• Breaking News

    Minecraft Allow us to right click a live coral block with a bucket of fish to have them stay in place.

    Minecraft Allow us to right click a live coral block with a bucket of fish to have them stay in place.

    Allow us to right click a live coral block with a bucket of fish to have them stay in place.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:42 AM PDT

    When you make aquariums or artificial lakes in this game, all of the fish that you put in tend to stick around in giant groups hovering in a 2x2 corner. An easy solution to this issue would just be to let us place a bucket of fish on a coral block and that block would act as their "home" and they wouldn't move a certain radius from it. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ssam1284
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    Lightning Strikes Should Set Unlit Campfires On Fire

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Alright, I don't believe this is already a feature, but if lightning strikes an unlit campfire it should set it on fire.

    submitted by /u/NothingNothingAtAll
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    Since slime blocks don't stick to honey blocks, neither should slimes.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    If honey blocks and slime blocks don't stick together, it would only make sense that slimes wouldn't stick to honey blocks, either, since slimes and slime blocks are made of the same material.

    submitted by /u/It-is-a-me-Mario
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    Abandoned Guardian Golems, found in ancient crypts holding artifacts of ages past

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    So I'm thinking something along the lines of a four to eight room structure, where the rooms connect to one another and ultimately lead to a much larger center room. In the center of the room is a huge, imposing, and inactive golem with a power core in the center of its chest, and various redstone etchings going across it. If you attempt to attack the golem or open any of the chests in this room, the golem's eyes will spark and begin to glow red, as will the redstone wiring on its arms and back, and it will come to life, ready to defend its creator's tomb. The golem is huge, about 5 blocks tall, and very slow. It is immune to knockback, and has 150 health. The golem has a powerful fist attack, dealing 5 hearts of damage and knocking the enemy up and outwards. If you attempt to hit it with anything, it will only deal 1 damage to it, and redstone particles will shoot at you from the place you hit it, dealing 1 heart of damage to you. This applies with both melee and ranged attacks. Its weak point is the open wiring pack in the center of its chest, and hitting it will deal full damage to the golem. At 50 health, the golem's weak point begins to spark and stutter, and its movements become jittery and erratic. At this point, redstone particles will arc out of the golem randomly towards enemies, dealing 3 hearts of damage to anything hit by them. When it reaches 0 hit points, the Golem glows a bright red, then in an animation similar to the creeper, explodes (explosion radius similar to charged creeper). This explosion would not deal damage to blocks or items. The golem drops various redstone machinery, 2-3 iron blocks, 3-5 obsidian, and a redstone power core, a block that remotely powers redstone machinery. Right click on the power core with a bare hand, then right click on another redstone machine, and it will power that block from up to 40 blocks away. The power core can power up to 8 different blocks at a time, and doesn't need power itself.

    The tomb itself has various chests in it, some of which may contain a diamond or two, emeralds, and/or iron gear with low level enchantments on them, some of which may have custom names. Signed books with memoirs of ancient civilizations can also be found, and if you go to enough crypts and find enough of them, they may just tell a story...

    submitted by /u/Demidrake
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    Heavy boots

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:19 AM PDT

    This would be a curse that is added to boots that makes up jump less/fall to the ground faster. Walking and sprinting could be slower, like the slowness affect, but a curse with more features

    submitted by /u/UserASDD23e48
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    Dogs Will Play Dead if A Mob Puts Them at Low Health

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    If your dog is doing his best to protect you from mobs, he should be considered worthy to stick around longer, eh? He's a good boy after all.

    That's why if a mob knocks their health down to a heart or so, your dog should lay down on his back and trick the mob to stop attacking him.

    This would be a nice relief for those who wish to bring their dogs with them on adventures. What do yall think?

    submitted by /u/rawrians
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    Boars: Pig Guardians that add an early game challenge

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    Boars: Slightly larger, darker-skinned pigs with tusks. Neutral. Spawn with pigs (roughly 1 boar for every 3 pigs). If a boar is attacked, or if a pig near a boar is attacked, all boars nearby will become aggressive and defend themselves. Boars have 16 health and deal 1.5 hearts of damage per hit. They also have a charge attack that deals 2 hearts of damage and throws the opponent into the air, much like an iron golem. They have the same stats as pigs otherwise. Boars will drop everything a normal pig does, as well as a chance of dropping 1 leather and 1 boar tusk, which can be made into bone meal.

    submitted by /u/Demidrake
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    Predators and prey in Minecraft

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    So animals in Minecraft kinda have only the same roaming behavior. The only time where there is a predator prey situation is the wolf and the sheep or foxes and chicken. Animals such as the wolf should hunt things like deer(also should be added) or rabbits, foxes hunting chickens and rabbits. The predators would would have an updated behavior where they try and sneak up to the creature then pounce like foxes already do. The prey would run if they notice the predator.

    submitted by /u/CyberGaming43
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    Block Cracks

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    I couldn't find this on the FPS list, but I'm sure it's been suggested before, so don't sue me =P

    I think that blocks should retain their cracks for a few minutes, to make things a little more realistic. If the player's in the middle of mining obsidian and they're attacked by a zombie? All progress lost. If their mouse slips while mining a block? Try again!

    I'm not sure how block cracks would save, but I think they should exist in RAM, disappearing when the world is restarted.

    submitted by /u/4P5mc
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    Nether mushroom biome idea

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    (if this is on the fps list already, let me know.)

    Mushroom biome idea

    Because of the new nether update, we could have a new mushroom biome in the nether, with mushroom trees, and the netherrack containing myselium. A few mushroom mobs could go along this as well.

    Mushroom biomes in the nether could be the red mushroom biome, with red mycelium covering the netherrack. Or, the very rare brown mushroom biome, containing purple mycelium covering the ground, with towering brown mushroom trees, and a special variant of one of the special mobs coming up. Mushroom biomes could have lava ponds, and possibly have caves, leading to mines full of quartz.


    Mobs found in the red mushroom biome

    • Magma cube
    • Piglins
    • Mooshrooms
    • Cluckshrooms (upcoming mob in the post)
    • Titanshrooms (another upcoming mob in the post)
    • Enderman
    • Ghasts

    Mobs found in the brown mushroom biome

    • Piglins
    • Brown mooshrooms
    • Brown cluckshrooms (upcoming variant)
    • Brown titanshrooms
    • Enderman
    • Ghasts

    Here are the new mobs.


    Appearance: Chickens, but with red and white spots

    Description: Cluckshrooms are mobs that have originated in the nether, and have made it into the overworld, similsr to mooshrooms. In the nether, they spawn in groups of 3, and are hunted by piglins.

    Variants: Red and Brown cluckshroom. Brown spawns in brown mushroom biomes, red in red mushroom biomes.

    Health: 5 hearts

    Hostility: Passive

    Damage: None

    Specials: Drops eggs, or brown and red mushrooms.

    Can be breeded with: 5 mushrooms


    Appearance: Similar to the mooshroom, but more mutated looking, with mushrooms on its back. Horns are much more noticeable than a mooshrooms horns. Mostly a bright, red color, with brown spots over it.

    Description: Titanshrooms, along with mooshrooms and cluckshrooms, roam these biomes. Titanshrooms will be spawned with mooshrooms, as mooshrooms use them for protection from piglins.

    Variants: Brown titanshroom in brown mushroom biomes (color swap with spots, so red spots and brown color). Health: 45 hearts

    Hostility: Neutral (aggressive if attacked)

    Damage: 4-6 hearts of damage

    Specials: Can be milked for mushroom stew. If you encounter a rare brown one, it will give you suspicious stew. Titanshrooms attack piglins, if they are nearby. They can act as guardians against piglins, as they can be a nuisance, if you were to have a nether cluckshroom or mooshroom farm. They can also be tamed with nether warts, so they will not attack you.

    Drops: 4-6 raw beef, 2 red or brown mushrooms, depending on the variant.

    Can be breeded with: 10 brown or red mushrooms.

    Here are some mobs that were modified:

    • Mooshrooms now spawn in mushroom biomes. Brown ones spawn naturally in the brown mushroom biome. They are not as common in these biomes, except for the brown mushroom biome, and spawn here, as they originated in the nether, and somehow got into the overworld, along with some mycelium that created mushroom trees and biomes.
    • Cluckshrooms spawn in the overworld too, in mushroom biomes. They also somehow got in the overworld.
    • Zombie piglins do not spawn in the brown biome, but do spawn in the red.
    • Magma cubes have a high spawning chance in red mushroom biomes.
    • Piglin in the biome are very uncommon, but do spawn here at times.
    • Enderman like it in mushroom biomes, so they are not uncommon here.
    • Ghasts sometimes hover over the mushroom biome, if there is room.

    (Thanks for reading my post. I know it was long, I will make a much shorter one next time)

    submitted by /u/GMKFan
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    New MobType Tag for custom mobs

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    A new tag known as "MobType" that affects what enchantments affect custom-made creatures.

    {MobType:"normal"} - No special enchantment weakness

    {MobType:"insect"} - Weakened by Bane of Arthopods enchantment

    {MobType:"water"} - Weakened by trident's Impaling enchantment

    {MobType:"undead"} - Weakened by Smite enchantment

    submitted by /u/It-is-a-me-Mario
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    Clouds should more reflective of the current weather.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:34 PM PDT

    I'm suggesting a simple yet effective change with clouds. Just by allowing them to be different shades of gray based on how long it's been since it last rained (maybe even how soon the rain will occur, if that's possible) would be a simple yet extremely effective way to allow players to gauge when rain will come and how to prepare. It'd look so much nicer than the entire sky randomly turning gray and sudden downpours, that's for sure.

    Edit: I slept on it, and I gotta say, this was a decent idea, but I have some thoughts to expand upon it.

    (TL;DR on the edits: clouds should gradually darken after the last rainstorm, clouds should be dense during rainstorms, but range between none to fairly dense when it's sunny out. Clouds should now be (optionally) procedurally generated for a more unique player experience, and they should travel at different speeds through the sky. All could be turned off in the menu or through a gamerule, dynamic_clouds.)

    1. Here's how the clouds should function: after a rain/thunderstorm ends, a timer is set up in game. After 1 full day, the clouds get ~1% darker every two in game hours or so, and every day this compounds, so it doesn't take ages to have the rain occur. The darker the clouds, the higher the chance that it's going to rain. Eventually it should cap out at a dark gray, because I've never seen truly black storm clouds before.

    2. Cloud cover should change as well. This would be a little more detached than the shades of gray, but still be reflective of when rain is on its way. When it's raining, cloud cover should be dense, without many spaces in between for sunlight to peek through. The entire skybox shouldn't turn that yucky gray anymore either, like it does in the desert, just the clouds. This would allow players with sky bases and Elytra to avoid the rain, or be able to stay up in the sky above the clouds for better views of the sky and the rainy world down below. Anyways, that's just when it's raining. When it's not, clouds right now are consistently the same, which is boring. The sky should change fairly consistently, from clear to cloudy. The game would look so much nicer this way.

    3. Clouds could be procedurally generated for every world after every ingame day/night cycle. This would probably be a little laggy, so it could be an option in the settings of the world. They wouldn't have to be too different, but instead of just big squares they could be made up of a bunch of smaller squares, allowing for much more complex clouds to look at. Again, this could be disabled if it's too laggy for players with bad systems or on servers.

    4. Clouds should move at different speeds and directions. It's pretty self explanatory, clouds right now just glide along in the same direction at the same speed, and it looks dull. Instead, it would be more interesting to have clouds travel primarily at different speeds, but in slightly different directions. This would be much more atmospheric than big blocks gliding through the sky.

    submitted by /u/HairClippingJesus
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    1.17: The Biome Update

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    Ok, so I think we all know that 1.15 will be the Bees Holiday update and 1.16, The Nether Revamp Update. My idea for 1.17? The biome update.

    Recently, Mojang has been making votes to update existing biomes adding 3 new features to them, usually a new mob, a new item and a new improvement for it. If they just keep updating one biome per update, it will get repetitive and it won't be something exciting. I think we need an entire update, to add this mini-features to each biome in the overworld, expect the jungle and the oceans, which already have a lot of content.

    Here's my take on all of the biomes (if some of them are missing, please tell me in the comment). It also includes the biomes that were already announces or updated, to make it fun.

    Taiga: Sweet Berries, Foxes, and Campfires
    Swamp: Mangrove Trees, Frogs, and Boat Chests.
    Savanna: Baobabs, Ostriches, and Termites.
    Desert: Palm Trees, Meerkats, Sand Storms.
    Mountains: Snowier Snow, Goats, Generation Improvement.
    Badlands: New type of cactus, Vultures, Tumbleweed.
    Roofed Forest: Quick Sand, Squirrels, Blue Mushrooms.
    Icebergs: Penguins, Fish Barrel. Beaches: Shells, Crabs.
    Mushroom Islands: New mushroom type, Cluckshroom Chicken.

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Honey Hills Biome

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    The honey hills would be a biome that consists of hills (obviously) and a few scattered trees, either normal oak trees or a new honey tree. It would be rarer than most biomes, but not as rare as mushroom islands. It would have much more bees than normal forests as well as a new honey slime mob. The honey slime would be passive unless you attacked it, and it would drop honey. This biome would look very nice and would allow also allow you to make large automatic honey farms.

    submitted by /u/RedPyromancer06
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    Snowman mechanics

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    When a snowman is in a desert, the nether, or if it's raining, then it will start to melt. Kind of like how if iron golems are on low health, they start to crack. Snow men can then be healed via snowballs. They also start to crack

    submitted by /u/DontStealMyPotato
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    The Phoenix - A common new enemy for the Nether

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    Here are the images: https://imgur.com/gallery/gC6pOtX

    With the Nether update hopefully restoring the feeling of danger that the Nether should possess, I thought I would share this mob idea.

    The phoenix would spawn in all nether biomes, often perched up high. They would tend to spawn more frequently at higher levels. They would spawn in flocks of 1 - 5, 3 being most likely.

    Their attack would involve grabbing the player with their long tongues like a chameleon, and pulling the player towards them.

    The player would be moved towards the phoenix at about the same speed as the player walks. This would mean that walking away from the phoenix would cause the player to remain stationary, and running away would act like the player has slowness. Technically, if you wanted to, you could run towards the phoenix to get a speed boost. The player would also be pulled upwards or downwards towards the phoenix if already in mid air. Usually gravity would counteract this, but a player with slow falling could actually be picked up by a phoenix.

    (As a side note, that mechanic could be used as some kind of rope swing like mechanism in a parkour minigame, if the phoenix was somehow kept in a specific location)

    While hooked by a phoenix's tongue, the player would be dealt damage similarly to standing on a magma block, but this wouldn't be avoidable by sneaking. When damaged in any way, the phoenix's tongue would recoil. If possible, the phoenix will find an area at the player's height, but with as many air blocks below it as possible (a cliff to pull the player over) before attacking. Otherwise, the phoenix would fly towards the player while still grappling them. It would then do its close range attack, which would be besically the same as a zombie attack.

    When attacked by multiple phoenixes, the phoenixes will try to all move to the same location as one another, to maximise the pulling effect on the player, as the effect would stack. The tongue damage, however, would not stack.

    When the phoenix is directly above or below the player and has grappled them (which is only likely to happen if set up by the player, as they usually stay at the player's height) all horizontal movement caused by grappling will stop. This would prevent their use as weird travel mechanisms.

    The phoenix would not pull the player out into lava. This would just be annoying when building bridges and stuff. Unnecessary cruelty is not fun.

    And that's basically it! Like my last post, please suggest any changes to stats, and of course any other changes you think of.

    Also TIL that autocorrect assumes you are talking about Phoenix, Arizona.

    submitted by /u/DTCHBOYZ203
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    Villagers pick up items based on profession

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    I would like to make it so villagers pick up items based on the profession. Weaponsmiths would pick up all types of ingots, armorers would pick up armor, fletchers would pick up arrows sticks flint feathers etc, farmers pick up beetroot, butchers pick up all meats. All villagers would still pick up seeds, potatoes, bread, etc.

    submitted by /u/ab7250
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    Sticky Potions

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    With the new honey bottles in their way I believe that they should have a brewing effect. This would be known as a sticky potion.

    To make sticky potions you would have to brew a splash potion with a bottle of honey (kinda like lingering potions). This would give a potion the sticky property.

    The sticky property would give the side of the block that the potion was thrown at the ability to give off that potions effect to all entities or players that come in contact with the affected side. The duration of the effect weakens over time and usage.

    The duration works in stages. Each stage lasts for 1 in-game day or for 5 uses. Except the first stage witch lasts for 2 days or 10 uses (a use is an entity/ coming in contact with the affected side).

    The first stage gives off the potion effect for 1 minute less than the original splash potion. Every subsequent stage deceases the duration by 15 seconds. All multiple strength level positions, ie speed II, strength II, etc, will decrease by one strength level every stage until they reach a level one strength level. While decreasing in potion strength the duration will not decrease because stronger potions already have shorter durations.

    The different stages are represented by the severity of splotches that are the color of the potion on the block. These splotches will become less visible and their will be less of them as the effects duration deceases.

    Now an affected block will lose their ability if another block is placed on or next to the affected side or they are moved by a piston. Similar to tilled soil and path blocks. But through the power of commands a block that has the potion effect permanently can be spawned, this block will also not lose its ability when pushed by a piston or covered by a block.

    I believe that this addition would give honey a great use and also add a feature to our quite old brewing system. This feature could probably be used in adventure maps and possibly even redstone farms.

    submitted by /u/russiankid65
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    In-Game Skin Changing

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Java edition should have in-game skin changing. It should also be able to have skins offline.

    submitted by /u/TheSilverKingYT
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    Farmer villagers should wear red and cyan coloured clothing and carry pitchforks

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    Like in cartoons. The farmers in cartoons wear clothing that is red on the background and cyan at the front/back down to the feet. They also should carry a pitchfork, which could also be used for a weak attack and a cheap trident (cannot be enchanted). The pitchfork has the same durability as a stone tool, but cannot be used as a hoe. Craft pitchforks using 3 iron ingots at the top and two iron bars at the bottom and middle. Pitchforks have a rusty dark-ish metal texture, adding to the typical cartoon farmer look. It also fits MC's rustic theme. Throw in an acacia barn and a silo and you're done!! This would fit best in flat Plain biomes.

    I mean, look at Back at the Barnyard?

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Rain only in certain number of chunks

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    What if we made rain, or weather in general, have non - global effects? What if it was in certain number of chunks?

    Rain Area Commands

    So if we made rain area, we'll have to change the commands. instead of:

    /weather <clear|rain|thunder> [duration] 

    we change it into:

    /weather <clear|rain|thunder> [duration] [chunks affected around player] 


    To make it possible, we need a smooth transition between chunks. I propose a weather type, drizzles. Drizzles are basically rain downgraded. Smaller chunk size, less noise, and shorter in duration. It would provide as the transition.


    Rain should also be more affected during change of biomes. Certain places should have more rain, like swamps or even forests, maybe even jungles.

    submitted by /u/Almysrnmsrtkn
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    Add Tar to the fps list

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    It might already be on there considering I have neither the time or patience to read the entire thing but still. Look up "Tar" and just take a look at the amount of suggestions. I dont get it

    submitted by /u/NotSlimButShady
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