting for something to farm or smelt, the sun to fall, or just riding a Minecart for a long time could be alleviated with a good book.

    If you wanna get real crazy mojang could open submissions for the community to send in their stories and the best 50 or so would be added in. This could give a variety of styles and viewpoints and make the world feel more grand while still mysterious. (Of course this feature would also be easier if natural bookshelf's were storage for books which is appropriately suggested frequently. )

    submitted by /u/manfartwish
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    Pine trees!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 02:25 PM PST

    Right now there are 2 types of Spruce trees which generate in the world. Maybe the trees with high canopies could be Pines and the ones with lower canopies could remain as Spruce trees? We already have the composter, which has a pretty unique color; that could be the color of Pine planks!

    submitted by /u/KostekKilka
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    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 03:21 PM PST

    I'm sure that these have been mentioned in a suggestions page before, but I feel like I know a good use for them. With news on a new combat system coming up, the hammer could act as like the 1.9 system combat with a lot less damage if you click fast and more damage if you let it cool down. Not only that, but it could serve as a new tool. Pickaxes would now only mine naturally generated blocks, and the hammer would be able to quickly break crafted/smelted blocks.

    submitted by /u/ekra8154
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    Armor with curse of binding should not be able to be removed from an armor stand.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 02:02 PM PST

    Add locator maps to Java (parity with Bedrock)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Now that we have a dedicated block for mapping, I think it's the right time to cover up this difference between the two editions.

    In Bedrock edition you can craft maps with 9 paper, but these cheap versions won't show player markers. Java-like maps with player markers are known as locator maps and are crafted the same way as Java maps, or by adding a compass to an already-explored map.

    submitted by /u/Bodakugga
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    A thin (painting or item frame thickness) decorative block which acts as a mirror.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 10:24 AM PST

    It would be the full size of a block such as a 1x1 painting and come off the wall just a little bit. It would reflect (could be decently low resolution) the scene in front of it. In other words, a mirror block.

    submitted by /u/LMM01
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    You should be able to cook meat in a blast furnace, but it gets burned into charcoal

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 11:54 AM PST

    (Entirely pointless, but I think it would be hilarious)

    submitted by /u/ASK_ME_FOR_TRIVIA
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    Better sensitivity options for MCPE

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 08:18 AM PST

    For a controller on MCPE, the sensitivity level needs to have a higher setting. I use a Bluetooth controller and it is a lot slower than it was when I use to play console version.

    On console the sensitivity goes up to 200% and on PE it only goes up to 100. They need to change it to go up to 200 for people who need higher sensitivity like the way it is for other versions

    Even if you don't need higher sensitivity, or use a controller, please give a 👍. Some of us need higher sensitivity, especially for PVP

    submitted by /u/JeremyB43
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    We should be able to place rails onto scaffolding blocks

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 08:48 PM PST

    Because it would make an easy way to transport mobs and take it down when you're done, or a temporary way to transport yourself.

    submitted by /u/ekra8154
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    Conditional JSON

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 01:37 PM PST

    A way to test for scores or entity just like with /execute if/unless, but inside a JSON Object. You could decide what would show if or unless the condition is met.

    Example of usage:

    /tellraw @a ["",{"selector":"@p","color":"gold","bold":"true"},{"condition":{"objective":"deaths","selector":"@p","range":"5.."},"if":{"text":" has 5 or more deaths!"},"unless":{"text":" has not died 5 times or more yet..."}}] 

    If the nearest player has less than 5 deaths: "Le_Codex has not died 5 times or more yet..."

    If the nearest player has 5 deaths or more: "Le_Codex has 5 or more deaths!"

    Why though?

    Before you say it would be useless because of /execute if/unless, the point is to make all those conditions inside one JSON object, so you don't have to make every single individual case. It would be easier to integrate sentences' parts that show up or change only under certain circumstances, all in one command. If we can show up scores in JSON formatting, we should be able to use those for other purposes.

    submitted by /u/Le_Codex14
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    Make Dungeon Spawners Larger

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 03:32 PM PST

    Whenever we find a dungeon spawner that we want to transform into a farm, we have to almost completely destroy the dungeon itself in order to maximise the spawnable area around the spawner. So why not just change the dimensions of these dungeons as they generate naturally? I think the ceiling should be three blocks above the spawner, the floor four blocks below the spawner, and the walls four blocks away from the spawner. Maybe just have the spawner generate on top of a four-block-tall mossy cobblestone pillar, and connected to the ceiling with three blocks of mossy cobblestone on top of it, so that mobs don't generate on it. This would save us so much boring excavation and destruction of the dungeon. And actually make the prospect of creating a dungeon farm more appealing and less tedious.

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    We should be able to write on paper with a quill. Similar to making and signing a book.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2019 06:13 PM PST

    I think it would be a good idea to have the option to write letters to other players. No one in the real world would write a letter in the form of a book, and it would not make much sense to.

    How it will work.

    The crafting recipe will be the same thing as making a book and quill; but instead of placing a book, you place a piece of paper instead.

    Upon crafting the paper and quill, it will act just like a book, but with a few changes to functionality. Instead of being able to write 50 pages of text, you can write on only one page, both sides if needed. 255 characters are permitted per page, much like the regular book.

    Why would we need this?

    The idea would be great for roleplaying. If a server has a plug-in where you can see players' chats from said-number meters away, it would be impossible to talk to one player from one side of the map to another. In order to communicate, players can write letters and sent them via a minecart or a messenger boy/mailman. Not only will it add character to the server, but it will fit in with role-playing as well.

    Will it be beneficial to other players or servers?

    Yes and no. Yes, because it will, as I stated, fit right into the roleplay aspect and certain plug-ins would truly serve as a purpose. In an economy server, for example, being a mailman can be a legitimate profession or job. Activating global chat would make that job redundant. The paper and quill will not be needed; it would create redundancy. We already do have a book and quill, signs, and global chat. Many servers may not utilize it, but there may always be a proper purpose for them.

    submitted by /u/Alex23323
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    the grindstone could give temporary sharpness 1 to a fully repaired and enchantment-less sword

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 11:11 AM PST

    You should be able to bury items in sediment.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 02:46 PM PST

    You could get the item by breaking the block of sediment (dirt/sand/gravel/maybe clay).

    This would be useful in adventure maps.

    submitted by /u/xXx_LI_xXx
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    Maps with "long distance" player markers (like the Cartographer maps) using the Cartography Table.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 09:25 AM PST

    Regular maps stop displaying your location relative to the map after 1000 blocks (I think), while Ocean Monument/Jungle Temple maps from Catographers keep the marker for apparently forever (or at least a much longer distance).

    I propose combining a map with something else in the Cartography Table in order to make the player marker visible from long distances. Maybe a compass?

    submitted by /u/westbladen
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    Composter/Campfire Things etc

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 04:27 PM PST

    1. Rotten flesh should be compostable
    2. Compost item, when composter is full it drops the compost item which can be used as a fertiliser. So there would be 2 fertilisers in the game: bone meal and compost
    3. Composters spawn naturally in village farms
    4. Unique death message for dying from walking into a campfire: Player was roasted/toasted to death
    5. Campfires spawn naturally near pillager outpost tents
    submitted by /u/Hawksteinman
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    Add cook able marshmallows to the game.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:40 PM PST

    They can be crafted like this: Marshmallow

    You can add them to a stick: Marshmallow on a stick

    A marshmallow on a stick can be cooked over a campfire by right clicking on it for 10 seconds: Roasted marshmallow on a stick

    submitted by /u/blackdragon6547
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    Blast furnace sound

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 03:57 PM PST

    I think the blast furnace sound should be a little louder and a little more violent of a sound maybe something closer to a very drowned out welding noise

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Creeper Dungeon Spawners Please

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 03:57 PM PST

    I was looking up the oldest mobs in Minecraft and discovered that the oldest hostile mobs are:

    #1: Zombie

    #2: Skeleton

    #3: Creeper

    #4: Spider

    So instead of having the odds of generating a dungeon spawner as: Zombie (50%), Skeleton (25%), Spider (25%).

    It would be great if we had the odds as: Zombie (25%), Skeleton (25%), Creeper (25%), Spider (25%).

    Obviously the blast resistance of the spawner itself would need to be drastically increased so it wouldn't be destroyed by wayward exploding creepers. But this would be such a welcome addition so that we don't have to construct elaborate creeper farms to collect gunpowder for fireworks, tnt, ect.

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    New Mob Ability: Sprint

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:02 AM PST

    Some mobs should be able to sprint especially for humanoid (villager etc) and passive mobs (cows etc), they sprint especially if they're trying to flee. (Other neutral/hostile mobs can sprint as well)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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