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    Minecraft Rice is good

    Minecraft Rice is good

    Rice is good

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    Rice can be found in swamps (I know this might not be true, but swamps are the only biome that makes sense) and you can grow the rice in water.

    To eat this rice, you have to a bowl of rice with a bowl and rice you can add on to the that by adding cooked meat, cooked fish, raw fish, and vegetables. Rice should also be able to be a substitute for wheat when making bread. Dried kelp with rice can be turned into rice balls. Dried kelp and raw fish with rice could be made into sushi.

    It can also make Redstone immune to water

    Edit: just added stuff from the comments. Thanks!

    Sushi: -businessskeleton- MountOlympus_ Hairo-Sidhe

    Something to do with Redstone: SupaChokoNekos MinecraftWarden06

    submitted by /u/Jordy_Rabitart
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    Deep Oceans Cliffs, with the new terrain generation the ocean feels even more shallow than before, space is not an issue anymore so there's no reason not to do it.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    It can be the same generation as mountains but flipped so its pretty simple. They can be used for mob farms, to access very deep caves easily and increased glowsquid/drowned spawning

    submitted by /u/Rscerdeira
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    Rotten Planks and Logs

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    If Planks or Logs are left in water for 1.5 Minecraft days, they will turn into rotten versions of their blocks.

    Rotten Planks and Logs has slightly less hardness than the normal Planks or Logs, and always have green moss as part of the texture regardless. Rotten Planks creak loudly when mobs walk on them, and jumping on them is dangerous, as they will break after a couple of jumps, similar to how farmland reverts to dirt.

    It is possible to prevent wooden blocks from rotting by using black dye on the wood. This is a reference to pitch and tar, which makes the wood waterproof, and stops the rot from taking place.

    A new gamerule known as doWoodRot can be updated to false to disable wood rotting without cheats. Rain cannot rot wood in Minecraft.

    If a Rotten Plank or Log block is broken without a Silk Touch axe, it will drop 1-2 sticks. Otherwise it drops itself.

    Rotten wood blocks can be found in abandoned villages and also strongholds in natural generation. Village piers will always have rotten wood blocks because of water.

    Cracked wood would also look good, but it needs to have a very low hardness and blast resistance. Cracked wood would be more decorational.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Lightning rods should be able to transfer redstone power.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    I know, it already does when hit by lightning. But when I mean here is that you should be able to use lightning rods instead of redstone dust. This, in my opinion, is balanced for the following reasons:


    • Copper is harder to get, especially early game. Even with a Drowned farm it takes time to gather copper in large quantities.

    • It can't be used outside without precautions, because it will attract lightning strikes which will affect the strength of your redstone signals, as well as timing.

    • Should only send signals in its direction, so can only power one block and not to the side.


    • Aesthetic purposes. It looks great (like actual wiring), and only uses a single block without needing to be supported.

    • Does not interact with redstone dust except when struck by lightning.

    • Moveable with pistons, for more wacky contraptions and flying machines / portable redstone circuits.

    • Vertical 1-block redstone signals, which already exist using leaf blocks, wood, pistons, and redstone blocks, but this makes it less complicated.

    The only thing is that it would need to be able to route corners, unless people can get creative. Alternatively, a wire block that looks similar might work (while being expensive still), but then it starts getting into modded territory.

    submitted by /u/acemccrank
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    Soul Sandstone

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    Self explanatory. Sandstone made out of soul sand. There could even be soul temples that are like desert temples

    submitted by /u/Gann123
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    Redstone dusted dust

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    We all know its pretty annoying when you accidentally release a fluid into your redstone circuits, so I'm proposing an idea that should make it less annoying, whenever redstone is destroyed by a fluid, it should leave a faint bit of redstone dust showing where it was and how it was oriented, this could work with repeaters and other redstone blocks that are destroyed by fluids, by having a dust pattern assigned to them, this faint bit of dust can be removed by either by, removing the block its on, waiting 5 minutes for it to disappear or maybe just punching it.

    edit: I posted it onto the feedback site


    submitted by /u/timewarpdino
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    If villagers arent able to interact with other villagers they should have less stock available.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Its reasonable to assume that a butcher wouldn't have the skills to get their own coal so they have to buy coal from the blacksmith. Or a librarian probably isn't able to rear cattle themselves so they buy leather for book bindings from the butcher.

    So if a villager doesn't have the ability to interact with other villagers they will only be able to maintain half stock so instead of 16 available trades for an enchanted book there will only be 8 available trades.

    submitted by /u/GodBlessTheEnclave-
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    Exploding rockets should give an extra boost when flying with elytra

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    When the rocket explodes it gives the player an extra boost to reach higher speeds at the expense of getting damage

    submitted by /u/CaptM44
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    Plains that generate near Jungles should be Jungle Edge instead.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    This already happens with the Stony Peaks biome and warm biomes so I don't think it'd be too difficult to add. Also, it makes the transition between the two biomes smoother.

    submitted by /u/MrYadriel
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    Breedable fish and squids

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    First, we need ways to breed fish so we can have huge fish farms like in real life. We also need squid farms so we can get ink sacs for black dye easily, and we definitely need glow squid farms because glow squids can be hard to find and we need a lot of glow ink sacs.

    submitted by /u/Gann123
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    Drowsiness Status Effect Instead of Immediate Phantoms

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    Phantoms are really annoying to anyone just trying to play Minecraft casually. Only players who have actually beat the game and gotten an elytra can use them for their drops; and phantoms attack players after only 3 days of not sleeping.

    I think a better way to encourage players to get reasonable sleep would be a "drowsiness" status effect.

    This is how it should work:

    • Starting at day 3 of not sleeping players get drowsiness. Every day after that it goes up 1 in effect strength until day 6 (drowsiness IV or 4)
    • When the effect is active, the player will see/hear things that dont exist (for example, fake creepers/creeper sounds, more cave sounds than usual, extra creepy mobs that spawn in complete darkness but dont actually hurt the player yet)
    • Only the drowsy player can see or hear their own hallucinations
    • How bad the hallucinations are depends on the effect strength, ie how many days past day 3 they havent slept
    • At day 6 of not sleeping (drowsiness IV or 4), hallucinations are finally able to hurt the player
    • Phantoms can be one of the hallucinations, which will finally be able to hurt the player at day 6 (drowsiness IV or 4)

    This will encourage players to sleep without immediately subjecting them to dangerous mobs that only players who already beat the game have a use for. It's also more creepy and just a tiny bit more realistic.

    submitted by /u/ninjakitty844
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    Enderman spawn rates in specifically the warped forest biome.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    I dont know about java, but on bedrock the amount of times there has been so many enderman i cant look away from one without looking at another is absurd. And they seem to be alot more touchy in the way were they aggro from practically insta looking at them, then away. Ive also had one aggro others i never looked at, not sure if thats intended. Ive been playing since week 1 on xbox 360 and never had this big of an issue with them and only in that biome. It makes it honestly scarier than soul sand valleys

    submitted by /u/codemystine
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    Tweaks to the Phantom

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    Right now the phantom is one of the most hated mobs in the game, but I think with a few tweaks they could be really fun.

    I suggest that instead of a few phantoms spawning after 3 days of not sleeping, they should spawn as a large swarm after 9 days (3 hours). Right now phantoms force you to constantly sleep if you don't want to deal with them. Since most players sleep within 9 days, you would have the option of not sleeping to fight the phantoms. There could also be a loud screech or something right before the phantoms spawn to give you a final chance to sleep. It could also work to reward players for braving the night.

    Since the phantoms wouldn't be as common, they should spawn in larger groups. If they were bigger it would be more challenging, but not unfair because you had 9 whole days to sleep if you didn't want to fight them. I think it would be fun to have to fight off a large swarm of flying phantoms. Also once the phantoms spawn the timer would reset and you would have to wait another 9 days for them to spawn.

    I also think that the phantom membrane could be buffed to reward players for fighting the phantoms. I think you should be able to repair your elytra by crafting it together with the membrane. This would be helpful because it allows you to quickly repair your elytra on the fly.

    I think making them spawn less frequently and in larger packs, as well as making the phantom membrane more desirable would really improve the phantoms. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/CrazyCrabEater
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    Soulsand behaving like quicksand if you have some enchanted stuff in the hands or in your armor.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Soulsand would behave normally with an entitiy if there is no enchanted item in the hands of the entity nor in the entity's armor slots (just classic slowness just as today)

    BUT Spirits are hungry! :) Soulsand blocks are inhabited by souls, it would behave like quicksand if the entity/mob/player wears enchanted stuff.

    If you drop an enchanted item on a Soulsand block it will be slowly dragged down into the block. This would not happen for non enchanted items. If there are several soulsand block in top of each other you would fall slowly through all of them. You have to jump a bit in order to stay at the surface. It would be easier if you are not deep but it would be less effective if you are already deep in the soulsand. You can also throw your enchanted stuff in order to stop the process. If you are panicking! You can still use your shovel to avoid suffocating as well.

    Only the soul speed enchantment would totally prevent this from happening.

    It can bring more challenge in soulsand valleys

    Could also be useful in order to sort enchanted items from non enchanted items

    submitted by /u/Lacryman5
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    Game changing enchantments

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    When you put fire aspect on your sword it doesn't change how you use a sword, when you put efficiency on your pickaxe it doesn't change how you use the pickaxe

    While yes both of these change how good the sword/pickaxe is, it doesn't change the tool in practice

    I propose more enchantments that change how you fundamentally use an item

    Whether it be as simple of an enchantment like "blocking" which would allow you to alt click with a sword to do the classic sword block

    Or "sliding" which when put on boots could allow you to perform a whole new movement option

    Imagine how many unique things you could do with enchantments but just don't get to because Bane of Arthropods is way more fun

    submitted by /u/Da_Gudz
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    Smooth Flight

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:20 AM PDT

    With the new 1.18 test snapshot, the elytra change has brought many positives and negatives to flying. I figured that this would be a great chance to suggest my idea while it is relevant.

    You have probably, at some point, experienced trying to use a bow or shoot other projectiles while flying. But sadly, you only ever hit yourself. if only you could fly where you aren't looking.

    My idea suggests the ability to fly in a straight line while looking around. A similar example would be the mod that some clients provide known as free look (perspective mod). You would be able to rotate 360 degrees without changing flight direction

    To perform this action, you would simply hold 'w' (walk forward button) for the time that you want to continue in one direction. Once released, the game would adjust the player to fly where they face.

    I imagine this would allow for the possibility of flight drifting.

    Finally, the player model animations could be somewhat simple. Maybe while looking up, the player whould appear with their back to the ground. To put it simply, imagine or try looking around while lying or rolling on the ground.

    Thank you for reading this, and I am very opened for your opinion. :)

    submitted by /u/Bobtheblindpig
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    Cloud height is variable

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    eg. fog is low lying near the ground, normal cloud cover would be near the post anvil height limit, clouds could form complex 3d shapes if allowed to render at multiple heights etc.

    submitted by /u/Emotional_Tale1044
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    Acid/ an acid biome

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    There should be an acid biome in the nether filled with acid. This acid looks like water and can extinguish fire, but hurts you like lava. This could be used to trick you friends into going into the "water" and getting burned. It also is a way to get a water-like substance in the nether. When acid goes on lava, instead of making obsidian, it makes blackstone. It also could make deepslate or the different stone types when it interacts with lava too. It could even make crying obsidian. This would be very useful especially in the nether to get rid of those pesky lava oceans by covering them with stuff and it also could be used to MLG in the nether while taking acid burning damage..

    submitted by /u/Gann123
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    Glowberrys should give night vision

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    Glowberries should give night vision, the reason why I feel like glowberries should give night vision is the new caves are huge and gigantic it would be so hard to navigate them, the new glow lichen kinda helps but you have to remember that you won't be able to see anything in these caves because its pitch is dark. The glow berries should give about 5-10 seconds of night vision, or if you eat the cooked glow berry it could give night vision instead of the raw glow berry giving night vision. glow Berrys giving night vision would be an easy way for the early game players or new players to get night vision for a short while. ( remember the effects of any potion doesn't stack in Minecraft, so you can't drink 2 5:00 min strength potions and have 10:00 min of strength. This is how I imagine the glow berry effect would work, just like the potions )

    submitted by /u/Season_Cookie
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    Make Mobs Vocalize Less Frequently

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    All mobs should vocalize considerably less frequently, especially passive mobs. There's absolutely no reason why they should be making sounds every two seconds, and it's a big contributor to so many mobs being considered annoying.

    submitted by /u/alex_fantastico
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    Nether wart blocks split to Nether wart by using

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    I suggest that nether wart blocks be split to nether wart by using a blaze rod this is because a nether fortress( in my experience ) may spawn without nether wart , this can be fixed by nether wart blocks being splitable by using a blaze rod ( i,e 1nether wart block + 1blaze rod = 1 nether wart) so it isn't overpowered because you still need to go to the fortress to get the blaze rods, this allows the player to brew directly potions after going to the fortress while still keeping it balanced because you need to go to the fortress for all other brewing materials like blaze powder etc.....

    submitted by /u/Indian024
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