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    Minecraft Spiders need tweaking

    Minecraft Spiders need tweaking

    Spiders need tweaking

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    They should climb on walls and ceilings going paralell with the wall or ceiling. They should be able to spin cobwebs and make webs where spiders can spawn in. A naturally generating giant cobweb with a spawner in the middle would be something cool to happen upon and try and defeat Edit: cobweb would spawn on the surface

    submitted by /u/BeanyEcho
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    The volcano biome

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    The volcano biome would be a rare biome but not as rare as the mooshroom islands or anything. Only one mob would naturally spawn here which il get to in another post. The new blocks in this biome would be - Asphalt, dead logs and bubbling lava along with old blocks like gravel,lava , obsidian and magma blocks. Volcanos would have three stages dormant,active, erupting. Dormant being when the volcano is at a normal level of lava and isn't active. Active is when the volcano is starting to rise in lava levels and ash trees would fall down ( water would not be able to be placed at this stage) . Of course eruption is when the lava would burst out of the volcano and come rolling down the hills twice as fast as normal lava and then after the lava has come to its maximum reach the volcano will wait two days until the whole process resets ( all stages take place in about 7 Minecraft days )

    The actual volcano would look something like this and have cloud particles circling the top when in stage two. The dead tree would look something like this

    submitted by /u/id-write2
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    Right Clicking A Panda With A Feather Will Make It Sneeze

    Posted: 21 Jul 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    This can't be that hard to introduce, can it?

    submitted by /u/ThisIsSuperFunny
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    Add bugs to minecraft

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I feel like minecraft needs more life, and my favourite idea for adding more would be bugs. Maybe in deserts spiders wouldn't spawn, instead of spiders, scorpions come out at night. They only have 6 hearts, except getting hit by a scorpion will give you poison affect for 5 seconds. Killing a scorpion will drop a stinger, which you then could add to swords through anvils. Now you can deliver a poisonous strike with your sword

    What about wasps, maybe an occasional nest could spawn in jungle biomes. Just like in real life, if you come close to the nest they swarm you. They're close in size to silverfish, but they only have 3 hearts each, and deliver one heart of damage each attack. Inside the nest would be the queen, he queen is a little bigger than spiders, has nearly 15 hearts, and can deal 5 hearts of damage. Killing the queen could maybe give you honey or something, or maybe a new brewing ingredient. The actual nest blocks can be crafted into paper

    Caterpillars/butterflies. These can be found in dark oak biomes. Caterpillars don't necessarily drop anything, but butterflies drop their wings, which can be used for new banner designs. Just like a butterflies wings, you can replicate those patterns on the banners

    Termites, these can be found in savanna biomes, they are hostile, but raiding they're underground nest comes with a prize. You could maybe find treasure down here. While the termites themselves don't drop anything, they're a great source of XP

    And finally moths, moths can spawn in any biome during the night (whether it's on peaceful or not). Much like butterflies, killing these guys gives you their wings which can be used for banners. But the banner design is the moth eyes, just like how it looks like there's eyes on the moths wings

    submitted by /u/chasejcarlson
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    6 new enchantments !

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    Familiarity- all weapons , the player that enchants this weapon is the only one it will let pick up . This has a thief proof aspect to it but the downside is if you die and want someone to pick up your stuff so it doesn't de spawn, they won't be able to.

    Bladewing - Elytra, while flying near mobs with elytra this enchantment will do two hearts of damage in a one and a half block radius.

    Torpedo- Boots , if the player double taps the jump button a jet of bubbles will shoot from the players boots and propel them 3 blocks per second while underwater.

    Last stand - chest plate, if player is underneath 2 hearts the enchantment will give the player strength and absorption 1 for 2 minutes or when they get above 5 hearts.

    Eagle eyes - helmet, would give the player the ability to zoom in and out of their view and also allow them to see 4 chunks further than other players.

    Soul lock - all weapons,armour , tools , when the player dies the enchantment would let the enchanted item stay in their inventory but would only work once.

    submitted by /u/id-write2
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    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    This post is a part two of this post and I would recommend you read that before reading this one .

    The Phoenix is a neutral mob that will spawn on every eruption of a volcano. The Phoenix has 40 health point but can be tamed by using about five golden apples. One tamed this Phoenix becomes practically immortal but with a cost. The Phoenix can die but for all you cultured people out there you may know the Phoenix can be re born in flames. So if the Phoenix dies it will cause the three blocks around it and underneath it to set on fire and will require two Minecraft days to be reborn. The Phoenix has two attack's, a claw attack and a fire attack. The claw attack does 5 hearts of damage and the fire attack does three hearts but burns you for 8 seconds. Anyway the cost of taming an immortal Phoenix is that you lose a heart .... permanently. The only way to get it back is to kill the Phoenix and put out the flames it leaves to be re born . When you end the life cycle of a Phoenix it drops two Phoenix talons that can be crafted with blaze rods to make the Phoenix blade. This weapon does 6 hearts of damage and has knock back 1 and fire aspect 1 automatically. It would have the same durability as a diamond sword as well as the unique enchantment Phoenix flames that when held in main hand gives the user total immunity to fire. Once you breed the Phoenix you will not be able to ride on it but it will follow you and attack and mobs that attack you. Name tags do stay on the Phoenix during re birth. I imagine it would look something like this

    submitted by /u/id-write2
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    Feather beds

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    3 wool on top, 3 solid wood blocks (not planks) on bottom, and 3 feathers in the middle, craft it, and then followed by 8 wool surrounding it to get the feather bed. The bed is more comfortable, as such, it should be 2x2 blocks, but still for one player only. It can do everything a normal bed can, but you can go twice as long without getting insomnia and getting attacked by phantoms.

    Some other ideas for an effect when waking from sleeping on a feather bead:

    Deep sleep (for 5 minutes): either gain 1 extra hunger from eating food (example is if you eat something that fills one hunger bar, it would fill two) or don't lose any hunger bars for 2 minutes after waking up

    Refreshed (for 2 minutes): you have speed 1, jump boost 1, resistance 1, and strength 1. If that's overpowered, it could be nerfed with a small hunger effect to last maybe 20-35 seconds when waking.

    My reasoning for both these effects is that you don't need to eat as much, as your body slows down when in deep sleep. Though some may also feel hungry when waking because it's a sudden change from being asleep. Your body heals/relaxes muscles and such, hence the refreshed buff. To be honest I think only one status effect should be used, and I'd prefer the first one.

    Anyway, what do you think of this idea?

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    they should add bears to minecraft!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    now before you disagree, at least read the rest of the text. So I think bears are cool, they are found in forest valleys and mountains. they should naturally spawn around caves. you should be able to see them go to bodies of water and you could potentially see them with a fish in their mouths. if you happen to cross a bear it will do snarling noises to scare you away it will attack if your close. unless if has a cub in which it will most likely attack you if you start approaching it, and bears with cubs hava a bigger range in which it feels threatened rather than being up close to it. if you jump constantly it will eventually back off away from you. if you feed a bear fish it will eventually not be to hostile with you. bears are attracted to food so if you have a farm they might start appearing around it. bears are also curious so you could see them aimlessly walking around looking at flowers or trees

    it's new it's an idea, what's your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/NotBartTheFart
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    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    Would spawn at beaches. They would fall at random times form its tree and if a coconut hits a mob or player it would deal 1 damage. It could be eaten for 1.5 food bar regenerate or could be used in coconut pie which would be used to regenerate 3.5 of the hunger bar. The coconut could be craft into seeds to grow

    submitted by /u/grkpan
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    1.15 maybe is dungeon update heres my idea

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    so i was watching Grian how will he remade dungeons(https://youtu.be/zWABA_HcH4g) so heres my idea:

    1.new type of spawners (texture: same as normal but white) , this spawners work that they spawn few mobs and then dissapear, you can right click only in creative to chose how manny mobs can spawn and in what round you whant to spawn then (round mean spawn 5 zombie and wait few second and spawn other 5 and then dissapear) this spawner is used to spawn mobs in areas because mobs cant be spawned in area when chunk of dungeon is loaded (except there is a spawner)

    2.new 2 mobs TheDiggers , this mobs is just zombie or skeleton who hold in one hand picaxe and in other bow or weapon.... so how they work, in Grians dungeon he said that it easy to just dig arround dungeon to get loot so heres a solution, thos mobs Zombie or skeleton whohold picaxe can dig blocks, so if u try to get pass this traps to digging around dungeon they will spawn and dig to you and kill you, to nearf then every digger can mine 10 blocks then they picaxe will break and they will turn back in regular zombie or skeleton ( and no they only spawn in dungeon , it will be OP if raiding village)

    3.plessure plate that when you start breaking it it will send redstone signal

    4.adding mobs able to jump

    1. adding creeper to camuflage over biome (in old version of minecraft grass is really bright green , like a creeper so its hard to see then, but in today you can easaly spot creepers, what if we add that creeper take color of grass when he walk to next biome) whit this creeper will be a lot harder to spot and will be more dangerus (im watch vid. on youtube about it but i cant find it now)
    submitted by /u/EdragonPro
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    New Theme Music discs

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    While this has been suggested a lot, I have (I think) A new take on it. (I just found this subreddit, so I have not looked through a ton of suggestions) What I think is that you should be able to get the normal Minecraft themes on Minecraft discs. For Instance, you could get the nether theme by finding it in a Nether Fortress Chest. Or, you could get the over world theme by buying it from a villager for 50 emeralds or something like that. The reason I thought of this idea was because the normal soundtracks do not play all the time and I think the music is very good and is a blessing when you hear it. Especially the nether one.

    submitted by /u/Cutman002
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    I have an idea for an dimension [and some story]

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    After finishing the "story" of the game several times, I didn't feel satisfied. I may have defeated 1, 2, 3 times the Enderdragon in one world, but it will never come close to my first time no matter what difficulties and stones I put in my own way. I only had fun again in Vanilla Minecraft when the Underwater Temple was released. But until that time I kept the game alive with modifications of the game, the game for me. I realized what it meant to change a game, you weren't allowed to change too much, otherwise you have the feeling you would play a completely different game and if you only changed a little then you don't want to go back to Vanilla or better said it feels like you're switching from 1.8 to 1.7, both versions were fantastic but the newer version was just more fun because it just had more to offer.

    Most of all I was impressed and captivated by modifications that added a new dimension, especially those that didn't change much at the beginning of the game, so it's all the same up to the end dragon but it's not just over but I could explore a brand new dimension but it was still Minecraft.

    Which dimension could fit to Minecraft? I've thought about it for a long time and had an idea and a heavenly dimension, but it's been there before (aether mod) and it might completely limit future dimension updates, so I came to the conclusion that you have to make a very daring leap. I asked myself, "Where do the zombies, skeletons, spiders, etc. come from?", and I realized a lot that the Endermen comes from the End and a dimension was dedicated to it, which would be if you also dedicated a dimension to the other creatures.

    What should this dimension look like? In my opinion, these dimensions should be unique so that they stand out. I'll take the zombie as an example: I would give the dimension the name "The Zomb", a rather dull world similar to the upper world but with changes that you wouldn't want to live here. The earth would be infertile, the sun and the moon would be permanently covered by clouds and smog, zombies are faster here and can spawn despite torches but with a small chance, the visibility would be so half restricted by the fog and under the earth there would be only stone and hardly any resources, or even better a brand new ore, lead would seem sympathetic to me because it is not used by many modifications and one could make creative crafting recipes out of it. And to create a return to the dimension, one could generate oil under the earth, in which one can only progress slowly, which can be used as fuel. (Here I argue that you could add a barrel that can hold 10 buckets). In every dimension there are structures which are generated, so why not here? I thought about generating a castle out of stone and stone brick which contains some chests. In these spawns"guardian" zombies which are stronger than ordinary zombies because there have masterd bows (here I argue that you should nerf skeletons a bit) or sword and are armored accordingly. These zombies don't give rotten flesh but different flesh. This can be used to make flesh blocks (2x2). If you place them in a special form and add a zombie head (in this dimension zombies give 0.1 % a head) you create a new boss with a new challenge just like the Wither.

    What does the boss do? The boss should be formed slowly from the Flesh blocks and should have similarities to a zombie, but this should be bigger, stronger and more. It can tackle on you, throw you like an Iron Golem in the air and bite you (hunger effect, and when dead a new zombie with your equipment).

    How do you get to this dimension? For this I use an item that you get at the end, the Ender Dragon egg. This item is used for nothing but a trophy. Then I got the idea to make a portal out of the egg, but unfortunately hardly good thoughts except with a Nether Star right click on the egg, and then the egg opens slowly and the star is gone. Then above the egg are two portals (cube) which lead to this dimension. The portal is simply closed by dismantling the opened egg and you get the egg back.

    I hope my ideas could convince you or bring you your own ideas, in any case leave the game always exciting.

    submitted by /u/zinez0ckt
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    Bird Illagers

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    They wear a leather vulture-like mask, and have leather wings attached to their arms. They move with arms spread out.

    When attacking on ground, they flap and kick and pounce at the player like an angry chicken. This doesn't hurt that much.

    When they have the high ground, they will swoop down and glide, ramming into the player. This hurts a lot.

    Apparently, they cannot actually fly. Only glide.

    Before swooping, they let out a massive caw to get the player's attention.

    Bird Illagers are sometimes found with Pillagers. Otherwise, they spawn in their own groups of patrols, normally on elevated land such as mountains and rarely on treetops.

    Upon death, they will drop leather from their costumes. Sometimes, flint from their false talons.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    The Yeti

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    I've recently made a house on my server in a snow biome and realised how boring it is their apart from the occasional stray and polar bear I haven't found much of a challenge. This is what I would do to fix that.

    Frostbite- Frostbite would be a biome effect that would have a meter above your hunger bar that would look like snowflakes. The longer your in snow biomes the more the frostbite bar would charge. When you reach 6 bars full you're player speed would be slowed down by 15%. When you reach full bars you're player speed will be reduced by 45% and you will start to loose health as quickly as you would if you were poisoned. Frostbite can be prevented by an an active campfire,torches , an active furnace,lanterns, active beacons,lava or the new yeti cloak ( you would have to be in a three block radius apart from the yeti cloak and leather armour would also give partial protection from frostbite)

    The Yeti - The Yeti would have 30 hearts and would be as rare to spawn as a wolf in a taiga biome. They would spawn alone normally but vary rarely in pairs. The Yeti's attacks include ground slam ( three hearts ), punch(2 hearts) ice blasts(no damage but gives you slowness 1) The Yeti would be a quarter of a block slower than the player although it can just three blocks to chase you. The would look something like this . The Yeti would drop 2-4 yeti hide and 2 experience bars .

    Yeti cloak - The Yeti would be crafted by using the normal recipe for a chest plate with yeti hide. The Yeti hide would completely stop the frostbite effect and provide the same protection as iron armour and same durability as well.

    submitted by /u/id-write2
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    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    Maby something like a glove that you can put on you got different gloves like a spider glove you can now clim on a wall but it wil be slow. You can make them with using 8 cobweb around the gloves and a pair of gloves in the middle. You can only get gloves with using 4 diamonds, 2 leather and 2 string(recipe would be given later like how you neet to place it). There will be more gloves like gloves to punch, ground pound and some more.

    More information will be given later follow me for more information soon.

    submitted by /u/meme_lover2000
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    So.. lemme know if this idea is any good

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    A full jungle overhaul. Right now, jungles are possibly the worst biome ever. Unless you are building a *very* specific build, they don't have any space to actually build anything, and the trees don't even have that good wood! Hell, the *only* redeeming qualities I can think of are cats, which you can now find in villages, parrots, which barely have a use at all, and jungle temples, which I honestly forgot existed for the longest time because they don't really have that much loot compared to the other things we have such as pirate ships, etc.

    So, my thought is that Mojang should completely overhaul jungles so that they have much more use to the player.

    1. Maybe they should make the trees less dense so that there is enough room to build something notable.
    2. I think it would be cool to add like a special, multilevel dungeon that is only found underneath jungle biomes.
    3. It would also be cool to add a cool mob I thought of; A jaguar. For example, jaguars are quite rare on their own, but also have a unique ability to blend in with their environment, so that it's like nearly impossible to see them. They could also stalk the player while they're in the jungle, and make quiet sounds every once in a while. And maybe, just maybe, it'd be cool to make it so that if you found and killed one, it would drop like a diamond or something because of how rare they are. And if you were to find a black jaguar and kill it, it might drop some kind of leather or something that you could craft into a mix of iron and leather armor, like with slightly less strength than iron, and you could dye it different colors. Black jaguars would be like 1000x rarer than normal ones, (or some crazy number like that) and would only drop one piece of the leather when you killed them, so it would take like 48 hours to get a whole set of armor. Oh, and also they should be quite OP. (Within reason, of course)
    4. Maybe make a whole new type of wood that looks a lot better than the jungle wood we have today. Maybe like redwood or something like that.
    5. There should be a few more above-ground structures to loot, with a varying rarity of items inside. Like desert temples can be like bones and rotten flesh and string but they can also have like diamonds and stuff. Similar to that.
    6. Parrots should be much more useful like they can retrieve items or something. I don't really know what exactly but I'm sure Mojang could figure out all the nitty-gritty details

    Oh, and something that isn't entirely related to jungles, but I just think it would be cool to tame foxes and have them be able to sense ores like diamond if you gave them a piece of it. (Like in that one mod, I forgot the name)

    Anyways, that's all I gathered between my 3 brain cells. Leave suggestions in the comments! :)

    submitted by /u/NoCalligrapher5
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    Shulker Projectiles should not be affected by the sweeping effect of the sword

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    It seems too easy to deal with shulkers, as their levitation projectiles can be deflected either by being lucky enough or skillful enough to hit them with splash damage from a sword at the exact time they throw their spitballs at you

    submitted by /u/PikePegasus
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    /kill @a should not function in a repeating command block

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    Currently, there is a way to render a world completely unplayable: enter the command /kill @a or /kill @e to a repeating command block. Since there is no way of disabling a command block like this because everyone constantly dies, I suggest that if a repeating command block (or a chain block hooked up to a repeating block) detects this command inside, it simply won't work. To make it work, add a qualifier/argument on the target selector - so, for instance, /kill @a[tag=red] WOULD be allowed.

    Obviously this wouldn't apply to datapacks, since you can manually edit them without entering your world (or just disable them).

    submitted by /u/conure512
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    The mud block

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    Alright Im gonna try to make this make as much sense as possible so here we go


    Mud would have a texture almost like a very saturated dirt texture but some changes to make it look more mud-like


    This would work for the most part like soul sand but minus the bubble collums and the whole putting ice beneath it thing, so it would make you sink into it and make you walk slower. It also would have a very special feature unique to it. When you drop an item on mud it will absorb it like a hopper. It will only 1 type of item at a time and it can have up to 5 of that item if its stackable. It wouldnt have a gui when you right click. If you want the items back you have to break it or push it with a piston. Mud will dry into dirt if it has no water on top of it, its not raining, and has no blocks above it. It will also dry out if it has a light source by it or its in the nether.

    Ubtaining it and spawing

    Mud will spawn near water, underwater, in swamps, and if it rains for a dag it has a small chance of generating from dirt/grass. Naturally spawned mud will can have loot. For the most part it would be junk like some off the stuff you get fishing but it could also have some of the good stuff you get fishing like name tags and enchanted books, ect. If water is placed on dirt/grass for a certain amount of time it will turn to mud. Mud can be crafted from 8 blocks of dirt around a bucket of water, but you keep the bucket. You can use silk touch to pick up mud with items inside of it, otherwise it will drop the items and a block of dirt.

    Thank you for reading, please upvote if you liked it and if you didnt please tell me why, critisism welcome just dont be rude, or if you just dont like the idea feel free to downvote

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Better Gamerule keepInventory

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Gamerule keepInventory needs an update. It's a good gamerule, probably the most used, but I think it needs some change. I think it should be split into three different versions, making more customization and new features.

    Gamerule keepInventory - When you die, you keep the items in your inventory

    Gamerule keepExperience - When you die, you keep all your levels. This is no longer included in keepInventory, so people have the option to not lose their stuff when they die and still have a challenge.

    Gamerule keepEffects - This one is more geared toward Adventure Maps. When you die, you will keep your potion effects. This enables the ability to have infinite potion effects (1000000 for the duration) and not worry about losing it when dying.

    I think keepInventory should be changed, and I think this would be the best way to do it.

    submitted by /u/ProficientPotato
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    Lore Expansion.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2019 08:06 PM PDT

    Something I love about Minecraft is the sense of exploration you get when loading up a new world and delving into the new biomes to look for the new thing in the update or what have you.

    That being said, it might be a bit cooler if we were to get some subtle world-building that could tell small, contained stories. For example, before the End was added, Endermen had green eyes, which changed to purple afterward. Yet Eyes of Ender are still green? What if defeating the dragon changed it back, telling a story of the dragon hatching and asserting dominance over the Endermen?

    Or what if on occasion, a villager that goes without a job for an extended period of time becomes a special type of Pillager that could be turned back, simulating how real world village-folk would occasionally turn to banditry in the Middle Ages.

    I could probably list several more ideas, and I'm sure you all could too, but I think the point stands. Having more mini stories that players could discover and see unfold could add to a sense of wonder.

    submitted by /u/PJDemigod85
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    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    Spawns in the same biomes as all the farm animals, as rats can live basically anywhere. Low HP, immune to negative splash potions. Occasionally drops rat tail on death, which can be used to make a Potion of Poison Resistance, which prevents harmful status effects from mobs like witches, spiders and guardians.

    Not hostile to the player, but will destroy their crops, this can be counteracted with tamed cats. Rats can be tamed with wheat, seeds, or vegetables, and will switch to one of several skins based on real world fancy rats.

    They function the same as dogs, but do much less damage. However, when bred, 1 to 3 rats are born, encouraging you to attack your enemies with large swarms of rats.

    Easter egg: If a tamed rat is fed rotten flesh or spider eyes, its attacks will inflict the bubonic plague poison.

    submitted by /u/NuclearWalrusNetwork
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    When you drop seeds on Farmland block, the seed is planted

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    That would be crazy useful. It would work the same if a dropper is dropping a seed on a Farmland block. It would be easy to do food farm and more "realistic" (When you plant wheat seeds in real life, you're not digging, you just drop the seeds on dirt).
    It would maybe not work for potatoes, carrots and beetroots because these are not "seeds".

    What do you think of this idea ? :)

    submitted by /u/Arckil04
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    2 New Enchantments On Fishing Rods

    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    I Had An Idea For Fishing Rod Enchantments As I Find The Current Ones... Well Boring

    One Gives You Luck And The Other Helps You Catch Fish, Not Very Useful In The Grand Scheme Of Things.

    So I've Made 2 New Enchants For The Rod That Doesn't Focus On Fishing. One Thing, They Can't Be Enchanted On The Same Rod As They Are Opposites


    This Would Not Effect Any Form Of Fishing As These Do Not Focus On That.

    When The Hook Hits A Block It Gets Stuck, Hitting Rightclick After That Launches The Block Towards You.

    Different Blocks Would Have Different Weights (Like Sand Would Go Flying But An Iron Block Would Barely Go Anywhere)

    Higher Levels Would Send Lighter Blocks Even Farther And Would Start To Move Heavier Blocks Easier (There Are 3 Levels)

    Mobs Would Also Be Affected By The Rod. (I Is The Same As Normal, II Launches Them 10 Blocks And III Launches Them 20 Blocks)

    Okay, That's All To Say About Reeling Now Onto...


    Again This Would Not Effect Fishing As These Don't Focus On That

    When The Hook Hits A Block Or A Mob Hitting Right Click Again Would Send You To Them. Launching You Instead Of The Block Or Mob. Lighter Blocks (Like Dirt Sand Concrete Powder Etc) Would Cause Barely Any Travel Distance While Harder Blocks (Like Iron Blocks Diamond Blocks Purpur Prismarine Etc) Would Cause High Travel Distance, And Like Its Twin It Would Have 3 Levels (Lighter Blocks Send You Farther Heavier Blocks Send You Even Farther)

    submitted by /u/jaxotron
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    Posted: 22 Jul 2019 05:05 AM PDT

    A new villager vocation given when using an enchanting table would be a wizard who assists villagers with combat using potions. Like a good version of a witch that can be traded with for powerful enchanted items, because normal villagers crafting magic gear always felt a bit odd.

    submitted by /u/gingepie
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