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    Minecraft The Beacon range is a joke. It needs to be extended by at least 2 times

    Minecraft The Beacon range is a joke. It needs to be extended by at least 2 times

    The Beacon range is a joke. It needs to be extended by at least 2 times

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    The Beacon range is a joke. It needs to be extended by at least 2 times

    A lot of people can agree that the range of the beacon is pathetic. It seriously only goes 50 blocks out in any horizontal direction for a maxed-out beacon. That may sound like a lot, but if you look at a picture of a beacon that marks the range you'll most likely change your mind.

    (See the image)

    Beacon range

    The sponge indicates the current range of a beacon. As you can see, it's way too short. For all the grinding and time you have to put in in order to make a beacon, it's nothing more than underwhelming. (Fighting the wither; the hardest boss in the game, and collecting an enormous amount of iron/gold/diamond/emerald).

    Which such a terrible range most likely a single beacon won't be enough for a large base a lot of people have. So you'll have to fight the wither several times and gather even more giant amounts of resources to make more. But with a larger range, that wouldn't be necessary as much.

    So, what if the beacons now had x2 the range?

    A maxed-out beacon's range would now extend 100 blocks out instead of 50. Look at the picture, the diamonds add another 50 blocks of distance. It may not look like a lot, but it definitely would make a big difference.

    When I made a beacon for the first time, I couldn't help but be disappointed with its range. I worked very hard for it and the beacon I built didn't even reach my house, despite being close to it.

    Feedback post (see comments, vote)

    Give me your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/RedditRedditReddit64
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    Reduce Nether fog please. Or at least add an option to.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    With the release of the Nether update the Nether is now an actually nice place to reside. One big downfall though is the absolute lack of viewing distance because of the Nether fog. Builds in the Nether can be barely seen, and need to be viewed closely in order to see them, and some builds are too large to see well. Nether generation is an actually cool thing to look at now to, but you are unable to see it very well due to the fog being so up in your face.

    To adress anyone who may mention optifine and the ability to turn fog off, yes, you can turn fog off, but I think it would look better with fog, just not so close to the player. And also optifine is a mod, I would like it in vanilla, because even though I play with optifine, not everyone does.

    In short, I think the ability to lessen Nether fog would be a great and simple addition to the game.

    submitted by /u/HellwolfGaming1
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    You should be able to give dogs bones.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    You can tame wolves with bones, but once it turns into a dog you can only feed it meat and using bones does nothing. I think you should be able to give dogs bones because that's just really cute. It doesn't have to do an animation or anything it just takes the bone and eats it or takes it and returns it to you after a few seconds.

    submitted by /u/lickyro1234
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    Polished Granite/Andesite/Diorite can be chiseled

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    The stone variants are currently lacking some qualities stone and blackstone have. So I suggest that we can chisel polished stone variants. Granite would have a cod, Diorite a parrot, and andesite could have a wolf, cow, pig, or other animal. This is my first suggestion so criticism is appreciated! If you have any ideas let me know!

    submitted by /u/DragonAethere
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    Piglins should attack any humanoid mob that does not wear gold.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Why is it that if I don't wear gold the Piglins deem me worthy of death, but they didn't have a problem with that stark naked skeleton that was roaming around their bastion? Surely that goldless man should be just as suspicious as me right?

    Exceptions only include other piglins (because they are their own kind) and zombified piglins (because they run away from those).

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    Endermen and Striders should get hurt from walking on top of wet sponges

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    Wet sponges are squishy and drippy enough that it would probably leak some water on the feet of whoever walked on it. Sure we may not see that in-game but it's the extra immersion we'll get from knowing an Enderman and strider would get hurt from feeling the water inside the wet sponge.

    submitted by /u/AngelofArt
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    A beacon now offers health boost and saturation potion effects.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Health boost gives the player more hearts, ok, so saturation is OP, so forget saturation in beacons.

    New effect: hunger boost. Makes your hunger bar larger. This will be in beacons.

    Because those potion effects are unused in vanilla, I propose using them in a beacon.

    submitted by /u/Zzeethe1st
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    Iron golems spawn with health missing

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Naturally generated iron golems will have a 15% chance to spawn with 25 health missing, (this is the first stage of cracking).

    This way, villages will feel more like they've actually been around for a while rather than freshly generated when you walk up to them.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Some Zombies Should Use Shields and/or Axes

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I believe zombies should have a chance of spawning with a shield or iron axe, similarly to how some zombies spawn with a sword or shovel.

    Axes would add some variety to monster combat, but shields are my main point.

    The solution to fighting nearly every strong mob in the game and many others is to stand back and shoot them, and shields on zombies, or some other mob, would rectify this.

    The zombies or whatever else would usually hold their shield up, to avoid laggy algorithms about when they would hold raise it (or just hold it up when the player is in range), and, of course, lower it to attack, just like players do. It wouldn't slow the zombie very much to use the shield, to keep it actually challenging, and they would also have the possibility of spawning with another hand item for the same reason.

    Shields, like every piece of equipment mobs carry, would also be very close to breaking and, like pillagers' crossbows, breakable, so they wouldn't be invincible and the player would probably have to switch to melee to break it.

    submitted by /u/SquashImportant6189
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    Dinnerbone Villagers Sleep Upside Down

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    At the moment, Dinnerbone Villagers sleep normally (Java). Since they're upside down I think it would make the most sense for them to sleep upside down.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Destroyer2653
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    Add the egg trade back into the game.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    In 1.16 the egg trade from farmer villagers was removed from the bedrock edition to match Java. It should be added back again, because it was a good trade and eggs are allmost useless now. Instead it can be added to Java aswell.

    submitted by /u/niekvdp
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    Curse Of The Undead

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    The Curse Of The Undead would function much like the other curses in existence, being found as treasure and being unable to be removed from gear. It would be a curse that would only be able to be put on armour. When a player wears a piece of armour with the Curse Of The Undead on it, they would be unable to go out in daylight, as doing so would set them on fire. Players would be forced to stay underground, in the water or to only be able to go out at night. Perhaps mobs such as iron golems would attack you as well.

    Please give me some feedback in the comments and I'll edit it in if I like it a lot.

    EDIT: While mobs like Iron Golems will attack you when you have the curse, the Wither will be able to see through it and will attack you as if you were an ordinary player. Thanks to u/meemsarecrayforhelp for pointing this out!

    EDIT 2: If you wear a helmet you won't burn but the helmet will lose durability until it breaks, at which point you will start burning. A helmet enchanted with this curse will not protect you, though it wont't lose durability either. Thanks to u/MCjossic for suggesting this one!

    EDIT 3: Just like how zombies will take damage when hit with a healing potion, and heal from a harming potion, so will the player if they are under the effects of this curse. Thanks to u/Fey_Faunra for pointing this out!

    EDIT 4: Potions of Fire Resistance can be used to prevent the player from burning during the day. Thanks to u/smeezledeezle for suggesting this!

    submitted by /u/GabelDaGoob
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    Add color blind support

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    There's captions for the hearing impaired, and there should be color blind support for vision impaired individuals.

    There's a Minecraft YouTuber who's color blind and struggles with certain aspects of the game which gave me this idea.

    I'm thinking it would work by having a small caption at the bottom of the screen that had the name of the block you're looking at.

    submitted by /u/leverage180
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    Add a "water logged" world type in which ocean biomes are 2x to 4x as common as they are now.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    I'd like to see actual continents on a map instead of what looks like a soup of islands joined together with sprawling lakes in between them.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    �� Crimson Fire ��

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Like Soul Fire, Crimson Fire is a red version of fire. By igniting Crimson anything, the fire turns red, and does less damage than normal fire, but makes up for it by how fast it spreads and burns, which is 3x faster than normal fire. In addition to this, Crimson Fire also attracts Piglins and Hoglins to it, making it desirable for luring them into killing grounds or fencing them in. You can make Crimson Torches out of Crimson Hyphae and and Crimson Lanterns out of Crimson Torches surrounded by iron nuggets. Crimson Fire emits a light level of 10, the same as Soul Fire. Like the Soul Campfire, using Crimson Hyphae in the recipe makes Crimson Campfire.

    Crimson Fire scares Ghasts away in a 20x20 block radius, making it good for avoiding Ghasts if you dont want them shooting you.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Limiting the growth on crops

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Mods, please let me know if I used the wrong flair, and if I did, I'll change it.

    So my idea is that you could put string over a crop that isn't fully grown yet and it would stay like that until the string or crop was removed, or possibly the crop was bonemealed. This really wouldn't do anything other than aesthetics, because every so often I like a couple patches of a lighter green that comes with the wheat, but as far as I know there is no practical way of keeping it like that.

    submitted by /u/PlatinumBlast27
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    New mob idea: scorpion

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    The scorpion would spawn in the desert and would be hostile at all times.

    For size, i would say about the size of the already existing spider.

    As for drops, i would like to introduce a new item, " scorpion stinger" this item could be used in place of the spider eye in potion brewing, and if used to attack a mob, has a 50-60% chance of inflicting poison for three seconds.

    The scorpion could do 2 1/2 hearts of damage plus 3-5 seconds of poison.

    The scorpion and spider are natural predators and will attack eachother. Same with the cave spider.

    The scorpion can also be a husk scorpion jockey (fearsome! Hunger and poison in a single hit)

    This mob is not able to be tamed.

    I think deserts need a little touch up, and i think this mob is a good way to make the desert biome more interesting.

    submitted by /u/big-juicy724
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    Wandering traders should sell exclusive items or blocks in addition to their regular junk.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Right now, the wandering trader is the epitome of "Money can be traded for bads and disservices." All of the items obtainable through the Wandering Trader can be obtained through other means, and often much more easily. Sure, it makes some items renewable, but those items typically exist in plenty good quantities already.

    What I propose happen is this: In addition to the current trades, the Wandering Trader should offer new trades for exclusive items. These trades would be divided into two categories: normal exclusive items, and maps. The maps would be to random biomes, with the biome itself outlined on the map before it's filled in.

    As for the normal exclusive items: I'm not quite sure what they should be, but they shouldn't be absolutely necessary. Spawning of the Wandering Trader is inherently luck-based, and making a necessary thing based on luck would be stupid. So it shouldn't be things like a new great enchantment or a valuable material.

    There's another problem I want to avoid with the exclusive items and blocks: the diamond house problem. If a new block is added exclusive to the Wandering Trader, it will be immensely sought after due to its rarity, and people with inevitably built massive ugly structures out of the block for no reason other than "it's rare".

    However, while it is true that one solution to this problem would be to make the Wandering Trader only sell items, not blocks, I still feel that exclusive blocks would be cool. So therefore, I think that instead, the Wandering Trader should sell multiple exclusive blocks, which hopefully will lead to more civilized builds.

    But there's still the problem of what the exclusive items should be. Here's what I suggest: Implement blocks and items which already exist but are unobtainable in survival, such as Uncraftable and Luck potions, the Petrified Oak Slab, and some spawn eggs, but not ridiculous stuff such as command blocks or Wandering Trader spawn eggs.

    In addition to the items mentioned above, some more items and blocks should be added to the game which, as I said, aren't required or necessary, and are mostly decorational and obtained for novelty and bragging rights. Perhaps a new music disc, or a useless enchantment, or some cool looking new blocks. There are lots of things.

    Now, you may have noticed in the anteprevious paragraph that I mentioned spawn eggs, which would obviously be ridiculously overpowered if they could be inserted into a spawner to make a spawner of any kind. Therefore, I suggest that the ability to do so be restricted to Creative mode, making spawn eggs naught but a novelty in Survival.

    Finally, there's the problem of what trades should go where. I think that the best way to execute this is to have five slots for the normal junk (four from the first table, one from the second), then to have two slots for maps to random biomes, and three slots for the new items exclusive to the Wandering Trader.

    submitted by /u/BlueManedHawk
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    Petting wolves

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Petting wolves is a simple right click that makes your dog emit happy effects and de-aggro's on anything it's mad at. This is useful if you accidentally punch a villager and your wolf starts attacking it or something similar.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Tangle Kelp

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Tangle Kelp would look like a more dense, darker green Kelp stalk that grows in close proximity to normal kelp. What makes Tangle Kelp special, is that they would work like cobwebs of the sea, where they would greatly slow your movement and prevent you from sprinting, making Kelp Forests more dangerous to explore

    submitted by /u/AverageCalifornian00
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    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I know it's a common one, but they'd be more than recolored chickens. (With their own model of course), they would spawn on land and water, and just like real ducks, would be able to fold their legs back and swim, fly, and walk on land. Obviously they would also make quack sounds.

    Support: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360071867631-Ducks

    submitted by /u/WHATS-UP-BITCHES
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    Curse of Binding on Tridents

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Currently, the Curse of Binding (CoB) can only be applied to armour and other wearable things.

    I'd like to see it be applicable to tridents too. A trident cursed in this manner cannot be thrown as a projectile (you can still throw it out of your inventory by pressing Q). It can still be used as a melee weapon but CoB would remove all ranged capabilities of the cursed trident.

    If any other trident-like weapons (spears?) would be added in future then CoB would work the same way on them.

    submitted by /u/MCjossic
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    Animals should follow and eat their corresponding food dropped on the ground.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    If a cow can somehow follow and eat food straight out of a player's hand without reluctance, maybe they should also do this behavior with food items dropped on the ground. For example, if a cow sees a dropped wheat item near them, they would follow the item, eat it, and enter breeding mode (if it already isn't in breeding mode yet). This would make animal farms work much more efficiently (with dispensers) and would make "animal traps" possible.

    Sorry if this has already been suggested before :(

    submitted by /u/Epic-Mushroom
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    There should be an abyssal ocean biome for more dangerous and rewarding ocean exploration.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    1.13 added a ton of much-needed polish to the previously barren oceans of Minecraft, but there was one area of development which I feel the ocean is still sorely lacking: genuinely dangerous places to explore. The most dangerous places in the ocean that you can currently explore are Ocean Monuments, but they aren't too terribly risky if you've at least got a decent set of armor and a few water breathing potions. The oceans would be a much more interesting and risky place to explore if there were extremely deep abyssal oceans that have a host of unique dangers and rewards for conquering them, particularly in the form of large predatory mobs that stalk the dark depths and the drops they give upon death. Variations of this biome could range to be anything from vast and deep ocean trenches with life built to survive the crushing depths to a large ship graveyard inhabiting an abyssal plain, with the creature responsible for the graveyard's creation lurking within as a boss/miniboss. Such additions would provide the ocean with more teeth in the danger department, as well as a lot more interesting exploration and building opportunities.

    submitted by /u/MeargleSchmeargle
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