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    Minecraft The stonecutter needs to deal damage

    Minecraft The stonecutter needs to deal damage

    The stonecutter needs to deal damage

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 11:14 AM PST

    Horse armor specific enchants

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 12:32 PM PST

    Two points here: elytras make horses basically useless for late game. Also, each new type of weapon gets its own unique enchantments so why not different types of armor?

    Enchantment ideas:

    Trample: a combat oriented enchant that allows horses to deal damage to mobs they sprint into. Each level of enchantment equals 1 heart of damage, to a maximum of 3. Note: they do not deal damage when walking, only when running, otherwise this may be more annoying than anything.

    Zephyr: the horse is raised 1/8th block above whatever surface it is above, allowing it to avoid magma, ice, and soul sand, and will not fall into water or lava

    Racing: increases the horses' speed by 2 blocks/sec/lvl, to a maximum of 3 levels. For reference, iirc, Steve walks at 4.5 blocks/sec.

    CURSE- bucking: the horse will throw you from the saddle and panic when it takes damage, or when approached by a hostile mob.

    General access to basic enchants: apparently you can't put unbreaking, protection, or mending on horse armor? Let me know if I'm just being stupid on that one, tried it in the latest java snapshot.

    submitted by /u/Inar_Vargr
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    Dyable water - Putting a water bucket in a crafting table with any color dye will dye the water inside of the bucket to that color, and when placed, the water will be dyed

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 02:31 AM PST

    Beds give comparator output

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 08:12 AM PST

    Beds should output comparator signals when occupied, and have a separated bloackstate as such

    submitted by /u/dodo-radio
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    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 10:59 AM PST

    you should be able to rotate the stonecutter instead of what it is now so builders can build better

    and the same blocks that can't be rotated

    sorry for bad English

    submitted by /u/goldietheswagbear
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    Liquid Milk

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 05:08 AM PST

    Milk. It lives in a bucket.


    Milk should be able to be placed as a liquid. It would be

    • about a slab in height

    • spread a single block in each direction

    • and like lava, wouldn't be able to be made into an infinite source

    Also, walking in milk would take away all potion effects after about 3 seconds.

    Edit(s): formatting

    Edit 2: Changed the last bit, thanks u/lolbit_511

    Edit 3: you would still be able to drink milk from the bucket

    submitted by /u/ButterBeeFedora
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    Make stonecutters waterloggable and give them a splashing animation.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 12:07 PM PST

    You should be able to place stonecutters underwater. They should also have splashing water particles to fit the blade animation.

    submitted by /u/AntisocialWeeb
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    Add frogs

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 04:37 AM PST

    « minecraft has swamp biomes and lilypads but doesn't hace frogs, which should be illegal. it's frogbaiting. »

    @splendidland on Twitter https://twitter.com/splendidland/status/1088413868634894336?s=21

    submitted by /u/dankretro
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    The campfire shouldn’t be lit when crafting or in your inventory. It should be lit using flint and steel

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 04:06 PM PST

    What other uses does flint and steel have? Lighting trees on fire, trolling, and lighting the nether.

    Flint and steel isn't hard to obtain.

    Plus, who the hell holds a lit campfire in their hands or "pocket"(inventory)

    And it would make it cooler. Imagine placing that wooden campfire and then taking your flint and steel saying "I'll do the honor" and right clicking the block with it, causing a flame to arise.

    submitted by /u/bittervoid
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    The stone cutter should only spin when powered by redstones

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 03:17 PM PST

    The stonecutter should make wooden slabs and stairs as well as stone variants.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 09:08 AM PST

    CHEESE and Boiled Eggs

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 02:17 PM PST

    Okay I know Im not the only one who suggested cheese or cooked eggs. But the way I think they should be made has never been thought of.

    Step 1: light a campfire under a cauldron Step 2: put milk into the cauldron Step 3: wait 5 real life minutes Step 4: right click the cauldron with an open hand to gather a Block Of Cheese Step 5: put a Block Of Cheese in a crafting bench and you get 9 edible pieces of Cheese

    Each individual piece of cheese restores 3 hunger points. (Thoughts?)

    BOILING EGGS This is very simple

    Step 1: light a campfire under a cauldron Step 2: put water into the bucket Step 3: right click the cauldron with an egg to place an egg inside (may hold up to 4 eggs) Step 4: wait 5 real life minutes Step 5: right click cauldron again to gather Boiled Eggs

    Each individual boiled egg restores 3 hunger points. (Thoughts?)

    submitted by /u/Yak_Luc
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    Players should be able to go through leaves like berry bushes and climb on them similar to scaffolding

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 04:28 PM PST

    So players won't be able to cheese going through forests as easily, but can still avoid danger. If you go through leaves faster than you should be able to (rubbing against one while riding a horse, minecart, boosting through with an elytra), you will take damage.

    A common argument against this a long time ago were that hedge mazes will no longer be able to keep players from going through the maze. If people really love hedge mazes more than new block mechanics, then there should just be a variant of leaves that has a solid collision box like a "leaves block".

    submitted by /u/luis_2252
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    A Minecart mob spawner

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 09:17 AM PST

    Crimson dye, wool, concrete, etc

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 08:33 AM PST

    Crafted by Rose bush or Withered rose.

    submitted by /u/LiveWire-093
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    Bring back the Witch's hood

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 08:09 PM PST

    In 18w50x, the witch has a purple hood which is an unintentional change and the community loves it but it was removed later on. I think the hood is a nice touch, it should be officially implemented.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    The Percent Sign should get some uses for crazy concepts

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 05:34 PM PST


    The Percent Sign (%) is a neat thing. This sign should be able to work within /scoreboard, /experience, /time, and /gamerule randomTickSpeed. Let me explain.

    /scoreboard with percent signs can do some tremendous things. For example; I want to add 15% of a score to the scoreboard. I would type /scoreboard players add @s (score) 15% and it would give me 15% of the current score. It will round the score to the nearest one, since decimals can't work with scoreboards. This can be useful for custom damage techniques. Let's say I want to remove 20% of a zombie's health. I would type two commands. One of the commands gives me the health of the zombie and saves it to the score, and one that removes 20% of the health from the zombie, bringing the health from 20 to 16. Now let's try Iron Golems. I would do the same commands, but target the iron golem and instead of 100, the iron golem would have 80 health left.

    Now let's move on to /experience. This command is handy. It would be neat if I would to have 1% of the level I am already at (200 levels for example). I would type /experience add @s 1L%, and My levels would no longer be 200, but at 202. This would be great for some mapmaking, but there would be some limitations to it. (More on that soon)

    /time, the great tool for changing how you die! Now if you were confused about /time being in this, let me explain. say you do /time add 14d, but you want 400% of 14 days. With this handy dandy Percent sign, you can do /time add 14d%, and it would add 56 days instead of 14. This would work ONLY for days, ticks, and seconds.

    /gamerule randomTickSpeed is handy for survival cheats. It changes how fast you grow crops and how fast fire spreads. You get the story, let's say my tick speed was 100, I would do /gamerule randomTickSpeed 15%. This would add 15% of 100 to the tick speed.

    Limitations: Percent signs can only reach a limit; 2000% (and -2000% for randomTickSpeed). Trying to would say (Your percent is way too much!) or (Your percent is way too low!) This would help people with lag. There is a number limit for scoreboards, experience, and tick speed (1,000,000). Having a percent at a scoreboard of 999,999 and using 1% would put the score at 1,000,000. Having 1,000,000 and using a percent would say in chat (Your scoreboard is too high to use percents). 0% would just put the scoreboard, gamerule, and xp to 0. There would be other uses for percents, but these are the noticeable ones I think would be useful for mapmaking.

    submitted by /u/TracksJosh
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    Making gear loots from chests more unique and interesting

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 06:12 PM PST

    I guess thats a little pointless you looting gear fromt the chest, because you can simply craft them instead of looting it. And Minecraft have some unused attributes that can be used at items just via commands, so here is my point

    By finding chests, they could have unique random attributes, then making them more useful

    An Example:

    "Diamond Chestplate" +3 Max health +5% Movement Speed

    Also to make this more complex, the item could have Adjectives when with special attributes, like "Quick" for attack speed, "Heavy" for decreasing movement speed, "Warding" for armor,etc

    And for the last addition, new attributes. The attributes that can be used at this suggestion are: 1. Attack damage 2. Attack speed 3. Armor 4. Armor Toughness 5. Knockback resistance 6. Movement Speed 7. Maximum health

    So new attributes would be a very good for this suggestion and also for map makers, here are some of them that maybe could be added

    Health Regen (Would increase how fast you regen the hp with the food) Reach distance (For dealing attacks from a bigger or shorter distance) Jump Heigh Immunity (Against Effects, like wither, poison, etc) Ranged Minimum Damage (For Ranged Weapons) Ranged Maximun Damage (For Ranged Weapons) Projectile Speed (For Ranged Weapons) Enchantments Attributes (Fire protec, Fall protec, etc) Damage From [MOB/MOB Type] (like Undeads or specifc mobs) Hunger (Increase or decrease how much hunger you use)

    And a lot of other attributes that i cant think about now

    I hope you liked my suggestion :) Also idk what tag i should put at this post sorry if my english is bad or something, cya!

    submitted by /u/Gortius
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    Minecart idea

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 07:23 PM PST

    They should add every important block to minecraft, crafting table, furnace, chest, tnt, but have enderchest, dispenser, brewing stand, enchantment table, anvil, shulker, and more.

    I think you should be able to put leads on minecarts to tow them like a train so you can have your crafting table, shulker, and furnace towed with on long trips via rail.

    Speaking of rail... there should be a new one like a faster booster rail maybe made with diamond instead of gold or a rail with slime instead could stop without needing it blocked and then continue again

    Tell me your thoughts on my ideas and give your own down below

    submitted by /u/pixlexGaming
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