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    Minecraft End cities should have other small structures around it

    Minecraft End cities should have other small structures around it

    End cities should have other small structures around it

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    Currently, end cities are just large towers sometimes with an End ship next to it. It doesn't really look like a "city". So maybe, just like pillager outposts, there would be small generated structures around the main tower, from chorus tree farms to small huts.

    Tree farm

    By trees, I mean chorus plants. Not those boring overworld trees that have beautiful disgusting leaves. They don't really have many purposes except to spruce up the area.


    End Basalt boulders

    End basalt is a new type of block only found in the End. They are decoration blocks just like End stone bricks.

    More explained here

    End temples

    End Temples are small temples that are guarded by 0-3 shulkers and have loot buried underneath

    link to pictures

    NOTE: Sorry for my bad textures, this is my first time

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Turf/Peat in swamp bogs?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    When dug up using a shovel, you get turf/Peat. Can be used in furnaces.

    submitted by /u/ninjalemur
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    "Wandering" setting on tamed dogs, cats and parrots.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 05:58 AM PDT

    When you tame a wolf, cat or parrot, you can either make them sit or make them follow you. There needs to be a wandering setting (like in Ark: Survival Evolved) so you can make things like aviarys for parrots and allow them to fly around in it without teleporting to you.

    submitted by /u/GamePlayXtreme
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    Dog sleds and sleighs, fast and fun snow travel with a small bit of customisation!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 01:10 AM PDT

    The dog sled: Crafted with 3 wooden slabs above 3 iron bars. About the same length as a boat.


    • You can connect up to 3 dogs, each dog increasing the pull speed by 3 blocks a second. That's fast.

    • Skeletons and strays will stay out of your way, not firing at you for fear of angering the dogs. It can carry up to two players or one player and one mob/golem

    • For those that'd want a tad bit of personality to theirs they could also come in various woods.


    • Can only go fast over blocks like ice, snow, packed ice or blue ice, however would still be able to move slowly over other ground materials such as stone at about the same speed as a pig with saddle.

    • Dogs will swerve in an alternate direction if they come across a creeper.

    Final thoughts:

    All in in all I think it would be a fun and useful mode of transport to have, especially if you don't like skeletons or strays shooting at you.


    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth3
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    New Nether Mob---Ghoul

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    Ghouls are ghostly Nether creatures black in color, with red eyes to alert you of its presence. They would spawn in Nether fortresses and on patches of soul sand. They usually spawn in groups of 3-5, and they work together most of the time.


    They would attack anything that is not from the Nether or not undead. They are pretty slow creatures (speed is the same as swimming drowned) so escaping is a good tactic to survive.

    But don't think about using arrows (both from bows and crossbows) or Tridents (ranged), because just like Endermen, they would always escape before the projectile hits them. They would dissipate into a puff of smoke and reform back into its normal form after the projectile passes through.


    These smoke emitting creatures can float around smaller to a blaze.

    Since they don't have legs, they would only need one animation of moving around.

    When chasing a target, their body would tilt similar to when a player or drowned swims. They would leave a trail of smoke wherever they go.


    On death, they wouldn't fall over like any other mob. Instead, they would glow white for a few seconds and explode into a cloud of smoke. The could itself doesn't do any damage to you or surrounding blocks, however, the smoke cloud would sometimes give you and anything else that touches it blindness for 1 second.

    Drops and their uses

    5 EXP

    0-2 soul essence---these are pure black in color and is used to create a number of items, they can be used to brew potions of blindness

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Swap the role of dragon eggs and dragon heads

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 01:27 AM PDT

    OK, I know this may be controversial but hear me out. If someone with zero knowledge of Minecraft saw these 2 items, what will this person think is the trophy? The head of a dragon, or a wierd black and purple blob that teleports around and falls to the ground? Honestly, the dragon head represents the victory a lot more and should take over the role the egg currently has.

    Eggs are usually depicted as an item that predators obtain without provoking the parent. We don't kill the chicken to get the eggs. Snakes usually hunt for bird eggs when the parents are out of their nests and hunting. Even in games and fantasy novels, dragon eggs are often depicted as quest items that, if incubated poorly, will anger the living parent dragon.

    On the other hand, heads are generally used as trophies in games, fantasy novels, and even in ancient tribe traditions. Think of the Twilight forest mod. Each boss drops a head which is a trophy that you have to obtain to enter certain areas. The Maory people, the aboriginal people of New Zealand, had a tradition of collecting heads of their defeated enemies as trophies. By this evidence, the fact that a ship is literally using the head of the owner of the dimension they're in is really odd. The black doesn't even match with the ship's overall palatte, which is yellow and purple.

    So how will this role shift affect the game? As for the case of the dragon head, it'll simply spawn after the death of the first dragon. You'll never get a second one ever. You don't really register a warrenty fund for your trophy, right? The fact that the head looks more like a trophy will probably discourage people to have a second one or dupe them infinitely.

    As for the dragon egg however, it'll now spawn in the end ship, just like how the head used to be, but instead of spawning in front of the ship, it will spawn inside. Below the deck of the end ship, the dragon egg will sit on top of a chorus plant(or maybe a special nest block), and when the player touches it, it will either teleport, or spawn a baby dragon that will attack you immediately. When you kill it, it'll drop the elytra. I've always wondered how the leather and wood that makes the item frame and chest came from, and I think the elytra being a mob drop makes more sense.

    This is all I want to say in regards to this idea. I hope this change will make these items more viable in game and satisfy as many players as possible. Let me know what you think.

    FMC mirror: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043348972-Swap-the-role-of-dragon-eggs-and-dragon-heads

    submitted by /u/CivetKitty
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    Floating islands

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    It would be cool if naturally generating floating islands would spawn and you could get loot from them

    submitted by /u/TheGamingPizza542
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    Should I post suggestions for a full update here or on r/minecraftabnormals?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    Or should I first post it on r/minecraftabnormals and then link it to this site or vice versa?

    submitted by /u/AddisGaming
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    A new boss mob that only challenges worthy players. The Royal Ravager

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 08:47 PM PDT


    The Royal Ravager is slightly bigger than a regular Ravager, in both length width and height, not a drastic change, but enough to be noticeable. The Royal Ravager's horns are larger and more ram like, and are white colored to look like they're covered in iron. The Ravager also has the angry eyes like the pillagers vindicators, and evokers. The Royal Ravager has an old ripped dark purple cloth that covers the back of its body and almost drags on the ground instead of a saddle. Around the legs, the Royal Ravager has spiked bands ( like the things Bowser wears ).

    (This last detail may be slightly gruesome in terms of context, so I would understand if it wasn't added ) The Royal Ravager would also have pumpkin on chains hanging off from the sides, which is meant to be a collection of the Golems heads that have been defeated.

    The Royal Ravager sounds like a Regular Ravager except the sounds are louder, lower pitched, and have a faint echo effect.



    A Royal Ravager can only appear when a village has been saved 4 times from a raid. On the 5th raid, the Royal Ravager will be shown walking incredibly slow to the village, with 4 pillagers walking with leads attached to the Royal Ravager. Once the Royal Ravager spots the player, the Royal Ravager's head quickly turns a red color ( Like in cartoons when someone gets angry ) and the Royal Ravager does an incredibly loud roar, breaking the leads attached to it, and the 4 pillagers running away from the village and Royal Ravager, then the battle begins.

    The Royal Ravager has 225 Health and has a 75% chance of not taking knocback from attacks.


    BITE: The Royal Ravager has the same bite attack as a regular Ravager, only it's a bit stronger, 8 damage on easy (4 hearts), 13 on medium (6 1/2 hearts), and 19 (9 1/2) on hard.

    CHARGE: A far more uncommon attack then the bite, the Royal Ravager stands semi upright , like the polar bear attack animation, and falls back down and charges straight foward in a direction withuntil it hits a wall, or moves to many blocks ( 50 blocks ). The charge speed is as fast an angry endermen, and does the same damage as the bite, but has huge knockback, 7 blocks back and 5 blocks upwards, the fall damage makes this move an instant kill on hard with no armor.

    This move also has a unique property, since the charge is so mighty, the sheet impact on hitting a wall is enough to cause knockback, any mobs within a 5×5×5 radius ( yes, the knockback hits above as well ) meaning even if your behind a wall, the knocback will affect you ( but this knocback doesn't do any damage ). Launching power is 5 blocks back and 4 blocks in the air.

    ROAR: Works like the Regular Ravager, except it doesn't happen after a stun, it's a regular attack the Royal Ravager has with more range ( not damage tho). The chances of roaring increase depending on how many hostiles are swarming around the Royal Ravager ( Hostiles as in mobs attacking the Royal Ravager, not normal hostile mobs)

    ROYAL RAGE: The Royal Ravager Slowly Grows Rage when it is being attacked by a mob but is not able to hit it ( Like a player on a high platform ). The Royal Ravager becomes more red until it eventually reaches full rage. When full rage is activated, the Royal Ravager hits a block near the attacker, and essentially causes a creeper explosion in front of it, but with the explosion power of an end Crystal ( but less range of course ). Then the rage is set to 0, and will build up again if it continues.

    WAR CRY: Randomly during the battle, the Royal Ravager will do the Roaring animation, except it's head will be facing towards the sky. This will essentially summon a mini raid to assist the Royal Ravager.


    When the Royal Ravager is defeated, it will do the roar Animation, except for a much longer time, then fall on its knees, and then die. Any mob summoned from the Way Cry Raids will run away from the villager when this happens, so far until they despawn.

    The Royal Ravager drops a Ravager Cloth and a ton of experience.

    The Ravager Cloth has 3 uses, varying in usefulness.

    The first use is combing it with a shield to make a Ravager Shield. The shield will have the same durability, except Ravager's will begin to back off when the shield is blocking the player instead of moving foward to attack, but only when used for blocking.

    The next use is to combine it with an elytra to change the texture of the Elytra to look more ragged and purple, like the cloth itself, this is mostly a cosmetic change, but with one tiny difference. When you land after flying with the Elytra, the player will create a tiny wind cloud around them ( Like when someone powerful lands from a large fall ) and push every mob ( that has no knocback resistance) away by 1 block, just to look dramatic.

    And lastly, is with just the cloth itself. When you stun a Ravager, if you right click it with the cloth, the player will ride the Ravager like an angry pull, with the cloth clinging on to the Horns of the Ravager. The Ravager will begin running in the direction the player chooses, harming every mob it comes in contact with, after a short amount of time, the Ravager bucks the player off and roars, then it attacks again.


    The Ravager is a boss, so make sure to be well equipped with strong gear and tools.

    Arrows will be your best friend for this fight, as the Royal Ravager prefers fighting close and in range.

    If you plan on building a sniping tower, make sure to build the top part very widely, as the Charge attack may be able to knock you off if you aren't careful.

    The Royal Ravager can't be stunned with shields, so don't rely on that when you use a shield, also, being multiple shields, since the Royal Ravager does a lot of damage to Shields when attacking.

    If you see the Royal Ravager getting red, get down to its level and let it chase you for a while to cool it's temper, otherwise it may break something valuable around you.

    Don't rely on swarming tactics to attack, this will increase the chance of the Royal Ravager roaring to knock people away.

    Be prepared to face other mobs that can appear during a raid, as the War Cry ability will summon them.


    As a reference to original Ravager's fearing rabbits, the Royal Ravager shows a clear dislike to them. If not already busy attacking and a rabbit is near by, the Royal Ravager will roar at the bunny, and the bunny will run away as if it's been attacked.

    The Ravager Shield and Cloth wont work on the Royal Ravager, or other Ravgers when a Royal one is nearby.

    Any mob ( Except Vex ) that are summoned during raids will make a noticeable sound of shock when they see you wearing the Ravager Elytra.

    Snow Golems and Iron Golems can be right clicked with the Ravager Cloth to wear them. Snow Golems wear it as an oversized scarf, Iron Golems wear them as a cloak. They can be removed by right clicking as well.


    It adds another boss to Minecraft, which the game is currently lacking.

    It also adds a but of story and character to Pillages.

    It adds a bit more challenge to the game.

    The item dropped has multiple uses, but none truly game breaking.


    Anything I should change, or other comments about this idea?

    submitted by /u/CoconutGun7
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    Minecraft needs more advancements

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 09:56 PM PDT

    Currently, while Minecraft advancements have replaced achievements and have introduced some new advancements to work towards, I think they're still rather lackluster in certain parts.

    Minecraft should have more advancements for simple things the player does as well. This would create a sense of achievement and are also fun to get. It would certainly add more spice to the game, and it's a relatively simple feature to add without really changing the game at all.

    Alongside this, a few of the older achievements that are now iconic to the nostalgia of older versions -- like "Getting Wood" should be re-added again.

    Some examples could be:

    Acrobat: Unlocked after falling 50 blocks and surviving

    Betrayal: Kill an animal that you have tamed

    Fisherman: Catch one of each possible item from fishing (e.g. 1 enchanted book, 1 tripwire hook, 1 salmon, 1 fish, 1 string, 1 leather, etc...)

    submitted by /u/Ueoia
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    Sky Shrines: The New Forbidding Structure

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    I've had this idea for a while now, so hear me out.

    Sky Shrines are new generated structures that are found in the overworld and only appear while your are using an elytra. They are found hundreds of blocks away from spawn, (similar to Woodland Mansions) and are very late-game. They are magical (more on that later) and have tons of loot.

    Sky Shrines generate above building height. They only can be accessed with an elytra, and they only generate once a player comes close to one whilst they are flying. And you kinda just have to stumble upon one.

    Sky Shrines are filled with loot and maybe exclusive mobs or something. Vexes could roam around, or the unused illusioner could lurk in a Sky Shrine. Blocks can be broken but not placed.

    If a player is venturing through the Sky Shrine and they remove their elytra from their chestplate slot, the structure would soon start to break apart and blocks one by one would disappear. They player would inevitably fall to their death. Prompt to the player returning, all is well and any remaining loot is still up for grabs.

    I think this idea has tons of possibility and I'd love to hear the rest of the community's thoughts.

    submitted by /u/AshtonMinecraftIdeas
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    Iron Golems And What Needs To Be Changed

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    As awesome as Iron Golems are, they need some serious tweaks for this next Village Update (obviously it's a bit too late for major changes to hit the base update, but maybe one of the smaller changes after that). In a 1v1 with any mob, they work fantastically. However, they can easily be swarmed (which is relatively fine and fair most of the time) and Skeletons can go on while goose chases that leave the Iron Golems stranded from the village hundreds of blocks away.

    Basically, as protectors of villages, they do a terrible job. It might sound ludicrous, but I end up just making a command block with a button that spawns in Iron Golems with regeneration (so they can die during fights huge fights, but still regenerate health during the day) and then spawn in around 50 of the bloomin' things. And even then, they STILL scatter ludicrously fast and force me to spawn even more. Iron Golems, both in their A.I and in their mechanics, suck at the one job they have: being defenders.

    So, I propose a change. First to the A.I, and then to the mechanics of the Iron Golem. They are not suited for the new update, where players are rewarded for keeping villagers alive. If they never got the change they need, we would be forced to wall off every village, trap them inside, and light up every single last corner. It's impossible to have an aesthetically pleasing village without a massive, ugly wall around it and torches just littering the ground.

    First: the Hostile Mobs.

    One - Remove skeletons from both targetting villagers (I don't *think* they do anyway, but just to make sure) and remove them from the Iron Golems priority list. They're smarter than Zombies after all, and if the Skeletons are still able to kite an Iron Golem away from a village, they just would cause more problems than they are worth. However, if Skeletons are still a priority for the Iron Golems (I can't exactly choose what the developers do), then at least give the Iron Golems some kind of advantage against them. Reflecting arrows, an extendo-arm punch whenever they're hit by an arrow. *Arrow immunity* (they are made of metal after all).

    Two - Make more zombies spawn around villages. I'll explain how the Iron Golem would compensate below, but in general this would benefit the excitement of the player more than anything. Having to defend hordes of zombies at night would both be a great addition for the risks-and-rewards of villages. You get tons of Zombies, but you get more rewards like XP.

    Three - Make all villager-hostile mobs immediately target Iron Golems over Villagers. The radius of the Villager-aggro range should remain the same, but allowing the Iron Golem to immediately aggro any pesky zombies would stop those moments where the Iron Golem helplessly chases after 1-2 zombies that are ALSO chasing a villager. I've seen it happen too many times to count and it just makes the Iron Golem look *pathetic*.

    Secondly: the A.I.

    Someone recently posted about making Iron Golems come to the aid of calling villagers. I like that idea, but it could use one more tweak (sorry for not remembering your name, original poster). When a Villager calls, the Iron Golem immediately begins to radiate angry smoke (not the storm clouds, but just some sort of particle effect) and the eyes glow redder. They gain a speed boost (not too much, but something very significant) and rush to the villager. During this time, *any* villager-hostile mob will immediately target that Iron Golem (forgetting about any previous target) and rush to taken on this now-angered behemoth within a certain block limit (16-64). This means the Iron Golem turns from a passive, defending creature (passive in the sense of it stays in position until threatened) to a warring menace that aggros all targets threatening the village. During this angered phase, the Iron Golem receives some sort of Resistance (again, not too much) and possibly even some area-of-effect slam attack (naturally using another zombie to execute the slam) to deal with the oncoming horde of creatures.

    This does two things. One, it turns the Iron Golem from an obstacle that sometimes (if in the area) kills zombies *brainlessly* chasing after villagers (they are zombies, I guess, but it's still quite frustrating) into an actual threat that forces any villager-hostile creature to charge at it first *before* they move onto the villagers, and it makes the Iron Golem fit the theme that they do even better. It's no secret that the overgrown look is a reference to Laputa (one of my all-time favourite movies) and seeing them glow red and chase when their masters are in danger would be quite an awesome sight to behold.

    Remember, Iron Golems aren't supposed to be invincible (although I will expand on their other changes in a bit) and should be killed if they are being constantly swamped by horde after horde. That said, if they can do good threat-management (before a proper horde forms) with this new angered state, they should be able to survive the one-on-one fights easily. Not only this, but it would allow Iron Golems to be stronger around villagers and weaker when only around players. For players, Iron Golems remain the same (no nerfs there), but for Villagers, they get a huge buff. Hell, players could even create a bait system to make their Iron Golems stronger. Who knows.

    Also just a "minor" change that really should have been in the game from the beginning. Make the Iron Golem automatically return to the village if it goes outside the boundaries (or even too far away from a Villager in general). They're way too easy to kite (even beyond Skeletons) and this would allow them to *actually defend the area they were supposed to*. Villagers already have a complex A.I based on their relationship with the village area and boundary. The fact that Iron Golems don't baffles me.

    Thirdly: the Mechanics.

    Even though the above "angry mode" is half A.I, half mechanic, I wanted to leave it there because when I'm talking about mechanics, I mean things like base stats. Iron Golems aren't too hard to kill. Well, in terms of mobs anyway. Even after spawning a previously mentioned 50 regeneration-buffed Iron Golems, I still found myself gathering bits of iron and poppies each morning. They last the first few nights fine, but because they have no way to regenerate their health they eventually just succumb to the damage. That... really sucks. Iron Golems don't go out with a bang, fighting to the death in hordes of enemies. Rather, they go out with a whimper, being pummelled by that one Skeleton who keeps firing at him from a high ledge. This needs to change.

    One, make Villagers (preferably a set type of villager, like a weapon or armour smith) repair the Iron Golem during the day. They already work at their tables quite well, so allowing them to seek out and heal the Iron Golem when he needs it would be quite nice.

    Secondly, make the Iron Golem a little faster (and longer ranged) when attacking. Taking a hit to deal a hit when there's any more than a single mob attacking the Iron Golem is quite silly. His time to switch targets (and also decide when to swing his arms) is painfully slow. Note that this would also make him a huge deterrent for players (even more than he already is) because he would outrange things like swords. This would mean that, as a player-defender, the Iron Golem is still defeatable by swarms, but can at least handle himself a little better. However, as a Villager-defender, the Iron Golem would become a beast, being taken down by only the biggest swarms as his new splash attack and faster attack speed would allow him to handle the horde.

    Thirdly and lastly (for this post anyway), give the Iron Golem some sort of (**RARE**) ranged attack. In Skyrim, the Dwarven Centurions spew steam out of their (engines?) and onto foes. It's a huge splash attack that deals a ton of damage. Iron Golems don't need something like this, but allowing them to hit targets from a range (as with previously discussed Skeletons, preferably only using this attack when targetted by another ranged attack). This would give him the edge he needs for those initial strikes against Pillagers and Evokers, and also allow him to deal with any creatures that decide they want to stay *just* out of reach. This doesn't happen often, but when it does it is pretty frustrating to watch the Iron Golem helplessly target something he can't reach.

    Anyway that's all I have to say. I don't know how to end this. Just post if you like the idea. This one was more on a whim so I wouldn't doubt some of you have some problems with it. But that's fine. I enjoy discussions about topics like this.

    submitted by /u/Berdyie
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