Minecraft One Dragon Egg will always exist at any time in a world. |
- One Dragon Egg will always exist at any time in a world.
- Enderdragon fight should be harder, and have a skeleton dragon texture when summoned again
- Rail buff proposition
- After hitting a villager, to get it to not snitch and raise prices, you can bribe it with an emerald
- Using a used map on a cauldron should change it back into a blank map.
- Skeleton Bows are still visible when Skeletons are splashed with Potion of Invisibility
- The Ender Dragon should have an "armor" effect similar to the Wither while perching.
- clovers in meadows
- Dying in The End causes one of the Dragon's crystals to respawn during the fight
- Ranged Weapon Idea: The Slingshot
- “Electric” blaze Rod fences
- We should be able to change block hardness with data packs
- Candle customizations.
- The goat horn should call your horse to you.
- Cooking: a way to make foods and potions more useful
- Our screen should follow the minecart when we’re in one
- New Biomes Please!!!
- Allow placed Chiseled Sandstone blocks to be transmuted to floating Sand blocks by right-clicking on them with a hoe.
- /Rename Command
- Bring back the cobalt cape
- Combat has become a little boring. no new upgrades, no new ores, etc...
One Dragon Egg will always exist at any time in a world. Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:00 AM PDT The Dragon Egg is the ultimate trophy item. It has little use, but signifies your victory over the penultimate boss. Therefore, you'd like to keep it forever, right? Imagine the grief you would go through, having your egg get blown up, dropped into lava, or despawn, knowing that there is only one in the game... With this suggestion, you can fear not! I propose that the egg is indestructible, not only to make it more unique, but to ensure that the player always has something the remember their epic battle by. Also the new tags this would require (not being able to be destroyed by cactus or anvils) could help modders and mapmakers, or could be applied to other items in the future.
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Enderdragon fight should be harder, and have a skeleton dragon texture when summoned again Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:01 AM PDT Its typical in all boss fight games. I think it should have two health bars, be more aggressive and perch for less time. These are just examples of what I mean [link] [comments] | |||||||||
PLEASE UPDATE BATS, MY FAVORITE ANIMALS :( Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:31 AM PDT Bats are incredible animals that are both beneficial to our environments and incredibly misunderstood. If the axolotl, bee, sea turtle, and panda mobs were all added to help spread awareness of their conditions in real life, then bats should get the same treatment. Players have made it clear that they feel the bats are a waste of space that add nothing to the game. You can't even breed them. But in real life, they control pests, pollinate, spread crops, create substances used as gunpowder... there's SO much potential to make these iconic creatures become legitimately useful mobs that highlight how cool and helpful their real-life counterparts are. Make them gain the ability to echolocate, or be tamed to attack arthropod mobs, or act as nocturnal bees, SOMETHING, ANYTHING. I've loved bats my whole life and want the rest of the world to understand how amazing these creatures are, especially since they're facing so many threats. The potential is endless. There are so many bats on Earth, with so many abilities. They could be some of the most unique, helpful mobs in the game. Please, update bats. -A bat lover who's played the game since 2011 [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Posted: 22 Jul 2021 10:06 PM PDT We all know how useless rails are for every purpose they were designed for. They are slower than you while flying, running, boating, or any of the other more practical, less resource intensive modes of transportation. Considering the amount of infrastructure needed to build even small rail systems they need to be updated to modern Minecraft, or atleast Minecraft after the addition of sprint jumping. More track variations[Sticky rail 1 / 2] would rapidly slow carts (reduces speed 25%/ rail) crafts 16 [Smooth rail] reduces deceleration (2x efficiency) crafts 16 [High-charge rail] has a higher speed cap (stated later) crafts 8 [Low-charge rail] has a lower speed cap (stated later) crafts 16 More cart types[Flat cart] Capable of holding a second entity, but at a greatly reduced speed (-1/2 acceleration, -3/4 max speed) [Smooth cart] An efficient, but slowed cart (-1/4 max speed, 2x acceleration) [Powered cart] Capable of reaching incredible speeds, at a cost. (Burns 1 lava bucket/ ~200 blocks, 1.5x stated speeds {28m/s if cart is powered but rails aren't}, can not turn under any circumstance, maybe some sort of "overcharge" mechanic where adding too much fuel stops it for like 10-15 seconds?) Modular power systemInstead of powered rails being only on/off rails that could be powered would have 4 states off (0), low (1-7), medium (8-14), and high (15) besides this normal rules apply Low-charge(4m/s, 8m/s, 12m/s) Normal(14m/s, 20m/s, 26m/s) High-charge(30m/s, 60m/s, 90m/s) None of these numbers are set in stone (i am aware 135m/s is stupid under any circumstances) criticism is greatly appreciated, and if there is any I will read it in the morning; because I need to sleep. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
After hitting a villager, to get it to not snitch and raise prices, you can bribe it with an emerald Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:18 PM PDT So basically you would right click them with an emerald, and then they inspect it like piglins, and after a few seconds it would put the emerald away and continue with its day normally. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Using a used map on a cauldron should change it back into a blank map. Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:04 PM PDT Once you have found the treasure with a treasure map, what else are you going to do with it? At least this way, you can reuse it for something else by washing it off. The zoom level of the map wouldn't change. Obviously the cauldron needs to be full of water or powder snow. (And not lava) [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Skeleton Bows are still visible when Skeletons are splashed with Potion of Invisibility Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:17 AM PDT I noticed that a lot of items on mobs are still visible even with potion of invisibility. These items include the clothes on Llamas and the saddle of pigs, all of which are items the mobs carry with them. I think it would make since considering skeletons are one of the few mobs carrying an item :) [link] [comments] | |||||||||
The Ender Dragon should have an "armor" effect similar to the Wither while perching. Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:55 AM PDT It took me a long time to notice that The Ender Dragon is immune to projectiles while perching, I think other players probably had the same problem as well, especially new players, and players who don't fight the dragon often. So I think The Ender Dragon should have a visual cue similar to the Wither's armor effect to signify that she's immune to projectiles while perching. this would make the "bosses being immune to projectiles sometimes" mechanic feel more consistent and easier to understand. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:31 AM PDT I would love to see clovers generating in meadows. it would behave like grass, where you need shears to get it but it won't drop seeds. the picture would be a cluster of small clovers not too high from the grass block. (just one leaf per block won't look nice.) maybe a big four-leafed clover when placed in a flower pot though. honestly, I don't know what function this could have, some animals could eat them perhaps? potion? I only want it as decoration. meadows are so lovely, would make them even better. and it could be a thing meadows specific, like blue orchids for swamps, or fern for taiga and jungle. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Dying in The End causes one of the Dragon's crystals to respawn during the fight Posted: 22 Jul 2021 09:40 PM PDT Currently, the Ender Dragon fight can essentially be won by breaking a crystal, dying, breaking a crystal, dying, doing some damage, dying, doing some more, dying, etc. until the dragon is defeated. In most games when a player dies or the whole team dies, the boss is reset to full and they have to start over. The Ender Dragon doesn't follow this rule. A single crystal respawning would mean the dragon heals back to full health unless someone can destroy the crystal again before it finishes healing. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Ranged Weapon Idea: The Slingshot Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:46 AM PDT The initial inspiration here was I wanted to come up with some sort of "launcher" that could act as a long range method of throwing items, such as potions and snowballs. I then combined that with a different idea: the ability to launch fire charges similar to how a dispenser does it. Crafting Recipe:
This works pretty similarly to a bow, except it has a quicker charge-up time, does less damage generally, but has a whole lot of strange ammunition that open utility. Possible Ammunition (there's a lot, and unlike arrows, most of it is unrecoverable once launched): Snowballs/Eggs - When charged up a little bit, gains the ability to do damage on top of astounding range (it's so light a projectile, the slingshot can send it for miles). Ender Pearls - Works as the throwable does, but has longer range in a slingshot Splash/Lingering Potions/Bottles O Enchanting - See Ender Pearls. Brick - Better damage than snowballs and the like, breaks weak blocks like glass and leaves as it flies, but is especially known for knockback. Simeball - Bounces off of walls up to twice. If it doesn't hit a target before the third bounce, it splats against the wall, then vanishes. Cobweb - Devestating. Does no damage, but on a hit, it disables the items in both hands and any worn elytra. (Sort of how you would expect a net being launched would work, tangling up your arms and your wings temporarily). Doesn't care if you block with a shield. If your elytra get tangled while you're in the air, you have to land before the disabling can even start to be removed. (This also works on flying mobs whose names aren't ender dragon or wither) Fire charge - Allows you to launch a blaze fireball. Nice and simple, gives a use to an underloved item, and means that we don't need to modify minecraft's magic system to add more projectiles. Pufferfish - On a hit, gives the target the status effects as if they'd eaten the pufferfish. Bucketed Fish/axolotl - For pure comedy value, you can fire a living fish or axolotl out of your slingshot. Certainly a more dynamic way to bring your axolotl into a fight than just dropping them. Cactus - Launches a pointy projectile that one can run into once it is on the ground, doing damage and causing it to disappear. If it hits the target instead, it does minor DPS for a little bit, before vanishing. Things really get interesting once we mix in enchantments, though. (Obviously mending, unbreaking, and the first two curses work the same as always) Multi-shot - Yes. This can get kind of nuts when combined with pricier projectiles, like potions. This one is stupid rare to get on a slingshot, so you'll probably need a book. Does not apply to ender pearls or bottles o enchanting. And yes, new projectiles opened by other enchantments can be multi-shotted. Punch - Because a Bow enchant is needed to balance out the crossbow enchant. Golemous Aspect 1 - Snowballs can be launched even faster and farther, do more damage, and even have a slight slowing effect upon a hit. You can right click a snow golem with a slingshot enchanted with this (at either level) to give the snow golem the weapon, which greatly improves their combat capabilities (range, damage, fire speed), on top of continuing the slight slowing effect. I would also like to make it be that a slingshotting snow golem gets a health upgrade (similar to how taming a wolf gives them more health). Golemous Aspect 2 - Another Flat power upgrade to snowballs. Also, If you attempt to fire the slingshot without ammunition, you get a snowball to launch for free. Launching snowballs no longer harms the durability. Covenous Aspect - When you fire a potion that does a negative effect using the slingshot, you are immune to that potion's effect (so you don't take splash damage or get affected by its lingering cloud). A witch giggle is heard upon launching. Enderous Aspect 1 - Firing an Ender Pearl with the slingshot means you take no damage upon teleporting. An enderman chatter noise plays when you fire it. You can fire an eye of ender, which is a projectile that locks on to the nearest target, instead of flying normally. You can fire a chorus fruit, which on a hit teleports the target randomly, as if they'd just eaten the fruit Enderous Aspect 2- Instead of simply teleporting you to where the ender pearl lands, the slingshot will search for the nearest safe ground, ensuring you do not fall to your death, suffocate in a wall, or land in a lava lake. Ghasteous Aspect - A treasure enchant found exclusively within bastions If you hold a fire charge past normal maximum charge, and have 2 more in your inventory to consume, you can now launch a ghast fireball, complete with ghast cry upon releasing. Takes 3x durability. Drakeous Aspect - A treasure Enchant found exclusively within End Cities Bottled Dragon's breath launches a dragon fireball. (The cloud cannot be collected for more dragon's breath). A dragon noise plays when you launch it. Witherous Aspect - A Treasure Enchant Found Exclusively within Nether Fortresses Wither skeleton skulls launch wither skulls. Makes a wither noise on launch. If you hold a wither skeleton skull past normal maximum charge, you launch a blue skull instead, and take 3x durability. Curse of Nullification - A curse. Doesn't stack with any of the other notable enchantments here. Instead of launching a projectile, it launches inventory slots (particularly the off-hand), as an improvement to drop/throwing them at people. Considered a curse (since it makes a combat item worthless in combat), but has its own applications in specific peaceful circumstances. Ah crud, this is on the FPS list now. I checked all the main posts of this variety, (most back from the last combat update days, wow), and I think mine is different in some critical ways, although the "it improves throwables" thing sticks around, cause it's kind of the core use. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:52 AM PDT Blaze Rod fences would be crafted exactly like normal fences, only with blaze rods and glowstone. They would spawn around blaze spawners as well. They would give off light The use of them, is that when powered by redefine, they damage any mob or player that touches it. The damage would be like fire and if you touch it for 5 seconds you get lit on fire. If they are powered they give off particles. They would also spread the power just like Powered rails;this would allow for interesting red stone combined with observers and would allow you to power the whole wall with one lever. This would be useful for mob games because mobs can land on them or smthng., But also you could make blaze Rod fence gates (and nether brick gates) [link] [comments] | |||||||||
We should be able to change block hardness with data packs Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:09 PM PDT This is not a new idea by any means as I have seen it here before but with the introduction of deepslate and it not being able to be instamined… I really wanna instamine deepslate. My idea is just to change the block hardness to 1.6 and see what happens. That should make the math work out so that deepslate can only be instamined by fully enchanted netherite and a haste 2 beacon. Basically just makes it a reward for getting all the end game stuff and doesn't allow you to just start insta mining right away. Anyway if this doesn't get much attention or isn't already a thing I'll try my best to learn how to code to figure this out. Any help at all with this would be great thanks! [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:21 AM PDT So you know candles right? The colorful recently added decorative items. Well.. why can't we mix them up? Why can't we put 2 blue candles and 2 red candles in the same block of 4? Doesn't make sense! If you didn't get it. You know how candles stack up to 4 in one block right? You can only put 4 of the same color not mix matching them. So we should be able to put different colored candles in a one block spot of 4 candles. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
The goat horn should call your horse to you. Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:17 AM PDT Since the goat horn has no purpose for now I thought this would be useful. Tamed horses still wander around and you need a lead, so having the goat horn call them to you would be useful. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Cooking: a way to make foods and potions more useful Posted: 22 Jul 2021 10:21 PM PDT TL;DR:Ingredients -> Dish Currently, steak is basically the best food because it fills the most hunger. Golden carrots are the only other food with real utility because they increase saturation. I've never even eaten a beetroot for any reason other than the achievement. In order to make every edible substance more useful, a cooking system could be added to the game (perhaps using a cutting board or oven block?). The simple idea is that you mix ingredients together to make some sort of dish, like a pie, sandwich, soup, etc.. Each particular dish could then be topped off with a potion. In doing so, the effect of the potion is somehow enhanced, either by a significantly longer duration, an additional power level, or even a secondary effect. Each dish would have particular potions that it pairs with well and particular potions it pairs with poorly. This would create a system where every single food item is useful, while also giving potions more viability (I rarely use potions due to the short duration and massive inventory requirement). This would also provide a fun way to get "suspicious stew" by a failed cooking attempt. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Our screen should follow the minecart when we’re in one Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:03 AM PDT If the player screen was facing the right of the minecart when the player was inside, it would always face right unless the player moves the mouse. Just like irl basically [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:51 PM PDT Minecraft. Lot's of biomes in it. 78 in total, and 42 for the achievment. I want to add a new biome, maybe called "The Ruins" . It's kind of obvious what it would look like, so please add this new biome into minecraft. Thank you very much! [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:56 AM PDT The only floating Sand that exists in the world has generated there naturally. Because Sand obeys gravity, there is no way to place a new Sand block with Air or liquid block beneath it. There is no easy way to use Sand as a suffocation trap either. Several Sand blocks have to dropped down manually, two blocks deep, before the target moves out of the way of the trap. Being able to put up floating Sand would let players make a suffocation trap on the stop, or set up a way to quickly block off an entire passageway or catwalk in case of clear and present danger. Transmuting Chiseled Sandstone into Sand gives it a real gameplay use beyond pure decoration. Of course, transmuting Chiseled Sandstone into Sand would need to be programmed so that existing floating Sand won't fall. This tactic would not be unbalanced because: • Such a trap would require time and effort to set up, both in terms of block placement and acquiring Chiseled Sandstone specifically • Any player with some experience would know to be wary of floating Sand ceilings, especially in multiplayer games • A suffocation trap can be defeated simply by placing a breaker block (such as a Torch or Fence) at one's feet, or spamming the floor with torches before the Sand blocks fall down • A high end Shovel can quickly dig oneself out of a suffocation trap already triggered • To make a suffocation trap with enough Sand layers to make it Shovel-resistant, you would need an enormously high ceiling to hold all of that floating Sand you want to place, not to mention the time and effort needed to transmute the Chiseled Sandstone—and the enemy player could still spot your trap and avoid it or use countermeasures. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:33 PM PDT A new command similar to the /enchant command which would let you rename items in your hand without an anvil. If Steve is holding an iron sword, saying "/rename Steve Excalibur" would name his sword Excalibur. It would require cheats and would just save the time of grabbing an anvil. [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:43 AM PDT Not many people play Cobalt and they also released Cobalt WASD and I was only aware of this because of the cape. This should hopefully motivate people to play it again [link] [comments] | |||||||||
Combat has become a little boring. no new upgrades, no new ores, etc... Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:40 PM PDT Minecraft. The game where the only limit is your imagination. That's what it said on the youtube trailer, but there's one more limit - After you get Maxed out, You can't upgrade anything, anymore... so why not add a combat upda - oh right. you already did. What i mean is :so why not add a tool update! maybe enderite? you decide. I'm gonna go work on my demensions post... [link] [comments] |
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