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    Minecraft Hardcore mode should get harder as the days progress

    Minecraft Hardcore mode should get harder as the days progress

    Hardcore mode should get harder as the days progress

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:36 AM PST

    The Hardcore mode is good when a player never did the mode but after, it's still good but almost any minecraft veteran will admit that once you get to that certain point , Minecraft is like playing chess with a baby, it becomes near IMPOSSIBLE to die. The player can survive between 300 and 500 days if he is really careful.

    Here are my ideas :

    Mechanic Idea :

    The idea is that every day all of these factors get more and more difficult.

    • Improved AI for mobs
    • Improved block range for mobs
    • Improved the called regional difficulty / Mobs spawn more often
    • Mobs hit harder, and take less damage
    • Can "work together" I.E a Witch targets mobs with buffs or a creeper blows open your wall for others.
    • Skeletons shoot from farther ranges
    • Mobs don't lose interest in you.
    • Faster Mobs that are harder to outrun

    Mobs difficulty idea :

    • Mobs appear with potion effects
    • Powerful Mob with purple aura around him, which is rare, more fast, more damages, more HP but with a lot of XP when kills.

    Zombie :

    - Zombies appear in groups of 4 to 8 maximum and are more likely to appear each day with weapons and armor.

    - Zombies inflict with a probability of 100% the hunger effect I and if hit again hunger II.

    Skeleton :

    - The Skeletons appear in groups of 3 to 5.

    - All Skeletons now appear with chainmail armor all over the body.

    - Skeletons now use only randomly harmful arrows.

    Creepers :

    - The explosion of the Creepers is like the Charged Creeper

    - The Creepers have all the time on them a random harmful potions effects. If the Creeper explodes, the area of explosion is covered by the effects of the harmful zone potion. If the player receives by the explosion a heart,half a heart of damages or if he blocked it, the harmful effect is also transmitted to him.

    - When there is thunder storms, no matter the weather, the day and the night,only creepers spawn.

    - When there is a storm and it rains, 1/3 the charged creepers appear with an explosion twice as high as a charged creeper . Hence their name, they are twice as fast as a normal creeper, and their sprint is twice as high.

    - The Creeper explosion destroys the shields in one blow with a high recoil force and deals 1/3 damage to a player for a normal creeper and 1/2 damage for a Charged Creeper.

    - Between 1 and 3 blocks separating, the creeper and the player, the creeper will explode. The player will have to make traps to avoid this problem.

    Spiders :

    - Spiders has 1/2 to spit webs of spiders to block the player.

    - The Speed of Spiders is twice as fast as usual.

    - The Spiders inflicts Poison I and if the player is bitten by this one again Poison II.

    - Climbs twice as fast

    - No longer take fall damage.

    Rabid Wolves :

    - The Rabid Wolves appear in groups of 3 to 5 the night.

    - Every night Raging Wolves appear more often next to the forests.

    - When they see the player they attacks him automatically

    - They are faster than the player even when he sprints.

    - Their attack is between low and average but their attack is very fast

    Endermen :

    - If a player looks an Enderman straight in the eye, he will have the Blindness I effect for 2 seconds.

    - The Endermen has 1/3 if he touches the player inflicted Blindness I. ( but the effect lasts 3 second, the player has time to defend himself)

    - The Endermen has 1/3 if he touches the player to teleport him in the air to make him lose at least 1/5 of his HP.

    - If the enderman is near us (5 blocks) he attacks us except in the END where the mechanics remain the same.

    - The Enderman will always be afraid of the water to give the player a chance to survive but if the player is close enough to him (1 block) in the water. The Enderman will teleport him next to him to attack him.

    Endermites :

    - When an Endermen died,5 Endermites appears and attack the players.

    - Endermites use weak teleport.

    - They would inflict , Slowness I and Poison I during 5 seconds if hit.

    - Every time you throw an enderpearl, 2-3 endermites spawn.

    - No longer take fall damage.

    Zombie Pigman :

    - Their strength is twice as strong, as their resistance and speed.

    - The Pigmen is now hostile.

    - Zombies Pigmen have 1/3 to appears with a gold armor and an golden sword or axe

    Phantoms :

    - The phantoms appear every night

    - Phantoms are three times faster.

    - When a phantom touches the player, it inflicts the Levitation II effect to make them dangerous.

    - If the player does not sleep they will appear in the cave.

    Guardians :

    - The Guardians are twice as fast as usual.

    - Inflicts weakness I when it touches the player with his body and his laser .

    - 1/3 to appear in place of an Aquatic mob.

    Elder Guardians (Mini-Boss) :

    - He has three times more HP

    - Inflicts weakness I when it touches the player with his body and his laser.

    - 1/3 to inflict nausea with his laser

    - Deals twice as much damage

    - Elder Guardians summon Guardians.

    Silverfish :

    - The silvers fish would appear much more, in groups of 2 to 4.

    - They would go from rare to medium in rate of appearance in the mines.

    - Silverfish would inflict Mining Fatigue, Slowness I and Poison I during 5 seconds if hit.

    - No longer take fall damage.

    Cave Spiders :

    - Cave Spiders has 1/2 to spit webs of spiders to block the player.

    - The Cave Spiders speed is twice as fast as usual.

    - The Cave Spiders inflicts poison II and weakness II.

    - Climbs twice as fast

    - No longer take fall damage.

    Drowned :

    - The drowners are 4 times faster in the water.

    - In under water, he will swim and try to catch the player for drow him, they will inflict damage by trying to drown him.

    The player will have to move his mouse when the drowners will grap them,to release them.

    Beast (Mini-Boss):

    - Twice as resistant

    - Twice as powerful

    - Immune against knockback

    Slimes Cubes :

    - When he touches the player he suffocates him, like the mechanics of the zombie the player will have to emerge to save himself or he will die by suffocation.

    - Could Reform within random intervals or could suddenly sprout in size.

    - When the player is hit inflict Poison I.

    Magma Cubes :

    - When he touches the player he suffocates him, like the mechanics of the zombie the player will have to emerge to save himself or he will die by suffocation.

    - Could Reform within random intervals or could suddenly sprout in size.

    - When the player is hit inflict Burn III

    Pillagers :

    - All the Pillagers appear all with a crossbow with maximum enchantment

    - All the Pillagers wear full leather or iron armor.

    - Pillagers have 1/3 to appears with an full diamond armor.

    - The raids of the pillagers are much more violent and difficult. The waves will be made up of more pillagers.

    - The Pillagers appear more often next to our base, there are 1/5 near our base every minutes.

    - When we are hit by Bad Omen, the Illagers, as the villages will attack our base and try to kill all the animals, destroy the crops and burn our base.

    Evokers (Mini-Boss) :

    - Twice as much health

    - Twice as fast

    - At each stroke Evokers teleport

    - Evokers will attempt to flee the player by teleporting if the player is near.

    - Summon faster

    - Invokes 6 vexs instead of 3.

    - Evokers can summon 3 skeletons or 3 zombies without armor once and after this invocation phantoms,spiders near him once. After he will summon only vexes.

    - Each attack of the Evokers inflicts Slowness I

    - Evokers can use healing potions to heal themselves and use the totem to survive a deadly attack.

    Vendicator :

    - 3 times faster in speed and agility than usual.

    - He has 1/3 to inflict a critical hit.

    - He has 1/3 to block an melee attack or a ranged attack with his axe.

    - All Vindicators are equipped with an iron armor and this time has a diamond axe.

    Illusionner (Mini-Boss) :

    - Now appears in raids and looters but only 1.

    - 1/3 of inflicting Blindness I for 2 seconds if it is touched by the player or if the player touches one of his illusions.

    - 1/3 of inflicting Nausea for 5 seconds if he is touched by the player or if the player touches one of his illusions.

    - His bow is enchanted and has Power III with Recoil II.

    Blaze :

    - 4x more fast and attack twice as fast.

    - After being attacked by anything, they will go into a rage, giving them increased movement speed and forcing them to charge the player as well as throw short and deadly barrages at them.

    Wither Skeleton :

    - Three times faster than usual.

    - Has an iron sword instead of stone

    - All Wither Skeletons now appear with enchanted iron armor with an enchanted iron sword (Sharpness II)

    - Wither appears with a shield and he blocks all the arrows, even if he don't see the player and has 1/2 to block a melee attack.

    - The Wither Skeleton has 1/3 to inflict a critical blow if hit

    Witch :

    - Appears in groups of 2 or 3

    - Throw and use the potions 3 times faster.

    - The potions they use are potions of zones.

    - The harmful potions they use are at the maximum level, making them much more formidable.

    - Witch will attempt to flee the player by teleporting if the player is near.

    - Witch has 1/3 to teleport the player if attacked (7 blocks maximum).

    - Witch has 1/3 to use 5 fire ball with 5 thunders in a row.

    - Summon Phantoms and Vexes around her at night and only Husks the day.

    Ghast :

    - Projectile twice as fast as usual

    - Damages by a ghast gives mining fatigue I, slowness I, weakness I.

    - The projectile of Guast can not be returned

    Vex :

    - The vexs appear every night now.

    - The vexs appear in groups of 3 or 5.

    - They are three times faster than before.

    Wither (Boss):

    - Two times more HP than before

    - Each attack gives a random harmful effect

    - 1/3 to invoke 8 vexs when he attacks

    - 1/3 to invoke 3 Wither Skeletons

    Ender Dragon (Boss) :

    - Three times more HP, two times more powerful and fast than before.

    - Send projectiles more often to the player.

    - The Ender Dragon, when charges at you, it breathes it's dragon breath.

    If you think it's too hard for hardcore mode why not a new mode called Extreme Hard core Mode.

    Do not hesitate to suggest if you have a suggestion ?

    Edit :

    Mojang if you see this, from what I saw as comments, the ideal would be to leave the hardcore mode as it is, and make a new mode like the Extreme Hardcore Mode who has these ideas.

    submitted by /u/VictorStrobovsky98
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    Make Nether Quartz slightly renewable - the Wraith

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:56 PM PST

    So far, the Nether Quartz has been non-renewable (with the exception of nether quartz blocks, but those cannot be crafted into observers or comparators). Non-renewability is understandable for items like diamonds, whose whole concept is being rare, but nether quartz isn't that overpowered, and having them renewable would be any redstoner's dream. That's why I propose the Wraith - a renewable, yet non-automatable way to get quartz.

    Wraiths would be 2 blocks tall, 1 block wide, skin looking like lava with chunks of basalt (little bit like the Magma Block).

    Wraith would be a mob that spawns in the nether, thus being immune to fire damage. It would spawn in lava lakes, but crawl to the land.

    It would have 10 hearts of health (same as the player), and deal 3hp damage on easy, 5 on normal, and 6 on hard. Getting hit by the wraith would give the player blindness for 3 seconds.

    The wraith would drop 0-2 nether quartz (affected by looting, player kill only), with the rare drop of glowstone.

    submitted by /u/QuazarQ305
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    Animals should run away more effectively

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:22 AM PST

    Right now animals such as cows, sheep and pigs mostly run around you circles when hit. This is very ineffective and mostly results in them being killed.

    I propose the animals running in a sort of zig-zag fashion away from the player so it is more effective and still keeps the old look. :)

    submitted by /u/WizzyAnimates
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    Clicking the advancement in the chat would open the GUI

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 06:17 AM PST

    When you get an advancement, a message pops up in chat. Hovering over the green text shows you the advancement description, so why not click the text to open the corresponding GUI? It really looks like a link anyway

    Not sure if I should flair this as "Advancements" but since it doesn't add any, I will flair it as UI.

    submitted by /u/QuazarQ305
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    The Redstone signal strength going into a Dispenser will determine how far it will throw the objects in its inventory.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 04:16 PM PST

    In Minecraft, the amount that a player draws their bow back dictates how far the arrows fired will fly. Since dispensers have a bow in their crafting recipe and are powered by Redstone, it only makes sense that the signal strength going into the Dispenser decides the distance and strength at which the Dispenser throws the objects(Arrows, snowballs, potions, items, etc.) in its inventory.

    submitted by /u/creprobrin
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    Chorus Cake

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 02:30 PM PST

    I know people are probably tired of hearing ideas for slight variations of cake, but this is different.

    Substituting the milk buckets for chorus fruit and egg for a golden apple will produce a Chorus Cake.

    When a player takes a slice, they're randomly teleported to any location within a 250 block radius.

    This could serve as an escape system or serve in a number of player-created Vanilla mini-games as a way to spread players out that also makes them difficult to follow.

    It'd probably restore the same amount of hunger as regular cake, maybe a little more.

    Uh, it's also lactose-free, for all you lactose-intolerant players out there. So that's another thing I guess.


    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    Desert and Badland/ Dry River (the one river without dirt and rain)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:02 AM PST

    We already have a frozen river but we don't have desert/badland rivers... It's weird to see raining and grass/dirt blocks in a desert/badland river you know...

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Speed working on ladders

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 12:48 PM PST

    The title says everything. Maybe it can be out of control, the choice is yours.

    submitted by /u/FlyDownG_ames
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    Pebbles in Minecraft ideas

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:32 PM PST

    Pebbles :


    Pebbles will be everywhere in any biome in Minecraft.

    When a player takes a pebble, can he throw it at the enemies. Each blow causes an enemy to lose half a heart.

    The player can put the stones in the dispensers. But unlike arrows, they are 3 times faster than arrows. The stones can be used as a trap to keep mobs at bay or possible intruders.

    4 pebbles = 1 cobble stone :


    1 cobble stone = 4 pebbles

    submitted by /u/VictorStrobovsky98
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    Rivers should generate at different Y coordinates (by one or two blocks) and it would make world generation look a lot nicer

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 06:42 AM PST

    Imagine your swimming in river and the water level inclines/declines by the slightest bit. It could also be an opportunity to fix how ugly the bottom of rivers are. They could put rocks around it, or something of that sort. Might be a small suggestion, but I think it would be an great change.

    submitted by /u/Retep17
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    In hardcore mode the animals run away when they see the player. (Read Description)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    The idea would be that if the player has no food that attracts animals, all the animals that see him will automatically run away.

    The player must approach them by walking slowly while holding the button to squat. The animals will then gain his confidence, and will be approached but distrustful. And when the player feeds them, they will not run away from the player. And the player can then attract them to make a farm.

    submitted by /u/VictorStrobovsky98
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    Increased mob health and damage, as well as weapons and tools (hear me out on this one please)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 12:54 AM PST

    Somewhere in the comment section between the experimental combat snapshot posts of u/jeb_, he talks about increasing mobs health but a person said it'll be just a nuisance or annoying and it is, that's why I decided why don't just increase the damage as well? It kinda beats the purpose right? Maybe, but it's pretty necessary actually, cuz this will give developers or mod devs an opportunity to add more weapons without having a repetitive damage or overpowered weapon or make the existing weapons and tools to have a less too similar damage in short: more diverse weapon status. P.S. this suggestion is mainly for the experimental combat that is currently work in progress.

    Thank you so much for reading this post.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Cloak of Invisibility as a new item [Rare drop for the Illusioner?]

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:16 PM PST

    The main goal for the item is for it to act as a sort of renewable/reusable means for the player to go invisible without being unbalanced. I think that its also important to give the item different mechanics and advantages/disadvantages compared to potion effect invisibility in order to help make each one more situational/unique and complement each one another.

    The cloak of invisibility would take up the chestplate slot in the players inventory and would only be activated when the player is sneaking. Taking damage while using the invisibilty cloak would cause it be deactivated with a cooldown of 10-20 seconds before it becomes usable again. If necessary, the cloak might also only be usable for a period of time (say 1 minute) before it is deactivated and undergoes a cooldown period.

    The invisibility that the cloak grants would be somewhat different from regular invisibility in that it would hide the players armor and any arrows sticking out of them. Held items would still be visible and the glowing enchantment would still work as usual.

    Unlike the elytra, the cloak would provide some armor protection (about as much as a leather chestplate if not less) and would be able to take armor enchantments.

    As to how it is obtained, I think it would be interesting if it was a rare drop for the Illusioner which is likely going to be re-implemented as a raid mob at some point (at least it sounded like it was during minecon).

    submitted by /u/Derpenwolf
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    Deer and sleds

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST


    There is my suggestion: Deer and sledges!

    I had thought about adding deer (or reindeer, or elk) to give some life to the area. For the deer he had thought of mobs the size of the horse, that they only give leather when they died. They would be mountable using the saddle like a horse, but their behavior would be like the pig, only controllable with the carrot on a stick, and with the same speed. To compensate for its slowness, we would have the other addition, the sled.
    The sleds would be an entity that would work similarly to the boats with chest that they showed in the recent biome vote. Maybe they could have 2 spots, for a double chest or for a chest + a crafting table, and maybe even another player slot.
    The sleds, as I had thought them, would be attached to the reindeer, so that they would pull them, in the same way that riding a horse you can pull a Llama with a rope.

    All of them should be quite simple aditions, since deer behaviour is alrready there on the pigs, and the Sledge was allready thought by Mojang for the Boat & Chest on the Swamp update.

    submitted by /u/CptRadon
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    Witches should try to steal honey from filled beehives.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:02 PM PST

    Witches trying to steal honey from beehives and nests like we see one doing in the trailer would be like players taking honey, the bees wouldn't react if they're over a campfire but if they aren't the bees would become aggressive towards the witch. If the bees do become aggressive then the witch will start running away.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    A new way to transverse the Nether and getting gold in there: Grylios

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:02 PM PST

    Since we are getting a Nether update, there's going to be way more reasons to explore the Nether. But as it is, it can get rather annoying transversing its irregular terrain. Even the new mountains are probably going to have some irregularities going on and horses are far from being a good alternative for hiking.

    The mob

    A Grylio would be a giant red toad with gold sprouting from its back that makes the occasional pig noises and has some pig-like features (to fit the whole pig aspect of the Nether).

    Standing 1.8 blocks wide and 2 blocks high and having 20 hearts of health, they would spawn in herds of 3-5 near the lava ocean or lava ponds (as they would float on them) and would not attack the player unless they wear armor, weapons(?) or attack them when near them. Otherwise, they will stomp on you, causing 2 hearts of damage per hit.

    They would be completely neutral to all other Nether mobs, Piglins would even protect them if near.

    Since they essentially live in lava, water harms them the same way lava harms other mobs.


    You could tame them by feeding them Nether Warts and once tamed, you can ride them with a saddle.

    In contrast to horses, they only move slightly faster than a sprinting player, but they can make jumps that range from 10 to 22 blocks high. This range is reduced to 8-17 when outside of the Nether.

    For obvious reasons, you are immune to fall damage while riding it, plus, falling on an entity will deal 2 hearts of damage.

    But just like horses, they regenerate on their own and they won't defend you if you are attacked. They will, however, start attacking if they are attacked.

    Falling into the lava wouldn't be much of a problem either, as it prevents you from getting burned for 10 seconds, giving you enough time to jump out of it. Maybe even use it as a short distance lava boat.

    How to get gold?

    Lastly, as I mentioned in the title, you can also get gold out of them. By feeding them Magma Cream, you would get one Gold Nugget, but killing them (player kill only) has a rare chance of dropping a single gold ingot. This would also answer the question as to where does all the gold in the Nether come form.

    Some minor details

    For immersion reasons, when standing on snow or ice, if given enough time (5 seconds), they would melt it. And given that they are a source of gold, Piglins would be attracted to them and they could also spawn alongside them in bastions, maybe even ride them?


    To begin with, the name is a mouthful and it requires a better one. Combat could also become rather messy with all the toads jumping around, but that's where the water comes in. Finally, there's the possibility of making the Nether "too survivable", but that's also part of the purpose of the update, isn't it? Feel free to give suggestions in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Nimporian
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    Quick saves

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 02:42 PM PST

    Add in a quicksave feature (world must have cheats enabled) player can set quicksave hotkeys in options and make and call saves with the click of a button, alternatively the file could record any changes to the world and when reverted, just modify the world instead of fully reloading

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Fruit Bats!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:38 AM PST

    There should be a variant of the bats which are fruit bats. They could be a bit more brown in colour to separate them from regular bats.

    It would be a great addition to a cave update too, new fruit plants could grow underground and the fruit bats would collect them and take them to their roost.

    Players could attract bats with fruit plants and breed them to get a pet bat that follows them around, occasionally collecting berries and other fruits and giving them to the player.

    submitted by /u/god_azzip
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    Red and blue nether warts!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:20 PM PST

    With the new nether update coming soon, which has the 2 (different coloured) nether wart trees i thought this would be a cool addition: new type of nether wart called blue nether wart. The 2 types of nether warts grow nether wart trees when on soul soil (can be sped up with bone meal), soul soil can be crafted with one soul sand and 8 bone meal. Also blue nether wart, blue nether tree, red nether wart (normal) and red nether tree can also be used to craft a bunch of different things (i don't know what they will craft, mojang can decide)

    Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!!!

    submitted by /u/Lachlan1702
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    More intelligent mob behavior for Hard/Hardcore mode

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:40 PM PST

    The Various mobs of Minecraft would have improved AI for Hard mode, offering additional behaviors for each mob... Here are some examples:


    • Zombies would now be attracted to light-source blocks
    • Skeletons will hide behind blocks, around corners, and other mobs, popping out briefly to shoot at their target
    • Creepers will now neglect to explode if another hostile mob is within it's explosion radius, making it harder to use them to take out other mobs
    • Endermen now attempt to pick up blocks that are preventing them from getting to their target, including some blocks that they wouldn't be able to grab otherwise
    • Spiders will now attempt to stay out of the Player's vision.
    • Witches would now move away from players while drinking a potion. They could also drink Potions of Speed to increase their escaping potential.


    Disclaimer: Villagers would never take action to harm the player... They would simply take action to prevent themselves from being killed

    Priest: If attacked, they would throw a potion of Slowness, Blindness, or Weakness at their attacker before fleeing (The strength of the potion being scaled to the Villager's level). They will also throw Potions of Healing at Villagers with low health, or Players with low health if the player's reputation in that village is high

    Blacksmith: If a nearby villager is attacked, they will equip a shield (And some armor, depending on their level) and attempt to position themselves between the attacker, and the villager being attacked, blocking the player's attacks with their shield, prioritizing villagers with lower health. If their shield is disabled by an Axe, they will flee until their shield is usable again.

    Other Villagers: They will flee from attacking players. If one villager flees from something, they will cause all nearby villagers to also flee.

    submitted by /u/yummymario64
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    Client-sided world caching: a solution to multiplayer render distance limitations

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    Concept/explanation pictures at the bottom of the post!

    This is an old suggestion of mine that I wanted to refloat since Minecraft has seen a resurgence in the past year.

    As we all know, the distance you can see in multiplayer is kind of underwhelming. The default render distance for servers is 10. This is the radius of the circle in which chunks around the player are sent to the client, irrelevant of client render distance. This is pretty small, not even reaching the size of the "Normal" client-sided render distance setting, which is 12. This is especially apparent when travelling quickly, like when using Elytra. Many players have had the frustration of slamming into the side of a cliff that rendered only after they met their high-velocity demise due to server render distance limitations. The thing is, the limit is there for a reason. A higher number means much more data needs to be sent to the client. Because the server view-distance setting is the radius of an area, every time it doubles, the amount of data the client needs to be sent quadruples. Increasing the view distance to exorbitantly high amounts is not an option.

    So how do you solve this problem? By taking the server-to-client data transfer out of the equation when it isn't necessary.

    With the addition of an optional caching setting that clients can individually opt-into, larger render distances would be able to be faked.

    It would work like so: Whenever the client loads terrain, it gets saved locally to a cache, where it is stored and remembered. When the player is then in that server, the chunks around them in the server's render distance area are loaded as usual, but instead of a cutoff beyond which there is nothingness like before, beyond the server's sent chunks, the client will load and render the chunks that it last saw in that area, essentially extending your render distance with the "ghost" of what your client last saw there.

    No more having the rendering power of your awesome rig go to waste because of basic bandwidth issues (and the inability for the server to send individual amounts of data to each client, instead rather forcing one master render distance for all users)

    Potential problems Q&A:

    "The chunks that the client loads then could be out of date, that could be confusing."

    True, but it'd look a hell of a lot better than just being empty void like before. They'd still get loaded when the player got close and the chunks reached the server-sided render distance circle as the player moves. If this was a big enough issue for some players, then perhaps there could be an option to have cached chunks rendered semitransparently as to indicate their potential outdatedness.

    "Worlds can become really big, especially on servers. This sounds like a lot of hard drive space that the client would need to save/use."

    You're right, not every has a few gigabytes to spare, which is why I specified that this should be an opt-in option, disabled by default but present in the multiplayer options menu.

    "Not everyone's computer can handle loading these farther render distances."

    Again, that is why this would be opt-in only, and even when opted into, it would only load between the edge of the server render distance, and your selected client-sided render distance.

    SCREENSHOTS - everyone's favorite section


    submitted by /u/Velocity_LP
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