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    Minecraft [META] My Message to the Community

    Minecraft [META] My Message to the Community

    [META] My Message to the Community

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 12:19 PM PST

    A Friendly Greeting

    Hi there! This post will be rather long, and very serious. Newcomers to this community should pay the most attention. Let's begin!

    Why Make This Post?

    Recently, many talented suggestion-makers for this community have concluded that a majority of community members create ideas that they think should be added. People are falling for it, and as a result, horrible ideas are being upvoted higher than some that have had hours-upon-hours put into them. This really lowers the morale of the passionate members of the community.

    I took it upon myself to pick on the new Fox addition to Minecraft, as I've been looking into many aspects of the game to see where they could be improved, with detailed ideas. I then thought about what my fellow suggestion-makers had concluded before, so I wanted to test it. I made this suggestion for the Fox, which suggests that naming one "Mozilla" would set it on fire, and nothing more.

    It brought some positive attention, surprisingly; 600 upvotes, a video on the Minecraft subreddit showing how it would work, and even PhoenixSC himself made a video on the idea! Honestly, I'm amazed it got this far, but I'm also greatly disappointed...

    The Firefox suggestion breaks Rule 3 of this subreddit's rules: "Keep ideas realistic & concise". People would take the suggestion as an easter egg idea, which won't ever get added to the game. Fellow suggestion-makers would see it as a joke suggestion. I saw it as a test that this subreddit failed.

    How to Handle the Problem

    Can we fix it? Yes we can! ~ Bob the Builder

    Reddit's functionality as a whole is stopping this subreddit from being a powerful tool for creators to share their though-out ideas. People scroll past & look at the heading of a suggestion, and with that, and maybe a picture, they make up their mind right then & there.

    If I were to change how Reddit works, I would make it so users would have to open the post itself to upvote/downvote This would hopefully get them to read even a small bit of the post.

    One major cause of this subreddit's problem is that nobody reads the FPS List. People are suggesting ideas that have been suggested countless times in the past, and many of those ideas will likely never be added to the game, but they just keep coming!

    What I ask from the community is that you take time to make your suggestions; Do a little bit of research into areas of the game that people, not just you, feel could do with some expansion. Then, you make a small idea in your head, and work from there. Pass around the idea to some friends or members of a community, before you post it here. Once you think it's ready, and once you've checked the FPS List, then it's safe to post.

    Thank you all for reading, and I hope this message gets to those in the community who this is focused to. I recommend everyone takes a look at the top suggestions of 2018 for this subreddit, to see which ones fall under the criteria of the FPS List. As always, I'll see you soon. Goodbye! :D

    Update: I've been told to link the mcsuggestions Discord server, for those who wish to talk to the moderators and/or create detailed ideas with us.

    submitted by /u/DylanTheSpud
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    Mob overhauls (Part 2)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 03:25 AM PST

    this is part one, please read that before reading this


    creepers are one of the most iconic mobs in the game, showing even in Minecraft's name in the main menu.

    1. Creepers can see through glass blocks and panes, but they won't explode when you and the creeper are separated by a wall, instead, they will stand outside silently, looking through the window

    fish (salmon, cod and tropical fish)

    1. Fish should be attracted to fishing rods' bobber. When you are fishing, they will swim to the bobber and bite the bobber, if you are fishing in a body of water that doesn't have any fish in it, the game will force spawn in some fish after 20 seconds (this will only happen if the water surface is least 3 blocks)
    2. Fish will scatter at least 10 blocks when you hit one of them
    3. fish should swim away from dolphins
    4. sometimes multiple fish can bite the bobber at the same time when you reel the fishing rod at the right time, you can fish up a bunch of fish in one go

    Snow golem/Iron golem

    snow golems are basically snowmans that shoot snowballs and stuff, actually, they only shoot snowballs and not stuff

    1. snow golems should protect you like they are a bodyguard, you can right click on them with your bare hands to toggle if they are in guard mode or following mode
    2. in guard mode, the snow golem will only guard the area, they rarely move in this mode
    3. in the following mode, they follow you around, like dogs

    Polar Bears

    polar bears are one of the most useless mobs in the game, they do almost nothing, I mean, they do attack you when angry, but that's it

    1. When they are hungry, they will jump into the cold depths the find some fish to eat, the fish they kill will be rendered in their mouth, brought back to the surface, before they will eat them, they will also seek out fish (item) if there are any nearby. Polar bears get hungry 3 times a day
    2. In some days, polar bears will feel curious, they will poke around structures such as igloos, villages and sometimes even play made structures if there are any nearby, they will sometimes steal fish on item frames
    3. When they are desperate for food, they will eat kelp. Although, sometimes they should still eat kelp even if they are not hungry, just for fun (Note: in real life, some polar bears eat kelp)
    4. Polar bears sometimes also eat berries too! But instead of carefully picking the sweet fruits off the bush, they just eat the leaves as well, reducing the berry bush back into its first stage
    5. If they are killed while holding onto an item with their mouth, they drop that
    6. They will attempt to scare away anyone suspicions, that includes players that come too close without earning their trust, zombies, villagers that come too close and wild wolfs
    7. You can earn their trust! To do that, hold an item that they eat (raw salmon has the highest chance of earning them trust), walking up close, slowly, or else they will attack you, and give them the food. Polar bears that have your trust will never despawn, like villagers, when a trusted polar bear has babies, their babies (and rarely their mates) will also earn your trust

    Plz vote here, https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360041805532-Mob-overhaul

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Things in furnaces smelt completely when you sleep.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 01:12 PM PST

    I mean it's pretty simple really, time IS passing when you go to bed in minecraft but the furnaces seem to stop in time while your character is "asleep" all-in-all I think it would just be logical to make this change.

    submitted by /u/DirkVince
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    Hanging flowerpots

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 04:59 AM PST

    Just the abillity to have a flowerpt hanging on the railing of youre balconey or under youre window

    submitted by /u/jack-jyver
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    Make special rails curve, please!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 12:46 PM PST

    It would open lots of possibilities and help make things with powered rails.

    submitted by /u/Tronche2Cake
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    A simple but many times better weather system

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 03:58 AM PST

    The main issue with Minecraft weather is that it is global and not that variable.

    Introducing Weather Regions

    • Weather Regions would be (relatively) big regions encompassing several biomes like in this image.
    • Biomes would have a new attribute, similar to Temperature, Humidity.
    • These would, in turn, be used to calculate the Temperature and Humidity of the corresponding Weather Region (this would be done by calculating the average of the values while also accounting for the size of each biome i.e. bigger biomes would contribute more to the average).

    Changes to the weather

    • Weather would now be localized in each region, instead of being global;
    • Weather would now have more options: rain would have different intensities, like a drizzle or heavy rain, or you could have a cloudy day without rain, etc;
    • These values would then influence the probability of weather events (rain, thunderstorms, snow, overcast);
    • (Meteorologist's help required, these are just examples) Higher humidity would increase the chances of rain and its intensity, while temperature would affect the chances of snow.

    In case seasons get added

    • Seasons would add another parameter to the calculation of the Temperature and Humidity of Weather Regions (so, region_temp = average_biome_temp + season_temp and the same for humidity);

    What would this mean for gameplay?

    • If you want a certain weather you simply have to look for a group of biomes that have the characteristics you desire;
    • You could now have a desert next to jungles/forests and there would be a chance for rain there.
    • Winter in cold regions could make it snow almost every day;
    • You could now have tropical islands where thunderstorms are much more frequent.

    What do you think of this idea? Give some feedback.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    Brewing Stands should have different textures based on potions inside.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 07:02 AM PST

    Currently, the brewing stand has a few different textures. There is a texture for an empty brewing stand, a texture for one potion, a texture for two potions, and a texture for three potions. However, no matter what potion is inside the texture on the brewing stand is the same: there are red potions. It doesn't matter if the potion is harming, leaping, poison or even an empty water bottle, the texture will always show a red potion. However, each slot on the Brewing Stand GUI corresponds to a specific spot on the model. That means that if a potion is on the left slot, it will always correspond to the same position on the model.

    I suggest that the block state checks the potion type of each slot in addition to checking the presence of a bottle in a slot. For example, if a leaping potion is in the left slot, then the Left Slot Occupied tag will be true, and the Potion Type will be either "Green" or "Leaping". If the Potion Type tag is Green, then it would be shared by Leaping and Poison potions. That means that when the player sees the leaping potion in the brewing stand, then they recognize it by its green color instead of having to right click the brewing stand to check what kind of potion it is.

    Tl;dr Brewing stands check the type of potion in a certain slot and modifies the color of the potion in the slot to match the potion instead of just being red potions for everything.

    Vote on the MC Feedback page!


    submitted by /u/Chumpatrol1
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    The deceiver block, a useful redstone block with the ability to decieve!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 03:35 AM PST

    The Deceiver block: A block that can change its texture when powered by redstone to whatever block you've put inside its 9 slot inventory.

    How it's made: The Deceiver block could be crafted from 8 cobble around the edges of the crafting table and one prismarine in the middle slot.

    Appearance: It would look like a dispenser or dropper but with a sly face like 😏. Hopefully you can imagine it from that description.

    What it does: The Deciever has a 9 slot inventory, in each of these slots you can place any block type, when it's powered it'll change its texture to whatever you've put inside, however if two or more different types of blocks are inside and the Deceiver is powered with a signal of 10 or higher it will cycle through them, from top left to bottom right, you can pause the cycle by turning off the power, to revert it to the blocks default texture you must break the block, turning it on again will change it immediately to the next texture.

    Advanced stuff: You can increase the time it stays on a texture by stacking more of that block type, for example, a quarter of a full stack (16) of the same block will keep the Deceiver on that texture for 16 seconds. If you want to choose a certain texture in one of the nine slots give it a redstone signal strength between 1-9.

    Why?: The creative possibilities of this block are enormous! You want a bookshelf that changes into a stair block, sure! You want to make a traffic light go from red to green? Sure! As I said the possibilities are enormous!

    Originally suggested by DrMuskOx, my old Reddit username

    It's here on the feedback site too! (You may have to search for it after logging in) https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360023834492-The-Deceiver-block-The-chameleon-of-the-blocky-world-

    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth2
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    I think that they should add eels to Minecraft

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 10:15 AM PST

    Okay so, it's cool that the fish mobs only spawn in exclusive places (like puffs and tropical fish only spawning in warm oceans and salmon being the only fish that spawn in rivers) but there aren't any fish with spawns related to swamp biomes. Plus, I think swamps need more exclusive mobs.

    The eels come in 3 sizes: small, medium, and large, medium being most common. They spawn in swamps and very rarely rivers.

    The small ones are less than a block long and have 2 hp. The medium ones are 1 block long and have 5 hp. The large ones are 1.5 blocks long and have 8 hp.

    The small eels are passive, while the mediums are neutral and the large ones are hostile. The medium eels do 1 damage and the large ones do 3.

    They spawn in packs and attack together like wolves. They also attack other fish. They drop slime and raw eel.

    Raw eel restores 1 hunger point (and gives you nausea) and cooked gives you 5 hunger points. You can also craft 1 raw eel surrounded by 4 kelp to make sushi, which restores 7 hunger points

    P.s. Maybe there could also be a type of eel that lives in coral reefs like a moray eel

    submitted by /u/MoustachePig43
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    The Color Blindness Potion

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 06:13 AM PST

    Unlike the blindness potion, you wouldn't see a thing. But with this particular potion, you would see random colors all over the screen, kind of like the secret settings, but in a single potion. The blocks and entities would be recolored and you might even not be able to see the mobs and blocks because they may be blending together... It's basically colorful chaos.

    I hope you could imagine that with the description I gave you. Enough of the experience of the potion, now is the time to tell you about how to make it. As you all know, you need a specific item to throw into the brewing stand to make the potion/splash potion. I am not a brewer or a witch so I don't know exactly how to make the perfect beverage but what I can tell is that to make it, you have to "craft" it not "brew" it, therefore we will be using a crafting table. You can also use your own pre-existing crafting table above your inventory. Enough of the chit chat.. You have to put a blindness potion and then put any type of dye next to it. Boom, you have the Color Blindness Potion.

    I hope you enjoyed reading this witchery. If you have any other ideas and criticism, say so in the comments section. Thanks for reading this, have a good day!

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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    More jungle temples

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 01:53 PM PST

    Jungle temples need to be less rare. Do you know how many I've come across (in vanilla, across ALL versions) in total? 1. O...N...E... I have 100+ hours clocked in switch version alone, and I've only had it since Christmas.

    submitted by /u/jdrocks2004
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    Pillager raids capture villagers and loot chests

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 05:21 AM PST

    I was wondering why the Pillagers just go to villages to kill the villagers. I've done testing with valuable loot in chests and farming animals and nothing is actually pillaged. Pillagers are just Killagers.

    I suggest Pillager not kill all villagers but try to capture villagers and have them bound to Ravagers or lamas. Of course Pillagers will fight anyone armed or that tries to stop them. I mean, wouldn't illagers want to capture and convert villagers be a better idea than to just kill everyone? Oh they'd kill the animals for the loot of course, or maybe steal them.

    If we have Pillagers raiding to capture villagers then they should also be able to loot chests and open doors. Pillagers actually looting chests would be an event to get people involved in to save their own stored loot. Maybe even villager trades are reset if a villager is bound.

    Now if villagers are captured they would be taken to the area where the Pillagers spawned, there an illusioner would appear and summon a temporary portal to the nearest outpost. Villagers would remain in cages until the next thunder storm where they'd turn to witches or another type of illager.

    This would be a clean way to tie the illager/villager themes together and make Pillager raids more dynamic in the world.

    In summary I'd like to see:

    Less killing of villagers.

    Villagers tied up/bound to a pack animal.

    Kidnapping of villagers to outpost.

    Pillagers looting only what they can carry(own inventory, 9 slots maybe?}.

    Illusioner having a purpose in raids, creating temp portals, (maybe even turning animals into spawn eggs for easy pickup)

    submitted by /u/RCvie
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    Hey, look, a rainbow!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2019 08:22 PM PST

    I was extremely surprised to see that this was not on the FPS list.

    We need rainbows. They should appear after rainfall when the sun is shining. Honestly, I don't think they need to have pots of gold at the ends of them, I'd just like to see something else done with the sky in Minecraft.

    Vote on the feedback site (once it is approved)

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Adding more berries and pies to minecraft

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 08:09 AM PST

    So with sweet berries being added into the game I believe that other types of berries should be added to minecraft as well as some new pies. Strawberries could be found in the plains biome and been grown in villages,Blueberries would be found in the forest,plains, biomes and found in villages, Blackberries and raspberries could be found in the taiga and deep forest biomes, cranberries can be found in most forest biomes. The new berries would be used to make dyes and can be eaten by the player and restore about 2 hunger points they also can be used to make the new pies. We have had the old pumpkin pie for ages now and I feel it's time that new pies should be added. The new pies would be crafted like the pumpkin pie except that you remove the pumpkin and add the type of berry that you want to use. I also believe that pies should be place-able like cakes. I know this may have already been suggested but I would love it if these features were ever added into the game I think it would really the dessert type foods that we have.

    submitted by /u/Splatoongamer101
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    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 11:44 AM PST

    Made from combining 1 flint and 2 sticks.

    Would have less range but faster reload than the bow.

    1 javelin + 1 firecharge = 1 explosive javelin.

    submitted by /u/Vigil_the_Shaper
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    Illager Knights

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 02:59 AM PST

    Illager Knights are a mob. They can only spawn after the first 5 days of being in a world. They also spawn in raids after the 6th wave and 5% of pillagers spawned in outposts will instead be knights.

    They can randomly spawn in plains and savannas. At night they spawn about half as often as a witch and during day they are 4x rarer than a witch.

    They have 24 health points and iron armour. They wield an iron sword and a shield. They also ride a tamed black horse with iron armour and a saddle. If the horse is killed, they will NOT go on other horses.

    On death, they drop 0-1 emeralds (affected by looting) and possibly their equipment.

    submitted by /u/ThreadRetributionist
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    Swamp huts should have potion recipes as loot

    Posted: 17 Feb 2019 07:19 PM PST

    Here's a concept I made

    Right now potions are basically impossible to know how to make without a guide, which is just plain bad game design. A recipe book with 3 or 4 potion recipes would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/Zinjooooo
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    Villager AI: How Clerics could have an impact on a village.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 03:37 PM PST

    So I was researching about the most recent bedrock edition beta, and it contains some of the new Villager AI, and It's pretty great so far, and I feel like the player should get rewarded for having a higher population value, so I present my idea for how the cleric could change:

    The Cleric:

    The cleric villager is easily one of the coolest of the new villager designs, so I propose they do a couple of cool magical actions. The cleric's job could be to go around the village and search for damaged villagers and players, and they would participate in one of the following actions:

    1: Healing Spell:

    Pretty self-explanatory actually, the villager will cast a spell which will effect the targeted mob with regeneration. I think that the villager should re-use the spell casting animation which the Evoker does, since it's really fancy and would add a lot more personality to this type of villager. The cleric should only heal one villager/player at a time though, since that would be ridiculously overpowered. I think the Cleric should only perform this action, and the following action which I will talk about within the boundaries of their village, since stealing a cleric for healing purposes would be kind of overpowered.

    2: Recovery Spell:

    The cleric will perform this spell if it spots a player/villager with any negative potion effects applied on them. - The cleric will cast this spell and all negative effects will be removed.

    "But wouldn't these spells be insanely OP in games such as Ultra Hardcore?"

    Yes, it would, but I haven't finished yet so let me explain. - A Cleric will only heal and recover a player if their population has reached 10. - Just wandering into any old village and expecting to get anything you want is really selfish and is not how I think Mojang want the villages to be known for. - I mean, if you were a cleric, would you heal some random person who waltzes into your village who you don't know and demands to be healed? - Probably not. - It makes staying in a village more worth your time, since you will eventually get the reward of getting healed by a cleric.

    submitted by /u/RossTMK
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    Wall slabs/ wall stairs

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 03:33 PM PST

    As an avid architect in game I will almost always get to a point in a build (my most recent one a pirate ship(for fun)) where I think to myself " you wanna know wat would fit here perfectly a wall slab/stair." In game half slabs can be place on the top or bottom of a block space, but a wall slab/stair would fit vertically an could be placed on the left, right, front, and back side of a wall. It's the same block just a 90° turn upwards and very useful.

    submitted by /u/warsremix
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    Barrels should be a new type of gravity block

    Posted: 17 Feb 2019 08:05 PM PST

    I think barrels should be a special gravity block, the first of its kind. When placed underwater without a block above it, barrels should float to the top. They will remain an entity floating just above the waters surface until moved unto a block.

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Foxes steal from composters

    Posted: 17 Feb 2019 05:24 PM PST

    Or add raccoons

    submitted by /u/BeanyEcho
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    Patch the turtle's AI so that it swims in an upward arc to surface every few minutes as if for air.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2019 09:08 PM PST

    It might be a nice lil touch.

    submitted by /u/Laurina_Novizza
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    block on top of carpet

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 02:22 PM PST

    where you can put things on top of carpets so you don't have to destroy the carpet to place something down?

    submitted by /u/thelonliestperidot
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    Enchantment Expansion!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2019 09:04 AM PST

    Enchantments are like superpowers for your tools and armor. Everyone likes superpowers so why don't we get more of them? Well, dear fellow reader, here is the perfect place! I have glued these enchantment ideas and suggestions all together just for you so enjoy!

    • Absorbing (I, II and III)

    This enchantment does a very very big effect. Have guessed yet what it is? That's right! The enchantment absorbs the items and droppings that drop from the block or mob you destroy.

    1. How to use

    To use this fascinating enchantment you, obviously, have to acquire it from an enchanting table or loot it from a structure and then use it to a pickaxe (for example) and when you mine an ore, you won't have to reach or get close to the dropped droppings because this enchantment would swoop it up into your inventory. Be aware that your droppings will teleport to your inventory, don't panic if you don't find them in your hotbar. Same thing happens with weaponry when enchanted.

    1. The enchantment levels' effects

    For this enchantment there are 3 levels and they are I, II and III. Basically, the more the levels level up, the more the absorption gets strong.

    (Note: don't confuse this enchantment with the absorption potion effect)

    • Repairable (I)

    This enchantment is to not be confused with the already existing enchantment Mending. They have a big difference.

    1. How to use

    Very important: for this enchantment to work, you first need to have more than one tool enchanted with you. Basically, if you have broken an item's durability, it will automatically switch to the other one and so on / the other enchanted tool would be put to the place where the other tool used to be in. This is good for lazy people who have lots of gear on but don't want to press E to put the other tools to the hotbar.

    1. The enchantment levels' effects

    The enchantment only has one level, therefore there are only one repair for one tool.

    Thanks for reading, this took so much time. I hope you enjoyed this!

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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