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    Minecraft Mounts with name tags should appear on your locator map.

    Minecraft Mounts with name tags should appear on your locator map.

    Mounts with name tags should appear on your locator map.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    Specifically horses, donkeys, llamas, and any other mob that a player can ride.

    Mounts are pets you would specifically want to take with you into the wild, but if you need to dismount to quickly deal with a threat or opportunity, you can either go to the trouble of staking the animal first and going off to deal with whatever, or you can let the animal run loose and possibly never see them again, along with the saddle, mount armor, name tag, and anything in its "saddlebags".

    But if your animal (or anyone else's) could be tracked on a locator map you would at least have a chance of regaining them even if they wandered several dozen blocks away. In real life, tame horses like the company of humans and will follow them around or at least remain in the vicinity. Rather than have horses automatically behave like wolves or cats, they might be allowed to appear on a locator map.

    This would also give a substantive reason for giving your mount a name tag besides protecting them from despawn.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    cats should be able to jump about 3-5 blocks and try to attack phantoms instead of just scaring them away

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    Cats are kind of a thing that is not really used alot so i wanted to add something useful. When you sleep with a cat, it brings back items. One of which is a phantom membrane, which means they kill phantoms while you're asleep, so it would make sense that they would try and attack phantoms at night. They could do a jumping animation similar to foxes

    Edit: i accidentally put that cats are used alot instead of that they arent. Also thanksbfor 100updoots

    submitted by /u/NikTheGamerCat
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    Fallen castles

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    Fallen castles would be large castles that have holes in the sides ranging from 2-10 blocks Wide, and some cracked and mossy stone bricks, the inside would be similar to that of a stronghold with better loot, rooms with beds and one chest(which will always be empty) and a storage room where all the good loot is, iron golems that are automatically hostile on the inside and they would be very rare like woodland mansion rare but you could get a map from a cartographer

    submitted by /u/b3n1b01
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    Rivers should eventually connect with a sea, lake or swamp.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 03:41 AM PDT

    It's only logical.

    submitted by /u/Rei_manic
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    New trident enchantment - Discharge

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 04:01 AM PDT

    Discharge is a trident only enchantment that is specially good against herds of mobs.

    When thrown, a trident with this enchantment will discharge a big amount of energy into your target and any mob/player that is less than 2 blocks away from it. Dealing damage to the target and nearby mobs. With a chance of stunning them for 3 seconds.

    The enchantment has 3 levels.

    Discharge I: +0.5 damage, 20% chance of stunning the target and nearby mobs for 3 seconds.

    Discharge II: +1 damage, 25% chance of stunning the target and nearby mobs for 3 seconds.

    Discharge III: +2 damage, 30% chance of stunning the target and nearby mobs for 3 seconds.

    The enchantment also works on melee attacks but will not stun the target (For obvious reasons). This also means that it is compatible with riptide.

    If you think that this enchantment is op, trash or just dumb please let me know how you would improve it.

    Feedback is appreciated!

    (EDIT) Maybe for balance this enchantment could only work every few seconds so you cannot spam it? I got the idea from u/YeruhamTheGoldfish but I think I might have misunderstood them.

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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    Launcher should have a command-line option to automatically start a profile.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    To bypass the play screen and get straight to starting Minecraft, ie:

    minecraft-launcher --start_profile "BASIC 1.14.4"

    minecraft-launcher --start_profile "BASIC 1.12.2"

    minecraft-launcher --start_profile "1.12 and Forge 2847"

    minecraft-launcher --start_profile "Latest release"

    submitted by /u/GentleGrrl
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    Recoil: A new and customizable mechanic, that will balance shields while making them more useful and interesting in all forms of combat!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    Make sure to vote on the Offical Feedback Site so that Mojang notices!


    Currently, a Shield tends to slow down PvP a lot, and a sword and shield fight you basically sit there hitting and blocking until someone breaks a shield. Or, If someone brings an axe in addition to their sword they can completely remove the shields usefulness and shred you while you can't do anything. Other things like blocking repeatedly near-instantly, being unphased after blocking an explosion on any magnitude, or the shield not really helping you get a hit in when a mob can attack you every 0.1 seconds. This makes shields either situationally OP, or utterly useless.

    Recoil is designed as a self-balancing system that makes shields both more balanced and more useful!
    It does this by inflicting two forms of 'recoil' when a melee attack is blocked, one to the attacker, and one to the blocker. This is also designed to work on both PvP and general survival Player versus Mobs combat.

    The two forms of recoil are as follows: Defence Recoil and Attack Recoil.

    Attack Recoil is inflicted onto the attacker when their attack is blocked, and it prevents them from attacking using a melee weapon until it wears off. Indicated by a red sword iron that empties.

    Defence Recoil is inflicted onto the defender when they block an attack, and it prevents them from using any form of blocking. Indicated by a blue shield icon that empties.

    Both forms are not equal, the base Recoil is calculated based on damage, and then a value is subtracted when applying Attack Recoil. Additionally, I must mention that Attack Recoil is a placeholder until it can actually be tested, if another form of penalty works better it will replace Attack Recoil, however currently without testing this is currently a very fair theoretical method and if you continue reading I'll explain why.

    The details

    [This section is very technical, don't worry if it doesn't make sense, it's for the more technical people, go on to the next section for the fun information]

    First of all, it scales and self balances. The damage you input always changes your output, so it doesn't have kinks if the damage gets too high or too low, it's designed to work specifically for both, and even better, allows for unique strategies depending on each individual situation, keeping combat a unique experience instead of the same old "Block, Hit, Repeat".

    Base Recoil is calculated based on the damage of the weapon, and then is modified based on the attributes of both the blocking and attacking items. Importantly the Recoil converts the damage (in half hearts) into ticks of game time (20 game ticks = 1 second) so 10 damage gives a Base Recoil of 0.5 seconds (a 1.9 Sharpness V diamond sword). Additionally, a special weapon attribute can be present to multiply the Base Recoil before applying it, normally only on axes to mimic the axe disabling shields for a longer period, since that's removed with this mechanic, although with customizations and commands it can be added to increase or decrease the Base Recoil by a multiplier value (0-16, where less than 1 decreases it, and greater than 1 increases it).

    Defence Recoil is usually equal to the Base Recoil, although could be customized with a new attribute to decrease or increase the time, useful for making custom shields in mods or mini-games.

    Attack Recoil is almost always modified if you use a weapon, weapons will give the attacker a varying reduction (based on their attribute that will be set mostly per class, ie: sword, axe, trident), giving a short window to attack before the other can block again. This value is static, so while the strength and a critical hit increase the Base Recoil, it does not increase the Attack Recoil time reduced, this means you can actually use weaker weapons to almost bypass the shield, or increase your skill on timing by going for that small window with a strong Weapon.

    Moreover, Recoil will be applied to melee, not projectiles, keeping the shield powerful against bows and such, encouraging a player to disable their shield with a strong attack and then use the window to get a few free bow shots off. Explosions though should apply Defence Recoil when blocked, although you can't exactly give an explosion the second half (Attack Recoil), if in practice this proves not fun, it isn't a necessary function.

    How it Should Look in Game (Theoretical without implementation)

    The basic game (without modifying the vanilla attributes) should encourage the player to use the shield, and at the same time have a more varied choice of weapons. This mechanic should make combat with shields more enjoyable and unique instead of repetitive and annoying.

    Basic strategies that should form
    1. Ranged versus Shield: The shield should block the ranged attacks with ease, meaning that if you want to finish the defender off you have to get up close, likely with a strong axe to get the best opportunity, then you could get some distance again and fire a few shots without them being able to block.
    2. Up close Melee: Defending ranged attacks will draw the attacker closer, they will likely switch to melee to disable your shield, however, you can use the same opportunity to attack them once you block their attack, preferably using a fast and damaging weapon to get them quickly.
    3. Shield on Shield: Instead of being the slowest form of combat, it would be an interesting test of speed, where weaker and faster weapons usually win over strong and slow weapons. The more you can hit the other while their Defence Recoil is still up, the more overall chance at dealing damage you have, or if you are skilled, trying to hit that difficult sweet spot with a few strong attacks could decisively end the match. Any way you spin it, matches should be interesting, and fast paced in these situations.

    Mob Changes: * Skeletons and drowns should move towards the player, and if close enough, switch to melee.
    * Zombies should be able to hold and at least try to use shields, keeping the night and underground interesting. * All mobs would be affected like players by either Recoil, Attack or Defence * Mobs with Attack recoil and no alternative method of attacking should either block if possible or look dazed until it wears off

    Final Look and Additional Selling Points

    The basic Recoil mechanic could be applied to other 'Blocking' methods with little modifications, sword blocking for example, if added back, could work just fine.

    Looking to make a fun PvP server? Think the timing isn't quite fast enough in that situation? Simple and customizable attributes allows for you to modify the items you play with, and give a fun and endlessly unique experience.

    Having more interesting shields would also encourage Mojang to also add enchantments, as well, the Recoil system could grant a few attribute-based enchantments to encourage more vanilla customization!

    Thanks for taking the time to read all this, hopefully, you got more out of it and enjoy the concept of Recoil. Hope you all have a great day!

    Don't forget to vote for the idea on the official Mojang feedback site!


    submitted by /u/Planemaster3000
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    Tamed cats should occasionally knock the item out of an item frame

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    If you put an item frame on a block, sometimes the tamed cat should come and knock the item in it out. If you put the item one block above ground level, the cat won't be able to reach it.

    submitted by /u/looks-good-in-fedora
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    /gamerule list

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 01:42 AM PDT

    Basically lists all the gamerules in the game and their states, useful if you need to know if keepInventory or doFallDamage is enabled.

    submitted by /u/CouchEnthusiast_
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    Short grass, to make lawns look less overgrown.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Plain and simple, being able to have grass that's not waist high is something that lawn in MC desperately need. Having grass blocks only is too flat, but having regular grass is just too high.

    So right clicking on regular grass with sheers gives "Short grass", which has a similar texture to grass but only about 1/8 of a block. Also has a chance to spawn naturally in places where you can have grass, but it doesn't rain a lot.

    submitted by /u/Digiboy62
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    Caption the name of the biome you just entered if it's the first time you've been to one of that type for that world.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    The game should subtitle/caption the name of the current biome in natural language, just above your inventory window, whenever:

    A. You enter a biome of that type for the first time, for the world you're currently playing in, or

    B. You die and respawn into a different biome than the one you just died in, or

    C. You tap F1 a second time to bring back the HUD after hiding it or change F5 perspective back to first-person (or it could be some other common method really, in case you missed the biome name the first time or forgot which one you ere in)

    So for example when the game starts up the first time, if you're dropped into a Plains biome, it will say "Plains" but never again no matter how often you leave that biome and come back, nor however many other Plains biomes you visit, unless you die and respawn in a Plains biome or whenever you cycle the HUD or POV.

    The edge biomes you could leave unmentioned by default (except right after a respawn), since they are meant to be buffer zones anyway. But some players may want to see these captions anyway just for bragging rights (additional proof of finding the rarest biomes in the game) or simply for explorations's sake.

    So you could have a caption submenu like this:

    Biome Captioning [ on || off ]

    Caption After Cycling HUD? [ yes || no ]

    Caption After Cycling POV? [ yes || no ]

    Caption After Respawn? [ yes || no ]

    Captions for Edge Biomes? [ yes || no ] <-- this will apply to all above selections so that edges will never ever be captioned if this is disabled

    So, for example, if you've never found a Shattered Savanna in your world till today, then once you have stepped over the threshold od it and stuck to that biome long enough (20 to 30 seconds? One full minute?) Then the game will announce "Shattered Savanna" on the screen for you.

    Now if you barely clipped a corner of a biome, crossing all of a half dozen blocks or so, that should not be enough to qualify as having 'visited' it yet. It has to be a longer visit than that. Maybe a timer method could be implemented that resets to zero whenever a biome boundary is crossed--and then triggering the caption when the timer counts up to its limit, but only if all other required conditions for it also return true. (Not inside an edge biome, etc).

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Prehistoric Animals - 4 Mob ideas

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I had four animals in mind.

    Mammoth: Boss. Found in a rare Ice biome like the ice spikes one. Its hide can be used for making portable beds that have a durability meter.

    Mastodon or dinotherium: if a Mammoth is too mainstream a mastodon or dinotherium could take its place. This will be in a Savannah and instead of a boss, it could be rideable by two people (one driving and the other defending the back.

    Smilodon or Sabretooth cat: this can be found in both ice biomes and in Savannahs. When killed they drop their tooth Which can be crafted into a spear. The tooth can also be brewed into a potion of hunting(or a better name) that allow you to see other mobs through walls when you sneak.

    The final mob is a pterodactyl: it lives in cliff biome can be ridden when tamed (by giving it tropical fish) from time to time it will also bring you fish if close to an ocean biome.

    submitted by /u/CGC_MT
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    Pillager-tamed wolves should occasionally spawn with patrols/raids/outposts

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 06:14 PM PDT

    As title says, wolves that protect Pillagers which could spawn with them sometimes.

    When they spawn around the outposts, they wouldn't spawn around any specific Illager. In raids the wolves could stick around the captain, and replace the Ravager rarely, spawning 4-5 around the captain. Fewer would spawn around the captain in patrols, but still stay around him.

    These wolves could possibly have a different texture to help differentiate them more, maybe a black fur, to match with the darker wood of the outposts and clothing of the Illagers.

    submitted by /u/Kolateak
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    Pets should be updated

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    Pets can be a nice addition to your household in Minecraft, but there's something about them. Minecraft should add more stuff for them and here are my suggestions.

    1. Affection, wolfs and cats will lick, and sleep with you, and parrots will nuzzle up on you.

    2.Pet armor, will protect your pets from danger, can be merged with totem of undying.

    1. Trust, this will make a pet have a trust meter, in battles, they gain trust, when fed they gain trust, and the longer they are around you, the more they will trust, trust makes them fight harder, follow you more, and listen to the command sit more.

    2. Gravestones, this will appear in your inventory when your pet dies, it will have a flower pot on it that you can place flowers on, and you can put a name on it.

    3. Spirits, when your pets die, you'll get sad, but nothing really happens, what you can do is add pet spirits, they will make a sound to show that they're still with you, and sometimes will even appear as an apparition, and in places they gained the most trust from you, they will always make sound, and where they died, they will appear as an apparition.

    submitted by /u/Ihavenopurposeinlif3
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    Primates with Training Behavior

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    New item - Banana

    • Grow from jungle leaf blocks
    • Can be spawned by using bonemeal on jungle leaf blocks
    • Can be eaten to restore 3 hunger
    • Can be used to tame and train primates

    New mob - Primate

    Natural Generation:

    • Spawn in jungle and savannas biomes in groups of 4-6, some as babies
    • Have a rare chance to spawn in groups of 2-3 near witch huts
    • Drop 0-1 banana on death


    • When spawning in a jungle or savanna biome, primates spawn inside a "territory" with a radius of 64 blocks
    • When a player enters a territory, and come near a primate, it will have a 50% of reacting on one of the following ways:
      • Flee: A primate may move away from the player, alerting others in the territory with an "alert" cry
      • Attack: A primate may become hostile and attack the player, alerting others with a "charge" grunt, and others will join in
    • When attacking, the primate will melee attack the player with bare-handed strikes, dealing zero or half a heart of health damage
    • In either reaction mode, the primate can be appeased with the "offering" of a banana. A player "offers" a banana my holding it in either hand and standing still, much like fish with cats
    • Taming and breeding:
      • After a primate takes a banana offered to it, taming it may require the use of 1 or more additional bananas
      • After taming, a primate will follow the player unless told to sit, or in training mode (see below)
      • Primates can be bred like other tamed mobs, feeding each parent a banana, but must be while primate is sitting
    • Training:
      • Primates can be trained, or "set to task"
      • Crafting - Primates can be trained to craft items repeatedly with the following steps:
        • Lure tamed primate to sit on a crafting table, and feed it one banana
        • Craft an item while primate is in "learn" mode (question mark particles will float from the primate, like hearts in breed mode)
        • Primate will continually craft that same item as long as there are the materials and bananas in nearby containers
        • Crafted item will drop near crafting table, or into hopper placed below it
        • Primate requires one banana per 5 items crafted
      • Working - Primates can repeat tasks in the world:
        • Similar to crafting, primates can be trained to repeat a player task while in "learn" mode
        • For example: If while in learn mode, if a player breaks a tree's wood block with an axe, the primate will repeatedly break the same type of wood block
        • Repetition continues as long as the primate holds the same tool used during training, the tool has uses remaining, and there are bananas in containers nearby
        • Can be used with other tools on other blocks and entities (mining, farming, hunting mobs - including other players)
        • Drops (blocks or items) will go on the ground to be collected by [any] player
    • When spawning near witch huts:
      • Primates are always hostile, but will still only melee attack with bare hands.
      • Will focus on same player witch is focused on.
      • Have a chance (better than 50%) to spawn wearing elytra, and can fly without rockets.
      • Have the same chance to drop this elytra as items and armor carried by other mobs
    submitted by /u/KnowBearFeet
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    Add a new structure, Shadowspire, and related biome to spice up Nether

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 05:41 PM PDT

    Mining in the Nether has gotten a bit boring. Part of that is because of the single biome that takes up the entire dimension. I propose a new biome-Shadowna (not a good name). It would have two new blocks and a special Nether exclusive mountain.

    • Shadow Sand: Shadow sand would be the primary block of Shadowna, and takes up the first couple layers of blocks. It is similar to sand, but is coal black and has grayish chunks of crystallized glass in it. it also falls. What would make shadow sand unique is that it can decrease the light level around it, making the surrounding area darker. You can use a furnace to craft it into shadow glass.
    • Shadow Glass: Shadow glass has similar properties to normal glass, but is black and has the light-decreasing properties of shadow sand. It is what makes up the majority of the Shadowspire.
    • Shadowspire: The Shadowspire is a mountain with a cave system that is mostly composed of shadow glass, with a netherrack and nether brick center. They can range from 50-150 blocks tall, and are steep, increasing as much as 5-6 blocks upwards for each block forwards. They would also have a variant of abandoned mine shafts.
    • Shadowna: Shadowna would be composed of mostly shadow sand and soul sand, with some soul glass and nether brick. About ten or so blocks down, it would be identical to the normal Nether.

    Thank you for reading and please leave any and all comments, ideas, and suggestions, especially a better name than Shadowna.

    submitted by /u/EarthmanNoEarth
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    Using Pick Block on a name-tagged Mob renames the Spawn Egg

    Posted: 11 Sep 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    If you didn't know, using Pick Block in creative mode on a mob gives you the Spawn Egg of that mob. Normally, if you Pick the spawn egg of a name-tagged mob it will just give you the spawn egg, unnamed. What I'm suggesting is that if you use Pick Block on a (for example) Parrot named "Dave", the Spawn Egg you'd get in your inventory would be renamed to "Dave", allowing you to spawn a second Parrot named Dave.

    submitted by /u/AngooseTheC00t
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