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    Minecraft Puddles/Patches of Slime to Identify Slime Chunks

    Minecraft Puddles/Patches of Slime to Identify Slime Chunks

    Puddles/Patches of Slime to Identify Slime Chunks

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:39 AM PST

    Finding slime chunks can be a chore. You could dig out a huge area underground and still get no slime spawning, if the surrounding caves aren't lit up yet. A lot of people choose to enter the world seed into an online slime chunk finder, rather than deal with that. It would be nice if there were something in-game that would let you know for certain that you had just found a slime chunk. What about slime puddles/patches?.

    They could appear in naturally generated caves at slime spawning heights, when the chunk is first generated. Probably only one or two puddles per chunk. Maybe occasionally in swamps, next to the water. I'm imagining that they'd basically look like carpet, only slime colored, and maybe semi-transparent. You could scoop them up with a shovel and get a slime ball, and you could craft more slime patches from slime balls. They'd probably slow you down when you walked on them, but maybe slimes would move faster on them, like they're sliding on ice between hops. They would be too thin to totally negate fall damage like slime blocks can, but maybe they could reduce it a bit, like hay bales do. Maybe they'd have a small chance to appear when a big enough slime hops around.

    submitted by /u/JourneymanJ
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    Mushlings: A New Cave Mob (includes pictures and gifs of little fungi boi)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Mushlings: A New Cave Mob (includes pictures and gifs of little fungi boi)

    TL;DR: Tamable neutral mushroom boi that can release spore clouds when threatened or startled to inflict status effects before running away to hide. Is curious, but a scaredy cat so untamed Mushlings hide when being looked at and move closer to get a better look at players when their backs are turned. Found deep in semi-rare mushroom cave biomes.

    Official feedback site link: Cave mob idea: Mushlings

    Mushlings would be miniature humanoid mushroom creatures with a relatively large mushroom cap, little stumpy legs and arms, big eyes, but no mouth. It's small so it can naturally fit through 1 block spaces.



    They would spawn in small groups and are neutral, like wolves. Though when threatened they would release a cloud of spores in self defense that act like splash potions, inflicting hindering/harmful status effects, before running away to hide instead of actively attacking.

    Could use dust particles to better represent spores

    Sorry, I don't know how to animate damage effects or particles in Blockbench >.>

    They are naturally skittish, though curious. When found naturally they will disguise themselves as mushrooms while players are looking at them then approach at a short distance when players aren't looking.

    He wants hugs

    They could be tamed with mid-game mushroom-like items (crimson/twisted fungi maybe nether wart), with a similar chance to taming wolves with bones. However, upon failure to tame, they become startled and release a spore cloud then run away to hide. Though they don't continue to run from the player after hiding as if they were attacked and the chance to tame could be improved by crouching while taming.

    Tamed Mushlings follow the player and will act as healers, releasing spores that buff/heal allies when necessary and debuff/harm enemies if attacked. They can be put in a stationary state by interacting with them like tamed wolves, making them go into their hiding mushroom state. Enemies won't target them when hiding. They could passively heal while in the hiding state as if the mycelium sprouting from their bottom is absorbing nutrients from the ground.

    Untamed Mushlings could also be startled by certain things like sprinting near them, breaking the block they're sitting on, projectiles landing near them, placing blocks beside them, etc.

    They could be found in a semi-rare fungal cave biome, living and hiding amongst the mushrooms. This isn't really the place to describe a mushroom cave biome, so just imagine a biome with the same density and diversity of the lush caves, but fungi-themed.

    submitted by /u/Devorj6
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    Mob AI should adjust to difficulty

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:08 AM PST

    Currently, mob attributes are the only ones that get affected by difficulty so I have a bit of ideas for making difficulty scaling a bit better by making mob AI adjust to it.

    (Note: zombies are the only ones with an AI difference in certain difficulties and it is their ability to break doors)


    -Withers should have a melee attack in Hard.

    -Spiders will always be hostile and maybe even have a web trap attack in Hard.

    -Skeletons shouldn't strafe in Easy.

    -Pillagers should back off like piglins do when ranged attacking in Hard.

    -Ender dragon should have a new attack type in every difficulty.

    -Witches should be able to throw more dangerous potion types at the player in higher difficulties and also back off when attacking like piglins do in Hard.

    -Shulkers should have a chance to teleport when closing their shells in Hard.

    -Mobs should also be able to pathfind more carefully in higher difficulties.

    -Mobs should run from possible dangers like primed creepers or TNT in Hard.

    My main idea is to add a bit of "natural" difficulty to Minecraft's difficulty scaling as it's current difficulty system is mostly controlled by artificial difficulty through attribute "sliders".

    submitted by /u/Daiyousei_
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    Cave Hallucinations

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Let's say you are in a cave mining in your safe zone and out of the sudden in dark areas you see a spectral creeper staring at you. If you moved your mouse to look around, it suddenly disappear and you hear cave sounds.

    Basically, the idea behind this is to add an origin behind the cave noise and maybe make caves a little more frightening.

    If you haven't slept for a few days or you stayed in caves for a few days, you will start to experience hallucinations. This can range from spectral versions of any monsters, rare ores or even Herobrine himself. If you moved your mouse too close to them, they will instantly disappear and play a cave noise. It will "spawn" far from your mouse but within your FOV.

    If you managed to see one of them, you will get an advancement named "What was that?". If this is too scary, it can be toggled off in video settings and hide the advancement.

    submitted by /u/ColbiteBlaze
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    In 1.17, Jack o' Lanterns should be crafted with a candle instead of a torch.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Candles are being added in 1.17. It would make more sense to use these to craft Jack o' Lanterns instead of a torch, because in real life, candles are used instead of a torch.

    This will also add a reason for players to get honeycomb, since honeycomb is needed to craft candles.

    submitted by /u/PhantomMembrane102
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    Soul candles!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:38 AM PST

    What the title says

    Fire: soul fire Torches: soul torches Campfire: soul campfire Lantern: soul lantern Candle: SOUL CANDLE

    And while we're at it, Jack 'o lantern: soul Jack 'o lantern

    submitted by /u/Zombieattackr
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    Change the Powered Rail recipe to use copper ingots

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:19 AM PST

    (Edit: I just find out that gold can also be used as a eletrical component, so unless if we consider the piglin "issue", we can just scrap this idea)

    I think that makes sense. Copper in real life is a eletrical component, and already has some redstone uses in-game. The only problem maybe is that gold is renewable and copper not (unless if they add some renewable source of this in the future), so it may turn getting Powered Rails more difficult.

    This would also make it consistent with the fact that piglins aren't attracted by it, despite of it being made with gold. So this change would "fix" this.

    The texture would be changed to resemble copper as well.

    submitted by /u/Brun333rp
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    All trees will have at least one sapling.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:59 AM PST

    It's really annoying whenever I cut down a tree and because of RNG I get no saplings.

    So, I propose making each leaf block be predetermined to have a sapling or not the moment they are grown. When a tree is made, it will ensure that at least one of the leaf blocks contains a sapling, then it just random chances the rest.

    submitted by /u/Garden__Spider
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    /locate support for dungeons/spawners

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:50 AM PST

    the /locate command still doesn't work for dungeons/spawners. dont know why they haven't added it yet.

    submitted by /u/sucywaffle
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    Wandering Traders should be Santa for Christmas

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:01 PM PST

    This would be a cool little easter egg like how we have presents instead of chests for Christmas. This would include Christmas eve and Christmas. Perhaps trading llamas could have red noses and antlers?

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Fletching tables should be used to inhance the uses of tipped arrows

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:09 AM PST

    In brewing stands you can affect the potion effects using glowstone,redstone and or gunpowder so you should be able to do the same to the potion effects of tipped arrows using a fletching table

    submitted by /u/beanmAn11
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    When you complete an acheivement, depending on how difficult it is you will be granted XP

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:07 AM PST

    Say getting wood, would get you like 3 xp, but how did we get here would get you like 30 levels

    submitted by /u/StaleBread-187
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    Fog should be a weather type.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:59 AM PST

    I'm honestly surprised this isn't a feature but it would add an ominous vibe to the environment.

    submitted by /u/HOT-DOG-PIE
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    Ice Caves with Ice Stalagmites

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Icy Cavern would be an underground biome found in cold areas. May feature Ice Stalagmites and Powdered/Snow cave ins blocking routes to hidden areas or different biomes. Would consist of gently sloping, closed in tunnels which loop around into a centralized large cavern, as if formed by underground glaciers. Ice spikes will be a key component in the design of the biome. A nice touch to this biome would be if more fossils formed in these biomes due to the sub-zero temperatures. My last suggestion, other than Stray dungeons replacing skeleton ones, would be hidden loot chests buried in the ice and/or snow.

    submitted by /u/opverteratic
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    Minecraft should add rubies and sapphires. (No wait hear me out)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:28 PM PST

    So, I'm a little into chemistry and somewhere along the way, I've learned that emeralds, rubies, and sapphires are the same mineral with slight different imperfections. So if emeralds exist, shouldn't rubies and sapphires? BUT instead of making OP gem armor like all the other modders(I have seen WAY too many mods that do this), make them act more like emeralds, sort of like a different currency. Different types of villages would use different currency, and it would add to the diversity of villages. Currently, the different types of villages are just the same things with different skins. You could also add a different villager job, called the "banker". his job block could be a "vault" and would trade between different currencies. This would also allow for better economics in the game. For example, in village "A", you get 1 emerald for 21 wheat. In the same village, the banker trades 2 rubies for 1 emerald. But in village "B", you could get 4 rubies for 25 wheat. You could get a lot more money this way, and the only downside would be a little travel time. Wandering traders would also trade for all the different types of currency, because they spawn everywhere. The generation rates for rubies and sapphires would probably be the same as emeralds, just in different cave biomes where different things are present. Thus concludes my rant. I hope this becomes a feature and would be a very interesting thing to play around with.

    submitted by /u/AVrobocat
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    Make lightning happen before thunder

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:00 AM PST

    In real life, since light travels much faster than sound, we see light before the thunder. So I was thinking about adding this feature to minecraft.

    When lightning is close or it's produced by a channeling trident, it's not affected. But when it happens at some distance, there should be a difference of time between light and sound, depending the distance it happens from the player (you can actually calculate where lightning is by the gap of time irl).

    submitted by /u/al3x_7788
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    If a slime touches a slime ball/block it changes.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    If a slime jumps onto a slime ball, it would grow into a new size. This would also introduce quarters of size, so a baby slime would be size 1,but then it could go size 1 1/4, etc. Slime balls would increase a slime size by a quarter.

    If a slime jumped onto a slime block, placed or dropped, it would grow one full size. If a slime is at max size, it would get more jump power.

    submitted by /u/Ge4ty
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    When an explosion happens near you, your screenshakes and you loose hearing for a second.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Similar to real life, Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and just the normal explosion shake would add more realism to Minecraft explosions. If you dont know, when a explosion happens beside you in real life, you loose hearing and hear a deafening eerie sound. This could also make for some cool combat action. This would work with fireballs, tnt and fireworks. It depends on your range from the explosion. You can turn the noice-induced hearing loss off in settings. You can turn of the screenshake in dynamic fov.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Enchantment: Cold Point

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:26 AM PST

    With the addition of freezing damage, there should be an enchantment with the same rarity as Fire Aspect called Cold Point.

    When hit with a Cold Point weapon, the freezing screen effect would appear every hit meaning you have to hit your victim a few times before it actually received freezing damage (highest level instantly gives freezing damage).

    The more visible the freezing effect gets, the more slower you become but not as slow as slowness making it easier for you to strike the victim and prevent the victim from running.

    The damage is the same as your normal freezing damage but it doesn't depend on difficulty however fire-based mobs receive more damage but cold-based mobs receive less.

    submitted by /u/ColbiteBlaze
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    Revisited Dungeons

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:36 PM PST

    I understand that mojang doesn't like altering old structures like nether fortresses. I realise that mojang has it's reasons, but dungeons are surprisingly lackluster in today's meta, and have therefore build my suggestion around that fact.

    The first part of my suggestion is having custom loot chests based on what mob is inside the spawner, for instance: spider spawners have more string, skeleton spawners have more bones, and zombie spawners have more rotten flesh. Loot such as saddles, name tags, golden apples, and music discs would be unchanged.

    The second part of my suggestion is having the biome specific hostile mobs such as drowns, husks, and strays replace the regular spawners in there respective biomes. A feature like this doesn't alter the original spawners in any way, while adding more features to the concept. This feature could allow for the farming of drops such as slowness arrows and tridents more cheaply.

    The final part of my suggestion is having a new entity NBT tag called: spawned_from_spawner. This tag makes the entity drop 1.5x more loot and experience when killed. This tag can make it more viable to farm dungeons instead of making late game farms taking hours on end to construct, just to enchant some armor.

    I am not proposing a grand undertaking where you turn the simple dungeon into a pseudo-stronghold, instead, just bringing the feature back into the modern meta.

    submitted by /u/opverteratic
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    1.17 feature idea

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST

    It's called the teleportation block and if you eat a chorus fruit within a 20 block radius around it you will teleport next to it instead of a random location. And If there are multiple teleportation blocks around you then you will teleport to the closest one.

    Standing ontop of it will deactivate it so you could teleport between two if you had one in your house and one in a cave below for example.

    Here's a visual representation of it and the crafting recipe. Image

    submitted by /u/produst129
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    mining redstone blocks should actually need an iron pickaxe to mine

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:17 PM PST

    So to mine redstone ore takes an iron pickaxe, but mining a redstone block only takes a wooden pickaxe. That makes no sense

    submitted by /u/BasherBomber
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    Calcite should be found in Soul Sand Valleys

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:15 PM PST

    Ok, so, the title is pretty self-explanatory, but, I feel like calcite (and tuff) shouldn't be very rare. I feel like they could be either found underground or in small surface piles. My logic of them being in soul sand valleys is that they have bones, and bones contain calcium, which is what calcite is made of.

    submitted by /u/xXCreppRubyXx
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    Pillager Towns (Updated)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Tldr; pillager towns would be found in badlands and would have shacks, tents, storagerooms, saloons, pens, watchtowers and cages in them. They would have pillagers, ravagers, vindicators and witches in them. You can capture a town and you would get bad omen 3 and pillagers will stop spawning, whatever pillagers that are left will despawn.

    Pillager towns would be a rare clutter of structures found in the Badlands. Pillager towns would have pillagers and ravagers in them along with the occasional vindicator and witch. There would be 7 different buildings in these towns. You could capture this town by killing 90% of the pillagers, vindicators and ravagers in the town; which would give you bad omen III and would also give you the advancement: "This town aint big enough for the both of us!" If you capture a town, pillagers will stop spawning and whatever pillagers that are left will despawn.


    Saloons would be large two-story buildings with chairs and a bar. Pillagers would love chilling in here and would make talking sounds when inside a saloon. Witches would make potions and pillagers would drink said potions. These potions would usually be regeneration, strength, turtle master, etc. Saloons would also have potions in a back storage room and would also house other things like brewing ingridients including a possible number of nether wart, ghast tears and blaze powder. There would be a jukebox that infintely plays a exclusive wild-west music disc on the second floor. Along with the jukebox, there would be seats by a deck and a couple of rooms for visitors; which would house emeralds, axes and other loots. There would only be one saloon per town.


    Tents would be numerous in pillager towns. They would be in a variety of colors with banners sticking off of them. Tents would house a chest with loots in them and a cozy bed. Tents would come in many shapes and sizes.


    There would be some pens in pillager towns. Pens would be decently large structures with food and water in them. They would house ravagers. There would be barrels in pens with alot of wheat. Not sure it's worth it though..


    There would be a couple storages in pillager towns. Storages would be made of stone bricks, bricks and concrete sometimes. They would have a iron door and would house alot of loot such as food, minerals and metals. They would be constantly guarded by pillager guards. Storages would have a chance to have a secret basement which would lead to a thick reinforced vault guarded heavily by two armoured vindicators. Being the vault door would be many chests and iron blocks, emeralds blocks and gold blocks with plenty of diamonds in these chests with enchanted books and enchanted weapons along with exp bottles. The vault room would be made of polished diorite, andersite, granite and copper; 3 blocks thick at that. There should be atleast 3 storages in a town with atleast 1 vault.


    Several shacks can be found in pillager towns. Shacks would house axes, crossbows and armor sets with durability of a variety. Shacks would also have bunk-beds and barrels full of apples, pies and bread along with honey bottles and berries. Made of a variety of wood.


    Watchtowers would be pretty straight forward. They would surround the town walls and would fire at invading players. If a watchtower sees a player, they will blow a horn with all nearby pillagers reporting to the location. They would look something like pillager outposts but on a much smaller scale.


    Cages would be iron barred 4×4 cages that house villagers and iron golems. Obviously the villagers would be jobless and would be children when the structure is first found; iron golems would be damaged and weak. If you save the villagers, they will give you large discounts, similar to when you cure a zombie villager.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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