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    Minecraft Water splashpotions can water fields

    Minecraft Water splashpotions can water fields

    Water splashpotions can water fields

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    I don't know of this is taken yet or in the game, but what if throwing a water splashpotion at a dry field makes it waterd, but after some time it gets dry again. Maybe people could make a redstone fieldsprayer. Not practical but cool.

    submitted by /u/KuddracubeHD
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    Wolves and dogs deal extra damage and gain extra health during a full moon.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 07:50 AM PST

    Canines and full moons always seem to have a connection, many wolves gaining powers and normal men turning into werewolves. In Minecraft, it will be a fun for your dogs and wild wolves to became powerful just for the time period of a full moon.

    submitted by /u/creprobrin
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    Horse backseat - Allows 2 players to ride a horse (requires a second saddle)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 03:47 PM PST

    Two entities can ride a boat, so why can't two players ride a horse (as in: the on the front seat controls the horse, the one in the back doesn't)?

    submitted by /u/Incog_Niko
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    Effect command syntax extension allows for adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing effect times on entities

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:29 PM PST

    Currently you can replace or remove effects but you can't perform operations on them like adding or subtracting effect time.

    submitted by /u/xkforce
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    Firebusting enchantment

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 05:11 AM PST

    With the new nether update and more enemies to it approaching I feel like we need a new enchant - firebusting. Affected item does more damage to any nether mobs(mobs that are immune to fire and lava). Mutually exclusive with sharpness, smite and bane of arthropods. Max level: 5, primary items: swords, secondary items: axe, enchantment weight: 10

    I think firebusting would be an awesome enchantment to survive in the nether.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    The ice tomb

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 04:44 AM PST

    This structure spawns in the ice spikes biome not too deep underground. It's a five room complex, and 2 of them are loot rooms containing chests, 2 of them are guard rooms containing a new mob - the ice guard(3 of them in each room). And the last one is the boss room and it contains the frost lord.

    The ice guard - has 30hp and is wearing iron armour. It holds a new item: The ice axe(3% of droping). He also doesn't respawn or despawn and takes 1.5x damage from fire.

    The frost lord - At the begining he doesn't attack, move, and can't be attacked or pushed. After all the ice guards are defeated, He makes a cracking noise, opens his eyes, inflicts mining fatigue for 5 minutes and blindness for 5 seconds and starts attacking. He has 80 hp, wields an ice axe, wears an iron armour, has knockback resistance of 90%, but takes 1.5x damage from fire. After defeated, he drops 3-6 blue ice, 2-5 gold, 3 ice crystals(used to summon friendly ice BODYguards) and his axe.

    The ice axe - damage: 8hp, attack speed: 1, durability: 1763, repairable with: blue ice, exclusive enchant: firebusting(deals more damage to nether mobs), special ability: cold touch(right click a burning entity to extinguish it, takes 1 durability)

    The ice crystals - drop from the frost lord, puting it to the crafting table and surrounding it with packed ice creates ice core. To summon your private ice bodyguard place the ice core on a blue ice and then a carved pumpkin on top of the core. The ice bodyguard has the same stats as the ice guard but doesn't drop anything and targets everything that you attack or what attacked you.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    travellers shelters

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 09:38 AM PST

    there should spawn small shelters with a campfire and a chest from another "explorer". and maybe random loot from a traveller that "died" on his way

    submitted by /u/skaffa_yippa
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    Bees Bred With Wither Rose Should Get The Wither Effect

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:38 PM PST

    Currently, they are perfectly fine if they are bred with the wither rose even though they get the wither effect when pollinating wither roses.

    submitted by /u/Firebolt360
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    Being able to customize skins in the Minecraft launcher

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    I think this would be great. In the Minecraft launcher, you already have a section for your skins but not for customizing them. This would also save me a lot of time.

    submitted by /u/DontStealMyPotato
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    Automaton Pet

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 04:01 PM PST

    Craftable companion that follows and attacks, much like a tamed wolf. Build an "automaton stand" at crafting table using identical components to Armor Stand except the middle stick is instead a redstone block (heart of the automaton). Once placed, can be broken and moved like an armor stand, or can be equipped with items same as an armor stand.

    But, immediately upon equipping an item into its right hand, it comes to life. It has 10 health (i.e. half player health max) and only 1 base attack (like players fists). But it gains the full damage bonus and benefits of the item in its right hand, and it gains the full defense bonus of any armor it was equipped with prior to coming alive. It fights melee only so it doesn't throw tridents (uses their melee dmg), and it would simply punch with a bow or crossbow. It doesn't activate shield blocking but it can hold one in its left hand (purely cosmetic). Damage and defense enchantments work as expected like they do when equipped on mobs.

    Once activated, its owning player can toggle it to stay put vs follow/teleport like other pets. There is no way to heal the automaton nor does it regenerate health. It otherwise lasts forever until destroyed. Weapons and armor do lose durability from combat like normal and can be completely destroyed, possibly before the automaton dies. When the automaton dies, any equipment on it drops (just like when a player dies or a chest is destroyed). The "automaton stand" itself can never be recovered except prior to coming alive.

    Automatons do not swim. They sink and walk like iron golems (but can still teleport to keep up with a swimming player). They are immune to poison and other debuffs except lava/fire. They can only "jump" a single block high like most mobs. At <5 health it emits occasional red sparks, and at <2 health it emits constant red sparks.

    submitted by /u/redscull
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    Add a "transportation" flair

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 03:57 PM PST

    Recently, I made a post requesting a horse backseat that would allow 2 players to ride a horse and I decided to choose the mobs flair, because there wasn't a flair related to transport.

    submitted by /u/Incog_Niko
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    Bat revamp

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 03:57 PM PST

    Bats. Are. Nothing. But. An. Annoyance. I believe that bats, and their mechanics, should be changed.

    The first kind of bats, 'surface bats', should spawn in groups near the entrance of caves, and hang until night. They would be the same bat we all know and hate. If the player punches one bat, all of the bats near would swoop at the player. They would only do 1 damage each, but there would be 6 or 7 bats per 'herd'. They hunt insects, so at night they come out and hang up on bees' nests. The bees will retaliate whether or not there is a campfire under them.

    The second kind, Cave Bats, are also neutral to the player, and also stay hanging until provoked, OR sometimes they spawn flying around. They spawn only in or near abandoned mineshafts, so the player couldd be indicated where one is. They would spawn in groups as well. In a group of 5 or more, they will attack normal spiders, but not cave spiders. Spiders will only attack bats if the bats attack first. If you were to punch a group of bats while they were attacking spiders, all of the bats would attack you and the spider would as well. Cave bats would have a slight greenish-blue color and smaller eyes.

    The Third kind, Vampire Bat, would be a little different. It would also introduce the new Village structure, the Barn. The Barn would replace village pens and would house cows, chickens, and pigs. Vampire bats would spawn in the massive group of one in the very top of the barn and either hang if there's a block available, or perch on the floor if you were crazy enough to remove the roof. If you killed that one, another would spawn At night, the Vampire bat would search and 50 block radius of the barn for one animal and would bite it, dealing half 2 damage to it and after it would go back to hanging or perching. If you slept in the radius of the barn it would prioritize you and bite you no matter what. It would be reddish brown before it bit anything and after it would have a bloated stomach, that would be even redder that the rest of it's body.

    All bats drop Bat Hides, 9 of which on a crafting table would make 3 leather.

    Cave Bats would occasionally drop Spider Eyes, because, well, they eat spiders.

    Vampire Bats drop Bat Fangs that could be brewed with an Awkward potion to make the Potion of Sight. It would have the effect of a spectral arrow, but to all passive mobs in a 90 block radius. When brewed with a Water Bottle, it would give the Potion of Revoltation. Instead of working for x amount of minutes, it would work for x amount of nights. Stock, it would work for 3 nights. When brewed with redstone if would work for 6. It would prevent all affected prey of the Vampire Bat from being bitten, including the player.

    submitted by /u/mcudiesinendgame
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    A new effect: Drowning

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:45 AM PST

    So, straight to the point. We currently have husks as a variation of zombies. They don't burn at daylight and they inflict hunger at each hit. And then we have drowneds as another variation, which is an underwater version of zombies. In my opinion, they are very easy to deal with, and not dangerous at all. We could make them a little more interesting. They should inflict the player with this new effect under the name of "Drowned" with each hit, based on difficulty.

    How it works: When the player has this effect, and is in water, they will sink into the water (when effect level is 1, they will sink down 0.5 blocks/s, and it will add up another 0.5 blocks/s for each effect level) and the player will not be able to swim up. If they try to, it will simply not do anything. This effect will also keep you from fast-swimming (getting into the swimming animation) This will have no effect when on land.

    Having the effect: When a drowned hits the player with no combat items and tools on hand (this includes tridents ranged or close combat, swords, shovels, pickaxes, axes, hoes etc.) the drowned will inflict the drowning effect.

    Difficulties: On easy difficulty, drowned will never inflict the player with drowning effect.

    On normal difficulty, the drowned will inflict 4 seconds of drowning I effect (sinking 2 blocks)

    On hard difficulty, the drowned will inflict 6 seconds of drowning I effect (sinking 3 blocks)

    submitted by /u/-Sparkist-
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    Two to three Zombie Jockeys should spawn during Zombie Sieges as well as three to five Husks.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    Zombie Sieges have always felt quite annoying/boring to me, so adding a bit more challenge and an exclusive reward (Zombie Horse) could make them better. They should also act like Raids, but shorter in duration.

    submitted by /u/renauster
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    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    This would be a mountable turret that shoots arrows. It can be crafted like this:1=iron block, 2=chest, 3=wooden log, 4=redstone block, 5=wool, 6=string




    At first the balista has no ammo and will not work. You need to right-click when sitting on it and it will display a menu as if you would open a chest. If you put arrows to the chest your balista will be able to shoot. While sitting on it you can rotate just like on a horse and by right clicking/pressing with an empity hand the balista will shoot. It shoots twice per second, but has a durability of 1200(1 durability/1shot) and after depleted, the balista will kick you off and will break into a chest with remaining ammo. The balista is an entity(immovable however) not a block much like a boat or minecraft. It can be breaken and moved away but once mined it will drop all its ammo(much like chest minecart)

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Bone Golem - hostile rare supportive mob with ability to carry hostile range mobs (not only skeletons) on his back

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:46 PM PST


    Health: 40

    Speed: Slow

    Attack: Slow (Require 2 second charge, can be avoided) 1 hand hit, that deal medium damage and apply slowness on player for short amount of time. Can be avoided if walk out of range while Bone Golem raise one of his hands

    Defense: 5, each player hit will remove 1 point of armor

    Ability: Up to 3 range hostile mobs can mount on Bone Golem back and shoot player with their basic attacks.

    Drop: 1 Bone Block, 1 Jack O' Lantern, 2-3 bones.

    Spawn: Caves below 40 blocks (rare), Desert/Badlands at night (very rare), Stronghold (rare).

    Difficulty changes: On Normal and Hard difficulty Golem already carry range mobs while spawned.

    submitted by /u/HellFireBro
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    New Simple Redstone Component

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:41 AM PST

    Simply put, the idea I'm suggesting is a Redstone Lanturn. It would function almost the exact same way as Redstone Torches do, but with the ability to be attached to the side of blocks being replaced with the ability to transfer redstone signals downwards.

    Basically, this would allow things like Redstone Torch towers that quickly send signals downwards rather than upwards, and could also be used to power redstone components such as pistons that are below it.

    It would be crafted in an identical manner to the Lanturn, just with the regular torch switched out for a redstone one.

    (To be clear, my idea for powering/depowering the Redstone Lanturn is that it gets powered/depowered by the block it's attached to, as opposed to always being powered by the block specifically above or below it regardless of its orientation.)

    submitted by /u/pengie9290
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    nether bees

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 05:57 AM PST

    the bee system is pretty intereting and give more life to the plains, but with the nether update coming, it could be cool to add nether bees, they are aggressive, feed them with netherwart and they will be passive (if you dont hit them of course) they have the same behavior than bees, but they get pollen from flowerwart (i dont think its planned but if its coming, well great) and they are immune to wither roses, they make toxic honey who can be used to revive zombie pigmen and transform them into piglins, they can also be used to make a wither potions. Also when a Nether bee see a normal bee,it will attack it. And when they got their pollen, they destroy plantations and have an effect of bonemeal on netherwart, and if there is more plantations in the nether, then it will be the same thing, they live only on nether bee nest, no bee hive or normal bee nest, so they can only be got by using silk touch on their nest, also you can get nethercomb with cisors and make nethercomb, it can be decorative and it can be used to scare undead creatures (except pigmen) .

    if you want me to add more thing, tell it to me

    submitted by /u/Ennard115441
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    A tool with different placement mecanics

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 09:48 AM PST

    What I am thinking is the ice rod (from teraria). A tool that makes you adle to place a block without any other blocks around it right in front of you. This could be implemented in creative as a feature to make a structure in the sky without having to use a tower or commands to make your first block for a sky base. Minecraft is an expansive sandbox and this tool seems it would fit in the game.

    submitted by /u/nasalsystem
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    Abandoned houses

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:38 PM PST

    There should be a fairly rare structure that would spawn in the world that would be an abandoned player home. They could have lots of variability, ranging from a simple block house to a nice, well made house. They could have a few chests inside with some half decent loot, and occasionally they should spawn with a sitting dog who's owner died in hardcore and you can finally un-sit it. I feel like these would add some more life and lore to the game in general.

    submitted by /u/ihavesmallbenis
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    Trapped Barrel

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:36 PM PST

    Pretty self explanatory, make a barrel that outputs a redstone signal when interacted with, just like the trapped chest

    submitted by /u/MineMan25664
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