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    Minecraft Suggestion: being able to lock worlds

    Minecraft Suggestion: being able to lock worlds

    Suggestion: being able to lock worlds

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Suggestion: being able to lock worlds

    A few days ago my little brother deleted my Minecraft world that i worked months on

    So it got me thinking, Why you can't lock your Minecraft world?

    I think being able to lock it will make alot of people not getting angry everytime they are deleting there Minecraft worlds by accident because they weren't paying attention to the game or because there little brothers just pushed every button to see what will happen

    And if you locked a world by accident you could go to your settings and change it

    It's a little feature but i think it will help to improve our Minecraft experience

    (Sorry for my bad EN it's not my main language)

    Edit: Thanks fro 1k up votes and 5 awards! didn't thought the community would like my suggestion that much!


    submitted by /u/Tetoris_
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    There should be a "Raided Village" where instead of it being overrun by zombies, it was Raided by pillagers.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    It looks like a village, but the villagers would be replaced with Pillagers. The animal pens have ravagers in them, farms would be raised, the chest lot would not have the village loot and instead have pillager outpost loot or a one similar to it and there would be ominous banners on some buildings.

    There could be a "abandoned" variant where the village is just a empty zombie village with ominous banners.

    submitted by /u/KAMEKAZE_VIKINGS
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    Ender Dragon Buff

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Currently right now, the Ender Dragon seems a bit weak, you can just set your spawnpoint at the stronghold, go back, do it again, so i'm adding a new system and new attacks for the ender dragon


    1.) Dragon's Breath :

    Dragon's Breath attack will shoot purple particles (dragon's breath like the existing one) at you, the counter for this attack is to build walls to avoid the attack, they cannot go through walls, so it would teach the player that to basiclly bring blocks.

    2.) Obsidian Spikes

    Smiliar to Evoker's jaw attack but instead of jaws, it's obsidian spikes, it would be a bit different than the evoker's attack where instead of popping out right away, it will show a glimpse of the spikes beneath you, you'll have to quickly get out, the spikes will instantly rise in 1.5 second then will deal 3 hearts of damage by each spike, each attack will have 5 spikes, the counter to it is basiclly fast reaction time,

    3.) End Pulse Barrier

    So this attack takes place everytime the Ender Dragon perches in the bedrock portal, after he's about to fly again, he will emit a End Pulse Barrier which damages all non-ender entity (End mobs are immune to end pulse barriers) it will knock them back by 2-4 Blocks and deal 2 hearts of damage, the counter is to go underground, the barrier only attacks the top of the island, so go underneath.

    4.) End Lightning

    This Lightning Strike Attack can only happen if the ender dragon is at half health, it will show the skye turning purple and a few lightning strikes at the sky, then after 10 seconds multiple spots in the End island will get struck by purple light, if you get hit by one you will be damaged 4 hearts and purple fire will come out of the lightning strike, endermen will teleport all around when it strikes, the counter to this attack is to build a roof above you (Hiding underground will not work since when End lightning strikes a few end stone it will be turned to "Infested End Stone" it's a normal end stone but a few purple lines around it (like crying obsidian purple lines) and standing on Infested End Stone will damage you like the magma block but 2x faster and double the damage and you cannot crouch to prevent it and also the End lightning can break End stone on first impact,

    5.) Endermite Horde

    A New Attack from the Ender Dragon which spawns in 3 layers of Endermite circled around the End portal, Endermen will come for them but the Endermites will come for you, the counter to it is basiclly building up or attacking them head on.

    End Crystals

    So there will be 2 new types of End Crystals, Light and Dark, Light Crystals are the existing ones, Dark crystals are new, Everytime you go near one like about 10 blocks, it will do a ray attack like the guardians but instead of bubbles it's the rays that heal the ender dragon but a bit darker, it takes 5 seconds to damage a player with the rays of the crystals, it will deal 1 damage, there 5 Dark crystals and 5 Light crystals, dark crystals can also heal the ender dragon.

    submitted by /u/Not_WhiteShockX
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    Vexes occasionally spawn in soul sand valleys

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    Vexes spawn rarely however, so they aren't too annoying to deal with. They also only have stone swords, so they deal less damage than the evokers vexes.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Ad-6874
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    Mossy Blackstone, End Stone and Deepslate bricks with crimson, chorus and skulk moss instead of just moss

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Many people think that there should be mossy variants of Deepslate, Blackstone and End Stone bricks. This would be great for building, but I think that the "moss" on them should be dependent on the block. Mossy Blackstone bricks would have red nylium growing on it, mossy End Stone bricks would have purple chorus creeping through it, and mossy Deepslate bricks would have black and blue skulk growths spreading all over it.
    I think this would be a nice touch and would help fix a big inconsistency that has to do with bricks (End stone bricks need a chiseled and cracked variant as well) as regular stone bricks are the only brick type with a mossy variant.

    submitted by /u/General-Pikefish
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    Waxed concrete powder

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    Saw a video of hydrophobic sand and gave me an idea of hydrophobic concrete powder. There's been times where i wanted to use the texture and colour of concrete powder beside water, but obviously it just turns into concrete. So i suggest a way to make concrete powder resistant to water using honeycomb, in the same way copper becomes resistant to oxidation.

    submitted by /u/pqroxysm
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    Bedrock edition should use the device's storage and not it's own storage

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    I'm unable to play Minecraft on my switch because I "ran out of storage." I added up how much all my worlds, texture packs and world template and it's less than a gigabyte. I have around 80gb of free storage on my switch and I think it's stupid I can't play anymore.

    submitted by /u/astroidbuster2453
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    Give glow lichen its own sound

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    A lot off different blocks, namely plants, have had their own sounds since the the nether update, so I think it'll be fitting to give glow lichen its own unique sound rather that the one it has right now.

    submitted by /u/Devviviant
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    Book and quill with a glow ink sac changes the pages into dark mode

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    The book gets white text and dark pages. Could be made with default recipe but with glow ink instead of normal ink.

    submitted by /u/pug_likes_rug
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    Using a hoe on soul soil turns it into soul sand

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Pretty self-explanatory, this would just make sense mechanically, since you use soul sand to grow nether wart.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Ad-6874
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    Volcano Biomes for New Mountains

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    We have gotten some glimpses at what the new mountains will look like in the experimental snapshots on Java Edition, with it comes a few new mountain biomes. Since mountains are being updated, it would be awesome to see volcanoes come to Minecraft. These volcanoes wouldn't erupt (because Mojang has already said they don't want to add natural distasters) but they could give the appearance of erupting or being close to doing so. Regardless they would be a really cool mountain biome to see in game, and would fit well into the new mountains.

    Volcanos could be found among the higher mountains, but would be moderately rare, requiring other mountains to be nearby or a mountain range to generate as part of the terrain. You'd be most likely to find a volcano near a jungle biome. They would have 3 different types: Active, Dormant, and Extinct. The "structure" of a Minecraft's terrain generation with the new cave types could create the crater, lava tubes, vents, maga chamber, etc...

    Active Volcanos will have lava at the top, and maybe some lava flowing down the mountain from various vents on the side. These would essentially be meant to look as though they're erupting or just about to. Here you'd find lots of basalt, obsidian, granite, magma blocks, etc... it would be very risky terrain to navigate but could offer the great potential rewards in the form of patches of deepslate, and small custers of ores only found deep unground generating on or near the surface as result of coming up with the lava.

    Dormant Volcanoes won't have lava at the top or flowing down the sides and will instead look more like a normal mountain with a crater of obsidian at the top. However mining far enough into the mountain slope or deep enough down you'll still find lava inside along maga blocks, etc... The outer terrain will be less treacherous and the ores more buried within the volcano itself.

    Extinct volcanoes will the shortest of three and it's crater much wider. This crater will still be obsidian, but likely covered by other blocks like dirt, grass, snow, water etc... the terrain would the easiest to navigate of the three, and mining into far enough into the slopes you'll find the main vent is completely filled with obsidian and magma chamber at the bottom will be the same way. Completely cooled, no magma blocks or lava but still a small chance to find little patches of deepslate, and small clusters of rare ores in the deepest parts of the mountain.

    Geodes could also have a higher chance to form in these biomes. If you find a volcano that's close to water you could even find naturally generating cobblestone. Ruined Nether Portal's could also have a higher chance to appear near Volcanoes.

    submitted by /u/TheGreaterShade
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    Buried treasure chests In the soul sand valley

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    The chests generate with no air exposure, and they have to have some soul sand/soul soil right next to them.

    There's no way to know exactly where the treasure chests are, but every soul sand valley has at least 2 in them, and they generate directly beneath fossils more often than not.

    The treasure chests themselves always contain 2-3 golden apples, 9-12 cooked porkchops, and either a warped fungus on a stick, a saddle, or an eye of ender.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Ad-6874
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    Astronomy in Minecraft

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    With the addition of Archeology in minecraft it made me think what if there were Astronomy too. With the recent spyglass it wouldn't be cool if we could look at the night sky and possibly find planets and constellations. And if we looked at a specific planet we would get a small potion effect like strength with Mars or speed with Mercury. Alternatively, each world could have it's own different planets determined by the seed, making each player's world more unique.

    submitted by /u/biscuit_with_milk
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    give armor to villagers

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    when you open the trade window, you can give the armor to the villager, if you let him keep the armor for a day, he'll give you some small discounts for helping him defend

    for example full leather would give you just -5% discount but full netherite would give you something like -30%

    also if you take that armor away, the discounts will immediately disappear

    for now you can only give them armor trough dispensers and then you have to kill them to get it back, also villagers are already exploitable if you know how to do it, less experienced players also could get some discounts, in a simpler and less tedious way, less OP but feels more intended rather than abusing features to its absolute limits

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Better Skies

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    Galaxy Band

    You can see the sky painted with the band of the galaxy Minecraft is in.


    Randomly generated star order can make constellations.


    You can see other planets in the sky, these will be a slightly different color than stars, and they are bigger.

    Northern Lights

    Self explanatory. The Northern Lights appear for a few minutes. Provides 2 light levels to the surface.

    Meteor Shower

    The sky will fill with shooting stars, and provide 1 light level to the surface.

    Solar and Lunar Eclispe

    The sun still moves as normal, but the moon doesn't. The moon moves diagonally, at about a degree angle. Sometimes the sun and moon cross, or end up at opposite sides. When that happens a solar or lunar eclipse happens. Both events grant a light level of zero everywhere.

    Super Moon

    The moon grows twice in size.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    a small change to end spikes/pillars

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    you're in the end, there's a lot of endermen, so there's a lot of opportunities to get a pearl, you can then use them to teleport onto the spikes, but there's 1 problem: if you're not skilled enough to block clutch, it's a suicide (especially on devices with harder controls)

    my concept is to make those end spikes have some "circles" that allow you to land when you hit the wall with the pearl, however to compensate, 1 or even 2 additional spikes have iron bars, just so you actually have to get on top more times

    the end island is a literal boss arena, it would be interesting if defeating weaker enemies (or preparing before the battle) would be required to take off some crystals

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Making mountains worth exploring

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Mountains, despite new generation seem a little bland. Here are a few ideas for making them worth climbing. New structure: Abandoned Tower. This structure is pretty simple: An old, crumbling tower upon a mountain peak. It'd be built from spruce logs and a mix of normal and cracked stone brick. Inside would be loot chests(1 or 2), a furnace, and a 5/10 chance for a new mob to spawn there: The Sentinel. This mob is just what it's name implies: Its a monster created purely to guard these towers from intruders, however, they never got the memo that these towers had been abandoned. With glistening suits of armor (either as a skin or as iron armor equipped) they will try to defeat anyone who enters. When defeated, they drop a unique item: The KNight Rod (get it? Knight but also Night? I'm...sorry for that). This item allows the user to harness a special power. The power of 'Night Haze'. This item, when used on a cloudy night gives the user Strength 1 for the following day as well as helps to keep phantoms away. I hope you liked this little idea for a cool new structure, mob, and item to discover on mountains. (General because i couldn't choose which flair)

    submitted by /u/Local_Ad8884
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    New idea for goat milk.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    When milking goats, you get an item called "bucket of goat's milk", as opposed to regular milk. Drinking said milk would restore some hunger, and remove a single negative status effect. After milking a goat, it takes 10 minuites to regenerate before you can milk it again. This doesn't add much to the game, as there are already plenty of food sources, however I see it as a great opportunity for roleplaying. Say you decided to live on a mountain. No animals are up there other than goats, and the stony terrain prevents much farming. Normally, you would just bring other animals and/or dirt up there, and then you'd have plenty to eat. But if you decided you just want to live in a humble abode up in the mountains, you could fence in a few goats and live a nice peaceful life ranching those goats. I'm sorry if this sounds stupid. It was pretty hard finding a way to express my idea clearly.

    submitted by /u/Kikithegreen
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    Each structure should have it's own music disk.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    The only three music disk loots I've seen are Cat and 13 (I can't remember if 11 is also available in loot pools). 1.16 added Pigstep to bastion loot, but still that leaves nine to ten disks only obtainable via getting a skeleton to shoot a creeper (possible, but difficult, and you're bound to get the same disk twice). So here's my suggestion for which disks should go where: Chirp and Wait - I have no clue where these should go. If we open up the nether and end I think a few other disks could go there and these could take their places, but I think all the disks should be in the overworld since pigstep has special coloration to signify it's uniqueness. 13 - This is one of the spooky ones and I believe it fits as dungeon loot 11 - This is by far the spookiest one, and is subject to much speculation. I think this should be stronghold loot, because it makes sense to give this disk towards the end of the game so players who haven't heard it have something to speculate about. Pigstep - Pigstep should remain in bastions Cat - This is an upbeat tune that fits the happy vibe of villages well Far - Far has an ethereal tune, and I'd like to place it in end cities, both because it fits their atmosphere, and it has symbolic purpose. You have come far to reach the end city. But by my own rule, I think a jungle temple is a good alternative, being quite far out from where you're likely to spawn. Stal - Stal has a kinda jazzy tune to it, which I think fits well with the sound a pickaxe makes. Mineshaft all the way here. Strad - Strad gives me subnautica vibes, so I think it should be in ocean monuments. The problem is monuments don't have chests. The solution would to be either add a chest that has a chance to have this in it, or an item frame that has it. Otherwise I think ocean ruins could house it, but I think it fits monuments better. In addition... Mall - Mall fits ocean ruins, but if Strad can't be in monuments, I think Mall being in igloos with basements could also be a valid placement. Blocks - This gives me a piraty feel to it and should be in either shipwrecks or buried treasures. Ward - Ward is similar to cat but has a grave feel to it. I think it fits zombie villages and gives zombie villages a reason to be found. Mellohi - Woodland Mansion. Just trust me, I did the research, Woodland Mansion.

    Of course these recommendations are just ideas, but at the end of the day the concept is different disks should be located in different structures. I still think creepers slain by skeletons should drop disks, but this would be a nice alternative.

    submitted by /u/DaxiusGaming
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    Farming is a bit stale

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Ok so you plant 1 of the 3 relevant crops by placing seeds, put water near them and...wait to grow? I mean, cant there a LITTLE bit more to it?

    There are 5 main edible crops in minecraft: Wheat, Potato, Carrots, Melon and Pumpkin. There is also Beetroot but...we dont talk about that. A few more crops like Corn or Tomato might make the game a bit more diverse in my opinion. Furthermore, like I said, the growing process is a bit stale. I think seasons would be a nice addition to the game where it matters when you plant crops. Another idea is to interract with the crops more than just planting them such as watering them.

    Anyways, yeah... you might see my other posts in this subreddit as I have more suggestions. Thanks for reading and absolutely open for feedback!

    submitted by /u/GoldenFreddy11
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    More RPG like music in Minecraft

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    The music that currently plays in the world is like a sad lonely piano which is not bad, but I would like to see some RPG like music like the music in Skyrim, because that kind of music gives a feeling of adventure and I think will work well with Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/EdwGal
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    Previously killed mobs show up as ghosts in soul sand valleys

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Before the nether update, I've always had my own quasi-lore of thinking soul sand had trapped souls in it of some kind just based on the texture, and when the soul sand valley was released I had the idea of reanimating mobs that were killed and spawning them in the soul sand valley. So here's that idea fully fleshed out.

    Which Mobs Spawn
    Boss mobs such as the Enderdragon and Wither would obviously not spawn in the valley as they would be far too powerful. Fish, guardians, squids, and other sea mobs wouldn't spawn as there isn't any water. However, having them float in the air could also work as an alternative, and would make sense seeing as they are ghosts. Also, keep in mind that only mobs that the player has killed will show up in the valley, so if you go full pacifist, the valley will be empty like in vanilla, adding to the influence that players have. Lastly, the game will try to vary which mobs spawn, so for example, if you have a piglin farm and you kill 5000 piglins, the game will try to vary the mobs so you will get so you won't get consent piglin spawning.

    Ghosts would have a blue color to them and would appear transparent. Fire mobs like blazes, magma cubes, and others would have blue transparent fire to match both their ghost color, and the soul sand valley fire.

    If a pet owned by a player dies, they will spawn in the valley, even if the player wasn't the cause of the death. Pets could also be brought back in a similar way to how zombies are cured, you could feed them an item, splash a potion on them, they would shake for a few minutes, and cure. This would work with all ghost mobs.

    When a mob is killed, they would drop an item called ectoplasm, I've been brainstorming how I would use this substance for a while now. At first, I thought of making a spectral potion allowing you to phase through blocks, however, this idea caused too many issues, and wasn't too vanilla friendly so I decided to scrap it. If you have an idea on how to use this item let me know, I really wish I had an idea for it.

    Other Details

    • The mobs would have distorted and echoed versions of their original sounds.
    • The color of a pet's collar would be retained, and, if a mob is named, it would keep its name tag on while a ghost.
    • Ghost mobs would not spawn very often and always spawn individually and not in packs like some mobs do.
    • Each individual ghost mob does not have its own spawn egg, however, they can be spawned with commands by adding something such as "ghost" or "ethereal" to their tag.
    • Cows and mooshrooms could be milked as normal, however, the milk you receive for the cows and the soup you receive from the mooshrooms would have a bluish tint to it. The name and uses wouldn't change, just the texture. You can also shear mooshrooms for ectoplasm.
    • If an arrow is shot by a mob the arrow will appear transparent and have the same color as the ghost.
    • You can tame ghost wolves, cats, and parrots with ectoplasm.
    • Ghost mobs have the same AI as their regular counterparts.
    • Villagers and Wandering Traders could spawn in the valley, they would have unique trades. They would also trade in gold instead of emeralds seeing as it's a more reliable currency in the nether, they might even have a trade selling their emeralds as if they didn't need them anymore.

    I hope I covered everything in this post. If you think I missed something, or have an idea of something you might add or change, let me know! I love these hypotheticals for Minecraft updates.

    submitted by /u/Dragonbound_
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