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    Minecraft Mismatched aquatic armor "tier"

    Minecraft Mismatched aquatic armor "tier"

    Mismatched aquatic armor "tier"

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I think it would be really neat if instead of a single tier of oceananic armor, there were four separate armor pieces that you craft in different places. This would make it an adventure instead of a grind to get the full set. Each piece, like the turtle helmet, will have an armor value somewhere between chainmail and diamond, so this "tier" won't be higher than the status quo (which is what I see suggested most often) but off to the side, as it were.

    Helmet: The turtle shell (which already exists, of course) is crafted with five scutes gathered from turtles as they reach adulthood. Obtaining it takes only time and shears. The shell can hold 10 seconds of air, so you can breathe underwater for an extra 10 seconds before the air in your lungs is used up.

    Chestplate: The crab carapace is made from 8 crab shell fragments and one string in the empty top slot. Obtaining it requires... crabs. I don't care how crabs are done as long as they're not a clone of turtles, they dance to music (credit to u/JakobFox ), and they're orange.* The crab chestplate is one point above iron in terms of armor and increases your strafing speed.

    Leggings: The coral graft is crafted with 7 blocks of coral and a heart of the sea, and can come in any of the five colors or a multicolored variant. They grant you a boost to natural regeneration while underwater, make pufferfish ignore you and not effect you, and cause puffers and tropical fish to spawn nearby and crowd around you while you're submerged in a non-frozen ocean. This could potentially be abused, but since dead tropical fish are useless, dead puffers are never needed in huge quantities, capturing fish can't be done by dispensers, and you need a conduit to avoid drowning this isn't really an issue.

    Boots: Prismarine boots are crafted with two prismarine shards and two crystals, so getting them requires a monument. They grant more protection than would be expected from boots, increase your movement speed in water and rain, and give you an extra boost when using riptide.

    Together, these four armor pieces make you a champion in the ocean. My goal is for a player wearing the mismatched armor to beat an evenly matched diamond-geared player in the ocean biome every time. And with water breathing, boosted riptide, regeneration, a shield of poisonous fish to block arrows, and increased mobility, how could they not?

    I haven't included every item from the Aquatic Update - the nautilus shell remains unmentioned. Let me know if you think of any more mismatched armor pieces and I'll put them up in competition with the others of that type. Thanks for reading!

    Edit: Wow, this really exploded! If I get a spare moment, I'll try and draw some pictures of these (either as pixel art or concept on paper) and stick them up here. I'll also have a link to the MC feeback page as soon as it gets approved. Thanks for reading!

    • The adorable game starve.io has some sweet crabs and crab-based equipment which I drew inspiration from.
    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Zombie Raids should be made more event-like like Pillager Raids.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    I have no idea on how it would start, so some ideas from you would be greatly appreciated.

    In later waves, Zombies riding Zombie Horses might spawn, finally implementing the latter.

    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Make invisible item frames obtainable in survival by crafting them with phantom membranes instead of leather

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Invisible Item frames are a fantastic addition to the game but in their current state they are unobtainable in survival. A fantastic way to be able to obtain them is through crafting them with phantom membranes. Due to the fact that membranes are often very thin and sometimes nearly invisible it would make sense to give phantom membranes another use as the main crafting ingredient in invisible item frames.

    A common issue that I hear is that invisible item frames will be impossible to find due to the fact that they are, in fact, invisible. To resolve this issue I suggest that when there is no item in the frame a ghost version of the item frame should be visible.

    submitted by /u/Micah_Marchand
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    Allow glass to be created from soul sand and/or soul soil, as well as red stained glass from red sand.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    With update 1.16 introducing soul soil as well as maintaining soil sand, don't you think it would be cool if we could cook/smelt soul sand into black stained glass? Additionally, red sand could also make red stained glass (which I've seen suggested before), but to accompany that, soul soil could be smelted down to make light blue/blue stained glass due to the blue flame it produces when lit with flint and steal. Just a small creative suggestion that could bring yet another use to nether materials and make it easier than farming squids etc for spicing you your build with stained glass :)

    submitted by /u/Critto66
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    Zombie Pigmen, wither skeletons and skeletons if holding a sword, should swing their hands when attacking just like a player instead of awkwardly raising both arms and attacking like a zombie.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    If a zombie is holding a sword instead, it will use it's normal attack animation by raising both arms forward, since zombies aren't smart enough to use a sword properly. In older pocket edition versions when we din't have the nether only a nether reactor core to spawn nether mobs and items, normal zombie pigmen would use the player swing animation, much better than the PC version, but when the real nether is ported to Pocket Edition on later versions they start to use the zombie attack animation same in P.C. which is an odd change.

    Old Pocket Edition Nether Reactor tutorial with Zombie Pigmen animation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDHuO-OAlf8

    (Bring Back Memories)

    submitted by /u/PanzerFaust101
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    Gamerule FlowingLiquids

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    This would be a boolean gamerule that would prevent water and lava from flowing. It will not stop any liquids that are already flowing, however they wouldn't flow again if they are updated. It would be useful in creative builds or builds with access to commands, but not survival.

    submitted by /u/um0p_ap1sdn
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    During Halloween there is a chance for Zombie Villagers to wear pumpkins on their heads ( implemented), so why not make those pumpkins taller so their head doesn't poke out the top?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Many people don't know this, but around Halloween skeletons and zombies (including Zombie Villagers) have a chance to spawn with carved pumpkins on their heads. When Zombie Villagers spawn wearing pumpkins, their heads are so tall that they poke out the top.

    Much like how helmets magically get wider when word by a Piglin, pumpkins should magically get taller when worn by Zombie Villagers. Since their noses stick so perfectly out of the pumpkin's mouths, only the "forehead" of the pumpkin should get taller.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Single Biome Islands

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    There should be a map generation mode (i.e. super flat, amplified) that creates islands with a single biome each scattered through a big ocean.

    submitted by /u/DrBoooobs
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    Improvements to Bats

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    Bats are one of the most useless mobs in Minecraft so here are some ideas to fix that!

    • They will come out of caves at night and hang around in trees and go back into caves when it is day
    • They should be scared of light and fly away from it (that way, torches repel bats making them less annoying)
    • When attacked, there is a 50% chance they will bite you (deals 1/2 heart damage), within this bite there is a 20% chance to be poisoned.

    Thanks for reading please comment with any improvements you have.

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Cave Paintings in Minecraft caves

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    These can give Minecraft more life, these paintings could be made found of the side of caves near the surface, maybe they could in strongholds, temples of just in caves. What would be in them? well, anything, for example, maybe something that shows people had prophesied that some would go to the end and slay the dragon, or a picture of a raid, or maybe even an event from a Minecraft game, like story mode or dungeons

    submitted by /u/Minecraft_Warrior
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    Potions of Perception! (supersonic senses)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I would like to suggest a new potion - potions of perception! Red mushrooms can now be used to brew potions of perception! Did you know that eating mushrooms in real life can promote hearing health? These potions work similarly to spectral arrows in that they allow players to keep track of entities they may not necessarily have a direct line-of-sight to. How? Echolocation! See, when a player consumes a potion of perception, their hearing improves significantly. So much so that they can now hear mobs to the full distance that they can normally see these mobs (i.e. the maximum distance from the player at which mobs generate), as well as get little temporary still outlines in the direction these sounds are generated whenever a sound is made within the normal 16 block hearing radius. For things that continually generate sound, their outlines will continually refresh, giving the impression of motion. For things which only generate sounds occasionally, their outlines will slowly fade. To better describe it, I'll illustrate:



    The first picture shows a minecart traveling down a rail as well as flowing water behind a wall, and the second shows a skeleton walking behind a wall. The second image is a few moments after the skeleton was heard, as indicated by the fading outline. The skeleton may not be there anymore - that's simply the last place it was heard.

    The corruption of the potion is pretty straightforward - if normally the potion enhances hearing, then the corruption makes the player deaf. It mutes sounds for the player (excluding the ambient music, as that's outside the PC's senses anyway).

    All the fine details, such as how long the potion lasts, et. c. should be left to Mojang to decide.

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Paper Walls/Wallpaper/Drywall, paintable / designable.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    I always wanted a way to have a 1 block width wall but with the inside different color without making it 2 blocks width. I think that because paper is not that really used we should be able to make it in a drywall or wallpaper the size of a item frame or painting , that has the possibility to be dipped in a cauldron with color pressed in water , giving it a distinct color , or even better , the possibility having patterns created in a loom, just like banners , the drywall/wallpaper should be able to be placed behind any block or item without interfering with the block that's not a full sized block , uniform behind everything in a base, I think it would be a huge bonus in building techniques.I think it would ad to the games realism really good , and custom maps from places could really have the ability custom.

    submitted by /u/MiclausCristian
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    Farm animals should take more skill to breed/farm.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Cows, chickens, sheep, and pigs are all pretty easy to farm. You just trap a few in an enclosure and breed them with crops, and then kill the adults. To be honest farming animals isn't very engaging, and I think it could use an update to make it a little more challenging while encouraging players to think of more creative ways to farm animals.

    Firstly, all farm animals would have a "hunger meter" . This would behave differently than a player's hunger meter; instead of being a stamina bar it would dictate how "hungry" an animal is.

    The hunger meter would be on a scale from 0-10. All adult animals that spawn naturally would begin with 4 hunger. However, baby animals would always spawn with 0. Animals can only begin to increase their hunger when they become an adult.

    Cows and sheep would increase their hunger by eating grass. This would work the same way that sheep currently eat grass. Chickens would increase hunger by eating seeds dropped on the ground, They would pick them up in their beak the way that foxes do, before eating them. Pigs would do the same with beatroot, potatoes, and carrots. Each time an animal eats, it gains one hunger. (Maybe pigs could eat from composters to give composters more use?)

    Animal hunger could be manually increased by feeding animals food used for breeding. Each item increases hunger by 1.

    All animals would attempt to eat 3 times a day, even if they have 10 hunger.

    The hunger of an animal correlates with how many items an animal drops when killed, and whether or not it can breed. It also effects how much milk a cow can produce or how many eggs a chicken lays.

    For example, an animal with hunger less than 3 would rarely drop any items, and cannot be bred. Cows and chicken would not be able to be milked or lay eggs. A animal with 4-6 hunger would have the same drops as normal, and a animal with 7-10 hunger has a chance to drop more items than usual. An animal with 10 hunger would have a chance of creating up to 2 baby animals when bred.

    To tell how hungry an animal is, they would look different based on how hungry they are. Hungry animals would have skinny bodies and legs. They would fatten up as their hunger meter increased, and well fed animals would look a little chonky. Perhaps they even sound different.

    This would make farming animals more skill based and more rewarding. Instead of stuffing cows in a hole and breeding them till they die of entity cramming, players would have to make an actual enclosure with grass. It would also allow for more complex farms, perhaps redstone machines that automatically feed animals.

    These changes would reward players who put more effort into their farms by giving them more animal products.

    tldr; actually feed the animals

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    The Soul Scythe

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    I recently saw a post about unique ocean armor and one of the comments said Minecraft needed more unique items like tridents and stuff. That inspired this post.

    The Soul Scythe is crafted from a Netherite Hoe infused with a Nether Star at a Smithing Table. It deals 7 attack damage and is slighty faster than a sword. It has a higher reach than swords or axes.

    The Scythe can be used for all purposes of a hoe, with the added bonus of instantly breaking leaves.

    In combat, it inflicts the Wither status effect. Upon killing a player or mob(undead mobs don't count), a soul count is added to the item's toolbar. Every 10 souls earned adds power to the Scythe, capping at 100.

    The Scythe initially only inflicts Wither I for 5 seconds on every hit. The progression of soul collection is as follows:

    • 10 souls slightly increases your attack speed.

    • 20 souls increase the duration of the Wither effect to 10 seconds.

    • 30 souls add 0.5 attack damage.

    • 40 souls slightly increases the attack speed.

    • 50 souls increases the potency of the effect to Wither II.

    • 60 souls adds 0.5 attack damage.

    • 70 souls slightly increases attack speed.

    • 80 souls increase the duration of the Wither effect to 15 seconds.

    • 90 souls add 0.5 attack damage.

    • 100 souls adds a new ability, Soul Catcher. This ability is passive and increases soul collection to 2 souls per mob.

    A Soul Scythe with over 100 souls has the ability, deals Wither II for 15 seconds per hit and deals 8.5 Attack Damage. It also has a faster swing.

    The Soul Scythe cannot be enchanted. That is the reason for the buffs gained. The point of this weapon is to encourage players to kill hostile mobs and get stronger and stronger.

    The last ability of the Soul Scythe is activated whenever it is in a player's hand. This ability costs 2000 souls to use. Basically, the Soul Scythe uses its power to revive you if you die holding it. You are revived with max health.

    I believe this would be a great addition to anyone's arsenal. It is balanced because you can't enchant it, so its purpose as a tool is reduced. It also encourages players to keep killing hostile mobs, and it gives the Nether Star a new use.

    submitted by /u/ligmaenigma
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    More chiseled stone bricks/blocks

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    At the moment out of the 4 current chiseled stone blocks (quartz, red sandstone, sandstone and stone brick), only two have mobs on them (Wither figure on chiseled red sandstone and a creeper face on normal chiselled sandstone)

    So why not have:

    1. Ender Dragon figure on a chiseled endstone
    2. Enderman's face or figure on a chiseled endstone brick
    3. Guardian's face or figure on chiseled prismarine brick or block

    I just think this is a cool little extra thing that could be implemented in MC.

    What other ideas like this do you guys have?

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    Allow TNT to be crafted with Soul Sand, thus enabling TNT to be obtainable purely from the Nether

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    The Soul Valley in the new snapshots have both a lot of ghasts and a lot of soul sand. Since ghasts drop gunpowder, it would be nice if you could replace the sand in the TNT crafting recipe with soul sand (or even better soul soil, though it is a bit of a stretch). I'm not even asking for a new type of TNT. Just a new way to craft it.

    This would give a new reason to explore soul valleys. Plus, searching for Ancient Debris is a lot easier with TNT, so being able to obtain it in the Nether would be cool.

    submitted by /u/RonuPlays
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    Netherite should be used to protect more items from burning in lava or fire (also netherite horse armor) .

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    It would be done with the smiting table and the items could be anything. Obviously there's items that make more sense such as books, maps, shulker boxes and elytras, but I think some times, players have sentimental attachments to some blocks or items depending of their world (is also useful for map makers).

    If the item is an elytra, a shulker box, a fishing rod, a trident, a diamond horse armor, a written book, a book and a quill or a map they would have a new item icon. To protect other items, you would have to craft a new netherite box (two ingots, one above, one below, adjoiningly). This box would replace the icon of the item. The item would have the new tag "fire proof".

    Also, I'm gonna use this post suggest the addition of netherite horse armor. Also crafted via the smiting table.

    submitted by /u/lemonOrange_898
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    Traveling traders should be attracted to certain locations.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Traveling traders sell to appear quite randomly. However it would make sense if they had a higher chance of spawning in certain areas. For example they could be attracted to desert wells, giving them a purpose. It makes sense that they would visit places as weary travelers looking for a drink of water. They should also be attracted to well lit areas of light level 10 and above. This gives these mobs some depth and some predictability.

    submitted by /u/CheesyFrogErotica
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    Branching "god" armors and items

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Rn the best material is netherite and can be crafted in a smithing table with diamond tools, so i propose that you should be able to craft different god materials starting with diamond tools and a smithing table, each set would have similar attack and defense to the netherite set but some special abilities (in the same way how netherite doesn't burn in lava and reduce knockback), so we could have an acquatic armor that give respiration, an end armor ecc, in this way the player would be able to make choices when choosing their god set and the diamond armor would still have an important role (I often used the word god as an adjective to define the perfect end game set just to be clear)

    submitted by /u/AilBor
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    Arrows can be shot at primed TNT.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    The arrows will stuck to the entity and be sprayed around once it detonates.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Improve the food system.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Ok, let's all agree that it's trash. Minecraft is a survival game where by punching some grass you get seeds and in one day, boom, thousands of bread. That's trash. But I don't want to change it, since it's a part of Minecraft, but we could IMPROVE IT.

    There are already some mods that do this, but it would be added a cutting table, as well as oven and stuff. This would allow to make more complex dishes, like a sandwich, or a plate full of rice, beans, chips, whatever. It would also add towns of new types of foods and crops.

    The advantage of this more complex system would be that it would full more of your eating bars, and could as well give some effect, to make players really wanna persue new foods. Plus, it would be great to see some new foods, as well as food combinations. Maybe something made in an oven would be better than made in a campfire. Also, you could implemente more simple but fun stuff. Use two sugar to make a Marshmallow, that you put in a stick, and when you are near a campfire, boom, a great food. Little details change everything.

    submitted by /u/Not_Antoniospc_
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    Better Sun Lighting

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Make the sun look more round and make more precise shadows. The shadows are facing the opposite direction of the sun's location. This feature can be in the settings, so you can turn it on/off.

    submitted by /u/oakcreek1
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    Steam Golems - a balanced alternative to Iron Golems.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    Steam Golems would be built just like an Iron Golem, but with a Blast Furnace in place of the middle Iron Block.

    They would look similar, yet different.

    Darker overall, with the furnace visible in their chest, no Vines and a more serious face.

    They would deal more Damage and move slightly faster than Iron Golems, but have 50% less HP and require Fuel to work.

    Building one grants the Advancement "Steampunker".

    I know "more golems" is on the FPS, but I hope this is creative and original enough to not get removed.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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