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    Minecraft Leather boots don’t destroy crops

    Minecraft Leather boots don’t destroy crops

    Leather boots don’t destroy crops

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    It's a huge pain farming and I accidentally jump and destroy some of my crops. What if we add another use to leather boots that allows you to jump on crops and traverse through farmland without destroying crops. It would improve productivity of farming!

    Edit: u/Xxbom_diaxX suggested we could also have an enchantment known as "light feet" props to him for that cool name and idea maybe that could work instead of the whole frame of leather boots not destroying crops but what if leather boots they lowered the chance to destroy crops instead? And thinking about it now light feet sounds a lot like feather falling so what if mojang could repurpose feather falling so you don't destroy crops when you you jump on crops! It would cause less stress towards creating a whole new enchantment and would be quicker and easier to implement into the game, in theory. That's all for now keep coming with neat ideas folks!

    Edit2: u/_bond_1 suggested that the "light feet" enchantment could also be used to step on pressure plates without triggering them. I'll add to this by saying it could also allow you to pass through trip wire without triggering it too!

    submitted by /u/Khydo_
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    Make dogs chase their own tail every once in a while.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    Simply have an animation where dogs try to reach their tail. Maybe they will do it when they are high in health. It will be a way for new players to know something is wrong with their dog.

    submitted by /u/mafti7
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    Brimstone: A More Reliable Source of Gunpowder and a New Challenge in the Nether

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Classical depictions of the underworld are often full of "Fire and Brimstone". We have the former, but what about the latter?

    Brimstone would be a new block that would spawn in the Nether. It would act much like an ore, spawning in small veins - especially around the edges of the Nether's sheer cliffs. It could perhaps look something like this, or even something like the interior of this photo, if the yellow's too jarring.

    For those of you that don't know, "brimstone" just refers to Sulfur, a key ingredient (and former name) of Gunpowder. And considering that setting up a Creeper or Ghast farm is pretty much impossible, and yet Gunpowder is needed en masse now that Fireworks are useful, why not make Brimstone into a Gunpowder source? Brimstone could be smelted into Gunpowder, providing a late-game source of the grey stuff that's not a pain to obtain.

    But Brimstone wouldn't be entirely safe. While it may be stable enough to smelt, an explosion would set it off, causing a chain reaction with disastrous results. So you had better watch your back while collecting Brimstone, lest a stray Ghast fireball ruin your day...

    tl;dr Brimstone would be a new block in the Nether that could be smelted into Gunpowder. It would also explode only if another explosion were to set it off, much like TNT. This would make obtaining large amounts of Gunpowder late-game less of a massive chore, while also making the Nether just a bit more dangerous.


    submitted by /u/daXfactorz
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    Players in creative mode should not need to sleep.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    Players in creative mode shouldn't need to sleep if their are both creative and survival players in the world. Just the survival player need to sleep to skip the night

    submitted by /u/c10ak_Omega
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    New boot enchantment - Light feet

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Light feet is a boot only enchantment that, like the name suggests, makes your feet lighter.

    When equipped with boots with this enchantment:

    - the player will not destroy farmland when landing on it

    - hostile mob detection range will decrease

    - the player will sink more slowly and float faster (this affects bubble columns)

    The enchantment has II levels and is incompatible with feather falling

    Light feet I: decreases hostile mob detection range by 20%, changes both sinking and floating speed by 30%

    Light feet II: decreases hostile mob detection range by 30%, changes both sinking and floating speed by 50%

    (players using boots with this enchantment din't destroy farmland by landing on it, independently of the level)

    If you think that this enchantment is op, trash or just dumb please let me know how you would improve it.

    Feedback is appreciated!

    Thanks to u/1footsub for helping me come up with this idea!

    You can also check out u/Khydo's suggestion, it's very similar and it's the reason why I even made this post.

    You can even say I'm plAGiaRizInG

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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    Extract /gamerule keepExperience from keepInventory

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    Currently keep inventory means you keep both your items and your experience. It would be a lot more useful to be able to set these separately. /u/jeb_

    Alternatively to stay backwards compatible: add two new gamerules keepItems and keepExperience (but this seems confusing)

    submitted by /u/InputField
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    Cavemen Villages

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    Just an idea, because caves can be boring! If this specific idea has been proposed, I apologize. Not trying to polish a whole idea, but some possible interesting ideas would be:

    • hostile/ neutral unless given cooked meat or other • new classes, like bonesmith(?) for bone tools • villager trading for ores/ mushrooms/ dyes(because cavemen) • cave golems (like iron golems, or just iron golems protecting the cave)

    Imagine how cool it would be to begin your mine in a cave village geared towards mining!

    submitted by /u/Morthosk
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    Add Cheese to Minecraft

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    When you heat a bucket of milk in the furnace, it will create cheese, which can be stacked and will replenish your hunger.

    Many cultures eat cheese and dairy products such as Europeans and Hindus. Besides, who doesn't want cheese in Minecraft?

    submitted by /u/Reeddddit
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    New Beacon only effect: Mist

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    Got this idea from a post by u/Me_without_the_bois

    This effect could be a secondary power (like regeneration). It would allow you to use the riptide enchantment in the beacons area without rain/water. Obviously you couldn't have regeneration if you used this but I think it could be cool.

    It would also be accessible by /effect command like all other effects.

    submitted by /u/Wonderkitty50
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    Red soul sand. Negative charge

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    To craft you'll need 1 soul sand cand place 8 redstone dust around it to make 1 red soul sand.

    When this block is placed or pushed next to an active circuit it will shut it off despite whatever is activating it.

    I can see this block being used for secret doors and complex contraptions.

    NOTE. Pistons will be able to push and pull red soul sand BUT if its placed on the piston then it will not work.

    submitted by /u/SRYagus3
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    Biomes with everlasting rain (for Riptide)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:47 AM PDT

    Now hear me out, because I know most people do not like rain im minecraft. But having it reliable would make the Riptide Trident so much more useful. Imagine having a biome sized base or city where you can move around using Riptide.

    Such a biome could also be a swamp variant or even be implemented in all swamps.

    submitted by /u/Me_without_the_bois
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    No block gravity gamerule

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:41 AM PDT

    A gamerule that stops sand, red sand, gravel, and concrete powder from falling entirely. However, this will not prevent falling blocks from being summoned via commands. This will not stop water and lava from flowing downwards, either.

    submitted by /u/Tim0lmazan
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    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    Boppler: new illager that is the same size and has the same health of a skeleton and wears a mask that is painted to appear like a slime and has no shoes with a saggy cloak, they have the same health

    spawning: spawn in swamps in groups of 2-3, on rare occasions they spawn with some slimes

    they attack by throwing lingering potions of instant damage and lingering potions of posion and often run from you trying to kill you from a distance

    death message: *player* was fooled by a boppler

    lore: while most illagers are busy in their mansions and outposts, the boppler likes to travel in the swamps in trios/duos

    extras: bopplers can't have banners but will fight along their fellow illagers in raids

    submitted by /u/nicknamenderman68
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    Lively Bonemeal: an item used to create lush leaves or grass anywhere you go!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    One of the things biomes prevent you from doing is creating lush gardens or greenhouses wherever you go.

    Want a nice lush greenhouse in a desert, the nether, or a swamp? Unfortunately you're stuck with the dreadful color they default to.

    With lively bonemeal, you could right click any block affected by the biome, such as grass or leaves, and it will turn into the color you would find in a jungle. Here is the shade I'm talking about.

    Seeing as this item would be purely for aesthetics and building, I don't know if it would be more balanced to make the affect of lively bonemeal as radius or just a single block, but either way an item like this in whatever form would be nice for builders to have.

    I based the method somewhat how people dye flowers, so the crafting recipe could be involving bonemeal and lime dye.


    submitted by /u/fostralian
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    libarians and clerics will tell teach baby villagers

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    basically baby villagers will wake up and libarians will take them (or clerics) and teach them things like farming libary things etc. after then they will became farmers or other villgers expect clerics. clerics became wuen they got teached by other clerics

    submitted by /u/justalperen
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    Multiple levels of rain

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    In real life, rain can have different strengths. I know Minecraft isn't centered around realism, but different levels of rain would be nice. Here are the levels :

    1st level : Light rain, which has less drops appearing than normal rain. Farmland becomes wet 40% slower than if it were normal rain and the chance for fish isn't increased as much.

    2nd level : Medium/normal rain, the normal version of rain you know and (probably don't) love. One thing that will change is that the rain will be quieter.

    3rd level : Hard rain. More raindrops, it is as loud as the rain in previous versions if not a little louder, farmland becomes wet faster, fish and treasure are more common, and hostile mobs might spawn even if it's currently day. The sky is a little darker than normal.

    4th level : Storm, it is the loudest type of rain (but it's only about 7-10% louder than normal.) Farmland becomes wet within several to a dozen seconds. Fishes and treasure will appear faster while you're fishing. Viewing distance is decreased to 5 chunks (render distance stays the same.) You can hear dripping when you're underground (assuming that stone has cracks in which water can get through.) Drowned zombies may have the tendency to climb out of their hiding spots on their own... (Was previously "may spawn around bodies of water")

    If there's anything that may need changing, tell me.

    submitted by /u/Tim0lmazan
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    Dye should be able to be put in bottles.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    I think it would be kinda cool if dye could be put into bottles via crafting with dye and a bottle. Think about it, most dye is a liquid and it doesn't make too much sense to hold a liquid in your hands. The dye in a bottle can placed wool and can dye sheep, and dog collars.

    submitted by /u/SketchNoteSky
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    An advancement for manually igniting a creeper and having it blow up another creeper

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    It would be an interesting challenge, since you would either have to time it pretty well, or carefully direct creepers into a pit next to each other.

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    Option to remove the + items in the creative inventory

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    I like my items organized. But when I say organized, I definitely did not refer to that, because it's annoying and the creative inventory just feels harder to navigate or even find certain items sometimes. We need an option to disable those.

    submitted by /u/Tim0lmazan
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    "AI" entity tag

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Currently we can make it so an entity has no AI, but that's still limited. I propose that we should be able to make anything have the AI of anything.

    This tag could be used like this:

    /summon giant ~ ~ ~ {AI:"minecraft:zombie"} 

    would spawn a giant zombie with the AI of a normal one, similar to in 18w50a. Spawning an entity with no AI could work by leaving the field blank, like this:

    /summon giant ~ ~ ~ {AI:""} 

    This would allow mapmakers to have more control over mobs. This could also potentially be used with data packs to make custom AIs that can be used by mobs.

    submitted by /u/xXx_LI_xXx
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    Grass In Badlands and Buffaloes

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:54 AM PDT

    Since they're doing another biome vote. It gave me the idea for 2 correlated badlands suggestions. Badland Grass and Buffalos!

    Buffaloes are neutral mobs that act like zombie pigmen, if you attack one, all of them will attack. They can eat grass and can be bred with leaf blocks. They have 20 Hearts of health and deal 4 hearts of damage.

    Additionally, "Badland Grass" means grass should be able to spawn in the badlands biome. This should be added so buffaloes can have something to eat

    submitted by /u/Steve_En
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    throwable hatchets

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    Since axes are used to cut down trees and hatchets are the same they should be made and they should be throwable

    submitted by /u/DubbleKill16
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    Books should be easier to make

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    It takes a piece of leather and three pieces of sugar cane to make ONE book. And you need THREE books to make just one bookshelf. And on top of all that, the highest sugar cane can grow is four blocks. So you'd need at least three full grown sugar cane to make a single bookshelf. There is literally no reason why it should be that hard to make books/bookshelves.

    submitted by /u/bojanglehorseman
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