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    Minecraft Make thorns able to be enchanted on shields

    Minecraft Make thorns able to be enchanted on shields

    Make thorns able to be enchanted on shields

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    You can be able to enchant thorns on shields in creative mode(basically any enchantment to anything via an anvil). It's great if survival mode could feature this.

    Another mob/player damaging the shield would get hurt.

    The shield would, however, suffer more durability.

    submitted by /u/HomieSteve
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    healing from sleeping

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 04:28 PM PDT

    the player should get some hearts regenerated after sleeping in a bed, just like in real life. and if you eat after night time, it heals less hearts. because eating before sleeping is bad.

    submitted by /u/skaffa_yippa
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    "Cursed Counter", "Blessed Guard" and "Bounce" shield enchantments

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    Shield enchanting has been highly requested, it could have staple enchantments like Unbreaking, but it should also have a few unique ones.

    One small thing before the specific shield enchantments, is to have that Shields consume half as much EXP levels when enchanting. Because Shields are more of a consumable "Tool" instead of a long-lasting equipment piece like a sword or an armor. The durability for shields are quite low so lets compensate with that

    Now for some enchantment ideas, three of them, two are similar counterparts related to combat, and one is more utility based.

    "Cursed Counter"

    This enchantment comes in three levels. It has the effect where there's a 25-50-75% chance(Depending on level) when somebody attacks your shields in melee range, they recieve a random short duration lvl1 negative potion effect, such as slow, weakness, poison etc. This gives a better reason to block offensively instead of just mitigating damage and arrows

    The effects can last around 3 seconds, so it cannot be used to cheese yourself "How did we get here?" achievement all too easily.

    For a bit of a player specific detail is that you only get the effect applied if you have more than two thirds of attack windup, so that attacking wildly won't apply 20 different potion effects in less than two seconds. Also, Axes are unaffected by Cursed Counter, so when you intend to break someones guard you wont be affected regardless of how you try.

    For enemy related details, it won't apply Poison undead foes, since that just heals them. Instead it applies Regeneration when Poison was supposed to be inflicted.

    "Blessed Guard"

    Comes in the range of level one to three like previously, same chances to happen. This is the opposite of Cursed Counter, it still reacts upon being hit, but instead it does that when something hits your shield(Even ranged projectiles), you recieve a random positive potion effect that lasts 3 seconds. There is a 1 second cooldown when you get hit until the next time you can get a buff, so you can have at a maximum 3 positive buffs.

    The buffs can range from Speed, Haste, Jump height, Regeneration. All lvl1, but you won't recieve combat-irrelevant buffs such as Underwater Breathing and Night vision.

    To conclude, these enchantments apply ailments when something carelessly hits your shield gives more of a reason to try to disable the shield instead of just wailing on the shield. Now for a more miscellanous enchantment:


    Generic name aside, this one allows you to do that when you block and aim downwards while falling, you will bounce off the ground, like there was a slime block beneath. It will also reduce the minimum fall-height a little bit so you can mitigate small falls. Big falls will still damage and kill you, even if you bounce.

    However, as a downside, all fall-damage will also be put on the shield so it will break faster. This enchantment now allows the shield to act as a non-combat tool to mitigate and avoid small bits of fall-damage, or use it's ability to bounce for some unique methods of movement.


    That's all the sensible ideas I had. Even if Shields are more "expendable" unlike most tools, there's still a great amount of potential in shield enchantments.

    submitted by /u/alfons100
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    Cursing and blessing books

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    It would be so cool to add a potion effect to a book, mostly negative ones. If someone tried to open a book you really didn't want them to, you could dip the book in a cauldron with a Potion of Harming, and it will harm anyone who picks up and opens the book except yourself.

    Example horror text inside a book:

    YOU'VE BEEN WARNED (red colour)

    When done reading the book, the book will snap shut and apply the intended effect to the player, but only if the players name did not match the authors name.

    If you want to bless the book, just dip it in a cauldron with a Potion effect that is positive, like a Potion of Healing. The book will apply the "blessing" to whoever opens it, and is done reading it.

    Example text:

    Well done! You just solved my hedge labyrinth! Close this book and you'll have a special reward!

    No particles come out of the book, so you never know what effect you are going to get, and the book looks exactly the same as it did before you cursed/blessed it.

    Dipping the book more than one time in the cauldron with the effect will add more intensity and more time to the curse/blessing.

    You can make a cursed/blessed book have particles come out of it through the use of cheats.


    /give @p writable_book blockId: int dataValue: int cursed: true false blessed: true false potionEffectCurse: potionEffect potionEffectBlessed: potionEffect particles: true false

    I'm not sure if I got it right, but this is as correct as I could make it.

    It will still apply the effect in Creative, but will not harm the player.

    Java Edition exclusive: You can craft this with a Potion.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Polar Bears should attack any mob that comes near its cub.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 06:15 PM PDT

    Perhaps this could work as a double-edged defensive tool?

    Emphasis on any. Includes passive mobs like cows, neutral mobs like Endermen, utility mobs like Snow Golems, boss mobs like the Wither, and hostile mobs like Zombies.

    And this only occurs when it has a cub and mobs go near that cub. Otherwise, it is indifferent as usual.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Looking in enderman's eyes should give you nausea

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    And maybe sound effects similar to elder guardian's.

    submitted by /u/Boyarskoi
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    Holding a lantern in your offhand

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    It emits light, but does not prevent mob spawning, for those of us who like a challenge when caving. It also increases mob detection range by 50%.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    The Puffball

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    Health - 20

    Drops - Gunpowder and mushrooms

    This Creeper is known to spawn deep under the Mushroom Fields biome, Roofed Forest biomes, and on rare occasions, anywhere mushrooms grow, as long as the light level is seven or below. Upon death or explosion the Puffball will release poisonous gas that will linger for a short amount of time. Mobs within the blast radious may have a chance to become fungi varients themselves. Cows will always become Brown Mooshrooms.


    submitted by /u/EthanForeverAlone
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    "Just like the nomadic horse tribes"

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 11:27 PM PDT

    We should he able to attach banners to horses to show ownership or cool designs. It could just be a slot in the horse inventory.

    submitted by /u/httpPears12
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    Improve Parrots (make them better pets)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    As of now, every tamable animal has a use. Dogs scare away skeletons, cats scare away creepers and phantoms. Horses, donkeys, and miles can be ridden, and llamas can be used for caravans. However, there is one pet without any applicable use: the parrot. Sure, they're cute and they make funny sounds, but that's it. Let's improve them a little bit.

    My first idea— change the way that they jump off of your shoulder. There's no point in having them sit on your shoulder if they just end up jumping off every time you jump or fall. Perhaps they will jump off only when you tap sneak twice in a row.

    My second idea, and my more far fetched idea, have them improve your jumping skills when they are sitting on your shoulder. Also, when they are on you, make it so you fall a little bit slower than normal. It's nothing too big— 1 parrot allows you to jump 1/2 a block higher, and 2 lets you jump one block higher. When falling, 1 parrot makes you fall a bit faster than having a slow falling potion on. Having 2 parrots makes you fall at the same speed as you would with slow falling active.

    My third idea- have them scare away zombies. I mean, we already have pets that scare away creepers and skeletons respectively, so why not have a pet that scares away zombies?

    I feel parrots are a pet that are only good to have for decorative purposes. It's kind of a shame, judging by how rare they are to come across.

    submitted by /u/Yoshieclipse
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    multi-core usage is a must-have for java

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    some may know that MC can only use a single physical core per CPU, and optifine can allow it to use part of a second core, which is why shaders and the game itself runs faster and better with it. my idea is for the Minecraft team to re-integrate Java addition to be able to use all available cores in a system, thus allowing for faster performance with an excess of mods, massive single-world servers where everyone loads individual chunks on their own, and to quote Antvenom: "If Minecraft's server architecture had the capability to take advantage of the latest 16, 32, or even 64 core processors, we might just have a thousand players on a single survival server loading their own chunks without any problems."

    i don't want large servers to be nearly unplayable because minecraft won't change their Java layout in favor of big content updates, so let's make a stand and hopefully fix the multiplayer setup of modern MC

    submitted by /u/CheburekiCheiftan
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    Mushrooms are awesome

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    But there are not many of them. This needs to be changed. There are lots of different species that can be introduced to the game. 1. "Smokers" - little white mushrooms that will emit small amount of smoke when someone touches it. Cannon be grown with bonemeal. 2. Few variations of mushrooms growing on the sides of blocks. Some will grow on trees and stones in packs like hybrid of coral fan and sea pickles and some will be usual side caps. 3. Destroying angel. Will give poisoning when someone touches it like wither rose. Can be grown. 4. "Blower" - more violent version of first one. Can be found in nether and used as landmine. Would not have larger version. May resemble ghast. 5. Glowing mushrooms. Will emit light level of 10. Large form will look like bulb.

    submitted by /u/Boyarskoi
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    Make is so your total amount of xp levels that you have gained including the ones that you used for enchanting show up in statistics.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    Saturation shown on the hunger bar

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 06:08 PM PDT

    Basically the meat sticks turn yellow meaning that's how much saturation you have. Just a simple quality of life change

    submitted by /u/Chris908
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    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    This idea came to me whilst I was half asleep so it's not very well developed. I think it would be good to have large sprawling villages which covered a whole biome, although of course this would have to be very rare. I know it is possible to make large cities yourself but I think this would be a great addition.

    submitted by /u/Cannabalismsolvesall
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    A.I. mode

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    minecraft needs an AI mode. a hardcore game experience where monsters become smarter as they learn from each other and the player

    submitted by /u/skaffa_yippa
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    Enchanted minecarts

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    Speed I II III

    Speed I makes it as fast as a minecart on powered rails

    Speed II as fast as a boat on ice

    Speed III really really fast think of sprint flying in creative

    Anti-gravity: the Minecart can now jump if elevated by a rail, the jumping lenght will be heavily amplified with higher speeds

    Can only be traded or fished:Building: if traveling in one direction on solid ground with rails in your inventory the minecart will place rails infront of you

    submitted by /u/thebutinator
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    Armour customisation

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 05:19 AM PDT

    Minecraft combat system have some issues with mass battles. On a battlefield you can use banner shield, dyed piece of leather or specific skin, but not everyone will use shield, sacrifice protection or mess with their account for a battle. This is why I want to suggest a plumeholders with colored feathers for gold, iron and diamond and colored padding for mail.

    submitted by /u/Boyarskoi
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    More Strongholds (Not All Need End Portals)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 09:32 PM PDT

    Strongholds are fantastic structures for exploring and for loot, most notably for books and rare items in their libraries.

    There's a good case to be made for better quality strongholds, however in this post all I'm suggesting and advocating for is the generation of more strongholds and the possible adjustment that not all have to spawn with an End Portal.

    I have no strong rationale or preference for or against more End Portals, so this isn't making any suggestions towards that either, again, just for more procedural underground strongholds to generate in the world, with or without an End Portal in each.

    Feedback site link - vote to promote:


    Post(s) with similar ideas:



    submitted by /u/Geisl
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    Shift-Right-Click a Wet Sponge to Replace Water

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    We have a great way to get rid of water, but a new way to place water would also be useful. You would do this by holding shift and right-clicking a wet sponge, which would cause it to fill up the area with the same amount of water it's able to absorb. To prevent it from then becoming a wet sponge again, the block is broken and the dry sponge is dropped as an item.

    submitted by /u/Wolftopia
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    Smelting stone into smooth stone should give xp

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    If almost everything we smelt gives xp when collected.. Then why should smooth stone not give any?

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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