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    Minecraft Golden swords should have faster attack speed.

    Minecraft Golden swords should have faster attack speed.

    Golden swords should have faster attack speed.

    Posted: 23 May 2019 02:18 AM PDT

    Gold pickaxes can mine faster, so it'd make sense for gold swords to swing faster. This would also give the player an actual reason to use golden swords, but it wouldn't be big enough to drastically change the gameplay so you stop using iron or diamond swords. Maybe this should be applied to golden axes too, but I'm not sure about that.

    submitted by /u/Swordswordswordsword
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    Minecraft Combat: Diversity vs Progression

    Posted: 23 May 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    Since 1.15 is the Combat Update, I'd like Mojang to consider all of the problems that are in play, before they make any changes. Combat is an important part of Minecraft, and PvP is an important part of the Minecraft community. The developers need to handle these changes with care. I am here only to address the flaws, I will suggest alternatives as examples, but that isn't the main purpose of this post. Tl;dr at the bottom.

    Diversity and Progression

    There are two types of systems when it comes to Combat: Progressive and Diverse.

    Progressive Combat is where the player will start out weak, then grow stronger with each new material added. This works great in single player, but Minecraft is lacking materials.

    Let's start simple, there are 5-7 tool and armor tiers in Minecraft: Wood/Leather, Stone/Chainmail, Iron, Gold, and Diamond. As you know, there is a progression between each tier. You start with Wood, then Stone, then Iron, and finally Diamond. Leather is only used for decoration. Gold breaks very easily and doesn't protect much. And Chainmail is difficult to obtain and is barely better than Gold, so that leaves us with...

    Four weapons and tool types: Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond.

    Two armors: Iron and Diamond

    All of these materials are located in the Overworld, which makes the Nether and End almost useless. The player can access all of these tiers pretty easily and in a little amount of time, so this makes the progression kind of lackluster. New tiers can be added, preferably in other dimensions, to make the progression longer. This would improve Minecraft's current system, but not by much. There is a reason why new tool/armor tiers get constantly suggested, and why they seem to feel flat and stale. This is not even considering the other major issue of progression, which is…

    PvP is shallow. While timing, aiming, and movement matter, the most important factor is what you're using. Diamond is the only option, because it's the best option. Progression will always have this flaw, because one material is better than all that's before it. So how do we fix it?

    The Diverse system.

    Progression can only get us so far, in PvP, diversity may be key. I propose that each tier have both strengths and weaknesses. These are some random examples of what I'm talking about:

    • Iron is great because it's plentiful, but doesn't protect much and doesn't have any special properties
    • Diamond protects the most armor, however it is rare
    • Cobalt armor increases attack power by an extreme amount, but protects less than iron
    • Emerald gains OP enchantments, that aren't on any other material types, however it has low durability.
    • Amethyst armor weakens the Enchantments and Potion effects of incoming attacks, but makes the player's attack speed regenerate slower.
    • Ruby weapons have short cooldowns, however they aren't very strong.
    • Steel tools pierce through armor and shields, however steel cannot be enchanted
    • Obsidian has high durability, however the player cannot use shields

    These are only examples of a diverse system, not ideas I actually want implemented. The player now has more options to consider, there isn't one overpowered option, while all the rest are discarded. This can be applied to the tiers of tools and armor, or to enchantments only. Maybe each material AND enchantment are diverse.

    Minecraft already shows signs of this type of system, albeit only in minor ways. Gold has a higher chance of getting better enchantments. Leather can be dyed into any color, and is great for aesthetics, role playing, and mapmaking. Some enchantments are incompatible with each other; Do I want a bow that can regenerate durability, or one that doesn't use any arrows. Do I want the ability to fly, but at the cost of losing my chestplate?

    Sadly, there are two main issues with diversity. Firstly, diverse systems are very difficult to balance, many revisions may have to be made if one option is too overpowered or too underpowered. You can see this in any FPS game, with multiple characters or weapons. Some are considered cheap, while others are pointless to use.

    The second issue with diversity, is that it can become quite complex. Minecraft prides itself on being quite simple, almost like Legos. Easy to memorize recipes, small interfaces, and simple systems. Food doesn't rot, Trees only have two states, almost no machines. Mods are often criticized of being too complicated and confusing. If there are too many factors in combat, it can just become a giant mess of rules and numbers.

    A mixture of diversity and progression is the best solution. Keep Wood, Leather, and Stone how they are, they work for progressions' sake. If you want Gold and Chainmail to compete with Diamond and Iron, they really need to be buffed. Buffs are better appreciated by communities, than Nerfs. If you want more progression or more diversity, there needs to be more Armor/Weapon/Tool types. You can choose to add more materials like Copper, Sapphire, or Enderscale.

    Or you can choose to implement "modifiers" on the current options we have. Enchantments somewhat already do this, but they need to be more diverse if no new materials are added. Another suggestion is to give each weapon a secondary function, like making a Purpur Axe that can grow a wall of Chorus Plants in front of you with right-click. Or give each armor set a type of "bonus" if you're wearing a piece, similar to Terraria. Maybe Gold armor gives the player a longer reach for PvP and building. The purpose is to allow each material type/enchantment to stand out from one another.

    That's all I really wanted to say on the matter. Hopefully Mojang sees this, or already knows it. Since this isn't really an "idea" I don't think I'll be able to post it on the Feedback site, so it'll only stay on Reddit. I have a few more posts like this in mind, so keep an eye out.

    Thank you for reading my rant, and hopefully you were able to take something from it.

    TL;DR: Minecraft needs to add more options than just Diamond armor/tools/weapons. Either by buffing current tiers or adding new materials with unique properties.

    submitted by /u/DaydreemAddict
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    Kelp blocks as an alternative to hay bales for campfire smoke

    Posted: 23 May 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    A simple change. Have kelp blocks raise the campfire's smoke stack as well. Since they're both dry plants bundled up in a block, why not give kelp blocks the same ability as hay bales?

    submitted by /u/Dovahburger
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    An Improvement to Forgotten Mobs [Part 1.]

    Posted: 23 May 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    [Hello! This is my second post on the sub, so sorry if this post isn't that good. ]

    Currently, MC has a lot of mobs, and the number will keep going up. However, a couple of mobs seem really bland and unnecessary to the game. Strays and Husks are the perfect examples of this. I will focus on improving Strays in this post and Husks in a later post.


    In all the time you have played Minecraft, when have you encountered a stray? A better question, when have you wanted to encounter a stray? What could make these frigid fossils a little bit better?

    First, let's discuss where and how you encounter them. Strays spawn in basically every cold biome and are essentially substitutes for skeletons. However, I propose a better idea. Skeletons typically just spawn everywhere, but strays would be different. They would spawn in a new generated structure: The Stray Campsite. This would be a campsite with a campfire, some logs, and some small tents. Strays would spawn the most around here, as if they were travelers that had set up camp in the cold before becoming undead. Strays would guard this structure with all their life, which brings me to my next change: Stray Behavior/ Improvements.

    Strays need improvements. I think that strays should be juiced up versions of their generic skeleton brothers. Normal skeletons have a detection range of 16 blocks, but the stray would have a detection range of 28 blocks, nearly double of that of the skeleton. When the stray notices a player, all other strays in the nearby area get notified. Strays would have a a quicker reload speed as well. Their bows would have a 25% chance of having the curse of vanishing enchantment on them. When strays spot a player, they will chase the player shoot their arrows. As we all know, they shoot slowness arrows, however, I think that they should have a new type of tipped arrow, which would be the slowness II arrow. This would have the same effect as a potion of slowness IV. For other random behaviors, I would make strays attack polar bears and rabbits.

    As you have noticed, this post suggest making strays tougher, but what would make you want to actually go out and find one? I think they should have better drops.

    Bows: Obviously, they would drop bows. However, you might have noticed that I said they would have a 25% chance of having the Curse of Vanishing. This will make it more difficult to obtain bows from strays.

    Frigid Bones: Strays would drop Frigid Bones upon being slayed. They would look like blue-ish bones with some ice on them . What would these do? Well, first of all, you would be able to thaw them out with a furnace to make them regular bones. However, these bones have their own use. Since wolves live in the cold, maybe they like cold bones more, as it reminds them of their homelands. Frigid bones would have a higher chance of taming wolves. These bones wouldn't work as well as bone meal, though. [I would also like if wither skeletons would drop burnt bones, which would act as the reverse version of frigid bones. They would make great bone meal but poor wolf taming food.]

    Tattered Rags: This would be a new item with a 40% chance of being dropped by the Strays. It would be a piece of armor that would take up the chest-plate spot. It would give very little protection, but would provide a new status called "Cold protection". This would give you a buff in cold biomes. You would be slightly stronger, faster and have faster health regeneration in these cold biomes. Keep in mind that this effect would also be given if you are wearing leather armor, but as an enchantment. However, the tattered rags could be enchanted even further. You would have "Cold protection II" which is the same effect but better.

    Glacial Necklace: This would be a more complex items. Strays would have a 1% chance of spawning with it.. It would also occupy the chest plate spot, just like the rags. However, this would be much better than the rags. It would automatically give you cold protection 2, but would also do something else. It makes you take only 25% damage from fire attacks, such as blaze fireballs or ghast blasts. This would also provide resistance from fire aspect swords and bows, as well as fire charges, fire, and lava.

    Sorry if this post isn't that good. Any feedback is welcome!

    submitted by /u/TheBerriesBush
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    Posted: 23 May 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    When a player's hunger bar is below three drumsticks, they are unable to sprint. So, when players are in a desert biome, maybe we should utilize this. Not being able to sprint brings your attention to your hunger level, and you say, "Oh, I need to eat."

    So, maybe to bring a bit more of reality into the game, when a player's hunger is at a half drumstick, in a desert biome the screen becomes warmer, like you turned on night mode. Then, objects begin to appear in the distance, like villages or desert wells, or maybe even desert temples if you want to go that far. (Remember, this is only in the desert biome, nothing happens in other biomes.)

    submitted by /u/Dakruk
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    Sprinting makes a louder sound than walking

    Posted: 23 May 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    Sprinting on certain materials should make a louder sound than when you're walking.

    For example on grass you should make an audible thump from your feet, and on Iron you would make a louder clonk

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    When grass blocks burn they should turn into black/dark grey grass blocks

    Posted: 23 May 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    Burnt Grass

    When grass blocks burn they should turn into black or dark grey grass blocks.

    Burnt grass would also generate around lava pools above ground, making them look more natural.

    I think this block would be useful for darker or horror themed builds like haunted castles, and would also add some detail to the game and world generation

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Villagers should make a scared sound when running away from a zombie or illager.

    Posted: 23 May 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Something similar to a scream, but more fitting for the villager. Maybe like "HJNURG HURR!". It would be louder than their normal sounds too. This would alert the player if a villager was in danger, and it makes more sense than a villager making the gossiping sound when it's running for its' life.

    submitted by /u/Swordswordswordsword
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    Islands change depending on the Ocean Biome/Temperature

    Posted: 23 May 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    So currently every island that generates in the Ocean looks the same. They have grass blocks and sometimes some oak trees. Sometimes they might even generate a bit of plains or forest in the middle of it.

    The Islands should change depending on the Ocean Biome.

    So Warm Oceans generate more tropical looking islands, with a chance to generate a jungle in the middle.

    Lukewarm Oceans look like the current islands, and have a chance to generate the normal common biomes like Forests in the middle. There should be some new possible biomes though, like Dark Forests.

    Cold/Frozen oceans only generate snowy/cold biome islands. It even has a chance to generate Ice Spikes in the middle.

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Pressure Plate Changes

    Posted: 23 May 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    Like item frames and buttons, pressure plates should be placeable on the sides and bottom of blocks. The functionality would be the same, but you can walk into a wall or jump into a ceiling to activate a plate as well as stepping on it. Basically, they would be similar to buttons, although you don't need to manually press them.

    Pressure plates should retain the ability to be activated by arrows, and they should also be activated by eggs, snowballs, and rockets. When an arrow lands on a pressure plate, it should pop off as an item rather than an arrow entity to add a difference from the functionality of buttons.

    Edit: Spelling

    submitted by /u/LemonsAreFroonts
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    Allow Bamboo to have Torches placed on top of it, so we can make Tiki-torches.

    Posted: 22 May 2019 09:25 PM PDT

    They're the same thickness, so their hitboxes should align precisely.

    IRL tiki-torches are made from Bamboo anyway.

    Okay, so their colors won't match, but it's better than nothing.

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    Nether wart fields!

    Posted: 23 May 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    I was thinking after playing Minecraft a bit, where did the nether fortresses get their nether wart? A nether wart biome is what I think the Nether needs! It could be somewhat rare. I think in this biome you can find natural nether wart.

    there could even be a new mob. I think this new mob could be like a rabbit that likes to steal nether wart. I think its name could be the Nether hopper? I think it should be a neutral mob.

    I think this would be cool because the Nether need variety and this can add variety. This idea can definitely be built upon but here is what I have!

    submitted by /u/I-DotIdea
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    Ghast Tear block

    Posted: 23 May 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Ghast Tear blocks act like water, but it doesn't flow into any direction. It's just a self contained liquid cube, and you can swim in it. It's crafted from 4 ghast tears in a square.

    For example you could build a straight line of tear blocks in the air and swim in it, but it wouldn't fall downwards or spread anywhere.

    You can place them in the Nether, and maybe they can also be pushed and pulled by pistons.

    It's a pretty silly idea, but kinda fun.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net


    The block turns into obsidian in contact with lava, giving players a way to get obsidian in the Nether.

    Water just absorbs it and turns it into a water source block.

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    New /team option that allows mobs to attack mobs that are not on the same team

    Posted: 23 May 2019 03:15 AM PDT

    Similar to how vanilla shulker works, if a mob is in a team with the option set to true, it will attack anything that is not on the same team as itself

    This will greatly help mapmaking, allowing map makers to make mobs that fight with the player and mobs that will attack other mobs

    submitted by /u/Explosive_Cake
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    Some Zombies will be missing limbs and crawl on the ground (using the player swim animation)

    Posted: 23 May 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    Ever since crawling was added to the game I've wanted to see zombies do it. Most classic zombie franchises will have creepy crawling zombies, so why not minecraft?

    Maybe Zombies could have a new limb-loss mechanic where each individual limb will have a hitbox and hitting it enough will make it lose that limb. Losing a leg will force it into crawl mode and make it slow down. Hitting the head hitbox is the only way to kill it.

    Whether or not limb hitboxes are added, I just really want to see crawling zombies.

    submitted by /u/_DrDerp_
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    Equip helmets for Snow Golems

    Posted: 23 May 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    I think it would be fun if you could equip helmets for Snow Golems, by right-clicking them with a helmet

    The pumpkin would need to be sheared off first, of course

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    edit: and they would obviously always drop it if they die

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Re-introduce Pigmen as Workers

    Posted: 23 May 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    Recruit pigmen by curing zombie pigmen from the nether (like with the zombie villagers) and have them do tasks for the player such as tend to crops and defend during the night/raids.

    submitted by /u/FourteenCoast
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    New Ravager's Ability: Charge

    Posted: 23 May 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    Its pretty late to post this cuz 1.14 has already passed but I'll do it anyway. So, this charge attack is an ability that Ravagers can do if an enemy is 16 blocks away and is in line of sight, this'll deal slightly more knockback than a normal attack, will do 20 DMG at normal difficulty, will deal DMG even if you're using a shield but less powerful, will disable shields, has a unique animation, gives them more movement speed and 100% knockback resistance. Ravagers will also roar at first before they use it which deals damage, though they can only do this if no one's riding them and will recharge for 30 secs. The charge attack will stop after 16 block has passed and they'll take a bit damage if they only hit a wall which will stun themselves. Also this charge attack will damage and knockback anything smaller than the Ravager such as chicken, pig, silverfish, etc. (They can TK their own raiders as well during this charge attack and charge attack also can't be obstructed by destroyable blocks such as leaves)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    New Grass growth stages - 0,5 and 1,5 blocks high tallgrass

    Posted: 23 May 2019 05:09 AM PDT

    It's a simple idea.

    We have 1-block and 2-blocks high grass. Why not 0.5 and 1.5 high grass too, to have more variety.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Bonemealing crops should temporarily increase the growth speed of nearby crops, inversely proportional to the distance.

    Posted: 23 May 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    For instance,

    Bonemealing wheat:

    • 1 block out: 100% increase
    • 2 blocks out: 50% increase
    • 3 blocks out: 25% increase
    • 4 blocks out: 12% increase
    • 5 blocks out: 5% increase

    You get the idea. The increase will last for a few seconds, for every bonemeal.

    However, it will only work on the same crop types. Using the instance above, potatoes near the wheat are unaffected.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    new Totem features or changes

    Posted: 23 May 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    While exploring the end if one would fall into the void while holding a totem, the totem could break and have different mechanics while only dying in the void. These mechanics would be a chance at preserving some of the items in one's inventory or something on the lines of tp'ing the player to the nearest block or even to spawn with the totems healing effects activated.

    submitted by /u/quasarr78
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    Create Unstable TNT by replacing the middle block with Redstone Dust

    Posted: 23 May 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    TNT can be activated by redstone, so it makes sense for unstable TNT to be pre-activated by having redstone inside it.

    submitted by /u/RottenPeachSmell
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    better Wandering trader

    Posted: 22 May 2019 07:19 PM PDT

    IMO, the Wandering Trader's current trades are pretty mediocre. Other than Ice, and Coral, they're pretty much only really useful early on in game, and even those trades can be made obsolete if you find the right biomes.

    here are some suggested items that may be worth adding:

    Random Potions (makes sense, as they seem to have an unlimited supply of invisibility)
    Leads (same reason)
    Prismarine blocks

    Terracotta (glazed and unglazed)
    random banners/banner patterns?

    alternate villager Outfits? (an item to be used on villagers that changes them to different biome skins)

    submitted by /u/stachada
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    Creepers turn into "homing torpedoes" when in water/swimming

    Posted: 23 May 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    They would slowly spin underwater and home in to the player.

    Just a funny idea I got.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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