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    Minecraft We should add a new charred forest biome

    Minecraft We should add a new charred forest biome

    We should add a new charred forest biome

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    In this new biome a massive fire has devastated a forest thus creating the charred forest. In the charred forest there are new charred logs which when broken has a chance of dropping charcoal, the new logs can also be made into charred planks, a grey colored version of planks. Also scattered about in this biome are piles of gravel ( or ash ) that could house the new termite mobs that are coming to the game.

    Edit: you can get a charred log by burning a normal log with a flint and steel

    If you like this idea for a biome please support this on the Minecraft feedback site: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360071841011-Charred-Forest

    submitted by /u/stebn08
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    Villages should spawn more commonly near rivers

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Seeing as rivers are essentially pointless at the moment, I think it could be cool if you could find one or two villages just by following one. A lot of civilizations in real life sprung up around rivers, so it would also add a bit of realism to the game. The generation might be a bit tricky, but seeing as we already have village paths for going over water, it shouldn't be a huge problem. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Joebot521
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    Just let me place flowerpots the way I want to!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    First off, just let me place flower pots on leaves. This isn't gonna break the game, okay?

    Second off, if I can stuff a cactus into a teeny flowerpot, I think it can survive me putting grass or sugarcane in it.

    I'm not going to defeat the Ender dragon with my potted pumpkins on purple panes, just let me build man.

    submitted by /u/Canned_Refried_Beans
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    making an Iron Golem with Jack o' lanterns means they have yellow eyes.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    When you think about it, it doesn't really make sense that Iron Golems always look the same no matter how you make them, what should happen instead is that Iron Golems look different depending on which pumpkin you use the eyes should should be a different colour.

    submitted by /u/professorOVreddit
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    Enderman getting trapped in boats should be able to teleport.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Boats are too overpowered, you can trap a blaze in a boat, you can trap a skeleton in a boat, you can trap a creeper in a boat, you can trap an ender drag-

    Let's not get that far.

    Anyhow, Enderman shouldn't get trapped in boats!

    submitted by /u/CrownedTraitor
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    Ability to rebind F3

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    F3 is an incredibly useful feature since it allows you so see your coordinates among other things. But the F3 key is in an awkward position on the keyboard, so I tried to rebind it. But in the controls menu, there's no option to rebind it.

    I'd love to be able to rebind a key that I use so often.

    submitted by /u/Yah-ThnPat-Thn
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    Abandoned Piglin Mine

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    According to the devs, ancient debris is what's left of the original netherite ore that was all mined up by piglins long ago, which implies that piglins had some sort of mine in which they would dig up the stuff.

    So why not have some sort of abandoned mineshaft-like structure in the Nether? It would lead deep down into the Nether at levels where ancient debris is common and would probably make netherite mining more interesting.

    submitted by /u/Captainvoodoo12
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    Add world generated volcanos

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    I would like if there will be volcanos in Minecraft which will be quite rare and will generate near other mountains or inside a mountain biome, it will be made of cobblestones, ash blocks, and a few obsidian and Basalt blocks at the upper part, also there will be lava fall and a small lava lake at the top.

    submitted by /u/moi865
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    Twisting/Weeping vines emit light when connected to a shroom light

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Currently, If you connect a weeping/twisting vine to a light source, the vine currently glows as far as the light source emits. After that, it is dark, dull.

    It would be a lot cooler, if say you plant one of these vines coming off a shroom light, and the vine emits light through the entire length of the vine, kind of light a fibre optic cable. The light source would not have to be full light strength 15 coming from the vine, maybe the same as a soul torch, and enough for the vine to glow a bit.

    Purely a decorative and a interesting light source idea.

    submitted by /u/mptreadgold
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    Underground biomes are a bad idea. Here's what the "cave" update should be (imo).

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Seeing as how the cave update is an inevitability at this point (I'm sure it will be announced at Minecon Live, but I think it'll be 1.18 and not 1.17) I wanted to devalue one of the most popular requests for the update, being underground biomes.

    Unless Mojang wants to add a bunch of new biome-specific ores that can make different tools with different sets of abilities, I don't really how underground biomes will be that useful or that incentivized of a feature. They may look nice for a while, but at the end of the day mining will be the exact same experience as it was before, except now you'll have more inventory clutter than before. I wouldn't rule biomes out as a feature entirely, I just don't think they should be the focus of the update. The focus of the update should be on incentivizing mining (which honestly is why this update is so important in the first place), and I always found it odd that the one part of the game's original progression that focused on exploring (being mining) hasn't really been elaborated upon by the game's updates since Beta 1.8.

    So, what should the update consist of, then? Here's what I think will work the best:

    Feature 1: Restructure the underground.

    Raise the sea level to Y=128, so that half the world is underground, and increase the chances of ores spawning in caves and open areas. This will essentially nerf strip-mining and put more of an incentive on exploring and caving, which leads into Features 2 and 3.

    Feature 2: New types of caves.

    The last new type of cave we got was in 1.13, which flooded caves and ravines meant to supplement the overhaul to oceans. What about half-flooded caves and ravines that are totally underground, serving as underground rivers? Maybe add some small sinkholes as well (the current cave generator is capable of generating sinkholes, but they're a totally random occurrence). Maybe even void-holes (bottomless pits) and chasms (gigantic wider ravines with no bottom). It would certainly make the underground a far more exciting place.

    Feature 3: Traps.

    Fairly self-explanatory I think, but adding random lava traps, explosive traps, dart traps, maybe even traps that lead directly into dungeons, would definitely spice things up and add more risk for miners.

    Feature 4: New Dungeons.

    Let's face it: Dungeons are incredibly outdated. A good way to revamp them would be to structure them in "rooms," and have players pass challenges in each room. Silverfish eggs, or maybe even lava-logged blocks could be used as a way to prevent early-game players from cheating by breaking through certain blocks. Rooms could consist of mazes, parkour challenges, and spawner rooms. I think the loot tables would be similar to buried treasure, except you'd get about 2.5x the amount of stuff you'd normally get with a buried treasure chest. This would be a nice alternative method of getting resources while still keeping the player underground. Would be a nice nod to Minecraft Dungeons as well.

    Feature 5: Okay, maybe a few biomes.

    But they'd be mini-biomes, sorta like Mushroom Islands except underground, and probably bigger in some cases. Things like an underground glowing mushroom cave, a hidden underground village or temple, an ice cavern, maybe even a volcano. Note that not all of those are actually biomes and more like structures. Adding touches like this certainly won't hurt, and this whole post was made in response to the idea that this feature should be the center of the update (like in SystemZee's video).

    At any rate, this is all my opinion, and your thoughts are welcome.

    submitted by /u/1neTooMany
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    Using bonemeal on grass has a small chance of growing saplings

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    When a player uses bonemeal on a grass block, in addition to tall grass and flowers, 0-2 saplings will appear.

    The type of biome you're in effects the type of saplings you get. Using it in plains, forests, and swamps will give oak saplings Using it in taigas and tundras gives spruce saplings Using it in plains, forests, and birch forests gives birch saplings Using it in jungles will give jungle saplings Using it in savannas will give acacia saplings And using it in dark forests will give dark oak saplings. If a biome has no designated tree type, it will default to giving oak saplings.

    This change can give players easier access to wood if there is no easily available wood nearby, such as if the player has their base in a biome with very few trees, such as a desert or an ocean, or if they're doing a challenge that limits their movement like survival island or skyblock.

    submitted by /u/Gamerbry
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    Rivers in the nether?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Perhaps natural lava rivers could form in the nether, leading from one lava lake to another. It's a pretty simple idea.

    submitted by /u/PeePeeYeah
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    Wart Weevils

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    A Wart Weevil is a large winged-beetle that would naturally spawn in Warped Forests. They scuttle around on foot, and glide when falling.

    Occasionally they may eat a Warped Fungus, after which they will try to lay a Weevil Egg on Warped Nylium, eventually producing a baby Wart Weevil. These eggs can be broken by hand and collected as food, restoring 3 hunger (◆⬖) and inflicting nausea on the player, or placed back down on Warped Nylium to resume the hatching process.

    You can craft a Strange Concoction with a bowl, Weevil Egg, Red Mushroom, and Brown Mushroom, restoring 7 hunger (◆◆◆⬖) and clearing all status effects. Like milk, the concoction can not stack. The Strange Concoction might occasionally be offered as a barter by Piglins or found in Bastion chests.

    Wart Weevils are a hostile mob, and will leap like spiders at players that get too close. Because they are an arthropod, they are susceptible to the Bane of Arthropods enchantment.

    Hoglins would actively avoid Wart Weevils.

    Vote on the Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    Using shears with Looting or Fortune will give you wool from sheep

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    As the title says. I feel like this would be a god way to increase wool yield. Please let me know if I've used the wrong flair

    submitted by /u/Quinndalin66
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    Village and pillage update 2.0

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Even with the village and pillage update. Villages still don't feel real. So what if they were more realistic. I think there should be rich villages and poor villages, small hamlets and large towns. There could be an actual economy, where you can buy goods in one village and sell them in another for profit. Maybe once you discover two different villages they will set up a trade route and you can see caravans going between them. Maybe there could be 3 different factions that each village belongs to that are at war and you can help who ever you want.

    submitted by /u/lordrazumdar
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    Add a Broken Elytra Texture

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    The title pretty much sums it up. If the elytra would look damaged without looking at the actual item, it might allow people to react more quickly. I also think that it would just be a nice little thing to add for aesthetics.

    submitted by /u/MrMangoBerry1
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    Quiver & Back slot

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I know many of us want to have a quiver in minecraft and the opportunity to have our sword on our backs so the suggestion goes to that exact point


    This slot would act like the offhand one but at the other side of the bar and you can only put weapons and tools on it plus the quiver, it will help with one space more in your inventory and the most important it would look really cool


    The quiver would act like a shulker box, you can have it in your hand and it will keep your arrows inside, it would only allow arrows, you can access by right clicking it in your bar inventory, it will have 5 slots where you can put your arrows. If you have it in your back slot it will charge the arrows directly to the bow or crossbow you are using. The texture will have 5 stages each per slot inside so if all slots have at least one arrow it will display when its on the back

    And so I hope you like it, if so make sure to share it with your friends

    Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/smartan01
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    How to fix iron farms - blacksmith villagers have to work to make an iron golem

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Let's be honest here. Iron farms are not supposed to exist. Also they are way too op. Iron is supposed to be something you have to work for and only drops from iron golems because that's what they are made of.

    So if a blacksmith villager sees a zombie or talks to somebody that has seen a zombie, the blacksmith villager will get to work and work all day and if he does that without interruption (gets damaged by something or gets his bed or work station removed) then an iron golem will spawn.

    It should take some time because there's no way he could just summon them at will, he needs time to collect the materials and sculpt them into the right shape. (I know it's just t shaped iron blocks and a pumpkin but they don't).

    submitted by /u/personmanperson41
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    New Cave Biome - Underground Reef

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Underground Reefs would be a new cave variant that can generate underneath oceans. Most commonly in warm oceans but sometimes in others as well. Like with my other posts, I tried to recreate this in game as best as I can. The usual Stone or other material that covers the ground would instead be replaced with Sand. Seagrass can be found growing here, along with some low amounts of Sea Pickles and lots of Coral, also making up parts of the walls. The mobs that can be found here are Tropical Fish, Salmon, Cod, Pufferfish, Squid, Sea Turtles, Moray Eels and Sea Critters (I will talk about these in further detail).

    But first, the cave's picture.

    Moray Eels: The Moray Eel would be a new mob exclusive to the Underground Reef biome. It can swim around the reef but sometimes hides in coral blocks, with only its head sticking out. Whenever you swim by, it would peek out and take a small bite, dealing damage.

    Sea Critters: Everything that slithers, blobs, and sticks itself through the many parts of the sea fall into the category of sea Critters. These mob(s) would spawn in all parts of the ocean, but they would make a great addition to these caves.

    Sea Critters include creatures like sea slugs, snails, starfish and many others. A vast majority of these creatures are block-like in nature but still require a bucket to catch.

    They go dormant out of water but make excellent additions to aquariums and decorations around the house.

    Some can move slowly across the sea floor and others can swim slowly. Some can be used to make a decent amount of dyes. Many of them are also bioluminescent (glow in the dark).

    This is a rough list of the Sea Critters. Each of these would have lots of different skins/variants:

    • Flatworms
    • Nudibranchs
    • Sea Snails (drop Slimeballs)
    • Sea Urchins (hurt you if touched)
    • Starfish (includes Sand Dollars, Brittle Stars, ect...)
    • Sea Cucumbers (drop 1-2 Leather, creates Clay balls when alive)

    Of course there would also be lots more.

    submitted by /u/jamescoolcrafter15
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    Add reinforced elytra

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    They can be made with any important mineral (iron, gold, diamond, netherite) in an anvil with the elytra.

    They let you fly farther depending on which one you have and have higher durability

    submitted by /u/PersonManDude23
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