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    Minecraft Abandoned Nether Cities - Perfect New Structures for the Nether?

    Minecraft Abandoned Nether Cities - Perfect New Structures for the Nether?

    Abandoned Nether Cities - Perfect New Structures for the Nether?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Abandoned Nether Cities. Why do we need them? Why even bother glancing at this suggestion? Well do you want a completely new Minecraft Structure the likes of which we've never before seen? Do you want to tackle a fresh original challenge in your very Minecraft world? Keep reading to find out the possibilities that is: Abandoned Nether Cities...

    Abandoned Nether Cities will spawn exclusively in the Nether Wastelands and quite rarely. For good reason. These new structures will consist of a top and ground layer, each containing a plethora of challenges and lore building to the game. You'll find yourself asking the burning question: Where did everyone go?

    (BTW if you would rather visually see and learn about this structure, click on this link here to a video on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO818mY40mo&t=3s )

    Layer #1:


    The most common structure in the city with 15 - 30 spawning in each city. They will contain a large spiraling staircase which takes you to the many different levels. Each level will contain a completely different room, most being empty, however in a few you'll find chests and/or piglin spawners. At the top of each will be a treasure: not an op amount though. Seeing as currently crying obsidian is unobtainable except through bartering, this will offer another way to obtain it.

    Mysterious Forts:

    As the name suggest mysterious forts will be small, heavily damaged structures which spawn around the coastline next to lava oceans. They have a chance of containing a small loot chest. But apart from that, they remain mysterious structures. One possibly holding the answer to the mystery that is "Where did everyone go"!

    City Cavities:

    City Cavities will be rare structures which have a low chance of spawning in a city. They will basically be a vertical mineshaft with a lava lake at the bottom. But you'll wanna visit these places! Below, dangling above the lava lake is a platform containing a nice amount of loot (anything from crying obsidian to Ancient Debris). However it won't be as easy as it seemed. Blazes will spawn naturally there, attempting to shoot you off of the small platform. These structures will offer a huge challenge to those that seek the treasure.

    Layer #2:

    Towers will contain to spawn on the second layer of the city. However, the part you'll want to visit the most will be the:

    The City Trove:

    Only one City Trove will spawn within each city and for good reason. These structures will contain a generous amount of loot: A few gold blocks, an accompanying loot chest and two ancient debris! Man that's a lotta loot! But collecting this loot won't be a walk in the park. No, Piglins and Blazes protectively guard this treasure, behaving in a manner similar to that of guardians defending a monument. Besides the bridge connecting the two sides has collapsed so the only way to cross is to bridge (blazes will most likely shoot you off) or you'll have to parkour across on the few blocks sticking out from the wall. You could find yourself hurtling to your death! A risky investment for a valuable reward.

    Now onto your burning question. You've read the suggestion and now you're like: "OK so what. Nothing special!" Well, fellow reader, that is where we see differently. You see as a player we are all looking for new and exciting additions to add to the game but the key is originality. Nobody wants something we've already seen before. Abandoned Nether Cities possess just that; the right amount of creepy, mysterious atmosphere, the right amount of PVE and parkour, the right amount of new and fresh to satisfy everyone. If these were added to the game, believe me, they'll become a must stop on any play through.

    For more info and an in depth look at how they might appear in game, check out this YouTube Video on the suggestion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO818mY40mo&t=3s

    Anyway, thank you for reading through this and I hope you have a good day. :D

    submitted by /u/MrMovieblock
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    Sonar enchantment - a unique take on the popular "lava vision" suggestion

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    Ever since "helmet enchantment allowing you to see through lava" was added to fps, this sub has been swamped with exactly the same suggestion, but for a potion. This is my take on that idea, which while it is covered by the aforementioned rule, implements the feature we want (being able to see in lava) in an entirely unique way.

    The enchantment goes on helmets and has two levels. But instead of simply granting vision through solid rock, it sends out pulses similar to the sonar used by submarines and draws the outlines of blocks on the player's screen in white. The pulses have a reach of 8 blocks at level I and 16 blocks at level II, and they are emitted once per second or twice per second, respectively. The white outlines only change when a new pulse is emitted, but they are smart and will rotate correctly as the player turns around, and they fade away just in time for the next pulse. The outlines also fade away near the edges of the pulse's range, because otherwise the hard cutoff would look weird.

    However, since entities move around, when the pulse hits an entity the image of it appears to freeze in place, updating with each pulse, which will make combat in lava very different from combat in water, and make a simple fight with a magma cube tense and exciting. A new hostile lava monster is all but required here.

    Since the magic works by sending out pulses in lava and listening to the sounds which come back, it can't reach outside of the fluid, treating the surface of the lava ocean as an invisible barrier (it doesn't draw any outlines there, but doesn't draw blocks beyond it either. The pulses also can't reach into lava unless your head is submerged in it.

    Another unique feature: one important purpose of a lava vision effect is the ability to dive for netherite scrap. Although all other blocks will look the same to sonar, ancient debris will have a vibrating effect applied to its outline. This bit may be difficult to render as it's a little outside of Mojang's comfort zone, but they can definitely do it.

    u/LordKekz suggested a sonar ping sound effect which fades away the longer you stay under lava, so that you notice it at first but it doesn't get annoying.

    This enchantment will make living, fighting, and building in lava possible, which not making it feel like home. It brings the chilling intensity of a dramatic submarine battle to the player's experiences under the lava ocean.

    ...However... it works just as well in water. Want a pitch-black subterranean ocean cave base? Go for it. You'll be able to see just fine.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Wandering traders should need sky access to spawn

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I hate it when wandering traders spawn inside of mines and caves and restone contraptions only to despawn and leave their llamas trapped in the worst of spots. Because of this I never want to build anything that requires pressure plates because all it takes is one stupid llama to destroy an enormous complicated device.

    It would also make sense for them to require sky access since that is where villages are normally and it isn't like they're traveling underground to get to places

    submitted by /u/E_McPlant_C
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    When using up a tool, it leaves you with a stick.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Small detail.

    submitted by /u/hypernausea
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    There should be an increased chance of finding at least one diamond in the middle of coal veins when you are below Y16.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    There should be an increased chance of finding at least one diamond in the middle of coal veins when you are below Y16. It makes sense (or at least to me). Coal and diamonds are both almost pure carbon.

    submitted by /u/Pirate3220
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    Furnaces Slowly Smelting Items In The Nether

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    If a furnace is in the nether and has items in it eventually it will start to smelt very slowly, it wouldn't be too useful but if you didn't have any coal and you needed food and you have raw pork from hoglins and you want it cooked. you could put it in a furnace in the nether to slowly cook

    submitted by /u/BasherBomber
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    Hoglins should be scared away by Warped Fungi held in your hand

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    It doesn't make sense that a hoglin will be sent running for the hills from warped fungi on the ground, but they can deal with you holding it just fine. Holding it in your hand to scare them off will also probably be the first thing a player tries doing once they learn that hoglins are scared of warped fungi.

    submitted by /u/Gamerbry
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    During raids on Hard difficulty, Witches can occasionally turn a Villager into a Cat or a Frog

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    If the difficulty is set to Hard, then Witch attacking a Villager has a 10% chance to throw at them a "spell ball" instead of a potion bottle. A Villager hit with the "spell ball" takes no damage, but instead is instantly transformed into a black Cat or Frog (Mojang hadn't cancelled adding Frogs into a game, right?). This transformation is permanent and can't be undone. EDIT: This transformation can be undone by throwing at the transformed Villager splash potion of Regeneration and then feeding it a golden apple, cured Villager would keep their trades from pre-transformation. Named Villagers get to keep their names after being transformed into animals.

    If a player character or any non-Villager mob is hit by a "spell ball", they would get Nausea status effect, but nothing more. However, Withces never use "spell balls" when combating non-Villagers so it can happen only if the player "takes a bullet" for a Villager.

    submitted by /u/Arventur1996
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    Make abandoned villages look like old villages

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    If the villages are abandoned shouldn't they also be older villages? And I think it would be pretty cool to still have the old villages in the game just added in a sensible way.

    submitted by /u/hey-screw-off
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    Add caged/fenced off Ravagers to Pillager Outposts

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    They have to keep them somewhere when they're not raiding

    submitted by /u/StickBreightley
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    You should be able to repair a netherite pickaxe with netherite scrap instead of netherite ingots

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Like seriously it way to expensive to repair a netherite pickaxe now

    submitted by /u/jurredebeste21
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    Enchanting Flint and Steel with Silk Touch and Fortune

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    You are probably very confused by this post. I don't blame you.

    Basically, with 1.14 making TNT drop all the items it blows up, I think that by enchanting the flint and steel you light it with, you should get the silk touch or fortune enchantment applied to the blocks it blows up. This would make people actually use TNT for mining, cause you could get more drops out of it. By powering the TNT with redstone, it would of course not get the enchantments, so as a result, auto mining systems with TNT duplicators would not be the way to go, so cheating would be discouraged.

    This change would make TNT actually a useful mining tool, and would discourage duplicators from use. It's that simple.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorPi31415
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    Villagers "Family Time"

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    During a certain hour of the day (maybe right before the villager bed time), two villagers who have bred and their child have "family time". During family time, they congregate together, while the child plays around, near a bed while staying under a block (basically, a place near their bed that doesn't have sky access), and if the bed isn't under any block, they simply hang out by their bed.

    submitted by /u/Ghajestis
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    Mossy Blackstone Bricks, but...

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    They use the respective Twisted and Weeping vines, making one a nice blue moss and the other a nice red moss. They'd be called "Twisted Blackstone Bricks," and "Weeping Blackstone Bricks." And based on the textures, the weeping bricks could have the moss flowing down, while the twisted bricks would have the moss wrapping around it in a mossy-esque way.

    submitted by /u/wastewitness
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    Spawners can be waterlogged

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Currently Spawners have the rushing water effect which looks ugly in aquariums and artificial reefs. I suggest we simply make it waterloggable so this imperfection gets perfected.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    "We're going to need a bigger boat."

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Put every mob (except for wither and ender dragon) in a boat at once.

    submitted by /u/SackOfPotatoes420
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    Stonecutters can "de-smooth" stone and it's different types.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    What i mean by de-smoothing is turning, for example, smooth stone or polished granite into regular stone and granite. This would also include turning andesite and stone into cobblestone since, unlike diorite and granite, they're the same color.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Fourth boss? Hear me out.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    So we have all heard of the ender dragon, the wither and an illager raid, But how about a nether boss to go with the latest snapshot? makes sense to me. So, what I'm thinking is a Blaze boss, that takes place in a Dungeon that only spawns 2 times per 10 000 blocks near any bedrock formation. (but why would we do this Duck there is no point) WELL This will be a dungeon to find, but the boss is respawnable and farmable for different rewards, something we lack is this game.


    For the prize, we have a 5% chance to get 1 ancient rune, 15% for 2, and a 30% for 3 ancient runes (50% total,) Next, this is a nether boss and its a blaze and what do you think of? Fire. and so for the 2nd reward a 25% chance to get Enchanted book of Fire aspect I, to go along with a 15% to get an Enchanted book of Fire aspect II (40% total) And with 10% probability to go, we have our main attraction.

    A brand new weapon, being the first specialty weapon in the game, a sword by the name of "Blaze Spike" (name open for other suggestions) And the skin for this sword will be a simple blade rod, with what look to be a cord grip wrapped around its base.( black and gray pixelated stripes). What is special about the spike I hear you asking) Well for starters, It won't be destroyed if its dropped in fire or lava, and If say, a mob is already on fire, it could deal 2 extra damage points per hit if a mob is not on fire, this effect remains dormant, Hence the fire aspect I and II reward which is meant to be used with the spike (name still up for ideas)

    Boss fight

    The dungeon or what might bee called the blaze hive (puns intended), will bee rather large, and the Queen blaze (name so far...) will bee about the size of 4 blocks tall, and three blocks wide and long. she will hover 3 block high off the ground and will have 4 health divisions, similar to the wither where the first half can be done with arrows, but the it gains immunity. First, for the first 1/4 the Queen Blaze will bee able to take damage from arrows, for the 2nd quarter, its swords only and repeat for the second half of the bar.on the kill, the dragon disintegrates, which i thought was really cool my first time beating the game, but how about the fire effect with the mini fires circling around the queen, and then in a last effort to kill the player, she explodes and since she must be killed with a sword, well with the short 5 second effect to run away! however if the player is directly underneath the explosion, it's insta-kill even from max health.

    in the time that the queen is immune to all attacks in between heath quarters (around 10 seconds) 2-5 Blazes will spawn in an effort to protect their queen.

    Not that the queen will be immune to most potions and no, she does not take fire damage.

    Mods, Mojang or Microsoft, if you are interested, I have a couple ideas for easter eggs

    But for now, Open ideas and suggestion are always welcome, and I really hope this doesn't die in new.

    submitted by /u/Dat_Dank_Duck93
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    /momentum Command

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    The momentum command will apply momentum to an entity, pushing it towards a location, target or direction.

    The format for the command would look like this:
    /momentum {target} {~ ~ ~ / ^ ^ ^ / x y z / target 2} {speed in blocks per second} {false/true, false = momentum starts reducing after destination is reached, true = momentum starts reducing until it reaches 0 when the destination is reached}

    This command will be a useful replacement for /tp in some circumstances, such as in map mechanics (Like dashing or recoil) and forced movement (Like elevators or conveyor belts)

    submitted by /u/imalivingdeadmeme
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    More gamerules

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    I miss many gamerules in Minecraft. One example is Piston Push Limit (which would obviously default as 12), but I will add more if I think of more. Or should that be seperate posts? (Let me know, please!)

    However, this particular gamerule has already been suggested, so if you wish to delete this post, please do so. I'll be back when I have something original to say.

    submitted by /u/hypernausea
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    Enchanting a Fishing Rod with Flame should automatically cook the fish

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    This'd make fishing a viable source of food as you can keep a fishing rod on you at all times and grab cooked food from any water body. Also making the fish you get whilst trying to get enchanted books actually useful rather than a byproduct headed straight into the nearest convenient lava pool.

    EDIT: Furthermore, Flame I should have a 50% chance of cooking the fish, and Flame II a 100% chance.
    There is no Flame II, idiot.

    submitted by /u/Azaquoth
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    Flying Fish

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Flying Fish are special mobs. They resemble finned light blue and light grey fish. They swim around quickly but stay around and only spawn near the surface of the water. They will jump out of water just like dolphins. Flying Fish can actually breath water, and won't drown, however they do still flop around. Flying Fish have a very special behavior, when it's raining, they can actually fly. They swim through the air and will fall (when falling due to rain ending they take no fall damage) back to the ground and flop to the nearest water. Flying Fish can have leads attached to them. They drop 0-3 feathers upon death. Flying Fish are completely immune to lightning. They have normal fish behavior towards other mobs, except Brown Mooshrooms, Zombified Piglins (only ones spawned by lightning), and Witches (only ones spawned by lightning), all of which they will "play" with (flop around the mob in a circle). Flying Fish don't fly above clouds when it's raining. Flying Fish can fly in snowstorms aswell, however they move slower in the air. Flying Fish spawn only in oceans, warm oceans, and coral reefs.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    New drowned version of a skeleton - Plunderers

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    When I'm traversing in Minecraft, I notice how skeletons, similar to zombies, sink in water. This makes me wonder, why can't there be a drowned version of skeletons? So I suggest they should add plunderers, who would be skeleton-like mobs that would spawn from a skeleton who would be underwater for too long. These mobs would wield their bows, in which they had before they drowned, and occasionally can have wooden swords. Plunderers would have about the same ai and attack damage as skeletons except they can pilot boats. When a skeleton would drowned, the new plunderers would rise up to the surface of the water and place down a boat. Then, upload mounting the boat, can drive around on the water and shoot at players. If the boat was destroyed, a plunderer would not be able to place another one, because they can only place one upon initial spawning. Plunderers would drop 0-2 bones, 0-2 arrows, 0-3 seaweed and 0-1 wooden shovels. They also chance to drop any equipment they would have, similar to skeletons (bows, swords, armor). Plunderers would add a new to challenge to the surface of the water, and would do something about all of the skeletons that just stand at the bottom of the ocean.

    submitted by /u/VolcanicDilemmaMC
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    Underlava Ruins

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Similar to Ocean Ruins in the overworld, these are places found under lava lakes. In them, you can find broken and destroyed homes made from Blackstone and Nether Brick. They have chests in them which could contain some nice loot.

    Common loot: Gold ingots, Blaze Rods, obsidian, cooked Porkchop, Soul Walker I enchanted book

    Rare loot: Netherite Horse armor, Netherite scrap, Soul Walker II enchanted book

    Extremely rare loot: Wither Skeleton skull, Lodestone, Fishing Rod with new lavafishing enchantment (WIP idea), Soul Walker III enchanted book

    Another idea could be a chance to find some buried treasure map maybe but I'm conflicted on that idea.

    Side note: I'd add in Chests for each wood type, including the Nether woods so we can have fire-immune Chests; to top it off, lavalogging would be thing with this update. Also, to make it easier to find these, I think some sort of lava-vision would be good to go along with it (Should be a side-effect for Fire Resistance)

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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