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    Minecraft Honey and Slime blocks stain the beacon beam

    Minecraft Honey and Slime blocks stain the beacon beam

    Honey and Slime blocks stain the beacon beam

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:01 AM PST

    It would kind of make sense, since slime blocks and honey blocks are translucent but have a color. There wouldn't be much practical use, but it would be a nice touch to the game.

    submitted by /u/QuazarQ305
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    Enchanted Horse Armor (+ List of new enchants)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:05 PM PST

    Horse armor is rather plain.

    Getting it is one thing, but once you have it, you just put it on your horse and you're done. Since horses aren't all that interesting, I've come up with a list of enchants that could help horse armor and make horses more viable for travel

    Velocity I, II, and III - Increases horse's speed by 15% with each level. Max possible horse speed would go from 14.5 blocks per second to 21 blocks per second. - Not compatible with Jump Assist - EDIT: Maybe +10% speed boost per level would be better instead of +15% per level so the max speed is 30%, which is lower than what the effects of speed II potions would be like at 40% so the horse doesn't look like it's going unnaturally fast if it has the Velocity III enchant AND swiftness II potion effects on it. Thanks Forsaken-Thought for helping me come up with this!

    Jump Assist I and II - Enables horses to automatically walk up to 1.5 (Jump Assist I) or 2-block high walls (Jump Assist II) if their max jump height allows for it. This is helpful in scaling mountains that could be a little steep, making travel easier. By default, horses can automatically walk up 1-high areas. - Not compatible with Velocity

    Focus - Slows the horse's jump bar level when it reaches the orange range to make higher jumps easier

    Mount - Adds the ability for a second person to ride a horse - Treasure enchant. Can only be obtained through villager trades, structure loot, and fishing. Cannot be obtained through the enchantment table - EDIT: Maybe this would be a good enchantment for the saddle instead. Thanks TheFarisWheel for the idea!

    Toughness I, II, III, and IV - Reduces the horse's taken damage by 12.5% per level

    Buoyancy I, II, and III - Allows the horse to swim with a rider on top - Reduces horse's overall speed when in water by 65% (Level I), 50% (Level II), and 35% (Level III) - Thanks to Presidentenn for the idea, and e-yang for the name of the enchant!

    Unbreaking - The standard vanilla enchant would be compatible with horse armor - EDIT: Horse armor doesn't take durability damage by default, so with these enchants added, I feel like horse armor should be able to take durability damage. Thanks JustPlayDaGame for mentioning this!

    Mending - The standard vanilla enchant would be compatible with horse armor - Also, it is reliant on the fact that horse armor would now be able to take durability damage - Thanks RockHopperSSM for mentioning that I didn't have this enchant listed here yet!

    Other: - Horse armor takes durability damage - Chainmail horse armor might also be cool to add. Thanks Casti2619 for the idea!

    If you have any more suggestions, please leave a comment :)

    submitted by /u/Firebolt360
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    Bone meal should be renamed to "fertilizer" because of composters.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:41 PM PST

    Now that you can receive bone meal from composters, it makes no sense that they are called "bone meal" because composters are filled up with organic materials such as seeds and vegetables. The name should be changed to fertilizer or there should be a separate thing from bone meal that you only get from composters so it makes sense for one to be made out of bones and the other out of plants and edibles.

    submitted by /u/creprobrin
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    If a Snow Golem without a pumpkin tries to attack an Enderman, the Enderman should attack the Snow Golem.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:28 AM PST

    Enderman don't care if snowballs get thrown at them, but they do care if an un-pumpkined enemy looks at them.

    submitted by /u/nwordcount
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    Mob hunting option

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:25 PM PST

    A new world option added to the list with things like fire spreads and tnt explodes that makes mobs not attack other mobs they would usually attack.For example with this option off zombies would no longer attack villagers and wolves wouldn't attack sheep.This would make it easier to take care of things that are hunted.What do you think?

    submitted by /u/green-circut
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    A dispenser will till the dirt block in front of it when powered if a hoe is placed inside.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:31 PM PST

    Dispensers are one of the most useful tools when it comes to preforming actions with redstone. Fertilizing crops, setting fire, shooting fire charges and equipping your armor are all things dispensers do and tilling soil for planting seems a very fun and useful additional use for dispensers.

    submitted by /u/creprobrin
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    Elementals (need names for them)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:57 AM PST

    By elemental I effectively mean blaze variants

    (u/JackSpinorex suggest Slain) Death Elemental: a blaze with a skull head and with bones orbiting it, will shoot snowballs but with a twist, these snowballs would phase trough entities and blocks, dealing no knock back and only one damage however when it touches an entity it would spawn frostwalker ice(that slowly brakes over time) it could drop snowballs, bones and a new crafting ingredient used to make a freezing projectile like the snowballs, wold spwan in soul valley or when lightning strikes a skeleton (wold have blue fire particles)

    (u/JackSpinorex suggested Charge) Storm elemental: would have the same body as a blaze but with the electric texture charged creepers have, has a laser beam similar to that of guardians, spawns when lightning strikes watter

    (u/JackSpinorex suggested Enchanter ) Magic elemental: a book like the one on an enchantment table, with pages orbiting it, all it's body parts have the enchantment glow items get when enchanted, it's attack consist of teleporting somewhere at random (as if it ate chorus fruit) a random overworld mob will spawn at it's original position, it would drop a random enchanted book and some pages, spawns like silverfish from infected bookshelves in mansions and strongholds(and other places with bookshelves), wold have Minecraft letters particles

    submitted by /u/mc_mychemicalromance
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    Slow Falling as a Beacon Enchantment

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:43 AM PST

    It would be if slow falling could be implemented as a perk given from beacons. Could help with bases built into cliffs etc.

    submitted by /u/h3ccin_sn3cc
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    Dispensers should be able to shear pumpkins into carved pumpkins.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:08 PM PST

    Let's be honest: if dispensers can shear sheep, collect honey, collect water, collect lava, and shear honeycombs, they should also be able to shear pumpkins to obtain carved pumpkins. Not only would this open the way for some cool contraptions, it would also make collecting large numbers of jack-o-lanterns or carved pumpkins for a project way less of a pain than it has to be.

    submitted by /u/electrocuter666
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    The ability to disenchant a Nether Star (not to gain xp)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:27 AM PST

    I'm building a castle and small city within it on one of my worlds, and it got me thinking. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a reason to build a castle? I mean in pvp there are some, but otherwise, there's not really any use to all those defenses. After all, you're not getting attacked by hordes of mobs, right? Well, what if you were?

    I think raids are a good step in the right direction, but most the time you're fighting in a village, not your home or base. So what if disenchanting a nether star brings about an invasion of hundreds of mobs, both from the overworld and nether? Ghasts (just a few per invasion, maybe 6), blazes, wither skeletons, magma cubes, slimed, creepers, zombies, skeletons, spiders, just about everything besides boss mobs, illagers, and phantoms.

    The invasion would be maybe 3 waves, with a hundred monsters in each. They'd spawn about 80 blocks or so away from where the nether star was disenchanted, and approach you and your defenses. Random high tier loot has small chances of dropping, so expect some enchanted books, diamonds, etc. from it. Disenchanting a nether star makes sense I think. The wither is basically pure evil, and the star it drops must hold quite a lot of power.

    The reason I want this is for people who want a tough fight brought to their front door I their world. Many of those mobs can be one shot with an enchanted bow, so killing about 300 wouldn't be impossible for a very late game plauer. I think it'd look pretty epic too, I've always wanted to have a large battle in Minecraft. It's possible that this could be used as a weapon to attack other players, but given that it costs a nether star, that'll be hard to do, and whoever starts the invasion wouldn't have much time to leave.

    The invasion would definitely be brutal, but it's entirely up to you if you wish to start one and where you do it.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Bats should occasionally spawn as small packs of 2 ~ 3 and fly around caves looking for areas with low light levels

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:48 PM PST

    This change could add just the tiniest amount of utility for when the player decides to light up caves, but doesn't want to resort to the F3 screen.

    submitted by /u/JardsonJeanCM
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    Optional health bar for mobs

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:32 PM PST

    Mobs would have a thin red line above their hitbox. Of course optional.

    submitted by /u/MegaBiT_Bot
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    Wrapped presents / gifts

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    You can craft an Empty Present using paper + string.

    Then, you can combine the empty present with any item to put inside of it, and create a Wrapped Present.

    Presents can then be placed anywhere, and are the same size, or a tiny bit smaller than a block.

    Once they are placed down, you can open them by just punching or mining them, and the item inside will be revealed.

    Presents would also be able to be colored in different colors using dyes.

    edit: Don't forget to vote on the feedback site as well

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Fire should be 2 blocks tall when lit on magma blocks

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:20 PM PST

    Fire in minecraft won't burn out on netherrack or magma blocks right now. There is no difference. Having 2 high fire would make these blocks more unique, and would add an extra variation of fire which would look cool in builds, and would also be a cool feature to use in maps.

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    Enchanting table ideas

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:52 PM PST

    Enchanting might be more interesting if, when you put an item in, you required a specific type of item to get a type of enchant (for example, if you want a damage boosting enchant you would put a grindstone in a new second slot and it would have a much higher chance of getting that enchant type)

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    New weapon for the Wither Skeletons, the Fiery Sword.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:05 AM PST

    Knowing that there is absolutely no stone in the Nether, I don't find it logical that the Wither Skeletons have stone swords. This is why I offer this new sword for them :


    The sword does more damage than the stone and iron sword but stays below the diamond sword.

    It would inflict fire and had a chance to inflict the wither effect at the same time.

    The sword can be enchanted except with the enchant fire aspect.

    For its resistance it would be comparable to a iron sword.

    It would only be possible to get it by killing Wither Skeletons.

    submitted by /u/VictorStrobovsky98
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    The blue fire on the soul sands is more dangerous than a normal fire

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:02 AM PST

    The fire on the Soul sands cannot be extinguished and inflicts 2 times more damage if the player is burned.

    In the Nether :

    - If the player clicks on the fire to extinguish it, if there is another block of soulsands the blue light will go on him, same if the player breaks the block.

    In the Overworld :

    - The fire is blue only if it is on soul sands

    - If there is a fire because of the blue light, the fire will be normal, the player can put it out.

    - Rain cannot extinguish this fire.

    - It spreads when it rains but only on soul blocks

    For its use, it would be a very good defense if the player makes a base and for decoration I think it would interest many people.

    What do you think ?

    submitted by /u/VictorStrobovsky98
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    A Revamp to the squid

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:58 PM PST

    My Sheep Post have some success so here is the squid

    Squids are smarter, and faster. Squids go to a solid block or sea-plant and turn invisible until a fish goes near in which they attack; once the fish is killed they grab the drops with their tentacles and find somewhere safe to eat it away from dolphins or guardians.That's right dolphins hunt squids but squids have a few more tricks up their sleeve; when they get hit they realize ink and blind the attacker but they will also turn invisible for 5 seconds.

    Squids are fun, tame-able and a bit mischievous, when holding something of value like diamonds or a heart of the sea in your hands they leap to you and grab that stuff and hangout nearby. If you try to kill it the squid will zoom away and survive, if you kill it it only has a 50% chance of giving back the item while throwing it a bit of food will grant 100% chance of the item being returned. If you have chest near a squid wether on land in water squids will go to it and open it up for food and if non then valuables.

    By feeding a squid you tame it, it can fish for you and defend you but it has one special key feature. They can help you raid ocean temples by first turning invisible and follow you; when you get attack it burst out and damage the guardian a little and blinding it allowing to get away, once the guardian is no longer blinded if still around then the guardian. They cannot blind elder guardians but will help you fight them nonetheless. You can pick up squids using buckets to transport them

    This will make the derpy squid into a love-able friend and truly memorable mob. Also vote on it on the official feedback site!


    submitted by /u/Zachay4
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    Enchanted Collar for Iron Golem Idea

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Knowing that according to "Mince-Rafter" Enchantments are for weapons, tools, and armor, not entities. Why not this time an enchanted collar which would allow the iron golems to have enchantments.

    Collar : Cannot be worn by the player and other mobs except the golems.

    Collar craft : You need 4 Lapis-Lazuli and 3 string.

    The irons golems sooner or later break, that's why they can be enchanted now.

    When you give an enchanted collar, they'll receive an exclusive texture of the enchant on the collar, and gaining the enchant itself.

    Example :

    - Iron golem with burnt hands with fire aspect.

    - Iron golem with blue aura around him, if the iron golem has protection, the more the protection enchant is powerful the more the aura is important.

    - Iron golem with thorns all over his body if he has the thorns enchantment.

    Unbreaking give to the iron golem extra health. (By Awryl)

    Instead of the golem breaking after 4 to 5 nights in front of several mobs. The Mending enchantment would allow him to regenerate with the experience points of the hostile mobs he kills.

    All enchantments will be possible except :

    - Channeling

    - Curse of Binding

    - Curse of Vanishing

    - Depth Strider

    - Efficiency

    - Fire Protection

    - Flame

    - Fortune

    - Frost walker

    - Looting

    - Loyalty

    - Luck of the Sea

    - lure

    - Multishot

    - Piercing

    - Power

    - Punch

    - Quick Charge

    - Riptide

    - Aqua affinity

    submitted by /u/VictorStrobovsky98
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    New item: Villager Head

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    A villager head would be a fun addition to the game and it would have a villager's huge forehead and 3d nose. Also it might be used to lower villager trading prices by a small margin when wearing it

    submitted by /u/11CNM
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    New use for dyed leather armor regarding it as a "camouflage" in specific biomes.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:23 AM PST

    Currently, dyed leather armor serves no purpose other than give the player a different look. While Minecraft is game that does not aim follow real world logic, having dyed leather armor also serve as camouflage in the appropriate biome is helpful and adds a pleasant detail: ("harder to be detected by hostile mobs" just means that you can get closer to them without them detecting you, just like how wearing a zombie head lets you come closer to zombies without detection)

    Black dyed leather armor(s): harder to be detected by hostile mobs at night

    Green dyed leather armor(s): harder to be detected by hostile mobs in the jungle biome

    Yellow dyed leather armor(s): harder to be detected by hostile mobs in the desert

    Blue dyed leather armor(s): harder to be detected by hostile mobs when under water

    submitted by /u/creprobrin
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    The Black Knight a new hostile mob in the Nether

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:33 AM PST

    Black Knight : (Picture by SystemZee)


    Mobs on horseback in Minecraft are very rare. This hostile mob would be powerful in the Nether. The Black Knights would be the captains of the wither skeletons.

    How he would work ?

    He would be more powerful and more faster than the Wither Skeleton and will have a black armor on their wither horse.

    This mob has a chance to appear everywhere but would appear more often in the Soul Sands Valley and near the Nether Fortress.

    Black Knights can appear in groups, maximum 3.

    What is his mechanic / What does he give after being defeated ?

    Knowing that iron, stones, diamonds does not exist in the Nether, I thought of new armors and weapons for this mob :

    He has a unique armor, the Wither armor which is a little more protective than the iron armor.

    Black Knight Armor : (Black Knight Draw Example) :


    He uses a new type of weapons among sword, bow and axe. In the game it's called the Wither's weapons. A little more powerful than iron weapons, and when one of this weapon hits a player or the enemy, it inflicts the Wither effect.

    The player can only get their weapon or armor by defeating this mob. He will be able to use his horse too once beaten as for the knights of the apocalypse.

    There would be three types of black knights for each type of weapons :

    - Black Knight with Wither's Sword : When he sees a player he rushes towards him quickly and will strike him with his sword many time.

    - Black Knight with Wither's Bow : He has the same mechanics as the knights of the apocalypse (those who appear with the storm) but takes more distance from the player, the player has the Wither effect if he is hit by an arrow.

    - Black Knight with Wither's Axe : When he sees a player he rushes towards him quickly and will strike him with a powerful hit which will have a great recoil force with big damages, but the attack recovery will be more low.

    I think adding the Dark Knights would be good for introducing a new hostile mob as well as new weapons and armor in the Nether.

    What do you think ?

    submitted by /u/VictorStrobovsky98
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