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    Minecraft Droppers should dispense written books to lecterns

    Minecraft Droppers should dispense written books to lecterns

    Droppers should dispense written books to lecterns

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 05:52 AM PDT

    just a minor change.

    submitted by /u/knotawz123
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    We need better wandering trader trades!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    I'm quite certain this is a common suggestion, but for real. They need to be worth it. It's all crap now. The best thing about the wandering trader at the moment is literally just killing them for their leads. I desperately needed glowstone a few days ago and it was 3 emeralds for 1 glowstone. I did it cause it's easy to get rich but I still don't want to spend that much on 1 glowstone block. All the trades are absurd - this was just an example. I really hope they revamp wandering traders in 1.15.

    submitted by /u/Saltwater_Heart
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    Chiseled Blocks

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    Now that we have the stone cutter we should get more variation in our chiseled blocks.

    Have you ever wanted the red chiseled sandstone texture on the regular sandstone or vice versa. now that we have the stone cutter we could get multiple textures for one type of block. if you were to try to craft a chiseled sandstone in a crafting table you would get the original texture. this could also work with chiseled stone.

    This would let you have more variation in desert or even jungle builds. It would make builds more detailed while keeping all the blocks in one theme.

    Give me your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/15meadea
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    Crystal Ore, Crystal Shards, Crystal Blocks and Crystal Panes

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    What is it?

    Just like irl, we should have crystal deep down, but not as deep as y coordinate 12. It would generate somewhere between Y coordinates 20 and 50 in large quantities similar to Nether Quartz. You can use a stone pickaxe to harvest the crystal.

    Crystal Ore is rock with lots and lots of white bits similar to Nether Quartz, but with a more pale purplish white look towards the edges, giving off a bit of a reflective look. Crystal Ore is not that hard to mine out, and can be mined with a stone pickaxe, yielding 2 Crystal Shards which can be increased to 7 Crystal shards through Fortune. It also yields the same XP as Redstone does when mined.

    Craft eight Crystal Shards to create a Crystal Block.

    Crystal Blocks are transparent blocks which also look somewhat like frosted glass. Crystal is more resistant to explosions than glass, but will still break easily. Crystal Blocks can be used for decoration, adding finishing touches, or creating windows. Unlike glass, when crystal blocks shatter, they drop all their shards to make getting more crystal less of a pain. Use a dye in the crafting menu to colour your Crystal Block (adds some opacity like Stained Glass does). If you activate Redstone over this block, the block will shine at a light level of 7, fading in and out, and redstone can go straight through this block unlike glass. Crystal Blocks will also delay the next redstone signal until the light fades, which can be used to create sustained redstone signals.

    Crystal Shards are found in caves and primarily dungeons. They are rare in the Nether due to Quartz being the counterpart to Crystal. Redstone will go haywire in Crystal Blocks however in the Nether, which will make the block explode into many flying pieces after a few seconds (does not destroy terrain).

    Crystal Blocks will also heat up and explode in a few seconds from intense heat exposure like fire and lava. Lightning causes the block to instantly explode. Be careful, as this can really hurt!

    Use 8 Crystal Blocks in a crafting grid to create Crystal Panes, which can be used as a fancier version of glass (can also transmit Redstone exactly like the Crystal Block above, just a lot less due to the fact it is much thinner than a block).

    Crystal Shards will damage any entity that steps on them. They inflict half a heart of damage every tick to entities except Iron Golems, the Wither, and Skeletons (since skeletons don't have a nervous system, duh!). It will also damage spiders on contact. This is similar to a campfire. It will also cause slowness when not wearing iron armour due to immense pain.

    Crystal Ore, Crystal Blocks, and Crystal Shards can all be moved by Pistons. If a piston pushes or pulls a Crystal Pane, it will break apart into Crystal Shards because the molecules are just not strong enough to hold it in place when moved. This does not apply to the blocks and shards because more molecules are inside and are packed closer together.

    Crystal Ore is relatively quick to mine (same as Nether Quartz)

    The glowing Crystal Blocks and Redstone are a reference to Cathode Ray Tubes or CRT, used in very old TVs and computers way back in the 1950s-1980s.

    Crystal Blocks, panes, and shards can all be dyed using the crafting grid and a dye.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Beacon revamp

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    Currently, the beacon is a bit underwhelming. At least killing the Ender dragon gives you a ton of EXP and a cool trophy, the beacon is expensive to operate and is really not that worth it.

    Beacon passive effects

    currently, using rare diamonds blocks to build the pyramid is worthless (unless you want to brag). So I think using different mineral blocks to build the pyramid would give the player a passive effect automatically while in range.

    Materials Effects
    iron blocks Toughness: When you have low hp, you gain extra amour points
    Gold blocks Health boost: this is already in the game, available through commands, increases your number of red hearts
    Emerald blocks Scavenger: Increases mob drops (the same amount as looting)
    Diamond blocks Diamond blessing: Weapons deal more damage and you gain a slight bit of amour points

    If the pyramid is built with mixed minerals, the mineral with most block count will be counted

    also, these are given to you when the beacon activates, without needing to feed it a mineral.

    Beacon extension effects

    extension effects are the extra effects you get when you feed the beacon a mineral.

    to balance out some of the stronger effects, some of the effects require different materials to be fed into the beacon.

    Primary effects:

    Effect Description cost Beacon tier needed
    speed I extra speed all 1
    regen I regens quicker gold block/emerald 1
    regen II boosts regen speed gold block/emerald block 3
    Strength II extra damage diamond 3
    Haste I increases mining speed all 2
    stoneskin I extra defense all 3

    Secondary effects:

    Effect Description cost Beacon tier needed
    speed III hyperspeed!!! all 3
    regen III your basically invincible when in range diamond/gold block 4
    Toughness I (stacks with the passive effect) extra defense iron block 2
    wither I (to enemies) inflict hostile mobs with wither when they're close diamond 4


    1. beacon range should be extended
    2. the positive effects should also apply to nametagged mobs, pets, villagers, and iron golems

    If you think this is too OP, please tell me. Do keep in mind that this is VERY end game

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    New Weather Names for Future Additions

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    Here's the gist: Rename the Sunny, Rainy & Stormy weather types to "Calm", "Mild", and "Harsh" weather.

    That way, we can introduce unique weather conditions (In larger updates, of course), while standard weather happens elsewhere. For example, we could see sandstorms during "Harsh" weather in deserts, while it does the usual stormy weather everywhere else as normal. They won't have to count as "rainy" weather anymore.

    submitted by /u/DylanTheSpud
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    Putting TNT in a furnace should make it explode.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    When you put TNT in a furnace and cook it, it would blow up, doing block damage and entity damage.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Cloud height, multiple cloud decks, 'weather scripting'

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    As for putting Fog (back) into Minecraft, I am not sure why it's missing, did it just not look right? I'm guessing the distance from the surface and the super-blockiness of the clouds are meant to go hand-in-hand, but the Up and Up and Update mod idea has a lot of nice ideas for improving on cloud generation.

    If fog can be reimplemented, I'd like to see it implemented as part of variations in cloud height to be generated at one of eight deck altitudes: A (Y=~79), B (Y=~95), C (Y=~111), D (Y=127), E (Y=~191), F (Y=~207), or G (Y=~223). Occasionally the cloud deck might go higher than Default, then on other days it might be lower. As well, the lower the Y altitude, the faster the clouds would be moving (as an optical illusion to further cement the illusion of cloud height)

    There might even be multiple cloud decks, where the engine would choose any two or three values from A through G and giving preference to two decks being adjacent to one another; whenever two adjacent altitude levels are chosen to be cloudy, then the cloud deck extends throughout the 16-block interval between them.

    "Overcast" as a weather pattern would be worked into this, where either cloud decks A and B, or B and C (along with the 16 block interval between them) becomes a solid gray haze. Daylight decreases accordingly.

    Lastly, weather patterns should feed into one another, following the idea of transitional or edge biomes but with weather patterns of similar content. So an overcast day might lead into a rainy day or thunderstorm, and a completely clear day would need to get some cloudy time first, before a storm front suddenly breaks through. To that end, a "gloomy overcast" variant weather pattern with an even darker daytime light-level might be implemented, to warn players that a thunderstorm might be coming through soon.

    If you can imagine a weather script as being trackable with a "weather quality" rating (Q) that varies up and down like the stock market. Once every three minutes plus a random number of additional ticks, there would be a chance for the weather quality to vary up or down for the next weather period. (We will call this the "weather forecast") The minimum and maximum values for Q are -15 and +15, respectively. So in a given day/night cycle there might be 8 or so weather quality checks. At the beginning of period 1 the weather will be decided for period 2, etc.

    Whenever Q is 10 or greater, the probabilities are: 10% chance Q goes up by two steps, 25% chance Q goes up by one step, 30% chance Q does not change at all, 25% chance Q goes down by one step, and 10% chance Q goes down by *three steps.

    Whenever Q is between 6 and 9, the probabilities are: 10% chance Q goes up by two steps, 30% chance Q goes up by one step, 20% chance Q does not change at all, 30% chance Q goes down by one step, and 10% chance Q goes down by two steps.

    Whenever Q is 8 or less, the probabilities are: 10% chance Q goes up by three steps, 35% Q chance goes up by one step, 10% chance Q does not change at all, 35% chance Q goes down by one step, and 10% chance Q goes down by two steps.

    Q = 14 or 15 means clear skies; no clouds. Q = 9 to 13 means some kind of high-altitude scattered clouds. Q = 7 to 8 means solid overcast skies but no precipitation. Q = 5 to 6 means overcast skies and light rain/snow; occasional high-altitude lightning flashes. ([Snowstorms can have lightning too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwyHza4xrsc).) Surface strikes rare but possible. Q = 3 or 4 means moderate rain/snow and high-altitude lightning flashes increase; and there is a significant chance of surface strikes. Q = 1 to 2 means heavy rain and semiregular high-altitude lightning flashes; surface strikes are nearly certain. Q = 0 or less means full-on electrical thunderstorm, almost constant high-altitude lightning flashes with many surface strikes. 

    The general idea is that clear or mostly-clear weather should remain stable, but once inclement weather breaks in, it can get really bad and the weather starts getting chaotic, while keeping really crazy weather from dominating the charts. The probabilities might need tweaking though.

    Frequency of lightning should naturally depend a lot on what value Q is. Lightning seems to be something the engine decides moment-by-moment when the conditions are appropriate, but a more efficient method may be scripted strikes.

    Whenever Q = 5 or less, at the beginning of the current weather period, the engine decides that between now and when the next weather period starts there will X number of surface lightning strikes. It decides at which tick those lightning strikes will happen. But all the other data concerning the strike (where it happens, what gets hit, what catches fire, etc.) does not generate until that tick # is reached. (If the hosting player saves & quits this information on future lightning strikes can be lost no problem; even if the game is restarted and the current weather period has just begun, not getting any lightning strikes at all for the first three minutes seems more reasonable for game design than trying to preserve the preplanned strikes for the save file. But the devs might feel differently, I dunno.)

    The number of strikes to occur within a given weather period should also depend on the Q value. The lower the Q value, the more lightning strikes should be (although the total number scripted to happen should be somewhat random so that no-one can plan for there to be exactly X number of strikes for a given weather pattern even if they could somehow deduce the current Q value in real time.

    Alternatively, you could I might also suggest going into real-world meteorological records and using them as actual scripts. You might take records from three to five different worldwide locations that see plenty of rain (but not too much or too little) all year long, and then have the game engine choose one script and a random position in that script when a given world is first created. Then that world follows the same meteorological script unless the condition becomes true that zero currently active players in the world are in the Overworld dimension; then the game engine could possibly switch to one of the other scripts to kind of change things up. Most players may not even notice rain or snow becoming ever so slightly less frequent or more frequent, but this provides an opportunity for those other scripts not to go completely to waste.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Rocket Arrows: chaotic trajectory arrows.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 03:08 AM PDT

    Rocket arrows would be a new arrow type crafted by mix a firework (of any type) and a common arrow.

    These new arrow types would have chaotic trajectories near to lineal trajectories:

    • At maximal power, these will have slightly curved (distorted) trajectories or retrocurved trajectories, but following more or less a lineal trajectory.

    • With less power, these will have sinuous (like snake) trajectories.

    • With less power yet, these will have helicoidal (a type of spiral) trajectories.

    • With the minimal shot power, these will have fully chaotic fuzzy trajectories, being even able to return back and impact to the archer.

    If the rocket arrows flies more than 10 or 15 seconds, it will explode in the air (the little explosion will not cause blast damage nor destroy blocks).

    If a player or mob is reached by a rocket arrow, this will ever take a damage similar but smaller than that of a full charged common arrow.


    The inspiration behind rocket arrows:

    In the middle age, China, Ming dynasty, used strange gunpowder-based weapons like fire arrows (fireworks attached to arrows), hwachas (fire arrows launching batteries) and nest of bees (hand portable fire arrows launching batteries). These weapons also has been used by Japan and Korea.


    These weapons had low effectiveness when used individually, due the chaotic trajectories of their fire arrows, but they was effective psichological weapons.

    Fire arrows was more efficient when used against big armies or used in massive amounts.

    (not confuse "fire arrow" with burning, flaming or incendiary arrow inside this context.)

    submitted by /u/angeltxilon
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    Reeds, Willows & Frogs - My Hopes for the Swamp Biome Vote

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Like last year, I expect a 3-item system; A mob, a form of generation, and a block. With that I carefully thought up these 3 ideas, and minimised them so they're suitable for the vote.


    Their lower half sits in water, while the top half sticks out. They can be plucked for crafting into Thatch - a simple building block with a block, slab & stair form, perfect for roofs.

    Willow Trees

    Now replacing the odd Swamp Oaks. They have a real sapling, which, when placed in water, grows a special version of the tree suited for pools. The new wood type is a nice green, which has all of the block variants like the other wood types.


    An uncommon creature. They fear players, but scare away small arthropods, like an ocelot with creepers. Feeding one a spider eye will make it trust you, so you'll get protection more easily.

    And that's that :v I hope to see something along the lines of these ideas.

    submitted by /u/DylanTheSpud
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    A wandering villager trade idea

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    The main problem is not exactly the villager not having good trades but instead they are buried by tons of other trades that are bad. So I propose a wandering villager level.

    The more you trade with a wandering trader the better trades you will receive. Killing them however decreases that value. Higher level could offer much rarer materials, items, and blocks.


    WV Lvl 1: Clay - 3 emeralds Bamboo - 1 emerald Dead bush - 2 emeralds

    WV Lvl 3: Trident - 10 emeralds Magma block - 2 emeralds Quartz Block (Any Variety) x5 - 10 emeralds

    submitted by /u/Epiclander
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    Customizable f3 menu

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    I think it would be nice and/or helpful to choose what is displayed when I press f3. Either that or utilize another f button for a custom f3 menu. Whenever I use f3, I'm usually looking at my coords, light level, and sometimes direction. Most of the time all of other stuff just gets in the way. Like being able to walk around and only have my coords and light level displayed at the top left of my screen would be freaking epic

    submitted by /u/Big_jeff_xd
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    Dispensers should name entities if they dispense a name tag onto an entity

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    Pretty self-explanatory, but I'll go into a bit more detail.

    If the entity's hitbox or model or whatever is in the block of space directly in front of the face of the dispenser, then they will be named when the dispenser is powered (assuming the dispenser had a named name tag in it of course). So for example, if an entity is standing right on top of an upward facing dispenser, then they will be named, since they at least partly occupy the space right in front of the dispenser. If they don't occupy this space, the dispenser will simply spit out the name tag item. Naming entities with dispensers will of course use up the name tag item in the dispenser.

    This feature will work on all mobs (except the Ender Dragon, since it can't be named according to the wiki), armor stands (they can be named), and maybe some tile entities like shulker boxes, which can be named. It won't work on players. Perhaps if a spawner is right in front of the dispenser's face and the dispenser is powered, the name tag will disappear out of the dispenser and next mob that comes out of the spawner will be named.

    It's really up for Mojang to decide, but that's how I'd think it would work. I think it would be helpful for "random naming" machines, or simply making farms that require mobs to be named more automated. Seems like a helpful little change to dispensers to me.

    submitted by /u/WDSPC
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    I think we need a new sound for taking damage.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    I've always liked the old damage sound from the Alpha versions of the game. The new one isn't bad, I don't think it sounds great though. We should also have different sounds for taking different types of damage.

    submitted by /u/Zac____
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    Splash potions should all have a chance to do 1/2 heart of damage if they hit a mob's hitbox directly

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    Since they are glass bottles you're throwing, there should be glass shards

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    Time to Be Salty

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 10:46 PM PDT

    I've seen some posts recently about new foods or food overhauls, and with the addition of honey, I started to think about the food in Minecraft and what could be added to it. Turns out, something simple can open up many doors: salt.

    Water that generates naturally in ocean biomes will now be a new type of block, Salt Water. For all intents and purposes, it acts like regular water, and when you make an infinite source with it, the new blocks are just regular water. It looks like a slightly white/cloudy water texture, and swimming in it gives a very slightly white haze to the water overlay that normally renders.

    Smelting a bucket of salt water produces a pile of salt. (The bucket remains in the input slot, but can be pulled out with a hopper, similar to how I think the dragon's breath works in brewing stands.)

    Salt can then be used to craft the following items:

    Raw Bacon: Craft a bucket of salt water with a raw porkchop to get raw bacon. Cook raw bacon to get just bacon. Mmm. (This might be a good time to make a slight digression and ask, "Why can't we cook eggs yet? It's 2019.")

    Butter: Craft salt with a bucket of milk to get butter and an empty bucket back.

    Toast and Butter: Smelt bread to get toast, and craft it with butter to get toast and butter.

    Cheese: Craft butter with more salt to get cheese. I understand that's not how it really works, but I don't think enzymes and waiting for food to age are very Minecrafty 😛

    Cheese Sandwich: Two bread + cheese.

    Salmon Filet: Cooked salmon + salt.

    Jerky: Rotten flesh + salt. Not very nutritious, but doesn't give you the hunger effect, either.

    submitted by /u/IceMetalPunk
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    Pullable carts/wagons

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    im thinking this could lead to a caravan or maybe something that can help u carry large stacks of items around (early game before shulkers) and for how many stacks you have insidethe cart the slower it moves (maybe attached to a horse with a lead ) and havibg a max of 2 horses to take maybe a chest or 2 of items max

    submitted by /u/jemas3289
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    Different color Diamonds

    Posted: 16 Sep 2019 10:46 PM PDT

    I think it would be cool to be able to find different types of diamonds in minecraft that can only be found in select biomes. For example you'd be able to find pink diamonds in mesa or jungle biomes, just like in real life where pink diamonds are found in Australia and Brazil. Overall it would be cool concept, and also once you collect every type of diamond it congratulates you with a new achievement called "Gemologist".

    Thanks for readying my suggestion!

    submitted by /u/Fishman-007
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