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    Minecraft Make bees a bit smaller.

    Minecraft Make bees a bit smaller.

    Make bees a bit smaller.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    The new bees are gargantuan. They are actually bigger than bats. It is my opinion that they should be about the size of the current baby bees.

    submitted by /u/Netheferious
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    When grass blocks burn, they should turn into black/greyish Burnt Grass Blocks

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Burnt Grass

    When grass blocks burn they should turn into black or dark grey grass blocks.

    Burnt grass would also generate around lava pools above ground, making them look more natural.

    I think this block would be useful for darker or horror themed builds like haunted castles, and would also add some detail to the game and world generation

    (There's also a feedback.minecraft.net submission, that you can vote!)

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Change the names of "Bee Hive/Bee Nest" to "Apiary/Bee Hive" Respectively

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    The names for the Bee Hives and Bee Nests are unclear and should be renamed so that a Naturally Spawning "Bee Nest" should be called a "Bee Hive" and a Man-Made "Bee Hive" should be called an "Apiary."

    Visual Example

    If you'd like, please go vote for this on the Minecraft Feedback Site.

    submitted by /u/luigiman420
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    Enderman should be able to pick up beehives.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    And if they do, they'll anger all the bees until they put it down again.

    Enderman are off course, like any sensible person, afraid of angry bees and will run away from them in fear. After running for a while they will place down the beehive and teleport far away to a less buzzing place.

    You can also vote for this idea on the official minecraft feedback site here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360049716092-Endermen-Bee-Hives

    submitted by /u/Martijndebakker
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    Bane of arthropods should work on bees

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    bees are indeed arthropods, so the enchantment should work on them, there is no functional purpose of this, or any need to do it, but it'd just be some good continuity for the ehchantment

    submitted by /u/Byrocynical
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    Wax candles (For the new snapshot)

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Wax candles could be crafted out of "Bees wax", using 2 bees wax and 1 string in a crafting table, you could make a "wax candle" that is functionally the same as a torch, but smaller. you'd have to "light" the candle with flint and steel to turn it on/off, and could be activated/deactivated using dispensers and flint and steel (useful for haunted house maps with automatic candles that turn on), but thats not all, they should also be dyable, 8 wax candles and 1 dye in the middle could make colored wax dyes, just to add some variety. wax candles could also have a wax dripping particle effect to make them even more aesthetic.

    submitted by /u/Byrocynical
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    1.15 idea - HAYFEVER

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    So they added bees, and with it, they added pollen. You know, that white stuff dripping from the bee's ass when it spends a potty break atop a pretty flower. Poor flower.

    So we got plant semen in the game now.

    That gives me the most amazing epic idea for Minecraft's next snapshot - HAYFEVER!!!

    So if you're like me and allergic to plant semen, you will relate to Steve (or Alex), when he gets pollon dripped on him and erupts into a sneezing fit. Oh and he or she or they will get the Hayfever status effect.

    Unfortunately, Minecraft doesn't contain antihistamines (yet). Although in 2019 we now all believe weed cures everything, some parents may complain if they add weed to Minecraft. So we gotta stick with the cure that everyone believed cured everything before 2019 - honey. Basically, the only way to get rid of the Hayfever Status Effect is to drink a bottle of honey. Give honey some better use than it does in 19w34a!

    Milk doesn't cure Hayfever, idiot!

    Now, if one DOESN'T cure hayfever, they will keep sneezing indefinitely. Because like Bad Omen, Hayfever doesn't run out for a long time. When you are sneezing, you will emit green particles from your nose, and your walking will be stopped. As you will sneeze every 3 seconds, your walking will become very jittery. This will slow you down, especially as this effect also disables sprinting.

    Oh, and after 5 minutes of continuous sneezing, your lungs will start to give out. You will start taking damage from internal bleeding caused by all that sneezing, half a heart per sneeze. And alas, you will die. The death message will read:

    "Player thought they were a panda"

    So what do you think? Doesn't this sound like literally the best idea ever?????????


    PS: Yes this is a joke.

    Or is it?

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    Bees should have less health

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    Yet another bee suggestion

    Bees currently have 10 HP. Even though these bees are enormous, this is more than a Wolf or a Silverfish has! I don't think a mob that can only attack once and then die from abdominal rupture should be this tough. Maybe they should have 6 or 4 hitpoints, so they can be instantly killed with a sword, but not 10

    submitted by /u/Gbdnhb
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    Bees become hostile if they try to pollinate via Wither Roses

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Title says it all and no, they don't get affected by the Rose's wither effect

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Pandas steal honey from bee nests

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    So bees are now in the game, in the snapshot 19w34a.

    Normal Pandas should steal honey from the bee nests, and Aggressive Pandas would also destroy the nests.

    The bees would of course get mad and attack them back.

    edit: my feedback.minecraft post was taken down :/

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Dog Beds would be pretty cute

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    It doesn't have to be exclusive to dogs either. it could be made out of wool and dye-able. When your dog is within range of it and low on health it can walk over there, sit down, and heal up a bit. It could possibly even reuse the cat laying pose! and when it becomes night time and you are in your base with the dog it can automatically go to sleep there until its day if it is in sit mode

    submitted by /u/Fluxe42
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    Honey for potions instead of water makes a potion stronger by default.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    You could add glowstone to get <effect> 3 instead of being capped at 2

    submitted by /u/cubicPsycho
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    Enchantment for boots called “Spurs” that increases the speed of a horse that the player is riding

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    It could go up to Spurs III, and increase the horse speed by 10% for each level.

    (I know there is already suggestions about player speed enchantments, but I feel this is more unique and situational, like depth strider)

    submitted by /u/mariokid45
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    The dragon head should make it so endermen dont attack you, like the pumpkin, but without the overlay

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    Either that or something like less damage from endermen and the dragon, literally anything would be nice since its currently useless

    submitted by /u/VakiReddit
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    Some changes to bees

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    • "bee hives" (the crafted one) should be renamed "bee boxes"
    • "bee nests" (the natural ones) should be renamed "bee hives"

    • the big bees are fun, but i wouldn't mind them being just a little smaller. Maybe a size tag would be good?

    • add more ways to anger bees:

    • shearing "bee nests" should anger bees

    • breaking the logs of a tree hosting a "nest" should anger the bees

    • Breaking leaves directly adjacent to a "bee nest" should anger bees.

    • The last two simulate things that would shake the "nest", something that famously upsets bees -getting close to a bee (within a block or so) could have a small chance of upsetting the bee to make them more unpredictable. Not sure on this one tbh.

    -give bees swarm AI: groups of bees should generally swarm around a point, with the point moving to dictate more macroscopic bee movements. I'm no expert on either swarm AI or bee behavior, but I think this would be an excellent (albeit complex) addition to the game.

    • make angry bees faster
    • Give angry bees a "dive bombing" behavior. Fighting bees is hard irl, and this is not reflected in game.
    • allow more bees to live in a "nest" or "hive"
    • reduce damage from bees to properly balance the now more numerous, (smaller?), and faster bees
    • make angry bees stay hostile for longer

    -allow leather armor to be particularly effective at preventing damage from bees, perhaps reducing chance of poison as well. While it would make sense to give this ability to better armors too, i think only giving it to leather better reflects the bee suits of real life, and gives a new use to leather armor.

    -add wasps because screw you.

    submitted by /u/The_Void_Alchemist
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    Let us pet animals!

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    By pressing q with an empty hand on an animal, you can pet it (a slowed down punching animation.) Some golden particles would appear to indicate happiness.

    Petting cautious mobs like polar bears would cause them to attack.

    That's it. It's hardly anything but I think people would appreciate this cute little detail.

    submitted by /u/SoupMayoMaker
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    Parrots when disc 11 and 13 is playing

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    when parrots hear a music disc playing they dance but when they hear disc 11 and 13 they fly away.

    submitted by /u/OrangesForAll
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    brown bears

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    if bees are in the game, why not brown bears? the idea is that they appear in forests or flat biomes (its a biome where there is bees), when brown bears find an bee nest or bee hive, brown bears come to eat some honey, it will have an animation showing him trying to eat honey, it will flee if bees turn around him to scare him or by the player if its a bee hive, it will then have an different texture where his mouth is covered by honey, they can drop leather, and they also can have the same mechanic as a polar bear, passive if you dont hit him, and agressive if you hit him or a baby. brown bears sleep at night in special caves for brown bears (there can also be caves for polar bears, if there is in real life, idk)

    submitted by /u/Ennard115441
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    Having multiple bees on leads will make you fall slower

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Once you die in a hardcore world, when you click "spectate" the song "Droopy Likes Ricochet" from Minecraft Volume Alpha should play as you view and remember your world

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    I think it'd be not only a great excuse to finally add the great song into the game, but have something special and exclusive happen in hardcore mode.

    submitted by /u/justanothrfang1rl
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    With the Java snapshot adding bees, I think it'd be cool to maintain some of the stuff that happened back during Village and Pillage.

    Using Bee Hives as job stations, villagers should be able to become beekeepers, selling beehives/nests, honey, flowers.

    Villages should be able to spawn with bee farm structures, sort of like how some villages spawn with job-oriented buildings.

    submitted by /u/Duke-Chakram
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    Big Hive in Jungle with dangerous bees/hornets

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    My suggestion is big hive attached to trees in the jungle with evil bees or hornets around to attack you when you aventure in the jungle.

    I think that can make the jungle more dangerous.

    submitted by /u/matheo24f
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    Sticky Hand Grappler!

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    With the introduction of bees, they should add a grappling hook type item to Minecraft, craftable using honeycomb, slimeballs, and string. It could hook to the ceiling or specific blocks.

    submitted by /u/dieseldog09
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    Bee breeding should work differently - Queen Bees!

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    Instead of any two bees being able to breed when "fed" a flower, there should instead be Queen bees who are fed nectar (or honey) by their bees when they enter the hive. The queen bee is slightly larger than a normal bee (which should be smaller than it is) and slightly darker in colour.

    When fed enough, the Queen Bee would check how many bees there are within a certain radius (however many blocks from their nest bees can wander) and if there are less than 10 (or a lower number, just spitballing) she would create a new bee. The queen bee spends most of her time in the hive, however if it's destroyed, it leaves and tries to find another one (possibly having other bees attack the player?)

    This would not only make bees more realistic, it would also make their breeding more unique and interesting than the standard fare of just feeding two of them.

    UPDATE: It has been approved - I posted this on the feedback site so if you liked it, please vote for it.

    submitted by /u/KrishaCZ
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