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    Minecraft Don't let your dreams just be dreams...

    Minecraft Don't let your dreams just be dreams...

    Don't let your dreams just be dreams...

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    A year ago I made a thread here (that I deleted) suggesting sheers be added to dispensers to make wool shearing automated. Every single comment were people ridiculing me saying that it was too high-tech and frankly a bad idea.

    Well, look at me now, mom! 1.14 and you can shear sheep automatically. Suck it!

    I'm not claiming my suggestion is what made this be added in 1.14. But, I do think people who post here shouldn't be so quick to naysay other people's suggestions because you have some preconceived notion about "what Minecraft should be". Minecraft is an ever-evolving game. Don't be a gatekeeper.

    submitted by /u/4ft400lbs
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    Tropical Isles Update

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 03:50 AM PDT

    New Biomes Volcanic Island Biome. This biome would be almost as rare as the Mooshroom Island, sporting a higher spawn rate of Iron, Gold and Coal Ore(s).

    New Blocks Basalt Block. Same texture as the newly added Smooth Stone block, but darker gray slightly more than regular stone. Chance to be created when lava flow and water flow meet that otherwise creates cobblestone. For HEILALLAH: Basalt can be mined with an Iron Pick so maybe it could ruin SkyBlock a bit. Players would have to change up their way a bit. It might even make things more fun!

    Enriched Dirt/ Grass. This block is found in the new Volcanic Island biome. This will be the regular grass and dirt block found throughout the biome. The purpose of this is to make the Rich Farmland block. This is a variation of regular farmland, that grows crops an average of 55% faster!

    Mineral Sand. This block spawns in place of regular sand. They will grow anything that can be planted on them, 55% faster as well. Their texture resembles a mix of sand and pieces of red sand.

    Ash Tree Log, Leaves & Planks. These are available exclusively in the volcanic island biome. When the Ash tree is fully grown, they will be similar in size to Spruce Trees. Ash trees are similar in colour to Birch Trees.

    New Structures

    Volcanoes. These are a almost guaranteed structure, when you find a Volcanic Island biome. They vary in size generation, as well and being 3 different variation of Volcano: Extinct, Dormant & Active.Extinct Volcanoes, will be made of Cobblestone and Obsidian, with Basalt in it's centre and occasional Magma Blocks. They could also spawn with a wooden bridge going across it.Dormant will house mainly magma blocks in it's centre, then have some pockets of lava.Active Volcanoes, will have lava practically filling to the top of the volcano, with a few magma blocks at the edges of the volcano.-Hot Springs. If there's not a volcano, a Hot Spring will spawn. These will be smaller than volcanoes, consisting of a mound of stone and cobblestone block, filled with water and a floor of Basalt and a few Magma Blocks.

    New Items

    Scale. These are the drops of the Komodo Dragon mob of this proposed update and potential drop for turtles. Not that you'd want to kill any of these mobs of course. "-.-

    Scaled Leather. Crafted by putting 1 leather in the middle with 4 scales around it in a 'plus' pattern.

    Suggestions Made By Commentors:


    Volcanic Caves: For Volcanic Biomes, there should be Volcanic Caves which are extremely ore-rich, but they are surrounded by a thick bed of obsidian (meaning you will need a diamond pickaxe to enter them) and have a bunch of lava pockets. Additionally, the sky in the Volcanic Biome, or at least, active ones, is dark red, and mobs can spawn on it due to the dark sky. Lastly, within Volcanic Biomes, Lava should flow quicker like in the Nether. It is like a biome which is difficult to conquer! - I like this idea!

    • Sulfur Ore: Additionally, Sulfur Ore would be a new ore which belongs only to Volcanic Biomes, they are abundant. Sulfur Ore allows you to make sulfur, which can be mixed with coal or charcoal to create gunpowder, giving players access to gunpowder without killing creepers. - I like this idea too!


    • Volcanoes should spawn in both islands, or within "continents." The Ocean has a ton of stuff to explore already especially after the Aquatic Update, but cool and rewarding biomes should also be found in the "mainland" too! - I get your point. Maybe a slight chance to spawn within mountain biomes!
    • Though new mobs are awesome, it would be great if they were given some unique purpose. I know that Mojang has been adding rather useless mobs, but it would be great if more of them were given clever uses. - What if Komodo Dragons actively hunted zombies? It would give them a reason to be poisonous, if they eat rotten flesh!
    • Scalemail should be given natural poison resistance and fire resistance, as it would add a cool new reason for high-level players to make them. But maybe that's just me. - I get what you mean! I have an idea: How about fire & poison damage doesn't reduce the durability 1/4 the time?


    I really like this but I propose one small change, instead of making the leather into scaled leather have them make leather armor first. I think this would be a really cool use for the otherwise useless leather armor, most people skip to iron as its literally easier to get. So get 24 leather, make a full set of armor, then surround each piece by 4 scales. This reduces the grind for scales, and reduces the murdering of innocent komodos (while promoting the killing of another :/) - Yeah ok that sounds like a pretty good idea! Nice one!

    masterofthecontinuumgotta be the only source of new black sand, too. - Yeha! That sounds great!

    What about volcanic eruptions? Volcanos should erupt and launch a meteorite full of ores and a new boss fight and loot somewhere within several chunks. Eruptions should also spew lava and the lava can turn into lavastone over time. Eruptions should also spawn more ores.

    Underwater volcanos should also exist, they could be more common and less late-game versions of volcanoes. -- Whoa! You've got some good ideas there! It almost seems a bit much! I think eruptions should spawn new ore in the surrounding area and in the nearest chunk. Oh and your idea of Erupted lava becoming a solid block after some time, sounds like a nice idea! Maybe the cooled lava could turn into either Smooth stone, Basalt, a Magma Block or Obsidian? Oh I 100% agree on Underwater Volcanoes! Genius! But boss battle? What about a Mob that has 50 or even 75 Health? Maybe even a 'Molten Iron Golem' of sorts?

    submitted by /u/J-Cinnamon
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    Sound for when potions wear off

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    I occasionally forget that my potion effects wear off despite having an icon on the top right corner of the HUD and particales floating around me.

    submitted by /u/TerriblePillager
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    Cartographer Tents (1.15 Suggestion)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    Currently, cartographers are only found in villages and they never leave. This is very weird, I mean after all they should be out in the world, making maps of a variety of locations. That is why I suggest a small new structure should be added to the Minecraft Village and Pillage update which I like to call 'Cartographer Tents'.

    These tents will spawn around the world in every biome. Inside the tent will be a bed, a chest (full of random loot that the cartographer might have collected on his/her journey) and the new cartography table. On the outside, there will also be a fence and gate which block the two entry points which protect the villager at night, as well as a few torches too. A cartographer villager will also spawn inside these tents and will trade new maps which lead to different biomes (for example, a map which leads to a taiga biome) and also all normal cartographer trades. The tents will be made out of wool and planks/slabs/stairs/fence which will vary depending on the biome.

    Occasionally, a small garden will also spawn next to the tent, containing a few crops.

    Images: https://imgur.com/gallery/l1anHJm

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dViYoguhxTQ

    Vote for the idea here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360032474572-Cartographer-Tent

    Tell me what you think in the comments :)

    submitted by /u/MrMovieblock
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    Shulker Death Boxes

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    So the idea is that you would be able to equip a shulker box, perhaps in your offhand or your chestplate slot. Then when you die, your shulker box will be placed down with all your inventory in it. Obviously this is kind of overpowered, so forcing you to give up your chestplate might make it a bit more balanced.

    submitted by /u/Erose524
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    Making breeding more interesting by introducing basic genetics.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    My general proposal is that most passive/friendly mobs (Such as wild cats, ocelots and even foxes) could have a different values for things like cat fur, animal size, speed and even a new friendliness value that determines if the animal are more prone to run away from players or stay closer. You could breed animals that are generally more friendly, for example, to make offspring that is even more friendly then any of their natural generating relatives, just like how real life evolution works and how scientists have been replicating with real foxes in Russia for several decades. For regular gameplay it could be used to sort-of tame animals like Pigs, Cows, Foxes, Ocelots, etc. in a way that they aren't exactly your pet but won't necessarily run away when you get close to them and might even follow you sometimes. I'm thinking this idea could be expanded further in Education Edition where teachers could show their students how the genetics connect with each other and allow the students to experience in game how it works.

    If it all seems too complicated, I think it could still be done in a less genetic way, for example having a value (1-10) for friendliness and if two animals bred at 4.2 and 4.6 it may produce a offspring of 6.4. Less scientific for Education Edition but not exactly a bad compromise for me.

    submitted by /u/yellowwinner
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    Extend beacon range with more levels

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    Title explains it, level 5 and 6 on the beacon should add 50 blocks to the range each.

    submitted by /u/pellimies
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    Pigs should prefer to eat anything.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    Real life pigs are omnivores, and they are not really picky eaters. If I recall correctly, they are capable of eating their own piglets and human flesh.

    While pigs will still have preferences for potatoes and beets so they follow you when you hold those, they will still eat whatever the player gives to them.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Ways to make crops grow faster

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I think it would be cool if you were able to put say a bone block underneath the farm land then the crops could grow faster since bone blocks are made out of bone meal.

    submitted by /u/TheNamesEpic
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    Fishing at night should decrease the waiting time independently from enchantments.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:19 PM PDT

    The night is more dangerous, but for someone who wants to fish, that is a challenge for a higher catch rate of fish.

    Just like how people fish during nighttime for efficient fishing, fishing in Minecraft during the night will decrease the wait time.

    The phenomenon will stack with the Lure enchantment. However, for it to work, the water will need sky access. Without sky access, fishing takes as long as it does currently.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Pigs when spawned in swamp biomes have more chance of spawning on the water.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    Pigs like mud, right? Then they could spawn in (something close to) mud.

    submitted by /u/Evidaent
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    Change to TNT mechanics

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Since 1.14 they changed TNT to drop everything that it breaks, now that's great it really brings more use to TNT, but the only problem is it still explodes entities on the floor. This hasn't been implemented in Bedrock yet, but what I'd like to see is either TNT or another kind of explosive that does this and also doesn't destroy entities. So if you have a large scale building or just want to terraform a mountain you don't have to sacrifice those precious materials. The only downside to this is that more entities = more lag, but the game does help by stacking those items if stackable. I think if done correctly this would make TNT feel a lot more survival friendly and give it a use other than for player traps, etc.

    submitted by /u/Terradurus
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    Give the wandering trader trades from other biomes and make the last trade Prismarine blocks or sea lanterns.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    So whatever biome you are in the wandering trader doesn't have any trades for your biome.

    submitted by /u/SingleAd9
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    there should be death messages for crashing your elytra

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    i think there should be a Different death message from "(player name) fell from i high place"

    some i thought of are "(playername) crashed there elytra","(playername) dosent know how to fly", or "(player name's) elytra broke"

    edit: i know "[player] experienced kinetic energy" death message exists, but it only appears when you crash sideways, i also want there to be more variety in elytra death messages.

    submitted by /u/tahrealcartfart
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    The nether update

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    Although the nether isn't the most bland of places compared to something like caves it would be cool to see a place that hasn't seen a update in a while get huge additions.


    Fire fruit- Probably the most boring of the additions could be very similar the the chorus fruit except it spawns in the nether. The fire fruit will be a deep red item with the same model as the chorus fruit, it will remove 1heart of health but grant you a temporary fire resistance for 1 minute. It can spawn at walls of the netherfortress.


    The charred- The charred will be very zombie like mobs with their entire right side blackened by fire and some red spots of still smoldering pieces of flesh. The other half of their bodies will be pale white with a slight green tinge to it, like a corpse. It will deal 1 heart a hit and cause you to catch fire 20% of the time. It will have 10 hearts (20hp) and still be damaged by lava if it falls in, it is immune to fire though. It will spawn by lava lakes and will drop the same amount of hp as a drowned. They will also have a chance(60%) to drop "charred rotten flesh" granting the player a wither effect but replenishing hunger similar to rotten flesh.

    Tormented souls- Tormented souls are ghostly apparitions of villagers levitating slightly of the ground, they will have different types of clothing representing who they were in the overworld, they will emit a ghostly wail similar to a villagers. They will have 15 hearts (30hp) and will not attack but instead run away, they can phase through some walls (they cannot phase through obsidian, cobblestone, bedrock, or stone.) if you kill one you will get no xp and get the achievement "slayer of souls", but you can also save them if you find their profession and hold an item that represents them(librarian- book, farmer-wheat, Fisher-fishing rod, ext) they will remember who they were and will disappear in a flash of light, leaving you 10 levels of xp.

    The beast(boss)- The beast is a centaur like creature but instead of horse it is changed with a pig it will have 2 horns on top of both eyes it's face will be similar to that of the charred and will admit a snorting sound. It has a ram attack it will jump forward and ram into you knocking you back 2 blocks and dealing 7 damage it is block able by shield and will be temporarily stunned ,it also has a kick attack and will deal 5 damage.ot spawns after a player throws a heart of the neither into a volcano landmark. It possesses 50 hearts (100 health) and is definitely a formidable foe. It can spawn in wither skeletons every 20 seconds, it has a unique rivalry against the wither and will stop in the middle of battle and focus its attention on the wither, They will then fight to the death. It is immune fire and lava. When successfully killing it you will receive the achievement "the beast's burden" and the same amount of xp as the wither


    The volcano- 2 volcanos spawn in every nether world. They spawn in the middle of lava lakes they are made of obsidian, magma block and netherack, they are filled about half way with lava. This is also the spawn place of "the beast" they aren't very tall only about 10 blocks tall and 40 blocks wide in a semi-perfect circle.


    The heart of the nether- The heart of the nether is a red circle similar to that of "the heart of the sea" item. This item can be found inside hidden rooms in nether fortresses or can rarely be dropped by wither skeleton. If thrown into a volcano the boss "the beast" will spawn.

    Charred flesh- Charred flesh will grant the player a wither effect but replenish their hunger similar to rotten flesh. 60% chance to be Dropped by the charred mobs. It could also be used in brewing as an alternative item to use for wither potions.

    If you guys have any ideas pleas post them and in the comments, constructive criticism is open.

    submitted by /u/bryandabold21
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    New treasure enchantment books that combine normally unobtainable high level enchantments with curses

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    Basically what I'm suggesting is the enchantment equivalent of potions like the potion of the turtle master where a high level enchantment like Fortune 4 is combined with a curse or 2 to "balance it out."

    submitted by /u/xkforce
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    Link Survival Worlds Through a Portal

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    I understand this is quite an odd suggestion. Me and my brother play Minecraft on different Xbox's. We each have our own worlds that are quite advanced so neither of us will swap and play on each others world.

    My suggestion would be a way to link these worlds together so we could move back and forward between worlds through a portal.

    This portal could take the form of the little end portals formed when you kill the dragon that you have to ender pearl through. It would generate in spawn chunk once worlds are linked (done so through the menus).

    I think there is a lot of potential for this idea, even if it was between only worlds on my Xbox. There would need to be a cap to number of worlds linked however, maybe 3/4 maximum.

    I guess if linking two worlds from different platforms that if one person was to go offline, their linked save would have to be saved in the cloud to remain online. This idea may not even be possible unless both players are online.

    I thought I'd throw this out there even though it may be impossible to achieve.

    submitted by /u/James_McNic
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    The Skeleton Isle

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    Let's start with where this spawns: The Skeleton Isle spawns on an island.

    What does this look like? Well, it looks like a giant tower that is made out of "idea needed".

    What loot does this have? Well, there are lots of bones, arrows, and the skeleton's curse- I'll get into that later.

    Boss- The Skeleton King, a Skeleton with a crown that has - unknown- health. When you defeat it, it will give you Skeleton's curse.

    Skeleton's curse- This curse makes it so whenever you find a Skeleton, more skeletons will spawn around it. Basically creating an army.

    More information- Skeletons will spawn around the isle and will not burn to death by the sun. In those "unknown spots, I would like for you guys to suggest ideas for that! Thanks!

    TLDR: Strong Skeleton that spawns more skeletons.

    submitted by /u/5TEEL5KYD1VER20
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    Make Bamboo grow slower

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    OK, I know that irl bamboo grows very fast, but in Minecraft their growing speed is just dumb! Simple farms can produce thousands of bamboo in a few hours, and for me at least that doesn't make sense.

    And sure, bamboo is a pretty weak fuel, since you need a bunch of it to burn one item, but when you realize you can easily farm thousands of it and input it directly into your super smelter, it becomes obvious that this is an OP item.

    Bamboo literally ended kelp's whole career by being a better fuel, wich was kelp's only good use.

    My suggestion is to slow down bamboo's growing speed, making it grow every 5 random ticks instead of every 3.

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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    Better and more interesting world generation

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    So here the deal: the base minecraft world generation is boring and repetitive... So why not bump it up a little bit!

    The first thing would be 3 biomes who are related together:

    1:the Rocky biome. This biome would have Hella rock, sometime ravines and lava pools, rarely caves and water pools. The special thing about this biome is that it has boulder scattered all across the lands, which sometime are just pure rock, but 1/4 times it has minerals in it. The chance will be: Iron: 5/10 Gold: 4/10 Lapis:1/10

    Emeralds ,coal and diamonds won't generate in boulders but (not so) deep into the ground(except emerald who only spawn in extreme hills)

    This biome would generate around the next biome:

    The lava lakes. This biome is the Rocky biome except most ravines and lava pools are replaced by lava lakes. Boulders are more rare due to that. This biomes sometimes but rarely have magma cubes spawning. Oh yeah and there magma cubes also. This biome also generate around the last biome:

    The Volcanic Biome! This biome would be generated like that:

    One big ass mountain with lava inside and holes so that lava can flow to the lava lakes of the lava lakes biome, sometime but rarely Rocky hills with lava inside, and mostly little holes and elevated holes with lava. This will spawn magma cubes sometime, but less rarely that the lava lakes. Also there Hella magma blocks. And also obsidian.

    Now that our ass is on fire, we need to put it back to normal. Why not ponds? Those would be big water sources with sea grass and fish in it. Or why not make the river more randomized? Like the minimal would be to have 3 blocks wide and 2 blocks high lakes, and maximal 100×100? That would make bridge building super good, because all bridges wouldn't be the same. It would also be cool to have deeper and larger ravines, to randomize everything in minecraft about world generation à little more. The end.

    submitted by /u/Fnaffan27fr
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    New nether items

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 02:50 AM PDT

    Okay, i said i'd write a post like this.

    -Tear bucket A bucket that works like a water bucket, but has a few differences. It can be placed in the nether, it doesn't put out fires, and doesn't turn fire into cobblestone, it floats ontop of it. Craftes by surrounding a bucket with 8 ghats tears

    -Wither fragment If a skeleton dies on soulsand, it has a 5% chance of dropping a wither fragment. Use 9 wither fragment to craft a wither skeleton skull.

    -Withered Bones Used to tame wolfes. If a wolf is tamed using only withered Bones, it's collar will have black stripes. The wolf has a 10% chance of giving the wither effect to anyone it attacks. Wither skeletons sometimes drop Withered Bones.

    -Nether torch It lights the area, without making hostile mobs unable to spawn. Crafted with a 1 blaze rod, 1 wither fragment.

    That's all. I might make another nether related post.

    submitted by /u/Zoo-Wee-Chungus
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    Some nether stuff

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    I'd put mob(s) and item(s) into this post aswell but the subreddit rules forbid this.

    But anyway, here are some change and update ideas for the Nether.

    -Zombies and Drowned that enter the nether (trough a portal, or spawned) become Husks. Since the nether is hot, and they'd dry out.

    -Skeletons that die to the Wither effect become Wither Skeletons.

    -Magma Cubes and Blazes heal in lava.

    -Ghasts have a 10% chance to drop tears when damaged.

    -Pigmen attack pigs, making them into pigmen.

    -Illagers can sometimes spawn in Nether. Since they are basically sinner villagers, and Nether is the Hell of Minecraft.

    -The Wither's attack can sometimes spawn a wither skeleton.

    -Slimes that die in Lava become Magma cubes.

    -Pigmen eat nether warts.

    -Blazes land on campfires.

    -After hitting a Pigman, you can give it a gold nugget, to inform it that you hit it on an accident. The pigmen will calm down. You cannot do this if you kill a pigman.

    -If a Ghast is damaged, it informs Blazes and Magma cubes.

    Well, that's all. Next post, i'll tell about the item ideas.

    submitted by /u/Zoo-Wee-Chungus
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    Replace the extreme hills biome with a mountain biome

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:18 PM PDT

    Sorry for any formatting issues, I'm on mobile

    The extreme hills biome May be one of the most beautiful biomes in Minecraft, with it's soaring cliffs and floating islands, but it's also one of the worst. Not only are they extremely difficult to traverse, but the only valuable resources worth grinding for there are gravel and emeralds, even though there are many other ways to get both of those resources. So I propose to replace this terrible biome with a much better biome, the mountain biome.

    Appearance: The mountain biome will be very different from the extreme hills biome, with many sloped mountains ranging from about 20 blocks high to build height. The mountains will have 3 layers: a layer of dirt at the bottom, a layer of stone in the middle, and finally a layer of snow-covered gravel on top. These layers are superficial however and below these layers the mountains are made of stone.

    Generated structures: The first and most important generated structure will be the volcano. It will be just like any other mountain but it will have a large pool of lava at the top, eventually leading to a tube and a magma chamber at around sea level. Both the magma chamber and lava tube will be covered in diamond ore. This mainly stems from the huge heat and pressure sustained by the walls of the magma chamber and tube during the buildup before eruptions. This will also make the mountain biome into one of the most valuable biomes in the game. Because of the huge value of volcanoes they will consequently be extremely rare(about as rare as a mooshroom biome). The second and final generated structure will be, you guessed it, the floating island. But unlike the admittedly ugly floating islands of the extreme hills biomes they will be circular with an upside-down spike of stone on the bottom and a small lake on top. There will also be a few trees nearby and a shack next to the lake with some barrels of supplies inside.

    New Blocks: Pumice - this block will generate in the place of gravel on the sides of volcanoes. It will do damage to all mobs and players unless they have boots on. It also can let water through it and destroys items that touch it. It also has the same features of transparent blocks, but has a solid texture. It of course has stair, slab, etc. variants.

     Ash - this is very similar to snow, appearing on the ground in the area around volcanoes in layers. It can be used to make many different blocks, including the ash block, which is affected by gravity. Ash can also make fertilized soil which is made by crafting ash/bone meal and any dirt/grass block variant. Fertilized soil cuts growing time of plants in half. Ash can also be used as an alternative to bone meal. 
    submitted by /u/Vincat21
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