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    Minecraft What if the spruce and jungle saplings were two tall high when placed.

    Minecraft What if the spruce and jungle saplings were two tall high when placed.

    What if the spruce and jungle saplings were two tall high when placed.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    We have a few different two high plants, what if the spruce and jungle saplings were two tall high when placed. Right now we have no two tall high saplings, and when you think of spruce and jungle you think of their height compared to others. This wouldn't effect anything but it would be interesting to see as a variation.

    submitted by /u/Charliepnda
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    Azalea wood

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:45 AM PDT

    Azalea trees are clearly a new type of tree, with unique leaves, saplings, and to top at all, they lead to the new lush caves. So my question is : why don't we have a new type of wood too ? This would be logical. Azalea leaves just don't match with oak logs.

    Someone that as already suggested the same has made awesome textures for azalea wood : Azalea_wood

    Azalea planks could be green, because we currently don't have green stairs or slabs, but there are a lot of more or less realistic would color that would be great too.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/TheGreatBlueAnt
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    Curse Of Vanishing On Bundles

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    I think being able to put Curse of Vanishing on bundles would give them a great second use. Let's say you had a stack of golden apples and you did not want someone else to get them if you get killed. You could put them in a bundle to prevent them from taking them. I think this would be a great way to encourage people to use them even after you get shulkers.

    submitted by /u/SteveyMcSteve07
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    Polar bears should be aggressive towards fish. No other mechanics, just bears hunting fish.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    In the same way that wolves hunt sheep and foxes/ocelots hunt chickens, polar bears should hunt fish.

    The ice spikes are surrounded by water, so obviously they wouldn't be able to kill every fish close to them. I think this would work similarly to the axlotl.

    Axlotls kill all ocean life pretty much on sight but they have a cool down period that prevents them from destroying everything in their path. For polar bears i think the cool down period would be way longer so that they only kill a fish every once in a while. It makes sense for polar bears to not hunt too often because a lot of them spawn with babies that they're very protective of.

    Polar bears don't really do much tbh and i think this would make them a little more interesting

    Edit: They already attack foxes and the mechanics for the axlotl are on their way sooooo

    submitted by /u/jojobut_fruity
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    Give villagers items by shift + right clicking

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    Currently, the only way you can give food to villagers is to throw it at the villager, who would then pick the food up. The problem is that if the gamerule mobGriefing is set to off, villagers cannot pick up items, and thus they become unable to reproduce. Thus, I think it is a good idea to make it so you can directly give food (and other suitable items) to villagers.

    Since right clicking functionality is already used to open the trade menu, I think a combination of right clicking and pressing shift could be used.

    submitted by /u/EarthSolar
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    Changes to river biomes

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    Rivers in Minecraft aren't exactly interesting. A little bit attention to river biomes would make it better.

    The river itself: Maybe in the (new) mountains a little stream generates next to snow and ice as the start, because rivers in real life comes from meltwater in mountains. The stream flows in a lake together with other streams. From the lake comes a river out, when that happens the river will flow as normal. The river flows infinite until it gets to an ocean where it forms a swamp. The rivers source will always be in mountains and will come out in oceans/lakes/bigger rivers.

    River sizes: Rivers will come in different shapes and sizes. The width can vary from 4 blocks to 20. Rivers would have different shapes like: rivers with island in it, cuved rivers,...

    Rivers in other biomes: When a rivers comes again a hill/moutain/higher elevation it tunnels trough. So it makes a river cave, or makes a valley. River biomes in deserts would flourish the landscape. Pieces of desert next to river would be grass (forest grass. The further away from the river how drier) with sometimes an acacia on it. Rivers in deset have more chance of spawing desert tempels

    River meets river: When a river meets a bigger river the smaller river flows in it. (if two rivers meet each other the smallest go's in the bigger) smaller rivers go in a bigger, and so on.

    Waterfalls: If rivers come against a lower part of the landscape water falls generate. Under waterfalls lakes generate. Types of waterfalls: -real waterfalls -one big waterfall -two or more smaller waterfalls -broken up waterfalls -one big waterfall in the shape of stairs -two or more waterfalls in the shape of stairs -rapids

    submitted by /u/Red_panda1130
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    Azalea wood can be dyed

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    I saw many comments discussing the different colours that azalea wood could have if they were to implement it, but why not making it possible to dye? Azalea trees mark the lush biomes so they're pretty special, I think their wood should be just as special!

    Azalea wood could be a very light colour, pretty much white, by default and then be possible to dye in any colour, which would give it a pastel tone. We already have a lot of colour options in wool, shulker boxes or concrete, but no blocks are pastel, all the tones are pretty strong.

    This would also prevent the community from asking for new types of trees with new colours soon since I'm sure it's tough for the developers to think about new tree species to add and how to implement them in the existing biomes and ways to make them unique.

    Also, I know right now azalea wood is not a thing and it's just oak, and I understand the developers are already busy, I'm not saying this needs to get implemented in this update, I just think it would be a nice feature :)

    Edit: link to feedback site https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077677751-Dying-Azalea-wood

    submitted by /u/upsidedownbluepanda
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    Items before they despawn

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Items despawn after five minutes. I like the idea of it despawning, as it adds the risk to dying, along with reducing tons of lag, but it should be more interesting.

    I thought of a great idea. Perhaps items could start spinning like 30 seconds before they despawn, and will do so faster and faster. By 5 seconds before despawning, you can only see the item's blur.

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Right-clicking mycelium with a hoe creates a farmland.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    It's logical, because mycelium is based on dirt, it drops dirt if broken. So why not make it so that we can create farmland out of it. Also it would give us an opportunity to change a mycelium block for a grass block and vise versa. You could make mushroom islands grassy using this.

    submitted by /u/NameSyrname
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    Having the Speed effect will Increase your Boat's Speed

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    This makes sense, because the player would be able to row faster if their entire body was sped up. Haste might make more sense conceptually, but doesn't really fit with the theme. It's also nice to be able to further improve the fastest travel method in the game.

    submitted by /u/VG_Chat
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    When you are wearing Netherite armor, the armor bar should have a darker hue

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Netherite is stronger than diamond, yet there's no additional armor points in the armor bar, it's still 20 armor points.

    Now, I am sure Mojang won't add another bar just for Netherite armor, so I am proposing this. It's a nice visual indication that you are no longer wearing diamond.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Able to bone meal other plants

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    In bedrock edition, you can bone meal sugar canes to make them grow, you can also bone meal flowers to make them spread, this isn't a feature in java yet, and why not able to bone meal other vegetations like vines and stuff, this would make farming other plants easier

    submitted by /u/Axobl-UwU-tl
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    Hitting a noteblock with a sword in creative mode should play it

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    It would be nice to be able to play a specific note in creative without switching to survival mode every time. Since swords prevent players from breaking blocks, they should be able to activate a noteblock without changing the pitch.

    submitted by /u/Daydreaming_Machine
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    Add clay veins underground

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    Have it so you can find veins of clay underground in large groups like gravels other dirt it would be neat and give more use to shovels (kinda)

    submitted by /u/Its-your-boi-warden
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    Desert Update 1/4

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:02 PM PDT


    It has been a while since the last Desert update or changes, so I thought maybe their should be a time for a new one. Like the Forest biome, there will be different styles and alterations on terrain.

    Dry Plains

    Functioning identical to the deesert we have now, instead jsut bigger and more less loot to find. Desert wells and Villages still spawn, but things like the desert temple will be moved to Dunes, to match Minecrafts better structures in rarer spots, like the Woodland mansion or Jungle temple. Yellowish or sandy colored grass patches will be scattered through the plains, with the tall grass being the same color. Cacti will still be present, and dungeons are moved too.


    Dunes are like the hilly versions of the forest, where it is just forest over the hills and constantly sloping. There wouldn't be alot of vegatation or plant life in this type of biome, it would be barren and dry, except for a new random generated structure, the Oasis. A new type of tree would be introduced too, the Palm tree. This will be talked about with the next post regarding the new blocks and new tree. This area won't be too large, but will feature a relatively decent sized pond or lake, and a grass rim surrounding said lake. Animals may spawn around here, such as rabbits or vanilla mobs like cows or pigs. This offer's a safe spot, ideal if the Dune is large. A wandering trader may show up there, but it is a small chance. Now moving on to the Temple, it would be more buried, making it harder to get into. Husks and new cursed eniemies will show up. Maybe a extra room for more goodies. Dungeons hvae been remade, now called tombs. Instead of usincobblestone, it is made out of sandstone. The spawner will have Husks and spiders. Rainstorms are useless when in deserts, so sandstorms should exist. It doesn't do anything bigger than push your character if you are idle and clouds your vision to maybe 25 blocks far. Anything past will be brown. Wind noises will being playing, and thus muting other mobs noises.

    I'll link the other parts in comments

    submitted by /u/Minecraft_Enjoyer
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    Pollination spreads flowers

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:10 AM PDT



    Bees engage in the act of pollination in-game for the purpose of speeding up the process of crop growing. Due to the fact that Minecraft's development team has come out and said they aim to have a more ecological approach to animals I propose pollination perform a function they do in the real world.

    1: PURPOSE

    The purpose of this suggestion is to provide a function with a basis in reality which would also provide the player a renewable resource and a new way to play the game. More specifically, it would allow flowers a way to spread naturally, possibly encouraging people to even learn a bit more about bees because they spend so much time farming them, while providing the player a chance to innovate new farm designs for their worlds for whatever purpose they use flowers.


    The function of this suggestion would be that, if a bee visits one flower, it changes to a state where other flowers pick up that it has pollen. This means a function would also be added wherein flowers are capable of detecting whether or not a bee that has touched it has received pollen from another plant. If the flower detects that the bee has received pollen there is then a random chance that anywhere between 2 and 4 flowers spawns at a random range within 15 blocks of it within the next 5 minutes.

    submitted by /u/Trentrick_Lamar
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    Gamerule for Item Despawning

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    The other day I was making a item race (don't ask lol). After afking so it ran multiple loops, I had found all of the items gone. Another time some of them got stuck, but I couldn't find where and I lost them to despawning.

    This is not over-powered or a huge game-changer, but it would be very useful for some situations. In addition, it would be extremely easy to implement (just a new if statement).

    submitted by /u/Unhappy-Poet5089
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    Massive gold veins?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Massive gold veins should be found in badlands biomes and the increased gold ore should be removed.

    submitted by /u/TheDragonVin26
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    Long Boats

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Boats need some more things I think. It would also make oceans more interesting. Long boats would be like boats in terms of entity stuff but instead much longer, a bit like a Viking long boat (no sail) and more players/entities can sit in it. and the more players in it "rowing" the faster you can go, faster than standard boats? One player is at the rudder position though steering the boat. you would need a minimum of 3 players to control them, but you could add a dynmic of villigar boats where you can pay the villagers too row, you just jump on the rudder to point the direction. Making emerald more important in game is a currency and people would be more likely to interact with villagers

    submitted by /u/InternalEmergency480
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    Barrel minecarts

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Alright we got chest minecarts, we got hopper minecarts now we need BARREL MINECARTS.

    As a building block it would be cool to put in mineshafts. But the real thing i want to add is if you fill the top of the barrel with a certain block it will actualy show up in the model. This could also go for barrels too. Just imagine the barrels inventory and filling the top with raw gold. When you close the barrel you have a gold filled barrel.

    submitted by /u/LightningKicker76
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    Ravine village

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    If it is an update called caves and cliffs update, it should add a new kind of village. The ravine village. What are your thoughts about this?

    submitted by /u/kaiserschmarn_kenobi
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    Magma Cubes Should Heal on Magma Blocks

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Since magma blocks are made from the "essence" of magma cubes, it would be a cool feature if they healed on them.

    submitted by /u/Unhappy-Poet5089
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    for minecraft bedrock on nintendo switch, add amiibos exclusive skins

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    it's pretty much self explanatory. you have an amiibo skin pack, at first empty, but you get a button that allows you to use amiibos and get skins like that.

    submitted by /u/creeperkrazzy
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