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    Minecraft Hay Bales should be used as a fuel source

    Minecraft Hay Bales should be used as a fuel source

    Hay Bales should be used as a fuel source

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    The Hay Bale block should be used as a fuel source in a furnace.

    submitted by /u/Chumpatrol1
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    What Minecraft is missing: Owls.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    This is a refined idea from a suggestion I made several months back, found here.

    This is a greatly summarised version of my suggestion and it is that way for your benefit and to also allow room for discussion to better develop it.

    Official Minecraft Feedback Link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043217011-A-suggestion-of-owls

    General Information

    • Owls would be just larger than parrots and could be tamed (presumably by fish or raw chicken).
    • They'd have different species for different biomes, prioritising the ones that lack in unique spawns. White owls for cold taiga, brown mottled owls in forests or a darker textured one for dark forests.
    • These species would spawn high up in trees, accompanied by a nest.
    • Owls would be entirely passive during the day, but hostile to small creatures during the night.
    • Owls would sleep during the day and hunt at night. Tamed owls wouldn't go hunting unless instructed to by the player.
    • Owls could be called to a location by an assigned whistle, allowing the player to put an item in their talons and send them home. This is useful for adventuring far from home and getting rare loot home safely.


    • Owls would hunt small animals at night. Rabbits, chicken, fish, etc.
    • Tamed owls could return mob drops to nests, giving their owner loot / food without leaving the house.
    • Success would vary, sometimes coming home with nothing or multiple catches.
    • In single player, when nights are skipped, owls would skip their hunting and the same chance of items appearing in their nests would occur, a nice thing to wake up to.


    • Nests would be where owls sleep and act as their checkpoints. Owls could be sent off home to their nests or told to fly to another nest that they recognise. This allows players to transfer items over large distances, beneficial for transporting stuff over far distances, near impossible by minecarts or other.
    • Nests would have a small inventory space (9 slots) and be compatible with hoppers, creating potential for redstone type stuff.


    • Owls could be assigned multiple nests, ones they'd remember and be able to be sent off to by their owner. Owls would have one inventory slot (their talons) and would deposit items in whichever nest they're sent off to.
    • They could carry shulkers, beneficial to more advanced players, but be slowed down severely by them.
    • Owls would fly out of view and teleport a calculated amount of seconds later just outside their destination, landing in the nest and dropping whatever they're carrying.

    Summary / TL;DR

    Owls are a unique mob offering many benefits to being tamed, hunting for their owners and transporting their items great distances. They add to biomes that lack in unique spawns and help make the vast Minecraft world feel just a little bit more connected.

    Thank you so much for reading and I hope you like the idea! All feedback is warmly welcomed :)

    submitted by /u/Foxzes
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    A sweeping hit with a sword should require clicking and dragging.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    Since we usually do a short click to hit something with a sword, requiring the player to click and then drag (with a duration of more than 150ms or so) the cursor to the left or to the right. This should solve the problem of hitting mobs we didn't want to.

    submitted by /u/kypnrp
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    [PS4] Add mouse and keyboard support

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    Playing on a controller is fine, but a little slow in comparison to keyboard. I'm sure it wouldn't be much work to implement binding options for keyboard.

    submitted by /u/sabsajosubjeckt
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    shifting should be how you get parrots off your shoulder

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    if you need to bring your parrots on your shoulder, chances are that you would need to jump or walk down blocks and that's how parrots dismount currently. shifting should be the new way how parrots dismount your shoulder.

    submitted by /u/GreenPlanet669
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    The Witchcraft And Warriors Update: My Idea for the new Combat Update for 1.15 (Part 1)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    NOTICE - This Post will be split into 2 Parts to make sure this Post isn't too long.

    Since this is combining a Magic Update and a Combat Update, I've decided to use the Gameplay Flair as this would vastly change Gameplay.

    Combat... a thing I post about a lot on this Subreddit. It's something that needs to be improved, so here I am again with a Combat Update Concept! This Section will be divided into Weaponry, Smithing and Fletching Tables, Armor, Combos, Enchantments, and Mechanics.


    We already have 4 Weapons, but the problem is that Melee is outnumbered, having technically 2 weapons and Ranged technically having 3 Weapons, cause Tridents. To fix this, I have 1 Ranged Weapon Idea and 2 Melee Weapon Ideas.

    The Slingshot - This wouldn't be some FPS-Worthy Weapon, no no no. This would be the first in what I call Modular Weapons. This can shoot 5 Things, Seeds, Flint, Bricks, Fish, and Prismarine Crystals. Seeds would shoot in 5 Directions, but only deal Half a Heart Of Damage, . Flint would deal 1.5 Hearts, Bricks would deal 4, Fish would deal Half a Heart Of Damage but obscure the Player's view with Fish Guts, and Prismarine Crystals would deal 3.5 Hearts but shoot in 3 Directions. This would be crafted with 4 Sticks in a Y shape with String in the Middle. Enchantments for this Weapon will be explained later.

    The Hammer - This would be an Axe-like Weapon that instead of disabling Shields, it "Stuns" Or gives Slowness 3 to the Player or Mob you hit for 3 Seconds. How would the Stun be applied, you ask? It would be thrown, but it wouldn't do Ranged Damage. This would be crafted like a sign, but with Stone, Iron, Gold Or Diamond. Stone does 7 Damage, Gold does 6, and Iron and Diamond would do 9. All would have an Attack Speed of 1.05.

    The Tribal Spear - Unlike my Tikiger Spear Idea, this would have a rare chance to be traded from Wandering Traders. It would not be throwable and it would deal 8 Damage with an Attack Speed Of 1.4. It's Enchantments would give it the edge over the other Weapons, as they are Potion-Effect Enchantments. These will be explained later.

    Smithing and Fletching Table Functionality

    You may know how I think these would work if you've seen my previous posts, so I'll do a quick recap. The Smithing Table would work by upgrading some aspects but taking other aspects from it. The Three main Aspects are Damage, Durability, and Attack Speed (For example trade 25 Durability for 0.2 more Attack Speed) The same would go for the Fletching Table, except it would include Drawspeed instead of Attack Speed.

    More Types of Armor

    One of the reasons why I like the Turtle Shell is because it's pretty unique. It adds new functionality at the cost of Armor points, so why don't we try this with other items?

    Camouflage Armor - This Armor would make you almost invisible to Mobs. If you move, chances are they'll sense you and attack you. Crafted by surrounding Leather Armor with Leaves, and gives between Leather and Chainmail Armor Points and between Leather and Chainmail durability.

    Magma Armor - Acts like the Turtle Shell, it gives you Fire Resistance for 20 Seconds as long as you're out of Fire, Lava, or taking any Fire Damage, and depletes once you are. Gives Iron Armor Points and has Iron Armor durability.

    These are just some ideas for more types of Armor

    Combos and Attack Speed

    I believe that Attack Speed should stay, but Combos should exist to counter that. Combos are just consecutive attacks, each within a second, that would increase Attack Speed by 0.1 each Combo Level and Attack Damage by 1 each Combo Level. There are 4 Combo Levels: 2x, 3x, 4x, and Max. For example, a Trident at Max would deal 13 Damage and have 1.5 Attack Speed. To increase or keep your Combo Level, you have to Attack within a second to increase it to the next or keep it if you're at Max. This, along with the Smithing Table Functionality, would solve the Attack Speed problem and allow for more fast-paced, 1.7/1.8 style Combat.


    One problem with Enchantments is the fact that Weapons haven't really gotten any new ones. This is excluding Tridents and Crossbows, of course, as they're new. The only new Enchantment that we've gotten, excluding the Trident and Crossbow Enchantments, is really just Sweeping Edge. I have some Enchantments that could solve this. I will start with Current Weapons first, and then Enchantments for my Weapons.

    Current Weapons:

    Sword Enchantments:

    Battle Cry - This Sword Enchantment makes it so you have a 50% Chance to deal a Critical, regardless if you meant to or not.

    Jab - Removes the Sweep Strike Ability, but makes you do 50% more Damage at Full Charge.

    Bow Enchantments:

    Longstring - Has 3 Levels, and increases the range that your Bow can shoot. Also makes the Arrow fly straighter.

    Bowspam - Lets you release your Arrow at any charge.

    Trident Enchantments

    Coral Corruption - Applies a Potion Effect called "Coral Corruption" that deals 2.5 Hearts of Damage across 3 Seconds to the Player or Mob you hit in Ranged or Melee. Level 2 does 4.5 across 5 Seconds.

    Wavemaker - When in Rain or Water, you have a 25% Chance to shoot a Beam Of Water Or Sea Current respectively that pushes Mobs or Players in the Beam back and deals 4.5 Damage.

    Poseidon's Power - Has 3 Levels and increases Throw Damage by .5 Hearts Per Level.

    Crossbow Enchantments:

    Marksman - When holding a Loaded Crossbow, you have a Scope. This Scope allows you to shoot very accurately, as you wouldn't have to shoot above the Mob.

    Quickfire - Lets you hold the Load Key to load an entire stack of Arrows into your Crossbow. When Loaded, you can hold again to shoot Arrows like a Machine Gun.

    New Weapon Enchantments

    Slingshot Enchantments:

    Longshot - Makes the Slingshot shoot faster.

    Lasso - Lets you shoot a Lead onto any Player or Mob.

    Hammer Enchantments:

    Maul Mash - This Rare Enchantment Lets you hold down RMB on the Hammer and let go to deal 2x Damage.

    Weaponbreaker - Lets you disable a Weapon for 3 Seconds, granted you attacked the Player around the same time they attacked you.

    Tribal Spear Enchantments:

    Poison-Tip - Your Tribal Spear Will now apply Poison to whatever Mob or Player you hit for 3 Seconds.

    Tribal Power - When holding the Tribal Spear, you get Regeneration 1 for as long as you hold the Spear in your Main Hand

    These are just a few possibilities. These Enchantments were specialized for PVP, so I would like to know what you would like to see.

    Combat Mechanics

    There needs to be more to Combat than just clicking both Mouse Buttons and Strafing and such. I have two Mechanics in mind to hopefully improve Combat.

    Parrying Parrying would work by letting go of the Use Button when using a shield around the same time that your opponent attacks you. This would knock them back 5 Blocks.

    Phalanx By holding down LMB When holding a Trident/Tribal Spear in your main hand and a Shield in your offhand, you enter Phalanx Mode, where you hold your Pole-arm of choice out to deal 2 Hearts of Damage to whatever runs into you or vice versa. You can Jab, dealing full Damage, but if the Shield gets hit 3 Times or you run into an explosion, you're forced out of Phalanx Mode and the Shield is disabled for 15 Seconds, preventing you from entering it yet again.

    In Conclusion to Part One...

    These are ways that Combat can be improved and possibly bring UHC back to it's glory days. If this is added, it could possibly bring 1.7-1.8 PVPers to 1.13+. Thanks for reading!

    (P.S. Gonna put this on the Feedback Site.)

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    Modifying biomes in creative mode

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 11:03 PM PDT

    This is mostly for creative mode builders and mapmakers---a way to modify biomes

    Let's call this command /biome

    /biome change

    /biome change ~ ~ ~ [type=desert] 

    the word change is the "sub-command" or the command string after the normal command

    @s means the one that activated the command, in this case where you are

    [type=desert] and ~ ~ ~ combined means that the current biome you are in would change into a desert

    By changing into a desert, I don't mean that the biome you are in would re-generate into a desert.

    What I mean is that all the watercolor, grass color, the temperature would apply to the biome you are in


    /biome change ~ ~ ~ [type=jungle] 

    so, pretend that you are in an ice spike biome when you typed this, what would happen is:

    1. parrots and ocelots would spawn here
    2. all leaves would have that "lush/green" look, just like in a jungle
    3. watercolor would change
    4. if you press F3, the game would see this area like a jungle, even though it looks nothing like one

    /biome create

    /biome create ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [type=plains] 

    pretty straightforward, the area between the two coordinates would become a plains biome

    just like above, only the watercolor, grass color, leave color, temp and mobs would change

    The terrain would not re-generate into a plains

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Changes to Fox's and Wolf's HP

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    I know this isn't a realistic game, but c'mon, foxes still have more HP than wolfs and they're noticeably smaller than them.

    Sheep are larger than wolfs, sure but sheep can be quite frail animals, so it makes sense they both have 8 HP, wolfs are smaller but tougher.

    Suggestion: Leave foxes with 8 HP, but give untamed wolfs 10 HP. Tamed wolfs should have their total health reduced to 16, seriously, how is a small-to-medium-sized dog as durable as a 2 meter tall man?

    submitted by /u/averagejojofag
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    Key bind to slow using elytra

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 06:40 AM PDT

    (I don't know whether to flair this gameplay or controls.)

    Using the elytra there is no easy way to slow and land, using a key bind we could make it so the elytra wings spread out slowing the speed of flight. A good key bind for this could just be your crouch button (as it spreads wings out anyway).

    submitted by /u/IJustCouldntThinkOk
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    Castration: An idea to prevent dogs from continually mating

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    I own four pet hounds, and go hunting in the night with them from time to time. Now, these good boys tend to take quite a few for the team, so I need to heal them up rather often. However, on rewarding these good boys with slabs of beef for their kills, they seem to become rather "aroused by the meat" shall we say, and proceed to mate with each other, creating new good boys. Not only does this not make biological sense, I believe this to be rather distracting. I propose a solution: right clicking the dogs with string will attach a visible cord to their nuts which will eventually drop off after 2-3 minecraft days, along with the bollocks.

    submitted by /u/YooYanger
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    cheaper hoppers

    Posted: 18 Apr 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    hoppers get most of their use when they are used en-masse, or at least in multiples, and considering the changes made to golem spawning, and generally negative view that mojang appears to have toward golem farming, I suggest that hoppers use nuggets instead of ingots.

    Either that, or you could perhaps get 3 or 4 hoppers per craft. this would also help with the fact that it takes a relatively large amount of wood for enough hoppers for a furnace array or other hopper applications.

    submitted by /u/stachada
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    A few changes to the smaller generated structures that currently have no use

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:14 PM PDT

    Numero uno; The Igloo. It should have a new villager-like mob called the Tinkerer, who looks like an unkempt librarian villager and can trade Redstone stuff. He only spawns in the Igloos with basements, in the basement.

    Numero dos; Moss stone boulders have one block of ore inside them sometimes. Just to give you a little reason to crack em' open. It probably shouldn't be diamond just for balancing purposes, but considering the overall rarity of Mega Taiga it could be.

    Numero tres; Desert Wells have a chance of concealing either a Husk dungeon beneath them, or a room with a sarcophagus made of golden blocks.

    Numero quadro; Shipwrecks sometimes spawn on the surface of the water completely intact and crewed by skeletons.

    There you have it, four tweaks and changes I'd prefer for some overall useless structures. Thoughts or changes would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Forest Mansions Should Have Rooms Dedicated to Redstone.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 05:45 PM PDT

    Look at the title for Basics.

    Other than that, Masions from now on should have a chance to have a room or two dedicated to a redstone contraption. Whether it is a room of automation or a room of secrecy. I would also like to see more added to the prison room of the mansion. Such as villager prisoners or even a secret redstone door that leads to a new room or a guard station.

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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