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    Minecraft Naming a fox "Mozilla" will set it on fire.

    Minecraft Naming a fox "Mozilla" will set it on fire.

    Naming a fox "Mozilla" will set it on fire.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 05:21 AM PST

    Title says all.

    Update: I'm disappointed that such a stupid idea got more upvotes than some truly detailed ideas. But anyways, here it is on the feedback website. You're welcome.

    submitted by /u/DylanTheSpud
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    Ravagers can "mine" a 2x2 area with consecutive headbutts. The time it takes to break certain blocks will depend on the block's material.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 11:12 AM PST

    Why should ravagers do this? Because you can currently stop a raid by putting a wall around your village and all the illagers will do is circle around while people snipe them with bows or pour lava over their heads. And I know a lot of people hate mob griefing because it ruins their builds in survival (where the name implies we are supposed to be surviving), so that's why some materials will take longer for ravagers to break, which will give the player plenty of time to go over there and kill it if they have a good-quality wall. This would also make raids more dangerous and actually feel like a good boss fight, since it uses a boss bar and all bosses have a griefing ability.

    submitted by /u/luis_2252
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    Polar bear’s behaviour needs an upgrade to make them more interesting.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 02:58 AM PST

    Polar bears, I feel are quite a neglected mob, outshined by mobs like the arctic fox, dolphin or panda (which are both amazing mobs).

    Here's how better behaviour in my opinion could work:

    Dominance rating:

    Polar bears should have a territory assigned to them, the territory size depending on the dominance level of the polar bear, there would be three dominance levels, in order for the player to recognise how dominant a bear is/how strong the following behaviour would be, polar bears could come in three sizes, 3 blocks, 2.5 blocks and 2 blocks long. Polar bears would have the ability to detect the levels of other polar bears and act differently depending on what type of bear they are.


    Protective polar bear:

    Polar bears with cubs, their dominance level will usually range between 2-3, they will behave pretty much like how they do now except they will also be aggressive to almost any mobs that have wandered into their territory. Lower level polar bears will usually scarper once they detect a protective polar bear, however higher level polar bears may engage in a fight. If a parent protective polar bear loses a fight, the cub (if orphaned can be fed by the player (to gain its trust) or be taken in by another protective polar bear, protective polar bears will defend their offspring even in adulthood. If a player has gained a baby polar bears trust, the player will be ignored if they setup their base in their territory.

    Curious bear:

    Bears with curious behaviour would wander around freely with no fixed territory, curious bears would interact with redstone buttons/levers, follow players until they are bored/enter a territory of a bear with a higher dominance level (upon which they'll scarper) or if a firework is released (scary noise). These bears would rarely engage in a fight with a bear with a higher dominance rating.

    Hungry bear:

    They would be hostile to any player with a fish/fish bucket in their inventory or hotbar that has wandered into their territory. Once they have detected the player they would pursue you then steal your fish/fish in a bucket, dealing half a heart of damage (or higher depending on dominance level). Once they've got your fish they will then proceed to run or swim away with it in their mouths. You can counter these attacks by having a puffer fish in your hotbar (yuck). Hungry polar bear will wander into another bears territory, no matter what the dominance level, if it comes across the other polar bear they may engage in a potentially deadly fight lasting up to 6 seconds, the winner receiving a higher dominance level and the territory, the loser losing a dominance level (or their life) and their territory (bears without a territory would then become a curious bear).

    Urban bear:

    Some Polar bears would be attracted to villages in what they consider to be their territory. Bears like these could scare villagers that live in snowy biomes into or away from their homes. To counter this you could build a snow golem in the village to frighten them off with snowballs. This would provide a good use for snow golems, more snow golems may be needed depending on the urban bears dominance rating. Urban polar bears will rear up and tap on glass and doors, they will also sniff around barrels near fishermen huts.

    Vote for it here too!: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360038572412-Polar-bears-behavior (note: you may have to search for it in the search bar after logging in)

    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth2
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    Have witches classified as Illagers

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 01:55 PM PST

    If there part of raids why not.

    submitted by /u/Whyhellothere56
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    Sloths! (Compagnions, ambience animal, soup ingredients(but not the way you think))

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 11:58 AM PST

    Why do we need sloths? Sloths are one of the more interesting animals to be found in jungles. Jungles are full of life irl, but in minecraft there are just parrots and ocelots. Jungles can be divided in separate layers. The forest floor, the understory layer, the canopy layer and the emergent layer. Ocelots can be found on the forest floor and rarely in the understory while parrots can be found in between the understory layer and the canopy, but this still leaves the jungle very empty.

    Sloths are the slow, chill animals you can find hanging the trees in the jungle. In minecraft they would also spawn in the jungle and hang upside down from leaves and logs. In real life, they come down once a week to take a dump, but since that's not really what people are looking for in a mob, the sloth can just stay in the trees for eternity. Maybe they close their eyes sometimes to sleep, like foxes do. Sloths would fill in the empty emergent layer and underside of trees where parrots can be found on the upside of the same trees. Now the jungle truly feels like there's life everywhere.

    On the floor they move as slow as turtles on land. While the are decently fast swimmers, digging a river from the jungle all the way to your home isn't exactly an option either. Therefor there needs to be another way of transporting them. I propose wearing them like a fuzzy backpack. They'll attach to you automatically if you walk over them, and they'll automatically let go if you bump your head into some leaves. You can't tame sloths, but you can move them into a tree that isn't touching any other tree, thereby giving the sloth a home he cannot leave. Or you could fill your house with leaves and logs if you want to keep them as pets.

    You can breed them with leaves, since that's all they eat. Baby's don't have their own AI unless their parent is killed. Then they'll use the AI of a grownup. Instead, they are attached to momma's belly and don't do anything except looking around and being cute until they grow up.

    Why would you want to keep a sloth around? Sloths have a use in potion brewing. They are a druids greatest animal friend.

    In case you didn't know, sloths are so slow that moss grows on them. Now, while "Moss from the fur of a sloth" definitely sounds like a magical ingredient, I do think we could do better. It shouldn't brew a potion of slowness, since you can already brew one in survival by corrupting a potion of speed.

    Instead, let's focus more on the absurd and magical aspect of minecraft. Shearing an overgrown sloth could give you all kind of plants and herbs. Mushrooms for stew, vines for decorating your druid lair and all kind of flowers you can use to make suspicious stews.

    When killed they drop nothing special, except for some leather. So they have a use for enchanters as well, if you're looking for books. Maybe you can read about how big of a monster you are.

    To recap: Sloths make jungles feel more full, spawn hanging from the branches, can be transported like a backpack and can be shaven to get mushrooms, vines or flowers.

    submitted by /u/Martijndebakker
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    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 01:35 PM PST

    I don't know I just like penguins. Jokes aside I think the iceberg biomes needs some more attention to make it seem more alive to achieve this add penguins.

    Uses: absolutely nothing. Drops: fish Hp: 15 (7.5 hearts) Behavior: jumps into water to eat fish passive mob.

    submitted by /u/Whyhellothere56
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    The Wolf Overhaul

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Wolves were originally added as a way of protecting yourself other than using weapons or armour. However, they have slowly become less and less useful to the point that, since 1.9, they have almost exclusively been used by SURVIVAL players just to look cute in builds. I have some suggestions to improve them.

    1. Wolf armor 'Wolf armor' could be added in the same materials that horse armour is made from. This would obviously give them armour points so they could actually be useful in battle without needing a huge, annoying army of a wolf pack. If this would end up being overpowered, it could be made significantly rarer than horse armour. Any kind of wolf armour should also protect wolves from sweep attacks (unless the sweep attack is done directly on them). This would finally fix the blatant issue they have. At the moment, I always switch to my tediously acquired trident to attack mobs when my dogs are nearby.

    2. They should avoid creepers. It was very smart of the developers to make wolves not attack creepers, because... well... you know. However, when a creeper is part of a horde of mobs (particularly one that includes skeletons) the wolves will charge in at the other mob and the whole crowd will blow up, leaving an injured, dogless player. This could be avoided if they quite cleverly outright steered clear of creepers.

    3. As many people have suggested, they should have different skins. This could be done to most old mobs, as many new mobs have different, and often biome specific skins. For wolves, I think that it should be sort of biome specific. There should be the normal wolf skin, a darker grey one, a white one, a black one and a slightly brown one. As for biome variations, any type of wolf could spawn in any biome, but for example, white wolves would be more common in snowy biomes.

    4. They should pick up thrown items and bring them back to the player. Who doesn't want to play fetch? This could also be useful if the player died. Their wolves could pick up their items (they would still despawn, maybe a bit slower) and return them if the player makes it back.

    Tell me your thoughts in the comments :)

    submitted by /u/DTCHBOYZ203
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    Mob heads! (warning: l o m g )

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 01:35 PM PST

    I think we should have mob heads for just about every mob with a head. There are tons of possibilities, mostly decorative, but there are some other uses I detailed below. Anyway, here's a giant wall of text.

    Special cases:

    • Slimes/magma cubes will drop a placeable tiny slime/magma cube
    • Bats, chickens, parrots, rabbits, vexes, turtles, cats, ocelots, and (small) phantoms will drop tiny heads that can be placed in groups of four like sea pickles
    • Shulkers will drop the little core inside a shulker shell
    • Guardians (not elder) will drop their whole body without the tail, about the size of a full block. Can't be placed with exact rotations like other heads
    • Villagers, illagers, witches, iron golems, etc. etc. will just drop their heads, even though they aren't cubes. (note: villagers of all types will drop their specific head) (note #2: witch heads will have their hats)
    • I'm not sure what to do with ghasts. Should they just drop a huge head? If so, elder guardians would do the same.
    • Snow golems will drop their sheared heads
    • The wither will drop three heads, and you could get a blue skull by crafting a head with a nether star
    • Horses will have their heads laid out flat when you place them, so they're not at a gravitationally impossible diagonal angle
    • Fish will drop their entire bodies (note: right-clicking on a placed pufferfish will cycle it between its three states) (note #2: tropical fish will drop whatever type and color palette they are)
    • Silverfish and endermites will drop their entire bodies
    • Squids will drop their entire bodies and can be placed sideways or directly upright


    • Drowned heads, blaze heads, magma cubes, and blue skulls will glow
    • Zombies don't come within, say, five blocks of an iron golem head
    • Some heads can't be worn like normal, such as parrots, shulkers, and fish. However, you can wear a pufferfish on your head, and when you do it will be totally inflated and you won't provoke pufferfish while wearing it.
    • Blue skulls can be thrown to do exactly what they normally do

    Redstone thingos:

    • Six years ago, u/andy98725 submitted this, which I think should be implemented for enderman heads
    • When powered by a redstone impulse, ghast heads will scream and get those crazy faces of theirs
    • When powered by redstone, endermites will shake vigorously
    • When powered by a redstone impulse, squids will make a cloud of ink
    • When powered by redstone, a fully inflated pufferfish will harm and possibly poison mobs that touch it
    • When powered by redstone, guardian heads will prick anyone touching them
    • If you place any head on top of a note block, the note block will make the sounds of the mob. Pitch can be changed as usual

    What happens when you wear them:

    • Pufferfish are detailed above
    • When wearing enderman heads, you won't provoke endermen by looking at them
    • Wearing polar bear heads will make it so polar bears trust you around their babies
    • Wearing any illager head makes villagers run away from you
    • Wearing an iron golem head makes zombies run away from you
    • Wearing a sheep head will make wolves attack you, wearing a wolf head will make llamas attack you, etc.
    • Wearing a blue skull makes the wither effect do less damage to you


    • Putting a ghast head in a firework star will cause the firework to do extra damage, light surrounding blocks on fire, and leave trails of fire lead by fireballs that make small explosions and do damage when they hit something. Great for attacking enemy bases
    • Putting a squid in a firework star will override all colors and effects, making the firework explode into a giant trailing cloud of ink that inflicts blindness on anyone near it
    • Putting an enderman head in a firework star will add an Ender Effect, which makes the firework particles do the same thing as ender particles: Burst out, slow down, and start flying inwards
    • Putting a phantom head in a firework star just straight-up summons phantoms

    Banner patterns:

    • Wither heads make a simplistic wither charge, similar to the carvings on chiseled red sandstone
    • Guardian heads make a spiky design reminiscent of the sun. Circle in the middle, spikes radiating outwards


    • Shulker heads make potions of levitation
    • Husk heads make potions of hunger
    • Squids make potions of blindness
    • Pufferfish make potions of nausea
    • Dolphin heads make potions of dolphin's grace
    • Wither skeleton skulls make potions of wither
    • Ghast heads make potions of glowing
    • Elder guardian heads make potions of mining fatigue (reversing this with a fermented spider eye yields a potion of haste)

    So, how do you get all these heads? Do I really expect you to strike a creeper with lightning, bring it to a stronghold, get it to the end, make sure it doesn't die or blow up while you fight the dragon, move it along a thousands-of-blocks long path to the outer end islands, find and bring it to an end city, weaken a shulker enough for the creeper to kill it, and then finally blow up the creeper, just for at most three potions of levitation? That's absolutely insane, I would never do that to you! ; _ ;

    I'm thinking you have a tiny chance to get a mob head when you kill a mob with a weapon/tool enchanted with Looting III or Silk Touch. So there you go.

    thx for reading my enormous blob of letters

    submitted by /u/Bonhomhongon
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    Note blocks and jukeboxes should be louder

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Or at least have louder options. They aren't that useful in normal gameplay use.

    submitted by /u/ReadAParadox
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    Tamed wolves can sleep like foxes

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 06:43 AM PST

    Since you can actually tame them as your pet they should have a sleeping animation just like foxes. Maybe they could do this at night.

    submitted by /u/orangevg
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    Banners+Beds (don’t know if this has already been suggested)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 10:48 AM PST

    If you make a banner you can put it will a bed in the crafting table and get a personal bed sheet (would work with all bed colo(u)rs).

    submitted by /u/Solid_Oxygen
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    More more shield enchantments!

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 01:53 PM PST

    A while ago, u/PugDogEatsKale354 submitted this post, suggesting two shield enchantments. I love this idea, because shields currently have no exclusive enchantments! However, I think there are a few more good shield enchantment concepts, so I'll be putting those here.


    Increases how far and with what force arrows bounce back off of shields. Deflection V would bounce arrows back as though they were fired from a fully charged bow.


    Adds a small chance of claiming deflected arrows as you own. Claiming I has a 5% chance, and Claiming V has a 15% chance.


    Temporarily stuns any mob that hits your shield. Reverberation I stuns for about a half second, Reverberation V stuns for about 1.5 seconds.

    submitted by /u/Bonhomhongon
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    Leather armor spawned on zombies/skeletons has a chance to be dyed.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 07:10 AM PST

    Around 25% chance for each piece to be dyed, the color is random each time, though if the mob has multiple armor pieces, they have a high chance of matching, but there is a chance that the colors will be mixed.

    submitted by /u/Villager103
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    Taming mobs should give you XP

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 02:34 PM PST

    Bees! (Beehives, apiary's, potion making)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 01:08 PM PST

    Bees would naturally be found in beehives that generate in the trees. Beehives can be found in any biome that has trees, just like in real life.

    After finding a beehive you can take it with you if you have silk touch, or you can break it to take out the honey. Honey can be eaten to restore ample hunger. Bees however, do not like you taking their honey. If you break a beehive a big swarm of bees will come out and damage anything inside of it. The cloud won't move, and vanishes eventually.

    Beehives that aren't attached to anything will be affected by gravity, and break if they fall from too high. Or you could shoot it with a bow to have it fall down. Just a small thing to spice up cutting wood or to use to your advantage in a fight.

    Taking honey from wild bees is a bit of a hassle, but you can also farm it!

    You can make an apiary with the same recipe as a bookshelf, but replace the books with honey. Now you have shelves full of bees! And those bees produce honey if you have flowers placed around the apiary. The more flowers, the faster the production. You can open the apiary and take out the honey any time you like. These bees don't mind.

    You know if the flowers are close enough to the apiary if you see bees (particles) flying around those flowers, so as far as game play goes, it's very self explanatory. And making bee farms also looks very good.

    And you know what honey could also be used for? For brewing potions! Honey just really sounds like an ingredient a druid would use. But what potion should honey brew? I say a potion of strength. It is an effect that is currently being brewed with blaze powder. This doesn't make much sense to me, since blaze powder is also used as fuel in a brewing stand.

    But why honey for strength? My reasoning is that the berserkers used mead (an alcoholic beverage made with honey) and combined it with red mushrooms. It made them fearless and stronger, unable to feel pain. Since I don't think it is a good idea to teach kids that being high and drunk makes you stronger, I do think brewing nether wart and honey in a brewing stand is a a child friendly, very druid like way of going about things. This would make the potion of strength available to survival players.


    Beehives spawn in trees and drop honey, honey and planks craft an apiary. Apiaries produce honey if flowers are close. Honey can be used to brew the potion of strength.

    Let me know what you think in the comments! I'd love to hear it.

    submitted by /u/Martijndebakker
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    Ladders shouldn't need supporting blocks.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 08:11 PM PST

    Ladders should not break when the blocks they were placed on break. This makes sense and allows for hanging ladders without chunky blocks behind them.

    Vote on the Minecraft Feedback site:


    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 06:09 AM PST

    Some parts of the overworld is still a bit bland, even with the new villages, since, let's be frank here, villages aren't exactly the most common thing in the world. So I propose a new common generated structure---the campsite.

    So, what is a campsite? well, it is mostly a bunch of tents surrounding a 4x4 campfire with haybales underneath. There will always be at least 1 wandering trader in the camp (the trader won't despawn unless the camp is packed, which is explained later in the post). Once a camp is generated then a timer will start counting down, when the timer reaches "0", the next time you unload the chunks of the camp, it will disappear forever, indicating that it has been packed up.

    2-3 trading llamas will also be spawned leashed to a fence. When the llamas are in the radius of the campsite when it disappears it will despawn.


    1. when a campsite is packed up, any mob in the radius will despawn, excluding normal villagers and iron golem
    2. in multiplayer, the campsite will be packed up when no players are loading the campsite's chunk
    3. the campsite spawns all around the overworld and it is pretty common since it disappears when it is unpacks
    4. if there is a village nearby, the wandering trader will walk to the village and stay for the day, and return to the camp at night
    5. The timer of when the camp is unpacked lasts for 3-15 days, so you have plenty of time
    6. pillager patros, when stumbled across a campsite, will raid it
    7. If the wandering trader is killed, then the camp won't be packed up
    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    New Crossbow Enchantments

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 12:44 PM PST

    Crossbows have a few enchantments, but no one of those give them a damage boost. I will show you some of my new enchantments ideas. These new enchantments will be a new piercing type of enchantments, so they won't be able to combine (like smite, sharpness and bane of arthropods swords)

    Armor piercing: with a max level of 5, this new piercing enchant will make you able to pierce through yours enemy's armor, every enchant level will give you a 5% of armor piercing, which ignores the armor of the enemy you shoot at, example: a full diamond player has a complete armor bar (10 chestplates over their health Link) this new enchantment will reduce the shields to 7.5, Link.

    Skin piercing (suggest better name in comments please): with a max level of 3, every level will add a 1 bonus damage, this means you will get a 3 hearts bonus damage.

    Magic piercing: with a max level of 1, it's a very rare enchantment that deals an extra damage of 4.5 hearts to players/entities with a potion effect.

    Vote this idea on Minecraft Feedback :D

    submitted by /u/TheSoulKeeper_48
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    Islands change depending on the Ocean Biome/Temperature

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 10:08 AM PST

    So currently every island that generates in the Ocean looks the same. They have grass blocks and sometimes some oak trees. Sometimes they might even generate a bit of plains or forest in the middle of it.

    The Islands should change depending on the Ocean Biome.

    So Warm Oceans generate more tropical looking islands, with a chance to generate a jungle in the middle.

    Lukewarm Oceans look like the current islands, and have a chance to generate the normal common biomes like Forests in the middle. There should be some new possible biomes though, like Dark Forests.

    Cold/Frozen oceans only generate snowy/cold biome islands. It even has a chance to generate Ice Spikes in the middle.

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Evokers should be able to spawn with an extra Totem of Undying that they use on death

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 10:03 AM PST

    Evokers drop Totems of Undying upon dying. Why don't they ever use them themselves?

    What if, to make them more challenging, they would sometimes have an extra Totem in their inventory / hand, that they use when they die?

    The chance for that to happen increases with difficulty.

    Easy: 10% Normal: 50% Hard: 100%

    Also vote this on feedback.minecraft.net if you can

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Villagers change to their 'underwear' when in water

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 02:52 PM PST

    This is a picture of a Villager without their work clothes. (Yes, it's a real texture)

    I think it would be funny if they would switch to their "swimwear" when they are in water. They would still keep their hat if they have one.

    Vote this suggestion on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Add Bison, Water Buffalo and Yak as cow variants

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 11:32 AM PST

    I remember at a past MineCon Jeb or someone said that different skins for cows would be coming eventually. You could further this by breaking cows up into four different variants, all neutral mobs.

    Bison spawn in plains/tundras , water buffalo spawn in swamps/savannahs (in the latter larger and untamable), yaks in mountains, and cattle in the forests/plains. Villages that swawn in these respective biomes would have them tamed and fenced in the village.

    They can be tamed (domesticated) simply by being around them (save for savannah water buffalo, which is hostile when near), and once they are tamed they will not attack you if hit, and can be milked and bred. Each would drop a different type of leather and meat.

    This wouldn't change much gameplay wise but would bring some more depth to the taming system with different cow behaviors along with new leathers and milks (with possible different effects), and would add more depth and difference to each biome.

    submitted by /u/justgivemedamnkarma
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    Boss and structure themes

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 10:29 AM PST

    Dont get me wrong, I love the minecraft soudtrack but the calm music can sometimes break the inmersion when you find yourself fighting sea monsters or dragons.

    submitted by /u/FantasmaBizarra
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    Looking at a map & reading a book animation in 3rd person

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 10:06 AM PST

    When a player looks at his map or is reading a book, for other players it should look like the player is holding it open in front of him in his hands, in third person.

    (I'm not sure if I explained it very well)

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Add hot springs into minecraft

    Posted: 16 Feb 2019 09:56 AM PST

    When I first saw the new camp fires and how the smoke particles looked I was like if smoke particles can looked like that couldn't we add it to other features besides the campfire? Well I thought so an idea is to add hot-springs into minecraft. They would spawn in rarely mountain terrain and maybe sometimes in caves. they would look like normal pools of water except have the water temperature to be the same as the one used for war ocean biome and to have steam particle which would look like the smoke particles that comes from the campfires. When the player got into to one they will gain a small regeneration buff that will last as for two minutes it can be restarted by reentering the hot spring. This idea may have already been suggested but I think that would make the mountain biome a bit more interesting. Let me know what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/Splatoongamer101
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