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    Minecraft Killing a Wandering Trader's Llamas should raise his trade prices

    Minecraft Killing a Wandering Trader's Llamas should raise his trade prices

    Killing a Wandering Trader's Llamas should raise his trade prices

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:58 AM PST

    Very straight forward with this one. Wandering traders are a great and easy source of leads, especially early game. And there's no penalty for murdering this poor guy's animals, he's just trying to run a buisness!

    submitted by /u/crungyspogus
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    An update for Wolves/Dogs, New Mob, Item and Fur Patterns

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:25 PM PST

    Being a lover a wolves, I had an idea for something new involving them in Minecraft, a new wolf mob, a special defensive spiked-collar item and new patterns and colors for their fur.

    There will be multiple ideas but all are related to wolves and dogs.

    Pack leader/Alpha Wolves will be a new, larger wolf mob and will be allot rarer to find. Pack leader wolves are very protective of their packs and will attack any mob or player that gets near them with a weapon. They will attack players if they are holding a sword, axe, or bow; attack Pillagers while they hold crossbows and will attack Vindicators while they hold an axe.

    Pack leader wolves can be tamed but it will take allot more bones and meat than a typical wolf, sometimes half a stack. However, this is definitely an animal you want on your side. Pack leader wolves are not only larger, but are much tougher and stronger than ordinary wolves, having more health and dealing more damage than regular wolves.

    Pack leader wolves can be bred but getting an alpha wolf pup can be tricky and resource-consuming, with the requirement of them needing more food to get them in the breeding mood. Pack leader wolves can breed with regular and other pack leader wolves. Breeding a pack leader and a regular wolf will have a 15% chance of producing a pack leader puppy, which will be visibly larger than regular puppies and breeding 2 pack leader wolves will have a 40%-50% chance of producing a pack leader puppy.

    The reason 2 pack leader wolves not guaranteeing a pack leader puppy is players shouldn't be able to breed giant armies of huge, killer wolves super easily. To have a pet that can protect players and their bases this well, there needs to be a way to balance it out, if people want to make a ton of pack leader wolves, they're going to need allot of bones or meat to do so.

    Now into the Spiked collar item.

    The Spiked collar will be the first ever defensive item that can be equipped to dogs. To craft a spiked color, you need 4 leather and 4 iron ingots. Leather at the top, bottom, left, and right crafting spots, and ingots in the corners. The collar will give your dog some armor and will act as a "thorns" enchantment, dealing damage to mobs when they hit your dog. It can be enchanted with Unbreaking, to make it last longer, Thorns, to make it deal even more damage, and Protection to protect the dog better. Spiked collars were created to protect dogs neck's from wild animals while watching over livestock and protecting Shepards, I see them being useful in the game.

    Now onto new fur patterns for wolves.

    Rabbits, sheep and cats can all have different colors and patterns, so why not wolves?

    Fur patterns and colors for wolves would depend on what biomes the wolf had spawned in. In snowy biomes, wolves would be solid white, in taigas or oak forests, wolves would be brown or their current color, in dark oak forests, wolves would be pitch black or dark grey.

    So, that's it. Love it? Hate it? Do you have a different idea for how Pack Leader Wolves should behave, be tamed or breed? Should the Spiked-collar be harder to craft, be a treasure item or offer another ability to dogs? You have any other ideas for fur patterns or colors? Comment below! If you downvote, please explain why. (Rule #7)

    submitted by /u/AlphaWolfKane
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    Silverfish ignore sticky materials (anti-stick potion)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:40 PM PST

    In real life silverfish are covered in a silvery layer of scales/dust that allows them to walk through cobwebs etc unhindered, silverfish in the game should share this trait and not be slowed down by any sticky substance (cobwebs and soon the honeyblocks). Adding a drop to the mob in the form of scales or dust that can be used to brew a potion of anti-stick would make the mob (and the mob spawner) more interesting and give some interesting opportunities for traps and mineshaft exploring.

    If you like this suggestion then please also vote for it on the official feedback site

    submitted by /u/Pixel-1606
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    Allow horses to swim with you by introducing a new enchantment for horse armor

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:17 AM PST

    I'm not sure what the reason is for them to not allow horses to swim while you're mounted on one, but I think it could be pretty cool if they introduced a new horse armor enchantment that allows your horse to swim while you're on it's back.

    If they want the enchantment somewhat difficult to find make it so you can only find the enchantment from wandering traders, which are also uncommon to come across.

    It's very annoying having to get off your horse and force it to swim every time you come across a small river every 1 - 3 minutes, this enchantment would be a great quality of life improvement.

    I'm not sure what the name would be for this new enchantment though, any ideas? :)

    submitted by /u/Classic_Lee
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    Invisible, Unbreakable Glowstone.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:57 AM PST

    It's a barrier but it glows. It'd be so useful for adventure maps and large creative builds. I don't have much more to say about it except that I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for listening!

    submitted by /u/DigiDuncan
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    Probably been said before, but Witch Huts should really be updated

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:38 AM PST

    With villages receiving a full makeover, the Witch Huts seem somewhat out of place when they could easily be updated to be bigger. And maybe have two or three more witches to crank up the heat.

    submitted by /u/_Levitated_Shield_
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    Inmsonia being an actual effect.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    Phantoms mechanics have been broken according to the community, making their presence annoying sometimes, disturbing gameplay. My suggestion is Inmsonia being an actual effect displayed in your HUD. After 3 in-game days without sleep, you will get this effect and Phantoms will start to spawn. The effect can be cleared with milk but it won't make the Phantoms despawn. You can also get this effect by using "/effect @s phantom_inmsonia".

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:16 AM PST

    Moose: Moose would drop Leather, and Antlers. When placed in an item frame, Antlers would be like a map, where the item frame disappears and the antlers are displayed on the wall. But, instead of taking up the entire item frame, Antlers would make the item frame invisible. That is all. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/CJPsalm139
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    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:16 AM PST

    Elk: Elk would be found in the Tundra Forest(Snowy Taiga) biome. When killed, Elk would yield you (without Looting) 1-2 Raw Elk. Raw Elk, when consumed, would yield 2 hunger points. When cooked, Raw Elk would become Elk Jerky(VERY easy to make, so it still fits in the style of Minecraft, I've seen people make it in their car! All you need is a hot space with a bit of air flow. Like smokerooms.) Elk Jerky could be eaten .2 seconds slower than Dried Kelp, and would yield 6 hunger points and 4.5 saturation.

    I frequently find Elk bones when I go camping. There should be a 5% chance that Elk would drop their Jawbones when killed, along with the other drops. Elk Jawbones could be ground into 2 bone meal in any crafting interface, and when hitting something with the Jawbone, it would deal 1 heart of damage, but have a .5 second cooldown, with a durability of 50.

    submitted by /u/CJPsalm139
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    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PST

    Deer are wonderful animals, ain't they? I think adding Deer to Minecraft along with Elk and Moose could bring a lot of life to Minecraft Worlds.

    Venison: When you kill a deer(I'll leave health up to the Mojang Team) they would drop 1-3 (without Looting) Raw Venison, which would yield 2 hunger points(1 hunger bar) and 1.5 saturation. When cooked, Venison would give you 10 hunger points(5 hunger bars) and 4 saturation. (Venison is quite filling, as anyone who has had it can attest to.)

    Feedback site link isn't working......weird......Will come give it when it works.

    submitted by /u/CJPsalm139
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    Wandering Boat

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:47 AM PST

    Sometimes,i see wandering trader spawn on water. They just swimming in water and it dont make sense. you will not travel kilometers(block in this case) with swimming. and i thinked that a boat for Trader is a good idea.

    Trader will ride to one of the Llamas. then they will travel to you. it will be a basic boat with wandering Llama type decoration on it. and the shovels will be longer and you will able to use it in a ride.

    submitted by /u/justalperen
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    The net - An item with many functions

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:14 AM PST

    I suggest a new item: The net. The net has obviously the texture of a net and has a black border unless connected with other nets, and is shaped like an iron bar/glass pane. Projectiles have a 50% chance of passing through the net. It is crafted like an iron bar but with string and it can be climbed up, but at half the speed of ladders. It has a very low blast resistance and can be mined instantly, but can survive in water. Mobs smaller than 1 block can get stuck in the net block: peaceful mobs 20 seconds and hostile mobs 5 seconds. The net can also be used for decoration. What are your opinions?

    Edit: Stuck 60 secs → 20 secs

    Edit 2: Nets are flammable; mobs on fire and fire projectiles will burn the net on impact

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    New Nether Block: Darkstone

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:31 PM PST

    With the upcoming Nether update, I thought that the Soul Sand plains should have an unique block to go with it.

    This block is Darkstone - the polar opposite of Glowstone. Instead of giving off light, it sucks up light and makes a dark area around it. This block would be valuable for mob farms, since it can make a pocket of darkness around it. Undead mobs that burn in daylight would be protected from the sun when inside the darkness pocket. It could also have a fog affect around it that would make it more distinguishable from normal darkness. When inside of this foggy darkness, the sun and moon are barely visible.

    submitted by /u/Hectoris919
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    Make it so that there is a small chance that you burn yourself after using a furnace or blast furnace dealing 1 point of hp

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Custom Music Discs - Blank Discs and Recorder

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:46 PM PST

    The Concept

    A way to make custom music discs using note blocks, jukeboxes, a new item, and a new block. I dunno, it'd be fun.

    The Items

    Blank Music Disc - Crafted by shoving a music disc through a grindstone, and somehow not ruining it(Steve has nimble fingers, I guess. Wait, Steve/Alex doesn't even have fingers. Huh). No use besides in a disc press.

    Disc Press - Crafted like this. Can be placed normally or in a minecart(I was told that some people like to do noteblock songs with minecarts, so this would be helpful).

    The Mechanics

    First, you'd need to place a blank disc into the recorder. This could be done simply by right clicking it with a blank disc. Left clicking it again would pop the disc out. Right clicking it with a disc inside of it turns it on. When turned on, it produces a redstone signal, so the player can choose to link it to redstone and whatnot to make it seamless. While it is turned on it will record any note block/jukebox sounds it hears(no other sounds), and put them on the disc. When right clicked again it stops recording, and you can click it to pop out the newly recorded disc.

    The Result

    Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of your very own custom music disc! Hurrah!

    submitted by /u/Awryl
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    Shield animation should be reversed

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:58 AM PST

    When the shield (with disabled animation) is active, it would simply disappear and when it's not active, it would look just like the inactive shield. In my opinion it should be changed. When the shield (with the disabled animation) is not active, it should be invisible and when it's active, it should look identical to an inactive shield (with animation).

    submitted by /u/CinemaSans
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    Good work.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:55 AM PST


    *seriously, good work. doing this since you will never hear of me again. never. i wanted my last words here to be positive. i want to do something positive while i still can. *

    I confess?

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    Adding Paths to Biome Generation

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:18 PM PST

    Had the idea of seeing a path within a roofed forest, thought it would look cool. Not sure where it could lead though. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/cr3p1tus
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    Magic apples that spawn in random biomes that give off effects on who ever eats them

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:04 PM PST

    Night-apples have in a 1/25 chance in spawning during the day and a 1/15 chance spawning during the night in taiga,Savannah,and jungle biomes. The effects given is a 50/50 chance of night-vision or having a glowing light around you with out a torch. Night-apples only fills 2 bars of hunger

    Soul-apples are found in nether fortressesand on nethertrees(though heavily guarded by piglins). The effects are a 50/50 of getting fire resistances or strength II and fills 1/ ½ hunger bars

    Cooked-apples are well cooked and gives you haste I and fills 2/ ½ of hunger

    Rotten-apples are apples that has been left out for 3-5 days depending on difficulty and gives you poison,hunger,and weakness for 15 seconds and refills 3 ½ hunger bars

    Slow-apples spawn in the desert,Savannah,mesas,badlands and Iceland's with a ⅛ chance of spawning. The effect for the Apple is slowness II (DUH) but is the only apple that can be turned to splash potion instantly

    Golden apples are crafted when 4 of 2 different type of apples surround a regular apple

    Enchanted golden apples are crafted with a normal apple in the center, 4 golden apples surrounding it and 4 gold ingots in the corner

    submitted by /u/S-T-A-N-D-B-O-I
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    Axolotl concept

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:11 PM PST

    Axolotl concept:

    How to find them: In lakes near warmer areas like in their natural habitat in real life.

    Health and drops: They can regenerate fast and they have the common drop of cod and uncommon chance for Axolotl Gills, they have 4 health in easy, 6 in normal and 8 in hard.

    How to use Axolotl Gills: They can make regeneration potions with a water breathing affect (?)

    How to breed them: use raw fish

    How to tame them: use tropical fish

    How to move them around: Water Bucket

    Types of axolotl, based on real types of axolotls: Uncommon- UC, Common- C, Rare- R

    Tamed: Leucistic (C), White (C), Gold (C), Melanoid (UC), Copper (UC), Piebald (R), Mosaic (R), Silver Dalmation (R), Enigma (R)

    Wild: Varients of the wild look all common and may have different spotting and slight color change (C)

    Spawned in only: Glow In The Dark (R), FireFly (R)

    Do they appeal to everyone? They wouldn't mess with anything but add more in the lakes, so I don't see why people would mind.

    Any downsides? They don't do much if you don't mind them, if you do get gills and make potions that's about it.

    submitted by /u/TapWaterYum
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    What should ectoplasm do?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:03 AM PST

    I'm making a new ghost mob, and I need some uses for the ectoplasm it drops.

    Preferably a use to do with survival minecraft, like food or combat

    submitted by /u/DaydreemAddict
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    Abominable Snow Golem

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:00 PM PST

    Where you find it: The Abominable Snow Golem is an extremely rare mob that spanws in the Ice Spikes biome. This mob, also known as the Yeti, spawns within a new structure. The structure spawns in about 5% of Ice Spikes biomes. The structure resembles a hallowed-out Iceberg. The Yeti will spawn inside of the iceberg.

    Appearance: The Yeti resembles an Iron Golem. The Body is very similar to the Iron Golem. It is white-haired with a with a shaved chest and face. The skin is light. The yeti also has a small tuft of hair atop its head. He has icy blue eyes to go along with his white fur.

    Attack and Defense:The Yeti has 100 health points. It will do 7 to 21 damage to a player. Yetis kill any animal that the come across. When killed, Yetis drop 2-4 blue ice, along with a new item, 1-2 "Yeti's Hair."

    Yeti's Hair: Yeti's hair can be used to do numerous things. One of those things is create a new potion, the potion of Invulnerability. The potion of invulerabilty can take up to 10 seconds to kick in, while the effect lasts 30 seconds after that. Invulnerabilty makes it so you only take 25% of the damage inflicted upon you. Another thing the Yeti's hair can do, is craft a new weapon.

    Snow Bow (name WIP): so the snow bow is made from crafting with 3 yeti's hair and 3 sticks. Since it is a rare weapon, it is pretty Overpowered. One arrow used can take 25-30 health points when fully drawn. All Regular Bow enchantments can be used on the snow bow, except Power dosent add as much damage as usual.

    submitted by /u/Lime09313
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