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    Minecraft Icebreaker Boat

    Minecraft Icebreaker Boat

    Icebreaker Boat

    Posted: 15 May 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    Icebreaker boat would be a stronger version of the normal boat.

    It moves as fast, but it's able to break ice just by colliding with it.

    This ability would be really useful in in Frozen Ocean biomes. Maybe there could even be an enchantment for the boat, that causes it to drop the ice as an item and automatically collect it.

    They would be crafted by surrounding a boat with iron ingots.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Mushrooms should be placeable on tree trunks / logs and sideways / on sides of blocks

    Posted: 15 May 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    Mushrooms can grow on trees IRL, why not in minecraft?

    This change would allow them to grow on fallen or cut down trees, but to make them grow sideways on trees, there should be another change:

    Make them placeable to a side of a block, and when bonemealed they would grow a sideways big mushroom.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Shepherd Villager Trade: Turn 1 Wool into 4 String

    Posted: 15 May 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    I was thinking how currently you can't turn wool back into string, like you can do with many other materials. But I also thought that it would be potentially unbalanced, at least for early game.

    So I thought of a good idea to make it balanced, and to create a new trade and use for Shepherd:

    They turn 1 block of wool into 4 string (but theysometimes give less, and sometimes more). with the additional price of 1 emerald.

    I think this would be a really nice addition. And it's similar to the already existing Fletcher trade where they turn gravel into flint.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Advanced cooking - using cauldrons!

    Posted: 15 May 2019 01:46 AM PDT

    The main use of cauldrons in game is to act as a water source to fill bottles. Though it's completely useless as it empties in just 3 uses, where as a 1x1 water source block can provide infinite water bottles.

    Here's the deal - right now excluding Cake, food in Minecraft is pretty simple. You find meat and just cook it. You grow crops and make simple bread. Now, since cauldrons require more materials to be made compared to a furnace or a smoker they can be used to cook complicated dishes - stews and curries!

    Here's how it would work. Place a cauldron, and directly below that a fireplace. Make sure the cauldron is filled with water. Then, in the cauldron throw materials/meat required for the dish (maybe add more spices or unique ingredients in the game). When the color of the water in the cauldron changes, right click with a bowl to get some delicious delicacy. You can right click with a bowl 3 times.

    Here's my justification for it - it's very interesting, calm and therapeutic experience like brewing and fishing. While one could easy just combine materials for potions in a crafting table we got a brewing stand instead which adds more life to the game. Plus we more cool dishes which can give player beneficial status effects.

    submitted by /u/K4PT4IN_13
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    Minecraft 1.16 Nether updates (my ideas)

    Posted: 15 May 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    I think Minecraft 1.15 should be the cave update but Nether also needs and update. Here are my ideas for the Nether Update:

    Ores - The Nether hasn't really got any valuable ores unless you think quartz is valuable. I have an idea for two ores but one of them has been rejected and the second one is a variant of the existing ore. Mojang has rejected the ruby ore because it's too similar to the redstone (I don't see how but anyway) but I hope they'll add the nether variant of it. The next ore is the Nether gold ore. After destroying (using pickaxe of course) it would drop 2-5 gold nuggets but the player that destroyed it would be attacked by nearby Pigmans (only if the player is on the difficulty higher than peaceful or easy). Pigmans has golden swords but there's no gold in the Nether, this ore would add some life to this dimension.

    Better dungeons and more structures - Nether fortresses should be updated because they are pretty boring to be honest but for now I don't have an idea for their update. I have an idea however for the Nether villages with a passive Pigmans. We would be able to trade with those Pigmans using gold nuggets, gold and rubies. Maybe there should be some kind of a golem there as well? Sometimes the portal ruins should also generate. It would give players the feeling that somebody has bent there before. After rebuilding and launching the portals, they bring the player to an interesting places in overworld, for example to the dungeon or to the cave with a lot of minerals.

    Black bones - It's a really small feature but it's a really interesting one. Wither skeletons should drop black bones from which the player should be able to craft black bone mean. Black bone meal would work on warts just like regular bone meal works on the wheat and other crops.

    More mobs - I know that only one from the voting mobs (in that case the Phantom) could've been added to the game but I hope that The hovering Inferno will be added to the game. It could be a mini boss of the fortress. Speaking of bosses, that's what the Nether really needs at least one boss. Wither is some kind of the Nether boss but nobody is fighting him in the Nether so it doesn't count. I think that it would be interesting to have a boss made from lava and the player would be able to hurt him only using water which would cause problems cause you know, you can't have water in the nether so the players would have to use snowballs and water bottles. Also maybe a new passive mob that would give food should also be added, for example the wart cow? Also maybe some tameable mobs should be added?

    Drying sponges - Again a very small feature but I think that wet sponges should dry after placing in the Nether.

    Reuse the Top - There's a bedrock ceiling on the top of the Nether, it should be somehow reused.

    More plants - I want a Nether tree that would allow the player to make a fire proof planks and door. I'd love to see a fire proof boat in which you can swim in the lava.

    Magma block should activate TNT - Really small feature that speaks for itself.

    Biomes - Different biomes is what Nether needs, I'm kinda bored of that natherrack everywhere. I'd like too see a Ragnarok biome in which there's a lot of soul sand and some Nether trees or a biome with a giant Vulcans from the new solid magma block (black non liquid magma that wouldn't damage the player). There should also be different temperatures of the biomes, in some there would be too hot and the player would have to wear a special new armors and on the others there would also be hot but not as much.

    More curses - We should have more curses and a way to have them, maybe the Nether enchanting table made from rubies that would give only the negative curses.

    Anyway, that how I think the Nether should be improved, do you have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/CinemaSans
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    The End update

    Posted: 15 May 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    I think The End doesn't really need a big update, Nether and caves are the things that should be updated and the End is now a lot more interesting place after 1.9 update but it doesn't mean that it couldn't be even more interesting. Here are some things I'd like to see added:

    Dragon breath from dispenser - Okay, maybe it's not a thing from the End but it's related to it. Dispeners should create a cloud of dragon breath if there's a dragon breath inside (of course after activation).

    Shulker shell - The player should be able to wear it as a primitive helmet.

    Shulker blast - It would be a rare drop from Shulker, we would be able to make a potion of levitation from it.

    Purple fire - Fire under the End crystals should be purple, it would give it more climate.

    Caves with blocks - There should sometimes generate caves with blocks but only the blocks that Endermans can pick up. They need to store those block somewhere, right?

    Fallen ships - Sometimes fallen ender ships with destroyed Elytra (with 0 durability) and Shulker box (representing a dead Shulker) would generate.

    Pndermites from purpur - I don't need to explain that one.

    Amethyst - A new ore that would be useful in enchanting things.

    Better obsidian pillars - They go through the main island and they're also under it and it doesn't look so good.

    Ender fluid - A fluid that wouldn't like water (it would always be at least one block away from water), would fall with the source, wouldn't spill but two sources would connect and wouldn't damage the Endermans.

    Here are suggestions for the small End update, please let me know your ideas.

    submitted by /u/CinemaSans
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    Pet whistles

    Posted: 15 May 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    (I'm on mobile btw)

    You know when you're building a bridge from one high place to another and your pet teleports near you causing you to fall off said bridge? Or when you're in a sticky situation and you forgot to bring your dog to help?

    I have thought of a way to help with these situations (Not sure if anything like this has already been posted) introducing Pet Whistles, a way you can call a certain pet to go to your location and at any time (apart from when you're in separate dimension to it.)

    I thought that it should only be used on 1 pet at a time (so people wouldn't get confused on which dog to call)

    It could be used in many ways, for example: You are trying to get across a mountain and you've decided to bring your dog over to help fight mobs, before starting a bridge across the mountains sit your dog down. Once you've gotten across you just simply blow the whistle (right click) and the dog will stand up and either go across the bridge or teleport to you depending on how far away you are from him.

    Of course there is a limit to how far the whistle works (obviously :D) and I was thinking that you could add noteblocks to the whistle in a crafting table to expand the range of the sound.

    The whistle will have a durability level like other tools such as flint and steal, so it can be repaired with iron nuggets and ingots and will also be repaired if you upgrade it with a noteblock.

    That might be it for the moment, if you have any questions please ask in the comments :)

    Thank you :D

    Crafting Recipe: https://www.reddit.com/user/YT-UrbanComrade/comments/bp48il/whistle_idea_crafting_recipe_i_designed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    submitted by /u/YT-UrbanComrade
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    Elder guardians should make lower pitched sounds when out of water

    Posted: 15 May 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    Elder guardians should make lower pitched sounds than normal Guardians when out of water, instead of using the same sounds at the same pitch. This would be consistent since they make lower pitched sounds when submerged in water. It could either play the current sounds at a lower pitch or use a different set of sounds, like the underwater sounds do.

    Feedback website post

    submitted by /u/SonicwaveMC
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    Popped Chorus Fruit should be edible.

    Posted: 15 May 2019 03:41 AM PDT

    It resembles popcorn, but purple. It should be edible, right? It's not like heat kills its ability to be eaten.

    It fills more hunger than regular fruit, like all other cooked food items.

    The sound it makes when eating is popcorn chewing.

    The player will still teleport when eating it.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    More arthropods

    Posted: 15 May 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    In essence, we should include more arthropods such as giant crabs for underwater (could drop scutes and/or rare chance for either pearls(which can be used as emerald alternatives but require more of) or a heart of the sea) a scorpion (which could drop scutes and/or scorpion tail for poison making (not good with potion stuff so if anyone wants to add to this they can) and bee's which would drop pollen (bonemeal for flowers) or honey (which would be a new food item). Arthropods should also be unaffected by normal power enchantment to encourage use of Bane of arthropods. This is my first time so if I missed anything let me know.

    submitted by /u/NightwingNep
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    Posted: 15 May 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    Simple aesthetic object hangs from stone underground.

    Comes in variants:

    - regular

    - glowing (very dim - redstone torch levels)

    Would be a cool thing to spice up caves a bit.

    submitted by /u/Zeewild
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    Biome-Specific Villager Trades

    Posted: 15 May 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Basically villager specific trades based on the biome you are in. They will buy/sell items based in the biome you are in.

    Desert: 25 Cacti to 1 emerald, 1 emerald to 16 sand

    Jungle(if added in): 40 Bamboo to 1 emerald, 1 emerald to 16 jungle wood

    Plains: 32 Wheat Seeds to 1 emerald, 1 emerald to 16 brick

    Savanna 20 Acacia Wood to 1 emerald, 1 emerald to 8 acacia leaves

    Swamp(if added in) 10 mushrooms to 1 emerald, 1 emerald to 16 vines

    Snowy 20 snowblocks to 1 emerald, 1 emerald to 8 ice

    Taiga 20 Spruce Wood to 1 emerald, 1 emerald to 16 sweet berries

    These trades could be added to the first trades or last trades and would help players sell items they harvest in the biome they are in

    submitted by /u/Yobarett3
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    Mixing different types of wool or wood creates "hodgepodge" beds, doors, signs, etc.

    Posted: 15 May 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    Imagine you just created a world. You need wool for a bed. Lo and behold, sheep! But alas, all three you found are different colour. You have no iron for shears so you have to kill. You get three wool but theyre all different colours. Useless.

    But now, you can craft a bed with those wool. It would look so disgusting it makes you wanna throw up, but it works as a bed.

    The hodgepodge variant looks ugly, but it works. It gives a bit of freedom for quick building. There could be variants of beds, signs, doors and others. Personally I wouldnt like a variant of stairs and slabs.

    Also, hodgepodge sounds ridiculous. Other names?

    submitted by /u/Aiminer357
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    Lava Tubes:High Risk, High Reward.

    Posted: 15 May 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    Description: A small cave in the shape of a long snake filled with lava, travelling up or diagonal for a short distance of 15-25-30 blocks before stopping.

    What it will offer: As we have all seen from the hit movie "Journey To The Center Of The Earth", there is a scene where they find themselves in an empty lava tube where due to a natural process, the lava has created crystals, diamonds and precious gems. If these were to be in Minecraft they would almost always be filled either partially or fully with lava and Magma blocks and the walls would be made of random Igneous rock (granite maybe), Obsidian, Diamond Ore and Emerald Ore.

    Good stuff: A High Risk High Reward situation, profit of many Diamonds, Magma Blocks, and Emeralds.

    Bad stuff: High Risk, if not harvested properly the Gems or even you can burn up in the lava. Diamond/Emerald binge.

    NOTE: These will be Rare, and will come with a range of 12-16-19 diamonds scattered about among the walls and 2-4-6 Emeralds.

    These Numbers Can Be Tweaked For Balance.

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    Either change gravel and flint to be craftable with each other like a storage block and remove flint dropping from gravel, or expand on it dropping from it and add more rare drops for gravel and equivalents for sand.

    Posted: 15 May 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    Mining gravel is a pain and takes up more inventory space than it should if you don't have a silk touch shovel. Both of them are important resources for different things, but while flint is renewable, gravel is not. There is even a pointless trade where you give gravel for flint. This trade should be removed along with flint being dropped from gravel, and instead gravel should become like a storage block for flint, except you only need a 2x2 square of flint to make gravel and you get 4 flint when you craft back. This would make flint much cheaper, and make gravel, a useful material when building large concrete structures, finally renewable. If this does not fit with the game, then consider more rare drops from gravel, like quartz, lapis, or gold nuggets, and equivalents in sand like bones and nautilus shells.

    submitted by /u/NinjolasNJM
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    Mushroom Villages | Improving the Islands and Exploration

    Posted: 14 May 2019 10:20 PM PDT

    1/3 of Mushroom Islands have Mushroom Villages.

    Concept Screenshots

    Functions like a normal village and has the same types of structures except for one new one: a dock that explains how the villagers obtained wood, food (that isn't mushroom stew), and other materials.

    There aren't any naturally generating structures on these islands, so this should spruce it up. :)

    MC Feedback Site Link (will work once post is approved)

    "Minecraft developers can still draw inspiration from suggestions posted here, but they can utilize the whole idea if posted there."

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Ender Pearls should be affected by bubble columns.

    Posted: 15 May 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    If i throw an ender pearl into a bubble column for soul sand, thr pearl should rise.

    submitted by /u/Burnt-Toast-0087
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    Put certain items in brewing stands to give them effects!

    Posted: 15 May 2019 03:24 AM PDT

    By simply adding specific blocks in place of bottles, you can apply certain effects to block including:

    Water Breathing: By brewing some pufferfish into concrete powder, you can make it resistant to being converted into concrete.

    Fire Resistance: Brewing Magma Cream onto any flammable block turns it fireproof.

    Slow Falling: Applying Phantom Membrane to any gravity affected block causes it to float in the air.

    Potion of the Turtle Master: Applying this to Brick variants makes a blast resistant version.

    more outlandish ideas include:

    Invisibility: Applying this to any opaque block causes light to pass through them.

    Night Vision: Applying this to a daylight sensor causes it to output a redstone signal based on the moon phase.

    Strength: Applying this to droppers/dispenser causes them to launch TNT and have a higher item velocity.

    submitted by /u/youngling99999
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    Water Gun

    Posted: 15 May 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    A water gun would be crafted with 1 Water Bottle, (you keep the bottle.) 3 Iron, and 1 Piston.
    It is unbreakable but has 3 shots, it shoots water that pushes back mobs and damages Endermen and every Nether Mob.

    It can be shot at players to push them away, once it runs out of water, you have to put it in a crafting table with a water bottle. 1 Water Bottle is 3 shots, and a Bucket is 6, it can hold up to 9 shots. It can also launch the player into the sky if they shift, look down, and shoot it, they will take no fall damage. It can also fill up cauldrons, and shooting 9 shots onto 1 block will summon a water source block.
    Crafting Recipe:

    Iron Ingot
    Iron Ingot Water Bottle
    Iron Ingot Piston
    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Mobs killed by player placed magma blocks should count towards the total amount killed in the statistics page

    Posted: 15 May 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    Nether Creeper & it's unique drpp

    Posted: 15 May 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    Wow, me, the guy who made Orbiters not a while ago, looks at the Nether and doesn't shun it? I surprise myself so much. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you may hate the Nether and so do I, but seeing as it's so dangerous already, even though most of the danger is you, the player, being incredibly clumsy or not well equipped, I suppose we add something new to spice up the Nether.

    Friends, meet... the Scorched Earth Creeper.

    • 20 HP (like the average creeper)
    • 0 armor points (similar to a creeper)
    • Attack Strength: 49 hearts (23.5 <3s) at the source block of the explosion and fire damage from Flame Trail
    • Same size as a Creeper
    • Drops Gunpowder (50% for 1, 25% for 2) and Redstone (50% for 2, 25% for 3)
    • Rare drops include Hearth Breaker (10%) and it's head (1%, 100% if blown up by a charged creeper)
    • Spawns anywhere in the Nether if it's on a Nether-related material

    Difference from a Creeper

    The Scorched Earth Creeper is a creeper of the Nether, with its own unique properties to differentiate it. First of all, it comes in three vareities; soul sand, netherrack, and glowstone to camoflague with it's environment. It also has a secondary attack involving not self-destructing.


    The attacks of the Scorched Earth Creeper are double the amount that the average creeper has, even though one technically doesn't involve attacking anyone. The first attack is the infamous explosion, except the explosion is smaller but sets fire to 20% of the blocks exposed via the explosion. The secondary attack is a trail of fire that it emits during the state that it is at 25% health (2.5 hearts).

    Unique Drop: Hearth Breaker

    The Hearth Breaker is a drop it has a 10% chance to yield. It is only usable for crafting.

    "Unique" Enchantment: Hearthquake

    Hearthquake is an enchantment "unique" to the Scorched Earth Creeper. I say unique because you need the drop to create the enchantment. First, put boots in the enchantment table's target slot and the Hearth Breaker in the lapis slot. The prompt to enchant the boots with Hearthquake will pop up with the need for ten levels (which should be possible considering you went to the Nether to get the drop). If you have that much, congrats. You now have the ability of the 25% health S.C.E. Just remember to either have a non-flammable floor, take off your boots, or heal yourself.

    Thank you for, once again, reading a hot mess.

    http://imgur.com/R8p8UUe here's the concept art(?)

    submitted by /u/adamChittsNightshift
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    Bamboo Planks, Doors, & More!

    Posted: 14 May 2019 09:19 PM PDT

    Recipes (PLANKS & DOOR)

    Comes with predictable slab, stair, button, pressure plate, boat, and trapdoor recipes.

    Boats may have a different design, something like this.

    Useful for builders, especially when making tropical/jungle/airy builds.

    MC Feedback Site Link (will work once post is approved)

    "Minecraft developers can still draw inspiration from suggestions posted here, but they can utilize the whole idea if posted there."

    This has been suggested before, just not very recently.

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Objets enchanted with blast protection don't disappear with explosions

    Posted: 14 May 2019 08:53 PM PDT

    Based on the commentary of u/SmegLiff on one of my posts (which proposes something similar) that says "Make blast prot immune to explosions to go with it",and yes,it's a good idea

    It's simple,if you trow am item with blast protection and blows up a tnt near it,it will not disappear

    submitted by /u/DonFurlan
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