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    Minecraft Cursed items should have a red sheen effect, and should come with normally unobtainable enchantments to add more risk-reward.

    Minecraft Cursed items should have a red sheen effect, and should come with normally unobtainable enchantments to add more risk-reward.

    Cursed items should have a red sheen effect, and should come with normally unobtainable enchantments to add more risk-reward.

    Posted: 09 May 2019 07:23 AM PDT

    A slight curse-revamp here.

    Cursed items should have a red sheen rather than purple/blue, and you should be able to find them in random generated structures as loot.

    For example, you're braving the depths of an abandoned mineshaft and you stumble upon a minecart chest. Inside, you find a diamond sword with Smite 6, a normally unobtainable enchantment. "Wow!" You say. "That's super powerful!" But it comes with a price.

    Curse of Vanishing is inextricably applied to the weapon. So while you have a more powerful offensive punch, if you mess up, you will never get it back.

    Same thing applies to armor, but with curse of vanishing OR curse of binding. This armor would have great power, such as Protection 6 or Thorns 4, but the curses act as a suitable downside.

    Secondly, I have one new curse idea.

    Curse of Decay Basically reverse-unbreaking. Whenever an item performs an action that would decrease durability, there's a chance it will decrease it by two or three points instead.

    So, in conclusion, this is all about risk-reward. You are rewarded with power, but cursed in the process.

    submitted by /u/JimmyBacon_
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    The Saturation effect should have an icon.

    Posted: 09 May 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    It's really obvious since you CAN get the effect in survival (suspicious stew).

    It should look like the hunger icon but with a gold outline. It's really a simple suggestion.

    If an effect doesn't have an icon, it should have an interrogation mark instead.

    Thanks for reading my idea!

    submitted by /u/RodriOfficial
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    Bedrock and Obsidian should hide your name without you shifting

    Posted: 09 May 2019 05:51 AM PDT

    I think it would give a lot of use to PVP, since once you need to access your inventory or another inventory you will instantly stop sneaking.

    I know locking sneak is a very well known idea, but this adds more functionality to these 2 blocks.

    submitted by /u/RazDavid5029
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    Depending on the enchant, enchants should change how the object looks.

    Posted: 08 May 2019 05:10 PM PDT

    Fire aspect on a sword would show fire particles around and on the sword. Sharpness should make the sword look sharper and add a glint to the sword. Flame should add fire to the arrows while reloading. You guys can also suggest how enchants would change how they look.

    submitted by /u/BrannyMuffins
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    Golden golems in jungle temples

    Posted: 09 May 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    I just think that jungle temples need more, they should have something different. Thinking in what a temple could have, I thought that gold and a new enemy were good ideas. So I came up with the golden golem.

    You can not create one, they are as powerful as the iron golems and attack humans, cats and wolves. They could drop gold or maybe a golden flower.

    submitted by /u/ggplusle
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    Another slot in the inventory: Equipment

    Posted: 09 May 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    With the debug screen, almost nobody uses any navigational or utility items. Next to the offhand slot, there would be the equipment slot, which has the ability to have 4 utility items, the three old ones and one new one.

    Compass: When in the slot, it shows a compass rose on the top of the screen similar to something like in the Fallout series, with degree markings. Banners placed would have an icon on the compass, also mirroring Fallout.

    Map: Show coordinates in the top left corner, like it is in mobile and console editions.

    Clock: Shows the time in the top right corner, as well as the phase of the moon.

    Watcher: Made with 4 quartz and an eye of Ender in the same vein as a compass, it would show a small, unobtrusive, semi-transparent marker showing mobs around you, similar to what is present in most FPS games, except its not only when things are hurting you. The indicator would change color depending on the aggression of the mob. * Red: Hostile * Yellow: Neutral * Green: Passive

    submitted by /u/sdmcdaniel
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    More animals that can sleep

    Posted: 08 May 2019 11:14 PM PDT

    To add some spice make it so animals sleep. I find it a little odd how foxes are basically the only animal that can sleep.

    submitted by /u/AlexAtHome
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    Iron golems should go to the meeting point or center of villages at regular intervals

    Posted: 09 May 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    In my worlds, I have noticed iron golems that spawned with villages ending up going to a specific area and staying near there, whether it be because they get stuck or they just don't leave from that point after a long time. This prevents them from defending the entire village, especially if there is just one golem in the village still.

    Therefore, at some times, perhaps when the villagers come to the meeting point, the golems should go there too, to make them randomly path to a different area and defend the whole village more frequently.

    submitted by /u/orangevg
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    New Armor: Titan Boots

    Posted: 09 May 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    The Titan boots would be a new type of armor (boots) that are very durable and strong. They would be crafted like ordinary iron boots, except instead of ingots you would use iron blocks. The boots would give you little to no fall damage. If you jumped from more than 2 blocks while wearing them, a "power stomp" would occur and blast energy around you 5 blocks outwards. These could be useful to blast enemies away if low on health.

    submitted by /u/JTAMan
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    Granite quartz - a new quartz ore that only spawns in granite patches

    Posted: 09 May 2019 05:15 AM PDT

    Granite is a stone that IRL contains tiny quartz crystals. Some of these crystals could be larger and form granite quartz ore. This ore only generates in granite patches.

    Granite quartz cannot be crafted into redstone components but it can be crafted into quartz blocks, making this useful building material easier to get.

    submitted by /u/bdm68
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    Add new crystalline ores which can be made into pendants.

    Posted: 09 May 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    They go into a new armour slot and don't do anything but you can pay villagers to enchant them but instead of regular enchantments it gives you an indefinite potion effect.

    Edit: They are slightly more common than diamond. You need one crystal and two string to craft it. The potion effects are only the most common ones such as strength and speed (not invisibility or haste) and can only be at the first level. Also, villagers are the only way of enchanting them and it is very expensive.

    submitted by /u/expired_lemonade
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    Books and Leather

    Posted: 09 May 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    Can we get another way to craft books? It may be a little silly, but I wish there was another way to craft things that require leather that doesn't involve killing cows. Even if they are digital cows.

    submitted by /u/messylinks
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    Posted: 08 May 2019 08:30 PM PDT

    Rams (bighorn sheep) are neutral mobs. When attacked, they would charge at a player, knocking them back a considerable distance. It is tameable as well, to tame it, the player must feed it with apples until it emits smoke particles, then the player can ride them and wait until heart particles appear (If you ride a ram without feeding it apples, it would throw you off and attack you) . You can then put saddles on rams and ride them, they are as fast as a donkey and can jump high. Their special attribute is that holding down "ctrl" or your run button will make it charge for 5 seconds, becoming twice as fast. If it collides with a mob while charging, the mob will take 3 hearts of damage and will be knocked back, similar to getting hit with a Knockback II Sword.

    TL;DR: New mob: rams. Can be ridden and charge at mobs. Weaponized mounts.

    submitted by /u/HJTheObserver
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    Iron Golems should regenerate by giving the Iron Golem Iron Ingots and/or Nuggets

    Posted: 09 May 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    Iron Nuggets restore 1 Heart while Iron Ingots restore 2.5 Hearts.

    That will help your Iron Golem regenerate since they naturally don't.

    submitted by /u/CreeperCraftTNT
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    Track playtime in Statistics

    Posted: 09 May 2019 01:34 AM PDT

    Lots of people wonder how many hours they have put into the game. It would be a wonderfully useful feature to track playtime in the statistics menu.

    There would hopefully be two new options in the statistics menu, one being "Time spent in current world" and another being "Time spent in Minecraft". The latter being how many hours you have played on any world at any time, including multiplayer servers. The former would be how many hours you have spent in your current world. This wouldn't work for multiplayer servers though, as it would be hard to track which server is which.

    Link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043267791-Track-playtime-in-Statistics

    submitted by /u/xMdbMatt
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    Curse of Juggling

    Posted: 09 May 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    New curse idea!

    This would likely be the most annoying of the curses, where weapons and tools would sometimes jump to a random hotbar slot on use.

    For tools, it shouldn't be much more than a nuisance, though an extreme one. For combat, players could compensate by having multiple weapons in their hotbar as backups. This may seem redundant, since you could simply main the backup weapon, but the same goes for vanishing weapons.

    I also see that this would be more problematic for console players than PC players.

    submitted by /u/TopNotchIndeed
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    Holding a tool in creative mode should make it so you can only break blocks mined with said tool

    Posted: 08 May 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    For example, if you're holding a pickaxe, you can only break stone, cobblestone, ores, rails, etc.. A bit like adventure mode but in creative. This would make it easier to terraform areas, test certain contraptions, and just generally improve building/destroying in creative mode.

    A good amount of the tech is already there, as swords can't break blocks in creative. Now just make it selective. Additionally, having an enchantment such as efficiency, fortune, or silk touch would affect how the block reacts. An unenchanted tool would just delete the block, while efficiency would cause the block to drop what it drops when mined (stone = cobblestone, coal ore = coal, etc.), silk touch drops the block itself (maybe chests and furnaces would keep their contents like a shulker box?), and fortune applies the fortune effect.

    submitted by /u/Fireheart318s_Reddit
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    You don’t pick up items when crouched

    Posted: 09 May 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    There are many instances in multiplayer when another player dies in front of you (usually a friend or teammate) and you don't want to pick up there items. Currently, there isn't a way to avoid picking them up. Crouching could prevent this. It's simple and could likely be turned on and off in the menus.

    submitted by /u/XplorPineapple
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    Addressing the 3rd Person Camera

    Posted: 09 May 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    (For reference, I just watched The Challenge of Cameras | Game Maker's Toolkit and the current top comment & it's replies mention Minecraft's 3rd Person Camera. So this suggestion is inspired by that & not entirely my own thought)

    I've never really thought or cared about it much, but I agree with this a bit. It isn't a necessary way to experience the game, but some people might appreciate it.

    If the reticle were set to the center of the screen with the player model being set on either the left or right side of the screen, (maybe dependent on if you choose left or right handed?) this view mode might be more useful. I'm imagining something similar to most Over the Shoulder 3rd Person Shooter cameras. Perhaps there could also be an option to zoom the view closer in or farther away in 3rd Person to either see more of your character & their surroundings or focus more on the reticle for building & aiming. A held key + the scroll wheel?

    The aiming would still be centered on the player's head, but the camera would be at a slight horizontal rotation so that the focus point is still centered where the player would aim. Perhaps the degree of this rotation would automatically change slightly to account for the distance a player can place blocks when facing a block directly?

    And the 3rd Person Rear View Camera mode wouldn't need to be changed really, it doesn't seem to be meant for normal use. The only thing I can think of is letting this specific camera mode pass through glass blocks, but that isn't super necessary.

    submitted by /u/_Koza
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    Flying mount

    Posted: 09 May 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    😁Hey guys, what do you think about this idea?

    An animal that walks on 4 legs and has wings so it can also fly, it would be able to be tamed so player can ride it on land and fly with it.

    Running: small leaps, slower than horse but more agile for rough terrain, maybe slight stick to terrain while in full speed for some slight wall running or moving across mountains easily where with horse you could easily slip and fall to your doom. Flying: flap of wings controlled by player flap gives slight height raise but must be moving forward fast to be effective while not flaping gliding through air and loosing height constantly unable to gain it without flaping. Posible to be bread like all animals, must eat food for energy to be able to fly (can't be fed mid air! 😁) Spawning: New biome flying mountains that are cut off from the ground in level above clouds, makes nests, agressive to player to tame it you must agro it, jump off the mountain with food that it likes and when if it catches you mid air there would be percent chance to tame it and you have to control it to land otherwise you both die xD

    submitted by /u/nemanjanemanja992
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    New plants

    Posted: 09 May 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    Should new crops be added like corn? I feel like that is a reasonable request.

    submitted by /u/Yourmomstextbook
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    Lets discuss: Enchantments currently are a bad game design and too OP?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    Okay, this is a little controversial cough suggestion. But I am not suggesting something, please note this. I want to have a discussion with everyone including the mods because they read all the posts (good job mods) and know the game design very well.

    Please note this is purely my opinion coming from my experience of the game that I have been playing since 2011.

    Let me just say what I have in my mind right now:

    TLDR Version: Enchantments limit variety in the game, are too overpowered right now. Enchantments should be limited, should require more interesting mechanisms (like using materials along with exp). Some enchants should be removed so we can have unique tools and weapons with their own little enchants. Make the game more challenging, yet interesting as players will have more options to approach the game. Doesn't need to be too lore extensive or flashy, obviously.

    I feel like Enchantments are too overpowered. They tend to make tools like Swiss knifes, by that I mean a simple sword is capable of doing a lot. I am well aware there are incompatible enchantments and some limits, but in the large scheme of things these limitations make no difference.

    Another thing I dislike is that Enchantments limit variety to the game. Let me give you an example - Wouldn't it be cool that the player finds a rare weapon while exploring like a mace which deals lots of knock-back damage? Similar to how you get a Trident by killing a drowned, which has unique game-play mechanic compared to other tools? But this can not happen because the knock-back enchantment exists! Swords can't knock you back. Swords slice. Axes chop. Maces knock you back.

    Let me give you another example, instead of armor having the thorns enchantment wouldn't it be cool that you craft an armor from cactus blocks which has a similar effect?

    Yet another example, rather than having the flame enchantment how about give the player the ability to craft a weapon made by materials from the Nether which can set mobs on fire when hit with?

    I'm not saying you always need to locate these weapons and tools, but you should be able to craft some too (they can require rare materials to balance out the game-play).

    I think this would encourage players to explore the world more, adds more variety to the game, allows players to master alternative game-play approaches, gives potential for new mobs who would wield such tools and weapons, rare biomes where they would spawn in, etc.

    Now if you disagree with all that, lets talk about the way you get enchantments. The mechanism is too simple. You could mine red-stone or quartz like crazy to get experience, slaughter cows and grow lots of sugarcane for bookshelves for increasing levels (which requires an annoying 5x5 symmetric area for a level 30 build which always ruins my idiosyncratic builds). How about make this interesting, like a mechanism similar to the brewing stand?

    For example, in order to give your armor the thorns enchantment, you use cactus blocks and some of your exp along with Lapis on the enchantment table. For feather falling, you use phantom membrane. For flame, you use blaze powder. For unbreaking, you use an additional ingot of the material. For increasing the levels (like Unbreaking 3) you need to apply a rare material like ghast tear.

    Whatever the case, I do not like enchantments right now. Just having diamond armor with OP enchants is the way everyone seems to play the game. I'd like Minecraft to make it's mechanisms more flexible. We already have amazing blocks for creative purposes, time to focus on the survival aspect of the game. Make it more adventurous. It doesn't need to be too flashy or lore extensive, but at least provide some variety?

    submitted by /u/K4PT4IN_13
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    Thorny Vine

    Posted: 09 May 2019 04:29 AM PDT

    What is Thorny Vine? Thorny Vine is a defensive block, an upgraded version of cobwebs if you will. Cosmetically it looks like vines twisted into a cylinder with white thorns throughout, similar to Razor Wire. You can walk through it but will get damaged, and your movement speed will be hindered. Once placed - it'll slowly "reinforce" the blocks around it, adding a vine texture on top of nearby blocks that make them harder to destroy. Spiders cannot climb over reinforced blocks, and creepers don't do as much explosive damage either. You cannot break and pick up reinforced blocks.

    Where can it be found? Thorny Vine can be crafted using 6 vines and 3 iron. It can also be found in chests, and placed throughout ruins and strongholds. Villagers will also trade you this item so you can help defend the village.

    How can it be used? You can use Thorny Vine to defend your base from mobs and players, set up different traps, decorate your builds or use them in minigames (ie. Mechanic class that can place down Thorny Vine renamed to "Razor Wire").


    submitted by /u/dernachtistsonntag
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    Tamed Dogs Pick Up Bones and Bring Them to the Player

    Posted: 08 May 2019 09:14 PM PDT

    Perhaps a variant on the fox code where tamed dogs walking around will pick up nearby bones and bring them to the player that could be utilized as both a way to play fetch as well as a bonus to dogs chasing skeletons successfully.

    submitted by /u/Piwix
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