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    Minecraft Charged Creepers should sound more electrical

    Minecraft Charged Creepers should sound more electrical

    Charged Creepers should sound more electrical

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    They are charged and still make the same noise they should sound more electrical

    submitted by /u/xNielsSwitch
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    Minecraft should add the OG tutorial map as a free map on the shop

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    It's nostalgic and great. They could just port it (I think, I'm not a tech guy) and everyone will love it

    submitted by /u/I-Have-Hollow-Bones
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    When you make a Nether Portal incorrectly or try to light it with something that’s not a flint and steel, it explodes and part of the nether bleeds into the Overworld.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I got this idea from ruined portals that appear in the Overworld, and how they seem to have netherack bleeding out of it as part of some accident. I propose that if you make the portal incorrectly (like underwater, not a correct shape, partially wrong blocks, ect-) or try to light the portal with something that you can't light it with (Lightning strike, fire aspect swords, flame bows) then it explodes and has this reaction.

    This would both give cause for the ruined portals in the Overworld (the past civilizations hadn't figured out how to make them correctly yet) as well as be a neat feature imo.

    What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/AnimeNightwingfucku
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    Add Quartz buttons and pressure plates

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    Pretty simple and straightforward addition. We now have black stone buttons and pressure plates, so why not add the opposite with white quartz ones. It would give a nice option for decoration purposes if someone wants to detail their futuristic build with a light coloured button but birch won't do because it has a slight yellow hue to it.

    submitted by /u/TheSoggyLoafGuy
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    Putting down a dragon head should stop all spawning of hostile mobs in that chunk.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Dragon Heads are one of the few truly non-renewable blocks in minecraft. Without introducing a new item, I think it would be a excellent idea to include an end-game item that stops hostile mobs from spawning within a certain chunk. Mainly spiders, creepers, zombies, skeletons and their varients.

    Right now, I'm wanting to build things in survival that are dark and atmospheric for Halloween, but I'm not really able to do so without being bombarded by mobs. And while there are ways around mob spawning and hiding lighting so you don't have to spam torches/lanterns, often times it isn't practical or takes away from what you're trying to create.

    submitted by /u/Roxxer
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    Crawlker (name WIP)- a new hostile cave mob!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I was inspired by the recent posts about more completely unique mobs, so I got to work designing these little dudes.

    Feedback site post (may not be visible yet, and please ignore my crappy username).

    Let's face it, the only thing Minecraft needs more than vertical slabs (/s) is a cave update. And while many great ideas have been focusing on new blocks, items, and biomes, there's one feature of caves that I felt has been extremely lacking-- mobs. Currently, every single mob (other than bats) that spawns in caves can also spawn in many other places, usually at the surface at night. Their only reason for being in caves is that it's dark enough. That's where the crawlker comes in.

    Quick Info

    Crawlkers have 12 health (6 hearts) and 4 armor points. They deal 3.5 damage (easy, and yes, it's possible to lose half a health point), 4 damage (normal), or 5 damage (hard).


    Crawlkers will spawn alone in caves, and only caves. In a technical way of explaining, they can only spawn below Y 50, and only on various "natural" blocks (such as stones/ores). However, they can spawn at any light level, unlike most other monsters. Also, they prefer to spawn on ceilings, though will spawn on other surfaces if no valid ceiling is available.


    Similar to spiders, crawlkers can climb walls, and also ceilings. However, when doing so, their body rotates (so if it's on a ceiling, it would appear upside down). They are also able to jump around, similar to slimes, but when jumping, will try to land on a different surface (if they jumped from the floor, they would prefer to land on a wall or ceiling, for example).


    Crawlkers will hide on the ceilings of caves and wait until the player passes underneath, then jump onto their head and bite them (see the "Quick Info section for damage), and jump away, attempting to repeat the process. Their speed and erratic movement makes them difficult to hit, and will try to stay out of the player's reach when not attacking. If severally wounded, they try to hide (easy with the camouflaged skin).


    Upon death, if killed by the player, crawlkers have a 50% chance to drop a crawlker eye (functionally identical to a spider eye). Also, they randomly drop 0-4 iron nuggets, 0-4 gold nuggets (if in a badlands biome), 0-1emeralds (only a 30% chance, if in a mountains biome), 0-1 diamonds (only a 10% chance, if spawned below Y 15), and 5 XP (under normal XP drop requirements).

    Thanks for reading, and don't forget to upvote the feedback site post (if it's visible)!

    submitted by /u/EpicNecromancer
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    Get rid of the “Too Expensive!” Feature in the anvil.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    I feel like this one should be obvious. With the amount of XP farms being built, I feel that it only makes sense to be able to add more enchantments for higher costs.

    An example: I tried to add thorns III to my otherwise maxed out helmet, but couldn't because it was "too expensive".

    submitted by /u/Im_JuJu
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    A small change to pillagers: skill

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Now pillagers can spawn with having a range of how accurate they could be with their shots, and like villagers, they have colored part of their skin corresponding on their skill level. but for the pillagers, it's their belt buckle and shoulder pads. (thanks to u/Gintoki_87 for telling me that idea!) you could rarely find some that are higher tier, and lower teir ones as well. I think this would add a bit more variety and human quality to the mob. (they of corse would get better on other difficulties)

    this could be suggestion listing but One more idea is that there are now target blocks, and when there is free time, the pillagers can practice on the target. (This part would mostly be for ambience, because right now, illagers kinda just seem like pre 1.14 villagers, just waiting for the player, and staring blankly with no objective in mind). you could also put target blocks in front of the pillagers, and when they aren't angered at you, they just practice and gradually increase skill, so if one guy wants, he could make 40 decked out pillagers, then unleash them on his server.

    Just an idea

    submitted by /u/Universeturkey
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    Rare Nether Biome Variants (Inspired By IBXToyCat)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Rare Nether Biome Variants

    #1- Soul Sand Wastelands

    The soul sand wasteland will be a mostly flat rare variant of the soul sand valley. There in the biome, you will find many littered skeletons and a mob of the fossils, but in a living form. This mob will be called the Soul Breather (I'll eventually do a full breakdown of this mob in a different subreddit) which will be slightly larger than a ravager. Skeletons can ride these Soul Breathers, two at a time. Ghasts will attempt to attack these soul breathers and the soul breather will do otherwise.

    #2- The Eerie Forest

    In The Eerie Forest you will find a strange amount of Hoglins. In fact, all you will find are Hoglins. In this variant of the crimson forest the Hoglins have killed all Piglins in the area, leaving them dominant. The Forest will be more spread out, so crimson trees won't be so close to each other. You will also commonly find fallen crimson trees. This was the outcome of the battle between piglin and hoglin. The
    Hoglins have knocked over many trees in the battle. There will also be multiple craters, which was also
    a outcome of the fight.

    submitted by /u/Pyro-shroom
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    New biome shipwreck graveyard

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I saw a post on the Minecraft feedback website about a Kraken boss. Then I had an idea about a shipwreck graveyard where the Kraken would live. The biome would be littered with shipwrecks and treasure, but would also be rarer than a Mushroom island so it wouldn't be too OP. The Kraken would be in a bigger shipwreck in the middle of the graveyard. You would find this biome by buying a map from a cartographer villager.

    submitted by /u/AppropriateTheme5
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    Craftable Chainmal Armor + Other ideas about chainmal

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    Well, we all know that 1.17 is coming, and it's a likely combat upgrade and mountain biome, so ... Why not add crafting to your chainmail armor? Very well, my idea is that the chainmail is craftable through iron nuggets, something that would give a good compromise between the leather armor and the iron armor, another thing that would be appreciated, would be the chainmail armor be fused with other pieces of armor, just place a netherite chestplate and chainmail chestplate on the smithing table and voilá! We have a netherite chestplate with a thin layer of chainmail. And what would be the use you ask me? Well, the usefulness of chainmail armor fused to another piece of armor would be less damage percentage when it comes to sharp objects, for example sword and ax. In addition to giving more durability to the armor too! To avoid being overpowered, just add the craftable chainmail feature, nothing more. Ps: I had to use google translator, sorry for some grammar mistakes, my native language is not English

    TL;DR: Chainmal armor can be crafted using iron ingots, you can use it alone, but you can mix with another piece of armor in a smithing table, giving just less % of damage when a player/ mob uses a sharp item, like sword and axe. And of course, more hard to break than a normal armor

    submitted by /u/MateusBomtempo
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    Should be able to do the breast stroke on the surface

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Idk why you can't do fast swimming when you surface the same when you can when you are under water

    submitted by /u/fuzzmond
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    Better creepers (in hardcore)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Creepers in hardcore should camoflage to the biome color. Like green in plains and other green biomes, white in snow biomes and sand color in deserts. Only a option in hardcore

    submitted by /u/tjenatjema
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    Blessed Rose

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    It would kind of be the oposite to a Wither Rose. It would heal instead of do damage. When an Iron Golem hold out a flower it could be a Blessed Rose, and you can click on the Golem to take it.

    I don't think it should damage undead mobs, as it would simplify mob grinders and we allready have Magma Blocks, Campfires and Wither Rose which does that.

    submitted by /u/Mollof2
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    Fix Choppy Nether Mob Animations

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    I don't think I'm the only person to have noticed this but the Piglin victory dance and Hoglin attack animations are really choppy to me. They feel as if they are missing a couple key frames and thus don't look smooth and natural. If you need an example watch the trailer released today for Minecraft PSVR, there is a quick moment where the choppiness in the Piglin dance is really apparent. I don't know if I'm actually just going nuts but I've never noticed something similar for Minecraft's other mobs, including new ones; magma cube jumps, zombie attacks, dolphin movements, strider walk cycles all look good to me, but the Piglin and Hoglin animations look unnatural.

    submitted by /u/smeezledeezle
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    A Colision Protection Enchantment and/or More ways to have colision damage

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    More ways to have colision damage:

    First thing its that i thot that the only way getting it is with elytra, its a pretty solid and unique thing but... its only that??? So i thot about putting more ways and types of colision damage not just ocasionaly fall in a lava pool with speed 2.


    Having dolphins grace underwater and hitting your head in certain blocks: Damage

    falliing a big height and putting your head against a wall: damage

    and such.

    A Colision Protection Enchantment

    For that damage there is a protection, and its a suggestion. the enchantment goes level IV and its helmet especific.

    submitted by /u/Topdog_52
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    Make Minecraft feel more alive, not by adding new life, but by changing what's already in it.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    In a couple of my recent posts, I suggested that new, crazy unique mobs be added to the game to help bring new life into the game. However, following these posts and comments from various users, I've realized that this is not the right thing to do. Rather than adding more and more mobs that don't really do anything, we should change how the current mobs behave.

    Farm animals as a whole are pretty boring, mundane, and don't really do much. They should have their own unique behaviors, like Cows traveling in herds, Pigs making mud when it rains and rolling around in it, Chickens grouping up together and making nests to lay eggs in, etc. Additionally, there should be growth cycles to each mob, with different mobs stopping at different colors and sizes from others of their kind. For example, Cows could grow to be larger than the player, but not all of them will. Some will be the same height or shorter when they're done growing.

    Enemies. We have a lot of different enemies, but so many of them behave almost exactly the same that they might as well all be one. The majority of enemies will just run at you and attack. Zombie, Drowned, and Husks are all basically the same mob but with different things they can do. Vindicators, Wither Skeletons, all the Zombie variants, all just run at you and attack. Endermen do the same, but they teleport around a bit as well to make them hard to hit.

    I think they should be much different from each other in a lot of ways. Vindicators should throw their axes at you, and move at a changing speed, in addition to side stepping your attacks while staying close to you. Wither Skeletons should take their skulls off and throw them at you, like the ones the Wither shoots, but they only get one. Then they will stop in place for a second before growing another skull, and if you're close enough then they'll melee attack to push you away. Creepers could hide behind walls if you look in their direction, intentionally trying to sneak up on you rather than running in wildly. These changes would make each mob feel different, and be more engaging to fight without being too difficult to deal with. Each one would have a weakness and a strength to them, as opposed to just being "hit it with a Sword until it turns red."

    Villagers could actually communicate and work with each other, sharing their resources and even decorating their houses, or building new houses! If you trade with one of them, they'll tell their friends, and they'll all come to sell their goods and buy things from you. If you buy stuff from them instead of just selling it, they may eventually give you more than you paid for!

    Endermen could be an actual civilization of alien beings. They could build structures instead of just randomly moving blocks around, so they have a place to stay. You could even be friends with them, so long as you don't look them in the eyes. If you give them proper blocks to build their homes out of, they will leave your area alone and may even invite you to their homes to see what they've built with what you've given them!

    Vanilla Minecraft should be a much livelier, more interactive place. A place full of interesting mobs that have their own lives and their own minds, instead of just randomly wandering around until they wink out of existence again. This could even be applied to upcoming mobs like the Goat and Meerkat. Goats could travel in packs and climb mountains, while Meerkats can dig burrows in the sand and make their own homes (I also think Rabbits should do this, but not just in the desert.) I think living things in Minecraft should feel more alive than they currently do.

    submitted by /u/ZachTheInsaneOne
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    When endermen are angered, they should drop whatever they are holding and attack

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Currently when endermen are angered they go and attack whatever angered them, even with a block in hand. I think it would be cool if they dropped whatever they are holding (in item form) whenever they are angered. This would make them seem even angrier than before, because killing you is the only thing that matters to them after being angered. Plus, this would make farming some blocks a lot easier

    submitted by /u/Chandler8105
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    Add some invasive species

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Invasive species may create huge troubles in dimensions, and give players a new experience if they travel without caring about the consequences. An example could be the mycelium, if he could replace nylium in the nether, or the panda if he were eating chorus.

    The invasive species would also be great if Mojang add more dimensions, or update the end. The mobs could travel easier if this update happen, and players won't let's there portals open too long.

    submitted by /u/Number-unknow
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    Extreme Spawners (spawner within spawner within spawner)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    This suggestion adds 2 things: spawners with higher tiers and reinforcements (+ variants). I will tackle reinforcements first.


    These blocks occupy a thin space like a ladder or vines block and stick to a face of a block as well. Reinforcements can additionally be placed on top of or under a block. The shape of these look like iron bars, so just imagine if iron bars were able to be placed flat on a block. There are 2 types:

    Iron Spike Reinforcements:These take thrice as long to remove as iron bars (Hardness: 5*3 =15). They have spiky protrusions like a cactus, and like a cactus, also damage mobs/entities colliding with it. If splash potion of poison is used on them, their blockstate turns to poison-laced. The next entity it damages, will be dealt poison and removes the poison-laced status. You may also use a splash water bottle to remove the poison-lace.

    Obsidian Reinforcements:These take half as long to remove as obsidian blocks (Hardness: 50/2 =25). Iron and Gold tier pickaxes can be used on these.


    I will explain the spawners starting from the highest tier because the nature of these spawners is easier to explain that way.

    Obsidian-tier Spawner:

    • This spawner takes as long as obsidian to remove (Hardness: 50 Blast Resistance 1,200). (Efficiency V gold pickaxe prolly best to deal with it)
    • When generated, iron spike reinforcements surround its every face.
    • For every reinforcement that the obsidian spawner can sense attached to its faces, the hardness increases by 5 for a total of 80 hardness.
    • As the highest tier spawner, it ignores light level requirements to spawn its mob.
    • When broken, lava particle effects surround it and sets aflame anything 1.5 blocks from it. It then spawns the mob it contains with the maximum number an attempt can; and turns into a Crystal-tier Spawner with an invulnerable block state (Hardness: 18,000,000 Blast Resistance 3,600,000). Every 15-40 ticks, there is a 10% chance it turns invulnerable, adding 5% with each attempt.

    Crystal-tier Spawner

    • This spawner takes half as long as obsidian to remove (Hardness: 25 Blast Resistance: 1,200).
    • Hardness increases by 4 per reinforcement surrounding it (total: 49).
    • Every 40-80 ticks, it chooses an adjacent tile, prioritizing those without a reinforcement attached. If the tile has no reinforcement, generates an iron spike reinforcement on that face. If the tile has an iron spike reinforcement on that face, replaces that reinforcement with obsidian reinforcement.
    • While invulnerable, it can still spawn mobs like a regular spawner.
    • This spawner has 50% chance to ignore light level requirements per attempt.
    • When broken, drops 4-8 nether quartz. It then spawns the mob it contains with the maximum number an attempt can; and turns into Bone-laced Spawner with an invulnerable block state. Every 15-40 ticks, there is a 15% chant it turns invulnerable, adding 7% with each attempt.

    Bone-laced Spawner

    • This spawner has 20 Hardness and 5 Blast Resistance.
    • Every 40-80 ticks, it chooses an adjacent empty tile and generates an iron spike reinforcement on that face.
    • While invulnerable, it can still spawn mobs like a regular spawner.
    • This spawner has 12% chance to ignore light level requirements per attempt
    • When broken, it spawns the mob it contains with the maximum number an attempt can; and turns into a normal spawner.

    Mirror Spawner

    • This spawner is a regular spawner but with inverted light level requirements.
    • Best paired with non-inverted spawners for a challenge. Surround with iron bars/reinforcements to amp up the difficulty.
    submitted by /u/Yan-gi
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    A gamerule to adjust the speed of one ingame day

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    It could be something like "/gamerule dayLightCycleSpeed [any number you want]"

    This number would tell the game how many ticks you want in a day, it could be fun for weird survival challenges, and useful for some creative stuff. Of course the default would be 24.000.

    submitted by /u/attemptnumber58
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    More types of creepers

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Think about it, the zombie has 3 varients, Drowned, Husk, and Pigman. And the skeleton has 2 varients, wither and the stray, and the spider even has a varient, cave spider! Why not just add a new varient to the Minecraft Mascot? Right now they only have a really rare charged creeper, even adding camo to creepers would be cool! Imagine a creeper in the end that can teleport and the explosion can be a random size up to 3x that of a normal creeper! My ideas really suck so i would like to hear any other ideas.

    submitted by /u/UnfunnyJokerMain
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