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    Minecraft Builder's Wrench - Be able to turn blocks around

    Minecraft Builder's Wrench - Be able to turn blocks around

    Builder's Wrench - Be able to turn blocks around

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    The Builder's Wrench is a tool that is able to turn blocks around, like the piston, the dispenser, glazed terracotta etc. For me, there has to be another way to be able to turn these kinds of blocks around, as it is painful to place pistons in hard-to-reach areas, where it would be far easier to just place the piston and use a tool to turn it around.

    The Builder's Wrench is a quality of life change, especially for people who work with redstone and glazed terracotta. Personally, every time I watch someone use these kinds of blocks, they get frustrated, having to do all sorts of janky things before they can finally place one, single block. This, in my opinion, is a waste of time and frustrating to do. The functionality is already added to the game in the form of the Debug Stick, which I find myself using a lot in Creative Mode when building complicated contraptions.

    A suggestion for the recipe. It uses 4 iron ingots in a wrench-like shape, though I have had ideas to use sticks or gold as the handle.

    I believe the durability should be around 400 - 500 before it breaks. Like the shears, it has one primary use and not much else, so I think it shouldn't have many downsides outside of this durability.

    The enchantments it will have will be Unbreaking and Mending.

    Thank you for reading my suggestion. This is my first post, and would appreciate feedback to make these better.

    submitted by /u/InsertNameHereTF
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    Mobs named with a name tag send death messages to the player who named it

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 10:53 PM PDT

    A new game mechanic for dying that punishes you in a different way

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    I propose a new toggle-able option to change what happens when you die. Whenever you sleep a separate world save is created. If you die, re-spawning deletes your current save and reverts back to the previous save from when you last slept, and you wake up with all progress after that point removed.

    I think this would be an interesting new way to punish players for dying, instead of losing the items you were carrying and your XP, or having your world deleted like in hardcore, you lose all progress since you last slept.

    Spent the whole day mining and are blown up by a creeper? You wake up in bed the morning before you went mining and lose your days work.

    Been building for 30 minutes in your base but fall off your new building? You wake up before having started it.

    This would be a great new punishment for death because it removes all the progress you've made, whereas standard Minecraft doesn't. It would be more punishing in some ways and less punishing in other ways compared to normal death in Minecraft as I'm sure you can imagine. Sleeping before killing the Ender Dragon would mean you get infinite tries at killing him, which would be easier. But at the same time, going out on an adventure and collecting lots of items and losing all that progress because you died (and not being able just to travel out and get your items back) or building something and then dying would be much more punishing.

    This would only work in solo and co-op with friends, you couldn't have it on a big server, but it would still work if you're doing something like a skyblock where you're working together as you don't want each other to die anyway. And in a way it's kind of a hardcore-lite.

    Interested in hearing other people's opinions on this.

    submitted by /u/TrisTanK989
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    Spruce trees randomly spawn in forests, but not as common as birch and oak

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    Zombies should kill (eat) animals

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    Perhaps make this a hard difficultly only thing like how they only break doors on hard, this change would make players protect their farms and valuable named pets, maybe even let cats and dogs have a zombie variant which can be reverted the same way you convert a zombie villager, lemme know your thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/MMS21
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    New Setless Armor.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    So the Turtle Shell and Elytra both serve as these really cool items that take up an armor slot in exchange for a new ability. So I figured that pants and boots should get something similar.

    For a unique pants item, I had to think harder than expected. Pants seem to be this often forgotten piece of armor that has nothing unique about it. Chestplates are the best defensively, helmets and boots have unique enchants, so unless you're going into a PvP situation, this unique item might be more favorable to use than regular pants.

    I propose a utility belt. This would act as a second hotbar for builders, except not really. Basically, if you access your inventory while sneaking and wearing this item, you would see a hotbar-like row above your inventory. This is NOT extra storage however. You can drag any item from your inventory into the belt, which seemingly duplicates it. What this really does is create an auto-refill function, where any item in the hotbar gets replaced when the stack is gone, assuming that item is present in the tool belt. This is obviously helpful for long mining trips where you need spare picks or when building something that requires a lot of one block. Ideally, this would be something bought from a villager, perhaps the blacksmith.

    For boots, I felt like this was somewhat obvious. Ice cleats. These boots would reduce slipperiness on ice, making regular ice feel like normal terrain, packed ice like regular ice, and blue ice like packed. Ideally, this would be a semi-uncommon loot item found in igloos.

    submitted by /u/PJDemigod85
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    Difficulty: Custom

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    This is a new difficulty to play (Peaceful, easy, etc) where you can change how it behaves when editing it. You could change how often a certain mob spawns (Creepers can be set to none, but skeletons can be set to super common, etc.), change the starvation mechanics (None, normal, hard), change how many lives the player has, and more!

    Oh and to those downvoting, theres a easy way to avoid the feature.. just dont set your worlds to difficulty custom. Theres really no downsides to this whatsoever.

    Vote for this on the Minecraft Feedback site so Mojang might see this! https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360047813572-Difficulty-Custom

    submitted by /u/trashoflereddit
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    Why don't testificates close their eyes when they sleep?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 05:03 PM PDT

    I think it would be a pretty simple change to make for them to close their eyes when they lie down.

    submitted by /u/Cent0rea88
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    Creative mode 2.0

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    Creative mode is great, being able to build things without gathering all the materials yourself, but there are two things that annoy me, that I think would be easy to change.

    First off, there should be an option to be able to move through blocks. We already have spectator mode for this, but in spectator mode, you can't place blocks, so it doesn't really help when trying to place blocks in tight redstone contraptions or other compact builds.

    And secondly, I feel like the block interaction range should be longer (maybe 2 or 3 times). It would so much nicer if you didn't have to move all the time, in order to place blocks on the far side of your wall (or whatever).

    submitted by /u/1strategist1
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    Structure Revival Part 1 - Monument

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    Summary: Change the look of the Monument to that of the Sea Temple in Minecraft Story Mode Season 2

    The monument was sort of okay for a while after it was released, but considering how far Minecraft has gotten since then, it really needs an update.

    People usually talk about making the Trident an exclusive loot for the monument, but today I would like to talk about the design on the outside of the building.

    My main inspiration for this idea comes from Minecraft Story Mode Season 2: http://imgur.com/7M4LOTM

    I think this design would fit perfectly into the core game. It's not over-decorated but still enough to give a fresh yet ancient look to these structures.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/GIBBII
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    A new biome maybe?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    My suggestion is that if you set the world to medium or large, a biome of sorts can spawn. In this biome there are massive trees, 3x3 wide.

    It sounds weird but also think about this.

    It would be unlike a jungle, all the leaves would be high up, and walking through the "forest" would be easy because you just have to go around the trees. The entire ground area would be covered in (Bare with me, I haven't played in a while) that stuff-OH YEAH, pathway blocks? And the mulch looking stuff. A mixture of all of that plus a few pieces of granite and stuff.

    submitted by /u/thatone_purple
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    A type of end crystal that is pricey but heals one player at a time.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    Beacons have a big range when maxed and affect multiple players. The end crystal heals the dragon, ond crystal at a time.

    Perhaps w a totem of undying or some special item the player can make a special conduit like structure than can become the player's own regen source at home?

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    More uses for Cauldrons

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    I know cauldrons can be used for undyeing your dyed leather clothes, banners and other stuff I must've forgot but I think Mojang can do more than just that. Maybe you could brew your own fluids, combine fluids or modify them? This can be a big opportunity to add more science/magic.

    This can give you more fluids to the game and give you more uses to cauldrons. I'm not a fan of witchcraft or anything, but cauldrons can be used for combining fluids and perhaps adding a new type of crafting method for fluids you fill your buckets with. So ready your pails, because lots of fluids are possibly going to be added if this gets approved by the team. I also have a side-suggestion for this and it's to make Lava able to be poured into cauldrons. Honestly, I don't know why it's not already out yet.

    For the fluids in general, I think you can maybe make Slime Fluid by dropping a slime block to water, make Molten Rocks by adding Cobblestone/Stone to Lava, make Spring Water (that heals you if you go into it) by adding a Totem of Undying to water, make Boiling Water (like Lava but less deadly) by dangling a cauldron filled with water over fire or any source of heat and maybe making Ice Water by putting a Snow Ball to Water. Those are a few of my suggestions for this Cauldron Update.

    I think lots of you guys reading this probably having a thing or two you just come up with as suggestions for this update and if so, please don't hesitate to go down below and tell me what's good and what's wrong also. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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    Calm down Zombie Pigmen by offering them carrots or apples

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:22 PM PDT

    Even if they are zombies (and pigmen) they are still pigs and similar logic should apply to them. Alternately, if carrots or apples are too common for such a purpose, perhaps they can be calmed by golden carrots/apples. And since hitting one pigman results in all of them attacking you, giving the apple/carrot to one pigman could calm them all down.

    submitted by /u/kanna172014
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    Dye colour helps with sneaking

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    The colour of armour dye can also help to keep you hidden depending on the environment for example green dyed armour in a forest can keep you more concealed than green dyed armour in a desert which has an opposite effect and allows the mobs to spot you more easily when sneaking.

    submitted by /u/SnorkelDucky
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    corrupting a 'potion of slow falling' brews a 'potion of fast falling'

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    Using a fermented spider eye you can corrupt a 'potion of slow falling' in order to create a 'potion of fast falling'.

    This new effect would increase fall damage and increase the speed you fall at the ground.

    it could be used to simplify mob farms that use fall damage to kill mobs.

    Idk it could be a fun addition to the game.

    submitted by /u/Mushrooms_1357
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    A new use for Parrots.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    I didn't see this feature on the FPS so if this is illegal I'm sorry.

    Parrots are pretty cool mobs you find in the jungle, but other than trying to cosplay a pirate (Pirate hats should totally be loot in shipwrecks) there isn't much practical use unless you REALLY want some guests at your next rave.

    One of the coolest things about parrots is the fact that they're so colorful, so I wondered if it would be interesting to have parrots molt.

    Basically, every so often parrots would drop a random colored feather, similar to chickens laying eggs. While not every color would drop naturally, they could be dyed like leather to accommodate for the rest. The naturally spawning feathers would be:

    Red, yellow and blue for the Red Parrot.

    Blue for the Blue.

    Lime and regular Green for the Green.

    Cyan, yellow and regular green for the Cyan.

    Gray and Yellow for the Gray.

    These feather could be used to distinguish arrows (Maybe allowing for a paintball like mode where you can see who hit you) and when any helmet is surrounded by eight colored feathers of a single variety, a small plume could be added.

    submitted by /u/PJDemigod85
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    Farmers take off their hats before sleeping, and the player can steal it.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 10:47 PM PDT

    Before sleeping, farmers will place their hats on the floor beside their beds.

    Right clicking the hat grants the [A Nimble Thief] advancement as well as the hat.

    When the farmer stands next to a crafting table, they will "craft" a new hat and put it on.

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Make Sticks into place-able blocks, so we can make tiki-torches.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    A torch is crafted with a stick + coal, so if we were able to place sticks as a block, we would be able to put torches on top of them, to make a simple-looking tiki-torch, without having to use fences, which aren't the same thickness as torches.

    There shouldn't be any limit to how high sticks could be placed on top of one another, most players would simply create two or three block tall tiki-torches, but I don't see any reason to prevent taller ones.

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    Bows can be enchanted with looting

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    Just thought of this, although I am not sure if it makes sense for bows...

    Edit: And probably crossbows too

    submitted by /u/orangevg
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    Silky Wire

    Posted: 14 Jun 2019 02:18 AM PDT


    A cheaper alternative to tripwires with its own pros and cons.


    Silky wire is crafted by putting three strings in a row into the crafting table.


    Silky wire could be connected to tripwire hooks, somewhat like a lead, but I mostly got the idea from Immersive Engineering cables. It would function like normal tripwire, although it would be very much visible, so not as useful for player traps. Because of its nature, it can connect to hooks that are not on the same height or differ in both x and z coordinates, producing some interesting new redstone concepts as well as decoration techniques (maybe even make hooks able to be placed on top/bottom of blocks?). I'm thinking stuff like hammocks. People currently use leads with hidden or invisible animals for that, but i think silky wire could be a nice alternative to that.


    Even with this addition, good old tripwire would still have some uses, such as traps, cactus farms, or pufferfish/rabbit player detectors, but silky wire could be used for things like mob farms or decoration. I think this is pretty balanced, but definitely let me know what you think about this!

    submitted by /u/Supersebi3
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