• Breaking News

    Minecraft When tamed, Llamas should spit at mobs that hurt their owner.

    Minecraft When tamed, Llamas should spit at mobs that hurt their owner.

    When tamed, Llamas should spit at mobs that hurt their owner.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    The Wandering Trader's llamas spit at anything that attacks the trader. It just makes sense that this should also apply to you if you have any tamed llamas of your own.

    submitted by /u/Swaagopotamus
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    The Variety Update | Glow Squids, Husks, Strays, and Desert Wells are good, actually

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Not everything in the game needs a use and things in the game with no explicit use add variety to the appearance of the game with items that give more decisions to make than just the default and minimal effort on Mojang's part

    Can people stop complaining that desert wells are useless? That the Iceologer should've been added instead of the Glow Squid? That nothing major would really change if 1.9 had directly moved to 1.13 without 1.10-1.12 included? Sure, the features added to the updates may have only added a couple smaller things to the game that barely impact how you decide to play, but they add something that can't really be replicated in Mojang's current model of add less features that have more depth to them: Variety. I don't know if this is universal, but I'm kind of tired seeing the same four passive mobs and the same six or so hostile mobs in the overworld and would love more variants for each to give just a bit more life to the Minecraft world. Mobs like the Husk and Stray make you feel like you're in a different place than the standard desert or forest, and seeing a desert well is a nice change of pace from the standard blocky terrain with maybe the occasional village in it. These features give Minecraft life that the natural generation fails to provide most of the time and that the playerbase has to give themselves with their builds. Wouldn't it be nice to see more variety in the world that makes you feel like you're in a totally unique place, even after you know all the features?

    If you're still not convinced, imagine how your playstyle would change if all of the Minecraft Earth mobs were added to the game, along with a couple more. You suddenly have to choose which cow, chicken, pig, or sheep to farm instead of just picking them because they're the only ones or the mooshroom because you decided to actively search for a mushroom biome. Even if you don't want to choose, you get the chance to spend time collecting all the mobs and exploring the world to get a chance at generating a pair of every single variant to farm them all. And that's only scratching the surface of this potential. Choosing which biome to build your mob grinders in matters a lot more because you're forced to make a choice between standard arrows, arrows of slowness from strays, and who knows what other drops from other variants of skeletons they decide to add. And that's just skeletons. With zombies, creepers, and spiders and their variants added to the mix, you might have to give up a farm with a drop you really like for more all-around good drops, or choose to build multiple farms and only keep one loaded at a time. And that's not even covering the drops themselves, only the decisions you have to make regarding them. Give us a different type of string that's already dyed to make wool farming easier or to add a splash of color to your favorite bow. Give us bone spiders that trade eyes and strings for extra bones. Give us zombies with rotten flesh that gives an effect other than hunger for us to decide whether blindness for 20 seconds is worth 2 extra points of hunger. There's lots of possibilities here. And structures that add spice to the world would be more common. Rather than seeing an empty desert with a couple wells here and there and maybe a temple if you're lucky, you get around five different structures of varying rarity, and since there's more in the code that didn't generate, every desert will feel unique rather than just its shape. And that's just deserts. Structures like this would hypothetically generate in every biome, not just deserts. I'm just mentioning them because desert wells already exist and they're a nice starting place to explain.

    And the best part is that this requires minimal part on the coder's part, just some modifications and duplicates to already existing code. Balance doesn't have to be too much of a factor since all of these are just slightly stronger or weaker variants of existing mobs and the core gameplay is barely affected, so Mojang's standard iterative design process is significantly shorter. The structures would take a bit of building and some code to have them generate every so often and that's it. The only workload that would hypothetically increase if this update were in would be the art designers, but since a lot of the textures would be reused from Minecraft Earth or Dungeons their workload would be about the same as a regular update. Everyone benefits, even the people coding the game.

    And there's my pitch for my theoretical perfect update, in addition to an explanation on why the features that fall under that category are good. Players get variety with their landscape and the mobs they encounter and decide to farm, while coders get less work, not more. Mobs like husks and strays existing currently allow for different resources to be farmed from mob grinders rather than just the standard rotten flesh-bone-gunpowder-string, and imagine what the meta for choosing your biome would be like if more mobs like that were added. This would definitely be a controversial update initially, but I think over time and after all the features were given time to settle in, people would find their favorite features from the update and fall in love, missing a time before they existed. Minecraft after this update would never be the same, and while the features on their own wouldn't be terribly special, combined they'd give the game some of the flavor its generation desperately needs without the need of new biomes.

    submitted by /u/Augie279
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    The Pits

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    The Pits

    The Pits would be a rare-ish Nether biome that would be very similar to the Nether Wastes but without any ores or usual mobs. Inside the biome would be large destroyed machinery made from Blacksteel.

    Blacksteel and Steel

    Blacksteel and Steel would be two decorative alloys that are crafted from Iron and Coal.

    Blacksteel from 3 Iron and 1 Coal

    Steel from 2 Iron and 2 Coal

    Piglin Scavenger

    The most common mob in The Pits. They spawn around the scattered Blacksteel constructs in search of gold, They will usually run from the player but will attack when the player is wearing any gold armor.

    Blacksteel Golem

    A rare lumbering mob larger than ghasts, these silent mobs could be considered mini-bosses. They would be decently slow, but can do a swift smash attack that does devastating damage. When killed they explode and don't drop anything, however when you use a Redstone Disturber the golem will deactivate allowing you to snatch the Scarlet Crystal from inside. Sound a Blacksteel Golem makes Sound when you take a Scarlet Crystal from a Blacksteel Golem

    Redstone Disturber

    The Redstone Disturber would be a single-use item that deactivates Blacksteel Golems which will let you take the Scarlet Crystal inside. It would be crafted from 2 Steel on the top and bottom and 1 Redstone Block in the middle.

    Scarlet Crystal

    The unstable power source of the Blacksteel Golems and once for the old machinery found scattered around. Can be used in a smithing table with a Nethetrite Sword to put the crystal in it's hilt, increasing the damage and knock-back by 1.


    Scarlet Crystal, Blacksteel Block, and Steel Ingot.

    submitted by /u/Deplizz78
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    Make Tipped Arrows much more effective and give them special abilities.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 05:03 AM PDT

    In my opinion, Tipped Arrows are not very useful. Dragon's Breath is an endgame and dangerous-to-collect resource, so you'd think the products would be worth your while. Instead, Tipped Arrows have a very short duration, and most of them are not practical (water breathing arrow, seriously?). Hopefully, my suggestion would change that.

    • The crafting recipe of Tipped Arrows has been changed. To make a Tipped Arrow, combine 1 Lingering Potion and 1 Arrow together. The Glass Bottle is not consumed in the recipe.
    • Tipped Arrows have a 80% chance not to be consumed when using an Infinity bow (instead of not being compatible with infinity). This is to balance out the fact that they are harder to craft.
    • When Tipped Arrows hit a mob, killing the mob has a 80% chance to give back the Tipped Arrow. This is also to balance out the fact that they are harder to craft.
    • Spectral Arrows have been removed. Instead, we have Arrows of Glowing (described below). To make a Potion of Glowing, you need to brew Glow Berries into an Awkward Potion. The Potion of Glowing can be turned into a splash, lingering, or arrow version, or extended with Redstone Dust.

    NOTE: I am referring to the extended/enhanced potions when I say "Inflicts X or X II for X, X, or X seconds." It is not a random chance.


    • Inflicts Speed or Speed II for 60, 30, or 15 seconds.
    • Arrow travels 25% or 50% faster in flight and is fired 25% or 50% faster.


    • Inflicts Slowness or Slowness II for 60, 30, or 15 seconds.
    • Arrow travels 10% or 20% slower in flight and is fired 10% or 20% slower.


    • Inflicts Jump Boost or Jump Boost II for 120, 60, or 30 seconds.
    • Arrow ricochets (up to 5 times) off blocks and entities, dealing +1 damage with each bounce.


    • Inflicts Strength or Strength II for 60, 30, or 15 seconds.
    • Arrow flies 25% or 50% farther than a normal arrow.


    • Inflicts Weakness or Weakness II for 60, 30, or 15 seconds.
    • Arrow flies 10% or 20% less far than a normal arrow.


    • Heals 3 or 6 hearts.
    • Does no damage and inflicts less knockback, except to undead mobs.


    • Takes away 3 or 6 hearts (heals undead mobs by 3 or 6 hearts).
    • The arrow itself does no damage, but the harming effect does. The harming effect ignores armor.


    • Inflicts Poison or Poison II for 20, 10, or 5 seconds.
    • If the arrow hits a block, it makes a small lingering cloud of poison that lasts for 10 seconds.


    • Inflicts Regeneration or Regeneration II for 20, 10, or 5 seconds.
    • The arrow does no damage, except to undead mobs, who will also have their health slowly drained.


    • Inflicts Fire Resistance for 240 or 120 seconds.
    • The arrow cannot be set on fire by the Flame enchantment or if it passes through lava.


    • Inflicts Water Breathing for 240 or 120 seconds.
    • The arrow travels through water as if it were air.


    • Inflicts Night Vision for 240 or 120 seconds.
    • The arrow has a much larger hitbox, allowing you to hit things (especially things in the dark) easier.


    • Inflicts Invisibility for 120 or 60 seconds.
    • The arrow is invisible. Any particles it may create are not invisible, and the arrow still creates noise.


    • Inflicts Resistance IV or VI and Slowness III or IV for 40 or 20 seconds.
    • The arrow is very heavy, meaning it sinks instantly in water/lava and has a more arced trajectory.


    • Inflicts Slow Falling for 60, 30, or 15 seconds.
    • The arrow falls slowly through the air instead of maintaining the same speed as it falls.


    • Inflicts Glowing for 20 or 10 seconds.
    • The arrow (and its particles) glows in the dark, allowing you to see it even in complete darkness.


    • If it hits a lava block, it turns it into Obsidian. If it hits a Sponge, it turns it into a Wet Sponge. If it hits Concrete Powder, it turns it into Concrete. If it hits fire or a Campfire, it puts it out.
    • Does extra damage to Endermen, Snow Golems, Striders, and Blazes. Causes Shulkers to teleport.
    • Removes the levitation effect from mobs and extinguishes them if they are on fire.

    In the comments, tell me any ideas you had to improve this post, especially when it comes to balancing. If you have any suggestions on what to add to this post, I'd be happy to hear them.

    submitted by /u/DestinyReaver98
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    End/Endermen upgrade - status effect for defeating the ender dragon.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    An advancement similar to "hero of the village" after defeating the ender dragon. The advancement's name "free the end" hints at a deeper meaning to this fight, or the relationship between the Endermen, the Ender Dragon, and the End dimension. Endermen in the end will throw at the player random blocks, the same way the villagers do with their trades when a player defeats a raid and gets the "hero of the village" status effect. Maybe they can throw ender pearls, too. I'm thinking, because endermen seem to be a bit more intelligent than other mobs, with their ability to take and place different blocks, and since the player is freeing the end, that they give him gifts in a similar fashion to villagers.

    submitted by /u/creustmas
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    Goat horns should be activated by dispensers

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    If you place a goat horn inside a dispenser and activate it, the sound will play (the horn isn't ejected)

    This would allow for some warning siren systems, for example if an intruder activates a trap the raid sound will play to let them know they've done something they shouldn't have

    submitted by /u/oncipt
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    Iron to fix anvils

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Anvils are pretty annoying to make. Unless you have a huge ugly iron farm iron not that fun to grind. They should add that if you crouch and right click an anvil with an iron ingot it would slightly repair. Like 5 iron would fix it 1 stage (Norm, Chipped, Damaged). You can fix iron golems, why wouldn't you be able to fix anvils?

    submitted by /u/iedneved
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    Dripstone caves are too undramatic

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    The new generating dripstone caves are really cool, but I think they need some work. Firstly, I think the pointed dripstone shold vary in size and length more, so it doesnt just look plain, with spikes ranging from 1 - 2 to 7-8, maybe more. and a lot of varying sizes of the dripstone block columns. secondly, i think some areas of the caves should be intensely packed with dripstone, and it should overall be dangerous to be in the biome and not be careful, due to the dripstone.

    submitted by /u/NthWrsDmnd
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    book & quill should be easier to use on PE

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    I use Pocket Edition on my iPad. I have noticed that it is very hard to use book & quills. For example, if I misspell a word, I cannot simply tap the word to move the cursor to correct the word. You should be able to click anywhere in the book and move the cursor there, instead of having to press and hold the space bar to move the cursor. Also, if I go to a letter at the end of a line, (like this: axolotl

    and I press delete, it moves the line below up. it is very annoying.

    This is just my idea, and I want to make all PE users lives easier when they use the book & quill.

    submitted by /u/magic_kitty2546
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    Winds And Wonders update

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    I know this has been talked about a lot but.

    I don't think it would be a new dimension but an overworld expansion.

    1. A phantom like mob called the windsurfer, it would be neutral and it could drop an item that customizes your elytra. (Sort of like banners)

    2. Cloud puff that could be eaten for slow falling or crafted into cloud blocks.

    3. Clouds can generate in multiple different ways like clouds close to the ground or clouds you can stand on. (Including fog)

    submitted by /u/Cyclohovic-model
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    chorus flowers as an alternate wood source

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    those would just act like planks in the crafting table, however you can craft only sticks, crafting tables and tools, not a very good source of wood, but it would be useful just in case if you forgot about bringing the wood to the end

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    My update to The End (it's not a low-effort post, i ensure you)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    My update to The End (it's not a low-effort post, i ensure you)

    We got the nether update last year to fix the nether, a cave update this year to fix the underground, so an end update would be a nice addition. Mojang said that The End wouldn't get a big update, but a small update would be great.

    I will show you mobs, biomes and more!

    biomes and distribution of these biomes:

    The distribution:

    My idea for the distribution of biomes is like so:

    In the middle you can see the End island with the ender dragon. The black dots resembles the end gateway portals and the lines resembles the border of the end biomes. Note: this is a rough sketch

    So the biomes of the end is like a pie chart. There are 20 gateway portals so there are 10 biomes and 10 sub-biomes. Every end biome and every end sub-biome will generate one time. The cirkle in the middle is the main end island biome, the island where you spawn.

    The biomes will be in a random order. The order is different per world. Like shown on the map, every end gateway portal will lead you to a biome.

    Some biomes will keep the original shape of the end island but some will transform the end islands a bit more. End biomes will generate on multiple end island if they are in their borders of course.

    The 21 biomes:

    The main end island: The main end island will stay the same, nothing changes here. This biome generates in the middle of the end. After defeating the dragon, an end gateway portal will spawn, up to 20.

    End plains: This is the outer end island like we know them, just endstone and chorus fruit.

    End plains sub-biome: This biome is like the End plains but the top layer of endstone is replaced with end grass and end podzol.

    End forests: The top layer of the biome is replaced with end grass. In this biome end trees and chorus trees generate.

    End forests sub-biome: The same like End forests but with more hillier terrain.

    End tops: This biome looks like eroded badlands but without ground and the hoodoos are from endstone, so instead of forming one islands, this biome consists of a big number of smaller, spikier islands. These mini end islands generate here more often, to balance the big space of nothingness out. No end trees or chorus trees generate here.

    End tops sub-biome: The same like the End tops but more smaller and spikier spikes. Even more mini end islands generate here.

    Mini end island clusters: This biome consists of only the mini end islands that are 7-17 blocks in diameter. Sometimes end trees generate here but no chorus trees, and about 1/5 of the time the top of a mini end island consists of end podzol or end grass.

    Mini end islands clusters sub-biome: This biome is like the Mini end islands clusters but more hillier terrain on the mini end islands. No chorus trees or end trees generate here.

    End mountains: This biome looks like the extreme hills biome but more flat. End trees and chorus trees generate here sometimes. Cobbled endstone generates at mountain tops.

    End mountains sub-biome: The same like End mountains but the top layer of the ground is made of end podzol, even the mountain tops. End trees generate here more, but not as much as End forests. No chorus trees generate here.

    Void shores: This biome lets the end islands where it generates on be a bit lower, so closer to the void. No structures generate here and no mobs spawn here. Some times some chorus fruit and end podzol generates here.

    End jungle: The island is entirely made up from end grass and end podzol. End bushes, the equivalent of the overworld jungle bushes, generate here often. End bushes are made up from end logs and en leaves. The trees density is very high here. chorus trees generate here and there.

    End jungle sub-biome: More wacky terrain and sometimes cobbled endstone generates here in patches.

    Obsidian plains: A mostly flat biome with with obsidian boulders generaten on the landscape. No end trees and chorus trees generate here.

    Obsidian plains sub-biome: The same like Obsidian plains but the obsidian boulders are replaced with obsidian arches.

    Cracked end islands: The top layer of the biome is made of end podzol. End trees and chorus trees generate in patches that are rare. The islands in this biome are cracked and have many holes and trenches in them. Mini end islands generate around the bigger islands.

    Cracked islands sub-biome: The same like the Cracked end islands only more there are end trees and chorus trees. Cracks in the islands are bigger.

    Caldera plains: Craters generate in this flat biome. End trees generate in these calderas. No chorus trees generate here.

    Caldera plains sub-biome: This biome looks like Caldera plains but the craters go trough the islands, so if you fall into them, you fall also into the void.



    The end grass can be found in most end biomes. It has a more wacky look to it, but that's all what's counts.


    End podzol looks like end grass but it has some pink dots on it. These dots help you to know the difference about the end grass and end podzol. End podzol does also generate in most of the end biomes.


    End logs are, well logs. They are the stem of end trees and can be crafted into end wood. End trees look like a candyfloss but the leaves are more in a oval shape around the tree. End logs can also be found in end bushes in end jungles.


    End leaves are the leaves of end trees and end bushes. The leaves are in an oval shape around the end tree.


    This is end wood. Of course it has all the normal wood variants. It has a nice purple look to it.


    This is cobbled endstone. It generates naturally in some end biomes or can be made if you mine endstone with a pickaxe that hasn't got silk touch. This makes surviving in the end easier. Of course cobbled endstone can be made in endstone brick or can be smelted in endstone. It also has a polished variant.


    This is polished endstone, actually polished cobbled endstone. This block is designed for more consistency for endstone blocks.


    The end spider:

    The front of the end spider

    The back of the end spider

    The end spider is the source of string in the end but also for a new armor. It has 16 hitpoints and does 5 damage in normal. It can climb walls and can die from the void, lava, ...

    The end spider spawns in most biomes if it has enough space. This mob runs away from enderman and shulkers.

    The end spider drops string and end powder if it's killed by the player and only the player, wolfs, fall damage, fire, ... all don't count, they only drop string and end powder if killed by the player. They have a 75 % chance to drop 2-4 string and a 0,5 % chance to drop 2-3 end powder. Looting can increase the number of string dropped but not the chance/number of end powder dropping.

    The hoover:

    The front and side of the hoover

    The front, side and the upper part of the hoover

    This mobs hoovers a half block above the ground. It has 40 hitpoints and it's attack is like an iron golem, swinging it's arm up and flinging players in the air, doing 7,5 hearts of damage, not including fall damage.

    When the hoover falls, it falls slowly and it does not take fall damage. The hoover attacks overworld mobs and prefers overworld mobs over players.

    When killed (any way) the hoover has a 80% chance to drop 2-5 end leaves, an additional 30% chance to drop 2 end leaves and a 55% chance to drop 1-2 end podzol or end grass.

    The hoover spawns in all end biomes except the ones that have to little ground to spawn the hoover. The hoover needs at least a 5X3X5 flat area to spawn.

    Enderium (not an ore!):

    So, it's logical that the end would get an armor, the nether already has an special armor, netherite. I thought this can be not made from an ore but dropped from a mob, the end spider.

    The end spider has a 0,5 % chance to drop 2-3 end powder. When smelting an end powder in a furnace you get one enderium ingot. Like netherite, you can put diamond tools and armor together with an enderium ingot to get enderium X.

    The enderium ingot

    Enderium armor. The netherite helmet looks different than other helmets, so i thought the enderium helmet could look different, it has a sort of crystal inside it.

    Enderium doesn't give protection to the void but to fall damage and that sort of stuff in general. When you have at least one enderium armor equipped, you get the slow falling effect forever untill you put this armor off again. You don't take fall damage.

    When you drop any enderium item, either trough dying or just dropping your items, it will float if there is air beneath that item, if there is no air beneath that item it will just lie on the ground. If you die mid-air, your enderium items will float on the air blocks, so if you die super high in the air, good luck.


    This is the enderium block. Like all other enderium items it floats in the air when there is air beneath the item. Of course, this block is made from 9 enderium ingots and can be crafted into 9 enderium ingots.


    End city's:

    End city's generate if their is enough space. Biomes that don't have enough space can't have end city's. End city's will stay the same.

    Ender shrines:

    Ender shrines are conduit like structures that are half buried and made from purper blocks. In the middle (the block where the conduit should be) there is an endermite spawner. There is a chest buried around 2-4 blocks under this structure.

    The loot:

    Ender pearl 1-3 75%
    Chorus fruit 2-7 75%
    End logs 2-4 70%
    End podzol 3-5 60%
    End leaves 4-6 60%
    Iron sword 1 40%
    Iron chestplate 1 40%
    Diamond pickaxe 1 15%
    Diamond Leggings 1 15%
    Diamond boots 1 15%
    Enderium ingot 1 3%

    Note: tools and armor have some enchantments and are half damaged.

    Hope you liked it!

    submitted by /u/Red_panda1130
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    Spore blossoms that can be filled with dye [Repost]

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    My original post had an unclear title so here I am again.

    Here from r/minecraft, I have an idea not sure if this has been suggested before but, how about mojang makes the spore blossom interactable, so that when right clicked with a dye in hand it makes the particles emitted from it coloured for a while, this might be indicated on the flower body by an outline of that colour on each petal, glow ink can also be used to make the particles look brighter, probably indicated by a glow texture in the middle of the flower, I can see this being extremely useful in creative builds and servers.

    submitted by /u/Aurum_crusader
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    Update idea

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    I have seen this idea around so ,how about a radioactive biome , with uranium ores , fallout ,and uranium blocks that do damage to the player because of radiation .

    to get around this you need lead armour or use led blocks , led being a new ore , but while wearing lead armour you have slowness . The player would be able to use uranium blocks as power source for redstone , with a longer range than redstone blocks , but again it hurts the player when it is within a certain range when not in led armour.

    You could also craft it with tnt to get a more powerful tnt , that also produces fallout that appears on block like snow does. The player could also make a lead weapon ,that poisons what ever you hit with it . A lead sword will do as much damage as a stone one but with the poison effect , but will do as much damage as a iron sword against the new radioactive mobs . Lead would be as rare as gold .

    Uranium ores and blocks glow producing light similar in strength to glowstone.

    This radioactive biome would have 3 mobs , a radioactive zombie, radioactive fish ,radioactive creeper,and radioactive golem. The radioactive mobs have as much health as their non radioactive version

    The radioactive zombies would be like normal zombies but they inflict poison when they hit you if you don't have lead armour .

    The radioactive fish would also be aggressive , as a fish it can only be found in water , no poison but they do appear in polluted water .

    The radioactive creeper , creates a larger explosion , simular to a charge creeper but also produces fallout when it explodes .

    radioactive golem can be made with uranium blocks and a pumpkin , but also naturally spawn in a new structure called an abandoned village that would be a rundown village with no villagers in it but you may find radioactive golems, they are aggressive, and poison you when hit if you don't have led armour .

    If a zombie , creeper,cod , or iron golem is exposed to radioactive blocks too long they can change into these mobs. The player can craft , a splash potion to reverse this , and turn these mobs back to their normal forms .

    As this biome is very hard it would be more for late game players and as so the the new mobs drop powerful items , the zombie and fish dropping radioactive flesh ,that can be used to make potions of instant death that are super powerful damage splash potions almost instakilling all mobs except bosses . The golem drops uranium ingots and the creeper , the radioactive tnt.

    Uranium can also be used in the creation of a harmful beacon where all mobs in the range of the beacon excepts the player gets a negative effect , and if they walk though the beam its high damage for all but bosses . This would also give more use to nether stars . Uranium can also be used in furnaces as ultra fast fuel .

    Maybe even a new boss

    Fell free to repost or steal as long but all ideas are my own


    submitted by /u/Lord_Dex24
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    Bitter Potions - A Use for Cocoa Beans in Brewing

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    Bitter Potions - A Use for Cocoa Beans in Brewing

    So there I was, considering Minecraft's brewing system, and I realized that a normal potion of harming is kind of useless. Drinking it actively harms you, and there's no way you can fool your enemies into drinking it, given it is

    A. The only potion that color

    B. Literally says its effect "instant damage" below its alterable name, ensuring there is no way to fool others into drinking it.

    So, I thought, "What if there was a way to disguise potions as a more reasonable drink, so through mind tricks, one could trick an enemy into drinking them?".

    And thus, the idea:

    Brew some cocoa beans into an awkward potion, and you create a bitter potion.

    Created using the following commands:

    /give @ p minecraft:potion{CustomPotionColor:8350521,display:{Name:"\"Bitter Potion\""}}

    /give @ p minecraft:potion{CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:23}],CustomPotionColor:8350521,display:{Name:"\"Bitter Potion\""}}

    Thanks to minecraft.tools 's custom potion creator)

    The Bitter potion, despite its negative name, is actually a very light saturation potion (that only works if drunk, not splashed or lingering) making it a somewhat useful food source. It doesn't mention its effect, as all bitter potions have no description line of their effects.

    However, here comes the kicker.

    You can also produce bitter potions by brewing cocoa beans into any other potion (or a water bottle). Instead of taking the light saturation, however, it uses the base potion's effect instead.

    Because the cocoa beans were added, the intense bitter taste of them removes any ability to identify the potion based on taste or smell, removing the description line and changing the name to bitter potion. The deep brown color it stains the potion removes the ability to identify it based on appearance. Thus, the only way to identify it is by drinking it in its entirety, and seeing what happens.

    It could be a healing potion, could be an actual bitter potion (Thus motivating it be drunk instead of splashed), or it could be harming 2, dealing 12 damage right through your armor because your enemies snuck it into your supply.


    Just using it as a food supply - Its not nearly as good as suspicious stew (Saturation), or even most other foods, but you produce 3 at once and they will drink quick once the next combat update comes out. If you have the blaze powder for it, you could live off the stuff with a simple cocoa farm.

    Hiding Your Good Potions - In case you fear others may try to steal your healing potion stash, make them all bitter, and they might not want to test them (especially with a few harming potions you know about introduced to the mix).

    Tricking your enemies - They don't know what they're drinking, sneak a few harming potions in with a different collection of bitter potions, and they'll take damage.

    Map Making - The sneaky applications of this unknown information are many.

    Just having a brown bottled drink item in the base game that fills up the hunger bar. Tavern builds rejoice.

    Wait, isn't this just Suspicious Stew, but again?

    Well... technically, it shares a similarity with suspicious stew in the surprise factor, but suspicious stew is more of an early game item, whose effects aren't long enough to be of much use or harm. Potions are more expensive, as you need blaze powder to make them work, instead of flowers and mushrooms. Also, unlike suspicious stew, these wouldn't randomly generate.

    This is a way of disguising potions of wider variety, stronger potency, and longer duration than any stew could give.

    Can also disguise Splash and Lingering Potions, and Tipped Arrows, but at that point its obvious you're disguising something, since those forms nullify the food ability.

    submitted by /u/Creative-Kreature
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    Buff Minecart Speed

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    Minecarts are a very old and iconic feature, but have been power-crept out of their usefulness over the years with horses and boats on ice. They are now just an expensive novelty, not an actual means of travel.

    I propose a very simple change; the maximum speed of minecarts should be upgraded from 8 blocks/second (this is over one axis, it's about ~11.314 when going diagonally according to the wiki) up to 20 blocks/second.

    I think even a 30 or 40 b/s speed limit is more than fair considering boats on ice go up to 57 b/s, and up to 72 b/s on blue ice! That may be a little op for just regular ice, but I think it's worth it with Blue Ice because of how difficult it is to obtain.

    This way it is much faster than horses, but much, much slower than boat ice roads, and they are now a much more appealing investment to the player, but still let the other means of travel keep their roles and niches.

    submitted by /u/LordOfTheGlassCube
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    REAL Dungeons

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    Dungeons are now a large, Stronghold sized structure. You have to search for the loot within and also find hidden chests. There would still be a spawner but only one, located at the heart of it. Each mob has a different layout to accompany their behaviors.

    Zombie - Tight corridors and ledges. To force close combat, and to catch the player off guard.

    Skeleton - Large pits in the center of rooms. To force long distance combat.

    Spider - Small rooms with tons of cobwebs. To force creative combat.

    To adjust the scale of power, strongholds would be like twice as big

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    Add a Beach Update to Minecraft

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Minecraft has had the Aquatic Update, which changed the oceans, but the beaches have always been a bit bland. They are only a few blocks wide and not very long either. There aren't many interesting things there. Here are a few suggestions (some of them may be hard to implement or unwanted, they're just suggestions):

    • Definitely make them bigger, maybe 20 blocks wide and a lot longer.
    • Add sticks, planks, and a rare chance of iron ingots, gold nuggets, and nautilus shells sticking out of the sand. You could pick them up by right clicking on the sand.
    • Add more terrain like small dunes on the beach.
    • Add a wet sand block. This could either be only obtainable if sand naturally generates next to water, or it could also be formed by water being on top of sand. This block would fall slower than other gravity blocks but only when adjacent to another block. It could be collected with a bucket.
    • Add beach plants growing near the back end of the beach.
    • Add birds such as seagulls and/or pelicans.
    • Add shallower water next to the beach.
    • Add a slight descent to the beach.
    • Add rocks sticking out of the water and on the beach.
    • Add craftable beach chairs that can be put on the beach. They can be used once a day to skip a small amount of time, maybe 1/4 of the in game daytime.

    This is a lot, and not all of these ideas may be valid, but beaches really need an update. This is probably not very high on the priority list, but it could be a later update that would add much-needed variety to beaches.

    submitted by /u/awesometim0
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    changes to peaceful/easy/normal mode

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    these modes are the easiest ones in the beginning, but those are way harder in the long run than the hard difficulty, mainly because lower difficulties remove some features from the game

    there are some key features that make the hard mode easier:
    - curing villagers
    - better raid loot
    - more xp and loot from mobs
    - no mobs while playing peaceful mode

    now there are some solutions:

    1. if you have traded with a villager, it will always turn into a zombie villager, also it's despawn proof so you won't lose him that easily if a zombie manages to kill him
    2. raids are somewhat easier because those give more totems, you can't get totems on easy difficulty, my idea is just to replace the bad omen and difficulty effects (bad omen affects the wave count and difficulty affects the enchant chance)
    3. harder difficulties increase the chance for mobs to spawn with equipment, that equipment also affects the xp droprate, so basically xp farms give more xp on hard difficulty, i think all mobs should have equal chances for equipment, but the difficulty should affect its quality, and to balance things out, better armor has lower drop chance, so grinding it this way won't be as efficient
    4. peaceful just limits the content, i think the easiest way is to remove mob aggressive behavior towards the player or even disable their AI, peaceful is supposed to be a "noob mode" and not nearly impossible
    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Make it so that we can set a scoreboard objective on the sidebar for each team individually

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Currently we have the ability to set a different scoreboard objective on the sidebar for each team color, but not any way to do it for each individual team. Because of this limitation, we cannot make two teams have the same color with a different scoreboard on the sidebar.

    In the latest versions of the game, you can set the sidebar for each team color with the following command: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar.team.<team color> <objective>

    I propose to change this syntax to /team modify <team> sidebar <objective>.

    When you join a team which has the sidebar property set, it will show you the team scoreboard objective on the sidebar instead of the normal scoreboard objective set by using /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar <objective>. This is the same behavior as in the current versions of the game and should not be changed.

    A player may also erase the sidebar property of a team by running /team modify <team> sidebar, similarly to the command /scoreboard objectives setdisplay <slot>.

    Lastly, albeit technically a different suggestion, this change would allow Mojang developers to support HEX values for team names via /team modify <team> color #<hex color> in the future as the displayed scoreboard wouldn't rely on preset colors anymore.

    Thank you for reading my suggestion. Please don't hesitate to leave your feedback in the comments below if you have any.

    submitted by /u/minecraftprank
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    Arrows shot by a player should break vines.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:53 PM PDT

    The same should be the case for weeping vines and twisting vines. It would only be the case for players because I doubt anyone would want a skeleton shooting their entire vine farm down, if they have one at all.

    submitted by /u/Subnexus
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