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    Minecraft There should be a sound effect for a lead snapping.

    Minecraft There should be a sound effect for a lead snapping.

    There should be a sound effect for a lead snapping.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    Why is there no sound effect when your lead snaps? It would be a really important sound, so you always know instantly if your lead has snapped.

    It's annoying when you constantly have to check on your animal, and when it snaps and you only notice it after 50 blocks. Then you have to try to quickly find both the dropped lead and the animal.

    If you want this to the game, please vote here (feedback.minecraft.net)

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Jungle biomes should generate with more coal than normal

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    Just like mesa biomes have more gold jungle biomes should have more coal.

    Reason: Coal and oil is made from long dead plant and animal material, It would make sense if Jungle Biomes had an increased chance to generate with coal, on the same scale as gold ore in a mesa biome.

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    New block: The Nether Comet

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    - The Nether Comet is crafted with 9 Nether Stars and can be crafted into 9 Nether Stars, effectively making it a storage block for Nether Stars. They emit the highest possible light level(15) and repel all hostile mobs in a 16x16 radius. It basically acts as a force-field that monsters wouldn't dare go into, due to their weakness to light. They also shine as if they were enchanted and emit sparkling particles. Glamorous!

    - The main use for Nether Comets is compact Beacons. Putting the Nether Comet beneath a Beacon upgrades the Beacon, allowing you to use it more efficiently.

    - Using a Nether Comet, you don't need a pyramid of minerals. Instead, you just put the needed mineral blocks in the Beacon itself and voila! You can get your desired effects! Nether Comets also allow you to select multiple effects at once(for example, you could have jump boost, speed, and haste all at the same time). The only downside is that the effect doesn't linger when you get outside of the Beacon's range. EDIT: The Nether Comet also allows you to use Fire Resistance as an effect(finally!) however it cannot be combined with Resistance.

    - In conclusion, the Nether Comet...

    • Gives a storage block for Nether Stars
    • Gives a VERRRRY expensive light source
    • Allows you to keep those pesky mobs away from your base
    • Makes Beacons takes up less space
    • Allows you to use the Beacon's full potential
    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Capital Villages

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    I feel that there should be 1-5 capital villages in each world, these villages would be bigger, have more loot, and be more like a city in general. Feel free to improve on this.

    submitted by /u/Coolpeeper
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    Berry bushes turn to dead bushes in desert.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    Berry bushes, when placed in climates to dry (any biome that naturally spawns with dead bushes should do ex. deserts and Mesa) should have a fifty percent chance of, instead of aging, dying and turning into a dead bush.

    This makes sense if u think about it, and allows for a renewable way to get dead bushes and in large quantities.

    submitted by /u/bibizu
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    When iron golems "fall" dead, they deal area damage in a small radius

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    This is just a neat little addition to iron golems.

    Since their AI isn't all that it could be, they can sometimes be overwhelmed by enemies and get themselves killed.

    Since they are big pieces of iron, it would make sense they hurt nearby mobs (maybe a 2 block radius) when they die and fall.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    End bridges : a way to make the outer end feel more alive

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    Right now, the outer end islands are boring to explore, because the only interesting structure is the end city. I have an idea to change it: ender bridges.

    Ender bridges would spawn in the outer end islands, and would connect one island to another. They would be more common than end cities.

    They would come in 2 variants : inhabited and abandoned.

    Inhabited bridges would have a few endermen and shulkers, and would be complete. Abandoned bridges would be broken and only have 1 or 2 shulkers.

    The bridges would be made out of purpur and end stone bricks, and the abandoned ones would have a plant growing on them called ender moss. Ender moss would be used to brew potions of levitation, which would last 10 seconds.

    submitted by /u/comarade_moses21
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    Purifying a witch into an alchemist.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    It would be purified in the same way of a normal zombie villager but would result with a new profession, the alchemist. The alchemist sells potions of any kind for high prices and throws splash potions of healing onto iron golems. It does not spawn normally in villages and this is the only way to obtain an alchemist. I got this idea when I thought about a witch being purified and not knowing what to do with a ton of potions so just becomes an alchemist.

    submitted by /u/xiloar
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    Hardcore Exclusive Mobs

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    When playing through hardcore mode, once you have your full enchanted diamond gear, the game just doesn't live up to its mode's name. I feel like there should be a slight more difficulty thrown in.

    So how about mobs that spawn in exclusively in hardcore survival modes (still accessible via spawn egg)? Perhaps these mobs would start spawning in more frequent the longer the player plays the game, to a limit. Or maybe these mobs appear after earning advancements?

    The conditions would be similar as to most hostile mobs, spawning in low light levels.

    Say, after 10 in-game days, the mob's spawning probability would be as common as a spider-jockey (1%). Beforehand, this exclusive mob would have a zero-percent chance of showing up. The more days the player survives, the higher the percentage increases. There would also be a limit, preventing the mob's spawn likability from spawning too frequently.

    If the player chooses to sleep in a bed this could easily speed up the process of advancing towards having this mob spawn.

    Going by receiving advancements rather than survival age, the mobs would start spawning after the player receives a specific advancement. "Cover Me With Diamonds" would be a good start since it's unlikely the player would achieve 4+ diamonds very early in the game. This would spawn a mob that may do more damage on armor than the player.

    When the player earns "The End?" this means they have located and entered The End through its portal. When the player returns to the overworld a new mob would begin to spawn throughout the player's adventure.

    This concept could also be more mischievous. If the player kills a hostile monster they earn the advancement "Monster Hunter." If the player wants to avoid an exclusive mob from spawning in there world, they would hold off killing a hostile mob.

    These are just examples of what could occur and make hardcore mode live up to its name, making avoiding death more difficult in Minecraft's hardcore survival mode. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Error707
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    Snowy Tundra Villages should spawn snow golems as well as iron golems to protect them.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    Currently there is no natural way to encounter snow golems in game, which makes you have to have prior knowledge of them in order to make them. This ruins the "discover everything on your own instead of the wiki" experience that Mojang is trying to create in their game.

    Having snow golems spawn in tundra villages would let people discover them for the first time without having to look it up and would make sense in general. They might not have a practical use there, but it would be a fun addition to have them nonetheless.

    submitted by /u/-C4-
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    More Flair Ideas (Subreddit)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    Skeleton Horse

    Zombie Horse


    Spider Jockey




    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    Improvements to Iron golems

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    Literally iron golems' ai is really messed up, sometimes they leave the villages, sometimes they just do nothing when there are hostile mobs literally a few blocks away, they tend to find ways to jump fences (if they exist) and I think I can list some improvements that can be made to their AI.

    1 - They should not kill you after hitting them 1 time, it's usually an accident so he should start hitting you if you hit him at least 2 times,

    2 - They should be able to detect hostile mobs in a 100 block radius and attack them

    3 - They should stick near villagers, don't go in ponds if there are no hostile mobs, because they always sink...ugh

    4 - They should get double the Hp they have if a raid happens, or just, in general, get more hp

    5 - They should get pathway improvements

    6 - They should walk close to doors from houses generated from the village, or built by you, they should walk close to the doors at night mostly.

    7 - They should be much more aggressive to hostile mobs, like being able to sprint faster and charge at them

    8 - And last they should regenerate hp slowly, well I have an idea they should regenerate some hearts if you trade with a villager in that village

    submitted by /u/Newb212
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    Enderman AI Change to make them slightly scarier

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    Endermen were meant to be scary, but we usually just get annoyed.

    To combat this, Endermen should have a few new behaviors.

    In the Overworld, if there are 3 block tall of any block, Endermen will attempt to hide behind them while the player is looking.

    If Endermen are in an area with an excessive amount of light (15+), they will diminish the lights to 10 until they leave. In caves, the Endermen will attempt to diminish the lights completely as if the lights weren't there.

    If an Enderman is approached very quickly (Minecraft, elytra, etc) they will also aggravate.

    If you Light an Enderman on Fire, they will attack every non-hostile mob nearby.

    Endermen will attempt to hide under uneven ground.

    submitted by /u/Duytune
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    Husks occasionally drop brown dye on defeat

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 06:27 AM PDT

    Husks seem to be a lot like mummies, and people used to make brown pigment from mummies. It would be an easier way to get brown dye than having to find cocoa beans and make husks more special.

    submitted by /u/Super_Solver
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    Bigger sized dungeons?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 03:40 AM PDT

    As of right now, the "dungeons" we have are one room with a spawner. They give pretty bad loot too. What if we had bigger dungeons that spawned which had many rooms, more mobs (maybe some unique ones?), and possibly a mini boss at the end? There could be different difficulties too. The easiest difficulty would give bad loot and the hardest difficulty would give really good loot. Kind of like a stronghold.

    I just feel after villages and oceans have gotten overhauled, the only thing that remains the same, and generally monotonous is the underground. To be honest I'd also really love like a cave/underground rework or overhaul, maybe a new ore and armor? What else do other people want to see overhauled or reworked?

    submitted by /u/veggiemeister
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    Villagers should eat the food they trade

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    Red Witch

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    Red Witch:

    36 hp (18 hearts).

    Gives you effects by raising its arms(like evoker) and making red magic particles:

    -poison II (40 sec);

    -slowness II (100 sec);

    -weakness II (100 sec);

    -blindness (30 sec);

    -wither II (20 sec).

    Drinks same potions as normal witch.

    When a witch spawns there is a chance it will be red (1% on easy, 2% on normal, 5% on hard).

    Drops same items as normal witch + nether warts and scarlet pearls.

    Looks like normal witch but has red clothes.

    Can teleport in 8 block radius around player, but doesn't teleport if there is no player to teleport to. Leaves red enderman particles upon teleportation.

    Scarlet pearls look like red enderpearls and can be used to craft scarlet beacon (crafted like beacon, but with magma blocks for obsidian and scarlet pearl for nether star).

    When a scarlet beacon is placed down the player can right click on it to put in scarlet pearls. There is a maximum of 320 scarlet pearls that can be put in. For every 16 scarlet pearls inside of scarlet beacon, the player in a 64 block radius will get a half heart bonus, which for 320 maximum will get the player 20 (basic) + 20 (from beacon) = 40 hp.

    Spawns in nether fortresses in special rooms with cauldrons, brewing stands and nether warts.

    submitted by /u/Randomnickname0
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    Enchantments for shields

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    Right now we only can have mending on shields, but I think we should have more enchantments. Some ideas I have are:

    Reflect: mobs that use projectiles(skeletons, pillagers, witches, etc) will always get their projectiles launched back to them, unlike how without the enchantment, the projectile won't always hit them back.

    Revenge: After blocking a certain amount of attacks, the shield will charge up a weapon for a critical strike (probably the amount of damage the mob does).

    Boomerang: This one is kind of out there, but this enchantment would work similar to a trident with loyalty, but would not go far (within 20 blocks) and would do 5 Damage to up to 3 enemies close by

    submitted by /u/PokeJam764
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    Minecraft should make a map option or seed to make a a huge replica of the Earth.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    It will be bigger than Earth itself. l and it would be easier to navigate and easier to know the regions. Plus you could live in the same place where you actually live too. I thought it be cool

    submitted by /u/NateW612
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    The Key mob from Minecraft: Dungeons

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    You know the Key mob from Minecraft: Dungeons? I think I have an idea on implementing it to Minecraft.

    KEY MOB (Idk how else I could name it)

    It spawns in Strongholds, Nether Fortresses and other big dungeons, except for End Cities.

    When a player is near Key mob on a 5-10 block radius, it runs away from them. It's faster than an attacked cow but slower than a bunny.

    On its death, it has a 100% chance of dropping 1 Key which will be used to open a Locked Chest. If you somehow lose the Key before even opening a Locked Chest, another Key mob will respawn, unless if all the Locked Chests of the dungeon have already been opened or destroyed.


    It spawns in Strongholds, Nether Fortresses and other big dungeons.

    It can be opened only with a Key and after opening it the Key will break and you will be able to open the chest even without a key. The only other way to open an unopened Locked Chest is to explode it, but it only drops 50% of the loot.

    Locked Chests have better loot than normal chests in Overworld and Nether dungeons, most of the time.

    There are 1-2 Key mobs and Locked Chests in each big dungeon.

    Aaaand, this is end of the suggestion! I personally think it would be a cool addition, maybe in a dungeon update.

    submitted by /u/GreenclawTehWolf
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    Improved Mob and Ore Spawning

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    Different mobs for different biomes have been suggested already, and those are all well and good, but one commonly overlooked thing is ore spawning in different biomes. Like what if slightly more diamonds (~10% more) spawned in Extreme Hills? This would make a nice interaction with the detriment of monster egg blocks. Other ideas include: no ores within 50 blocks of villages (because they were all mined out), more iron in cold biomes (absolutely no reasoning here), more diamonds (~75% more) in mushroom island biomes, fewer diamonds in deserts and taiga, more lapis and less gold in ocean biomes, etc. And as for mob spawning, what if endermen didn't spawn in jungles because they're "moist" biomes and endermen hate water? Maybe four variants of every mob: normal, hills, hot, and cold? Normal would be roughly normal, hills would have slightly more rare drops, hot would give hunger, poison, and/or nausea in attacks, and ice would give slowness/weakness.

    submitted by /u/Abahot
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    Boulder Trap

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Boulder traps would be 3 block tall, 15 block long and 3 block wide hallways that could often be found in the side of a ravine or cave. They would be made of cobblestone or any unnatural stone block. At the end of the hallway, there would be a chest, and above it, a boulder. This chest would contain standard dungeon and mineshaft loot, but when interacted with in any way would begin a five second timer. After the timer is finished, a boulder, a little under 3x3x3 in size would drop and begin rolling, moving at the same speed of a player sprint-jumping. When this boulder meets blocks, if it hits less than 6 blocks it will crush them and drop their items. If 6 blocks or over, it crashes and drops nine blocks of cobblestone.

    submitted by /u/gravel_chewer_114
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    New enchantment - Penetrating

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    This would be a treasure enchantment on swords, that would act as if the attacked mob had half the armor points it actually did. Mutually exclusive with Sharpness, Smite, Bane.

    submitted by /u/Abahot
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    Arrows, Tridents, andother fired projectiles can break glass

    Posted: 16 Aug 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Sunken villages/ drowned villagers

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    Add villages at the bottom of lakes but they're bits of the old style villages and have villagers but a drowned version. Add chests in some of the buildings with ocean specific loot. These villages would be rare but worth the trip for the loot and nostalgia of the old type of villages that were in the game.

    submitted by /u/PandaMan195
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