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    Minecraft There should be individual settings for mob griefing

    Minecraft There should be individual settings for mob griefing

    There should be individual settings for mob griefing

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:58 AM PST

    At the moment, if mob griefing is on, creepers, ghasts and withers can explode blocks, villagers can farm and pick up food, and anything else that involves a mob changing the world can happen.

    However, it can be frustrating if you want to stop creepers destroying blocks (which I have never seen anything positive about, as unpopular an opinion as that may be) but must also stop villagers from farming.

    It would be nice if there was a 'mob griefing' command for specific mobs, so you could, for example, turn off creeper destruction, but keep ghast explosions and villager farming on.

    It would work like this: /gamerule mobgriefing:[mob] true/false

    So for example, to turn off ghast block destruction: /gamerule mobgriefing:ghast false

    submitted by /u/DTCHBOYZ203
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    A few new foods

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:05 AM PST

    Cheese: this would be crafted with 2 milk, it heals 4 hunger.

    Tomatoes: a new plant can spawn in the world, you can pick them and get tomatoes, a new food item, they heal 2 hunger

    Tomato soup: can be crafted with 2 tomatoes and a bowl, it heals 5 hunger

    Spaghetti: a new food item that can be crafted with cooked beef, wheat tomatoes and cheese, heals 10 hunger

    Strawberries: a new bush can spawn in the world, when picked they give you strawberries, they heal 1 hunger

    Strawberry tart: is crafted with wheat, sugar, eggs and strawberries, heals 5 hunger

    Blueberries: a new bush can spawn in the world, when picked it gives you blueberries, they give you 1 hunger

    Blueberry pie: can be crafted using, wheat, milk, sugar, eggs and blueberries, it heals 9 hunger

    Apple pie: the same as blueberry pie but crafted with apples instead of blueberries

    submitted by /u/mister-mango-man
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    Thunderstorm lightning should be attracted to iron bars

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:08 AM PST

    The title says most of it. I don't know if this is already implemented in Minecraft, but it would make getting witches and charged creepers easier.

    submitted by /u/RikorperationYT
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    Phantoms need a desperate rework

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 03:35 AM PST

    They feel forced and annoying. If you look up "phantoms" on /r/Minecraft there are quite a few posts from people asking how they can disable them. That's a shame. I think the phantom should be an End mob since the outerlands of the End are really bland. So I came up with "phantom nests" they spawn on huge chorus trees that are thick so they can't be knocked down like regular chorus. On the top together with the nest is an "amnesia core" once you break that block phantoms will stop spawning around the nest. Breaking the core gives you plenty of XP and a "broken core" that can be used as a trophy or can be crafted into a "wide-awake core" that when placed near a bed gives you a short potion buff like speed or haste after waking up. This way Phantoms don't feel forced and you can still have the exact same mob without changing it into something different. This makes slow falling potions more of an end game item too which seems fine to me.

    submitted by /u/robbert_56
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    Woodland Mansions Suck

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 06:16 PM PST

    I'm not going to be making friends today, but where do I start with this? I shouldn't act like I'm exposing a war hero as a traitor, but gather around the campfire, and old man Gravity will tell you a story. The Mojang team hyped them up like they were some late-game challenge, and I believed them. I had been making some preparations(Enchanted gear, Golden apples), but when my friend went in with only a stone sword, guns blazing, they wiped out the entire first floor without any assistance; quite pathetic on the Illager's half. The worst part was that he also charged the Evoker, nearly died, but killed the Evoker in the process. I was more tactical and shot them with a bow. Just like that, we had conquered the mansion. Popular faces in the Minecraft community would also agree with me, as Antvenom kept calling them Pushovers(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9x5YpTrOvs), and this isn't me just paying lip service either(notice me, senpai).

    How would I fix this? Well, here are a few quick ideas:

    • I find it unfair that you can literally waltz right through the front door, so maybe have 1-2 Ravagers(Illager Beasts)guarding the door.
    • It is easy to snipe vindicators with bows, so I would add Pillagers as a counter-measure.
    • It is also very easy to take down Evokers, with them only being strong at medium range. I would give them a farther sightline, similar to that of a Blaze so that they are great at ranges, but up close they still suck. If this isn't enough, give them an attack to spawn a ring of fangs around them, to make it so they have no real weaknesses.

    With these new changes, you not only have to watch out for Axe-Wielding Murderers and Wizards but on top of that, Snipers and Cows drenched in a gallon of Nightmare Fuel, fun times!

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Villager or Illager? Picking a side

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 09:44 AM PST

    There's already this thing about villager popularity point system, but I thought about the same thing with illagers: when you hit villager the golem (if there is one) will attack you, but what if when you hit one you also gain respect in the illager side? Illager and villager side would both be neutral until you choose to attack one. This could also mean a type of villager that could protect the village from the naughty player since golem are so rare (and to defend themself from illager since one of them can kill them all)

    submitted by /u/SoldiDelfinu
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    Barrel Suggestion 18W50A

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    Mumbo Jumbo made an excellent suggestion for the barrel in his video 11 Features I'd Love in Minecraft 1.14!

    To summarize:

    • The barrel should allow you to select an item type e.g. iron ore.
    • The barrel should accept a large quantity of that type of item and no other types.
    • The barrel should be openable in any space regardless of the block above.
    • The barrel should be moveable via pistons (It needs to store an item type, a short int and its orientation in metadata).


    • Distinct from other containers!
    • Simple Sorting System.
    • Piston clock style Item Conveyor.

    This idea has great practical potential in the game. The GUI for this barrel may be tricky though. Does the item type get displayed on the outside like an item frame? Which side is it displayed on? Is the quantity of the item displayed anywhere? Can the number 1728 even fit over an item slot? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/SpawnLegacy
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    I have a better idea for swamp villages

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Since witches live in swamps and are neutral mobs what if the villagers in the swamp will be replaced by witches now players can trade with the witches and there can be differant types of witches like how there are differant types of villagers the witches will have different trades depending on what type there are like potion masters will trade potions and ingredients to make potions fire mages will trade stuff like blaze rods flint and steel and if you have enough magma cream ice witches will trade well ice and I guess earth witches can trade ore and such and the houses could be like mini towers and cabins where the witches and live and there could be a dungeon in the vicinity of the village where there are only hostile witches now if you provoke the witches they will harm you based on what class they are now at the end the unused illusionar illiger could be used as the boss of the dungeon and that's my idea for the swamp villages I know there are already plans for the swamp villages but I feel like this would be a bit more interesting than you for reading and I hope a mojang developer reads this and considers it as I feel this would add to the player experience and make swamp biomes more desirable

    submitted by /u/AwesomeGuy9011
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    Structures update (1.X

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 09:23 AM PST


    OK, so I was doing some thinking recently that most minecraft (building) structures, like, suck. They suck bad. And the last straw was this post by u/Gravity-15 which pushed me to writing this list. So, here are all my ideas of how to comprehensively overhaul all of the generated structures in minecraft, save for the NPC Village which is getting a revamp in 1.14.


    OK, mineshafts are pretty much useless. They are labyrinthine, confusing and are filled to the brim with mobs. If anything, they distract the player from mining down straight to lower levels (<y15) instead of providing useful early-game loot. My point here is that the player uses the mineshaft as a crutch, and this needs to be fixed by removing incentive to use these structures as such, and treat them with more caution.


    Make mineshafts spawn only in lower levels and provide normal books as part of the loot table for chest minecarts. We need to make chest minecarts more frequently generated. Also, give dirt hub sub-structures some sort loot in them. Make dungeons more commonly spawn inside of them, this also applies for cave spider generators. Infact, those should not be confined to generators. Make them spawn randomly inside the mineshaft.


    The big bad. I mean, they're not as egregious as the bloody nether fortress, but they still need to be made more dangerous. As long as you break no blocks, you'll be safe from silverfish. If you can break the spawner at the portal quickly you'll be in no trouble whatsoever. Common mobs spawn inside, but by this time in the game you'll be able to polish them off without a second thought. Library loot tables suck, they provide mid-game enchantments more often than not.


    Make them larger, and make it so that silverfish-infected blocks on the floor break immediately when you walk on them. Update library loot tables to include efficiency IV books, and the like, as well as high level enchantments on any armour you gain from the chests, too. There will also be evokers spawned inside the structure, which you will have to handle as well as the silverfish. Also, you know, make them an actual stronghold. Layer the entire structure with obsidian, so it cannot be blown into.

    Woodland Mansion

    Credit again to u/Gravity-15 for bringing this to my attention in his post. I've referenced his post for those of you who wish to hear his thoughts on the subject. My personal opinion: buff the loot tables and buff the illagers. Make evokers, you know, actually dangerous. By this time in the game, much like the stronghold, you have all the good gear you need. Taking on an evoker is like taking on an enderman with an iron sword. Not very difficult, but more challenging than most. Vindicators need to do more damage, add invisible vindicators to the torture chamber sub-structures, I could go on.


    Make everything more dangerous and buff the bloody loot tables. Infact, I had a similar experience to Gravity on his world in that we went in with full diamond armour and polished off the evoker without taking any damage. They need to be more dangerous than this. I thought the dungeon would take a few in-game days to complete. It was not so.


    This one doesn't have that many problems. I would say make it possible for them to generate with 2 or 3 spawners inside of them, but this might be a little overkill for an early-game structure such as this.


    Integrate into the overhauled mineshaft structure to make more dangerous.

    Shipwrecks & Treasure chests

    Shipwrecks are very easy to find and contain maps to one of the most powerful devices in the game (conduit). They never really are "wrecks", anyway. You don't find chests scattered around the area where the structure generates, but all in a neat little bundle in the middle of the ship next to a convenient air pocket (door). How quaint.


    Buff drowned spawn rates around these structures, spread them out over 50 blocks or so, make the map found in the chest refer to an area at least 1000 blocks away from the centre of the shipwreck (sometimes have shipwrecks refer to the same map, leading the player to a dead end). Loot tables in treasure chests are fine as it stands if these overhauls were to be implemented.


    This isn't technically a building, but it either needs to be removed for how utterly useless it is or needs to be buffed so its actually a sizeable structure, say, a whole skeleton.


    Make bigger, make found underwater or remove.

    Desert Pyramid

    Oh, god, the desert pyramids. Okay, everyone gets the trap. Come on. Everyone just breaks the pressure plate and stacks up the TNT for later use. The chests very rarely give anything useful apart from occasionally enchanted gapples and saddles, but the vast majority of the time contain rotten flesh and bones.


    As is becoming a trend, buff the loot tables so that more often they contain iron, a useful early and late game resource. Replace the trap with trapped chests, which will activate the TNT. Also, make these identical to normal chests. It is way too easy to tell them apart. Displace the TNT so it is not located directly underneath the centre of the chamber, rather, is within 10 blocks of the centre, x, y or z. Make the TNT structure larger, say, 3x3x3 instead of 3x1x3. This would compensate for the displacement.

    Jungle Pyramid

    Come on... this structure just sucks. It is one of the worst offenders. The mechanism of the trap is more valuable than the loot, which is mostly, like, 2 gold ingots per chest. Speaking of the trap, it is a little more dangerous than the desert pyramid one, but most people have armour to protect them from arrows, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. No mobs spawn within, commonly.


    Buff the loot table, cover the dispensers with ladders so the arrows cannot be taken out before the trap is triggered, and set up a comparator loop to make the arrows machine-fire. Make these structures in the floor as well, covered with carpet and observer blocks to trigger more traps lest the player attempt to uncover floor traps, which there will be more of. Convert the pyramid into a central structure which generates in the middle of a much larger one, the jungle complex, which is a larger version. This will be much more dangerous, and once raided will provide more resources for the player. Also, add an entrance trap.

    Swamp Hut

    Useless. No loot, just witches. Which (haha) are also useless, and they (the hut, not the witches) never even spawn. On the server I play on, I live in the centre of a vast swamp and I have found none, even whilst travelling overseas to other swamps.


    Either make generate more commonly or add a loot table to a chest which might contain potions.

    Underwater Ruins/Villages

    Crap loot. Crap, crap, crap. You get, like, coal. The only thing worth going in for is trident drowned, and that's only viable going late in the game since wearing anything less than enchanted diamond armour will probably get you killed.


    Buff loot table to accommodate for late game purposes. Also, on a side note, if this change is not implemented, consider a nerf on the trident carrying drowned mobs. Perhaps their AI also accounts for loyalty enchantments on their own tridents?


    I actually always thought these were rather neat, but I appreciate that most people HATE them so I'll address the concerns. They don't have good loot and all they do is teach players how to cure zombie villagers. Not useful.


    Make a chance that the underground chamber leads into a larger, mineshaft-like structure that would be called a bunker. It would have iron-level loot as well as low-level enchanted books (sharpness I, unbreaking I, etc).

    Ocean Monument

    I have to admit, when these first came out in 1.8 I quite liked them. But minecraft needs more detail now, and these rare ocean behemoths haven't kept up with the 1.13 changing of the guard in regards to oceans. Killing guardians is abysmally easy, especially as, again, late game structures need late-game mobs that are harder to defeat. Elder guardians are just fat hunks with dodgy hitboxes, and they drop 1 sponge. One. They should drop at least 5 so you can actually practically drain things.


    Buff all mobs involved and increase drowned spawn rates in these regions to make it more difficult to traverse. Buff loot tables for these mobs and have the Mining Fatigue status effect be permanent inside the walls of the monument, so milk bucket's won't help you. Also, can we have more of those neat gold core things generating inside?

    Nether Fortress

    What I can say here is that they are actually dangerous. Like, blazes are deadly. This is actually an early-game structure with late-game design. Wither skeletons. However, loot tables are still crap. We don't want gold horse armour, we want diamond. Saddles. Convert it into a high-yield mid-game structure like the village, which can be lucrative once developed.


    Make larger, keep danger levels, buff loot tables and make spawn only in the middle of massive lava lakes. This means you'll have to build over, rendering you under threat from blaze and/or ghast fire. To be honest, ghast spawn rates need to be buffed. Nether needs to be overhauled. There are a couple of really good posts on this, like this one. This is quite a common thread subject on the subreddit.

    End City Dungeons

    These are pretty much the only structures in the whole game which live up to their endgame status. At least for the most part. I still hold that most of the loot found here is still insufficient. Everything found in these cities should have mending on it. However, I feel that Shulkers need to be buffed as currently they are laughably easy to defeat once the player is equipped (and they will be if they know how to play minecraft) with a water bucket. Its that easy, lads. One water bucket.


    Buff the shulker, and make these structures a tad rarer. This is because every End City that is found should have more than 1 tower, and we don't want this kind of loot to be common even if it takes a lot to get to the dimension in the first place. On the server I play on, we went through 5 end cities before finding one with more than one tower on it. And 6 before we found a ship, which should ALWAYS contain a mending pickaxe or sword in it, as well as an Elytra.

    Closing thoughts

    Basically, the problems that generated structures have right now is that they almost never fit the role they are given by the community, not by Mojang. People don't use woodland mansions as a source of weapons, they use them as a source of vindicators for their farms. We don't use dungeons for name tags and rotten flesh, we use them for XP. This is why I am so happy to see 1.14 finally breathing new life into villages, and taking the use that the community has assigned these game elements to heart. Thank you all, and upvote this post if you want an overhaul of all the generated structures to fit minecraft's new direction.

    submitted by /u/Xedgybois
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    Zombie Pigman Overhaul

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 09:23 AM PST

    Zombie pigmen are strange mobs, because, despite being the most common mob in a supposedly dangerous dimension, they are neutral, and therefore basically harmless if you have a brain cell. This needs to change. I have several suggestions to help make them more dangerous, and other general ones.

    They should attack any player that pushes them (walks into them, causing them to move). This makes them act somewhat like a wild animal, becoming aggressive when threatened, and wouldn't be too dangerous, but something to remember.

    They should attack any player that runs with a weapon (tools don't count) in either hand. This again, is because thy feel threatened, and would be another thing that could be avoided, but you would have to be careful.

    They should attack any player holding gold in any hand. They seem to have a thing for gold, so why not go for it? (Maybe they could also pick up anything made of gold too, but that might be too cruel, even if you could kill them to get it back)

    Occasionally, an enderman should spawn in the nether holding a gold block. Any pigmen that see this should run at the enderman, trying to kill it. This would explain where they get their gold. There are also very few interactions between mobs, so this would be cool to see.

    (Not sure about this) Baby zombie pigmen should have no gold sword. Baby zombies are always annoying, so it might be nice to nerf them (while bugging them by making them more easily aggravated) and it would also make sense for them to not have found any gold yet. (Although they are babies permanently, so I don't know)

    They should occasionally stampede. Essentially, one zombie pig man will randomly start running in mostly straight lines (avoiding falls as usual) and the other pig man nearby that see it happening will mindlessly follow. There would be no clear reason for this happening, but it would just be interesting, and might increase the risk of them getting pushed by the player, and then a whole army of them would become aggressive.

    Please tell me what you think about any of these ideas and maybe suggest your own improvements or new ideas in the comments.

    (If you are a mod or whatever seeing this and have already seen it many times, I'm sorry. I thought I had enough comment karma and my computer is very glitchy with reddit)

    submitted by /u/DTCHBOYZ203
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    Certain mobs shouldn’t take any form of knockback

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 11:20 AM PST

    The title explains itself

    Some of the mobs I think shouldn't take knockback is Iron golems

    Ravagers(Illager beasts)

    submitted by /u/corrupted-Food
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    Sweeping Edge and Shields to Bedrock and Legacy Edition!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 11:13 AM PST

    We need these two amazing features to Bedrock and Legacy. Mojang has to keep their promise, so Legacy would get these as well. I personally play on Legacy and hate killing off every zombie one by one while in my zombie farm.

    submitted by /u/IMAGIBUILDER
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    The Villager's Staff

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:57 AM PST

    This would be a new weapon that has a. 8.5% chance to spawn in what I call a "Temple Chest" In villages. The Priest/Mage would also wield this weapon, and use it to help you kill pillagers in a raid. There are two spells with it.

    1. Redstone Blast - A bullet that deals 3.5 Hearts of damage shoots, a redstone trail following after it.
    2. Golem Strike - Any nearby mobs in a 5 by 5 radius gets knocked back 5 blocks, sent 8 blocks into the air, and dealt 7 Hearts of Damage. HOWEVER! This needs 5 EXP Levels to work, and consumes 5 XP Levels. IF you have less than 5 XP Levels, you cannot use this spell.

    I believe this will appeal to all players by adding to the whole Magic thing, and also by giving a new weapon. Downsides to this idea could be the damage dealt or the XP used, so comment down below on how I can improve this idea!

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:01 AM PST

    They have 10 HP. They live in forests near streams. They spawn in big groups.They build little castles with wood and dirt. They have nests in the castle. They are neutral towards players. If you attack one beaver, all beavers attack you. If you destroy their castle, they attack you too.


    You can breed beavers with fish. They don't lay eggs. When the babies are born, they live in the nest(the nest is in the castle) for 4 Minecraft days and the adults bring them fish. After 4 mc days they grow up.


    When they spawn near streams or lakes, they find some trees and strip with their teeth and then build with the wood. If there is a player nearby, they continue with building until you attack them.

    submitted by /u/lukygamescz
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    It’s probably too late now, but evokers and vindicators really shouldn’t spawn in raids. Hear me out.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:44 PM PST

    When I heard that pillagers and illager beasts (as they were then known) were going to be added to the game, I was so excited. Not only were there two new illagers (kind of), mobs that I thought were really cool, and there should be more of, were being added, but they were part of a random event, which the game really needs more of.

    Fast forward a few weeks, and I find out that witches, evokers and vindicators will also spawn in raids. Let me explain the problem with this.

    Evokers are the main issue. They drop totems of undying, which is probably why they were added to raids. It is well known that totems of undying are not worth using as they are so stupidly rare. However, this is not a good solution to the problem. Now, it is easy to get the totems from raids, but what is the point of going to the woodland mansion!? I have seen so many great suggestions about how totems of undying could be fixed, and it is quite disappointing to see this solution used.

    Vindicators are probably more of just a personal problem for me, so I expect most people to disagree. I think it is just nice that they only spawn in one rare structure. It is also nice that they have a kind of horror movie vibe to them, which a creepy mansion setting lends itself to. They are much less scary when outdoors and they are coming to your territory, rather than you going to theirs.

    So what do I propose is done instead? If there must be other illagers in the raids, make new ones! Mabye the illusioner could be improved (MAKE IT NOT USE A BOW) and used in it, as several people have suggested (although it would be cool if it had its own structure) imagine some kind of parachuting illager that spawns with slow falling and slowly falls to the village. There are loads of possibilities.

    Anyway, that's probably just my silly opinion on this. Tell me what you think in the comments.

    I'm probably going to be showered with unexplained downvotes...

    submitted by /u/DTCHBOYZ203
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    New tool enchantments

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:02 AM PST

    Add a new pick axe only enchantment called melting when mining a block of iron or gold ore they smelt as you mine them this also works with cobblestone

    Add a new axe enchantment called timber. This will chop down an entire tree.

    submitted by /u/DOGGO9898989
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    When leaves become decayable, they become affected by gravity

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 05:43 PM PST

    So after chopping down a tree, instead of a floating mess of leaves in the sky, the leaves will fall to the ground and will decay normally.

    submitted by /u/luis_2252
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    Witches drink and throw potions faster on Hard

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 03:46 PM PST

    Witches are so easy to kill, because they are really slow. They should be buffed so they are faster at drinking and throwing potions on Hard difficulty.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    New Spider behavior: Dodge / side-jump

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 03:31 PM PST

    Spiders should sometimes randomly jump to the left or to the right while hostile. This would help them dodge attacks and make them harder to hit.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 09:30 AM PST

    A new mob spawning near streams and rivers. They have 20 HP. they are neutral towards players. They live in grass holes near rivers or streams. There's a black and a brown variant. They hunt fish. Otters can swim under water for a minute. They spawn in groups and if there is a danger, they all attack together. They play with other otters on rocks.


    If you breed them with fish, babies born instantly. And live in the hole for some time until they are adults.

    submitted by /u/lukygamescz
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    Update Ideas

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 03:07 PM PST

    Why don't they add thirst, with water to be depured before drinking, rain collector,and also you can brew juice from fruit. And some furniture like tables, shelves(to put miniature items like in frames), chairs and sofas, some basic things so that players don't have to use pressure plates, signs etc. I mean the game existed for 10 years now, and I know that the thirst thing may be received badly from some players because it changes A BIT (only a bit really so you could argue why put it in, and I say because its cool) the game mechanics, but the furniture one is so basic that I don't know why they haven't put it in already (I don't mean modern furniture like ovens, fridges, and stuff like that, but thing that are in theme with the game).

    submitted by /u/CIARRAPUNGI
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    Quartz tools with terrible efficiency, but extremely high durability.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 02:33 PM PST

    It would give the block some purpose. Being able to craft armor/tools with the block would give it a good purpose aside from aesthetics. And making it incredibly durable would also serve to balance out the way that Gold tools function, and there currently isn't a tool that behaves as an inverse to gold tools. It would be fitting since gold and quartz are the only minerals that you can really find in the Nether.

    Also, they probably would look pretty cool, all things considered.

    submitted by /u/Pagepage220
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    I'm concerned about Raids.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 02:27 PM PST

    I am worried about the upcoming feature of Raids in Minecraft 1.14. Not only because of how infrequent they seem to be but also the fact that they can be so easily countered. Plus, it is just another way to get everything previously acquired from woodland mansions; the only difference is that it is much easier to track down a woodland mansion, it is just a long journey. Buy a map from a Cartographer, and that is it. To trigger a raid, you have to scavenge for a patrol, kill the leader, then run all the way back to the village before the omen runs out. Raids happen way too infrequently and are kind of luck based. I would also like to see raids a terrifying and epic event, but let me tell you a secret on how to defend a village from a raid: build a two-block high wall. With woodland mansions, you have to battle your way to the Evoker(who is not much of a challenge), or if you are feeling slightly cheesy, you can pillar up to the top floor, but you still have to fight the Evoker. However, with Raids, build a wall.

    My suggestion on how to fix this is to have pillagers be able to place latters onto blocks or allow ravagers the ability to fling pillagers over the walls and into the village. There should also be an incentive to initiate a raid and jeopardize the lives of the villagers. I do not have any particular ideas myself, but I think Illusioners could appear in raids instead of Evokers, and they could drop something on par with the Totem of Undying. However, this is just one idea, and would like to hear what you all have to say!

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Wandering merchant post

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 08:03 AM PST

    This would be a simple tent with a bit of loot. A wandering merchant would spawn. After finding the tent within two days not being generated the tent will disappear as if the tent had been packed up. If the wandering merchant is killed the tent will not disappear. This is probably not possible but it's still an awesome idea.

    submitted by /u/Whyhellothere56
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    Make the beaches bigger.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 06:03 PM PST

    The tiny beaches in vanilla Minecraft are too tiny and look ugly.

    submitted by /u/Peasantthe87th
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