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    Minecraft Corral blocks should remain live within a Conduit's range

    Minecraft Corral blocks should remain live within a Conduit's range

    Corral blocks should remain live within a Conduit's range

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    One of the strengths of building in minecraft is that materials can be used in unconventional ways: accacia logs can be a stone material, basalt can be a burnt log, anvils can be railings... However live coral blocks (including their "plant" variants) are extremely limited due to requiring an adjacent water block: you very rarely see them used outside of aquariums where they just serve as, well, coral blocks.

    Their mechanic is similar to copper, where the initial texture is very vibrant and situational but you still want to have it at your disposal for building. However there will be a way to preserve copper, so there should be an easier way to preserve coral as well.

    I suggest that live coral blocks (and their non-block variants) remain live within a Conduit's effective range. Coral that was already dead will remain dead.

    Why conduits? Because they need an identity outside of being just "underwater beacon" (i.e. expensive block + structure that applies a status effect). It also doesn't make live coral "free" to use, as you still need to gather the materials for the conduit and hide it somewhere. It retains the challenge of placing something to keep the coral alive, but it's much more flexible than what we currently have. Also if conduits are these magical "hearts of the sea" that can bestow water powers to players, it doesn't seem far fetched that their influence could preserve sealife.

    submitted by /u/Gouchnox
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    With Archeology in Minecraft it’s time to give desert wells a use

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Now that Mojang has announced archeology wouldn't it make sense if around desert wells these dig spots were more common? Desert wells are the most useless structure in the game, with rivers often spawning right next to it and it being made out of sandstone on top of no loot it's easy to see why it's the worst structure. They obviously have some history to them however so it's be a cool feature if archeology spots were more common around desert wells.

    submitted by /u/JodenTheWierdo
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    Lakes should be a biome

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Instead of having rivers, large land masses and nothing in between, there should be a lake biome that generates as small shallow patches of water in between larger landmasses while not being ocean biomes. The downside I could think of is that it could change the world generator and cause these weird cuts in the landscape

    submitted by /u/MrObsidy
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    Warden’s Anticheese: “Builders Bane”

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    The Elder guardian provides the mining fatigue affect. What if the Warden produces a similar effect? I present the effect "Builders Bane". The Warden is similar to the Iron Golem in the methods of cheesing. Exploiters would probably build a 4-3 block tall tower to kill the Warden. Builders Bane comes to the rescue by adding a 5 to 10 second cool down between the placing of the first block and the placing of the second. This is a better alternative to the others mentioned. I hope you like this suggestion!

    Edit: Thanks for 300 upvotes. A nice surprise to wake up to in the morning. I want to clear up two misconceptions. Building is a key aspect in Minecraft's combat. I do not want to take that away entirely. This effect forces the player to use the Wardens vibration mechanic. Something that would be disregarded with a simple 4-5 block tower. To those who argue that they shouldn't be careful when mining. Do I have to remind you what game we are playing? The underground is the place most players are already cautious in. Lava pools and gravel are supposed to make you think twice before moving.

    I appreciate your critiques, but some of them are flawed. The balancing issues are something Mojang will probably work on. Thank you all for your comments and respectfulness. I love a civil debate. Wish you all luck.

    submitted by /u/Blueskysredbirds
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    Update for Minecarts in the new Caves and Cliff Update

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    1. Make the Minecart with Furnace better:Add An interface somewhat simular to the one of the Furnace with a slot for Fuel, so the player can keep track of how much fuel the Cart uses, with two Arrows and a Stop-Button. With the Arrows the Player can change the Direction the Minecart is heading, the Stop-Button is selfexplanitory.

    2.New Mineshaft-Generation: Mineshafts now have an entrance at the Surface,and are completly connected with Rails, going trough big caves, simular to the minecart tracks one can find in Terraria. Now the Player can use his Minecart to easely explore the Caves.

    3.Connectors, a new item/a new use for Chains :Use this item to connect 2 Minecarts with eachother. Now finally the Player can make longer trains that keep toghether and explore the Caves.

    All of these new features finally turn the Minecarts to a usefull tool to explore and travel


    submitted by /u/I-Maser
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    We need a structure update

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Like the title said, now that we have a whole bunch of new aesthetic blocks and redstone traps, it would be cool to update the look of the old structures like strongholds, jungle temples, and maybe nether fortress (yes, I know we just had a nether update, but the beautiful details around it just make fortresses seem bland now). I am not suggesting we change stuff like desert temples, they're balanced and still good looking, but jungle temples have become lackluster, what with their lack of good loot and generic, easy puzzles. But my main change would be to the strongholds, adding in chains here and there and slabs in the floor/ceiling would be really cool and good for the aesthetic. As well as some other visual improvements.

    submitted by /u/Destt2
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    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    In 1.17 there will be a new feature to the game, archeology. Also, in the Nether you can find fossils of massive extinct creatures. I think Mojang could put these features together and make paleontology.

    Paleontology would work in the game by mining fossils and bones in caves and badlands. There will be different types of fossils(listed below) and they would be used for several things. You could make paintings of the fossils you find, use fossils as decorations, get skeleton heads and even get enchantments of knowledge. Below is everything I just stated in detail

    Types of fossils

    Dragon-Found in the End and in Deserts, these massive fossils are the remains of an ancient species of mobs, the Elskers(kind of like ender).

    Wither-Found in the Nether, you can craft wither skeleton heads from these

    Mammalian-Found in all overworld biomes, these are the remains of sheep, cows, pig and goats.

    Caveagers-Found near villages, these are the skeletons of ancestors of villagers

    Birds- Found in plains and jungles, these are the bones left behind of chickens and parrots

    Phantoms- Found in mountains and taiga

    Pigmen- The ancestors of piglen, found in the nether

    Amber trees- Found in all biomes with trees, you can craft these together to get fossil wood

    Uses of fossils

    Paintings- When mining any fossil, a painting of that fossil will appear in your inventory. When you find the whole skeleton, a painting of that fossil with a light outline of the creature will appear

    Decorations- You can use all fossils as decorations for houses

    Knowledge enchantments-You can use fossil knowledge that is stored near your inventory by mining fossils, you can make enchantments to armor such as extinction(deals damage you take back to your enemies) and/or past is the future enchantment (shows you the paths the mob may take in the future)

    Eyes of Ender- Another way to get eyes of ender is finding very rare dragon fossils and crafting 9 fossil fragments to get an eye of ender

    Wither-You can use wither fossils to craft a wither skeleton head that can spawn the wither

    Trading- Pillagers and illagers will take caveager fossils and give you weapons in return. Piglens will also appreciate pigmen fossils.

    Lucky bone-When mining bird fossils you may get a lucky bone which you can eat. The effects from the lucky bone will be random and may be lucky or unlucky

    Phantom Membranes-Crafting 2 phantom fossils will give you a phantom membrane

    Fossil wood- A whitish gray wood plank that can be crafted from tree amber fossils and be used for decorations

    Fossil Armor-Can be made by crafting one of each fossil blocks together, and will be as strong as gold, but will last almost forever

    Well, that is all for paleontology in Minecraft, I hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    An advancement for when your elytra breaks mid-air

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    It could be called: "Houston we have a problem"

    submitted by /u/Fundzila
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    Fixing leads

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    As of now, leads are very annoying to deal with. Here are some ideas I came up with.

    • Snapping sound when broken

    It would be very useful to know when the mooshroom you were taking to your base got lost in the middle of the ocean (personal experience)

    • Dealing with a bunch of animals attached to a fence post

    Sometimes, you are in this situation and only need to detach one mob. Instead of having to left-click the fence and freeing all mobs, it should work by left-clicking it and dropping the lead.

    • Attached mobs should be faster, and increased maximum length

    You have to check each step if you went too fast and the lead detached. Again, personal experience.

    • Attaching leads to boats

    This is already in the bedrock edition, and it's really useful to easily transport mobs.

    • Attaching fence posts

    Attaching a fence to another with a lead would be really useful for building, and it should have a hitbox to properly act as a railing.

    I would like to hear opinions and criticism.

    submitted by /u/A_man_in_lego_city
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    Podzol and mycelium paths

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    Right clicking podzol and mycelium with any kind of shovel turns them into podzol and mycelium path blocks.

    Link to the feedback site go vote there

    submitted by /u/Qzimyion
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    Amethyst + Note block

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Placing a note block on the Amethyst geode block should produce a wind chimes sound.

    Note: I do know the bell sound is in the game, but this is different.

    submitted by /u/Blueskysredbirds
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    Archaeology gives clues to usful features nearby, including things underground.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    So if you find pickaxes, that might indicate a mineshaft near by. amethyst - maybe a geode nerby. Skelly bones, maybe a skelly spawer. You get the idea. I think it could be a real clue as to what you could dig for. But can give clues to above ground things too.

    Archaeology should be about finding out storys, not about finding useful loot directly. I'd like to see the archaeology sites relitivly common, but subtle, so the unobservant might not notice them, or you choose to ignore them. (Not massive pre-dug hole) In real life, you'd spote a site by something stick out the ground - so you could look for more in the same area. And ff you look, you might get some intresting and useful hints about whats about. These hits would be mixed in with other story elemets which are more for general lore speculaiton.

    submitted by /u/jenopus
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    Crab Idea! ��

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    With all of the new updates announced lately, Minecraft will be changed extremely. And I'm sure that this is the busiest Mojang has ever been when working on this game. But as a suggestion for a future update in the upcoming years, Mojang should add crabs as mobs to beaches.

    Crabs would bring even more life to areas near the sea and would help set a better tone to those areas. If you were to kill them, you could get crab meat or dried kelp to eat. This would give players another food source that they can farm. Crabs could even drop crab shells that you can craft beachy decorations with. Crab shells could also be used for crab shell armor. A new chest piece players can wear that would give underwater buffs (like the turtle shell helmet). It could give you the defense of iron or diamond armor chest pieces, but would give you infinite depth strider. On the player, it would be a bit wider and beefy-er looking than the other armors to match the shell look, and would have little claw like sleeves that go down the players arms.

    Crabs could spawn on beach surfaces and can pop out of sand when its broken (similar to silverfish). Crabs could also maybe build little sand castles that players can obtain with silk touch or have a mechanic of making prettier sand for beach builds. There's a lot that they could do with crabs.

    But also, just who wouldn't want to see a crab rave going on next to a jukebox?

    submitted by /u/ItsHomeFries
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    The game could use more simple, non-temple structures

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Don't hate me for this, but desert wells are actually one of my favorite structures in the game. They're not amazing, mind you. The reason I like them is because they're intentionally simple. They're not a level or obstacle, they're just a decoration. The only real problem with them is that they're the only structure like this.

    Well, that and the over abundance of water in deserts, but I digress.

    Mojang's been making an effort to make the game feel more alive, and they've been doing a great job. However, as I elaborated here, biomes in general need an update. Simple structures wouldn't add a direct reward for exploring, but they'd still make exploration more interesting. There can be recognizable landmarks to help guide you back home, or even just further implications of a larger story, perhaps with two second seasons or something. Here are a few ideas I've had in mind for plains:

    1. Roads made of grass paths, gravel, cobblestone and coarse dirt.

    2. Bridges above ravines and rivers.

    3. Ruined houses, independent of zombie villages.

    4. Debris, a rarely generating structure resembling the wall of a castle.

    5. Flag posts, made of wool and fence posts.

    6. Picnic table, complete with blanket and a chest.

    7. A much smaller, sometimes abandoned illager outpost.

    8. Unlabeled signs not actually made of signs.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Alter weather to affect only specific biome types at a time.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    For example, if it's the "plains" biomes' turn to get rain for awhile, then it rains anywhere there's a plains biome or a biome adjacent to one. (If rain is allowed there).

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Horned helmet - Headbutt your enemies!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    With the addition of the goats, it could be a great way to introduce a new combat mechanic - charging. When a goat dies it has a 50% to drop a horn. Crafting to horns on each side of an iron or a golden helmet (and only iron and gold) will create a horned helmet. With this helmet you can damage mobs by bumping into them. The bigger your speed is, the greater the damage is (until a certain threshold). And the more damage you make, the faster the helmet breaks.

    submitted by /u/dankdannyk
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    Killer bunny update

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    With Halloween around the corner it would be nice to see some spooky new features, my favorite discarded feature is the killer bunny and I feel like the killer bunny needs it's own structure, hear me out

    The killer bunny can have a burro on the side of a plains hill, it will be podzol and coarse dirt. They are rare but when they occur are usually a couple chunks from a village or dungeon.

    the bunny will be under until a player gets near, once you kill it the drop will be rabbits tooth which can make a potion, the potion can give you rabbits fury which gives you strength and let's you see mobs 16 blocks away since they detect players from 16 blocks away, giving mobs the glowing effects as well as night vision.


    Killing the rabbit let's you go to the chest which contains either, golden carrots, diamonds, gold, skeleton head, bones rotten flesh spider eyes, rabbits foot, maybe a enchanted stone or maybe iron sword, and emeralds. Above the chest will be an item Frame with an enchanted golden carrot.

    Enchanted golden carrots will give you luck, since rabbits give luck, strength since it's strong, jump boost, some regeneration, and night vision since they eat carrots which helps see.

    Let me know what you think and if you want I'll make a post with pictures of the structure

    submitted by /u/Homie_Waffle
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    Abandoned Castle Concept

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    The abandoned castle will be a new structure that generates in taiga, badlands, savannah and regular forests. Castles will be surrounded by a moat of water and a 3 block cobblestone wall. The overall size of the castle will be about the size of a desert temple. Inside the castle there will be a few rooms with loot and spawners. Some castles are not abandoned and will have villagers in them. The castles will also have dungeons below them. Sometimes villages will spawn around castles. Castles also may have illagers and a evoker king.

    A new mob is also in the castle, a crowned. This mix of a zombie and skeleton will spawn a sort of evoker fang like trap. Killing the crowned will give you a crown. You can put crowns on like a helmet, and would be mainly used for decoration.

    Another mob will be the servant, a mob that defends the crowned. This servant will have a hood on it as well as horns.

    Well, that was the castle structure for Minecraft! I hope you all enjoyed.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    Add "Structure Update" to the FPS list

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of posts recently saying that Minecraft's structures are outdated and need to be updated. A lot of these posts are vague and don't include specific ways to update the structures. While I agree with this idea to some extent, I feel like people are suggesting it too frequently. Because of this, I propose adding "Update old/existing structures" or some variation of this to the FPS list.

    submitted by /u/Legoman1342
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    Llamas shouldn’t spit at each other more than twice

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    They often end up slowly killing each other and there's not much the player can do to stop it. It's a small change but I think it is needed.

    submitted by /u/Juls_15
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    Adaptable caves

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I personally feel like with the new update whilst the cave gen is amazing, making it so caves can adapt to what biome they are in to have different blocks and mobs in them. This could just increase the immersion a lot overall.

    submitted by /u/ARandomPerson1859
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    Mother Spider Boss

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    since caves are being updated, let's give Mineshafts some love. Instead of Vave Spiders Spawners, generate a Giant Spider Egg. when destroyed, this will summon the Mother Spider.

    It's a giant version of a Spider, with very slow movement speed. it summons smaller versions of Cave Spiders to attack you, and will also spit Venom. (rename Lethal Poison to Venom).

    On its death the Mother Spider will drop 7-12 Spider Fangs. these can be used to craft:

    8 Bottles + 1 Fang = Vial of Venom, which can be used to tip Arrows. Venom Arrows, which apply venom for a longer duration than Poison Arrows do. l

    1 Iron Sword + 1 Spider Fang in a Smithing Table gives a Venom Tipped Sword. This will do 5 damage like regular Iron, but inflict Venom.

    5 Leather + 1 String + 3 Spider Fang = Spider Climbing Glove. When worn on the Offhand, this will let you climb walls like a Spider.

    Not only will all this give something to do in Mineshafts, it also spices up the strategy for the Wither and Ender Dragon, since the new Meta would probably be to hit with Venom and then switch to a stronger weapon until the debuf runs out. It also makes Bane of Arthropods not useless.

    Maybe the Eggs can also spawn in Jungle Temples

    submitted by /u/Steffwinn
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    Underground civilizations

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Any kind abandoned, inhabited, hostile or not, I'd love to see some sort of underground civilization. Thoughts or suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Goose_monkey95
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