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    Minecraft Abandonedness

    Minecraft Abandonedness


    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    The thing I think Minecraft REALLY needs, is more abandoned things, such as campfires and tents that have no life left, houses that were built but evidence that a creeper was there. Things that make you feel "I'm not the only person here, and I'm not the last" I want to feel like I'm exploring an old world, new to me, but known to villagers and mobs alike.

    submitted by /u/iimGemini
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    The Colossal Squid

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 04:07 AM PDT

    The Colossal Squid will have some characteristics of the squid, grey skin and it's derpy eyes.

    Except it's large. 23 times larger than the average squid and 7 times larger than the player.

    It has about a staggering 100 health and can damage about 4 health from the player, they attack with their tentacles which can stretch about 18 blocks. It can drop ink sacs and can also drop 10 experience.

    Edit: It has a feature where it sprays ink and blinds the player for a couple of seconds before recovering

    They can be found in deep sea trenches which I will make a suggestion about, roaming for prey.

    Edit: Deep Sea Trench: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/bzb6er/the_deep_sea_trench/

    submitted by /u/ARandomDunkirkExtra
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    The Deep Sea Trench

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    The Deep Sea Trench is a detail found underneath the sea, where you can find magma amongst it's surface which produces molten lava, which surfaces from the sea and makes land. That is when you know where it is located, by finding the island arc.

    A mob is found there too, which is the Colossal Squid. Be careful! It is a hostile mob that can damage you with four hearts. It seems it is guarding something below...

    Link to the Colossal Squid: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/bzb2rk/the_colossal_squid/

    Sunken ships, yes! With precious metal such as diamonds, golden nuggets, iron and a new item called 'Sparrow's Compass' which can point at your desired direction, you require coordinates so be prepared and also it is not craftable due to the fact it's engineering has been long forgotten and it's a one of a kind item.

    submitted by /u/ARandomDunkirkExtra
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    Ravager head

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 10:08 AM PDT

    Basically, Ravagers can drop their heads when killed. But they aren't just for decoration.

    If it has a redstone signal connected, the mouth opens and closes (kinda like a dragon head).

    Lastly, it can be used to make a banner with a Ravagers face pattern. This would not be any ordinary banner tough, Pillagers would not come near these. They're scared of them, because their Ravagers are tough, and whoever beat one must be a real fighter (Yikes).

    submitted by /u/Zoo-Wee-Chungus
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    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    Seeing that the developers are going to add termites, I came up with the idea of an insect for the nether, after that I came up with many ideas. and here I publish them :D

    here my enemies ideas for the nether, to create an aggressive environment:


    1. Lava Leech

    • These insect absorb lava and feed on it, but they can use it to defend themselves , can appear in different sizes (small, medium and large), the size is by how much lava absorbed.
    • They would only have two attacks, they would throw flames at you until they ran out of lava, when they remove all the lava from inside, they would shrink, and they would have to absorb lava again.
    • And the second attack : They will be able to climb walls and ceilings, and when you walk under one of those insects, they will fall on your head and hurt you with the spikes they have.
    • Its resistance depends on its size.


    2. Flaming butterfly

    • is hostile against the player
    • this insect carries an aura of fire that will harm the player.


    3. Headage

    • This head can possess any mob (except the bosses) and make it powerful and hostile against anything alive.
    • The player will have to kill the possessed mob to get the spirit out of it and then kill it.


    4. Visioner

    • A floating eye that hates anything alive, and causes damage by seeing it directly from a certain distance.
    • When you see the eye, the eye will give effects to the player's sight and produce a terrifying sound, until you stop seeing it.


    5. Illusion

    • a ghost that can turn into blocks and mobs, And when he sees the player near him, he will return to his normal state and attack him.


    6. Fire Elemental

    • This fire elemental has too much energy to bring you down, it can grab a nearby mob, light it in flames and throw it at you, and the mob will explode.
    • It is very resistant to blows and arrows, it is immune to knockback , if the player approaches the elemental, he will give a loud applause and push the player away from it.
    • The fury of the elemental allows him to grab blocks and throw them to the player, he can also throw fireballs.
    • and if the player approaches the elemental, he can also raise his hand and hit the ground, turning blocks close to the elemental into magma blocks (and then they disappear).
    • he can also stretch his arms and start rotating and charging against the player, he can only charge once, then he will have to wait to do it again.


    7. Dragonfire

    • an insect that when it sees the player, it starts to burn and it will throw itself against him and explode


    8. World eater

    • these insects can enter in blocks to "consume their Energy" and if a player passes over the block, the block will be destroyed(because the block is in a very weak state) and these insects will come out of it to attack the player.


    9. Rotten

    (like this)

    • this monster with his baton is able to revive the dead and cast poisonous spells.


    10. Time monster

    • These monsters with a clock face are layers of sending you back in time
    • This monster can't fly.
    • when it detects a player, it fires a beam that will damage him, but if the player stays too long in the beam, this beam will teleport him 2 minutes back in time (for example: 2 minutes ago, he was in a fortress, then it will teleport him to the fortress) (but he will not lose his equipment) (only change location).


    and these are my ideas for making the nether a hostile and dangerous place for the player. :D

    submitted by /u/FREISHAN2346
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    Tidemaster | Miniboss

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    A new Miniboss, that you have to summon.

    To summon this Creature, you have to place an emerald block underwater, in the range of a conduit, the block would start to slightly glow in order to mark that it is ready to summon the tidemaster.

    Then, you have to throw a trident onto the block, the trident will then start shaking for 10 seconds. During this shaking, hitting the trident will break it off, cancelling the summoning.

    After the Trident has shaked for 10 seconds, it and the emerald block will break. The 2 blocks above of the spot where the emerald was fill up with bubbles, with enchanting particles slowly going into them. 5 seconds of this, and the Tidemaster spawns.

    The tidemaster looks like a Zombie villager, but with Drowned skin. It has a dark-grey robe, resembling the one of an evoker. It has a pufferfish hat on it's head, and coral growing on it's robes, the back of the robe has a picture of the heart of the sea. The tidemaster has 50 health (40 on easy, 65 on hard).

    The Tidemaster is equipped with a Riptide 3 Trident, which is it's main weapon. It has many other abilities as well.

    By shaking it's arms like an evoker, it can summon bubbles, launching the enemy up, or down. It is immune to these bubbles.

    It can also turn zombies into drowned with it's magic, without waiting. It's Pufferfish hat makes it immune to sunlight, even tough that's not useful, since it can make the weather rainy with magic.

    It can use it's magic to turn off Active conduits, and send fish into you. The fish won't attack you (except Pufferfish), but they will block your vision. It can control guardians, sending them away from their temple, and to you. It can turn Dolphins hostile too.

    Attacking it from above isn't a good idea, as it's pufferfish hat will poison you. It also is a smart enemy, and will use it's trident to avoid fall damage.

    Once killed, it will drop: -Heart of The sea (50% chance) -Riptide 3 Trident (40% chance) -Pufferfish hat -Prismarine (60% chance) -Tidemasters charm -1 to 6 Emeralds

    Some of those were new items, so i'll tell you what they do.

    -Pufferfish hat A wearable hat. Gives as much protection as a leather helmet, lasts as long as a iron helmet. If a mob attacks you with a melee weapon while you wear this, they have a 60% chance to get poisoned. Can be repaired with pufferfish.

    -Tidemasters charm Put this in a crafting table with a totem of undying to get Totem Of The Tides.

    -Totem Of The Tides It looks like a dark blue Totem of undying. Hold in your hand underwater to get Water Breathing, Night Vision, and speed 1. Holding it makes you immune to effects of bubbles (Pulling you down and lifting you up). It has the effect of an Totem of undying. That is marked with glowy green eyes. Once the effect has been used, the eyes turn light blue, you can "Reload" another Undying into it, making the eyes green again.

    Well, that's all for this idea.

    submitted by /u/Zoo-Wee-Chungus
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    Freezing water in snow biome (1.15 update suggestion)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 01:23 AM PDT

    This is an idea that I've wanted to be applied to minecraft for a long time now. Add a feature to water or even a new type of water in minecraft specifically in the snow biome where if you're in water and your submerged long enough under water in the snow biome you can actually end up frozen in an ice block like in real world physics. And you have to wait for a certain amount amount of time to thaw out like say thirty seconds to a full minute or just have a friend with you to break you out of the ice.

    submitted by /u/Alextheredutp
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    Using bonemeal on a flower should produce more of that same flower (small size only!)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    It's in the title. If the flowers are 1 block close to each other, a hybrid should bloom. Example: red and yellow tulips in one.

    It doesn't really seem to make any sense to have the standard flowers come out when bonemealing a single flower on its own. More flowers of the one you clicked with the bonemeal should come out of that respective flower. Random flowers appear only if you bonemeal the grass.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Putting a flower or bush in a desert biome should make it look wilted

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    It's in the title. Just pop a flower on a dirt block in a desert or mesa, and it will permanently have a wilted/dead look to it. Water splash potions do not do anything, the flower is dead. These flowers turn darkish black-brown and and have a shriveled look, this is called a Dead Flower, which comes in small and large for its respective size. Wither flowers will not die in the desert. Fire should have this same effect.

    If you like this idea, you can add it to feedback.minecraft.net if you like. This would be a cool mechanic and would be logical, because flowers wither away when hot. (The wither black flower is excluded due to the fact it is an undead flower)

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Sometimes finding abandoned camping outpost in the tundra with wool tents and a campfire in between the tents.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 03:04 AM PDT

    Dragonfruit - A unique plant for the end, with a dragon-themed twist

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    Dragonfruit can be found growing on the end island in small patches. The dragon summoning ritual also causes a handful to spawn on the main end island.

    The plant is two blocks tall when fully grown, and only grows on end stone. Breaking the top block gives you a single dragonfruit, which restores as much hunger as a piece of bread when eaten.

    Glowing dragonfruit:

    Where the plant really gets interesting is when you expose it to dragon's breath. When a dragon breathes on it, the plant becomes a much brighter purple and heals 3 times as much hunger. This makes it the best food in the game, but getting a surplus is no small task.

    Infused dragonfruit:

    If you throw a linger potion at the plant, it will absorb the potion effect. Eating the dragonfruit will then grant that potion effect when you eat it. This potion effect lasts 1/4 as long as a base potion, so an extended speed dragonfruit would give you 2 minutes of speed instead of the standard 8.

    It's possible to get an infused glowing dragonfruit by throwing a lingering potion and then letting a dragon breathe on it. This will also increase the duration 4 fold, making it just as good as a potion.

    Infused dragonfruit stack to 64. Since they're an end game item, and can't be used as splash potions, they shouldn't replace normal potions completely.

    submitted by /u/Ajreil
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    Bunker Villages

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    This would be a new, interesting village type. A village would have a 4% chance to be a Bunker Village instead of a normal one.

    Next to the village is a bunker, that is made of stone. It is 3 blocks tall, 10 blocks wide, and 15 blocks long. The wall is 3 blocks thick.

    The "door" is a less thick part in the wall, having only 1 layer, in the middle. A few blocks to the right side of the entrance, is a single cobblestone in the wall. Above it is a sign that says "button goes here" with an arrow pointing down.

    Behind this cobblestone is some simple redstone. Trigger a signal to open the bunker, right next to the "door" is some sand, and then some pistons after them, on the other side of the "door" ls twp empty spaces.. The redstone signal will cause these pistons to extend, and push the sand to the stone's spot, and the stone to the empty space. There's 2 empty blocks under the spot where the sand was pushed, causing it to fall and leave the "door" open.

    Inside the bunker are the Villagers, and 2 chests with some food inside. Outside, in the actual village, are Illagers. 1 Crossbow Illager on the left and the right of the "door", 3 Vindicators roaming around the Village, 1 Ravager roaming around the village, and a Pillager banner at the town center. There is a 30% chance that an Evoker spawns in the center.

    Once every Enemy has been defeated, and the banner removed, you get the Hero of the Village effect. Then you can go to the bunker, place a button on the cobblestone and press it, releasing the villagers. After the button has been pressed, villagers will return to their normal schedules, instead of just standing. You can then access the leftover supplies of the bunker.

    Well, that's all for this post. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Zoo-Wee-Chungus
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    Phantoms should take hunger not health

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 01:55 AM PDT

    I think its safe to say that everyone hates Phantoms. My solution to this would be that they do damage to your hunger, leaving you vulnerable to the other mobs in the night, while also being slightly less annoying, yet still challenging. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/AssassinElite55
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    Nether Rifts, Pigmen Tribes, and Portals You Can See Into

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 12:19 AM PDT

    I see I'm late for the nether theme month, but I just got back into the game

    Nether Rift:

    Rare natural generation where the nether has torn into the overworld. A ravine lined with obsidian with a horizontal nether portal layer in it over lava like the end portal. The surrounding normal terrain (grass, sand, whatever) is replaced with netherrack and soulsand creeping away from the rift. It links to a corresponding rift at the top of the nether that drops down into a clearing. It never generates above a lava lake cause thats no fun. I want this partially because it would be cool, but also because I think the nether should be accessible to people who just explore the game, instead of watching videos, reading wikis, or otherwise learning about the game outside of the game. There is no way a person would think to make the perfect nether portal shape light it.

    Pigmen Tribes

    Pigmen are currently stuck in the past and rather boring. They should be organized into different tribes like the Illagers with a leader who would wear golden crown. The different tribes can be distinguished by different colored loin cloths. The tribes would only aggro against the player if one of their members is harmed, not if other tribes are harmed. If a player aggros the tribe they can be appeased with an offering of gold. The tribes would occasionally war eachother. The player can pay a chief in gold to hire mercenaries which would act similar to wolves, following the player around and fighting mobs with them. Pigmen would also occasionally wear gold armor and some would have gold axes. They can ride magma cubes.

    Portal Windows:

    Currently going through a portal runs the risk that there is a hostile mob outside or on multiplayer that the portal has been blocked off leaving the player trapped. It would be nice if the world on the other side of the portal was vaguely visible through the portal.

    submitted by /u/Gen_GeorgePatton
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    New Mob: The Deceiver

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Minecrafters of Reddit! I have a proposal to make. I was thinking a lot about new things that would be fun and interesting to add in to Minecraft! My favorite suggestion that I came up with would be called the Deceiver. It is a mob that looks like an ordinary block. It would act similar to the ocelot, in the sense that it would run away from the player. This mob could be any block, to match it's surroundings. For instance, you are mining in a cave, and all of the sudden you listen and you hear a mysterious sound. You turn the corner of the cave and you see nothing there, but you are sure it came from that direction. Therefore, you decide to explore. You walk back in to the cave and all of the sudden you see a block of iron ore move. You look at the ore and it then runs away, back in to the cave. You manage to trap the ore, and upon killing it, you receive an advancement titled, "Master of Tricks" and a random choice of 1 to 4 iron ingots (Or whatever the block was.) I think that this would add more mystery to the game. I would love to hear your feedback and criticism! If you have anything that I should add, please add it in the comments! Hope everybody here has a wonderful day!

    submitted by /u/HiT_De1ta
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    I hope my brain-storming bears some fruit: fruit juice and fruit trees and other ideas.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    Fruits and vegetables are kind of neglected in minecraft, so here are a few interesting ideas which could be implemented to make the game a bit more varied

    These ideas are for whole fruits and vegetables such as apples


    juice could be crafted out of a water bottle and and 4 pieces of either melon, apple or carrot. 4 of the fruit would surround the water bottle in the middle in the shape that is shown in the recipe below

    recipe example:


    fruit juice would give you slightly more health than just eating the fruit raw and when consumed leaves an empty glass bottle in inventory

    Dried fruit:

    putting a fruit or vegetable into the smoker or furnace dries it up into 4 blocks of the dried fruit

    each individual piece of dried food would give half the hunger of the fresh fruit.

    Fruit trees (apple trees for now):

    apples can be crafted into apple seeds which can be planted and grow into an apple tree which drops apples onto the ground after a certain period of time.

    New fruit/veggie ideas:


    tomatoes act similarly to berries. Size wise they are the height of two berry bushes stacked on top of one another and they only spawn in a village, not in the wild.


    corn could be planted similarly to wheat, but seeds are only found in jungle temples and in villages.

    Papayas and mangoes:

    they would randomly drop from jungle trees just like apples do for oaks

    well thats all the ideas i have for now

    Edit: changed recipe for the juice

    submitted by /u/yesagreeable
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    Tutorial books with new book writing features.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    For this suggestion to work, we would need to be able to draw items and blocks in books. These would then be used to create naturally generated tutorial books that would describe some more obscure features in the game, like building nether portals, iron and snow golems, things that a newcomer probably wouldn't be able to figure out on their own.

    I believe these would be lore-friendly. It's strongly implied through the game that someone or something living in the world built structures like ships, mineshafts and, well, villages. They could have documented their discoveries in books, that would appear in structures, villages, being held by zombies/zombie villagers and sold by villagers as well for a small price, like 1 emerald each. These books would especially have been useful, in-universe, for the villagers to read, copy and learn from to advance as a civilization and be able to build their houses and workstations and enchant books, for example.

    Some examples of books that could be handy:

    I. "Chapter I: survival" - highlights the use of the crafting table and using blocks like stone and wood to craft different tools and of the furnace and fuel to cook food
    II. "Chapter II: exploration" - shows blueprints of some overworld structures that can be found though the world, including villages and the different buildings that can appear in them

    III. "Chapter III: advancement" - shows an activated nether portal next to flint and steel, shows the crafting scheme for golems and points to the existence of enchanting. Has some blueprints of nether fortresses

    IV. "Chapter IV: the end" - hints to using ender eyes to find strongholds, shows a scheme of the end portal, teaches you how to summon the wither and shows how to build a pyramid for beacons

    And besides that, it would allow for some cool pixel art in books.

    submitted by /u/kypnrp
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    More villagers who DO things

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    Right now, (at least as far as I know), only farmers actually do something beyond moving between bed and workstation, and wandering and such. So, I have some suggestions on how to improve that:

    Lumberjacks - cut down trees within a distance of their workstation Shepherd - actually work with sheep. Possibly that sheep are attracted to them while they work, and day/night cycles they desire to take the sheep out into open grass, and then take them back in/under/near their workstation. Cattle ranchers - works with cows, and possibly even then kill them (breeding them, too) Street sweeper - runs around collecting items that have been dropped by villagers or players. Soldier - a villager type that can be equipped with weapons by the player. They would patrol around their workstation, and if the bell is rung, will go to their workstation and defend. (Would need to be weak - and possibly paired with scaling difficulty of raids depending on the number of soldiers)

    Additionally, I'd love to see villagers actually EAT their food, and get angry with the player (affecting trading) if they don't have enough food. You could also scale it that the larger the village, the higher a villager's expectation of food diversity is. A very small village might be fine with only carrots and potatoes, but a larger village will also want bread and cooked chicken, whereas a huge village will have an even larger need, wanting also beets, cooked beef, and melon. This would incentivize a player to be smart about managing their village growth, but would really add to a sense of story in the villages themselves.

    Also, it could also be scaled with the size of a village that villagers desire (again, affecting trade), more open spaces that they can path through, and some sort of ratio between a few different types of villagers. (Villagers might be upset if a huge village only has one librarian and one cleric, for example)

    Even to an extent a very large village could desire 'glory/tribute' from the player in their honor, bringing them rare animals/items from other biomes.

    All of this designed to scale in difficulty as a village increases in size - so, if a player wants to ignore these, they mostly can, but if a player wants to make a growing city, they have to manage some economic forces and balance things to keep the villagers happy.

    submitted by /u/JordanTWIlson
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    Villager Camps: A new type of sub-village

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    Villager Camps would consist of Wool Tents, Wooden Lean-tos, and tiny farms with a Campfire in the middle. These Camps would generate in most biomes, with the exception of Oceans, Mushroom Islands, and Jungles. Mostly because Oceans are... well... Oceans, Mushroom Islands are rare, and Jungles are really dense.

    These Camps, which would indicate that they are traveling villagers, wouldn't have many professions aside from Cartographers to map out where they are and Farmers for food.

    These sub-Villages wouldn't count for Bad Omen or Hero Of The Village, either. They don't have much protection, not to mention that most of the biomes they spawn in, Pillagers wouldn't be looking for, Anyways.

    Adding this would flesh out the "How did these Villages get here?" and maybe add to the relationship of Pillagers and Villagers. Maybe their Village was raided? Who knows.

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    Mushroom stuff

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    1. Pigs are attracted to/bred by mushrooms

    Who has Potatoes early game anyways? If you spawned next to a village with farms you're already pretty much set for a good while.

    This would allow newly-spawned players a farm of pigs and chickens, which are very good meats to have (but not the best).

    1. Mycellium can be crafted by surrounding a grass (not dirt!) block with eight mushrooms

    Mycellium isn't really that powerful that it needs to be as rare as the islands that have it. Early on you're not gonna have access to Silk Touch tools, so your only real option for getting grass blocks is by killing Endermen holding them. By the time you have Silk Touch the idea of growing mushrooms in daylight will likely not be that useful to you, given you'd have to have at least a decent cow farm to get the bookshelves to enchant your stuff.

    1. Mushrooms can be used to brew Nausea potions

    Specifically the red ones, as a reference to the animatia (spelling incorrect) mushroom.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    If you have nothing in your offhand and a Trident in your Main hand, you’ll hold the Trident with both hands and your Attack Speed will increase

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    I mean, Polearms are much more quick and agile when holding them with both hands, and currently the Trident is held with one hand, so why not?

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    Add monkeys

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Like orangutans, gorillas, and a few others like baboons.


    A mob that is passive. Tame them with fruit. These gorillas are not just huge, but incredibly strong, and as such, are second strongest to the iron golem. They have different personalities like pandas do, and are capable of being taught tricks in the game. Only the brave gorilla personality will fight for you similar to an iron golem when tamed. To breed a gorilla, use bamboo or fruits like apples. Gorillas drop bamboo, apples, and some ape hide. Gorillas have two colours: grey-black and brown. Most of the time, gorillas will be gentle, and not attack the player, unless attacked, which will cause the entire group to pursue you for a few number of blocks.


    Has similar behaviours to a gorilla, an orangutan has a golden-red colouring to it with gray. Found in jungle biomes. Will not fight for you. Orangutans drop fruit, a chance of bamboo, and some ape hide.


    A monkey which behaves insanely. Baboons cannot be tamed due to their wild behaviour, and can attack without warning. Baboons can only be found in Jungle biomes. If you leash a baboon, it will break the leash.

    Snow Monkey:

    A passive monkey that behaves just like an orangutan, and is attracted to warm sources like campfires. Since it lives in frigid biomes, feed it sweet berries and apples. Tame with sweet berries and breed with fruit.


    A fiery counterpart to the orangutan, but much more fierce in behaviour. This monkey is hostile, and uses powerful flames to burn its attackers. Cannot be tamed.


    An End counterpart to the gorilla. This mob is hostile, and only spawns on the outer end islands. Drops an Ender Pearl and (rarely) an Eye of Ender.

    Monkeys should have random sizes, only gorillas grow to the largest size.

    This could be on the feedback site.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    More advanced villagers for player made villages (part 1)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    I know I am late for 1.14, I just wanted to throw this idea out for some reason

    With the village and pillage update, Mojang revamped villagers and made them more interesting. There is a better reason to keep villagers alive! And also a better reason to build a village yourself and keep them as slaves friendly locals.


    Advanced villagers are basically extensions to master level villagers (villagers with maxed out trades), they would be villagers with higher AI and would mostly aid you/other villagers


    Maxed out cartographers would transform into explorers if they find a crafting table (please suggest a better one)

    Every few days, an explorer would choose a direction and walk till they are out of render distance where they would disappear till the next sunrise.

    When they return, they would have 2-5 limited time trades depending on the biome they are when they disappeared.

    If they encounter a mob, they would drink potions it aid itself. Kind of like a witch that doesn't harm others.


    Maxed out Clerics would turn into enchanters if they find an enchanting table. Every once in a while, the Enchanter would go to a few random villagers and give them a few boosts (speed, resistance, etc) to make them more efficient. If an iron golem/villager/player (with high popularity) is found, they would give them a small regen boost.


    Maxed out librarians would turn into teachers if their lectern is near 8+ bookshelves. They would mostly go around town, reading books to nitwits and baby villagers, every time the teacher reads, a 3D book model, the same one as the one on a lectern, would show on its hands.

    Nitwits have a 5% chance of turning into a normal unemployed villager

    Educated baby villagers would have a higher chance of getting better trades when they grow up, for example, a librarian would have a higher chance of trading mending books

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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