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    Minecraft Volcanos

    Minecraft Volcanos


    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    I personally think in the jungle there isn't very much going on. That's why I think you could add a volcano structure. It could have a small dungeon with traps or just be for decoration.

    submitted by /u/Eagleforbrainz
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    Jellyfish mob?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Would make oceans much more fun and pretty, and could have like an electric effect when zapping a player.

    They could also glow at night since bioluminescent jellyfish exist in real life, and making their colours random would be such a cool addition to aquariums in the game.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Danzilla
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    Change how Sleeping Affects Weather.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    If you consider this a bug, it's counted as 'resolved' & 'works as intended' on the official bug tracker. This isn't a bug report, but it's a suggestion to change a feature in the game.

    Whenever the night is skipped by sleeping, the weather always clears, no matter what. I've seen a lot of people dismiss this saying "It's realistic - when you sleep during rain in real life, you wake up & it's gone." & it doesn't make sense. I've woken up to rain so many times in my life. Haha! I think there should be a kinda rare chance that the player wakes up to rain/snow & a bit more rare chance that you wake up to thunder.

    If you're like me & you wanna sleep every night to try to avoid phantoms spawing, endermen putting holes in the ground, & creepers exploding everything, then your world will never ever rain/thunder/snow ever. What's the point of adding charged creepers or riptide on tridents if these things almost never happen? And what about all the mobs that transform when struck by lightning? Fishing is affected by rain too, but that also never gets to happen.

    Plus, occasional dreary weather is nice. It brings a lot of much needed atmosphere to Minecraft's overworld.

    submitted by /u/_Koza
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    It would be nice if image posts were allowed so we could make descriptive info graphics to help convey our ideas better.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    I just think making images with words and pictures to accompany them could help people picture what you are suggesting better, except when I tried to post an info graphic it was automatically removed. I know it would be harder to monitor and auto mod an image vs just some text, but if possible I would love to see the mods allow info graphics because I think they'd be great.

    submitted by /u/TheSoggyLoafGuy
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    New Enchantment type: Blessings

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT


    • This would be a new type of enchantment type.
    • Blessings, like Curses, are treasure items, meaning you can't get them in an enchantment table, and instead from villagers or loot chests.
    • Blessing Fonts will be green, the same way Curse Fonts are red (hope that made sense)
    • Mending should become a Blessing type enchant

    Blessing Of Binding

    • Upon death, will return any tool or armor to your inventory, but in a random slot.
    • Incompatible with both Curses and Mending

    If you have any feedback, or want me to add more Blessings, tell me in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Im_a_Casual
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    Looting can be put on an axe

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    It's annoying that it can't

    submitted by /u/Schrutey
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    Make Snow Golems more useful!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Seriously they have like two hearts and their snowballs don't even do any damage. Fix this. I mean I'm not asking them to be like Iron Golem OP since they're fairly cheap to make but it would be nice if they were a little stronger.

    submitted by /u/JamesDuncan9
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    Probably controversial suggestion: Nerf sleeping(includes Phantom revamp)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    I think sleeping needs to be changed in general.
    Honestly, it's OP. It not only sets your spawnpoint but it also allows you to skip the most dangerous part of the game(night time) without any costs, even clearing any bad weather. Usually this would be an end game feature in other games.
    Now, I would not remove its spawnpoint setting ability. Not only is that feature way too beloved and useful, but it would also be really annoying not to have. Therefore, other aspects need to be tackled.

    Also, I have checked the subreddit and only seen /u/bibizu and /u/PJDemigod85 making a suggestion for nerfing sleeping, which were very different from mine, so I don't think I am making repost here.

    These are my ideas for revamping sleeping. Feel free to discuss

    • The cost.
      As previously suggested by /u/Pigeon1H and also a mod that I can't remember the name of.
      Sleeping in minecraft costs you only a single investment of 3 wool and 3 wooden planks, that is, unless you find a village and use one of their beds for free.
      Such a powerful feature needs a drawback and I propose this: hunger drain
      Sleeping through the night will see you waking up with a serious case of the munchies. This way players might see a need to hunker down and survive the night the traditional way, especially early game, when you haven't had a good chance to collect a lot of food yet.
    • The weather.
      Inspired by /u/_Koza's post.While using the bed to skip through thunderstorms is a neat feature, having it clear all weather 100% of the time is too much. Simple solution: Add a small possibility that you can wake up to rain or even thunderstorms, even when going to bed on a clear night.
    • Reimplement night time interruptions
      In the earlier days of Minecraft, you couldn't just plop down a bed anywhere and skip the night. If you slept in a dark environment or outside, you would be woken up by a squad of mobs in the middle of the night. I do not understand why this feature was removed, as it made a lot of sense and compelled you to put in just that tiny bit of effort.
    • Make the night more rewarding
      The easiest way to compell players to stay up at night more is to add a reward to it.
      My proposal: Add a night exclusive mob, that is, a mob that can only spawn on the surface under the night sky and that drops something that is just useful enough to compel players to brave the nightly hordes.
      This is already a thing to an extent: slimes can spawn in swamps according to moon phases and phantoms can only spawn in the sky, however, slime chunks are way more effective and many players seem to want to disable phantoms in the first place, with their drop not even being that useful.
      One little crazy idea: make Creepers surface only. Their drop is very useful and their green colour is already intended to camouflage them against grass(at least the classic grass texture). Nah, that would probably be too much.

    There is one problem with all of this, however. One of Minecraft's most controversial features and one that many players would like to remove altogether. I have already mentioned it: The Phantom
    I am one among the many that were quite intrigued by the idea of this mob, only to realize just how misguided it really was. Instead of adding a neat new mechanic to the night, it only ended up further encouraging the player to make use of the OP beds.
    If sleeping was to change in the way I proposed, phantoms would have to change as well.

    Make them nightmares
    Instead of spawning when the player has slept too little, I think they should do almost the opposite.
    Remember the night interruptions I mentioned earlier? I think they would be the perfect opportunity for phantoms to spawn. Whenever a player carelessly sets up his bed out in the open, along with being woken up by a squad of skeletons or zombies, they should also be haunted by a nightmare. High above them, illusory creatures would appear and their screeches should freeze the players blood.
    These new phantoms would cause the new 'Insomnia' debuff to the player that spawned them. This debuff cannot be cured by milk and prevents the player from sleeping. The only way to get rid of it is to defeat the phantoms or hold out until dawn.
    Being illusory, the phantoms would only be visible to players with the Insomnia effect and in turn only attack them. Any rested(normal) player would only see these poor maniacs fighting the air. Once the sun hits the phantoms, they should disintegrate(as opposed to burn, seeing as they would not be undead anymore)

    I hope my suggestions were clear to read and understand and I invite all who read this far to discuss them in the comments.

    TL;DR Sleeping is overpowered. Make it cost hunger, occasionally wake you up during bad weather and make the night more rewarding in general. Also, unsafe sleeping spots can lead to you being woken up by a squad of mobs, which would also be how phantoms now spawn

    submitted by /u/lolglolblol
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    Add a crafting recipe for guilded blackstone

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    I've been using guilded blackstone in a house I'm building, but I quickly ran out despite taking as much as I can from 2-3 bastion remnants. I'd like to be able to craft gilded blackstone, so I wouldn't have to find more bastion remnants in order to get a bit more (right now, I'd have to find 3-ish remnants in order to get a stack of guilded blackstone.)

    For the recipe, I'd suggest a piece of blackstone surrounded by 8 gold nuggets. Here's a quick photoshop of what it would look like in the crafting table GUI.

    EDIT: Link to my post on the Minecraft feedback site (still pending approval): https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360072615831

    submitted by /u/LightningProd12
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    Fireworks Scare Ocelots, unlocking the achievement, “Scaredy Cat”

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    It's nothing too special, just a fun Easter egg :)

    submitted by /u/FluffalBoy
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    Blocking should protect mobs behind you from explosions

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    There have been several times where my dogs got blown up by a creeper while I'm blocking but are behind me. This would be a neat feature to save not only your pets, but anything you'd want to protect.

    submitted by /u/DameAintHere
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    Baby piglings will lead you too gold

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    If you give a gold bar to a baby piglin, it will lead you to the nearest gold. This can be gold ore, bastions or ruined portals( if they contain gold blocks). This can be used up to three timed per baby piglin. It works the same as dolphins and would give a use to baby piglins.(please give feedback/improvement is the comments

    submitted by /u/edsger1
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    More Arthropods: Beetles and Giant Beetles (Part 2)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:00 AM PDT


    Beetles are small passive arthropods With 5 hearts that drop 1-2 bug meat. They are hunted by spiders and cave spiders and fight with silver fish and endermites where they do 1 heart of damage per hit. They spawn in all biomes other than snowy tundras, snowy taigas, ice spikes biomes, deserts or mesas and oceans. They have a nether variant called Ash beetles

    Ash beetles

    Ash beetles have 7 hearts and are horde nuetral they drop 2-3 bug meat and 0-1 grey dye and deal 0.5 hearts on easy, 1 on normal and 1.5 on hard. They spawn in basalt deltas and soulsand valleys on basalt pillars.

    Bug meat

    Raw Bug meat can be eaten for 3 hunger points but give you 10 seconds of nausea and have a 60% chance to give you hunger II for 5 seconds. It can be fed to spiders to breed them and for each 2 peices of bug meat they will follow you from a distance and attack non-undead hostile/nuetral mobs that target you for 5 minutes. Bug meat can be cooked and eaten for low saturation and 5 hunger points it will not give you hunger anymore but still give you nausea. Bug meat can be eaten as fast as dried kelp.

    Giant beetles

    Giant beetles are large nuetral arthropods with 25 hearts that drop 5-6 bug meat and 0-1 beetle shell fragments. They deal 2 hearts on easy, 2-3.5 on normal and 4.5-6 on hard. They can be bred using any non meat item including poisonous potatoes and don't get poisoned by them.

    Giant beetles spawn in roofed forests, giant taigas, redwood taigas, swamps and have a nether variant called Bone Bugs

    Bone bugs

    Bone bugs spawn in soulsand valleys and are hostile variants of giant beetles that count as undead athropods and can inflict the wither effect for 6 seconds. They can be calmed down and bred by feeding them soul soil. bone bugs drop 5-6 bones and 7-10 soul soil

    Beetle shell fragments

    Beetle shell fragments can be crafted into beetle shells using 4 fragments and 1 slime ball or 2 honey bottles

    beetle shells can be combined with chain-mail armor to make Bug armor which has the durability of diamond armor protection of iron armor with the added bonus of making all arthropods llama nuetral towards you.

    I'm free to critism, say what you think in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Spraxinator
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    Endermen can build structures.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I would really wan't endermen to actually make buildings, this could introduce a village called 'Enderman Village' This village could be made out of dirt, stone and logs, these villages could look different depending on the biome, these are incredibly rare and spawn near strongholds. This can also introduce more enderman noises, this allows them to talk to eachother. I don't mind any opinions about this idea, i really don't like this idea though.

    submitted by /u/UnsatisfiedZoomer
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    Waterlogged bells

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Bells can now be waterlogged. Ringing a waterlogged bell causes all drowned in a certain block radius to run away from the bell. Ringing a waterlogged bell also causes dolphins and guardians in a certain block radius to be attracted to the bell. Ringing a waterlogged bell now causes passive damage to squids and turtles.

    Basically, when waterlogged bells are rung, the 5 aquatic mobs (drowned, guardians (elder), dolphins, squids, and turtles) are affected. The affections can be 1. Rallying around the bell 2. Running away from the bell 3. Taking passive damage from the bell, along with option 1 or 2, or just by itself.

    I chose what would happen to the mobs based on real life scenarios and guesses on how it would affect grinders, but those can be changed.

    submitted by /u/ihavetwonoses
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    Should we be able to build above bedrock in the nether?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is a suggestion, just was told to come here to get a general consensus.

    submitted by /u/ChickenNuggetsAreDog
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    Advancements ideas

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    "Not So Tough": Get a golden pickaxe to break.

    "Or Can They?": Make shulker shoot you while riding a pig.

    "Hope You Weren't Streaming": Mine diamond ore with a stone pickaxe.

    "High Noon": Make 2 skeletons fight each other.

    "The Bulldozer": Break 10'000 blocks.

    "The Creator": Place 10'000 blocks.

    "The Collector": Place every block.

    "The Destroyer": Break every block.

    "Want To But Can't Do": Throw a netherite hoe in lava.

    "Udderly Useless": Drink milk and remove at least 3 effects.

    "Redemption": Kill a mob that killed your pet.

    "Beauty Of The Beast": Put a name tag on a mob with 30 health or higher.

    "Reignition": Use flint and steel on a burning creeper.

    "Lucky": Get to 2 health or lower, survive for the next 5 minutes.

    "Iron Rain": Kill a mob with an anvil.

    "Twice In A Row": Use channeling trident on a mob previously struck by natural lightning.

    "Bending Laws": Be on fire, levitating and poisoned, then get hit by any lightning.

    "Harpooned": Use a riptide trident while levitating to pull yourself to the ground.

    "Served Me Good": Melt a piece of armor.

    "Unlikely Allies": Get a skeleton to kill a creeper that was exploding, that otherwise would kill you.

    "Good Tunes": Make a parrot dance.

    "I-mine-gine This": Dig 16 blocks of diamond ore in a row.

    "Redstone Master": Obtain a comparator, then don't pause the game for the next 15 minutes.

    "Overachiever": Get a full netherite beacon.

    submitted by /u/CrunchyMemesLover
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    Huge Bee Hive

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Im proposing a Huge Bee Hive. Which is a huge rare structure made out of Bee Wax, a new block which is pretty much a bee hive block, it can be harvested just like a normal bee hive. This huge bee hive would have up too 100 bees, which would pollunate the bee wax blocks with honey (which would turn visiblly full like bee hive blocks). The Queen Bee (a new mini boss type of mob), would go eat the honey from the bee wax block and would create a baby bee each time. The bee hive swarm would attack any nearby animal or mob other than eachother. The Queen Bee herself would be a huge bee about the size of a guardian, she would have 100hp and wouldent die after stinging you. If you collect any of the bee hive nest, all bees would attack you, including the queen, who would attack you with a 10hp sting. Naturally, the queen would buzz around followed by up to 10 bees. The huge bee hive would only spawn in the Flower Forest Biome. If you kill the queen bee then all bees will scatter and will slowly die after 5 minutes. The Bee Hive's Bee Wax would turn into Dead Bee Wax which wouldent be harvestable and would slowly decay. The only way you can be friend the bees is by wearing a yellow leather helmet, either that or you can feed the bees some flowers to make them all passive for 5 minutes.

    Why we need this:

    Bees are dull and are under used due too other more efficent food sources such as steak

    Flower Forests deserve a structure

    Bees deserve their own structure

    Bees need a queen.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Mob idea: Pike

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    The pike would be a neutral mob spawning in rivers and lakes in all biomes. They would have 6 hearts and would be the size of a max-sized salmon. They would hunt salmon and other fish. They also scare away drowned. When attacked, they attack once, like a llama. The attack would do 3 hearts of damage without armor on. When killed, they drop 1 bone and sometimes one salmon. They can be bred using raw salmon. Young pikes are about the size of a cod. It isn't a complicated or super-interesting idea, but i still hope u liked it!

    submitted by /u/Rat_Of_A_Brat
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    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Brass is a lot like gold at first glance, but is more yellow-white in colour and is purely decorative. Brass is made by adding golden and iron ingots together like this in a crafting grid:

    Left half: Gold

    Right half: Iron

    This can be reversed, but it has no effect.

    Brass also has a hardness and explosion resistance less than that of gold. Because brass isn't real gold, it will "tarnish" or turn dark green, but it happens only in water/or rain. This takes about a day to occur. Tarnished brass blocks can be used to create abandoned builds. If tarnished brass is mined, it drops the gold and iron in nugget form, rather than ingots, but yields less than normal.

    So, in short, brass is decorative, and not gameplay affecting. Brass may also naturally generate as part of villages, bastions, or piglin castles. You cannot craft weapons with it or tools, as they would be far too brittle.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    platinum should be an ore in the end. it would be used to upgrade gear, but nothing like netherite. for example, using platinum you could make weighted swords which deal far more damage but are slightly slower. Weighted armor would reduce knock-back, but make the player slightly slower. When mining platinum, the ore would drop platinum shards, if you get 6 of these you can craft a platinum ingot used to make weighted gear.

    submitted by /u/MANfromSnowyrver
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    Amethyst - New Mineral

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Amethyst is an extremely rare purple crystal on par with that of netherite. It can be found in end ships and end cities. In the same way netherite is fire proof, Amethyst is explosion proof. All damage from explosions has no effect on the durability of amethyst armour, as well as providing +1 explosion resistance. and all amethyst equipment is immune to being blown up by any form of explosion, wither, tnt, creeper etc. You smelt amethyst stones found in the end, to create amethyst shards. These can be combined with 5 shards into an amethyst. This can be combined with diamond armour in a smithing table to create amethyst armour and tools. This could be added either as a part of 0.1 end update or a 0.0.1 update as a minor addition. Tell me what you think!

    submitted by /u/GuvnorJack
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    A fleshed out Volcano update

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Originally this was a reply to someone's volcano suggestion, but I was told it was fleshed out enough to be it's own suggestion.

    Volcanoes as a rare type of alternate biome

    Plains volcanoes that generate with hot springs and geysers and the lava is all underground with only a handful of surface level veins.

    Jungle volcanoes generate as medium sized mountains that are heavily forested except at the crater with lava flows that burst from the sides.

    Extreme hills volcanoes are... well, you can figure this one out.

    Underwater volcanoes that have tons of magma on the ocean floor.

    And since volcanic activity is literally what forms most minerals, this would be a great place to put diamonds and emeralds besides just super low underground. Maybe add new gems like rubies while they're at it.

    A few volcano/gem related blocks that would be amazing:

    Pile of gold + pile of gems + pile of treasure: •gold coins are craftable from gold nuggets •9 gold coins = pile of gold •pile of gems craftable from 3 diamonds, 3 rubies, 3 emeralds •pile of treasure craftable from 2 diamonds, 2 rubies, 2 emeralds, 3 gold coins •all piles can be crafted back out to original components •gold coins can be smelted back into nuggets at 3× the normal smelting speed (only because it's stupid to think gold coins take as long as gold ore)

    ash block

    ash layer (works like snow layer)

    burnt logs: •if broken with an axe it has a 25% chance to drop charcoal, otherwise turns to ash layer •can burn indefinitely only on the sides of log defined by log orientation •fires on burnt logs don't spread, but do cause fire damage •can be obtained with silk touch

    rework of already in-game igneous rocks (obsidian, granite, andesite, diorite): •retextured •polished form of obsidian (seriously, real life obsidian is shiny and that should be a thing in game for decorative purposes) •chiseled variants

    obsidian shards crafted from obsidian •one obsidian = one shard •shards used to craft obsidian arrows which deal extra damage •if both regular and obsidian arrows are in your inventory, a bow uses obsidian arrows first unless regular arrows are in the hotbar and obsidian arrows aren't •obsidian arrows can't be tipped (poisoned)

    new "cooled lava" that generates above ground only that's darker and more accurately portrays surface lava, flows half as fast

    submitted by /u/Mr_Hughman
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    Bird nest

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Bird nest will be a new type of block for birds to sit on along side the nest sparrows will be added to the game as well.

    The nest will have a cool feature and that is to be able to place any type of egg in the nest and it will look 3D instead of 2D.

    A nest will also spawn on trees just like bee hives.

    Let me know if this idea is helpful or not

    submitted by /u/Green55M
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