• Breaking News

    Minecraft There should be different music for raids, because right now their very anticlimactic

    Minecraft There should be different music for raids, because right now their very anticlimactic

    There should be different music for raids, because right now their very anticlimactic

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Exciting music for the raids would be a big improvement because I can't really feel very threatened when all I hear are villager sounds

    submitted by /u/Minecart64
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    The Nether is BORING

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 09:45 AM PST

    The Nether is a desolate inferno, and is quite frankly, kinda boring. We all viewed The Nether as more hostile than competitive FPS communities, but now, I can clearly see that it is a joke! Allow me to give a comprehensive guide on how to counter each mob:

    • Ghast: have good aim with a ranged weapon, or use a fishing rod to reel them in.
    • Magma cube: get at a range, and fight them like a slime. If magma cubes get too close, sweep attack.
    • Wither Skeleton: they are 2.5 blocks tall, so a 2 block gap is sheer kryptonite.
    • Blaze: actually scary in groups, but take out the spawner and your good as gold.
    • Zombie Pigmen: They are quite friendly until you attack them, so don't!

    The mobs aren't even a challenge if you can efficiently fight, and the rewards in The Nether are a grind to get; Blaze rods, Nether Quartz, Glowstone, and Wither Skeleton Skulls are powerful tools, but if that is all an entire dimension has to offer, I'm not that impressed. The End has pulled off the adventure aspect of reaping the rewards, with Elytra and Shulker boxes being found in end cities, but you have to fight with the shulkers for them. In The Nether, you just have to run around everywhere, doing menial tasks that take forever to get too, or are luck based. I am okay with having these in as an alternative option, but I hate the only way. It's not fun, and why play a video game if it isn't fun? The way to fix this is to add more options with differing levels of challenge, exploration, and rewards to reap! This includes objects and mobs already in the game, and new ones that could potentially be added.


    Warning: the following paragraphs are essentially a laundry list full of ideas that some idiot on the internet came up with and won't ever get added into the game. Reader discretion is advised. If you do not want to read all the ideas, skip to the next line made out of dashes.


    With new rewards that must be added to The Nether, some new biomes should also be included to house these rewards! Some ideas that I came up with are Marshes, Dustbowls, and Magma Deserts.

    Marshes would be swamps, but with lava, have dangerous plantlife in it, with plants such as wither roses, and new plants that I call: Ghost peppers(a plant that grows on soul sand, and when you eat it you take 2 damage, but you gain a 10-second speed boost), and man-eating plants similar to this mod (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIRPlo-mTzU). I would also like to see it as a way to get better food items if you don't feel like going all the way back to the overworld.

    Dustbowls are precisely what they sound like. They would have a block called Ash that is a combination of Red Sand, Soul Sand, and Gravel. Dustbowls would have smooth hills and are more open compared to everything else. Underneath there would be a new block called Brimstone. Skeletons/wither skeletons will be more common, but Zombie Pigmen are less common. Husks would also be able to spawn here to add to the danger! The reason to visit is for a new plant: Petrified trees. They would look like decaying trees but would grow in a similar style to chorus fruit. They would also increase spikes at the end of them, which if taken, could be used for traps, identical to berry bushes. The difference is that these can be placed on the walls and ceiling.

    Magma deserts would be about 60%/40% magma blocks and Netherrack. They would have Hoodoos similar to that of the eroded badlands biome. The reason to visit these are because they have Borough, a poor town of generated structures that would have useful structures such as abandoned Nether Wart & Ghost pepper fields(with some still in there), taverns where you can find brewing stands, and banks where you can discover generated loot, such as Nether quartz, glowstone dust, and gold!


    These are my ideas to update The Nether. I had a lot because there is so little to work with. Of course, there is no such thing as a perfect idea(ask my friends about me), so I would like to hear feedback!

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Armour Modding

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 11:29 AM PST

    The biggest way to customize your player character in Minecraft is by using skins. Skins give the player limitless potential to express themselves. However, the power of custom skins is lost almost entirely as soon as the player gets a full set of potent armour. You can sacrifice efficiency by wearing dyable leather armour, but that's about it.

    A damn shame, in my opinion, so I tried to come up with a sollution.

    I'm suggesting a way to visually mod your armour by selecting styles using a new crafting station I want to introduce: The Armour Workbench.

    Allow me to explain how each slot in the Armour Workbench works. Slot "1" only accepts a new item called an "Armour Style". They're similar to the new banner patterns in that they hold a specific style that can be applied to an armour piece. These Armour Styles can be randomly found in the world (in dungeons, temples, mineshafts, or even traded with villagers). As an example, here is a diamond helmet with an armour style applied to it. This style could, for example, be called "Feathered".

    Slot "2" only accepts dyes. The dye will be used to set the colour for the accent of an armour piece. Notice how the feather on my helmet model is greyscale. That part of the helmet will change colour depending on the dye used.

    Slot "3" is where the armour goes. Any armor type, from leather to diamond, can be modded using the Armour Workbench. After selecting an Armour Style and a dye, your custom armour piece will appear in slot "4".

    Mojang could add a variety of armour styles based on real-world cultures (like Oriental, or ancient Greece), or a bunch of sets that play into the Minecraft lore; like an Ender styled armour set.

    submitted by /u/MushirMickeyJoe
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    Randomized Bookshelf Textures

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Not much to it. It looks ridiculous seeing a repeating texture in your entire library. Book color, size, and placement should vary.

    Vote on the feedback site (if we actually want it to be implemented...)!


    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    "Glasslogged" blocks

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 10:37 AM PST

    Now that slabs, stairs, or any item that doesn't fill an entire block can be waterlogged, maybe slabs and stairs could be "glasslogged" when right clicking them with a glass pane or glass block.

    This would be a great addition for building. Arched windows would be possible, and it would allow for elaborate tables, railings, fish tanks, etc.

    submitted by /u/_Cat_12345
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    Giants - A Reboot! (Screenshots Included)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 11:26 AM PST

    This is an addition to a post that just wanted them in the game by u/D-B0IIIIII.

    Chunky Post Warning!

    You've probably seen a giant in Minecraft before. Unfortunately, they don't spawn naturally, which, in my opinion, is a good thing. Their hitboxes are ridiculous and they don't really have any features. If they're going to spawn naturally, they need to SHRINK.

    Currently, they are 6x the height of normal zombies. They should only be about 2.5x or 3x their height, making them 5 or 6 blocks tall, rather than 12. These mobs were created in 2010, and it really feels like a wasted mob. So much could be added to it!


    Giants spawn on the top of snowy peaks/mountains in groups of 1-4. Giants are automatically aggressive toward all passive mobs (not including neutral mobs like endermen/zombie pigmen). On these peaks, there is a "camp" set up with a bunch of barrels and haybales lying about. There will also be a campfire with haybales beneath it (as a way for players to recognize the Giant Camp easily) as well as "torches" made up of 3-5 vertically placed scaffolding blocks, a block of netherrack with trapdoors around it, and fire on top. A few of the barrels contain some nice loot.

    Camp Loot

    Common: String, coal, feathers, various seeds, bread, snowballs, bones, potatoes, carrots

    Uncommon: Music discs, apples, gunpowder, gold nuggets, iron nuggets, iron ingots

    Rare: Gold ingots, golden apples, arrows, bows, sweet berries, stone/gold swords (random durability, may be enchanted), leather/gold armor (random durability, hardly ever enchanted)

    Very Rare: Chainmail armor (random durability, may be enchanted), totem of undying (extremely rare), iron swords (random durability, may be enchanted)

    Other: Any armor/weapons if worn (same weapons/armor as found in the barrels) - (One weapon they use will be mentioned below!)

    Giant Drops

    Exactly the same as normal zombies, except for this great drop:

    Giant Head: Looks like a zombie head but is larger in the inventory and when placed. Same rarity as Wither Skeleton Skulls, so you probably want to use Looting swords. This is a decoration block like the other mob heads and serves no practical use. That is, unless you want to look like bobbleheads with your friends.

    Weapon idea: Spear

    Like a trident, you can throw a spear. It goes about the same distance, and pierces your enemies, dealing a pretty good amount of damage, too!


    - All sword enchantments (NOT including: Fire Aspect or Sweeping Edge)

    - Piercing

    - Curses

    Honestly, a lot could be done with the spear. Spear fishing, grappling, and much more... I think that's an idea for another day, though.

    Mob Mechanics

    Giants are obviously just mutated/enlarged/big/old-timey zombies, but they are a bit different. The differences are:

    - They have 100 HP (50 hearts? That's crazy! Maybe, because in this case they are smaller than the giants we have now, they would have something like 70 HP)

    - 5 XP orbs on death, never 12 because there is no baby version (Maybe this could be changed!)

    - They deal a lot more damage than normal zombies

    That's all I've got for now. Here are two screenshots (yes, it's in Google Docs):


    Anything else you'd like to see with giants in Minecraft?

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 03:56 AM PST

    A new mob with 10 HP. They live in forests. Hedgehogs eat berries, melons and they eat turtle eggs. Turtles kill them if they see hedgehogs. They are neutral towards players. You can breed them with berries and carrots. If you jump on them, you get damage and the hedgehog rolles into a ball. They are cute and there's no need to kill them because it doesn't drop anything. Fox try to kill them.


    If you feed two adults with carrots or with berries, you tame them. If you feed a tamed hedgehog a baby hedgehog spawns. You can speed up the growth with feeding them carrots or with berries.

     Tamed hedgehog 

    You can click on it to make it sit or follow you(like cats and dogs). If you have a tamed hedgehog,it scares away phantoms and help you attack them.

    submitted by /u/lukygamescz
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    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:07 PM PST

    The first time I ever played Minecraft was on my friends laptop. I was bewildered at the way the landscape looked. I needed to play the game. I played Minecraft PE when they had no caves. After that I played on my parents computer. That was multiple years ago. Recently I started playing again, and I noticed something. Nothing's really changed. The mountains still don't get any higher than 126. The caves are still thin and finish in dead ends.

    In this video, https://youtu.be/u8KG8rdGNg8 jeracraft talks about how the landscape gets boring, and I completely agree.


    These are a huge part of Minecraft, and it's in the name. Mine. The caves are usually a 3x3x3 tunnel that leads downwards. Instead of the caves leading into a ravine, what if they lead into a ginormous cavern, 1000s of blocks wide with large spikes, lava and water. If they were to implement this, they should also add more ores. The way tinkers construct revolutionizes tools and ores would work great with huge depths.


    Mountains usually don't reach that high. From sea level they seem large, but climbing them is an easy task with enough cobble. If the mountains were super varied in their height and how they look, the game could change drastically. Multiple large mountains could create a shadowed valley filled with hundreds of mobs. Making a mountain base would be more difficult, but also more rewarding.

    In general, Minecraft needs larger mountains, more diverse tools and ores, and deeper, more treacherous caves.

    submitted by /u/muffinator308
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    [Meta] Can we stop with the "Feature X sucks"?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 01:47 AM PST

    2 popular posts recently with literally just this in the title.

    Woodland Mansions suck

    This one has all caps. Calm down mate.


    These both break rule 1 - "be courteous". The devs work hard on Minecraft and you've already paid for the game, don't be so ungrateful.

    The latter also breaks several points in the FPS. It suggests more ores without any elaboration and mentions a mod, also without any elaboration. I don't know why these haven't been deleted - new content mods won't make a difference if they're not allowed to do their job.

    Remember it's always better to be constructive than to say stuff sucks.

    submitted by /u/Camcamcam753
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    Biome Ideas:

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Volcanoes: A single huge mountain with the center being a massive pit of lava rimmed with magma. Around the volcano are several large pits of lava and magma. Obsidian and cobblestone can be found covering the ground level. Below ground, lava and magma are common. Magma cubes spawn in and under volcano biomes.

    Bay Area: An inland shallow and warm ocean biome with both coral, sea pickles, sea grass, kelp, and magma, connected to the ocean by a small and very shallow opening. Several ocean ruins spawn there. Sea pickles, sea turtles, and sugar cane spawn far more frequently adjacent to the beach. The beach around the bay is twice as large and dotted with clay clusters and hills.

    Tropical Island: A large island composed of Jungle, Bay, and Volcano biomes. The ocean around it is a warm coral reef. An ocean or jungle temple is guaranteed to spawn.

    Northern Island: A large island composed of the Giant Tree Taiga and Mountain biomes. The ocean around it is a shallow kelp forest. A village or woodland mansion is guaranteed to spawn.

    Desert Island: A large island composed of Desert and Mesa biomes. A desert temple is guaranteed to spawn. The ocean around it is a warm and shallow ocean biome.

    (Islands do not generate very far from the coast).

    submitted by /u/Vigil_the_Shaper
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    Lectern flipping book pages when powered

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 06:58 AM PST

    When powered by a redstone signal, the lectern automatically turns the pages of the book. This would not only allow for interesting animations using books (flip books) but also allow interesting redstone contraptions. The speed of the pages flipping could also depend on the power of the redstone signal for more customizations.

    submitted by /u/0x53ee71ebe11e
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    Add the ability to put screenshots in Item Frames

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 01:55 AM PST

    I think it would be really interesting to have the ability to put screenshots in item frames, so you can put the beautiful sunset screenshot you took in your house to admire. Taking a screenshot could give you a photograph item or something that you could place into an item frame giving it a map effect. This would also be a really good way to introduce the camera again ;)

    submitted by /u/LeviathanJPTV
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    Gold needs to be more useful, let's fix that.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 03:34 PM PST

    Yes, I'm posting this again because I messed up and didn't see another post about not saying that things suck. I'm going to try to make this more constructive. Sorry about that.

    First off, gold tools have the lowest durability in the game but mine faster than diamond. On paper this seems like a good idea, but in function... not so much. I propose making it either a tier between iron and diamond or iron tier. Here's how:

    • Move gold tool's mining speed to between iron and diamond. This would make it more balanced for:

    • Making the durability either in-between iron and diamond or making it just below iron.

    Explanation: Right now gold is held back by trying to be realistic. While I do appreciate that in some aspects of the game, this is not one of them. Making gold tools more viable mid-game would help it out a bit.

    Second, gold in real life is a precious metal (I can already hear the comments yelling about how I just ratted on realism but now I'm endorsing it. The whole point of this post is to make gold more useful, so calm down.). I think it would be a good idea if villagers wanted gold like they wanted emeralds. Also, to not make it so that people could just use gold instead of emeralds, everything you can buy with gold will cost 5x more.

    For example, you can buy 15 bread for 2 emeralds, but at another villager, you can buy 15 bread for 10 gold ingots.

    Lastly, if you didn't know, gold tools are "easier" to enchant (basically they cost less XP to enchant). This is great, but again it could be improved. I think that if the first option can't be done, then some enchantments should be able to be applied at an extra level. Here's a list of the enchantments I feel this could be applied to, let me know if you think any should be added or removed.

    • All protection enchantments

    • Unbreaking

    • Efficiency

    • Feather falling

    • Fire aspect

    • Flame

    • Knockback

    • Punch

    • Respiration

    • Sweeping edge

    • Thorns

    That's it! Sorry again for the original post, I realize it came off as a bit disrespectful.

    submitted by /u/ButterBeeFedora
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    Item frames should not be breakable in Adventure Mode

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 11:26 PM PST

    Title explains it. I understand that item frames are entities and all, but it's annoying while making maps and doesn't make much sense, as you aren't supposed to be able to break things in Adventure Mode.

    Edit: Everything should also apply to paintings. (Mentioned by PugDogEatsKale354)

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    World generation options

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 07:50 AM PST

    I think a good thing to have would be options to toggle specific biomes & structures in the world generation. For example, if I don't want plains biomes to generate, I can toggle them off. Same goes for specific structures i.e villages, temples, etc, instead of toggling all of them off. I know this was a feature in customized worlds, but since they've been removed in 1.13 I think it's worth mentioning.

    submitted by /u/SDRUM_
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    I think being able to organize worlds would be very useful.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 02:02 PM PST

    As the title says I think a simple way to organize worlds would be incredibly helpful. I think the easiest way to do this is add the ability to make world folders where you can put your worlds in. It would be extra helpful if you could make folders within folders. For example one way I would use folders is have a building world folder with a village folder in that folder

    submitted by /u/Derpcat41304
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    Slowing down when using an elytra

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:16 PM PST

    If you are flying, you should be able to slow down by holding sneak.

    This would be useful for mid-air combat and landing on small blocks,

    submitted by /u/ThreadRetributionist
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    Giants should be used

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 04:39 AM PST

    Just add them in

    submitted by /u/D-B0IIIIII
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    Squids as Livestock- Introduce aquatic farming to the mix.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 09:40 PM PST

    Squids need an overhaul, in all honesty. All they do is float around the ocean, and allow you to collect ink sacs from them- that's it. They've been given the ability to run away, I guess, but otherwise, they've been around for a long time, and still are relatively useless when you don't need black dye.

    That's why I think Squids should be given the livestock treatment. Squids being breedable as well as having an extended purpose would introduce a whole new layer of animal keeping into the game, as well as allow for a new block to be formally introduced into the game.

    • Squid Transportation- Since it'd be troublesome hauling squids between farms, given that they die outside of water, I think that "Squid in a Bucket" should be introduced, by right clicking the squid. Since there's a bigger payout to transporting squids than fish, I'd say there should be some downside to carrying one, such as random chance for ink clouds to squirt out and blind you, or something like that. It'd practically act like the fish bucket, but would instead spawn the squid you captured.
    • Squid Breeding- Squid would eat and breed using fish. When fed to two squids in the same area, they will spawn
    • Hatchlings- A fancier name for a baby Squid. They will grow up to a normal squid in a little while. Like Sheep, they'll mix the dye color of its parents. I'll explain that in a bit. *Dye-ing Squids- This is where it gets interesting. If you right click a Squid with a particular dye, they will change their color to a hue similar to its (with the exception being black, with the squid simply returning to default). Now, when provoked, the squid's particle effect will be the color of their dye. This effect will also temporarily dye the water it's in.
    • Ink Water- When a dyed squid releases its ink, the water will discolour temporarily. Players can exploit this by collecting this inked up water in buckets, now known as "(COLOR) Ink Water". This is partly a feature in Bedrock, where you can dye the water inside of a Cauldron. However, there is no full way to achieve color-based water in this game. It'd be the same texture as water, and would mainly act the same- it'd mostly just be for decoration.
    • Calamari- Would Livestock really be complete without a food item? Indeed, a killed squid will now drop Raw Calamari alongside its ink. Due to the squid's abundance, it won't heal as many hunger points as its land counterpart- however, it can be cooked just like other meats.
    submitted by /u/FredChocoBear
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    Hopper Pipes, a practical and versatile block (with picture)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 03:51 PM PST


    -moves items from hopper to container

    -not laggy like pipes with normal hoppers

    -looks good, has many decorative uses


    submitted by /u/Void_Salt
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    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 10:59 AM PST

    A new mob spawning in plains. It has 10HP. They digg molehills. They are neutral towards players. If you attack one, it digs into the ground and it gets out somewhere else and attack you and then dig into the ground... It isn't tamable. They hunt down silverfishes.

    submitted by /u/lukygamescz
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    Under the Covers

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 04:50 PM PST

    When you get in a bed the sheets go over you, this is more for looks though.

    submitted by /u/Solid_Oxygen
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